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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL' 18, ICC7. ARTIST SEED HAS A FEW ADVANCE IMPRESSIONS ABOUT THE SOCIETY CIRCUS TIME IS THE TEST -i- Cli- mSiLu v'-vittom m actum . . m Piiy, ; , :; x v- rrdiJ ,. , ' 1 . , 1 " I . '' . 1 1 . ' . I , . EXPERT FOR SPOXAKE ' (Continued from Page One.) mollshed by evidence of en-lieers, and Contractor Porter and Shields, who . figure It at 4 to cants.. ' Ba said clear , Ing right of way would average 16 par ' aora for tha one third of the Great Northern system requiring aleerina-, Contractor Porter said It averages ) to ISO. .- . , - ' : IM to Admit Xgaoraaoe. ... When Dinned down Mr. Gillette ad' uitted that ha did not. know of any contracts that have been taken at any . price. Tha same discrepanelee appeared In his estimates of grubbing. It ap - Beared that In estimating tha total value 'of the Northern raoinc ca naa omwea the Manitoba, lines, valued at 17,000,000, 'and 1550,000 for anow sheds, and had 'made no different estimate for the eost "of' 10.000,00 tamarack tlea and 1.000.000 oak tlea on tha eastern dl- , Tin lona, and tha fir tlea on tha waatern . and. " " . ; . Contractors porter, smita ana BtiieJde gave figurea on what they are receiving for grading, ballasting, gruooing ana clearing and for tunnel work. - All were much above tha estlmatea figured out by Gillette. Xt was sought by tha rail road attorneys to bring out that Gtl- yi lette's evidence was purely that of a theorist, . who sees nothing of. tha dlf floultlea and conditions met in practi cal railroad building. In this they suc ceeded to a considerable extent. al though Gillette exhibited nerve - and held his ground bravely In a search ing examination tasting nearly -1 two hours, ..'...'..' , ' - " Sudden Change la Vaetlea, The humor of tha Spokane rate case id now being fully realised by all who have followed its meteorlo developments before the interstate commerce oommle ion, Spokans'a attorneys, under guid ance of Brooks Adams, a Boston legal light, started out with the plea .that Spokane waa being aacrlf iced on the altar of Portland commercial greed. After tha videnoa had shown up the rank discriminations in favor of Bpo kana within Its 100-mile none, tha Spo kane lawyers turned against their rail road friends and charged, them with penal crimes in permitting tha favorit ism that Spokane la now enjoying from the railroads at .the expense of coast distributive points. Mr. Adams used the following language to the commission "May It please your honors, before we proceed with tha examination of thl witness, I wish to call your attention to tha extraordinary condition which this now presents to me, the unexpected condition. In aaswsr to a complaint al leging unreasonable discrimination, as a defense these railroads have pro- fa . In the Name of Sense. -V tint good - common sense of which all: of Vushaye share how can you continue ; to. buy orcllnary soda cracfcers ctale and dusty as they must , be, 4 when for 5 you can get Uneeda Biscuit V fresh Irom the oven, protected from dirt by a package the ; very beauty of which makes . you hungry. .! in ' ; I L : NATIONAL BISCUTT COMPANY U J i i ' i i For cool cooking, let work and least fuel-xpBM uat a 1: isaiEW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove --the ideal atova for rummer. Does everything that an other ' kind of stove will do. Any degree of heat instantly. ; Made in three aizet and fully warranted. ', At your dealer's, or write our nearest agency for descriptive Circular. . , J&sb'Lamp SJaLSs'.- . - ' ' f f . Made of brasa throughout and beectifuHy nickeled. .Perfectly eoaw tructed; absolutely asia; unexcelled In bght-fiviaf power; an ornamenttosavroom. Every lamp warranted. If sot at your dealer's, write to out nearest ageacy. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Hnaeraorated) ceeded to show a aeries ef criminal pro ceedings, combinations in restraint of trads and to areata a monopoly, ' . Allegea Sataous Crime. "My learned brother on tha right has taken palna to prove by many witnesses that his road gives preferences within large districts. His last witness has proved that tbla la dona because the railroads thereby make more money than they would by a more equitable arrangement, as your honor pointed out Under such circumstances, I submit that all ' this - testimony ehould be stricken from tha record, because a man cannot aet up hie own crime In defense. 1 vhh further to ooint out that -the evidence Introduced aero oy me hi' ants hv their owa witnesses, tha rail road rata men, la aufflcient to convict every member of theee various ecorpo rations of a erime aubjectlng them to a penalty of $5,00e or two yearr impris onment." - mesult f Seerst Oonferenoe. Tha crime referred to by Spokane's' attorney waa that of granting to opo kana. m a circle 200 miles in diameter around that city, distributive ratea so low that avea seaports 400 muea aia tant. possessing ocean-carrying raxss, could not compete with Spokane Job- hera within the favorea sona. xnese rates hmA been r ran ted at a secret eon- faranca at Chlcaao In 10S, between finokana renresentatlves and the rail road trafflo man. Tha conference waa attended by W. A. Meara of Fortiana. and he testified to the facta on tha wit ness stand. These revelations gave Spokane ao severe a shock that its attorneys were forced to seek other grounds upon which to rest their case. , They then took the side of the general public and went In for a general reduction of rates from the east to Bpojfcane. ;- Wte ortlaad Can o. Revelations made this week by wit nesses who took tha atand ana tesunea that eastern goods can be laid down in Portland by shlpa at ratea 60 per cent less than t the , transcontinental rati rates have again rendered tha Spokane attorneys groggy as to their issues. It has been shown that with a fair field and no favors Portland oan sell the goods to tha merchants of tha Interior cheaner than BDoaano wooers pmnoii could sell them and pay the all-rail rata. if pressed down to the lowest margin of nrofit. v Tha only grouna len nowior opo kane Is to prove that all rail rates are too high, based on eost of construction of the railroads. In thle every city will loin, and It la probable that tna com mission will find that tha estlmatea of coat submitted by tha railroad en gineers are much too high. The result mav ba gsnsral reduction of ratea. In such a reduction the rates from Port land to tha interior would ba lowered. along with tha pruning of transconti nental ratea from the east. t ' Wipe Out Spokane Soma. Ia any event the Spokane "Bona" will be wiped out, and Spokane will ba left to aland strictly on her eommerolal merits as a distributing center, the same aa Missoula, Walla Walla, Baker City, Pendleton, or any other interior city without ocean transportation, ' Spokane's expert witneea on engineer ing, H. a Gillette, testified that In hla opinion tha englneera eost of reproduc tion of the Greet Northern should be reduced from $118,000,000. which was Chief Engineer Homeland's estimate, to t244.000.000, Gillette's estimate. Hs went over the estimatsa of Hogeland in detail, and pointed out the various. Items that ha regarded aa too high. He though the Item of 10 per cent tor eon tlngencies should bs sllmlnated, as there would be no oontlngsncies la reconstruc tion work. r - Would Sedaoa Cost, . The Item of Interest on money In' vested during construction. " estimated by Hogeland at 60, 000,000 a year, he THOMAS COHORTS HEET AND- SHAKE HANDS Joint Meeting f Multnomah Democratic and Bryan Clubs ) Will Open Campaign, said ahould be reduced to sis 'per cent per annum on tha gross cost for. ons and a half years. Gillette aaid his sstl- mates were only a very rough approxl motion, and that to give a fairly aeou rats eatlmate It would require a force of 10 men for ona year, and would cost 140,000 to eatlmate the Great Northern and tSl.OOO to estimate the Northern Paciflo, :. '. , , . COUNTY DEBT FREE IN TWO MORE YEARS ft I - f r ' (gpeetal Dispatch to The Journal.) Granite. Or- April II. -The amount of taxes collected up to April 1 has been the Isrgest - in the history of Grant county, being close to it is stated that after paying all that la ap plicable to county warrants the debt of the county will be reduced to about tSl.OOO. which la an encouraging ahow in' It means a decrease in the county debt of fully 140.000, and at this rats the county will be dear of debt In the nest two years. ; , , MRS. WARNER'S SECOND ; TRIAL AT THIS TERM (Special Dispatch Tis oenaL Pendleton, Or, April II. Mrs. Mabel Young Warner, who was fried a few weeks ago on the charge ef having forged a will bequeathing an estate valued at 110,000, will be placed on trial again at the conclusion of ths Mo- Manus trial, which will come up Thurs day. At ths opening of the present terra of circuit court Mrs. Warner was tried. ibut ths jury waa unable to agree, nine I standing for conviction,,-while three - John B. Ryan held open bouse to tha forces of the' Thomas democracy last night in hla office fh the Oregonlan building.- The meeting waa held under the auspices of the Multnomah -Demo- cratlo club and had been called by President Malley for - the purpose of lietening to aa addrasa by George H. Thomas and also for the further object of fixing up the municipal ticket, sign ing and completing the petitions for the varloua offices on the Thomas slate and preparing them for filing today. ' Tha meeting waa a very successful one. according to tha, opinion of its promoters. Kvary one of the two score present was a Thomaa man. Many of them had been aent out to feel the Den oc ratio pulse In Mr. Thomas' behalf and reported last night that tha pulse waa beating steadily and strongly for the chairman of , the county central committee. ' It waa decided to start the campaign With the Joint meeting of the Multno mah Democratic club and the Bryan club, to ba held la the near future. At that meeting all of the Democ ratio can didate from mayor down will be pres ent. -. Eleven new members were added to tne roil or tne the meeting. McAllister, D. F. Campbell, D. fiherrett, H. K. Proudln, K-M. Mack, -A. A. Kad- derly, W. H. Jenklfia, J. C LJUlav J. C Wsich and C C Harris. ' ,! , ' Free Souvenir Tonight for all visitors at the grand opening of the new and enlarged store of The Golden Eagle Dry Goods co ni ps sy. Tou are invited. . ; f : r ROBBER'S MOTHER (Continued from Page Ona) He haa been repeatedly "sweated" by the "front office" men, but refuses to make any confession. ; Henry Hahn, who was held up dta tha porch of his residence on the Cornell road April 4, at U:4S p. m., by Lane, marched Into the houss and forced to deliver up I1.B0 .and a valuable gold watch, called at headquarters yeeterday afternoon and had a consultation with the prisoner.-. Hahn pleaded with Land to reveal thi hiding place of the time piece, which tie prises very highly, and although - prisoner refused to admit that he had committed the robbery.' aava directions for locating the watch.- Hahn practically promised the desperado that he would not Me an' Information against htm - and Lane, after some deliberation, Informed hla victim that''-tha watch might be found in a ' pawnshop - near Fropjt and Madison streets. ' ' upon going to me secona-nana store Detective Hellyer ascertained that Lane had told the truth, and the watch was returned to its owner, who waa over Joyed to recover tha chronometer, which he never expected to recover. Denies Bounteee Aosnsatloaa, Lane still maintains a surly silence. but upon ona subject he speaks frsely, ana tnat la tne assault ana robbery of Mrs. Rountree In her residence, 40 Ella street, on the night of March 24. Lane emphatically protests his innocence ef this atrocious crime and bitterly re sents the action of the press in even in timating that he was implicated In ths dastardly affair. - r . , "I had absolutely nothing te do with that' and never harmed a woman In my life,' aays ths prisoner, and there Is a ring of truth in his declaration that ia convincing. The polioe. although non committal, do not seriously Jaelleve that Lane eommltted the Rountree robbery and Newton W. Rountree, husband of tha woman, is likewise Inclined to the theory that tha youth la not guilty. considerable speculation haa been aroused as to. whether or not Rountree would pay the reward of 11,000 which he offered after the asaault on his wife. To a Journal representative this ran ra in the banker stated that as he first announced he would pay the sum men- tinnek for ths arrest and eonvlntlnn ths culprit Rountree appeared at po lice headquarters yesterday . and in formed the offiotala that his wife would call at the etatlon to see tha prisoner whenever they- tnougnt advisable but aa yet the authorities have not mad the request. Tha Testimony of Portland People Stand tha Test, The test of time is what tella the tela The public soon find out when miarap resentatlons are matte, and merit alou wlll atand the teat of time. - Portland people appreciate merit. 1 many months ago local cltliens publt endorsed loan s Kidney ttUei tbey so stllL Wouiu a cltlsen make ta statement whloh follows unless con vinced that the article waa Just aa rep resented? A curs that lasts is the i 1 that every sufferer from kidney Ills Is looking lor. - - - David Campbell, baker, at 111 North Seventeenth street, and llvins at 170 North Eighteenth street, Pqrtlepd. Ore gon, aays: "Every word of the state ment I made in February, 190 J, concern ing Doans Kidney 1'ius is not omy true, but having since been free from kidney trouble I am glad to state that riv faun In Doan'a Kidney Pills . Is stronger than ever. It Is now Ave or six years since I began to suffer with a lame and aching back. It was ao bad that I could not atand the pain when bending forward or atratghtanlng. I tried varloua remedies and began doc tor's treatment, but whatever relief I found waa only temporary and often I could not get any relief at all. Having read In my home paper from England that Doan's Kidney Pills were strongly recommended for such troubles I got a supply . a local orug store. - xne nret box helped me so that I kept on with their uee and when I had taken about four boxea not a trace ef tha trouble remained and I have had no recurrence since. I have told theee facts In a tes timonial published in 101 and am very glad of the opportunity now , to cor roborate it." - For aalo br an dealers, price to cents. Foater-MUburo Co Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United Btatea. Remember tne name was n anq tVs no ctheiv PLAHBIUG FOR ASSOCIATIOn USES Joint Committee Decide on a Structure to Be Utilized Sole-; ly by Organizations. , N Considerable progress haa been made toward completing the plana for the Joint club building that is to be erected at Sellwood by a number ef fraternal orranlsationa and other associations. The general committee appointed at the last meeting of the aeiiwooa boera of trade has held a meeting and decided on a number of preliminaries. - The or- ganlsatlona represented on the commit tee were aa follows: Branch library of the Portland association, T., M. C A. branch, Sellwood board of trade, United Artisans, Modern Brotherhood of Amsr tea and the Masons.- Dr. AT Mr Webster waa made permanent pesldent of the committee and Rev. JX A. Thompson, representing the T. M. C Av was made secretary. . ' , After a thorough discussion of the feasibility of ths scheme it waa accepted and the enterprise waa declared to be within the mesne of the or ganlsatlona The committee decided to recommend to the board of trade the formation of a stock eompany with a capital of lli. 000, the shares to be 110 each. Each organisation will be. represented on the board of trustees by one director and an additional director for each addi tional S1.000. . ' . Architect. r.-B. .Gfbso was present and offered some suggestions regarding a plan for such a building. It will be essentially ' a club building with :- no space for stores. . It will be 10 by 100 and two stories high," with a low upper story and the first floor Slightly below tne surface of ths ground. The first floor will be devoted to the uses of the T. M. C. A. and arranged for a gym nasium, reading and dubrooma,' and also the' brsyioh library. The upper floor will be occupied by a banquet hall and committee-rooms' for small assem bly meetings. It Is expected that other organisations will enter, including the Foresters and Firemen. ' The volunteer firemen at Sellwood . have been suc ceeded now by the paid department. which has necessitated the erection of a new lodge room, as the flrebouse was the building formerly used for such purposes.- - . OVER-SIX HUNDRED DEAD (Continued from Page One.) have broken out to-ths south of here down la the Caliente country, as a re sult of the violent earthquakes which were the most severe .In the history ef Mexico. The ground waa rent in many places and ths holes made were large and deep. . From many of the fissures natives have reported that smoke Is rising. .... --. Very , meager details, eontlnu to - be received from the earthquake section. But one wire is working into the devas tated districts and it la badly congested with government messages. It Is defi nitely known that Chllpancing, Chile pa, Ayutla, Tlxtla and Ometetlo . are in ruins, but no correct list of casualties is obtainable, The report that Acapuloo suffered from a tidal wave Is confirmed. Much damage waa dona. The wires are dowa and it is impossible to ascertain whether any deaths resulted, but It is believed that many perished In the Inundation which swept the greater portion of the city. ' t ' ,r.-: .: ,;.,,..' OUTHFUL ELOPERS JUMP INTO RIVER ELKHEAD MAN OWNS r -t ANCIENT DANISH COINS Dora Jenaen of Elkhead. Oregon, writes of a valuable and interesting col lection of old coins, gathered by her father. He has Danish coins of the old missions, so old that no one has been found who would attempt to say Just In what period they were minted. There are some old Egyptian coins in the col lection that are crude and the date of coinage la also unknown. Hs possesses a cola of tha time of King Prod of Den mark, ths eleventh century, one of 141ft, one of 1711 and one of 1720. There are also other old German and American Journal Special Service. Staunton, Va., April II. Mabel Pendleton, aged It, and Stuart tGir, aged 10, while en route to waamngMm to am vianamuneiy married, were intercepted this morning after midnight by order e of their parents and aent toward s their home t" Clifton Forge on an early train. . While crossing '. a footbridge over Jackson river e tha young couple leaped tnto the e water . o xeet oeiow. i neir e 0 bodies have not been recovered. , The . boy's rather la a railroad contractor, C. 8. Gay, ; - ' .' . . . . -COFFEE , A middling steak ' and first-rate coffee ire better than middling: coffee and first-rate 'steak v; " Con- sider the cost - Tost rrecer retarss roar mosey II yea deal Hie ScaUUs Best; ws pay alas, , G . v - n "'in "' ; These great clothes are the perfection of style and beauty, the perfection of clothes construction - r and perfection of materials and fit , i. ' Guanmteed for One Yccr If the front of coat of a Chesterfield Suit breaks backor: otherwise loses ' its shape inbne "year's " wear we will give customer new suit free, f at J' r . ; 259-271 Morrison Street -THE UMB OF HIGHEST MERIT", j Yon Can learn to Play Hiis Piano Even Before It Leaves The Bier's IVarerooms rCTi--r-7 saaae ,. . ...ij''.'.-,,iiv. itim taiV:. j Lsl' 'vi'';:; ! tl. THE GETOD1E PIANOLA PIAfiO ! The pleasure-of the Pianola Piano begins with the par ' chase, l he pronciency ana artistic touches come with prac tice, and the pleasure constantly increases with its use The Pianola Piano U the world's standard. It enables' ' ; any one to play all, kinds of music with equal ease and artistic . completeness. It gives you the missing 90 per centsot en-' joyment lying dormant in the ordinary piano. .; , . Only of the Pianola. Piano can such claims be honestly , made, because it is the only one which includes the Metro-' atyle the only means "by which Immediate artistic playingl is made possible for the most musically untrained.- - r -The Greatest Musical Authorities Have Agreed "' I , That the Pianola Piano, with the Metrostyle and - r ThemodistH-which brings out the melody, and sub- , ; ' ,. v, dues the accompaniment-4s the only Player-Piano v worthy of serious consideration. , Pianola Pianos may be purchased on extremely liberal terms of payment "The Eilers Way." A reasonable first payment, with moderate monthly installments, will secure , one of these incomparable instruments. We will also be v pleased to allow you a fair valuation on your old-style pian .';', The Genuine Pianola Piano Is Sold Exclusively By mam pianorcliabiliibr ' THE HOUSE OP HIGHEST QUALITY 153 ITASCIXGTCX CC2MR CF PARK STOsasa tm mrmnr ncroaTAsr racxno sroimrxsr citt. held for acquittal. ' golaa In hi possession.