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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1907)
BBSgg. 1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Lets cf Lets ALSO Sot-srs AND I.OTt SUITABLE ros ' - HUMKl a Them bafor Buying TtCTjscn & Ogdca S4S Mlaelsetppl At. , i Phone WuouJ.we Sua. . 18.600 T-room houaa. aew and m orient. ftmiM, . flrsplaca, bathroom and kitchen tiled. ( and lectrte fixtures, weathered oak flni.h. full cement basement I cement walk, paved BiraTa. BI f HI An. hWk Vmn earllne ' 11,600 fash, balssce May monthly asytueuts. ' Owner, Mala 141I. ... west Rtnn. ruiHH im. 5,000 New A-room modern bom, food Surroundings, full cement beeeuiaut valla) graaea street, ate. ' D. W. HEJLMAN, Phone Mala 1042. 80 Ablngtoa bldg. I WANT to mil my home for 82.000. I will all aa vara hit navmanta a A room modera ; houss. lot 6O1IUO. la Nor til Alblus, eornar . . eivsisus an. aiMj lcurcs iu aoursss at wi ear Journal. . 1 000 DOWN buy yon flat turn', room well- . bo lit mod era bouss and ana 11 ban, on lOOx 11.800. Home Land Co., 148 ft First at, aosr Morrlsoe. . - $1.033 Choice Lets : I lrvlngton. Bear Tillamook at.) tha beet say in cow ssrtton; all Improvements meae; eoocrst walk. Moor kealty Co., SOS Stark at. 18,000 riNi 6-roonr boose, Fifth it, sear ssexsoa; lot 00x100. Boom 1 Hamlltoa bld. FOB BALE FARMS. Fara Tracts 800 Oft 40 acres, is miles north of Hills. . ooroi acres under eultlvatloB, raat la tlabert (-room house, barn, fruit . . '. trata, . a aaao.OO o aeraa lasd. altnated aoath of auiaooroi a acraa la Baa now, aa. 1 "H M tiro bar. VI, 000.00 la acraa, V, mile froea Oaterrlll; 11 seres la cultivation, balaac la " -v kroahi level land, fw fruit trM ef all kind; slss berries; wU , . ..ttr ema mmes, vioau oars. 1,000.081 80-100 acraa, S ml lea aoath af ,K . tiiuaboro) 10 acraa In cultivation, 38 acraa la food paetur land; ". -room bona, twa barna. - 4,000.00 40, acraa land, 40 acraa elear, -room kouaa, 3 barna, fruit treia, ranolnf water; 1 mil from Forset .- '' Orove. 1 4,000.00 HO acraa, T mtVa from Blllaborai M acraa aadvr eultlratloo, ruaatnc 1 -, watar and wall; t-roooi koaa. gooi barn I roong orchard, 40 tree. 8,000.00 U acraa In Waahlastoa eonnt. S5 acraa m ealtlration, 4 aeraa har daa land, aoma hear? timber, T acraf light timber, watered by wall ' aad aprlnc, food yomt arrhard; e-oa koaaa, barn and all klnda of 1 -. (ami Implementa; aoma atock, II oowa, 1 koreaa. aomxkoa-a, chick na. ate. , 000.00 0 acre fara land, IV mllea frora . Boarertoa, all tarel. 2S acre la , : . eaitleatloo, 10 acraa bear timber. , , watered by creak; a bnUdinca; ., . crop larlnded. . PRONB BXUlANOa TO. B. U CATB, Mb Btark at. riNl farm M aeraa, 11 tallea froa Portland, . fine baUdtnta. barn eoat U.OOO; plac leeel, ' running watar, aprlng at donr, good dairy, twae -m tha beat road BradlakT rrbn) I'ort ad, H mil to ear Una, 1H mile to rail road , at a Hon ; thla Is tlx best lucatl and rkeapeat farm la Multnomah ooeutj; auo. good terms. t aeiaa, so la nHtratlon, 10 mllea from Portlaad, flno koaaa, good barn, orchard, ranolna water, h (raral. oa good roadl - nodel koma; only 10.0U0; easy terma. rin U IMrat at., well ImDroTed. recta nioo pet anoatk: fis.nmj gooa tat - Kitra bar, H block Second; fin iaajj lia.CHlO. - . . - - t (In lots Kast Ash Daax Sad, saly 1.BS0 aaay tarms. Fin tract 1H arras at Mount Tabor, orer looklng rltrj fin aVrnom boas; all kind af trait! only $0,000; will take soma trad; real snap. ' Flna tract Dear Qrssbara, M acre, running water, car switch oa place; fx.StiO; snap, . ,- Flo new 5-roos modern cottags, Xutk, ear ear Una, lot sOtloo; $1.00; good terms. Flu new S-rooni bona, lot 50x100, Kaat ' Stb street, near Mo ant Tabor ear ' Una, . S4.000; o"d terms. in . East SSta. Bear Stark. I1.M0 900 eaah. " ' ttna lot, Kaat list, near car Itna, w looka city; fiM, b caak. $10 par month I a ansa. '- CHAKtRdOH A CO., ' 411 Ootaaercul bldg. Phono PaeJflo list. FOR 8ALB AT A BARGAIN. 00 acres la tbe best wheat belt of dher. man aoaaty, S mil from tows and railroad statloai MO aeraa In ealttratloa. S2ft la fall " wheat and tlO to be anmawr-rallowed; welt un proved good bonss, barn sad enlhulldlngai plenty water, larg clterp. windmill and water piped to bones and stock; will asll oa aaay terma; 111 bealtb object fa ssllUuT. Ad drees Enterprise farm. Box 83. feat. Or. rfJCNOID farm SO aeraa, all ander ealtlra tion, bnt about 18 acres : paatnra; good bonas, fin bara. about OOiOOl S3 mllea from Portland, and on mil from - two railway stations aad poetoffloej on aula trareled road and milk route for eondenoori an Ideal farm In aa Ideal location: $58 per acre. In quire B. B. Hudson. SOS Commercial bide. ' .Fann Bargains I4T aeraa rick valley land, all la csltlT tJooi good T-roem boose; good barn; fin ' young orchard and all kind of small trait: only BO mllea from Portland; thla la tha, beet buy la Willamette valley aV 4T.50 per7 acre: S.OOO will handls tbla. BOOM SO, Sod STAK IT. . F1TB-A0RB tracts, S miles aourb of Par. land, fins anil, water piped to each S-aere tract) this lasd Is en mils wsst of Clacka mas station and railroad and aa tba Port had and Orsson City wagoa sosd. .- Price rroal 1100 ts Vt par acre: oa easy terms. - For farther particular see O. W. Bsvsr, ISO Bsst Morrlaoa St.. City. .. , - CHEAP FARM. SS aeraa, acarly all fenced, 18 acraa aaltl vatad, arcbard of 00 trees; room bouss. bara and entbulldlngai spring snd brook water! near Rcappooes, Or.! price eoly $1,000. ' HINKLK A HARRISON,,, " SJT Ablngtoa bldg. , ra-r amen fans bay In Orsson 00 aeraa. Zm--"T cleared and eultlvat'.d, adjoining town 7aKavr live valley town; fin fruit, aprlng. creek, wood, scnooia, ennrcnes, ranroaa: 7 ; ktrge sawmills near) balldlnrs worth 2.000; . asly H.BW. inquiro ass ours sc. AORBAOB. . I1.S0O Beaatlfully sltusted aa sew Salem ' ear lines; only 4V, mllea from court sou as; I acrea snltabla for small chicken ranch or for ' Dlattlog; oinat be sold at aace. Pbone Mala ' IMS. D. W. Bsllmsa, S04 Ablngtoa bldg. fl ACRES oast ac Oregon City, partly Im ' proved, oa good road; forced to sell; only ' (Ota): term to snlt: a genuine bargain. . TAN DUYN A WALTON, - 818 Chamber of Commerce. " FOR SALE 10 acres ready for plow and aoma really cleared; balance fine, heavy; good water, near tbe Columbia: price fl .600. Ad- , dress TT Essl SOth at, Pbone Scott 8830. MflO BUYS 40 acraa one mil from Batsesds; .-good solL spring branch, enrdwood--ud tie limber; part eaah. belsoee aasf terms. . Bo, , .IBS, Eatacada. Or. - - BEFORB yoa locals cell so or write Warrea A Stater, the leading real satats dealers la Yamhill county, Oregon, located at McMlnn .lite; tbe beet county la the state. fa ACRKH. 14 cultivated; S cows, ream, chick ana, 4ocks. crop, tools, creek, orchard, barns, - ro; Cross to eara. ; 004 Ooldamltb ttM Veflbtaa.. ' : " ' aaono A SNAP aeraa, Arltngtoa Height. '. . . . 1 1 1 m fweeff .l.tK . im .f , yoa road, near Council Crest. Apply at bT MorrlsoB at. Oil B good homestead rellnral"hments la big wkest eoaatry.. CaU at H Sixth at.. Bear Pins. ' ' TTMBER. LOCATE yoa oa S.ono.OiiO fast yellow pine timber; railroad Incorporated, surveyed; right-of-wsy secured; hvatrr 10 years a county . ssrrayor. Call st 03 Sixth su. near Pin. nOkTFSTEAD rallnoulahmenta, good timber, "cheap. If sold la a few days. 410 Dekam i building. . i riBTiriED acrlp, any itsa, lowest pneoa. W. 0 HoweU. tM Chamber of Commerce. BOMERTEAI) and timber hinds, acrlp. mossy esaa. 804 OommsralsJ blilg. BTAITED To boy bora-stead relinquish BMnt, .11 ll am V 170, ewe Jaarasl, THE Tmnnn. t BAWllIL Va mllas of flnms from mill to oeep water oockase, IS. reec yeiiow fir, mora can b purchaeed; 1 donkey endue. S euiliie. 2 bollera. aawdiiat aud elaU on- Terere; lumbar will net V per l.txiu; will ell timber at actual coat of atamiaes; saw mill, .. tlirowa In. JO. C. Snay, sv4 Abuig- too oiuc. Mala 11H.'. SAWMILL. ' IS.000,000 feet eholc fir timber: 65 nowert S bead horaee. oomoleta locxtna out. fit, engine, bollera, sawdust and slsb soaTeysra, eerythlng new and modern) Bear O. W. P. railway, 20 miles from Portland; timber anna worth pne eakeo. . C. C. B11AT, Main 14S. . iH Ablngtoa bldg. TO OWNKKS of timber claim and timber Ws will buy for caah any good timber trib utary to the denaivm river. ' oeai wna ownara nll write. alrlDS full oertlculare. ' Xebalam lnraatment Co., '2 Cbambar of Cora tuarcs building, Portland, or. FOB SALE LIVESTOCK. Ian HEAD of akaeo for eel, raaeonahl. Ad. . dress A. t. bloper. Logan, Or.; B. 9. D. Mo. a, box T. POB BALB 0 flret-elasa freah sow; rail 180 Portland boulevard; fir uinatee' walk aorta fledmonr esrnara. ' POR HALB A freak cow that la a sow. Jersey IMiraam. Inquire . ruitoa, avrcnsr riaea, MU aoott aarllna. . THRKB good freak cows at T0S Harold at. Use Hellwood car. 1 . A OO00 milch cow; easy milker and gentle; (or :. lata Beet 14tn St. HORSES, VEHICLES. HARXESS.: THRKB brood sisree, welsht 1,400 to 1000 pouada; good stork. Maggatty Bros., Hllls- dais. Or.) rosts No. S. BORSES and barrtea for rent by day. and month; special ratss to anna Ixtk and Hawthorn. (M is. BORflES FOR SALB SO head, 1.100 to 1.000 pounoa. UTBTTon. mine. imm ..." t -take "ear. r roadman Bros. ; NTIRB stock of allgbtly damaged baraeae and screasoHes will be sold ! 14 to H off. Keller Harness Co.. 48 North Sixth at. EST! MAT, given on axesvattng aad team work- Pbsn East TS. 420 Hawthorne avw. rp BALE Rorssa, wagons aad ka qulrs 8M0 Water st, '- ' Ia 0NB medium teem, light doable wagoa aad doable barneea la flrat-ciaa oondltios. . Apply ' 417 Williams ava. . 1 FOR S ALU Second hand top da 11 vary wagrm eneap. aw iMusoai at. FOR S ALB Horses, bsrneaa and wagoa aheap. 4aKbey at.. , ""yf M1,; ,,,, s- MTSICAL IKSTRnHENTS. PIANO" 1 PIANOSI PtANOSI Oreat sacrifice sale of ptaaos, aa ker. i tofor adverUaed at 880 Alder treat. Tb cnnalgae I Instructed to dispose of every plana at actual factory cost. Thee piano are from soma ad tha wall-knows mana facturai a, and a guarantee bond (or tea yeara goes with every piano, and will be delivered at your rsaldance froa of chary a. Terms, rank or -aaay monthly payments. . Chance of a Ufa time; must vacats store Msy 1. -. - i: W. T. SHAKAHAI. Oonslgnaa. VICTOR Talking Machine and records; tew. . way (or other) pianos. Shermaa. Clay A Co.. Sixth end Morrison sta., op. P. 0. - BARTER AND EXCHANGE. FOR SALB or .exchange for oh d wood, etry rroperty, on -horsepower etatloaary, on d-borserarwsr portable enaina. , Cali pboaia East 2i. or at 40 AIMna ara. A BARGAIN. - Fin large bouse, new carpets, rnraltura; gHng away; will tak Inte or acreage aa part payment, ' Address P 1ST; cars Journal. TO EXCHANGE Nicely furBlshad bousekasplng ul'ea or aleeplng -rooms tor BaparhaagUig. bOSVi Alder at. ? FOR S A LE MISCELLANEOUS. BT1V0EB and Wbeefor and Wilson sewing ma ehlne office. V sell, less ur rant new ma. Chinee; old machlnar take la part payment; eecond-kand machines ts and up: ether make of new macblnea 128 and apt needle for sll makes of machines; sll kinds of machine repaired and guaranteed. B. S. Slegsi, ageat, Morrlaoa at. Pbjoa Mala 2181. DON'T go to Tbe Dollar, Z32 first at., because be sells too cheap. He sells this week a 38 Caeeod rang, new, for 28 wool-top mat. trrasas. $XA0, nd otkera from Ts ap; also thousands of dollars' worth of hew and sec ' sod-hand farnltor ebespj 100 oil petstmsa worth 43. 80 at 1 aaea. . FOR BALB Barralns la Whites. Singers, Davie, wheemr m wilsoaa, Hoasalimoa and -other slightly dsmsa-ed macblnea. Tbe White. Rev, lng Machine office. H. D. Jonas, SM Tambtll at, corner Fourth. Ft'RNlTCRR of six rooms, cornnlet for keeping. S blocks from poetof flee; .re-renting . two rnome paya raat; 300 cash. Add revs Poetof t lew Box S8S. , FOR SALR Hrrtctly buryUr-proof, time lock sere: perron conaitmn; win sen st reset 10a of coat. Apply to SS1H East Morrlaoa at., room 4, atornloga. A NEW launch, U feet In length. M boras. powsr.. Mrs. B. west, hairs sv Morxlsoa, room 4- Apply alornlngs. 1 PRINTING press, CAP. SxlS; psper-cutter, type, etc.; a very complete Utile outfit, as most aew. Address W ITS, care Journal. DANDT ' little launch and aosthooss, fully - equipped; engine guaranteed. Address H ITS, eara Journal. ..." FINE English setter pup at King's Hill -Kennels; com early 00 aa to get pick, 090 Waablngtno at. FOR BALB, CHEAP 4-Inch Keysvone water merer, practically aew. Inquire H. M stager, EM Front st, . . - SKWINO MACHINES boagbt, aold and sx cbsnred. 88 and ap, . Wastara Salvage Oa, ' S2T Wasbtngtna at. SHOWCASES, counters, fixtures, bought. Bold or exchanged. Weatern Salvage Co, 437 Washington at. Padfie TOS. FRRB FOR EVERYBODY Ring a Mala 4500 or call II8H Front st. W buy aad call tny n I tars, clothing or any aid thing. BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rent or for sals on esay payments. TUB BRCNSwlCK-BALKB-COLLBNDBB CO, .- . 40 Third St.. Portland. MOTION-PICTURB machine. 28; 100' slides. 210: 1,000 feet film, 880. Boom 2. 145 H Ixth st. THB Grand Fnrnltnrs Co., 411 Hawthorns ave., pays the highest cash arlo tor second -kand ' fnrnlture, Esst SOU. ROI.DEN'S RHEUMATIO CURB Bur -rheumatism. Bold by all druggists. for PHONOGRAPH aud Tscorda. .7 brand-new Jt fit, for 110.80; bear It. 10ft Sixth at. RECOUPS (new), dlse, all tihonorrapha! SO recur. la tOci Victors. 40c, lwB Sixth st. ACTOMOIUI.R for sale, 100S CadlllsS about. 700. IAS Ilth st. , 1 . NEW witU esses and counter cheap. 180 Bercnth at. Main 406S. - FOR SAI fl Oliver tynewrlfer, practically new, AO. ' 181 Bsst lth at. Phone Esst 1790. OLD BOOK STORB removed to IS Fifth aad Sit Second sts. IF you want bee, write X ITS, car Journal. PERSONAL. LADIES who dealre a beautiful complexion, free from all blemish, should call on Madam La Oay. 33 Bussal block, foartk and Mor rison. MANICURING, facial maeaar and scalp treat ment. Try room 1. stttH Wsshmgtoa st. BAI M OF FIGS for ell female dli East Belmont. Phone East 4084. 2S TURKISH BATHS, too Oregonlsa Mrlg.i ladles days gsntlsmsa alghta. Mala lOoo. HOI.DRNS RHEUMATIC CURE -Rare eara toy rheumatism. Sold by all drugglato. MADAME VAHIITI. hosier: vapor, and tub baths, masssge. Klll. Third st, oor, Taylor. MI"1 OIK "ON gives scalp treata 2usS4 Morrisoa st, room U nt 4 aa draff. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY PERSONAL. Russian Batfcs tt THIRD , ST' BFTWKRN TATTXR AMI SAI.UUN) KW7MMINO POOL, PTE AM AND HOT AIR BATU: FKOS4 S A. M. TO 18 P.. M. PU1CB 28 CBNTS. NOTICII OF RBM0TAL. A. Reiner, tbe furrier, will Lewi bldg. March 1; looking for sattsblo location; for present siay be found st real deoca, til North lth at. Phone Pacific ssiri. will cau ana giva estimates aa asaai. SEZINB PILLS ears all forma of Sertoli or muscular weakness. Fur msa or women. Price 1 a box, box re 18, with full gusr antse. Addraa r call J. A. Clsmanson, drug gut. Second and Tambll ots. Portland. Or. STOP taking drags! If your family phystdsn cannot cur you, Batare, the only healer, will cure all your dlasssss. If posalbls; dilropraetlc , n-aka It poaslul. Dr. Hardin, SIS Allaky bldg. AMR I.I A R. BROWN, the cslsbrated esacar aperiallst, poalrlvely removes csncera pain. . lesaly and without ass of knife; eonsultattou free. Uooms 1-2, Hotel Ohio, Front aad " Madison. . LADIES Dr. Keteham, graduate and rssistered physician, treats ssy aad sll your eouiplsiuts . with skill and saeeesa. ITOM Third St., eor nar Tamhlli. Pacific S22S. ', YOUNG scientific masseuse gives electrical, alcohol lo and medicated treetments, also tub bathe. 41 Balaigh bldg. Sixth aad Wash lngtoa ata. GERMAN hooka, msgsslnss, nova la. ate. I Osr , mas. Engllah, French. Bps a lab. Swedish and Italian dictionaries; fm-slcu books of . all kinds. Bckmal Co.. & First at. - ' MANLT vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve Globules. One month'e treatment, $t; S - montha, $5; sent ssrurab sealed by matl. . Atonts, Woodsrd. Clarke A .Co., PortUad, Or. BOLD ON There Is eae thing that will aura ; rheumatism. Ask your druggist for barb ' tools or address or call J. A. Clamsnaon, druggist.. Portlsnd. Or. . BATH parlors have recently ebangwd hands at BOTH Third st., unstslrs. room 14; will guar - antea to picas au; isaies ana geuuemen. CITS pressed while you watt, too. Ladles skirts pressed, eOc. Gilbert, 10H Blxtk at,, asxt to Quell. Phone Msla SOtts. BEST magaslna etuhs aver ffaradi asnd for pries) sgsnts wanted. J ones' Bookators, 201 Alder at., Portia sd. Or. PROFERSOB FELIX K. . Miracles, msgastl . kssllng and auggaatlve. 146 IliU at., ' enrae Alder, . MOLES, wrtnkleo, superfluous) hair removed. No chars to talk M over. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room S80 Flsldner bids. - Phone Pacta ISA. DB. BINS CHOONO. Importer Chinees n medicines; eslls Chlnsao tea, certain ear for all diseases. . toi Id. bsk XamhUl and Taylor. AMELIA B. BROWN, csncera removed with out pain or knife. Bote! Ohio, Front snd Madlsua atsv, room i. . MRS. POTTER Ataessuss, scalp, facial " ssgs, rtlropody. IU414 WaUlagtoa at. Hours 10 t S. NEWLY opened masssga parlors, KlVi Aider at., suits 4.. Miss sl area lis Ls uoy, plishsd masssusa. - LA Dim; Dr. La Fraaco'a Compos ad: ears, speedy regulator; SB ceats, drnrxtats or mall; booklet froa. Dr. La Fraaeo. Philadelphia. Pa. BECENTLT opened manicuring parlors removed from SSlVe d S4S Morrlaoa at,, room S. MIHS RAYMOND Masseusa. SoSVk Morrisoa at., room 14. Phone Msla 011. BUSINESS PERSONALS. CRADINQ aad axeavatlng, B. BurdV-k, invar. Phea sns Nona 1 itn St., WosdUwa 1S8. INVENTIONS bought aud sold. Covenant Oua tract Co.. 417 Filed ner bldg. Msla 2)4)1. ATTORNET8. 0. H. PIOOOTT AND J, A. FINCH .. Attnraeya-at-Law. Practice In all 4 Malksy bldg.. A. ' H. TANNER, attorney. Room , Com Biarctal blkn Recood aad Waablagtoa eta, - Phone Main 14. ASSATERS. 0ARTIN CTANIDB EXTRACTION CO.. Bad Montana Assay Office. 18S Morrlaoa at. ART. FRRB LESRONS IN Embroidery Every Day. ? THE NBF.ULBCRAFT SHOP. ' - - ESS Washlngtoa at. - L PI. MOOREHOTJ8B A CO. Artists matsrlsM, picture molding, picture framing, etereaptl- maiera sime. sis Aiaer ss. ' AUTOMOBILES. lJaJalJal,Tai'L 1 l.i 'LI 1 i 1 'Ml ' BJS eaaaosamte'fhasW R. L. KEATS AUTO CO., ATJTOMOB1LES AND SUPPLIES. ' ' Northwestern dlatrlbutnra for Papa Hart ford. Pops Trfbaaes, Pope Waverlya. Poo Toledo. Thomaa. OldBuwbllea. Franklin, Balcka. SO-63 Seventh at-. Port lasd, Orogoa. HOWARD M. COVET, Ageat Pierre Great Arrow. Locomobiles, ( Iliac aad Kaox. Temporary kmtJoa Oak Oonga. IStk sad Aider ata. BATE TOD BEEN BAKER ELECTRIC I Capital Supply Co, 480 Alder st. mono t'B eifle 0T1.' Demoaetrattoa by appolntmsat. ARCHITECTS. C. DITTRICH, architect. HI William ava, or. McMIUea at. Pboo Eaat SSS1. ERNST KRONER, architect Plans snd spod fl ea tiooi; also building superlntcadenra. BATHS MASSAGE. MRS. OP ROCK, grsrluste msssisul berk, salt glow, alcohol rub, cream massage; references. Ibfl BeveaU st. Msla 400S, MANICURING, face and ecalp treatment, bath and massage. 110 Fourth St., oor. Wash. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES B. BtrksawaM Co.. SO4-8O0 Everett at.; ranrsst butcher eupply hones oa tbe coast. Write (or eaUmgu. BUTCHERS rTUppt,iS)a)Aar,ink A. Dskam, 111-18S First at, carries a full line sod 1 plate assortmeot st mwast msrhst prices. BLANKBOOK MAKERS. HOWS, DAVIS A KILHAM. IOO-I11 Second St. Blsnk books msnafsctaredi a sent a for JoaW ' Improved Loose Lesf ledrera; see tb aW Eureka leaf, the best oa tbe market. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. . uAlwavs Consult tbe Beat.- ,r' PROF. B. XBIMO, ''..' . Oreateet living aatral dead-tranc cUlrvoy. "ant of tha age; adlaef on baalneos snd sH ' affairs of life; tells your full name and what you called for, whom yoa will marry, how to control ths on yoa love, eves though miles 1 ewsy; reunites tbs separated; gives secret Eiwsrs to control; a lonf delays la watting, onrs 10 to 8, dslly snd Sunday. Office Nos, S and 4. Oread Theatre bldff 8S2H Wssh., sear Psrfc at, . Pboaa Mala 1S8T. "Porii it.i. Melenlav ana medium; readier BOe. 841 4 Mor, oor. Tib. MISS MAY ANDREWS Card reading, 38c. 233 Sixth st, eora.r Mstn CAFES. THE OFFICE Sn Wishing ton St., paooo Mala TT1. Barnaul Vlgneax. CHIROPODISTS. WM. DEVBNY A BSTKI.LB DEVENT, THE only scientific chlrooodlets. pstkirs So Draw ' bldg... 102 Sd st. Pboaa Msla 1801. CRIROPOnT and redlcwrtsg Mrs. M. D. Bin. Room 100 Flelduor Bldg. Pboaa Peel ft Its. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON, J1 Fourth St. Office and atora flvtnree built aad remodeled; shewcasse aad counters. Pboaa Mala 1T8T. B. MELTON Of flea, a tor furores; genoral Jobbing, T First ot. Fbeaa Usia Umk . 4, ' CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO Largest Slant oa euaet; Lorlog aud Harding ata.; phone aet Shi; carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed snd laid; eteam and eompreeaed air process; ro novatlug mattresses sad feathers a Specialty. JOTCB BROS., proprietors of tbe Electric Cwae Ing works; csrosta cleaned sad Isld, both dry and coin pressed -a Ir cleaning; carpet refitting ear epectalty; work rusrsnissd. Phone Mala )71 and A 267-i. 270 Grant at. COAL AND WOOD. Portland Sawdust a slabwood co, AA Front, surcoaaora to Fultoa Wood C. fir, k, slsbwood. cosL TaL Mala ISSd. FOR prompt dellvmy of slabwood as 11 Mala 4H78. Oak. aak. fir and coal. Portlsud Wood A Coal Co, lSik and 8a vler ots. - OREGON FUEL CO. m now selling Welsh an thracite, reat eoat oa tb market, as Alder st, Msla 43. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer la aordwood. aeel and grsea snd dry slabwood. B. R. snd Alblna av.. 3 blacks seat of ferry. East 174, . WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. FT ones snd blscksmlth coals, cake, ckar- eeai, kiadiing. fboae Mala joia. TELEPHONE EAST T. F. B. JONES A CO., - Wood and Coal. ' 181 East Water St. TEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealers la coal, cord wood aad dry alabwood. Phono Eaet 484. CLEANING AND DYEINO. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed. II per aioBth. Caique Tailoring Co, 800 Stark at. f B. W. TURNBB, professloaal dyer and gleaner, 806 Jsftarooa at. phone Mala ISIS. PORTLAND Steam Cleaning Dyeing Works. Sll t'vortk at. . Phone Padfie SOT. DENTISTS. . DR. EARL 0. McFABLAND, dsn Mot. Suite T1D-TU-71Z awstlsnd blag- rhene Mala xil, DANCINO. DANCING Icaaona SSe. damn and private. , dally. Prof. Wsl Wlllaon, hall 804 Allaky bldg. Third aad Morrisoa ata. nodal dancing Walts, twe-etep, three-step, etc. 5 sure danc ing, buck and wing clog, reel, jig, ULguisod ning, opanisn, ate. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOI-Class Moo.. Tsars, and Bat. eve. t aortal, fancy aad step . dsaclng taught) assistant tea chare; class and private lamnas dslly,. Western AcerVmy kail, Becoad aad Morrisoa ata. Padfl 1830. PROF. R1NOLER, MISS BUCKBNMBTBtt-. Lssaing school, daily; sew ball, neat in city. Grand ave. end East Morrisoa st, Esst 6670. DRESSMAKING. MBS. TAUGHAN. experienced dressmaker. 8MH Bsst Boraside at. Pboaa Bast S61T. MADAMB ANGELES S43 Fifth. Padfie WIS. EDUCATIONAL. OREGON EXPERT COLLEGE. . CamaMinwoalth building. 6th and Ankeny, ben Msla 8001. - Telegraphy, shorthand, typrswrltlng, penmanship. English branches. Individual Instruct loos, apodal scholarship. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. ' Wssblnstoa and loth sts., Flledner bldg. Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Typewriting and all English bra aches taught, both day aad night. ' ROSE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE. ' Pltmaa Snort hand by Court Reporter. BtjoI. . BSss Course. 8 pedal Scholarships; Positions Secured- Onmmon wealth bldg, 0th and Ankeny. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. J. WALSH CO, Sll Stsrk St. -Electric aad Oaa Fixture and Ropplls. Man tela. Tiling. Gratea and Doglrons. PACIFIC RLECTRIO CO. Fnrtneers. eeatrae. tors, repairers, electric wiring, supplies. 04 First, oor. Clark. Mala osa. B B. Tata, mgr. -V WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, 01 Sixth St. Contractors, electric snppUea, motors and dy - aamoa; w issta u ught sno power piaata. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO, SOI Bast Morrison at- Futures, wiring, repairing. East (US. BARRETTS, 408 Morrisoa at. Phone Mara 123. Everything ta electric wiring, snd lighting. MONEY TO LOAN. iMttfttMttUltStttllttMtttftttftttt ttttttttttttfltltttttlUSttlttttttltl IIHIHm$llM$MmIt$lll fit ... MONET. ... ,. til 111 , MONET. .!! ttl MONET. ttt ttl RALART LOANS. ttt t)t Upon Plain Notes. ttt , ttt NO INDOR8RR. ttt t)t NOPtTBMCITT. ttt , ttl MORTGAGES, tit 111 . A B8OT.TJTE LT ttt ttt " NO BECtTRITT. . tit 111 GIVE . ttt ttt ' Tour Not .lit ttt . GET ttl ttt HO to 1100. Ill a ttt Open from S a. m. to p. m. ttt ttt BTATE BECURITT CO, ttt ttt 744 Dekum BldE- III ill Open until 9 p. m. BMtirdav. ttt tttttltttttttttttttttltlttttttttttlllt ttttttlttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt tlttlttlttlllltttttttttttttttttttttttt MONET TO LOAN -Oa hn proved dty property or for build In f purpnee. (or from 1 to 10 years' tlma, with prlvlles to repay an or part of loaa after two years. Loan approved from plana and sioaey advuaced as balldhi progresses; mort gsges takes up snd replsced. FBED B. STRONG. Financial Ageat. 242 Stark at. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ea salaries. Insurance policies, pianos, fnrnlture. warehouse receipts, - etc.; any deserving person may aeeur lib eral advance, repaying by -aaay -weekly a monthly matsllmenta. NEW ERA LOAN A TRUST COUP ANT, . . SOS Abmgtoa bldg. - MONEY loaned to salaried penn!e Just ea your ewa asms; don't borrow until yoa see me; my avstera Is the best for railroad msa. clerks, - bookkeepers, streetcar mea and an other eu sptovee; business strictly cou8dentlal. F. A. 'Newton, 811 Buchanan bldg, Waablngtoa at., bstwusa Fourth and Fifth. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and others apoo their asm aameo. without occur. - Ity; cheapest rales, easiest payments: office la SO principal dtlea; ear yourself money bv getting rmr terms first, TOLMAN. S2S Ablngtoa bldg, 108H Third at. WANTED Netoa, mortraree or eoarracte ea any Bind ar real sststo is trreaow ana .., msten; second mortrarea pnrcbaaed if ere 11 oecured. B. B. Noble. SIS Commercial blk. DON'T borrow money mv aslarv rmtll - . lEuttca Credit Co. ' . 811 Dekum bldg. MONEY to loss; large loan a aneclaltyt ales bnlMIng mans: wweet rates; rire William O. Beck. SIS Falling kldg. rnrucNr-4,crt-O0.. 42S Mohawk bldr. Monsy to lend oa eaef permenl plaa B wax-4 earner; etnetry connnsniiau MORTOAGB Vnena at current rste aa-eooa. mtaeloa. Olumbta Life A Trust Company, Lumbar Exchange hldg. MONEY to loaa on an kinds of security. Wtt Bam BolL room Waablngtoa bldg. laTO LOAN Rums fa suit na chattel naaurtty. B A. Framo, 01 tne marquam. A LOAN for the aektng Balsry ar chattel, Tbe Loaa Co, 410 Dekum bldg., f QUICK kwna oa all oscorltfao. S. W. Kmc, 40 Waablngtoa bldg. Mate 8100. . ON mod rare. 8200 to t$.0n0) eoat pa para only. Ward, lawyer. Allaky bids. Use . more Journal want ads than anybody else you know, and you will be busier than any body else you know! Rate one cent a Word. EVENING. APRIL 18. 1807. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORK snd Bvsrstt ata. 1'hous Msla 2U0. HARDWARE. ' - PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. solicits eiiputlua Ity to quota prices. T4 Slxtb st. Paeifle sod. HOTELS. HOTEL Portlsnd. American pMa, 88, 8 par day, BELVEDERE; Eurepesa plant 4th snd Aider ata. INSURANCE. IB A AO L. WHITE, flro taaaraac. lock bldg;. W. L, PAOB. tnsuraaeet am ploy era liability, surety bonds, burglar and accident fraaoraaea, Pkone Mala Slid. 204 Falling bldg.. JAR. Mcl. WOOD, employers liability and hv , dividual accident security bonds of all kinds. Phone 4T. 802 McKsy bldg. LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for BaleAll kinds, meludmg approved forest reserve scrip for surveyed, an- ., aarvsyad, timber and prairie gsverument land. B. M. HsmUtoa. "Tbe Portland." Fort laud. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. CHARLES L. MASTICK A CO.. Freat aud Oak . ata., leather aad skins st every dssrrlptioa . for sll purposes; ' sole and tap euttara; ' findings. OASOLTNE ENGINES. QASOLINB englneo. all amss and styles, at , lowsst prices. Belrsoa Machmery Co, 1H2-4-4 Morrisoa at. SHEFFIELD martno enrlnea. Any propellers. . rsirnsnks, Morse Do First and Stsrk sts. MUSICAL. THB WEBBER STUDIO Msa dolts, baa), guitar inunction. 4tm Waablngtoa at. PIANO, violin, comet, trombone, clarinet. Pro feasor B. A. Smith. 284 12th at. Mala 4708. MONUMENTS. MEU A KINOSLBY, S88 First at. Portia ad's tending marbl aad granite work Ok MONUMENTAL BRONZE CO. Most dursbl grave headstone. Room 11. Snd stark at. MACHINERY.. B. TRBNKMAN A CO, Mining.. aawmllL kw- flng msclilneryi hydraulic pipes, casting, all Inda repaired. 104 North Fourth at. THB B. a ALBEB CO Second hand rao ehlaery, sssrmlUs, ate. S4S Grand svs. ' OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. njt 1.11.1.KHRI.I.B PATTERSON, snedsllst ea asrvoua, acute and chronic dlaoaeee. Offlo. SIT Footoa bldg. raoae racine tisw. DBS. ADIX A NORTH RUP, 4I5-10-1T Dekum bldg. Third and Waablngtoa sts. Psoas Msla 840. Eiammstloa froa. PLUMBERS. FOX A CO. Sanltar- plumbers, SSI Second, bet. Mam and Salmon. Orogoa pboa Msla 3001. DONNERRERG A BADEMACBEB removed ta No. 80S Bnrnalde St. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. P. B. BEACH A CO. The Pioneer Palut Os. window glass and glssUig. US lint at. Pboaa 1834. PRINTTNO. THE MODERN PRINTERY Arttstl printing t Ruaool bldg. Fourth snd Morrlaoa. Pbuae PacUle, isza. , " BVERYTHINO IN PRINTINO Frora drcnlara to ca ta loruos and aanapapara. Mstropolltaa Printing Co., 141 Fraat St. OGTLBEE BROS, printers Card a. Mllbeada, ate. msM statu iBoa. iot mi ax. PAINTLNa ' AND PAPERING. P. A. DOANB. SOS Ysmntlt st, spposlts Jour nal el flru Wall paper, painting and decora t lag. Pboa a fur-eatlmatss. . Pacific 2234. FOR reliable work, reasons bis prices, Sheehv Brae, 22 YamkllL near 4th. . Mala S07X ROOFING. TIN BOOFIN0. s-attrrlng. reps 1 ring and general Jobbing. J. LoalL SIS Jsffsrsoa at. Pae. 1424. REAL ESTATE. PARRIBE, W ATKINS A CO, S80 ALDER ST. Real satats. rentals, loan and Insurance. W maks a speclslty of haadllog rentals and property for residents and aou-raaldeata. Established 1872. Pbone Mala 1844. . . I. W. OGTLBEE. real estate and loans; llsbed 188S. 148 Firm st, room 11. BPHINX AGENCY, dealer la real estate k -1 aoa.x a, k . u.Im e, FOR FARMS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. W. W. BRPET. 810 Commordal bids. RUBBER STAMPS. P. O. STAMP WORKS, S4 Alder et.t pboa Main TlO. Robber at amp, ssala, etenclla; bag gage, trade checks; brsas atgne and platae. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS. FOSTER A KLKI8ER SIGNS. W have built up the larreet six bustnsss la tns city by nret-ciaes work ana keeping our promises. Our prlcoo ara right. - Fifth and Everett ata. rhon Exchange 80. OEORGE WEBER, MODERN SIONR '"So uirrerant Bnop.- aun Fourth. Paetfl SS11 "CARDS THAT CATCH THE BYE' Beat work la the city. Betta, 000 Dckem bldg. Mala 8048. SIGNS THAT ATTRACT' Portland glga C,. r,i nuiti et. r-oons rinm IOSW, SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO, l agent far Her. ring-Hal) Marvin aafee and Manganese Steel Befo Oo.'S bank Bsfeu: SO sseond-hasd firs. proof safes and tank oafse. very cheap I ass issm or writs us. sx asventa oc . DIBBOLD Mansanees snd flesneanf aafaat lock ( vfivneu. msisj nxrures; vault ana 111 worn; jacks. J. R. Da via, 00 Sd. Msla 186V STREET PAVING. WARREN Coostrortlrsi Ot. atrsst. BSTlnx, olde- waiaa aau cruasuigs. 81 Lembsr Excnaage. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Co. of Portland. Office 400 Worcester blk. WHOLESALE ' JOBBERS. THE ORW10N CnXESfl CO. (INC.) CHE BE B, BUTTF'H, ; EGOS, stc, dslry products noaatit or head led an enrnmloston. 120 Fifth at, (Swatland bldg.), Portlsnd. Or. M. A. OUNST A CO, ' D1ETRIHUTORS OF FINE CI0ARS. PORTLANDl OREGON. BVERDINO A FAERBI.I," produce aad com mission merchants. 140 Front st, Portia sd. Or. Pbone Mala IT. ' OREGON FURNITURB MANUFACTURING CO. Manufactorera ef furalture tor tbe trade. Portland. Oregon. - WADHAME A CO., wholesale grocers, man, faetarera and eommlaaloa aMrebaata. Fourth aad Oak- ata. FURNITURE mano facts rtng aad apeolal order. L. Ruvensky'a fnrnrtnre factory, SOT Front at. ALLEN A LEWIS, ernum lesion and produce m chants. Front aad Davta sis. Pertland. Or. WHOLESALE erorkery and glaaswar. - Prael, llesrla A Co, PortUad, Orsgoa. . W. SIMPSON. SOI WsshtngtoB at. W hols asl as ear la grsla aad hay. B.1NIC3. u nZO STATES BATIOEAJ. BANE OF M, lfc.,,1 rv. , 1 Wl. TiihuI. . a. , u . , .. n-i . - oausina neeiovev. ,'n..e i v ... - ZS ? Lue and Europe, Hwrkons- sad Manila. Collecttuaa Mad a Fvrei 1 - - VHVii": OTaINhWOKTH I Caahler B. W. -H T vloa-ProaldaBt R. LEA BAstMkJft Aealataat Caabler W. A. l--f Aeal.t.nt Caabler A. M. WRIGHT ADO TrLTOS? BAhXZEA-Portlssd. I V-: w ldd. C. Trsasact - BetabMabed Io0. booking hswtnsss. - SAVINud BANC DEPARTMENT, maavlnga deposlU. Interest paid oa tlma dsposlts. M BATT0MAI, BAEE-rUaad, Orssu. ti W H,UWm" ...PresMent I B. L. DURHAM .--'Tr'-J W. MOYT... Coskiar OBOR0B W. BOTT AardstssA OasSJs . ' A. 0. CATCBINU Soeoed Asateuat Caahler. . "rt" woasral Banking Bosleas. Drsfta and Letter of Credit Issued Avnllabls tS . All Parte uf the World. ColleetVona a Specialty. B "Wf A LVMBERMEX'E am s.ui r rsa B.cnd sad Stark BUssok. OoBinteeMl.1 - . . , . . . of the VVoridT -"" vsxeurissBai. D, 0. PELTON FRED H BnTu ;''"'.'''.".'."""! I President I Peeaidew I imiu T "I vics-rveeiiieni 1 scond Vice-President I o. . . 0F OAinrOBBIA Zatabllahed uapltal auld up a4.0oo.ono and Exchange Soilness dAVINUS Iir CPABTMHN 1' Aeenoata WM. R. MACRBA, a-orusoa orancn chamber Maaagsr I piXBT AATI0XAX BAXaV-xrtlaad. Orsgoa. CAPITAL JJID aUBPLCB 11.600.000.00. DEPOBITS 14,0O0.000.00t . w il;.'; .......Presldsot I W. NEWK1RK. Cashier J. TRUST COMPANIES. PO.TLAND TRUST OOMTAET OF OREO0B The OUast Traat Csmnsay ta Oregon. RESOURCES OVBB 2,000.000. General Banking. Tws per cent hi terse t oa check so. eounw (even kundrsds) oa dally ha la sees of tot JO or over. Letters sd credit snd exennng 2.1 tb world- Bsvlnga aecounbs. Tins certificates. to 4 per cent; abort -call ape. etal esrtltlcstw. MOO or over. S ta d per eeot. Call for Book of "ILLCSTEATiONA" , n".,St Corner Third and Oak Streets. . pbone Private Kx change TS. 11 r-rwlPJ,,i?,'' President I H. U PITTOCK Vlerraotrht , LEB PAGET Secretary t O. OOLTRA AoslaUut Secretary 1 BOTRITT SAVTVOa Ar TUrrnT mwaS"V Transact a Oeaeral Bsnklng BnitDess. SA VINOS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed ea Time aad Barings Aecounta. Acta aa Trustee for Estates. Drafts and Letter el Credit Available ea AD a r. adams. ........ a, u MJixa.... President I Becond Vlce-Presideat OBO. B. BU8SELL. JTLE BDARTES A TEU8T OOMPANT-S40 Waahlsgtoa rm. MORTGAOB WANS ea PortUad Real Eatsts st Lowsst Baton, Title Insured. J. THORBURN ROSE. GEORGE H. m LL. . . ....President . Vice-Preai dent BONDS AND M 0XBXB BBOTrTTBS , Cham bar f Osmmarae Munldpet Raflroad and pv 0WWMO-H0PXIBS COMPAJfTZstahliaaed A-' rCOCKS, BONDS, OBAItt Bought Private WTrea. ' BOOM d CHAMBER L 0VIB J. WTLI1E HOAtE TU.EPH0BE B0BIf BAirK STOCXB, ' ' Member Portland Stock Exchange. ' Onrasr Sixth end Washington Streets. Portlsnd. Oragwa. OYcrtcck, Starr & Cooke Co. U &$zJZQm. , ' OB-Anr, PB0VTST0WS. COTTON, STOCKS 1ST) BOBBfn, . " " WZ SO A IRICTXT OOtUUSBIOsf BUaUNESA, ' ' Ouutisaisss Markaui try Private Wire. Quick Bervlea, REFERENCES Ladd A TIMhm. era, and United States National Bank of I-or-ttaudT , , SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every dooerlptloai bank, bar ana a tors naturae made to ordur. IM uu M ana factu ring Co, Portland. B. B. BIRDSALL, doalmer; ageat M. Winter Lumber Co. T BamUtoa bldg.; Mam 008O. SEWING MACHINES. THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE AGENCY, 1H0 YsmhlU St.. ear. 4th. Pbone Msla S103. Bsrsslns tn all kinds af now and aatnud head sewing macblnea; a few allgbtly dans- aged, good ss bow, at greatly reduced prices. PHONB Pacific 27 SO and I personally will eeQ and repair your aewlng machine: work guar. aataed. B. Bams, adjuster, 861 Third at. TRANSFER AND HAULING. TUB XlAUlraUBl SI uaniDUQ ia.nBrBn , rornsr Blxth and Oak ata.: baggage chocked ' from hotel or neldeno direct to destination; v paessngcra tnararora avoia roes ana ssnoy anc tt dspota. Private Excbanga ad. SAFES, pianos and fnrnttur moved, narked . gsara steed; largs S-etory brick fireproof wareaouee xur siorsas vuic sw vh s. Glean A Boa. Phone Mam 04T. a O. PICK, office 88 First at, hefweea Stark aad Oak eta.i phone 808. Plane aad furni ture moved aad packed for snipping; comma. ' dlbua brick wsrehoasa with separate Iraa Front aad Clay ata. NATIONAL TRANSFER- A STOBAGB CO, SOS Oak at. 1 telephone A. la 4400. . Trsssfsrrlrig and atormg. , ORBOON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Blxth St. I anooa Mala SB. Boavy baallng end atora. INDEPENDENT BAGOAGB A TRANSFER CO. Btarags. S24 SUrk at. Mala 40T. . POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 200 Waah- lagtaa at, rhooo Msn Ota. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, sruea. soap, 1 pur mouth Portland Leaodry A Towul Rnpnlv Co . Ninth and Conch Phono alO . THAN SPORT ATION. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS 5 TIUPS U. 9i BpokaB, Jan 14, Bo 1 July is, a I Auf. j t.. : 4, atOICsl BOTTTB.' ",j B. . enatoE...... .........ifmao 1 . B. lrwldB. Jno 4 ' B. M. AXABXLA BOTTTB. - BtatdTvyAjr, aUtka, stuneaa aaA war porta. ainnt p. xn. & ..Oo.'S Momboldt. ...April B-1S-BS Cottars City, ria BStkA April T-Sl City f Seattle .....'...Apia IT-aTT BAST I'BJjrOXBOO BOTJTB. - Bmllliur B fa. xau Ttobi Bttl. ' City of afiWBlA April -B0 BpokBB- .April BS Bpoksao, cUxoet...... April It UmatUla April 18-30 City Cffloa, bob waaatBgrsom as. , Colombia River Scenery BBOTjXATOB laOTB BTBAAEIBB. Dslly ' aervlc between Port lasd and The Dallsa, except Sunday. Isavlng Portland at f a. m, arriving about 8 p. m, carryhig freight and naaaeoaers. tptowtli aeeommoda. tiona for ootflta and llvsatock. . Court a I, ThdlDkllau. Pbone Mala 014, Portland. Str. Chas.R. Spencer - WaUB4BtT Dook. " - Dally, xpt Sunday; for The Dalle and way landlnga. tt It m, returnlns It p, m. Faat time, beat aarvloa. rhoBMi Sdsia. S1B4I Bloraa, A. 11. . BTOBTV VA0ZTI0 aTTBABUXtT CO.1 Steamships ROANOKE and GEO. W. ELDER 811 fop Rurekav Bon Francisco and Lo . ! direct vry i usnaay at p. m. Ticket offlce 111 Thlrtl. near Alder, Phones M. lilt- H. TOUNU, Agent. AXZeAST zojra oczabt iTiii wm LIVERPOOL, OLASOOW, LONDON, pitir New ateaiuera VlCIOHtAN and VI H - trlvle-ecww turhtne eiLju.e, .ihI 1 u -A, C0KS1CAN and 10SIA ., tmrw. I .. bor. oor "llt' a are s--itiy f "i 1 , paaalng doe 11 the .. s I , river by o.o''Hiit. a,--.. .' u paaaed. P,m.- S.loon 1- ., 4 nn(. second eai'Hi ftot-i I 11, . -u. , , fahta R'" . 1 ,. ALLAH A v i . 1, , C FOSTLAETJ, 0BEO0B. mnA n.h lt,.,la . , . , . 1 ...,. , . in.i.l. Sm An rT- eC Onsaua. B. Lsdd. . W. auvtas kaoks . . . , 11..U . Il BVetS ayonura ax wrsaix sssus "" t e - B. 0. MEARS n n a to h a c.. t 5: i "5;iJ rJ. IJ. ITOHIT PLATT A PI ATT 'rrrrr.. General Ooonael 184. Bond Of floe. Baa FtsnoMOS, Oslifersta. I Barnlus snd andivldsd profits Transacted. Interest ea lines Deposits, ae aneoS of BIO and BBWard. sf commerce rtnoalo J. T. BUBTCHAELL..,..,.Ass1stsnt Manager , Oldest National Bank sa the Psdfl Coast, W. fVALVORD Aosistsa Cashier B. F. STEVENS. ... .SscJndAas1stsBt Oaahlac ass sr I W .1.4 Oia.aai Parte of tbe World. I L. A. LEWIS First Ylos-Prasiaaat I E. a JUBITX BoaretaiF . .Aaalatant Baiietery Abstracts Furnfshed. JNO. B. A ITCH IKON T. T. BURKHART INVESTMENTS. Building. Public Service PupsitVa . 184 BROrCRB. and Bold for am Mergta, ' Phone xfsta ST. ef COMMEBCB. STENOGRAPHERS. WANTED Stemgraphle work at reasons hl nricse. Miss Youngs, 808 Lb. Bs. Mala 8718. EXPERT stenographer and tvpswrttsr. Msla 1271. 814 Dskam bldg. - TYPEWRITERS. HEADQUARTERS for aew - and rebuilt type writers of all makss; see ear wudowi tt yoa ar going to buy a new typewriter sea a be fore buying; we can save yoa mousy ; we ' have parte for repairing all machines; state . agsnte tor tbe Visible Fox; ws buy sll kind ef typewriters. Tbe Typewriter BxrAssas. Inc. B. J. Rlllaoa. maaagsr. 04 Third ax. ALICE EN8DERFER Tynawrrtat ' Agency; s plica; repairs. Bslelgb bldg, 6th sad Ws PUBLIO STENOGRAPHER. WB sell Bammgtnne, Smith-Premiers. Diaa aesraa, ate, tower tbaa any other eompanyi lovoatlrets. rndcrwood Typewriter Co.. a ah. iwtt9fWMti aHauaf C0rtnJ usBBsuiW' ' ' (As Lmm tftktStmmtf Ova ' XNSTTRKS JOJU KINDS OF " IaXVK BTOCK.XOAXNST , DEATH FROM ANY CA.VSB :," v orr lOKTtjkiro oawaoer ' . I. F. thoray Praatdaat ' ; Was. H. asilk V. Pres. S. R. Crsaa Oaal Mrs, as. ot.Osmaacamry E.L8taa,Jac Cnilmsp. ' , iLang at ewuak Csnetal Caaaaal . ' ; , v MIMSER ';- rurtlaad CkssuVar ef C11 11 1111 ' . Fordaad Beard ef Tmda - ? -' RSTSEBNCSS Oaagea Trsst aad asvlsx Bash PorttaadOr. " -.. TV Brndanuat Compaay .. A. O. Pua A Ca. Casuaarclsl Agsucy .. We amfcu a pnxulm w da not falAB v- Ws gfva yea a sqsars seal Lsskesap ' ' 1 MOMS fiFFICS V-J LATA rSTTg MUM Con, VnUmttt mmd Sith iSetaass Ore, Every Vcna-T mawsanaaoa ana anouex nev abeat the wonderful MARVTL Wberbivf itpray The now vasts! inssja, As, an Juoie. uasa tl. eat-kl oat Conveetent. a llklll. accent as scher. sot sand aisjns for Illustrated hank e..l,a- ft full perUeulare and 4trectinra le Value bis to ls.11, .l t HI l, CX. do a. aa a r, a a is iok. Far Bala sv WOODAES, CLARK B CO. AND LADE-SATIS iixwe u s aiuHia. Sccll's S2nt2l-Fc;s:n c:;::::r a fccitiyz cj:: ofoT ToWlwiHot fV 4r th Lip 1 f II- I tlV. C A PO t . I I'll' Il If Bfl4 18f 11kbt' 1 V l.ri feVahwdJ ! 1 ntl u.(ubp4, m a , Ti - v f l-og atanujea. At,. -'nilej. t-ldly. . . M I t1 m ' " s, w.w, a ma, . . - -r'C s 1 TM e - - ,-..C J. ic- .. . Bell'doata , 1 old All Drv.rt.ta. T??iFc?.t;o:::;:c I i pr .Ir.l I. i.... tmysuaavurnrMawft, ' ' r ha nannoi surely tb V ' . AM accept as 1 Vt'aK vsr y ey'