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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1907)
1 13 ....... - - - - -. u 11 . 1 1 . ' T ' ' ' ' " I - ...7 - - . I . .. v..-. I nrcTvrct fTTivrr FOR SALJ RKAL, KSTATE. ?:::ified Advertisc ::nts received too ! for insertion; in aiqse pages will be und on Page 15. Sjn Francisco ' Office Oregon Journal 789 MarkctSt, bet 3d & 4th ABTBTXWnXWV AaTD eTtJaV- Oregonlans whso In San rramrtaeo en havi the' mall Bant in cam of. "lb Journal fflcn, - ARTHUR I ri8H HsprneenUtiY. NEW TODAY. D. L KEASEY & CO. Portland :;lHleigilits FOUR NEW COTTAGES 53,750 to $4,000 On car line, 5, 6 and i rooms, gas and electric lights, sewer and city water, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, etc, fine view of Mt. I Iood, lyi lots with each house. Terms to suit. . 1 V D. E. KEASEY & CO. Exclusive Dealers in Heights Property. Office on the Heights and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Main 2159. - BPECIAZJSTS itJ Hawthorn a vs. property. Lota, houses and lota, and acreaf a throughout this district for nals, HOUSES DESIGNED and built, plana and (pacifications furnished to horn builders. .. . , . , ' v:. ' non Taso aoe. , orrxan, bast sstx in kaw- TlOin AYU. f I For Sjle Cheap NEW BUNQALOW 0-2,250 I rooms, corner lot SOxll; porealaln bath and plumbing throughout flrat claea, tinted walls, rile sttlo; near lit Tabor car line; ISO or mora down, balaaoa eas tanna. ".;'. o. x. Tsonpsoarr, iaa TMr . : IT'S UP TO YOU To look at that -room moflara houaa, 11 East Flanders at, lot 60x100. flna location, 1 block from car; an excep tional bur, 93,200. - ' We have other barfralna ' ooaot orwAuvn tbtbt oov SUN SOON riUlB CO, Mattlnrs, silks, J a pa area fancy jroods tiow at 7 Mortn uimn at, near uaria, 1'hone Pacific 12. WEATHER REPORT. Temp. . Mas. Mm. Practn The asathera portloa at the weetera trooab of low ft.aaurs baa dere loped Into a disturb ance of moderata anerrr wblch Is central thai nwralns orer iew Mexico. Tb aorthera pec tUym of this tronah of lew maaaura baa Met eneray aad atored to Saakatchewaa. The kick Draeaara area off the Oreaoa eeeat baa re- analned nearly atatknary, and the barometer fet afala .falllnv orer weetera v Waablactoa, wblch todtcate tba approach of a sew dla tnrbance from tba era, aad for thla rasaoa anaettled weather eontlntM la the north fa etne eta tea. aad Uxbt ralaa Bar fa Ilea tl northweatera Oreron, WaablnirtoB aad Boot be ra Idabo. Law temaerararee continue eaet of the Caerade meantalna, and a llfht fall of enow onird thla morala! at Baker City. Tba Dakota blab praaeare area baa lost Ita Identity, and tba temperatnrea sa tb middle areet baee rbwa allf htly. Pair weatber pre . valla In tb ejortbera eta tee aaat af the Mlaala alppl rim, and eharp frosts accuited this saora tnr ta the VlrrtnUa. The bidlcatloba are for fair weather fa thla district Prldsy, eept In aorthweatara ore axe end weat. re Waehmftoa, where ahowery ' enodltloB will eoBttan. . 1,1 ' -AtlaaU. Oaorala .......... 60 .. 44 ,M Baker City, Orefaa.n...., 41 ' . 84 ' . - .08 Botae. Idaho R0 M .01 Boetrw. Maaaachaaetta ...i M M JO Baffalo. New York 41 1 SO A rtorlanarl. Ohio .......... 44 ; 81 -' 0 reneer, Coloraao 66 . 13 ' DetralV Mlehlgaa 40 t Kansas City, MlesoarU,... Wl ; Knoxvllle, Teaneaaee M North Heed. Waehtrigtoa., 80 , 'rforth Phitta. Nebraska....-M - Portland. Orero" ... 88 , Red Bluff. California T8 ' Ram, Nevada ............. Of) Roaebarg, Oregon, ......... 60 .. Bacraaienu, Oallfornls,..., T4 St. Louis, Mleandrl 4. Ppeksna, Waahlnxtrai ,. M " Tacoma, Washm-t.,...,. 81 18 84 ? 88 44 . j0 s .12 . .0 Jtt .it .81 60 ; ,. . 41 n 80 . ' .0 64 , .0 40 ' T. 81 , , - t '41 0 CEMETERIES. BITER VIEW mgh grawa, 10; family Ma. 1108 to ll.OnO. Th aly cemetery ta Port lead which perpetaallr maintain and ear r fc tots. Per full mfonnarVei. apply to W. R. MaeheMM, Wo haatfc, dty. , W. Ladd. praatdeot. BOB CITY Slngto graven. 10j family lot. J5 to 1 78. Boperrateadant at aesaetery, eor ner af Praaxeot at. ead Cally road. Phaaj Taher For fall tafermaHon apply to Prank P'hlegal. 801 Cemmercial bin. Pass Mala 8x28. trNDERTAKERS. r-eoenr. MeEutae a Gilheufti, aadertaker atwi eT-,ialaera; mooera m every detalL neveoth aud l ine. Mam Sou. leay aeauuat. Ertckaoa rndertakmg Oa., and mbarnirnc, 408 Aloer et. rusate Mala SIM. Lady aaslstsat. J. P. P hnler a Bona, Third aad Medians sts. Oft ire ef enuaty easuner. Phone Mala 8. Wt- rirraee Oa., faaeral directors, eaabals- aes, t.8 aanill. Baa 106. Lady ssalstaat. 8. h. Heaaeterh. feeeeal l factor. East Hth an4 r Mtiiw. psoas BeUwaaat tt. Lady aaaattaat. luatt Batman, SSlWtlkaa. tM XbJr 84. wtlinBros. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. iv - i.k.1 I . I a. w. Viabar. "lot' A a!iiwno4 Perk IU.008 J. a, and Lima C. Davison to Msrr Vl. .!... L . r-v D.hUp L I. block ' 14V. Hot Purllsnd - Naacy P. Ittxtoa Co ti. R. a N. Co., part .. nMrtWUd 14. ntf ettoM &&. Ion bin 1 north, ran t asst. , Minnie T. and Frsnk H. Kc-4 to O. B. N. Co.. a atrip 100 feet wlda be- lo over lot 1 and 2. eeetlou M, town- aii in 1 aorta, ' rsiuxe eset. LOua a W. and Kellle Tarlor to W. H. aad Kata Walla, lut a, block a, BoaUi Sua- , ayslde ; R. Wcki et aL to . W. Show to, aorta Vi of lot 8, block T. city la.00 W. H..4 Mary . A da ma ta Allan A. Cunningham, lota 4 and V block Ai. riMloxinl ; a K. Millar ta O. B. Jackaoa. Vat aad v , T. bWk JT, HifhlaDd I'ark Ida H. Uorrill to 1. P. Wllllama, aoatk- waat T.M1O0 feet at' lot 4 aad . ' !. block M, Alblaa ... 00( Uanda and Tbomaa Btaadmaa ta Joka ealulamarrhla. lota o and as. DUca 18, Hawtboraa Anna addltlm...s aeal.Katata Inrestncnt Aaaoclatloa to Kraaatln Helm, loti 13, 11 aad 14 ' hlnrb fUllMid 4.. SO 78 00 0. C. Maurrr to Bank o( aiiwaod. lot 11, black Ml. .Uwoo4 Rlrar Vlrw Ometarf Aaaoclatloa to Andrew O. Ottm, lot KM, aacUoa 101. loo Tltta Oaarantca 4 Truat Company to W1U liana E. Miller, lot II, block a, aoaia : 8t. Johns Pacific ha(tr A laTcatmant Oompanr ta Ulcbard K. Olaoo, lata X aad i. block T, btcwart Park yea more Heal Katata Ooaipanjr ta Bar . ma a Maiquardt. lot T, block a, Kaara ' r-ark Albart Kpparly to Tbaddaua I. Law. ranca, aootb Kl fret of weat M faat of lot t, block 77. 8tapbao addition... P. W. and B. at. lMTmple to Jaaica P. Bucalaa and AUca M. Huaalna. lot a. an sot 1ST 10 block a, 8oatb 8unnjalda Jasrpb and Mary cVhrewa at aL to EnUl Nalaoa. lot Id. block a. Multnoaiak. . . TOO 28 Joacpk and Mary Bcarcwa at al. to tioat nfiaon. im J ft, piorn a, aaaitnomaji. . H. B. and K1U T. Nob la to W. H. Van , Dayn. kU ' aad S, block i- ealalor s A. W. Ckanc at aL to Alna B. and , Klaa Wlalfrad Chaaea, part of Borlk H of lot IX BaTanarlcw WllUan and Margaret fo treat to N. too 1.000 . A. Kln, lot 6, and aooUiweat of , amttbaaat H. of taction a, towaabl S nortk ranca weat, eiceptlnf that .; Kit lylna aaat of center Una of Gilbert irer, feuntatlnlnc SVb acraa, and atbar ' M C. a and Jania H.''rJawca.tia "to'laaaa Bwett, lota l. IT and-Is, block 1. Baat Irrlnctna , Harry 1. and Kittle J.' Btlrllna to Tlnle U lira ma. aotitk SO feet of lota S. and 10. block 18, Joaa Jrrliis's drat ' addition ...J Axleta Land Company to O. B. Laats, k.u 6 and T, block IB, In Park.... Qeorae W. and Annie B. Force to Albert aoo LBO0 :7 ! Crowe, t acraa bef lnntna at lnteraee. tloa af eenter Una of John and Nancy ' Wand donation land claim 13,000 aralrriyrne to 8. P. Lalther, weat H of lou and a, black 4, Byrnea addl tloa. Mary t. Wallace to G. J. and A. B. Cole. acre la Peter 8ml tb dona tloa lead claim .......... lamee M. and Mary 3. Bin to. Mary Htlckney. VU 1 aad a. block t. Boa. dale B. N. and-Anna Bella Scott to B. Sin not, lot . block S, Oarter'a addition.., Lena B. and Kdward P. Cannon to Allta B. Btelnmeta, lots U and 11, block t, Canaoo'a addition. Emma and Jobs Kaufman to Bphrtam Boaler, kit 11, block 5. City View Park W. H. and Alice B. Nuna to Lilly M. Blatt, lot t. block 36. Nortk Irrlntoa 7. W. aad LIUy M. Hlatt to Jamaa N. Mania, lot 9. block 2s, Nortk Inrliurtoa CUra B, and P. B. King to J. N. Mania, lot a. block T. Lincoln park Annas.... . wo 1.BO0 00 680 00 too soo 1,000 Henrietta and Stephen T. A da ma to Jee sla O. and Dantel C. Shaw, lot 8. block 4, Adams' addition ,to 81 J oh Da (SO Por alMtracta, title tnaaranca ar BMrtsaga mane, call oa Pscine Title t Troat aampany, SOe-S-d-T Palllac bid. Oat rear aetata from the Title Guarantee A Troat i aany, 140 Waablnctoa at eoner Second. BfEETINO NOTICES. COLUMBIA LODGB MO. 114. A, , P. A A. M. Stated eommnnlca- thm thla (Tbnradayl arenlna T:0 o'clock. Mason la temple, x Third and Alder eta. Official Tlslt aad ddreaa by tb M. V Orandmaater, A. p. a A. af All M. M. rarited. . . a PAOTJB. Secretary. Oregon. DA NCI NO leas one zSc, classes or private, dally. rror. wai wiiiaoa a nail, , v aiisay niag Third and Morrison tu. M. W. A. I EVERGREEN CAMP. 8,406, meets Wednesday evening, Allaky bldg Xblrd sad Morrlaoa sts. M. W. A. 1 Oreo Camp No. 8.8T8. Mow days, ITtb sad Maraban. Vlaltor . NOTICES. PORTLAND. Or, April 16, 1BOT. Meale4 bid win be roreivea at tna on ice or the acnooi clerk, dty haU, op to 12 m FrMay, April 18, 1807, for aooatrnetmg a school building at Craston. Plans and s pacific ttons for earn caa be aeeu at the office of the architect, 884 East Third street: aeparatn blda will he recelted aa follow: Pint, excavating, brick work, nlaeretina. cement work. Iron work. etc. Second, carpenter work, tinning, Iran work, ste. Third, painting. Fourth, nhtmb tat and drainage. Fifth, gtaaa and glaalng. All nroooaal must he accompanied by certi fied checks for 10 per east ef tb amount of the proposal Tba school board rssirvs tb tight to reject any and all bids. THOS. J. JONES. Architect. ,800 WILL be paid tor tba return of tb Jew elry taken from tb reeldeaea of P. C. Dreeeb ar at 1421 H at.. Sacramento, Calv ea the vwalng of Feb. 81, lOT. Commaalrata with Wm. B. KkalaMrg, poatofflca boa 88, Sacra- menra. cat. . wiijiott springs mineral water. - 82T Stark at., between Sixth and Be Tenth. Phone Pacific 1868. Elmer J. Wallace, agent. TBB BDDTTILLB Mohair pool has bees post- . ponea nntu aptii nu oa account ex weauar. J. Q. BUBOara, Secretary. LOST AND FOUND. Lost 3,000 Shares Butte Boys Ccnsolldated Mining stock, secaewbrre be twee Mofrieoa. Wsatilngton. Second aad 10th. at. Please , return to Tba Joaraal f flc sad .reenlvs ra- . ward. ,, ,-' . . : . ' POUND A place to hare hah? mattresses raa. vsted and returned aame day , 228 Front et. Main 474. Portiana twr lea-Hair f actory, u. Metsgar, proprietor. tiT A Tiffaar diamond ring, on Sixth St. net ween imroanweaiin did, am union uepoa. Finder notify C. R. Howae, 40 Col lag at. ad receive uoerai rewara.. DIAMOND Pleur-de-Lla pin aet with three dlaneonn; tnmx in rriunuiviwr - ... i.,u. . , Scblllar Cigar a tor. Sixth and Waab lngtoa axe. - PICKED CP A erow tn Colombia, at (snath af Willamette river, lxxz. usu xxam is is no. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED AT ONCsV-8 tare-belt rwrtei wage 1JW Sr OOTUl srewij wm. mvy'J Cooeeret Oa learns bldg-. Portland, er , Bouiwn, ur. WANTED Young man, to 88 yr of at. leant nt to ovrtteinu inenaer; must be' able to operat typewriter and take ehnrthand notea; fine chance for right one, who will be advanced ss rapidly aa ability warrants. Apply advertising dept., fillers Plana House, Waablngtoa and Park streets. WANTED Maleemeai assay make IM u 1180 . per montht some even snorei stock cleea, grawa ea raeervatlnn, far from aid orchards; cash advanced weekly; choice of territory. Addrea Washington Nursery somptny. Top pee. Is a, Waablngtoa. , g ANTED Three reliable solicitors; prefer those was anderatand Inrtaatrtal Ufa Ineer aare; new -position, goad futarsi reterene rsejnirsd. 2u8 Msrqaam bldg. g ANTED sreery eof fa drtnhar to try "Art more rmrree," I aounde for L Boyd Ta Las M I swt at, - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. APRIL 13. HELP WANTKI) MALE. HELP WAITED r EMALJE. I L ll-MSllliU run jvt.t.. " r," : ,, . pAOrrif) 8tatio!ibt a pnnmiti 00, 1US KIT Second et. pbnee Mala 21. We deala-a aad biatall tba moat auxlera aad lmproee4 office ayaumai eosaplet Una louse leaf fUlna derloes. MORS pneltlona for draftamea thaa the action la ran auppiy. vail roc aeecnpuvo cirreiar an architect oral. aiechanteal and aewapaper dr. win. The International Cnrreanondenca Beboola. Office 131 Plftb at.. Portland. 1.00 A MONTH PROTECTS TOO ' Afalaa accident, afrkneaa and death. Write or call and laeatlat. North we. tree Health a Accident AaaeHstbm. Boom 81, 268 Stark at. Areata wanted. MRN AND WOMEN to tears the barber trad ki alfbt weat a; manatee earn rrom ia 1 1 f38 weekly: expert tnatractorst catalone free. Moler Hyatem of Cullecea, 3 North Poartk at Port land. j . -, , WANTED Aa able aad agiraaalra aalaetaaa aecnatomad to Blft-claa propoaiiionai in rUrht man will be fl.en an opportoalty to work Into aametblna better ta a. abort tlBM. Address H 168, eare JoorsaL ETC SAL tnod aiea to prepare for poalrlona ta the aoTerament aerricei now m ne neat nme to becln. Look ahead. Write for form 172, Pacific Btatea Scboola. McKay bids'., WANTED Brhjht boy. about la yeara old, for office Work; enewar owa naaawruuw, iTltir referencee and abona sum bar. Addraaa If 1T8, ear JoaraaL WANTED Brlabt, repatable aoUrttore. Bplea- 414 propoattuia. uau aw an aeuerimn. su for Mr. Bareye. ' 8ALE8MRN make bit awaay worktna tor a aiperieace anneceeaery. racme . - ctatlon. 324 Lambar Exckause bldf . . Port mad. Oreaoa. '- " 8TBDENT8 of the International Oorreepondeoee acbcobi dralrtn practical experience ere rw J nested to llat aameaal oar local of flea, 14 McKay bnlldlna. - 0P.B0ON CHAIR CO.,1 1100 Macadam road. Portland New factory jnai siarims aao want rood chair mea and beyai good band aawyer, at eoce. . . v - WANTED Reliable boy tor draaatnrei one with wheel nrererraa. Aioerx tsarw,- u drastlat, 2S Vaahloftoa at. MEN and boy wasted to learn phimblnr, plas- tonns, nrlctiayint. eieciricni rraoeaj iie ratakicae; poaltlona secured. - Coyne Trade cboola. New lock and Baa PraacuMo. WANTED Mas to learn to opera t motion pie- tare; easy work; salary 90. iwme aaa parUrslars caU room 8. 140 Blxtb at. WANTED Tonne men to etody telearaphy) paaltloo at ooa wires waea eompeieoi. Oreroa Collec. 808 Commonweal tb bids-. ACTIVB man to sail and eolleeti mast fornlab horae and traaoa ana surety ooou. . ova new bxtoa at. WANTED Two strortf boys. Modern Ooafaav tlooary Do., latn ana uoyx eia. BOTS 14 to IT yeara of aa waated at once. Apply to Old. Warrmaa A King. - WANTED Boy la furniture factory. BOO North 11th at. ION PAINTER wanted. Apply Berger a Bon, 884 Xamblll. WB get work for our mem beret special saeoj. ga. X. at. u. a., nana ana ". WANTED Good rellabla boy. Joaaa Bookstore, 21 Alder at, BOY and mattress maker wasted. IS 10th and Front. . . . rwA MiMhM m WmaehnLA anectaltleet - few , hours each day will bring good rararaa. , Sttt Third at. MAN or atrang boy orer IT to drtr expraas . oa ah area, aaareas a 110, car . want earoMtarlna and eradtna: aire dantlatry - aad typewriter. Call room B, U Waab- tngtoa at. WB tia opening for apprentice with aome eitiertence en type, alao atock-cntter. Ad draaa D 174, ear. Journal. WANT Ell Carpenters. 8 00 for boars: ssab . nd door maa, 82.00, 10 boor worki board, 84 per week. North Bead. Or. 1K0 WILL buy lntereat la real aetata offlra. j save nine years .ipmeiw m - 88ve Blxtb et., near Pine. WANTED Ooat-maker: good pries paid, A. 8. rranit, ruts ana otars. BOY wanted for work after school; mast have a wheel. 14BH First at room as. BRIGHT boy to learn the trade ef plating Oregon rioting worse, bewsw-j. WANTED Steady boy to seara tba eska trad. Apply 114 RoascU st. , TOOL sharpener nd blacksmith. Apply Phoenix tone fJo., aw rauug oius. WASTE D Good-ebted bop. P. J. Cronla Oa., 148 Front at. BOY WANTED Wa want s neat bright, an. argetl Boy nor ugnt oeuryri ... worki good opening. Portland Bead Company. WANTED A hoy for work tn library- Apply Public Linrary, oevaaiu ana eisr. wi. WANTED Oo tmsker: high est price paid, - A, 4. jfraoit, villa ana sisn wm. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Saleswomen ' Mpman Wolf a Oo, requlr TpeHenced . .tl a.n. itiHnM. Peemeneet poaltlona and best salaries, Apply to auper- lnteodent. , . MUlIncry Bxaeriraced mllllnary aalaeweraea at one. Apply to uprlntBdeat, ..Wolf a Co. - . ,. reyrolred Lipi WANTED Exranienced preaaera en ladles' gar ments, st East rortisaa (leaning and 1T Works; good wagea to right . partlea. .. Grand avenue. 148 a GIRL to do chamber work and kelp- wait on tabl In prlvat boardlng-bouaa. 188 Fifth treat. garmenta; good wage and pcrmaaent no . iltloa for right party. Berlin J) Work. 1ST aeeond at. OIRLS WANTED Operators to work aa shirts and oTsralla. Leasons glvea to tnerperleored. Apply t Standard factory No. X Oread ave. and Beat Taylor at. - WANTED Young mdleo to atady telegrphy poaltlona at good waaas wbes (mantled. Ore- gOB tMiewe, we ..K.A.M ..w mhIIIm mt tmmt. uI.m promotion rapid If Satisfactory, V 168, ear journal. HANSEN'S LADIES" AGENCY, 8481, Waatv Inttoa st., roraar Seventh, snstalra. Phon Mala SOVX. female naip au Jacket and aklrt band wanted ta aewlnt-rooes at one. Apply to Olds, Wortmaa A st log. V, m I. I Biir I mine S " - " - - work; family af two, aa tklldrsa, 171 North SM at. ' arltlA omaitad arork ta aapaebog factory, Apply st P, C Stettler, eurnat MKh aad bllaaa (la. j . XOUR teeth rlaaaad for 1 a year; aoltcitors wanted. CaU between 8 and 4. lal Poartb at. WANTKD Qlrls to la maocaroul. Apply lu N. Blxtb. - HIRTMAKRBS waated. Jacobs 8bnt Cw. 2l H mark at, ' , 0IBL8 WANTED Apply Standard factory Ma. a. urana are. aaa seat layior at. WANTED Two etrong girls: eteedy factory worki good wagea. 68 N. front at. WANTKD tilrl to gaoaral baosawora 188 I. 1.IB .V. . , SALESGIRL waated; 18 to 18 reference re quired, so N. aixta at. WANTED Compatewt help la draaamaklag, akm aa apprentice, uib atoaigomery a. JACKET and skirt bands wanted at eaee. Apply to Vlda. Wort maa a King. WANTED Girl for housework. Good wagea. Apply sos 'lasts at. IOUNO gb-I to assist to housework pert at day. as i-ocretia st.,- oppoaita hiu WANTED Yoang lady clerk . In our- store. Swetlaad a, 278 Morrlsea at. - . WANTED O Iris to work tn bindery. Apply today. Loofa Clark Book Co.. on Blxtk at. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. IND11HTRIAL SOLICITORS Onr certlflcatee, 8 to 00 1 yeara, far abaaa el OM iroei easier to write, larger cwnrolsatone, aa lapse to mak goad: ap lend Id fatara for two or three earnest men and women. I'Blon Prorldent Leagne. Til ford bldg, 10th and Morrison eta, Port land, Oregon. WANTED Amafeor and prafaestonal actor and mnalclana, etc.; big salary room 8. 18 Vt Blath St., WANTED Mea and women of good taste to try Ardmore Oof re. 8 poanaa lor l. nora Tea Co.. 80 Pint at. . HELP wanted nd anpplled. male or female. R, O. Drake, 206 Waahmgtoa at. fscirie tinu. 8TTTJATIOV WANTED MALE. WANTED Position aa stationary engineer by at her man. wits 10 yeara ataaay eemce. Addreee Engineer, IIS) Pint st Phone Pacific 848. MAN and wlfa want position Is camp aa cooks. Doth being nret-aiaea eooaa. aoorsaa a 11a, care Journal. EXPERIENCED maa bookkeeper, timekeeper: security. Addraaa Q ITS, eare Journal. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wanta one-half day work. Addraaa N 108, car JoaraaL PAINTING and saparnanatng dona: will take goods hi exebance. Addraaa P 170, JoarnaL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Locgtng camp and farm help a apeelalty. Sft North Second at. Phon Mala a20. Wa pay all tri -graph chart ee. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OPPICB POR MEN. 84 Worth Seaoad at. Pbone Mam IBM. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OPPICB, (0BH Morrlaoa st Pnoae Pad fie 88 8T North second at, Phone Pacltla 1800 GERMAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT CO. fur nish ee male help ef all kind free. ISA I Bsraald et. . Pbone Mala 8488. a K. EMPLOYMENT OFFICB Help furnished free to employers. S3 N.- Id. Phone 870T. WANTED AGENTS. AOBNTS If yon ar looking for a money make tt will pay you to call ea aa. We save wnat you nay oven enoain lor. sumera' Supply Oo, 811 Buehaaaa bldg., Shd Waablngtoa at. - ,20 A WEEK Erpenaea advanced; man ar . woman to mm lor minnucww uu point agent for boasebold aeceeslty: good pay for borne work or part time. Cleglsr Co.. 821 Locust at.. Philadelphia. Pa. - AGENTS WANTED Can yoa sell grybr If . so wa need you. Complete outfit frerareb weekly. Write for choice of territory. Cap ital city raorsery uompany, saiem. ur.r- . ONB hustler la each tow er locality to handle medicines or soap: writs quick ( Bag seoaey. it. M. rrammer, sou Tniru aa. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Roeaee. eottagas. flato. tor, offices, rooming booses, etc ua. lords will do wen to call oa PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON. Pbone Ex. 72. 8. B. Cor. Id sad Osk. WANTED Furnished boose wher Vettlnt of part er rooma win pay rear; raierenasa given. Addreee M 167, car JouraaL WANTED To rant or 6 room for three grown people. East gisu. WANTED A email houae oa carllne, with tar dea and fruit. Address T its, ear Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED 80 to 160-ecre ranch, aear rati or water transports tkia, partly improvea, with in 28 miles of Portland; must bo cheap. Give price, location and full ' description. Palmer, sol Buchanan bldg. . IP TOO ar the owner of smell screege with in or H mil et carllne and want to selL let me know a I want to buy. State price and location. A 167, care JouraaL WANTED Lot about 40 or 80x80, with eg without honee, west side, snath of Morrison, weat of Fifth; give location, lowest price. Addraaa Bayer, B 178, care Joornal. . CASH for two lota In Piedmont, fronting east ar north; must he a ha raa In or no atteotloa gives. Address Z 172, ears JouraaL I WANT cottars, cm ta. not to exceed t.000f refer good location; aa agent need apply, lata 8202. IP yon want to sell quick. Bat with V. Pacha, rllV, Morrison at. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTBD Gentleman to place ttorka blgh-clsss financial propoaltloB. Address D -173, car Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. . MAIN 86(16. OASrl, 8ND txm OP IT, . . , '. FOR FURNITTTRB. : .- PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, 3U FIRST ST. -MAIN B6B8. - MAIN 668. WANTED Furniture snd bouaehold goods of . every deaerlptloa bought, sold and xchagd . The 8. 132 Ftrat aL Mala 6374. I WB haul dead bnrsas sad euttl tree.. Oregon Fertiliser Works, or notify Carney' Vetert aary. Fourth sad Ollsa at. Maui 1068. CAN aa 15 000 worth fumltur tbht week ! tilrh . . av m a. 1.. vsa priw. r- h. , m. - - - - Co. Pacific TPS. WB WILL BUT, SELL OR TRADB ANY OLD THINO. W'TTERN SALYAOB CO., 827-628 WA8HINOT0N. PACiriO T8. - CASH for household food. Savst A PenaaH, $48 847 First sL I'bon Pacific BOO. HIGHEST cash price paid for all hind seconded hand roon-a. rnono aiainr-?Mi W H. Third, Have you . failed , to make money in renting furnished I rooms or ., keeping boarders? Very likely you have unless you are a good adver tiser. Journal advertis ing brings the right kind toH boarders. Rate one 'cent a word. . ; PINB famished suite, piano, foraaea. eleatri lie-tit. porcelain bath. Inquire gul 10th, ear. Is lor. POR RENT Large front room, enltable for two geatlemea: none other seed apply, 088 Sixth at., aear Great. - TUB OLAD8TONB. Bit Barter at. Nk-e clean fura,lsbed rooms, aln, la or doable, from tl.24 per wee If sp: free pboaa, gaa aad parlor. THB RICH ELI ED, 8S14 North Sixth et. Ele gaatly furalabed; ataam beet and hatha. THB GRAND, an H North Third at, for gentlemen. 1.28 par week and an. THB STEWART Housekeeping and tarnished rooms; transient and single. todVk Waab. EI. BOA NT room a. slnrla er en suits, near Hotel Portland. 188 Seventh at. Mala 486a, THB ARCADB. 14414 First St.. aear Morrlaoa 1 Paralsbed rooma, 20 to II ; transient. PCRNIBHBD rooms near city belL II par week ; free bath aad phone. 122 Fourth st. ROOMS AND BOARD. TUB CARL ETON The moat desirable family hotel In tba rltyi It has the location; wan fiwnlabed outelda rooma, etntle or ea ealtai steam beat, hot and sold running water in rooma, aad the beat table board thai caa be fonnd anywhere. TL Mala 81 M. Corner IStb and Alder sts. WBLL famished rooma with board! aeoderat convenient: reasonable rates; a-entlamea pre ferred. 441 Jefferson. Mala 8426. . . .. ROSEDAI.B (the Burrell aetata), 404 earner 10th and Madison, just opened; everything firet-rlese. Newly turn Is bed throat bout. MINNEQDA INN. 8T8 Ysmblll ate Ntes steam bast, anleadld mea la. gar. - month; aeir manageaianti noma cooklag NICELY furnished rooms with board at Tb 1 Chrysler, 8H8 Taylor etvi also table beard, ' 84-00 per week. . POR RENT nOCSEKEEPIXO. 11.80 WEEK TIP Large, eleaa faratobed boeee--keeplng-roeme. Isuadry and bath. 184 Bher ' maa at., aouth, Portland. 11.28 WEEK UP Cleea Farambad boaaakeap. Ing-raoma. parlor, bath, laandry, farnaa beat. ayara. 2031 otantoa u v ar THREE furnished front booeekeeptnx-roome! . gaa. Inquire room 48 Unloa blk 8114 first at., corner Surk. . FOR RENT Unfnrnlsbed hooaekeaptng-rooms: . walking dlatasee from poatofflc. Apply 804 Sixth et. FURNISHED or partly furnished hoswekeeplag moms; raa. bath and see of plan. I'soo Main 1031. 178 North 12th at. FURNISHED ar smfnrntshed booaekeeplng. roome; free bath sad phone. 171 North l2tb. HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS, electric lights sad pbone, 2 per weak. 101 H Water at. THB MITCH ELL Housekeeping and transient aaaoaaua. aeeenia aaa rataaera am. TWO nice housekeeping rooma, reasonable. Phone Eaat 471. . - ' TWO suites hoaskeplng rooma, rant 110. Suit 242 Madlaoa at- Mala nan. 1SOH OWEN .Apertment beuaa; furnished housekeeping; nne ana reesoaanie in prare. 10 TRREB furnished rooms; gas plats, steal range, sis ne renin st. aaam aosw. FOR KENT HOUSES. LAROB 10-room houae. 101 12th t.; corn rf CoBemhls at. ; hot and cold water la nedroesna, 1 porcelain bathe, furnace, ate. This resl . dewee sen he leased for a term of yeara. fur- ' nlabed or anfurnlshed. Por part leu la re call on Donald O. Woodward, agent. 104 gerund at, Aiomner Bxcnange not. xei. mam xaou. GDARANTEED ss sdvertlaed. We gas rant er eell roar honaea. raoma. flat, emcee. - etores, farms, acreage, total list now lor eastern edvertlsing. 804 Mohawk bldg. WB rent ssd ssU pianos. a Oo. . . Shsrmsn. Clay FOR RBNT. 118. Tul Baat llat St.. T-roaca T-ROOM honee, bath, gaa 88 18th St.. near jerrersoa t. rben Mala oOoo. J. BnlUvant. POR RENT t-mom twhtaga, 480 11th at. In quire Blnrora tiro., ia rroat at. FOn RENT FLATS. 8- ROOM modern flee, partly furalabed. 840; rent rzn; gone; piae tot roomer; snap) tn. 2S214 Clay aL - . THB WEATHER ' '. . ' NEW modem 4-roota anoer flat near namantaa hospital. Apply Tit Overton st. POR RENT A modem 6-room flat; cor, Burnalds snd 18th.. Pbone East 1588. a, FOR RENT 8-room flaL BOO Montana B.-S. oar. . OTfc, 4-ROOM tm-bat4 flat, ap to dabs. Drug Co, First and Sherman eta. Oaatp FURNISHED HOUSES. 1ST IYER ST 6 roomat partly fare la bed: good chicken and garden place. Call for psrtlru lara, Applegate, pbotographer.. 1 N. Sixth St. 10 Three-room famished gat, close 1st no new. rnoue saai 100 1. m aeventh St. DESIRABLE oarner bouse, Sunnyalde, 1 block from carllne. m. C. Minor, 1008 Belnasat at. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICE-ROOMS, snfnratisee) noma sad sen. pie-rooms for rent, Good sough bldg. Aponr smvaur. 1 ,. POR RENT One, tw or three Urge office room, suitable for Job printing office or ether lines. Inquire Portland .Gaa a Blcyal iu, iai eirst ea. - , STORK and beaement, new brick bldg.. Madi son at. pel. Third and Fourth; rant rassan able. - Inquire Xeonesae hatal, ' Fourth nod niaaisoB. POR rent or lease, a rood storeroom. Be Mo- oretor, tn barber, 2. to lamhiu et. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNTTURB FOR 8 ALE. MEW furniture of modem 4-room apartment, private entrance, close : soluble for bachelor apartraeaia. rseui so. . FOB SALE Nle 4-ronva green houseboat, air- ty rurnianeo; osrgsin. root nay Id. Sign above door "For Sale. ,. FOB SALE Furnltare of 4-room flat: houaa modem; rent reasonable; 8 block from post- oiiic. swy, aeveats eu .. IS-ROOM koase to rent and new furnltare for aale: vary nice location, sue block from- Mor rison st. high achooL. , By awaer. Pbon Mala 0020. - WB buy and sell furniture. . S28 First at, t-non Pacific IK70. WB need faraltnr at any price. - Portland Auc tion Kooma, 211 rirat at.. Main snoo. 10-ROOM houae, furnltnr for sale: must aell. aa partlea leaving town, ann iarrnma, St. a SNAP New faraltnr af T-rnota hen for aale at s bargain. 884 Front L ear VBreaansssM ajaaasaua awsBsasnBssswensssBU FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. POR RENT Bam 20x24; fog ssls, wagons with dirt boxas nd barneee; 16th and Colum- . bla sts. Inqulm 179 14th st. Msia now PASTURE at cent per day, m miles west of City perk, on names mag, aosepn aatcnei. BUSINESS CHANCES. BARBERSHOP, cbstrs, modem, wen fur. slsbed. good aaaaa. W. C. Winks, 40 La sa ber Exchange. . - tflftO IT-ROOM newly fnrnlabed. must sell thm . weak 1 war leaving riir. raw rKuiiioM SEVEN new fnrnlabed rooma, 80S, 14 Ptne at 80SO; rent 8-ej, tiu ano tTaoe wiia owner, GOOD comer asloon for slr good location I IBVeailgaie lUlS linaeraiaieiy. , meuMuw, WANT party with Bl.soo for btrhgrad nisg - sains publishing boataee. Adilree 0 174, gar Journal, 1C07. BOOMINO-HOUSB , BAKOA1M1. 1100. 8 roams, aleely furnished; fin locatloa aa Sevan Ut at.; net laconic 11.60. ( H.v). 28 roemh sad boarding, nicely furalabed. Cheap rent, clearing l0 per month. . , .1.2..0. , ST raoena. ahvara - full, good fambutag. I glsariag 128 per montht toaaa. 10 room an Washington at., newly fur. nlabed; 8-yet leaeo; cleara 1H pa month; 88 room aa A&iiPtL, baat location, Al faralablnra; rent cheap, TUB VETERAN LAND CO., ' ' , 168 Third St. , v '.lanufactnrliiir Site at a Snap A manufacturing alt at a great bargain; a railroad at Mt. Johns, ground luOaliO. with 2-story bnlldlna 80x100 with L 40i; tba beat buy tn 8t. Johns; prior 8,800. with lama; worth l,000. COLT IN HENDERSON, . . . - , St. Job as. Or. . CONFECTION EBX . e ' .-, AND 1 ' ' ICB CREAM. ' , 0a Washington St., doing a husmesa of ri0 to 78 per day I leans, rhsap rent; swell set place is towa sad cheap; Oil la 6 bar gain; price 2.0oO. , - THB VETERAN LAND CO., . , 16014 Third at. i HOTELS OCR SPECIALTY. It your hotel Is to ssls, la sr ost sf the city, bring it to aa snd w will procure s Circhaser without publicity. Bstsreuee Hotel ea' Aaaoclatloa. P. L. AUSTEN a CO., . , Original Hotel Rmksre, . Salt 122 to 126, Ahlnatoa bldg. ,,, : Phon Mala 838. , a CRACKERACK stork hardware, sash, door a4 Implamentai price, inciamng aaiiainas. 88.000 cash; no trade conaMered. Oot ta glee sp easiness en account health. If yoa dealra a so4 business, here la yonr etiaaca. Do ant answer anleaa yos meaa bualaaas, , Addrgas awaar, D 184, eare JouraaL Restaurant Pins saestlon, doing a gusmntead business of 840 to 850 per day I stock snd fixture will Invoice mom than price asked; owser Is sick snd most sell; cheap. Call . I68V1 THIRD BT, ROOM A. ' FOR BALB OB TRADB Hotel Baleev, 108 muse rrom rwrusa oe eosin. " -modem np-to-dste boose, newly famished! baa goad commercial trad. Addrea Betel Uslsey, Haleey. Or. ( CTT thm ant and bring tt with yen. I here s iama a. to a mannfaetar tng eomnaay'a atork: mecbanlca basins email amounts to tercet preferred: of fie open Sat. arday eronlnga. Apply U WaJ. Peter ' ksaa. 818 Commercial blh. CHANCE for party with aome capital a in- eeat eenessimt leaai runei acoosn ossv fsernrlne eoscera In Coast ' territory. N competition; easy sslea; big profit oa Invest ment snd good wage on read. Address for Interview, V I TO. ear JoarnaL - WANTBD Experienced men to th markat business-outter, egg, nan, pouicry aaa am cerlea to tska on half Interest for a llttl moaevt sood man esa do well: central toe ' thm. email expanse. Deal with owner, S8 1 Fourth aL, near YambllL laveetlgate. ON ' account of sickness sad going seat we one., evil ea . , , . ,m -- , offlcea alealy located, aear Third aad Stark; It you aave aww sou wev . . , .um. . . , ... 1 1 W .. goon, bowu1b ewmwi . 6R0 INVENTORY, part tlma, takae wait-pay B Clsr, ,.ir, 1 .,. j , p.u.,. , -- atork, aphmdld fixtures, mat 12: store aad rooma; must evil, aio raiting ei., ie nww Iswa oe Alberta car. A NEW saak and donr factory In an f 'th best amoral and enterprising www rn tne o-aie; well altnated for both wboleaal and retail trade; s bargain If takea soon. w. r. mm cock, Nswberg. Oregon. GROCERY, aplendld lemtlna) good cleea stock mi SAlns n. vine Business: cneao real I wit living room: ram epnortanlty; about 11.200 rsquirwo. ,lv weens waue gun oaijis ai esivw-f 1--1 wm. anet 40, will sell for SJOU, siuwei new ana In A-l condition, and aae Dayton computing cat almost new, IA6. 4T7 WUllama are. SHARES In a him bar eoc-peny with milt and a nice tract ef pine timber for aale very cheap; a axoay maker, lost Onion are., nortn. . aara MONBY Aartbtsc ta artnttng re Mad den, Odd FaihMrar Temp, ptnt aaa aissv ata. epstsim. - : - cejTATTRANT for aale eheani good Vocatlo aad no opposition; a aaoney-maaer tor maa aag wire, aooreea. a . tea. ournsiu SRfinilT and meat markat. good lomttna. doing good nasineaa. aaaraea owner, 0 lis. cere journal. " FOR BALBCarpet cleaner, beat, lsrreet, moot up to sat in tna city; wui eiaou navoicei a snap If taken st anc. -Address B 174, esre JouraaL . r 1 ARB you looking for g business opening If eo, sommonKata wits u 101,- cam eournau. BOOMINO-HOUSB for sals. 408 East .Salmon; no agents. Phone Bast BtXJg. . , . . POR BALE 10 shares Oak Amassment 0a. . . - . - n it. . aiocn aiuui ee " mw wwhb. LAST (hasc to sacum good permanent poatttoa with the H topers oc in worn. . aueoix wr quam Mdg. ' GROCERY Store aw weat aide; good location; mnat aell account of stcknsse; price I1.2U0; .' will Invoice, as ruxtn at, aear riae. ONB HALF Interest In up-to-date livery, feed and sale bam, close In. oa weat aide; salary ,la conuectloa; price 1.200; will take Und la exchange.. siH aixts si, sear nne. CLEANING and repair shop: well known; tie - slug Bore ana wngou; owuur nuTum. awe. . Room 10, gosvt wssBmgton ax, FIRCT-CLASB'aitjer-abop. Ohatr;- very cheep ' st 86B0. Tb i. B. Fomman Co, 181 4j Mor- GOOD furatrnm ef 10-reom bonsa, near city , ., 1. L, . soa. .... 1. . nail, muni in ew, , . - , u.. lswa. fruit trees; price a&0. 242 Msdlsoa St.. Mala saua. GOOD restaurant on buay street; will be told by seated blda; cam and Investigate, ta , Madisoa at. , 27 ROOMS, good furniture, good paying bowse; must sell at once; dlssolvinf partnership. Phone Pscine ibbu. HAVE-you money to invest tn a paytng bual- asest If ao, lavaatlgato. . Id Booth Third at. FOR SALE RE At ESTATE. t-aOOM hooaa- good esrllna, 140, 1 ' 80x200 with smaU beoae, 100. - 80x100 with" 8-room modem houae. 2,000 May urn. -... ' 50x100-with 4-room plaatarad hoasa - yard; (1.000. , r,.. - , . 14V lots In si. John; cbn, rfbe art snaps. . .- t , r- , 1 . ,, 80x100. with S-room sotUgsi ISO) bsUnes Uh ranL ;. BEAVER REAL ESTATE a INVESTMENT CO., 8 snd 4, -odd renown mag., - 141H first SL POR SALE Two fin level lot en Eaat 12th t., SO f-et from Alberta St. csrllns; a snap; arlca ITOn. Two .fin lots an Eaat Harrison rt.. ar path, at less thsn the markat price; this It very deelrsbl property; terms. 40 sere Dear Rose City Park; price per - sera less tbaa moat Rosa CHy Park lota am MlHng for; a anap If taken t once: terms. - KBLIAnLH KKAL, KHTATI Ut;i Room 82 Washington bldg,' 750 43WK1.L reeldence lot on Esst Yamhill gt eheaneat oe street- . : ITTS Belmont t. tot, cement sidewalk, 4 feet snov treetj worm e-". 12.600 6-room bouee la good Belgbborhaod, Mnt Us) Via. with frnlt tree. S.50 Beet 8-ronm bona la city . tog th money I mmj cash. Bag M befol on hrtrtnt elsewbers. V. FAOH HABKIn, Belmont and Baat 28th Sts. ' WILL sn cbeaa (moet teem town) T-roora ho and bam aa ground tOOxloO or an nert thereof: thn M rour chance. . 884 Rod ney ave., eor. asiamors. 600 0B TJP will let yen la ea the ground (In. wtie wsar anasf will double la menthol ,bo sebeaMi ysdr tar yeureelf. A4- ' drass a 174, ear Joaraal. . . 1 ' , . SPECIALS. I. I.OOO. New 4 room boue, all modem Improve Vents; eurner lot builOO, 100 feet 00 bi.aver St., nsar William ave.; 11,600, balauc to ' oIL , II. 8O0. 8-room bouee, lot ooil48, oa San Rafael at,' one bvk TJnloa ave.; a hargala an4 easy terms. 12.608. New modern groom houae on Rslgbt-st, Upper .Alblua. lot 40x100; rrythlng sp t . data; easy Icrwa. , 18.000, Ms lance to cult; northwoat roraar of Wl. llama are. and Shaver et. looxl20 feet of ground: Al V-rnom house, all utudera Isa- ' proveuisnts: lsrg buslneas bullUuig , brings good rental. - Inveetlgate thle. . TUB VElEltAN LAND CO j . lDoVk Tblrd at. DO yon know there I "aomethlng doing at treatism 7 norto, anotn, eaat soa wear ef Oreshamt Do you know Portland sues who are elways on the "Inside" "Best to" tba good thluas that am booked to bappea Boa are quietly clipping out to Greaham and bv veettng thetr tills cash! Now yoa da know Portland man do sot Invest In outride prop erty unless they bars a pointer. Tba fact that sumethlna Is solng to happen may result in the wltbdrswlng from tnimedlste sl the Thompson addition to ueeeliam, which la by far tba finest and cheapest property la and about Greshsm totlay, but until being duly notified that sack hi the decision we will continue to sell this property st present low . prices.- Plats aaa be asen and Information; obtained at the Meltable Heal Its tat Agency, room 12, 270 Vi Washlnftoa L ; Good Investments' In ' ' Vancouver 8.000 Half block. 100x200, ultaba for business property, was block from the Pt office In Vancouver; eo larg bone and ana cottage oa tb place, Thla price hi (or a limited tlma. AI.OOO -hftxlOO feet, good buslneea prop. e, on rourtb et., Vancouver, right la th csajter of th bnslness district." NOBTHWESTtKN RKALTY CO.. ". 41 A v w taiuTt x in vevsgt a saej naaaaaru. -wa .404 Wshlngtoa St.. Vsneouver, Wash. List Ycnr Property With L. jVliteman .. FOR QUICK SALES. i. Phone Mala 1812. . : - v A SPLENDID tot on East 26th St. for 8S(v am win Build sny stvi ooitsxs oeairea; pay as 100 down and 128 a month. , MULTNOMAH BUILDING COMPANY, ' . 170 Itark at. C. R. Dcnnell & Co. REAL KSTATB. V r ' Room 12. 168 Stark St, QUARTER block st 17th nd Esst CltntoS) ts.. one O-room ana awe u-reoaa nuaiase, ' full beaement; these am modem; nothlag alcea la Seat Porriand. prim 88.000; ess give terms. See 0 W. Barer. wnar, 84 East Morrlaoa aL. City. - - C. R. Dcnnell andCo. Room II MS Stork Street. ' Por Sale 18.000 modem 8-raom hogs: flna view ef river; sear carllne; 8 very deelrsbl horn! must be cold at one. 1 I HAVE a good T-rsom modem heme, earn st, aaat aath at.. oiocaa 01 nawtnoree -av,, h locks W-R ear; JO0 cash, hs lanes esy. 248 Stark et. ANOTHER BARGAIN tl acre, mostly etoared. good Bona and Bam, tine oil, mnat ga cheap. The Title a Abotraet Co.. reeea 4 MaJtey bldg, Berne ead Morrison ata. East ncrrlscn lOOxtOO, tost cross bridge, most ssQ si tow price. ROOM 80S COMMERCIAL BLK. WB WILL build yon 8 cottage, any sty Is yoa want for gijEim; psy ua szs a month. V MULTNOMAH bl'ILDIN'l COMPANY, . 270 SUrk sL WHY pay rest when yon ran buy new s-room nans a. sp ta sate, in oonorains, on very easy pays sts, from Minor, loo Bt- wont at. FOR SALB st 4 bargain. 18.000.000 feet good saw timber m en r-ony, ae mum out: easy to log, eaay tu railroad. O. B. Addlua, Lenta. Or. Take Mt. Scott car. Sc. T- 2.TB0 WILL buy for a abort ime a chotos corner rot on roriiana neignta, wits view f city ansurnaased: TSxlOO: eaay term. Moor Beeity 00., zon 268 Stork st. 1780 THREB lots. Arbor Lode. 10 doer. S montniy an eaca lot 11 eoia soon; nesr car ' line. If Interested send card. Lv Kabik, 1A78 Oaeonts L, Wood lawn. LOT oa Ben ton at., Shaffer' dd1tloo: a bar. j; gain. Jenoe, Trimbl Trimble, til alar- , quam bldg. ' : - ' T-ROOM house, almost new. floe corner mt. - Between riawtBnrne sno w. at. cam; eaiy 3.000; (000 cash. 248 Stark at. 8-ROOM booae; a Bargain. 808 Montana grew K.-a. car. WANTED Homeaeekera to arrlte to Willamette Valley Real Eetate Exchange, Wood bom. Or, for revised llat of farms. , NOTHING better In Ron City Park tbaa what a I bam for aale. wm pay yon to writ me. P 172. care Joornal. -. 82.600 New modem hones, eocene, larg cioaeni sou coins cess?,, von wvnsvnt bsmps- ment. ga end electric llgtita; cloae to. Call ' Sol Fremont sr telephone Woodlawa 708. . DON'T buy until yoa ee our beryatn. Par farm and city property see tb Beaver steal Xstst a Investment Co., room aad d Odd Fallows' bldg. First sad Alder at. 10 ACRES near Lenta Junction, or will aa rheuge for timber claim, coast Realty ua., 168 Stark at. - ; - ' fl.noOBLOCK ef (Ma, 140 feet frees Mar. goente see.: 10 per cent oows- , uoeex Realty Co.. 268 Stark sL BEAUTIFUL furntahsd 8-ronm modem home. furniture part new; new piano; Bat rosea la aeaaon, ail Allaky bldg. FAXON PARK lots lOOxHM, la cultivation, level and sightly; prices g.inO to 87a. 0, H. Addltoo, LenU, Or.t Mt. Scott ear. 84. POR SALB Fin lot. Booth Portland, cheap. jnqnir kvw rmt ar, or a. a a rranclaoe cars mg worsa, siTh waaningtoa sx. - PINB corner, Vancouver are. and Blendena St., esst front. C. B. Black, owser, 1208 AlMna sm. - Phone Woodlawa 108. POR SALE 8-room bouee; lot BOxltd: tot 111 onder garden. TOO Uarold aL, take Bellwood ' csr, , . . MEW modern Hollsday Park reaidene) poultry , or frnlt lead hi rear) 100x220.. Owner, 788 1 , Baat Multnomah at. , ' A NICE 6-mom houae, POT East 10th st, north, 11,600: terms. SO0 down, 840 per month, T per cent. Trade with awnr In hone. MODERN 6-room cottar, guooretd faewer dh trlctl; 1K0 down, balance like rent. A. P, agmlth, owner, 818 OommereUI blh. FOR SALE West elds, 6-room boose and Int. 10 minutes' walk, from poatofflc: price f 2,600 ' cash, 01 term. Inquire 12 Curry at. 11,876 BUYS 8 flna business lot on Union sva.l .. W0 worth of xovstlaa, den m It,. Cell 810 Union. svs, north. . FOR SALE Modem 8-ronra houae, ham; ground 100x100, choice fruit; at rest a Improved, sewer, . Cs. No. 871 last 18th SL , Pbon Wood- wn 877, .. .. . snap 8-ronm house and tot: mnat sell once; location 247 Holt at., Laumlwood Park? price goou. Aaaree sa lou, car onrnai. POR bargains aae- the Beaver Real Estate a Investment Co.. rooma and 4, Odd Fsllews bldg. First and Alder ata. POR SALE New modern house, 8 room sad sttle, seat side, awell - neighborhood, eloe ' to, cheep; terms. Addraat Q 178, Journal. GOOD 8-room bona aad half acre sf ground la . enod location, st a Darrein, and oa eaay terms. Palmer, BIS Bncbanaa. - v A BARGAIN, On quarter block, llth and Kat Burn , lde; 6.000. Boom 18, Hamlltoa bldg. HOUSE and lot, 12,000; rents u per month. Inqulm 808 Monro L , . 18 LOTS tn Peninsular addition, 118 ark. Ooaat Realty Co., 2.14 SUrk. A 8-ROOM houae, corner lot 80x100, wltk fall basement. Inqulm at 808 Dtvteioa at. ACR1FICB A sere, Woodstock. Improved; flue enlL flna fralL ' 111 Commercial blk. ROOM booae, 11.100; worth LT00; .heaving. Ill Cemmerlal his. I