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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1907)
TIIS OXECOII DAILY JOUXIHAU PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 13, 1SC7.- HER FACE HER FORTUNE GREAT BEAUTY QUEST Poor CIrl Hat as Much Chance of Winning as the Mistress , of Millions. FAM i AWAITS VICTOR a OF JOURNAL CONTEST What It Hm Meant to Pell Carson to Carry Off Flrt Honors la the Chicago ' Tribune Contest PreM ... of 8Ute Greatly Interested. -J Every mall continues to bear witness to the general Interest being- taken throughout the state In The Journal's beauty queat. Although man? photos of beautlfuL women have been received, but a small "percentage of the really beau tiful women are as yet represented. It therefore behoves everyone knowing; a beautiful woman to send her photograph In so that Oregon may be well repre sented In the national contest. If you cannot get the lady's photograph, send us her name and we will try and secure it ourselves. . . . . Do not forget that prises totaling 10 are offered by The Journal, and that the ' poor girl has Just as much .chance of winning them as the mispress of millions. It Is a case of "Her ace Is her fort una" Girls who have won Similar contests In eastern states find themselves flooded with opportunities, whirs every mall brings countless, of f ers of marriage. Take the ease of Delia Carson, winner f the Chicago Trlbuna contest. ' She ii ifsT'i h'gi ffa-i ssj i'-f " -t ritv"--,Trjr-iJ',r a)F frA .t.-i.. ii ffa i h I isi ass i r T itr T i t 1 i i ' Mil r 1 1 ' IT Delia Carson. Copyright by Chicago ' Tribune. y- was a poor girl, employed as a stenog rapher at tit a week. Almost over night she became famous because faer n BIIIiniiatMiws ESSSr A home where you can add many dol-; lars to your yearly, income by raising ? 4 fruits, ' vegetables or chickens,, ' where . every dollar you get does not represent , several hours o unceasing labor?. Then buy one or more '. :'vC::,: Acretinacts ' .. ' " . ' - v ' - . : ...-r. '." J : . ,i . . V . ' i ' ' J t : all ready for cultivation or to fet in fruit, . near, school, car line, with: 5-cent fare andln a beautiful location where prop- erty is rapidly increasing in value. . The price is right. 'The terms are easy.1 O Mai ' . '' ' . . . 303 BUCHANAN BLDG. S 1; M beauty had been made known to the world. Newspapers In every city of this country and Europe 'have printed her Itkeneas. She has obtained a perma nent poeltlon on the Sunday Tribune ed itorial, staff at a fancy salary, where offers of every kind pour upon heft' The Interest 'taken In The Journal's beauty quest Is reflected In the press of the state as shown by the following clippings: ' . Baadoa Beoordsn "The beauty oonteat In the Chicago Tribune Is causing much comment, la the various papers all over the country, and the Portland Journal Is printing the pictures of Oregon's pretty women. The lady f the Windy City Is supposed to reign suDrems over all the woman of beauty, and the editors of Ths Journal are endeavoring "Vo show that Oregon not only has beautiful women, but bas the most beautiful. There la no doubt in. our mind but what Oregon's beau tiful women has the Chicago beauty "aklnned a mile.' and In order to dis tinguish Just whlAh Mi la tha mn.l beautiful. The Journal la going to pui- uau au "i me pictures or pretty ure gon women. If you have a picture of an Oreron . eirl that ,n wmiI iiu A seo In the contents send It to this of- nee ana , ws wi fprward 1tto The Journal." '. The Palmes Beoord. ' .. ThS Oreron Journal haa Inanan. rated a contest to arove that Onion women are the moat beautiful in Amir. lea. This contest . Is now on and, will extend over an Indefinite period, or rather, until the most beautiful Oregon woman haa been found and decided upon by a competent Jury of - awards, ths members of which will bo announced later.' If fSVOrMf with tha nlintna r. any of the local nmi.i ord will forward them for publication in The, Journal.", , ... ' .' Ths SrowasrUIo Times. . hft 1 the most beautiful woman in Oregon? That Is the question which the Portland Journal Is now trying to solve, and to do this It wants ths photo graphs of all the good looking ladles ot our fair state, which It proposes to pub lish and enter In a contest. A Chicago paper claims ths most beautiful woman In America llvaa in YniM w Journal Is determined to show the Chl eagoans that they have reckoned with out taking Oregon Into consideration." ' The Jefferson Bevlew. v "Tf any of the scores of handaoms ladles of Jefferson and vicinity will en ter The Portland Inmal'i ths most beautiful Oregon woman, all they bavo to do "a to hsnd their photo to the Review editor. AH photographs will be returned at tho close of ths eon test. Don't be bashful. Let ns show ths people that we have as beautiful women as can be found In the world." uver aaake -Central Oregoalaa. "The Oreron JiMm.1 i. i n w i - . ..... mm IWU IUI the most beautiful woman In the world and asks mnima t in th. -v...- . bu .11. yUUlIP graph of the one he or she thinks a win- n.r. mi journal tninks the most beau, tlful one Uvea In Oregon. , Bo do we: but after she haa kan ' a.M-a pri.. - - " - A ll-f Journalls going to have the time of Its iv.un it uo res. ox me fem inine world." . ,,-,. JfaMIala Vewe. ' "The Journal has lninrunfal a mm. test to prove that Oregon women are the - most beautiful In Amartna aTkl. conteat Is now on and will extend over an Indefinite period, or rather, until the " bwuiiiui uregon woman Has been found and decided nnrm hv m eniinata. Jury of award , tha mam b era of which Mill W - - , uuuunoai laier. : or one thing there la no i1nnK rt ..- - " -i"" wvmen ri the most beautiful. -The Oregon Journal has taken upon Itself the pleasant duty pre-ina; wiia. i ne ; people are as much Interested In this contest as the paper lUelf; to-fact It Is a contest of u mr in, people. But. above all ui ma auty or loyal Oregon lane to support their claim to having In their midst the wnrM'a mnat women. Here is a chance rh nmn it n- 11 tlma . . mam. j , . lastingly the claim; of arrogant Chicago." , aood miver Vews tetter. - - The most beautiful woman 'In Ore gon. -This Is what we want to find. We believe she Uvea la Hood Rlvsr. There. Is no raatriotin,. t . , . .v AIT lady may be a candidate from the sge h?J.lri donB Ion rees nntll she coddles her great a-rsndchiMra. i. k arma Chicago thinks aha la it a.- hae challenged the United States. Ore gon Is one of them. We have every thing In tha Una at Mhii . . abundance and of a hlahar at.a. than can be found anywhere else la the WOrld-w,hr y we not have the most beautiful woman In tha TTla m... a wu..u DIKWIf We believe we hava If you think your sweetheart, your -wife, your sister, your . r -aay acquaintance is prettier than all -Matin. ... .r class photograph ot ber and send to The avurna, xney wiu do the raat .' THESULLWORTH AMERICA'S GREATEST $2.30 HAT .'V ", f '' A HAT TO FIT YOUR. PACE" a. -aaaaaaaaaaiaBaaa-aaBaaBJBSaaaataBJga ;"'.' .' . ' SOLD ONUY SY E CHICAGO CLOTflMG CO. 69-71 Third St., Bet. Oik and Pine Sti. i Don". Mist It. The grand onenrna? f tk. .-a enlarged Golden Eagle tonight. Every body Invited.. Music, flowers, decora tions, big electrical display and free souvenirs for all. , you mp, invited, APPLY GESNER DECISION TO WILLIAMSON APPEAL United fttatea ClafHnt atta wn Ham C Bristol was granted permission vt luon vwriu si. woiverton yes terday to embody the mandate of the circuit court of appeals deciding against the appeal of Dr. Van Oesner and Mar lon R. Biggs for a new trial on' a writ of error, in tho records In the appeal rt rnnmuim.n 3. M. Wlt.m.A- w appealed to the Vn,ti States supreme court. . . . . Congressman . Williamson appealed to the supreme court on his constitutional privilege as a congressman and on. the writ of error. . Inasmuch as riafanitanta ware nanljwt a naar tl1 Mm the writ of error. Mr. Bristol wanted the aecision 10 appear in me records 01 Wil liamson's appeal. , , , . , . . i i i i i ii i 1 a V, V . Portland Hotel "Society" Circus. ' Engage tables now for Thursday, Fri day and Saturday after -the Society Circus. Main dining room will represent circus and menagerie. -H. C, , Bowers. M'BRIDE'S SPOKANE PACK : CONTAINS STOLEN GOODS - Chief of Polios Grltsmacher has re ceived a communication from Chief Waller of Spokane that ttie bundle stored there by William McBrlde, now under arrest here for burglary, . eon tains stolen clothing. ' . McBrlde also has a VoU In a Seattle warehouse, and the police of the sound city have been asked to make an Inves tigation of the contents. In the police court yesterday McBrlde waived examination on two chargee of larceny and was bound over to the grand jury In the, sum of $1,600. It Is understood that ths prisoner will plead guilty In ths upper court. Milwaukie Country Club. .Eastern and California race a Take Sell wood and Oregon City ears at First snd Alder. , V, Preferred took Caused woods. Allen Lewis' Best Brand. , BELL MONOPOLY May Be Ousted From the State on Account of , Rate Discrimination Special to the Tribune: COLUMBUS. March I Is discrimi nation of rates sufficient cause for ous ter front the stats of a corporation operating under a grant, privilege or franchise which It hss obtained from ths ststsT This Is ths question confronting thoss officials " who are . Investigating the methods of ths glgantlo Bell telephone monopoly, as applied to Its operations in Ohio. That such Investigation la going on at tho present time Is . apparent, end that tha big Bell monopoly Is trem bling aa to the result is also fully es , tsbllshed by those who are in touch with the situation. - That there Is every reason for the ouster of such company from operat ing in the 'Buckeye state, because of its practices and discriminations In rates to those who are using Bell telephone service, now seems to be the opinion of those who moat thoroughly investi gated the queatlon. . A There la hardly a city or town In Ohio, in which the big Bell monopoly Is now operating, that there are not a large number of cases where it may be proven guilty of rats discrimination. That ths investigation now going on Is bound to redound to the benefit of -the people goes without saying. .'' The '"expose of the methods of the Bell monopoly will be far-reaching In its effect and should that corporation show the earns disregard for ths peo ple when such expose comes, aa It has done In the past. It will not be surpris ing If It Is eustsd from all fight to operate la the state of Ohio. . . . .. Some of the various promises made by the Terrific Rates Telephone Com pany in the past thirty years: ' ' ' . j April 14, .1877 The Terrific Rates Telephone Company takes great pleas ure in announcing to the dear public that it will install its new auto-duplex-compound-cathartic; switchboard and spend upward of $500,000 in this city, Ccst service 'assured.' - ", Y- ' ' - '':-:rvy '":;:-: TEN YEARS ELAPSE. . :; -'. x V;,'-,-. ' C2 April 14, 1887--PUBLIC OPINION : The ? telephone serVice in this city has been something awful for the past ten years. L v . . ' April 15, 1887The Terrific Rates Telephone Company take extreme pleas- l ure in stating they are about to install the new mag-no-magnetic-raz-ur-rates- i,win-service switcnDoard. 1 nis expenditure will De upward ot one minion dol lars, and the management assures Portland people better telephone service than they have ever had in their whole lives. Three of our best girls got married last week, and we were obliged to shut down; also our manager was called to Frisco, as Glass had a pain, and, while there was attacked with "brain storm." "Will you walk" Into my parlor T V ' Said the spider to the fly. Msy we bind you -with our contract f Bald the Bell. .- .-, It's the slickest little parlor . - ? That ever you did spy.": '.v' Was there ever smoother contract T Who wttttellf ' ;. 4 "The wsy Into my parlor - Is up a winding; stair." : ' Some contracts have '. Their devious wlndinsjs, too. "There are many pretty things -W t i nat i wui snow you - wnen you re : ; there.' , ... j When (onee you're In, theyTl " ' "Do a thing" to you. ;. J ' With apologies to "The Spider and . the Fly." . ; ' . American Telephone Journal, - ONE TRUST IN TROUBLE V ' From Omaha Paper. , The Bell telephone . trust. . meaning ths great National parent organisation, has Just experienced one of the most remarkable setbacks known In . ths financial history of recent years. It haa met ignominious failure in an' at tempt to float $40,000,000 of a new 1100,000.000 bond issus. Although the company availed Itself of the expert services of Kidder, Pesbody at Cox. J. P. Morgan St Co. and Kuhn, Loeb ft Co., there was no "float" In ths psper. The statement" Is made that subscriptions did not amount to enough to pay for advertising the Issue. . Ths plain truth seems to be thot the parent company has reached the limit of its ability to float waterlogged se curities. Those already Issued aggre gate $400,000,000. Against this vast liability there stand as sssets the psper securities of a great number of subsi diary companies, many of which are In a bad financial waybonded to the ' limit, upon - plants which have ap proached the end of their "life" and are now suffering an enormous depre ciation in value. -Some of the plants In ths newer fields of the west are In good condition; but iri older territory ths plants ere rapidly becoming out worn, and the - necessity for continual renewal hss In many cases reduced or wholly destroyed dividend-paying power. In some Instances In ths Middle Statee bonds of subsidiary companies Vhlch are carried by the parent concern as assets at par are unsalable even at one tenth of their face. .Knowledge of these conditions, on the part of the, investing public induced tbe failure Of the last attempt to In crease the trust's liabilities. . . . (Words and music by Terrific Rates Tel, Co.) TEN YEARS ELAPSE m. 9. BTAjra SBomm uni , ."; : ,.' AVTOICATXO PXOn. ' ' The automatic telephone eervloe Is very satisfactory. For promptness, re liability, eecrecy, clearness of transmis sion, etc. It Is much bstter than any telephone system which we have had the opportunity to use. CHARLES W.' BRYAN, - - Publisher The Commoner. ran .rAnowAX. ' SAsrx o xnr "--coijr; XTjrooiJT, sTatmmAggA.. Ths service of the Automatic tele phone In thia city is very satisfactory Indeed. - As you probably understand, ws -ring up our party direct and when we are through we disconnect our eelves. . The fact Of secrecy Is a great ele ment in business matt era We can hear distinctly; In fact, the people In this city are much pleased with the tele- rhone- snd with the servtoe. Many of hem would not go back to the Bell ven If It were given them free. S. HT BURNHAM, President xx Am ras cxoBtra. We, 1 the undersigned, officials and rltlsens ofVVsnwert, Ohio, recommend to you the Automatic telephone service. It has been in operation - In our cltv three years end has given universal satisfaction. It Is much better and qutclcer, .id In every way superior to the manual service. We cordially urge its sdoptlon by any community that wants the very beat service. C B. LAWHKALS Mayor; H. C. , REDUP, City Auditor; E. C. " BALYF.AT, Superintendent , City Water Worker F. A. OAMBI.R, postmaater; CTJtnK OOOI), Solicitor; W. B. JACK . PON, Chief of Police; C.H. HOEIXE. Board of Safety. , .. Van Wert, Ohio. April 14, 1897 PUBLIC OPINION : Exasperating the abominable serv ice given -by the Terrific: Rates Telephone Company, is a rank imposition on the public, and our City Fathers should advocate competition or insist'upon giving the people something for theif "money. , ; , April 15, 1897--The Terrific Rates Telephone Company is "reorganizing, and have purchased the Kellogg, the Armour & Swift and the Smith fif Wesson factories in the east; and promise the patient public up-to-date telephone service hereafter. The recent slush in our service was caused by watering our stock. The overflow or slop-over soaked our batteries, thus cross-circuiting our wires; .poor service was inevitable, scientifically speaking, but on honor we promise you most; excellent service hereafter. , ,-; '!.!'.-"-','t-f--V:' V ' ; . : ' ": "- '' ',. ;;ten, years elapse ; v y-;'; -v--'; . April 14, 1907 PUBLIC OPINION:' Patience ceases to be a virtue; Of all the rotten telephone service ever handed out to a patient people you certainly can deliverthe goods. Thank heaven we have, the Home TelephQne, up-to-date, new automatic. It is instantaneous and secret and performs every duty the new Independent Company has claimed for it. , v ; . k ' - ' TERRIFIC RATES SING THE lAST VERSE OF "OH, PROMISE ME." - April 15, 1907 The Terrific Rates Telephone Company will spend one mil lion and a half dollars for its phone system, put out five hundred 'men from work, will install the new-mute-multiple-double-back-action switchboard . and place new instruments of torture with every subscriber in place of the old. With this new switchboard we can recite many instances wherein subscribers have been able to tell just who was calling him up, and sornetimes you can" tell what .people are acrttally talking about.? -If will often save you many steps Try Our new-nerve-racking, cut-in-sky-"Oh,' Promise Me" phone, service for 1907. 1 " By the way ! we are thinking about purchasing the Automatic manufactur ing plant; also consolidating with various enterprises. - We have an option on the Standard Oil CompanyJvthe Trinidad Asphalt Beds, the Legislature and the Earthquake Belt. -"'w :;- v. ;. " Vf'-i"--1 October 16, 1907 PUBLIC OPINION:; "Wake-up" Terrific Rates, "your pipe's out." V' '?k'' vX:' : ;:; "" : ft :; "v; :? : "HOME BONDS' Portland, Ore. What Western Telephone Journal Says of Future It i only a matter of time when the , whole North American conti nent will be gathered under the banner of the Independents. . . No movement in the world's his tory has a brighter outlook than the one in which yon are engaged. It hat passed through the stages of doubt and difficulty. , It haa survived the attacks of the monop oly and its creatures. . '"The mighty wrongs and petty per- - fidy. . - The loud roar of foaming . cal ornny, .v-- '. , " ' The small whisper of the paltry V few, . - - -. i', ': And the subtler venom of the rep tile crew." ; -v It only remains with courage and confidence to carry on the work until every citizen through out the land shall be supplied with this means of converting with bit fellow-men. I do not tee why, at the most conservative ettimate, the Independent development should not reach 10 per cent of the en tire population within the next few years. This will require an invest ment oLapproximately $600,000,000, and of this you may be sure every dollar of this money will afford a far more remunerative inveatment than aa if the tame amount was put into railroads, electric lighting or any other public utility. Do not be pessimistic about the future. . As you provide the facili ties, the people will reach out for kthem. not many years since wise men in the Dominion parlia ment predicted that the receipt! of the Canadian Pacific railway would not pay for the axle grease. To day we find two more transconti nental . railway t hurrying forward construction in a' race to connect the Atlantic to the Pacific. Thia is only one illustration of how we may ahow timidity in estimating the poibilitie of the future., (NOTE.- The foregoing was read before the recent Illinois state convention. Mr. Dagger is tele phone expert to the Dominion House of Commoni select commit tee on telephone systems, Ottawa, Canada. EDITOR.) HOME TELEPHONE SECURITIES J CAN BE PURCHASED AT THIS OFFICE LOUIS. J. WILDE, EXCLUSIVE AOEaZT Lafayette Bldg. Portland. Or. There Never Has Been an Automatic Telephone failure " nir n ixviKxli 'raMbt wmr m-Tmnum-raxnon nwn o sMarm. r n ompaar tnC it aafa, staals sad arafiUtla, sod whs M aa etas adoat k tba ladcpMdrat talrtts coaipulaa la tba Mtemtat el tin: S. D. Akrna. Ohio. Allratowa, Ps. Aahara. Ma. Anhnra, N. T. ' : !. Simla Crak, Mkk. Tr Fall. Pa. ELLIaOHAM, WASH. Butta, Mont. r.llllae. Mirk. ', III. i rhtraao. 111. . v dharaa, aTasaa. M Cnlnailma, Oa. Colombo. Oklo, P.Ton. Oil to. ' , CiMTU, COLO. , T.I F-aaa, Ttna . Rnaaa. Pa. rail fUtwt. Maaa. Grand Raplda, Mich. II a. t Inaa. N.B. . Raraaa. Cab. -., Pa. ' Holland. Mick. HonklnarUla, Kf. Jttnaalww, Ark. Ua Raatoa. Mlaa. Iwlaton, M. tucour, tin. Vtm AaalM, C'aL MaarkMlar, Iowa. Martaaaa, Cska. Martaa. lad.. . Mtdford, Wk , Mlaaikiharg.. Obla. Mt. OUT.. 1U. - Naw Brdfora. Mats. Oakland, Cat Oan Park. CaU OMAHA, HIS. Pratwaiar. Mick. Portland. Ma POSTLAlrD. Ot. Prlnratnn. N. 1. Rlrkaaond, Ind. RlTaraMa, Cal. . Rorhaat.r, Pa. Rn.hTlll. lad. AM ClJOft, CAL. Baa rraaclaoa, CaL flaata M on Ira. CI. . Saatona, Ha.k., Caa. Hiona C'lir, lowa. autth Hnil, InA. rOKANE, Vit!, 8iu-liivf k4. Mo. St. W-rya, '.. TACOM A. Wl.i. T-nlo loo, C.a. Trar.raa I iij, jn, B. I rhana. I I. V.n Wart. r . VfitLA VLi.A, V . ii. an, V ia. V. t.rlr, R. I. v Hiiitnaion, 1-. owlalork, K. !., C'B. COMPARATIVE STATEMEUT FROM AUTOMATIC TELEi ;:::,2 C ; -' Loj Angeles, Cal., fcr4Yc:r; 1901 flmaa Baralnra... Mat aarninaa.. 1S01 Or Hat 1M flraaa Kat Karnlnsa... Karnlnca... Karnlnca.. Earn ft ft... ... M , . . k aft no iim.0711 no SN.RM CM I 1.142 00 Una aim on 1901, lhones in Operation 2000 ikh Omoa r'iMa N 1 aK ft"-, .... N'.t l.r.. alt nHt , . . . 4 - "-i ' n