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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1907)
THE , OREGON'' DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. APRIL 18 1807. r. Other Classified Ad vertisements will be found on pp.: 18-19. NEW TODAY.' .WAREHOUSE PROPERTY j We ' will consider ' any rea sonable offer on corner lOOx U0O, close in. If you .want to rent we will build to suit FOREST GROUE U SEEKS: LAURELS .'.'.'''"., ' Pacifio ' University Debaters Go j to Meet Washington Unl ;.'; vertlty.Team."'. v (Special Dispatch to The JoornaU ' ' Pacing University, Fort Grove. Or., April 18. Th paelflo university debat in team. ,C A. Allen. H. W. Sparks and H. XL Wltham, lett with Coach J. ; MOORE REALTY, COM ... ... ? j ' ' 268 Stark St. A Modern Office Building '.THE BUCHANAN" . Washington Street, Bet. Fourth ; and Fifth. Best . offices in the city, ranging in price from $15 to 130 per month. Elegant Suites $25. $40. and $55. All modern . equipment. Light, heat, water and janitor service included with above price;1 'Al elevator service. --Portland Trust Company1! Oregon , Southeast Corner Third and Oak t-1 ' Phone Exchange 72 - MARRIAGE. LICENSES. , , Walter ImU, M, end Mur . .'Ons Herdu, Oraeon City, tT, lattheff. IS. Alex Oellers, Bongo,. II. ssd Nettle IT. end SmtHe rns, 94. Weddlne? Carria. w. n Nmif k a rw kftoa bldg.. ivmi reertk ssd Waeblnxtoa itt. - Tonseth Ov. klnea. oM Sink at florists, for- Omit sc aS - Clrxe Brrov, Ttortato-rtae Dowers sad thwal deela-as. ta korrteea st , ' raU taa aalta far feat, an eiaaa. . CaJeeo Tailoring Co., sot Stark at. MEEXIXCt NOTICES, j ' A. X. WKBPOOT CAMP MO. SB. w. o. W.. BMrta rrldar .- nhrht la til, W. O. vf. temple, US lltk at. Mat- tare of lmaortaaee - will eoiae np aad all nmbnt are requested to ke irnenti . . Vndtora wrlcnine. - FRANK MOTTKu. 6. 0. babbub, inri. . i DHAIiX CARBOLIC ACi3 . TO EliD IIIS TROUBLES . . i i i i John H. Williams Commits Sui cide at Farmhouse North- , ' east of Vancouver. - It' V. Sparks. , Weaiey. Ott for Seattle thla morning, where they will meet the University of Washington in the third annual ooatest, April li.. They -will debate the ques tion. "Resolved, That the beat and moat practicable method of upbuilding the ? HELP ; WANTED MALE. WANTED Bey:. aot havs ' whaaL Kae't Pharmacy. Portlsod Hotel, Sixth aid Mor tlMa ata. , .. - - . H. tsBkarat. OaU 1M Sereatk at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LAPT taaehaia taa Bpteeopal Cbtnaae aMoa, jm Taylor ti: .tFht achool :SO. Apply Ml BUtk at. from T:80 te WANTED Lady TaaraMkar to auke 'vaeta ta the akop or at kaeM. xM Ooodnoaek Md. If a yoaog lady artekaa a write ta If 171. eare Joaraal. toed keaie please OPBRATOBS on pants wasted. OoaateawaelUi biit. Ooldatals, BOT SITUATIONS . WANTED FEMALE PkACTlCAL asm . weats' ettaaMnat eoaftno . BMnt caaaa a apaelalty) keet ratarraoee 10 yaanf aaparlanee. Paaae . ktata t3L 1M Axthar at. FOR RENT HOUSES. OB mIT -room plan. ITS Moataaa ate.. alee errbard ea 1 klaak B- ear. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SOMH OOOD ONES JUST AS W SAX T-mmB eiadm cottaae. wMk 4 kl V VIDilOO. east fraat, alee ehade treea, S kleeka ef aood ee fare oarllna; all alee saw Sonne, ae ,hek; Ptrlaad , atattoa; . prlee S3, BOO; $1,000 ea,B. aaiaaea aaay. ' . a maw, swdern. kaat kaaae at osayelde, lot eexUl, all klada fralt: If thla la sot a mi thwa aarar was eaei fs,000. kalf oaah; Na. 1229 Kaat Taylor at. Go look at H, eae vnnraalt. roooa, swdani ta rrery rttrwrt exeapt fqniace: ramar lot: SM and CUntoa ate. anath front; No. T48 Cllntoa at.i saw yar arj alsataa' walk. to tkla office! fXTSO. nfnM. rood Tooaer-:krre-W of trait t klork ear, at Cnlrr eddlttoa a MneteTtna ..itaa Iota lOOilOOl SI.SOOl half caah. Com and look at thla; doa't eoat aaythlaf to aaa H, - A aire Httle saberbaa koma, S tnraa, at Ooartnay atarloa, on Orarna City earllae, all la emtU froiti bi.boj. ,ir aa,B.M ... , I. M. OAMRROIf BEALTI 00. f all . coraatareiai aiac saeoss saa - Waahlnatoa ata. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ron SALE OHvar typewrltw. aratlrally sew, BOO. 131 E,t letk at. gkona Kaat tTBB. PERSONAL. TOCNOtody sires treettoeate. SUM TaraklO, "SPOKANElSlBOUf TO y'stra LOSE TWO BRIDGES fSaoclal Alapatek fc The leeraalf ' Spokane. . Aptfl Jl. The bla; Haver- e brlda-e. leadlnr off from Howard street on HaTermale street, is about to fall Into the river. All the piers except ova were washed out yesterday. Only one pier remains, and that ts so rotten It ' mar to at any time. Then the brldce will fall Into the river, beoauoe no other ' support remains, as all material la In i bad condition. The Howard street bridge Is In serious , danger- of going out, too, piling from the Harerraale bridge having lodged against Its piers. A large gang of men are now working to get the. lodged timber loose. The water Is backing up and the river is . so high that unless they suoreed It will go soon. The Havermala bridge waa ' known to be weak, and a man has been watching It until laat night, when no one waa detailed for that duty. No one waa hurt , All oars have stopped running and the streets are barred from eervtoa, ... j - :. " 1 1 1 1 1 ., . Secretary Taf t may have soma real Beraa cigars to take with blot to Ohio. (Special IMapateh te Tbo Joarsal.) . Tanoouver. Wash.. April Ik. Jokn Williams, for It years a well-known resident of this county, yesterday com mitted suicide by taking ta ounce of oarbollo add In a cup of water because of constant brooding over poor health. The . tragedy was enacted near Minne haha, a short distance northeast of Van couver, to which place Williams walked from bis home In thla otty. lit. t. V. Smith, county coroner, wss called at once, but Williams was dead before be arrived. Considerable - excitement pre vailed here for a short time yesterday when a report was circulated that a double murder and suicide . bad taken place and that two or three people had been Injured. i- - Williams for soma time had been am ployed at Vancouver barracks as a car penter. For several weeks ha bad been acting In a queer manner and feara were expressed that bs might attempt suicide. On several occasions be is said to have stated that be bad ot long So live. , . ..... - .: 'Walking front Vancouver, Williams went to a farmhouse and Inquired If be could have a drink. A oup waa banded him and be waa shown tha well. He filled the oup, put In an ounoa of ear bollo add, drank It without hesitation and then sat down by tbs well, where be died. " - ; - ' ' Williams was i years old. a native of Indians, He leaves a widow and three grown' children. A - son, O. J. Williams, Is -a well-known resident of Portland. "The funeral will probably bo held from - the family homo at Eighth and Park streets, at 10 a. m. tomorrow. Interment will be in tha City cemetery. AT THE THEATRES Ev Witham. American merchant marine ts tha s Ve tera of, subsidies, to Ameiioan-bullt ships. ' ...v : C A. Allsn. leader of the tam. Is a Portland boy and edited the High Bohool Cardinal hard last year. Ha Is tha Brat freshman aver to make, tha -leadership Of a debating team here. He Is a mem- bar of Gamma Sigma soelstr. H. W. Sparks Is also a - member of ; " , G,' A. Allen. ' , Unnsnal Baker Play. At tie Bakw there Is a play thle that la easalas no end of dlsceaaloB eaMog tke patroea ef tbo Third etraot kouae. It la "in, ASmwabie urieatoa," wnttea or . M. Barrla. Mambra of tbo Bakar onaipenr ap pear to excellent sdvantace la the play aad the kouae kae baoa packed at nearly ovary perform aoa. T appreciate It, yea auat see It. See Baker's "Prodigal Son Tba Prodial Bos" 1 the effjarlag eff tke faswea Baker Stock eonpany for next weak, baalnning with the Bandar matinee. Thle play kaa rerelted nanaaaUy klak eosBMndatka whore tot It baa boos preeeatad, and there ere no store capable eaters far rt la the eoaatry tkea the Bakorttes. , - -. N4 O. Ooodwin Next Wi ' The famrlte actor end eouedtan, 'Hat O. Oaodwln, anpported by Bdaa Goodrich and an oxcellont company ef players, will be eeon at the. UaUlg theatre. Poartaaatk Vad Waabms toe atroata, next weak. Tueedar night, April 18, "An American Ottlata" will be given; at the epacial price matinee Wednesday "When We Were Twenty-One," end Wodaeaday slbt "A Olldad Pool." The adraara eoat eale will epaa next Batardar. April so, at tke box office ef tke Ulllg tkeetre. . L . ., . Make Way for-Boamsi Stock. I B,Uo Bin" at the Banptre Is providing mer. rl mant tbU weak tor bis hoaaea. It le tha mat Df the Btalr a BavUa attraetkiae et the eea aaa end te srosekly . the beat. -West- weak the Baamaa Stock company will begta as Indeflnlta encasement, prodndng the 'melodrems entltlad The Black Band." The company la eompoead ef eosae hlxb-cJaaa sctore. ,. . v . . . Gamma Sigma and has represented the oollega twice in the -, state . Interool- leglata oratorical contest Ha managed me varany rooioaii xnam issi ran ana la at preaent editor of tha weekly In dex. the oollega paper. 1 H. n, -witham is reglstsred from Boise, Idaho, and Is a member of Alpha zeta liiterary society. He is a mem' ber of tha 'varsity quartet and promi nent in atudent activities. - POEM CAUSES BOYCOTT OF STAFFORD lIAGAZINE Questionable Verses Cause the Women Editors to Resign and r All to Dsnouncs Sequoia. UoareeJ Special Bervwe. SUnford University, April II. Be cause the April Issue of Sequoia, the university magaslna, whloh will appear tomorrow; is asld to contain a poem of questionable--moral tone,- tha girls of tha university have determined to bov- eott tha publication. . Thla action taken at a meeting of the women's eon feranoav called to consider tha mattar. Dr. Jordan presided ad the meeting and heartily approves the action contem plated by the women. , r A house-to-house canvas was made and it Is asserted that practically every woman' In tha university has promised neither to buy nor read the offending poem, Editor Herron Justifies his poem on the ground that it Is a narrative taken from the Bible, and deals with a subject of which It Is a well-recognised right of. art and literature to treat Sinoa tha agitation began thrae women members or the staff . have realsmed their positions on tha magaaine. . v t f 'I j . . A. Train Starts With Man - Beneath. Spokane, Wash- April 11 After wait ing a -long time for a freight train to pass, Jacob Friedman decided to orawl under it Before he got across the track tha train started end out off both hie legs and mangled his body badly. aim retauvBs uve la wuu, lowa Firs of Seaman Company-.' ): Starr theetre-seer la Portland hi expressing kts tntertot Is the flrat appaaranee of the sew Imbu Stock .eon pact which aaahie aa daflnlte enaatemont at the Empire Bandar afteraooa. Tha opening preeeatatloa will be that fanmna melodrama "The Black Band. Tory DMtaher of the eompaar baa boaa aa- lacted with referaaae te hla or set aapeelal qaalifJcatloBS. , . ' - .. - . . ; Wild West IrajnB. . The' An,n Stock eompany Is givisg ''North rs IJshta" thb) week, the moat aopalar sad excttlng ef tha'wQd west dramae. The scenes are laid Is Montana dorrnr the ' tndlaa ent break eevaral reare ace, whoa Oeaeral Onater aad hie on wore ataaeacrad at the battle ef the tittle Big Bora. The stary Is more excit ing than any ether plot no folded ea the etage ef the Star aad baa the advantage of heme baaed ea historical facto. The northers llghta refer to the anmra boroalle, which scared the Indiana Into sotting ea the warpeth. There will he matinees Saterday aad Suaday. Seats eaa be reeerted by telephone. Send the' Children. 'V All the ehlldros la Portland eboald bm Ror barfe SO trained dogs at the Grand thle Weak. Bond the little ones to the Grand Baterday afternoon, for they will eppreewte thle act more than a clrene. frank Oner, man, the marry mlnotrel, m a lauch. and there are many ether entertainers ok the blU who keep the public la the boat ef humor. Tattle and Ifay have a bright sketch end Viola end Bngl, are acro batlo eooMdlane who do a daring barrel Jumping apoculty. Jarvle aad Tsdor have a eondenaed mnalral eemody. Beatdee throe are tbo llraa tratad eoog end the moving plctarao, eaeh good. Three performance, dally at the Oraad. . "Across the Potomac. The thrflllnf drama of the ctvfl wait "Acm-f the Potomac, has canaad knndreda of pwipla to "got the Lyrie kablt" daring tbo put week. The ploy Is one of sol form exosllonce end Is very ploaelnc. While the atage pletuee ere baaatlfaL There will ke a children's matlaoe Ramrday end two parformaneaa aarorday and Sonday alfbts, the flrat beginning at T:1S o'clock. . - . v . : ' . . II ' tf : '..."v.tHH- . i I Ill - I 'a- -V . '..V4-Vfu4-, -.'". 1 T II-. C :.' IVy 'if.' tii.-M IM ' TH ' -.' . '-. 1 VV'X II : : it Jl : '. , v-l . -SjawsT ST "WBkw ..." . .. . " -; " , , . ' . "... . . . ". ' . . HMTMAM & wm - , -... . , . Young f7an, If You Uever .t - ,,. .... ..' i?ead Another Rose CHy Park Advertisement, Do Not Fail to Read This One What are you 'doing with your earnings? After payday, when you have settled for your board and lodging and squared yourself for all the "touches" you have made during the week or month, do you have anything left? ",' 1 If not, then, do you ever expect to have, anything laid away for a "rainy day" ? ' ' Do you not know that it fs just as reasonable for you to buy real estate as it is for your father or any other business man? k ( , ' '!...': - - , k .. ' " c . '. - ; : You are growing older every day; young man, and soon you will be thrown upon your own re sources, absolutely. .What are you going to do, then?, . Here's a friendly tip: . ' - -"T noon. Drop into Hartman & Thompson's office some ; . Ask about Rose City Park real estate See If you cannot engineer things in-such a way as to have one of those lots deeded to you. Arrange the terms to suit your convenience and then become a . real estate owner. : -y: Y In a few months you will be offered more than you paid for that lot. You will have financed your- ; self into a position where you can swing larger deals, and, mind what you are reading, you will ; be proud of the day you "turned over the leaf." Start today. Quit throwing your money away and make It work for you. ; You will get the real estate-habit, the first thing you know.- Think it over. - .." , ,, THOMPSON BANKERS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GR0VtlDJfi0R , Famous Farce Comedy. ; That moot faaooe ef all old force eomedlea. ''BBOwball," will be the bill for next week nt the Lrrlc. It will be well east and havs a worthy nrodnctloa. It ts s scream ef langhtor from beglnnlnc te end. Bale ef seats for Snowball" opens Bandar BMrslag at ' tbs fteatre hoe office.'- . r .--:. STREET RAILWAY HEH FORM NEW CONCERN Moore- and Associates Incor porate' Improvement and'De- ' velopment Company. - (HBaHat .Dteoatrh to The JsaraaLl Vandouver, Wash.. April IS. Articles et -incorporation oi tna (Columbia Im provement dt - Development company ware yesterday Sled with Auditor Kies. The capital stock is placed st 178.000 ' stard Times tn xTaasas. - -Ths old days of- grasshoppers and drouth are almost forgotten in the pros porous Kansas of today; although a eltJ-son- of Codell. Earl Bhamburg has not ret forgotten a nsra time no enooua ered. He says:' "I wss worn out aad discouraged by eoughlna nlaht nnd dsy, and could find no relief till I tried Or. Kings New Discovery. It took leea than one bottle ta completely cure ma" The safest and moat reliable cough and cold remedy snd lung and throat healer Guaranteed by. Red ever dlcovred. Crnaa Fharmaor. AleotUe free. Ifts aad 11.00. gfrta. and tha powers of ths eompany arc moat extensive, - It' being permitted to en gage in various lines of buslnoes. The trustees ere W. H. Moore, W. C. Morris, i. B. Labor and K. H. Rowley, all Portland men except tha last named, who Is a looal realty dealer. Tbo prin cipal place of business of the company is to bo In Vancouver. It la empowered to carry on a general real estate busi ness, build and operate railways and ateamahlp llnea and engage In various lines of business. The nsw company la projected by tha earns parties who are promoting the Washington Railway A Power company, the latter concern hav ing secured a street railway franchise In this oltyi J. B. Labor, ono of the trustees of the new company.- is the party who recently, purchased the Hathaway farm for a Portland syndi cate. Tha members of this have so far been kept from the public It Is now believed the Hathaway farm waa pur chased for tha Moors syndicate. SIX-YEAR-OLD CHILD IS SHOT BY SHALL BROTHER Old Story of Shotgun Supposed Not to Be Loaded Pointed at Sister in Play. ; " '-' ' ' ...... 'V .. . (Joernal Bpoolal Sorvice.1 Chino. Cat, April 18. A shotgun sup posed not to be loaded brought death this morning to Stella, the 1-year-old daughter of Mr. And Mrs. John Nichols of China, who waa killed by her 11-yoer-old brother John. Tha weapon had Just bean placed behind tne kitchen aoor in tha Nichols home. Tha boy soon had possession of It, and seeing his little sister running toward him, playfully raised the weapon.. . Tha child eoreamed with fright, but the boy assured her tha weapon was not losded. As he uttered tha words he snapped the trigger and a deadening report followed. . The entire contents of tha gun entered the .child's breast, bringing almost. Instant death. Hsr brother, frantlo with, grief, rushed from tha spot aad concealed himeelf. At the Influent tha boy was freed from all re sponsibility for his sistei-e death, t. Ufa wonder - newspaper men are for nooeevelt: ha furnishes them lots of WATCH TOR OUR FREE OTTER IN FRIDAY'S PAPER IV 1 ,i af.i i f f 7.4 HigjctQmjty Bread Here's a New Idea to You Irook on the bottom of the loaf for the word "ROYAL" impressed in the bread. This is our means of identification. We . do not use thegum label, as this would not be consistent with our idea of hygiene all GriocErrsr - f f ; 0 lu aaH CGecVo The wan-: CHINESE J DOCTOR a Ufa aradv of Mora Bad bortie. aad la that etady diwotwod and k gltteg to the world hie troedorfal MawdlM. VO BTEBCTTST, TOTSOWB OB TJBTJOS TTFtt MX CTJB.IS WITHOUT OriBATf'f, OA WITHOUT IBB AID OP A Kk-uTB. ' rTs snarantaoa . to Mr Ctrrh. abHiol tang. Throat. .NerteeMa, Mervone OebllltV. Stoma h. H-rmr 1 ms sna au rntete mmn, , , A SIRE CAKCER CURE Inst isIii rrom rroktor. China Sofa, Sam . aad BeUeUe, fJP . TOO ARB Am.ICTlCn, fXtlTT PELAT. DBLAIS ABB OAMOBBOCS. ' If yoa oonaot eoQ, write for eymotma klanh sad ebrtelar. IneW-e d eaate la stamps.- CONSULTATION FRE2 xxs o. ot wo trrarrsi mnncm co . laaii i- sia . . 7t STBiwrw bv. VW. SU Tmm HM-S IfciS) POLK COUNTY COURT NAMES TIMBER CRUISER (npaetal IHapatch te The laarasl.) ' Dallas. Or, - April ll-Tha county court this morning appointed W. V, Ful ler of this city special county cruissr. whoaa duty It will be to cruise all tha timber In Polk county for ths purpose of equalising tha assessment' of timber lands. Polk Is ths first county Of Or gon to adopt . this plsn. It will be a hardship oa the owners of , heavy tracts, but will put mors money Into ths county treasury, . , I 1 . 1ML ...... rSSBSI s" Ba Arrlw-y 0'.,..' , Insolent Settlors Suspfnded. (Apoolal Dlapatch te The Joon.t) Spokane. Wash., April llfTloolpal Cioya or the high school haa suspend! five msmbsrs of tha senior class for Insulting him. Thoy sre Llbby, Win ters, s-Dippn. Btseie aaa Array, mm i i awMSBBsiSBIB M T.rr.nt t t l Kflwrfy. j BIttS WVCrt- V V t T.fT.nt'a Bawesa cl .-. Cup-to la oAPni" -' THVMacaw, Miaj yOwHI-rrttOwaa, fl ms, W a. wS sasikj ftovw Mfi n a. TtUDl. Of"ll f 'ill :;in