The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 18, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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Bermudas of That State Driving
Old Oregons Out of San -.
Francisco.' .
- Today's wttt-fc'I'W' ' .. a, . .
Tviii eoloe drive Oregon. Out., , , .
rtieohe famine to ended.
8maU lot heps eold.
Knur man price for br,11,i.-
Hotbous. WW. bring
rkrln etrwberrto.,e rr- ,
Further weakness
salmon etc to dtowolatiiii.. Mto1ae. ..
Conti.ued "kMV,r.
it o rotate
V.lley wet '111
it nV"T, .
, , Cik to .lly bwlns esp-
market la the eouta " 4,,. A boot
tured by toe Trie anions
we-k use this .,u.tZor "
.t figure. At that time the Or.-
roans - - ..,.!!, higher ns
n - market w . r . .1.- rf ra
Z ' ia hardly
Jourml then tte r. " ,.n. (or
blrher. ' Tbto " "fw .took the
alth the arrival. f. ,id-emp ontos
.-.lifornls to TbVsweet-t.
s.n rr.Dcto ' S,., ssd the
ODtoM left tarl"tg sppll f"s
. 1it-1; th. blS " " . ."riiLi tot s
Lnmut eOBUlB4 S SlBgM W.
Trtooe rotator
. - ' -
o.b morweoi
"Potato !. ao. er eor eoa
S con Otcgoa
wo.t .-oo-t ot rz..zz':i
.lrl7 purcb.o.4
or. who S.T. "-"'' brtnainc
m who kTa
are tryln to o"7- "a.. thto wlU
la the nnt ciao. o "'
braak tha markot. . .. .. '
Cbaoae rssilas at aa Xsa. .
an rod thto J ..
r-fu-d to tb braoo. tM
O". wa. Jn.t epeaeo "-"...,. A
, liaal tha atiniwi . kw
, Mm la TfTT xma.
lrft ahlpmr-nt or w.. "
fewL. and llmborgar stoo rTlT" U.
! Better ptica. era eealrr wlrb toeet
criartot both st dtj erewiertos- sed stong
Froot street, . . . v- ' '
T.lui for Iprtoa- Oaloka,
: Enormooe Talore ere rallng fn the ebtokja
BlrtTp brollor. .-d jvrera. "
rirr. . to .1-
,ra... ------- ... nouaa;
, Ji? . Tdoian, which would ser.g. .host' SO.
' Sf;..- I- .Tl -Boas of wmMtr eswu.
E Trk.t to ratkrr ml.-d: oom, deator.
roio og brarf eappllra. while "port a
, ecai-clty. Taking tb. srkt a. wboto. bow-
. .rrl.l. are mora liberal. Price, rollng
between Ule with saoet a. Ira st forsor.
Oar of Hope Bold te Pokier,
. Around the Belred-ro thl. morning
rooorted that Julloe Wolf of Silnrtoo had sold
a rmr o( bona, sr.dlnc tsadlam te prime, .t
7 Vie pound. No other emlre were reponee.
... nrta that the.raroa aro looking
.l"l eroand Sllrartoe, the atoalog hllto .torn.
a .mtor oomDor rnan wa&.
Woodborm.' he 'the toe. to gre.ter."
Brtof otos sf' tha .Trass. ..
a aalmoo routine. dlaspporotlBg. ,
rvia atrawberrles are again Is and ere
Ilotbeao. letter Is scarcer than esr, some
Amlmrm nATlnO S DT. IE 111 IB IB OTOCC W KUJ
' OvlM aoaorallT it 11 DOS. :
San rrasctoco cabbage to a drag on the
h.rkat- ob neconnt of Its err poor esentr
- (.aa Aneeles .toft la good shape, former an-
flt to aalL. ' " '
nKk raimbors are arrtrlnr treat all dl
; recfJons sad as price shows s drof te i S
The pay. the following price te front
treet. Price, paid shippers are lea. regular
eVrala. Floer and reed.
nnAJW BAOItOetotitta. SH
selllnr, ,.. .
W H KAT Clnb, 73tTSe; -red K ..!.
VK7Se valler. T3c
COB.N Whole. ; cracked, fM.OO pe
BABLrTT !ew-Teed. W1.00M.OO per V;
rolled. .00tMo; orawiaa. sx.Mixa.v.
EW tl KK MIL ..I . .
OATH New Producers prVe Hi,.' white.
27 oO1 2.W per ion; arar. fi.-ww.ijw.
a-r it'R tr..tera Oreaon patenta. 14.90
etraicbta. S.t6; esport. alley,
S.HO; rrabara, 14k ": wnau wneat, as.ioi
rye. n.i"i; i-ir-, e
wti jjJ-n F-M Rraa. S17.00 Bar toe I
dllnra. 2S 00; eborta. eoastry, 130.60; elty,
aiaw ehon. 00(321.00.
H A I Pivdoeera' price Timothy, ann.mette
Talley. faocy, fin l-r; or a I nary. iii.viii
14- eastern Orern. 130.00021.00; mixed. 1101
lo.'sos rlorer. sOtS.O0;t grain. Ss.Ooai0.0O
Beat. ao-w. A.
- - Batter, Zggs sad VonHry.
BCTTltlt FAT d. ev s. rertlesd tw
.m Mi: mu. IK. " ' ' - -
BUTTF.R City - ereamery. fJVic; eatslde.
fancy, 25ti27Ve( eeoosde, 8ne; store. lc
,:n titr. fancr. eandtod. 1WS104C.
C H tKBR New Full, cream, flats, IdVte;
Xouog America.
rice. IT We. . - , :
POULTRX Mixed chick aoa, lHe ser
fancy sees. Ue per lh; roaetars. eld. JlOlSc
per dos: eld ataga, 12ifl24e per lb; fryera.
lb; broiler, 4tJ doe; eld dock. ISHc
per lbt spring ducks, 1H per lb; geeee. Otj
loe per lb; turkeye, 17 per lb for old; dreeeed.
fancy. S2e ser lb! sgaaoe, 2.00 per doe:
pigeons, 11.00 per dos. Iireeeed poeitry lwlne
aer lb higher.
7 7 Hops, Waal and Hides, (
BOPS ISO crup Obntm, lie; prime te
choice. ICidlOH: medium n prime, SOOe;
medlnm. Sc: eootrecta, 1007 crop, 2e. -W(HiLlM07
clip Valley. SOc. t,
UilHAIR New 1807 XUftlJAUe.
PHKEPoKlKS Sbearmg, IRfciJOe each; abort
kvkue; meaiam wool, nutjise seen;
i ,K.Ati no . .
-.. TIXoW Pruse, per lb, H4et He. sad
v gee", JfH
, CUIT11M BABK COSe for car lots: smell
v-kt.. 8e. .. -
,- HIDKS Dry. He. 1. 18 tre) sad ap, lJ
.- ISe par Ibl dry kip. He. 1, S te IS lhs, 150IM;
J. ' dry calf. 1 a. 1, under S ibe. SOc; eelted bides.
! em. mnl. SO Ihe end new. Sll(b., mot
- -' -BMW WWaW. Ul, ,
lh to SO Ibe, be: calf, aoewd, onder 18 Ihe, He;
horae hide. aalteA, each, t onflroO; dry, sack.
1 orilii.oo; colt hide. 2t&0c goat akloa,
- eieimeB.' eecn. lOJiher Angora, eech, S&cO
81-OOi akaep akin. 26c81.60.. .
Trelta aa TacataMea. '';,v ,:-;;'
POTATOie Baring Brio, eaetora Mnttee.
BMh .nd Clrkm. eelect, 1.7Mai.8&; sell
lac. fancy. (2u2.10; srdlnary. JoWjInt. I.T6
l.yn; eaatern Oregna, buying, 81.2&; Mlnae
ant, 81 ,(U1 sl eweete. 7e per lb.
v ! , , V a Jobbing price No. 1 Oregon. 88.50
First sales of Willamette -el-ley
wool are being reported In
this , city around 20o a pound.
Iieslera, however, aeeu not over
en x loan to , purchase at ' this
fgura. This- pries Is several
r-nts lower than the value of a
year ago. Phearlng Is on only
In a few Isolated esses because
of the cool weather. , . '
d ,"'4 "pedal Dtopetch t The Journal.' e
vvooaDurn, ur., aui e.- -w
Ban - Francleoo party 1 said t '
have contracted for le acre of
d the 1907 crop of onions In thle ;
Vicinity at l per nun-reu w
pounds. Seely Bros., who con-
signed through a local dealer
three carloads of i onions, have
received 11 68 to 14 par hundred
pounds for the-1 first class and
$1.60 "par hundred pounds for . e
tha sprouted. This means sbout e
11.000 per car, and Baa Fran
clsco is asking for mors at the '
same price. Owners or onion w
lands-ln-thls- -action- feel very
much sncourared ana wiu in--crease
tha acreage. .. .
Ci 00: No. t 1T 00: trll, So V
APPLES ' 8llt.nrf
YU.m N.wK)WD, 2JiO ttK-y WIlUOMtt
tor uo HitBrrOr.oa, OlAOQiuo; orqloj
tock. 0cl4. -
ratH fruits onnt- Yml-"'C:
IlUbor WO: Ptoomputos. M.OCtftS.OO per 4o;
r.p rralt. S.i&. .
VBOKTABl-ES Taratpe, sow. 0c,.,,L
carrou. 70ctlO0 P' : ET!
.ark; paranli
taoitoM, UHlru, l.J.i lurlto,J,
pannlpa. ociI.OO; .trtos Doaas. l P"
eaullflowor. il.l.0 dos; ... J"?120:
boraarartlak. o lb; .rbchokor, ItcQtXM Vt
do.: louik, T 5c till 00 p bort cMr. Cali
fornia, 7! craDbarrtos, 10.0011 p b"';
Miroata. 8Ae per lb; aapansna, 12Vteiw,
rhubarb, .(Bfte par lb; roa oolon., 16 aoj,
r'torlda bell poppara. Oe par lb; aplnaca,
Kt box; baail torture. 4oc aoa; kotbouaa. J.OO
z; rvcombaro. i 'A 4am: radUbes, tte do
bun4ia; asmilant, lAe prr lb. "
LK1E1 Klilin Appxa. OTapor. wt
7e per lb; aprloota. U20e pec lb; poacbaa.
IZ'Slae par lb; aacka, par 10 Ma;
M to 40. lle; H drop os ooch 1W
.too; (lea. Callforola black. l
California white. tt6H par lb; aatot, (oldra,
S0.W par hot; (arda. 1.401.M per K-lb Sex.
rooanaa, aau. io -innii
r.iifnrnia M Hairatlae Osba,
$5.7H; powdrol. b"T. H-X2t r
o.l2Vi; .sstrs B. fo'dra f
V yalkiw, ft.aza; poet (rasuiaiw, o.u.
Mtaro Cuba. P0dared, fc81H;
tr inmiliM. ISrifct: P. C. IS.01 V4; St.
' . . : , . . . . i . . Din w
extra C, 4-02; gokton C. S4JBV4; & yeltowf
4421i; beet granulated. 5.02W; barrels. lOe;
bait barrels, Itte; beaas, boa advance es seek
Seam. - .
(Above prlcea sre SO says nei eeaa nvaw
HON KT aa.eo per ere re.
CoFKKB Package brande. tlS.S80I6.SS.
SALT Coarse Half pound. MX. 111.00 pet
ton: due. Ill; table, dairy, ooc. u.uu: juue.
14.T5; batea, 12.00; Imported Liverpool, ooc,
sia.ou; iva, sea. ,i..w, -' - i
Qm tm aiul 10a. a4.5oiaSJIO: Liverpool
lamp rock. $30. W per ton; 60-lb, reck. U.00;
loue, 110.00. .
(Above prlcee apply te sales ef leer than
car lota. Lr tots at special prices subject te
(JuctuaUons.) . - m t - .
rk'k imoarlal J.nen. Me. L Set He. a,
8c; New ortoess, bead. Te; Ajas. 0e; Creole,
iBKAN flmall white. .0s large white.
3 25; pink, a.2Bt bajon. .7f.; Uaiaa. se
Mexican reoa, ee. . r ,. . ' .
NUTS Peanut.. Jumba. , per Ibj' Vir
ginia. 7Ve per lb: roasted, lOe par lb; Jau
neae. Bc; roaated, l7c per lb; eecpa
nuta. 86et00c per dea; walnuts, Calltsrsln. lOe
per lb; French. 18c per lb; pine nuts. Mtfiae
id; nicxory nuta, mv ipw "
eaatern, 1642 loe per 10) uraau nnu, iie p
lb; fllberte. lee per u; taacy peraaa. laiawoi
monda, lPt21M.
... , xaat.,- Fish and Piertole... - :
nrnn vkaTS rront Street Hoc, faney,
M,llc per lb; veal, extra, sse asr ;
aeilliiarg ishri nse bt id; SPtsus . mn Bsssr srj sau-
ton, fancy. tStfc net lb; spring lam be. We
PBAafS, BA001. BTO Portland pack (local)
hana. 10 to 13 lbs. 16V4. per Ibi 14 to 10 the.
100 per IB; 18 to SO Ibe, IOC per lb; breakfaat
cott.r roll, 1 per lb; retilar abort elan,
anamoked. 13e per lb; emoked, ISe per lb;
,k., hack., onamoked. 12c: emoked. 13c per
hand, MUiUl. Dr to. oicuraa, l-i
lb: Unto butts. 10 to IS Ibe. snemoked, Sa
per lb; smoked, Se per lb; clear bellioa, sn
emoked. IS He per 16; emoked, IStte per lb;
boulder. J 2c per lb; pickled tongues, noe eeea.
tle nec
eteem rendered, loe. ua per id sa, ujc
per Iht compound. 10a, He per lb.
I'lJi.Itu . BAljBun iiiwiH. nm, .-in
talla. tl.OO: t-lb tails, 82.78; fancy 1-lb (lata,
ai on. u..ln (ancr (lata. 81.15: fancy 1-lb eve la.
12.75: Ataeka tails, sink. sSOaOe; red.- 1.W;
UM h, U. IB 1 1. IJlu,
FISH BOCS COO. le per ioj iimnorri, av pev
th. hallhat. A nor lb: crab.. il.OOat M per
So.: striped bee, lie lb; eatftoh, 10. lb) sal
mon, (reah Columbia Chinook, Se per lb
taaiheads. Se ner lb: herring. Se lb: soles.
Se per lb; hrlmp, lOe per lb; Perch, Be per
lb; black cod. 7e per lb; tomeod. 7e per lb;
lobetere, le per lb; freeh mackerel, Se per
ik- mafuk. 20e nor cms: .tnrceos. luc per
lb: block base, 20e per lb; Colombia river
smelt, no per io, anao. v.
OYSTERS Khoelwater bay, per gsDea, tl 90;
. Vrt av a am . '
CLAMS HardebeO. per bee, S3
elamn, (2.00 per boa. lie per dea. ,
Paint. Oeal 00. Xto.
- B0PB Tare Manila. Mfcet .taadard. lte
COAL O Or-Pearl at Astra 1 Oaesa, It He per
gall water waita, ira ,..""" . r-
wooden. He per gl headlight, 170 dag, eases,
lltri per ..
OA80LINB SS dog..
fcron bhle, inc per gu.
BE.NZINB ea dag.
hbla. 1SHC per gal.
J.1 OHe m. aal.
WHITE LEAD Toe lets, lS per lh 800-
lots. Se per lb; are kis, ee per in.
irm mallJL Praa.nt heals at 12. ML
L1NHREO OIL Pure raw, hi S-bhl tots, S8e
Home Telephone Lower -No Demand
ii (or the Pacific.
Boms Telephone stock loot 11 Is the Md
int.. hot aona was offered snder 80. Pacific
tutmA at nar bat found no Mddern.
Hales: Ten Associated Oil st 843 78. 1,000
Britieh Columbia Amalgamated l se.
Offldsl awless:
."- " . ... Bid. ' Asked.
Bank of California.".. ...faoOOO 9 ..-
Bankers' Ik Lombertnen e. 1UB.W
Mercheate Katlonal ...
Oreiron Tntet Savings. a-...... .-
Portland Truet Co.............
Cnlted Ststes National. 800.00
t taren sucrimBS (bomd")
American Btaeult Co.-Ss. M.sO 100 00
City Suburban 4s.
pia Twl.nhrais te..... - - HO.OH
a AV M.ritv. 4a...... M.00 I00.0S
o' W. P. By. ee... .
Pacific tvet Btocult es. ....... M
Pertland By. He..,. .....
!.C. Lee Co. 6o
Aaeoclsted Oil ................
Home Telepsona B2S2
J. C. Lee Co 7.60
Peclfle Stetes Telephone....... .....
Paget Bound Telephone........ ..... .
Tskerlew ; . .-. .....
Vlanhetten Crown Pent. ,., "
Potlcto Mining JT
Waahosgal Extenelna .......... .23
t equina Bey Telephone. 8-28 .
Oresoa City Mill it Lumber..., .....
Ala.k Petrolenm .......a .12
Hrlinh Columbia Am.l. ........ M
Caeeadle J"
Morning - ....... .02
Stannard Coneolloated
' .08
.8 ".
- .41
,a. ,
Steel .OS
Copper King .17 '
O. K. Cxmeolldated At
Hennr bay OA ft
Snowehoe ,.... ,..,. An
Snuwetorm , 1M
Hew Terh-tsadoa tlver.
New York. April JA Bar sliver, 6; Loo
Bo. 80 6-led.- ..
esses. Be He per gal)
assaa, sBe per gl; Iras
am, see per gl; w.adss
l-bbl rota, S8ei eaaee, nse per gat ; genuine aei-tto-bolled.
ceaa, OOe per gel; s-bhl tote. ;
l-bbl lots, soe per gall ground cake, ear Iota,
130.00 pac -tea;- toss usa Cr lots, 880.00 per
So Scarce Hav, Spring Chickens Become
That They Are Selling Around Fifty Cents a
Pound All Chickens Remain With Good Call
Advance to Five and a' Half Yes
terday Is Just Maintained '
; i in Today's Trade. ;
Portland Cnloa Stoekyarda. April U. Urs-
.tocLrecalpU crtto. "-
iwi.. Its) ... 3o
Week age . ,
Year ecu 00
Prertoan rear ...
It to wonderfol what sa sawant at trangtb
the cattle market baa shows of late. Price,
hare .taadlly .draoeed is sO market. The
advance1 to f5.50 which was told .xclnet'ely to
The Journal yeatarday, waa aaiatntned today,
altbouch not ao many sales are reported st
the high point. ...
Stockmen are eery mucs eiawe nw
last adeance and aay that these price, offer
eneoara cement to ralaara. Among Uem, bow
eror, the opinion seeme to be general today
that the market la at the top or eery eloee to
that point. The abeeno. ot arrlrala Is the ,co.
trolllng feature. -
A year aco today cattle were eery firm, with
nominal arrlrala: ralue. being ssch.nged.
, BetesrJtaa ef heep. ,
There Was s eoatewhat better mn ef aboep
In th. yard, today, the arrlrala number Ins 2J0
bead, aa agalual none tbto earne day s week
aco. HowoTer. .. compared with the rue oo
thl. date a .go. today's arrlTals were
una u. The market bold, well at former Talnaa.
A year age today .beep were steady snd sa.
ehThedros ef sage daring the peat td hours
mounted io lis) heed, aa agalnat none Uat
Thnnday. and SO thla day a year ago. The
market la firm though unchanged la r.Iue.
. A yer ago today bogs were firm st es so-
T"t1 2()"hid ef herees arrtred la the raras.
Official llTeetork price.: .
Hoge Beet eaatern Oregon. sT-oo; stocker
snd feedero. P.00: China fats, 7.00.
Cattle Beet eaatern Oregon -eteere, I9.BO
180: beat co we and belfera. 4-0oii4 28; stock
era nd feeder., 14 00S4J6; balla, 2.60.
gheep Mixed. 6ic: wether. Oc; ewes,
eik; . lambe, Ha4e. - - .-
LltUe Prospect of aa Advance, Says
SsJem Dealer, v.'...-
(Special Die patch te The JoemeJ.1 -BaleBB,
Or., April 17. Present lodleetlons for
high SMhalr market are neither encouraging
- the barer, or to the eellere. Sheering bas
bees delayed en account of the rainy eeseon.
but It to sow being pushed forward wits la-
pa tea and the eloee or me wees wiu
mark the end of the eeason'e bualBrs. A rep
reeontettve of William Brows Co.. ef this
dtv. the borer who recently purcheeed the
SUvertoa pool of 20,000 pounds, and the Sub
limity pool, estimated st 10.000 pounds, st
S4U cents f . e. b. ere st Satom. said yeeter
dar: 'Esters wire, received t the office aa-
the market weak with, transactions
malL The en poly -exceeds the aemaao .na
holders are snxluus te realise 81 cents deliv
ered, ss top price tor No. 1 combings, end
there la na demand (or inferior onallty. How-
ever, the ealley market to comparatively active
and large sales have been 'Wade the Pt few
days. Grower are allowing a aiipoaiuon
take advantaa-e of the ruling price, .nd Ouot
tlone remala praencauy uncnangeu aa ya aai
the. coast,
Northern' Pacific Is lader Sales
Smallest in Years. f. 1 ,
'a "- svt gains ' '::,
....... U K.
d .... H Northers Pas, ...
........ frlK.ty ......w
. - - - . I M faaamrl Psc. - -i . i
A named
Atcblaoa .
Sugar .. ..
Brook lva
n. 'X. central
Pannavrranln ......
Colorado foal ...
St. Paul ..........
Canadian .........
Erie ,
Reeding .......... 1
Ronthera Pac. .... 1
Union. Pee. , 14
0. 8. Steel ...... '
Orest. Nortbsra . 1
MBT L08SK8. V;
B. A 0. ........ IC.
o. ; ..i.
Nst. Led ....... ,
Today'. Hew .Tort stoet market was the
dullest la years, th sales te soon being 12s,-
una anarea ana io m b. bb.. aoi.i.iv m,w.
Northern Pacific wss the leader, with a gala
oli mI.i. TTnlna Pactfle and Keadlne earn
. l - . - . .i , 7 - .
arneo ie poinua, viwi m -
nnthern Pacific 1 Point. London wa firmer
asd higher for American
Offlel.l ameUtlsBS by Orsrbeck, Stsrr
Cooks compeny;
Amal. Copper Oo I 9.1
Am. Car a Pounds com-. 80
de preferred .... 00
Am. Cot ton oil. ears.... gn
Am. Locemetlve, com... 02
Am. Bmrar. com... ... 122
Am. Smelter, com...... 131
do preferred.......... 108
Anaconda Mining Co.... 0
am. woosa. eom.......i
Atchison. com......f 03
do preferred -.... 08
Baltimore a Ohio, com.. I 08 ij
oo prererrea
Brooklrs Beold Tranett.
Caoadlap Pacific, com.
Lyeuirai i.we rurr, con...,
oo prererrea. .... .....
Chi. A O. W., eom
ChU MIL a St. Peal...
Chi. N. W., cam
I 111
Cheeepeeke a Okie.,..
Cokx Fuel a Iron, com..
Colo. Southern, com......
- eo Sd preferred.. .1
so let prererrea
Delaware a Hudson....,
Denver a B. S, eom..,
do preferred..........
Erie, com
do 9d preferred......
do 1st preferred......
Illlnole Central v..
Lnutavllle a Naahvlll.
Manhattan Ballway ....
Mexican Central
M.. K. a T..
Greet Northern ......
redenl Smelter ......
do preferred. ... .v.,
Mtoeouri Peclfle ......
National Lead
New Xork Central....
tl. T., (Hit. a Weetera..
Norfolk A WeeU
do preferred...
North American
Northern Pactfle,
Pacific Mall S. . Co...
Pennaylvant Hallway,
P. O., L. A C. Co....
Prenaed Steel Cat,
do preferred.........
Beadlrtr. com. ......
do 2d preferred.....
do lit preferred
Rep. Iron A Steel, cots.
do preferred ....
Bock Ilod. com.
do preferred. ..... ..
Bt. u a . r., 2d pfd.
do let preferred.....
II. L a 1 W, eoa...
do preferred , ...
Bontbers Pacific eom.
do preferred
Bontbers Railway, com
do preferred.........
Teneeeeee Cool a Iron.,
Texas A Pacific.
Tol., It. 1. com.
do preferred-. .....
Cntoa Pacific, com....
go preferred
V. B. Bohbec. cam....
de preferred...
TJ. S. S'eel Co., coo...
do peef erred.... .
Wahaeh. com. ...,-
do preferred
Weetern i:nlm Tele. .
Wlaconaln Central, com
e preferred
Vlrglnl Chemical ....
88 I 88
. ...1 11
41 41
4 48
1 S7
"Totei eale foe day, S0 nft eh are.
, CU noney eloaed at 2 per cent.
Dalutk Wheat Market. '
rtulath, AprU ls-Wbest clueel Us, 81
' esnkSBaBXBaBxjSBnaxexaM
Rains in Great Grain Berts of tne
Middle West RssuK in Liquid
,: dation of Long Wheat. ;
- April 18. April t7. t
May ....
.. .77 6 .77 8 .00
oly ...
.... .70B -.70 0
Decern bar
... .81A .81 ' - .00'
.... .88 - Jt3 M
Local wheat was rteedy today st tha sdraues
ot yeaterday. rtoor bald well nt the advance.
aitnoagn eome ot the a mailer miners only ao
ran cod 10c.
Chlcaao eentmuad weak ea eelllns dns te
weather conditions and the market there ctoeed
hie So te lower. Liverpool held eteady, but
at the eloee was abowlng sa sdranee of but Hd.
Weetera Oreroa Ckewer. tonight 1 Friday.
fair south, a bower north portion.
Weetera Washington Showers tnie stieiuuuu.
Eaatern Oregon end Boo thorn Idaho Fair.
Saatera Waahlnstoa and Northern Idaho
fair; warmer In north portion. ,
sileetaalppl valley cwuay.
Illloole end lows Cloudy. '
Ceatral Mlasourl 8bowery. ' , ,
Dakota Uen orally (ear. ?- -i ,
Oklahoma Threatening. - -
Orsvctal Chicago eeotatleae by verteeh. ttxrr
Cooks company; -i .-
. WHEAT. - - "
' Opsa, i High.. . Low. , , Class.
May 77- 7714 , 704 . TT
July , TV 7wZ . 7S tMf
8eptember-H... Slfi .. SI'S 1 .,, - 81HA
ueeemoer .... . so oo . ; bt wTe
4 474 ' eSA -i ' STB
dfK 8 07 488
OATS. . V - ' - '
42'e ,v 481 41 42 B
May ..........
July .........
September ...
XSt2 SOU S8A . 40VkB
84 88- S4, S45.B
Way ..18X8 15HS 1BTS looxa
juiy ,.r.r...,.uo ' 1803 186- l8v
Uv. t , .
May .......... 850 888 SS- ; sS ,
July 87 :! 870 S08 ; 867 ...
Sepismbsr 8W 880 877 880B
May . ....!-... 44 , S40 STT SeB .
July S2 i- SHI . 80S . 887
September ..... 870 870 SOS . 807
UverpooL . April IS. Offldsl prtoee: v
" WHEAT. .
. t. Opea. Clone.
April IT. 0.1b.
s 6d d
6s d v d
Ma 6s C4d ' Ss 8Hd
July 6s 8d.. 6s 8d
COBlf. .
May 4a 8d ee Sd
July 4e d . 4s SUd
Bid Prices Current Today, on the San
;:V' -: Francisco Market. : ,
Baa lYaarisre. April IS. Kara 4a shares, af.
flcUl bid prlcee: .
Bandetorm. Tfe: Bed Top, 84 00; Columbls
ML, 02c; Jumbo, 88SA; Jnmbo Kit.. 82.82;
Vernal, 18c; Penmrrlvaul., 2c; OoMfleld si. Co., aenaaii; 42c: oeca. ide: niue smii.
4ftc; Adam. ISe; Silver Pick, $120: May
Qtieee, 28cA; Nev. Bqy.-lbe; B. B. Ext., ISe;
Blue aieu. w; mxie. lie; w. uoiumom, iocs;
I am never In doubt as te what the
results from my treatment will be,
Day after day for sixteen years X
have been curing ease after ease ef
the several dlseasse peculiar to saen.
No ease comss te ms now, the like
of which X have not treated eoores
of times In the past, and X can al-N
ways say definitely whether I will
be able te effect a permanent ears,
I never hold out false ' hopes er
make promisee that I eaxmet fulfill,
and yon can rely absolutely upon
any encouragement - X - may be able
to offer, you. If X promise yen a
euro, cure will follow.
I euro functkmal weakness In men.
X know of no other physician cur
ing this ailment. Most doctors treat
wrongly. They five stimulants and
tonics. - These things can't cure.
"Weakness" Is a symptom of pros
tatic disorder, and the treatment
must be local. This Is a truth that
I myself revealed. I have perfected
the only system of. local treatment
that euros "weakness.' A few doe
tors over the country claim te cure
by the same method, but their treatment-
Is only an imitation ef the
genuine "Josien" method. The Ben-
nine Is here and la administered by
Its originator. Don't hope to find it
elsewhere, - . ; ;.
Specific Blood Poison
No dangerous minerals te drive the
virus to the Interior, . but harmless,
blood cleansing remedies that re
move the last poisonous taint, a
.;z.:wn wmu 'vi era ,-,'-.
tm amy xrmcoitmoATWD cash
Consultation Free
Office hoar a.
te S. p. am.,
IZVA llorrlsca StrccI, Ccr.
I. ix 1006.
... .711
5 :!!.'
You Pay
nihamla. 18eA: St. Ira. 8187: Conouerer,
' loc; his. Rock, c; Lone btr. ii"c; O. Wos
(dnr, 6c: Potlarh, 7cAl Uro, 12c; hcndall Kit.,
AXl., ec; aiaTua, i.-k, aiau,
id. II.OS: BoiPlre. lcu-t Red Too
Kit.- elc: Florenc, 84.00; liiam'f B. B. Con.,
She; O. balav. J.121 Lag uua, 81 -: Com
monwealth. SOc; Comb. FracL. 64: Ur.
Bead Ext., 38c; Or. prud Am., SOc; VlnUtorm,
41c; B. B. Bonanaa. 11c; Kewanoa, 6 l.aO; Ke
meralda. 23c; Portlnd, h-A; Crcler Jck.
24e; rrsnc-l Mohawk, I1.12H; Bed Hill. 47c;
Mohawk kiit.. roc, uoio 'i aw,
Ion. loot Urandma. tec; B. Pick Kxt.. So;
R,-. lie: Col. Mt. Kxt.. or: Coldi. Cons
67.S71 Dlsm'f TrUngle, 48c.
OohlV 1180; Mexican, 00c; Oould a Curry.
See; Cos. Virginia.; lavage, soe: ttais
a K oreroa. oc; elkw Jacket, fl.flSA;
Belcher. s4cl Cosfldesce. 1.0o; eUerrs he.,
.v; Exchsauer, box: A; (Jnlos, 67e; CnaUenge,
SUUrBVU iimiaiti,
Original. lc; Bollf. M. C, c; . Mont.
Bullf.. Scj Nat. Buk. eucA! L. eo;
Aswuiyet, die: ooie r, ei.i; oiwM,
lcA; Denver But Ans.. isca; Bonnie t-iare.
4JJc: MsyfL Cons., 42ci Monty, wis Mi, ioc:
O. Scepter. Soe; Monly. kit;, 86ei B. Daley.
11.80; rJomestake Con., 81.17: T.nkss Olrl,
51 ngget. Set Tramp Cons., 81.06: Tlctor,
18c Bunaet, ee; porta star, oo, biubi m.m
rwa. Mae.. glo.BO: Mont. Tea.. 68.60; Toa.
Ext.. 68.0OA; McNalara, 4Tc; Midway, fl.6o;
Ton. Baimont. 4 00; Ton. No. Star. 88e; Ohio
Ton.. c; Went End Con., 1.2B: Beecae. 1
Ton. A Calif., We; Ovldea Ascaor, 8oe; Jim
Butler, ll.SB: Ton. . Boy. lie; Toa.
Borne, Se; Boat. Ton., 13c; Monarch Pitts. Ex..
10c; Mont. SIM. axe, AOCi.aaoiuaia w e-v
M. T. Top, Oobs., 10s. .- t-.,.
Mnh. Cons.. 60c; Mean. M. Co.. 18e: O.
Wadaa. 10c: Bevler Bump. Be; Dei tar, Xle: U.
Joe, He; Crsecent, Be: Comblntloe. ec orenny.
nh toe; Broncho, 12c; Jump.
JDDl UI.UM W1.JI ."-I ,
jack. l7eA Pine nut, 10e Bunaka. ec( a. vug.
sA Pine nut,
JSC! X. MOTSS, ee; inojaavampi, tmim.
Ohlcaco Market Ib Five Cents rp
Cattle and Sheep Steady. .
Chtoego ?T.eoo , .sjj
Kansas City , "-rri - Z. ' -'
Omaha ............ w e.w e.v;
6.72HI good ens neavy, b.i-iii
heevy. Un,.K: light, S4.4ett6.T0. -
Oatue oteaur, ,
Sheep Strong. ' ( .
pinxP states goTrmBTmrt ton.
r Tort. AprUi 1.--
n.:::::::r.:: iZ" .ait
Thrristokered 1 logs. los
ua nnarns .....,.aitl Aeyvea
Threes. smn bonds , iiii : J2 -iioU
eoSsr'. :::::::::: IS .
renr, regiatsred. eld '-"'KJ2
do eoupoa y. ................ 9J
Pour. PhUlpptass 100
Twos, Panama ... "JJ
So eoupoa .............. .... a
ounrlnsa today"'!"-.
dtosrtags year age 7ss,ii.
fleta today
BaUncas today . . oo.o.
Balsncss year age .......... ,. es.ioo.ia
, ' weed Woe for Brad. -
(Special fMnaatch to Tbs Jearssl.1 ;
, ariT AsrU 1A Ths Farmer'
etors has recently purchased for the knsrkets
of Eennrwlck sunt carioaes e 1Py-
arf Bonada. yaet double the price
mm m. us XBiuMt aaniB v.-v r
net double the price peM ror
tall. Hundreds et ecree of pe
naa . will bs pleated la the
.anils Wnest Hsits.
hrianespoUs. April la, Wheat, close;
T bid. . . , ,
Liverpool. April
. to 1 points ap.
18-otaa fetares ctoeed
- Ttaitimorers - oos1tion wont occur
unUl 114. Can It be posstbls none Is
Mir till than, after BoatUe's In
1806T -x. '''"'- "eWaj
Experiment or take c ha noes ef any
sort. I attempt to cure only those
diseases that I have been curing for
the past sixteen years, and I believe
I am Justified In saying that I have
. learned all about them. Were I lack
ing In knowledge pertaining to my
specialty I Would never have attained
my present success, nor would I to
day be recognised as the leading spe
cialist treating men's diseases. If
afflicted, you can depend upon it that
the service X offer you is the service
you need, end la service such as can
be rendered by ae ether physteiaa. -
wU'' ,.- -'.' f
My practice Is the largest beeause
X Invariably fulfill my promises. .
- Under my treatment the meet eg
aravated case of varicocele are
cured In a few days time. There Is
ne pain, and it la seldom necessary
. that the patient be detained from his
occupation. Normal circulation is at
nnea res toreel throughout all the or
gans, and the natural processes of
wsste and repair are again eatab-
Uahed. If you are afflicted with va
ricocele, consult me at once. - De
lava can but bring on aggravated
conditions and nervous complications
that will Impair the vital functions
and Involve the general neaitn.
,, ' - -V., . 'I--.'
Contracted Disorders
' In the treatment ef dlsord-" t of
fer a service such as no other phy
sician can render. The remedies I
amnlov have a most thorough and
'positive action tn oleansing the mem-
oranee ox an iniwimu wuu
all Inflammation. My manner of ap
plication Insures absolute thorough
ness, and removes every possibility
of vala.naa or a chronic stare. My
cures are not only thorough, but are
accomplished In - the briefest tlms
, possible... ... - ..'... : ,
smsing f ta smadays IS e I emtr.
. BB. TATtOst, '
., " ", The estdliig SpeolsJlgA.
Postsl Telegraph Commercisl Csble. ' v
;. i. , Clarence. II. Macksy, President.
chicsgo, ii!.,'Aprii 17. 1907...: '
Louis J. Wilde. . :.f,;
Portland. Oregon:
There is absolutely no foundation
sale of Automatic Electric Compare to
"Alr.Ti .. j .u.i,ri Si-nrl
Wills Ul atHU IHelil MB isjievMwvw- at . .
and we will turn it over to our legal department for prompt action. The JF
circulation of such reports it the highest compliment to your good judg- i
ment in the installation of automatics as against their antiquated apparatus.
Defamation is always the final resort
' t " t . ' ' V..
Below Is a paid advcrtltemcnt by the Bell Telephony
Company to dUcredlt th Automatic Home Company!
By Skillful Jazzing of Finances of. Companies They
" Are Made to Look Prosperous at First, : ; :-
' t: '1 -t.rz. S: But Finally Fall . ;-
(Oakland Inautrer.1
The Paelfle Coast has suffered Its
share, rather more than its share., per
haps, from wildcat telephone financier
ing. There are a few apparently suc
cessful Independent. telephone enter
prises in different parts of the country
which are used as sulking horses by
promoters; but their permanent sound
ness has not yet been proved, whereas
the unsoundness of the majority of In
dependent telephone undertakings Is
so patent that It Is a wonder how any
one was ever induced te put money into
them. " f . ' -
Jones and Smith, for example, organ
ised a Home Telephone Company, with
a capital stock ef 1160.000, authorised b
per cent oonas oi iov,u, iim m
total ef f 800,006.- The ssrns Jones and
Smith then agree to construct a teue
nhona nlant of 1.000 subscribers on ac
count of the Home Telephone Company
and take in payment lor mis pisni
1100.000 in capital stook and $100,000 in
bond a Again the same - Jonee . and
Smith form an underwriting syndicate
In which they are slightly Interested,
the syndicate agreeing te purchase the
bonds at 66 with a 80 par cent stock
bonus. The underwrttere pay 180,066
for 1100.000 of i per cent bonds and or stocK. .
Jones and Smith oon struct ' a plant
costlna 168.000. They have received
from the syndicate 80,600. They make
an Immediate profit ef ils.ooe eaan and
still - have 160.000 stock. - The under
writers sell the bonds to the publio at
16,006. They receive from tne puono
$500.00 REWARD
' Challenge to the Belle Telephone Company.
' ' I will pay $500 to any charitable organization in the city, if The Oregon
Daily Journal, the Oregonian and the Evening Telegram" will inves
tigate every sentence of the above advertisement and print the whole truth.
If any. more unsigned liea appear, anywhere in anyjorm; discrediting .the
securities end which I represent, I will appear before the grand jury, wit
such information aa I am liable to dig op. z :"r' "' f . " -
Western Philosophy aays: . 'Live each day so that voir can look every
damn man square in the eye and tell him-to go to belL- -. . -. . ... 1
' . - . . e LOUIS J. WILDE, t
"Home Bonds," No. 5 Lafayette Building. Portland, Oregon.
''''''' -
aJ Yearas In Portland
The ac.entlflo r. Trepatmesnt -of Wenkness
TJaaau. 4Ka avatam wrlth newnrfnl sttoaslasto
vJaT wurar aaa have But eae final raaultt
- before. "Wealmeea" to merely ss Indication ef a tow form ef inflanunatton to the
preetsto glssd. sad this Inflammation to but as rented by stlmslatlng remedies that
. saoits tamporsrry setlvlty. . We employ the esiy Miaatifio ssd fully effective tree. .
meat far ''woo knee." which effect a permanent xtuw by reatorisg the proa tat eland
toa seaad asd healthy stato. . Ws sbtala eemplsto results la every aese we brae.
PAY US I F02 CURES A Care With Us Means i Ufeiong Core
' We offer set enly ymXS OeaaralUtlan sad Ad vie. Vat every esse that eeessa te
- -as ws make Careful Kwamraetteat ead Siagneee without ebarge. Be ailing SXaa .
, snsuld aagleet thl epportusity to ge expert opiates sbest hie trouble.
v It will set eoet you snythlng to a all at mi efftoe ead eoneuit us, 'sad by se
- deflig, It may ssvs yes much time ead men ay, and if ws easaat euro yaa we will
henntly tell you ae, end yen will sot bs under say financial eeligsuoa- to as.
0UB BkltXX OF TBIATIMO superior te say ra thl seuatry. ssd our suras
are the result ef theee smthed. Ws saver fall to affect a euro la sny aass we
tans. If ran aaf.r from seeleet. from want ef money er from aaektlled Bract lea
bars to ss eppertualty te get the service
,1 elan, witn yeare er ripe expenane in iTenxmg eempiioatea ass speoiu aiaoreere er
VEST OKLT. - It will eoet aethln to talk to as, and Buy V the mesas ef reetorlsg
yoa to health and happiness, .Why set eall today I - Our offload sre very private.
" Tea ee enly the doctor.
Our Me being ee low. It enable many whs sis sfflleted 6 procure the highest ,
eienttfto medical saatotasas. Terms made to salt If aeaeeiary, to task say ass Bsse
Bat aa Brlthaot trtmant. - . i
Hearst . a. a, te 6 p. sx. avesmg,
Best Service!, Lowest! . Ceres Coarcs!cci
Wbs sre sffBeteu; wtrb WBtVOUt PEBIUTf, or railing Strength, eem
monly celled "LOST MArHlOOD." Bthemttng Pralna, Pimple, lam Back.
Inflmmtloa of the Bladder snd Kidney. Hlhly Colored Crln. Imp.
fancy, Peepondeney, railing Memory, Loa ef Am bit Inn. Mental Worry, re
suits sf exeees end overwork i fUee, riatnla end Hydrocele er ether week
Bees, Which sbeoiutely aaflt them for Bisdy. Bsslsees, Ptoeaars er Marrlaf.
Be etrre, as pay. Bleed Pelees, sfmtraeted er BeredtUryi Skis
t eaaee., BhesmetUm, Sores, welllnc. Bucharges, - eBorrbeea, aieet.
atneture. Salaried rroatat sad Hjrdro.AU. Mas eat Doailaga, Sosessefsi
asd tossctoatloas Service, Beaaonebl Charge.
, 0U er writs Pb, T. t, prJUtOt, 161 Ttrrt St., rsrUaas. 0s.
lf.i :J I 1
:.vv , "
..-. --v'.'.-i ' .'
. .
for. the teports of sale or propaWe
Bell interest. " Such tatements axe
us a codv of DSDer containing then.
ot tne aeieaiea- , j..
Vice-Pres. Automatic Electric Co.
July tt, 10.)
196 000. thue m skins a nreflt ef 111.666
cash, and they atlll have 166.606 oY
stock, f If the market for bonds Is not
rood, they sweeten It to the oublle bv
giving up to the purohssers part of
their stock, which they oan afford to
do, as it costs them nothing. -In
order to convince the public that
their proposition le a good one, they
make' a prospectus which on paper
ahows Interest on bonds as earned and
likewise a email Interest on the stock. :
Tbey sell some stock at a very low price
and by skillful manipulation create a
temporary market. If the speculative
publio rates up this stock and enables
It to be uploaded at an average price
of 60 a further profit .of f &6.606 is di
vided among tha rnsldere.
. The securities being digested, the pub
lio has - gotten a telephone exchange
which cost to construct 166,006 an for
which they paid $146,000. After run
ning it for a short time the new owners
find that they need money for exten
sions and, having 160.006 ef bonds and
$60,000 of stock in the treasury, they
proceed te sell It The market breaks
and they are unable to realise, pretty
soon their credit is exhausted, and In-
terest lg. defaulted, a receiver Is ap-
. The receiver sells the property for It
cents en the dollar. That part ef the
publio that, paid 166.006 for stock losea
all. and that part that paid t6,000 for
the bonds gels bsck 16 cents en the ;
dollar, ana tne Hen company gets a iot
of - cheap . property with
which te'
strengthen its position.
. We emat to Imnrsss It
weak mas that we eea make him 1
Strang, vigorous, healthy , alert- and
free from every taint ef dleeeea sad
waakneae. Ws have limited our
Bpeelalty la practice te only a tew
ef the mere Important dlaarder ss
that ws could anderatand theee thor
oughly. Onr oi per le ace along this
line for twenty-five rear qualifies
us to say positively that ssch trou
ble ss Might Eaiisatons, IVeet vigor.
Varlooeate, Rydreeels, Coetrutad
Diaerder, Oeatog lens Bleed retsss, :
Strleture and "Weakness" eae ss
Of eoures, we aw different SMtneds I II
thas the erdtoary physician. toeetLiS--of
- tbeee ere erlilnsl. with as saar: i
were devtoed for pnt sack cues ss
the ordinary cium. ox
fsil to rescb. ; .,
asd taalca Is an effort 4
Tha fMMdrtlo to lesdered
ef a .killed en eel a I let, a graduate phye- (
t Is 1:66) Suadsys, t a. sv te 16
TXiriB, P01TIAVO, 0I0.
soon every