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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1907)
M MAKING TH IS WHOLE HALF BLOCK 200 Feet Yamhill . . . '..: "l' .: 100 Feet Second 50 Feet on -:t,:r:Fifst Four Floor S" ( - 'A J We are Deuber price yof . y ... -a FIREBOAT DEAD :...V. FORvTlVO DAYS UsstsW Because No Engineers and Waterfront Has Been i : ? y:i Greatly Exposed. , '':;. ' Slnu bood Monday ChUf ' Cmpbll hit permltteit the ntlre wUrfront t6 rmaln without fire protection. . The ns1nrt oh the ftreboat 0orre H. , tlllm quit at that time and - the ehlaf haa faHrto prov!4 men for . their plaoea, ; JVvr. he promleee to have ensineara at - work and the fire- beat la eoramiaalon this afternoon. , Property owners along the waterfront are severe In their denunciation and de ' clare that there la Mo exouee for expoa . Ins the entire waterfront to dancer for auoh a length tit time, Fortunately - there Were . no" flrea, but the ffreboat could have rendered no aaaiatance it ' dlaaatreue conflasratlona had eoenrred. Chief Enaiueer Ciarenne Kelloff and Aialatant Thomas Taakaberry akd for an Inoreaae of aaJarlea March 10. ' . They were paid 1121 and 1118 Tr month respectively, but -explained ..that ..thy hd been offered better- poeltlona. ia due eourae of time they were-, notified that the Increase would not be granted. Aeeordlngly at noon April 10 the en. gtneera gave written notice, following the rulea of the civil aervtce eommla lon. that they would etilt work at noon 'trtl.Jl Chief Campbell was apprised r '. ar isw r aT . ' 3 ?T "r ". : AS . 74 y , . 1 .VtiHV.N.'tl St 1 W xgas;&tf,; i i- m w a a. - -i hit's v; i it m offerine this week a treat soecial Grand gold case watch sold regularly at $20, at the special ,1 . . 7. ........... . T. , . . . .815 1 ' rA X A LITTLE; DOWN, THEN , $1.00 A. WLLIt . EVERYBODY IS WELCOME TO CREDIT," of the situation as it developed, but mmTm ni ne was uname to rind men to take the places of the engineers. '. The- men quit Monday noon, drawing out the flree and going ashore. Since that time the flreboat has been tiaeleaa. and It la said that Chief Campbell haa waited until an engineer, to whom, be had promised the position, oonld reach here -from a distant point. . The chief aaya that the flreboat will be supplied wiui engineer uus arternoon, SAN FRANCISCO'S NEW ' HOTEL ;: Tke atl Jsmee, Za Opened to the VaaUe. jLrter months of strenuous work, the hew Ut, Jamee -hotel, located at Fulton atreet- and Van Mm mitm a- clsoo,. has been formally opened to the vuunu. mi bi, jeroee ooniains over 100 rooms, with and without baths, and la as modern and up to date, as possible. The rooms are furnlahed handsomely and are equipped with local and long, distance telephones, hot and CO Id water, steam heat and both gas and electricity. The Bt. Jame ill prove especially de sirable to commercial travelers ea so eount of the central location ami i.a accessibility from all depots. William P. Begga, who before the fire managed the Hotel Cecil, is the manager of the Bt James, , , V Everybody Invited ' To the grand opening of our new and enlarged store tonight f6m'7:IO to 10 o'clock. Free souvenirs for all. Muslo, floVera, decorations end the moat bril liant - electrical ' display " ever - seen rn Portland. Don't mis a It The, Oolden Esgle Dry Goods company. HssBBBBsasHssHsssassBssisnBSaarisaBaat t ...... a a .a mimiutfwr j.isj jour ejyejaj Kor fl.VV SUthtr'fteF(vr WMtUDftoiw 111 Till: OREGON DAILY JOURlIAi; PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING." APRIL 18, i ii i - i t AW' .' f grade mm, , ; i I . :i - I - ,r in' the Watch Ti&Ta rtrn n tla ABSENTEES HOLD BACK . MOUNT HOOD ROAD County Commissioners Say All ' on Section Line Road Must : ; ' .- Sign Consent Seven abeentee landlords whom dill, gent search baa failed to And, furnish an obstacle to the. building of an ele trle rsilroed.between Portland, aod Mt H(2i' - " ' - r Dr. McCorkla, acting for eastern oap Itallats, haa. long el noe eeoured a right of way from the heart of the city to the eastern edge thereof. He haa also secured the right or way from farmers from 4k. point seven mllee east of the city to the mountain. The one thing that ,rxrw holds up the scheme la the lack of a franchise from the county to run the tracks over the Section Line road from the eaatern edge of the elty to a point seven mllee farther . east, where the proposed road ' veers off serosa privately owned fields. - v There are Tt farmero'ewina Drooertv along thle seven-mile stretch. Dr. Mo Corkle ageed that the fare to town would be but I cents, and the farmers decided that they wanted the railroad enough to. donate a five-foot strip of ana on eec,n siae or tne road to. make it wider. ? -i -.j,. , , The County commlasleners promJeed to grant the franchise,- provided all the property-owners would agree to donate the five-foot atrip. The farmers there upon appointed a soliciting committee. consisting of Alfred Nlnleea and i. C Backiey, who eecared U signatures' to' mm i r ; i .Our mamimoth store, is Vapidly coming tq completion and new stocks arriving daily" and twelve carloads of the highest j tunuture. now en route. ,10 Qivie wiui. ucui umm nc cue In every line.' We want to carry only new samples vinceyou of the bargains offered here.-' Remember, . V:- , 1. ,f I Sanitary SteelCouch "New Hethod" These well-known Steel Couchee make convenient couch by day and a comfortable . bed . by night. Cut shows couch form. Sides in. . h- fin-i.i y J j II il l ' i ' 4 ' CSVUrTZ SELLS IT w a. v m. 7 v. tyiiivij the promise to donate. Only seven names are lacking. K report was made to the county com miaaioners yeaterday, hut those gentle men told the committee that the remain ing aeven property owners must be found before the franchise will be granted. MEET TO HEAR THE INDORSEMENT PLAN .--V .-. ...... . Municipal Association, However, Is Awaiting the Action of J Mayor Lane. - v --' The menlclpal aasoclatton win hold a meeting tomorrow evening; for the. pur pose of hearing the report of the com mittee appointed to aelect-eandldatee for elty offices te be indorsed by the association. It le the desire of the greater majority of the association, so members say, to give the support of the association to Mayor Lane, and it is probable that no definite action on the mayoralty candidate will be taken until after the primary election, has been held. Then if Mayor Lane decides to enter the race ss an independent candi date he will In all probability be given the eupport of the association. At a meeting held recently Kufus Holrasn Was : Indorsed as- a candidate from the Fourth ward and George F. Brlee as a candidate from the Eighth ward. The committee which le considering the euallficatlone of candidates la com. posed Of O. P. Jameeon. Millar M ftfi4 ePn J, X 2UwUti . make room for these new goods and in order that we may 1, NO. 497 White Enamel Steel Bed, NO. 641 Oreea Enamel Steel Bed, fust lik cut, made to tell for 16.00.' . ftiet like the cut, made to sell for $7.50. Special price ..f4.00 - Special price ....fS.OO 7 ,y uas Jxanges raise, mak. " . .- wih rir sa.oo 'Are fitted with patent burners that SAVE GAS consumption In cooking French Just as the mantle does in Ulumlna- - 'price tion. Investigate , our range., All prices. "Easy payments off 1 down, ' fl aweek..: This department is gradually stock arrives. As it is, we are Ladies to-wear Qoaks and Suits. , Suits that others ask $27-50 for Gevurtx sells for $20.00. Easy payments, too. : 7 , , '. TINE, SKIRTS, Just Arrived, v Sell for $4.95 up to $20 ; VISIT OUR LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT FOP LESS POSTOFFICE TO NEED MORE CLERKS IN JULY New Postal Law Goes Into Effect Then and List of Eligible : Is Desired. Postmaster Minto haa eent a request to C. L. Snyder, eecretary of the civil service commission,' asking' that a spe cial examination be held In Portland in May for postof floe clerks. Mr. Mlnto explained his action by saying that a scarcity of clerks prevails at the pres ent time and that be le desirous of securing a large- list from which te ae lect when vacancies occur. ! Mr. Mlnto eays that In event bis re quest for an examination la granted, he expects a large number of applications for the positions. This, he says, will be due to the new postal law which gone Into effect In July and which ear. rlee with it many provisions that are la favor of the clerks, . Beginning In July, clerks will be start ed n at a salary of 1100 a year.' The second year they will receive $100 and after that will be granted an annual inoreaae in salary of $100 a year unUl they reach the limit of 11,100. Thle la Considered good wages in consideration of the work required of them, besides giving the elerke aa opportunity to rise In poatal work. , , . Other advantages for the elerke ere embodied In the new law end Mr. Mlnto expects a large number of persona te apply for the coaltlona, , - . UQ7. Li..., Jn our salesrooms. A visit ail the Credit 'You Want. All Sample Beds NO. 2554 Thi. new Style Princess Dresser is exceedingly attractive, be ing finished In the most approved manner. The oak used in Its construe tion is richly grained and very dark. The mirror is 18x40 inches, being unusu ally thick and . genuine v; " coming to the front as our spring able to offer Al bargains in ready- Clothmg M A fine stock to choose from. Your Credit Is.Good Here. Make small cash payment, then ; , ' - 4 $1.00 READ CONSTITUTION OF PEACE ASSOCIATION Members of the Oregon branch of the National Industrial Peace association will meet tonight on the second floor of the, Chamber of Commerce building - to hear the report of the committee on constitution and nominations which met last night and drafted a constitution. All members have been urged to attend tonight's meeting because of Its impor tance. Aa endeavor will be made to secure the Paolfle headquarters for Portland. Thoae who attended last night were Wallls Naah, Rev. E. 8. Muckley, Rev. J. Whlteemb Brougher, TtsE: tr A Scorjrtaff Sot? A Metal To! AGlaiiC:an;r B-3:: ; v '.A- begin business in the great to our great store wllTi : . con- NO. 656 Veiy ornamenul Steel Bed, with deep green enamel. Just like cut, brasa trimmings, made to sell for 120.00. Special price ..f 14.00- .7. SpecUI S29.00 , v -j B I mi ii 1 r A M) Father Black. Charles A. Foster, W-F. Fltagerald, P. K. Scullla and C. K. naiva. vesi T Union Condemns Roosevelt. , '. . Uoernsl SpecUI fterrlee.) Portland. Me., April Ifc The Central Labor union today sent the president a resolution condemning his ntteraaeee regarding Meyer. Haywood and PetU bone. Severe Quake tn Mnrra. . . , Uoerasl Speelat Sarvtea.1 Madeira. April it The province of Murra was ahaken by a eevere earth quake this morning. , The towns ef Totana and vV'orea are greatly damagvL