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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1907)
THE OREGON ' DAILY. JOUKNAU PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. 'ATTJli: 13.4:C7. uCiETV CIRCUS ROSE CITY Ml IS BEATEN AGAIfl . f . r . .. Groom , Receives ' Poor Support and Another Came Goes is on TonmiiT Doston rest SAlilCN STS. Tirst Performance; of the Big Spectacle Will Be Given to Packed House. to Commuters. FULL DRESS REHEARSAL ' ' WAS , VERY SUCCESSFUL ELY CATES PITCHES V, VERY STEADY CONTEST ilfn rJCRfKo) "fFF IVesident Ctoorgo McSClW i tha MultaoaMh Club Says Xh.AltlF Will B CfcuaunanAed by Spectator Prominent Peopla to Ac. . t After over two month of prepara tion on th part, ot, vrybody . Inter ested, the society elrcn , will bi pre sented thl evening under tha ausploa of tha Multnomah Am tour Athletle club and - tba Third Infantry of tha Oregon National Guard. '- - ' ' ' Tk TmmAm from tha three nerform- anoea "will go ta both organisation. J Thla mornln President ONti Mo MUlao of - tha Multnomah olub say: "I am aura that tha paopla of Portland will ba aatlafled with tha performances that ara going to be given. : Everybody haa worked faithfully for over two montha in order that everything would ro off without a hitch, and after' wit neaalng last nlghf a f ull-dreaa rehearaaJ. I am convlnoed that the ahow will more then come up to expectations. v.'.r- The program contalna all aorta , of acta. Tha beat-known men and women In tha city are participating ana were can be no doubt at all regarding tha many surprises that will ba In etors tor tha spectators.. ; t,.' ;. YESTERDAY'S RACING AT "; i OAKLAND AND AQUEDUCT ' ' r, ;.: (Joenul aiMSlai Bartee.) ' " Www York, April I. Aqueduct race reaulta: - ... 1 Four and a half forlong Rustle won, Evelyn O. second. Trey of Spades third: time, 0:64 1-1. . Steeplechase, about two miles Hot Phot won, Commodore Fontaine second, Arabo third; time, :. . Six furlongs Grapple won, Clare Russell second; time, 1:14. Workman felL : Only three starter. T K Six furlongs Juggler won, BUckaway second. Jacobite third; time, 1:14 1-i. Five furlongs 8uf frag won, Hand sarra aecond; time, 0:61 1-1. Only two atartera. ' - '' Four furlonga Maater Robert won. Fridge Whist second, 8enator Beckham third; time. 0:7. . ...,.,'..-,.. ; . ; ; ....(.Oakland.;.. (Jnera.l apertal Bervlre.1 San Francisco, April 11. Oakland race results: v "' Four and a naif furlonga College Widow won. Abbey second. Love of Gold third: time, 0:M 4-f. Mile and three sixteenths, selling Ianlel C. won. Tarrlgan second, ; Bay third; lime, 1:01 1-a. - " -Mile and three sixteenths, selling Cadlchon won. Nine Spot second. Fury third: tlme.'l:01 3-i.' - . Acushla handicap, mile and 60 yards Rapid Water won. - Prinoeaa Tltanla aecond, Eduardo thlraj time. t: i-a. Mile and 70 yarda, selling Bedford won. Earl Rogers second. Sir Brlllar third; tlmej 1:44 1-5. Seven and a half furlonga True Wing won. The Mist- aecond. Phalanx third; time, 1:14. ' - Ragged Pleldlag of the GUnta Ooo ' tributes to ' tha Downfall of the Portlandera Oakland y Supports t Catoe tq.M'tnnln Form.' (Joaraal Bpaelal aervloi.) Oakland. . Cat. April II The .Port lander went down again yesterday to defeat t tha.handa of the local Com muters. The lose of the game may be attributed aolely to the Inability of the Portland fielders to make good at the Important atagea of the game.- Groom pitched, a frood game, but received mis erable aupport; In fact, so miaeraoie that the clever young twlrler was ready to quit on several occaslona. - Catea, a former Portland player ana one who didn't make good, waa In the box for Oakland, and he kept hie hits fairly well scattered, beatdea receiving good support from his team mates. - Oakland scored la the first on 'a pass and Egan'a two-bagger. In tha. fifth Inning Catea got a pasa :, Bmlth hit to MoCredle, whojuggled the ball and ad vanced the runners. Van Haltren worked the "squeese" play, and white the fielders were chasing Van Haltren around the lot,' Catea and Smith acored. In the seventh the Bouthlanders acored . on' doublea- ,by Neumaa . and Btaton. A pass, two "errors and a little atupldlty gave tha visitors another In the eighth. A base on balls, two good drives and a mtsoue gave the Com muter two more in the second half of the eighth. This ended tha work. Her la the ecore: " ..." . , . 4;-: PORTLAND. ' AB. R. H. PO. A. Bhlnn. In. 6 0 1 11 Lovett. If.) 4 1 10 0 Caaey, lb. .......... 4 0 0 1 Mccreote. rr. I l l o Newman, lb. , X 1117 0 tunleavy, ct ....... I 1 1 Ptaton. as. .......... 4 0 1 1 1 C arson, e. ( 0' O 1' 1 uroom, p. . . . . . . , .. . e a . o 7 Moore . t... 0 0' B. 0 0 1 Totala , , Smith. If. Van Haltren, of. . . . . Heltmuller, rf.l ...... En an, ss. . Bllaa, c Bignee. in. .......... Haley, Sb. Devereaux. -In. ...... Catea, ., Total '.i "'""I'll tt . AB. R. I! f. 4 14 II SI Pd. A. E. i 0 0 1 10 0 J i: i nv t o I .17 I 1 !) it it i COLLEGE GAMES TODAY ,' . ' '" 1 " - X'- '''- ' Harvard vs. Naval Cadet at Annapo lis, Maryland. - . Carlisle Indian va.. 8t John' College at Carlisle, Pennaylvanla. Urelnua College vs. Gettysburg Col lege at Collegevllle, Pennsylvania. - Trinity College vs. Washington and JLee nt Lexington, Virginia, v . , ' University of Georgia v Bewanee at Athena. Georgia. - i.; ', LouUIana State TJnlveralty va Marloa InsUtute at Marlon. Alabama, Erakine College vs. Clamson College at TJnlveralty of Michigan vs. Michigan (agricultural .College at Lansing, Mich igan. University of Minnesota va. South Bid High School at Minneapolis. . . Monmouth College vs. Knox ' Collage at Gal ee bore Illinois. ' ' - Heddlng College va Iowa Wesley an at bVblngdon. Illinois. . r . Belolt College .va Freeport league loam at Belolt, Wisconsin, Batted for Groom la ninth. . ' SCORE BT INNINGS. Portland . . 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Hit ....... ....0 1 I 1 0 0 I 0 Oakland . . ......1.0 0 0 1 0 1 . Hit . . . .1 0 0 0 1 1 1 I BUMMART. - Two-bas bit Eagan.-Shlnn, New man, Staton. Baorince bit Haley, van Haltren, Bliss I, Blgbee. First base on called balls Off Groom. I; oft Catea, 4. j Struck out By uroom. i: tr Catea. 7. ', Hit by pitcher Moore. Time of game One hour ana t minutes. , UnV plre Derrick. .-. . i . x PACIFIC COAST' LEAGUE Is Angeles'.'. San Franclaca Oakland . . . . , , Portland . . Won. 7 f e) M 4 .......... a Lost. ,r .; ....I,,-', P.C. .700 .464 .400 .160 Seal Shot Out. 1 l (Xenraal apeeul Carvtra.1 ' w lS Angelea, April II. -Gray pitched a flue game yeaterday and tha Seals had no chance. Score: , ' Jjm Angele ...1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 10 0 San Francisco ..00000000 I 1 Batteries Gray and Hogan; i Wlllla ana street..., umpire rerrine. , - - NATIONAL LEAGUE- GRAMMAR LEAGUE AST SIDE SECTION. - tTyed. Won. Lost. P.C. FTawthorn . ... . 1 1 0 1.000 Sorth Central .... 1.1 . 1 .600 .Woodlawn ...... 1 '. 1 .000 WEST SIDE SECTION. ' i Played. Won. Loot. P.C. Couch ......... ,A 1 ' 1,. 0 1.000 I MM .. .....,..; 1 , , . 1 . .000 bhattuck . , ...... 0 ' . 0 , 0 . .000 MOTJNT TABOR SUCTION. . Plared. Won. Lost. P.C. Mount Tabor ..... I 1 . 0 , 1.000 JHontavIlla . . 1 0 1 ? .000 Boutb Mt. Tabor... 0 : 0 -0 .000 Game today Montavllla v , . South Mount Tabor. '. rinmu tomorrow Woodstock vs. Ar. lets; Wood lawn vs. Hawthorn. I 1 Right Breathing Cures Catarrh Blmple Way to Kin Catarrhal Germ In Kooe, Throat nd Loagi The only natural and common sense, method known for the cure of catarrh al trouble I Hy-O-met. It I breathed hrough an tngenlu pocket Inhaler, so that It medicated air reaches the moot remote air-cells of tba noee, throat and lunga. killing all catarrhal germ a, sooth ing the Irritated tnuooue membrane, and restoring a healthy condition If you suffer from catarrhal trouble, anich t offensive breath, raisin of tna roua, frequent sueesing, hnsky voice, !im-tiarg from ths nose, dropping In the throat, loaa of strength, spasmodic rnuahln. or a feeling of tightness arroaa the upper part ef the oheet, you houM brain to use Hy-e-mel at ones. It will destroy all dlaeaae germa la the rtoae. throat and lunga and provide the I iJ with additional oaone. , s a do not want anyone' money an ..- Ilyomel give relief and cure, and m-K .olutly agree that money will i refunded unleae the remedy give eMfrtlon. . All drucaist should be able to sup I'y you wtih Hyomel or we will send It I r mall on receipt of price, 11.00, and every rckage ia sold with the distinct uiv!rrtniling that It eosta nothing nn- l a it r irn. Booth Hyomel Com 1 oy, lluljilo, N. ..., . ,..... ,i. Won. 3 a i Chicago Boaton . . New Xork Cincinnati Philadelphia ... ........ 1 St Louis k .. 1 Brooklyn . , 0 PIRsburg . 0 Lost. V ";i k " l ' PC. 1.000 1.000 .760 .760 .111 .100 .000 .00 .-. ' " At Ftttabury. . " R. H. E Pittsburg . . , I 10 4 Chicago . I 0 0 Batteries Willis and Gibson; Taylor and Moran. umpire j uay. ,.. '. ; At rhnndelphla. r. he. Philadelphia . . .... '....1 ' I 0 Boaton . . ...I 10 I Batterte Lueh and Dooln: Llndamaa and Brown, Umpire attain and Sms- At Clawnnnatt. R. H.E. r1nMneH . ' ............... I 7 Ot Iiula : . ............... ...I II Ratter es Ewint ana ecniey: Mrown and MarahalL. Umpire Johnston and Carpenter. v. . R. H.E. .......... ......1 4 1 Rronklvn . v New York ........ .rt.. ....... 0 1 Batteries r ergueon ana nresn.nsn; BeU and Rltter. Umpire Rlglei AMERICAN LEAGUE -p.n ,oo .! .400 00 .400 .160 .150 .ISO " .. Z, ' j " Wore Lest.'- Boston . . 4 : 1 Cleveland I ' 1 - Chicago . . , J ' I . Philadelphia Detroit . . I i 1 ' ' New Tork, St. Louis . ........,.. 1 I Washington . 1 a - : S ' " a BtaaMa. ' 1 - , .. ... ' TL H.B Boaton i. .....I T .1 Washington . , 1 I 1 Batteries ulnae ana ArmDrueier: Smith and Heydon. b. n r. Detroit.... 4 1 1,1 Chicago , . ...4 7 1 Batteries Kill lan and Schmidt: Smith and MeFarlandj I R 1 Cleveland .................... .4 - 4 Bt. Ixule 1 7 1 Batteries Jose and Clark; Howell and Slovene. ... At Vew Tork. R rhlladelphU. . ...... .1. 4 New Tork f Hatterlea Wad1ell, Bender ohreok; Deal and iUelnow. H.E. 4 0 1 and ale Of Men', VVomen'i and ChUdrwi'g Wearing , AppareL'boufht at Sc. 10c and 20c on the doHar,' will make the BIGGEST BAR-' GAIN FRIDAY that this store aver witneated, and we remember with pride thai every Bargain Friday at The Boaton baa been a bummer. . . ..- . ' . '. , ' t -;- , . Roycrolt 50c, 75c, $1.09 sad $U5 Shirts Some of them allghtly olled by : water, some of - them allghUy scorched, but not materially Injured; Manhattans, wuaon Bros., omren ' colored and whit Shirt, all included.. Choice . .....,...-.... 10c 3600 PAIRS PAINTS aummcxa. ataraxa. wm smcoxxL eoxj coif aiovox. SOe) for all kind and condition of J Drea and Work Pants; damaged, of course.- ." " '" " - "- . 9Bt for the Roycroft' ,11.00 Proa Pant, water damaged. S1.4S (or the Roycroft' tt.SO Drea Pant, gmok and water damaged. , Roya-oft's Swell Sdt sad Cloak Pep&rtsect 94.95 ' tor ' Royerofts' Imported 24.00 to 111.10 London model; amok only.' -', , , COATS fcOaTO) IIP HOW, Ajcs as aroxTs omoxa Biiuoi onr. 92.98 for Royerofta II.M to spnnf ,whv . mm Coat. 4.98 'tor Royorofte1 1 Long Coat. In all the now mixture, 111.80 to J14.I0 value. -6.88 (or Royerofta swelleat ; 111.00 and 117.10 Spring Nov - alty Coats. - Doaen of 'em, n two alike. 1 . . ' .. 89.TB (or Roycroft exolualve model In 110.00 to 117.10 u perb Spring Coata, all lengths, 'perfect In fit and finish, man tailored. ? '- " "" Sia.BO take cboloe . of Roy croft' finest 110.00 to 140.00 ' ouatom T man-tailored . Spring Coata, These ooate are good enough for Alice Roossvelt. tTSXLSRJin ATlfMT. fflrouaUara coats, ai.98. S2.BS and 84.98. Worth 15.00, 17.10 and 11160. - cirrr.nmnars sbjbssbs, - X04 . S9. 89. ' 99a. . Worth , 0c to- ' ' !Os tor . 100 dosen water and smoke-damaged Ladle ' Wrap per. ILI0 to 14.10 values. SOOO SUITS AND OVERCOATS fermnro'S iiwmt ittui, samaord wt ram, ngOXa AJTD WATU BOMB BAJDX.T, OMJB aTOT AT fT-r . ' : i 'I' AC for 100 Suit and' Overcoats, "; ' ' '.T . f'' V".. 7lyO acorohed and singed. . Ci 01 'or th Royerofts new Spring 110.00 to 111.00 9l"0 Suits and Overcoats, water and ahoke damage nly.' ; .,.',",. .","'!, Roycrolt Men's r $. .CD and J5XD Usna-raadc Shoes and Oxfords . . Only damage la tha burnt boa-ea including -rid kid, patent leather Iff and box calf, made in the Very lateet atylea. From tha world'a moat famona maker. ' No better obtainable' at any price. Women' 1.00 Congress .. House Shoe . 48f Women's 11 1! dongola kid Laos Shoe, with tock and patent leather tip, all !.... f 1.83 Misses' 1.I0 bluoher cut tan don gola kid Bbo,- aisea u u a 994 Children' 11.10 vlcT kid and pat , ant leather pring heel Shoes, lsea I to I t.............t9a Children' . ILI0 fine viol - kid School and Dra Shoe, lse 9 to il ......98 rhoasaad ; apon lawn aide ' at pairs fa Mleet fioia Pongola kid flexible aotoa ' and aaay as tb Infante' 11.00 rid Ud and patent . leather Lao and Button Shoes, ateae 1 to I 484 MtssW 11.11 Whit Kid and . 8trap Slipper. io 11 H to 4 I . . . ..; y.....T9a Children' 11.00 white- kid two trap Slipper. lse IH to 11 , ...69 Children' I to whit kid two-strap Slippers, lrrl t4.....89e Men' 11.00 English wait too and blucher cut Shoes, In vlcl kid, natsnt leather and bog calf . f t&B Boys' 11.10 beat quality of eat in valf Lace School Shoes, slses 1( to IH ...v . fl.29 Llttl Gents ll.tal good quality of aatln calf Lac School Shoe. The Roycroil Dab wzu rAJCoirs, arsror n BzaTTxm. f3. 60 for 11.00 Roycroft', etetson', all ahapea i . .. 81.88 for 14.00 Mallory'a. all shape. 81.38 for II Sweet, Dempster's. 9K for 11.16 Sweet, Dempster's, " ' f9p tor 11.00 Sweet, Dempster'. 19 for loo and 76o Men' and' Boy Capa. . t ; ; '.. t . :- BOTtmOTTS nr TIM SPSUTO) stock or , . Ladies"m( Apparel Bmoks aad Water Pamaged Bold v .-. . for a SoBg.i. ;. LADIES' WAISTS 194 for badly damaged Watsta, worth up to 11.60. r ,9&4 for 11.00 to 15 00 Waists, perreot in every respect, noxea burnt or smol;s small, that' all. . OU lae to 11J..I 984 Touth 1.00 best grade of satin calf School Bhoea, slses 1IH to I y 4 o .91.18 ... AU raoTxa. v 81.98 for a lot of too of tho worst damaged Skirt, valuoa i up to 11.00. . $2.88 for .00 and 17.10 SVIrta, In nearly perfect condition; mok smell 1 about all that' ' wrong with, them. 84.48 for Royerofts finest Dress Skirts, , worth " np to ' 116.00; outside of -tho boxes ' only ' were , damaged. Es ; caped with - a - drenching; tha firemen used the ' chemical . only. f t . i ' . maA9' rois xm. ' . MEN'S UNDERWEAR. 154 to ehote at Xo B Being wore perfect gooda but not so high priced, being la more asm plete slses also. Valuea up to 10c v . . rinsT and SALMON &T&. I CS(IDS(iDN mmL fIBST AND SALMON STS. mmi TWO GAMES PLAYED IN THE GRAMMAR LEAGUE Ladd and . North Centrals Get ;f Trounced by Couch and V -v . Hawthorne. Ladd was defeated by Couch yeater day by the oor of .10 to 0. - ' North Central waa defeated by Haw thnmi hv the acore of II to I. -v ; , There were two game played In the Grammar league yeaterday, one In the east side and th other in the weet aid ectton. . v ' - , fc- The Hawthorne gam was fat' Th North Central played a good game, but tha fate were against them. Th um nlr waa warned threateningly several time by th youngaters, but no damag waa don to him. Th North Central braced un In th third Inning, and with two out and aV ' man on second, aeven run were made before th boy In gray wera out In the field again. Thl cor prevailed until the fifth inning, when the Hawthorne team acore took th lead. and never again did the North Central team look danaeroua. The game , was called on account of darknee in th seventh Inning. ' . '; ; . ! This was th Hawthorne' first gam. The' line-up:; : '' H ' ' ' . Hawthorne. . . North Central Montagu ........ .0 .. Roth Flint ...,.. .....P..; Turner, Davl Moreland ......, ."VV. , .. McAfee Kellog ......Sb... Stoop Walpol Davl Lawaon .,. , .... f .f Brlgg Smith ....4 Fisher Hal ...rf.., Scott Kye "....ef. McNary ' SCORB BT INNINGS. 1 ' N Central;;:,.! 0 1 0 0 0 4 I 10 '4 Hawthorn I I I 0 0 1 011 It I Umpire Mr. Henderson. Scorer Mr. fClark. ; STETTLER'S NINE WANTS 1 . : ; A BASEBALL MATCH . ' : v Sporting Editor The Journal Any ball team desiring a gam of ball can be accommodated by calling up Maja 1117 and asking forCIyds Wstson. STETTLBR S BASEBALL TEAM . - Virtflnla Leagno Opens. ' Richmond. Va April 14.A11 signs point to a aucceasful and p roe parous season for ths Virginia Baseball league, which play th first gam ot 1007 to day. '- Portsmouth open at Norfolk, Roanoke at Lynchburg and Danville at Richmond. Th season will close Sep tember II,. th ,cnaui providing for 140 game. ... ' grhedale tor Tonight , rreddle Col v. Oe rg William, 10 rounds, at Fort Wyn. Indiana. Matty Baiawin v. viu rrHr, t rounds, st Peons, Illinois. . OOOB ytTBOMXirt . is th assentlal characterlatlo of men and women. Invaluable to good buet neae men and necessary to housewives. A woman shows good Judgment when she buys Whlte'e Crem Vermifuge for her baby. The best worm medicine ever offered to mothers. Many,- Indeed, are the aenslbls mothers -who write expreae Ing their gratitude for the good health ef their children, which they owe to th use of Whlte'e Cream Vermifuge. Sold by sil druggist, v , : . '!.:':'(.- .... v. f 1 . ; - t- , - . Smith rBUlingMachine ; . 1 r. ...... ., -; 's does the: following things : Makes out a bill in duplicate or trip uic, 7 wiu enters same on a loose - leaf sales - book, all with, i ono operauon. -lcj. Condenses the charges on the sales sneet without loss of space. - Does not smudge the sales sheetwith -' the carbon. ...:" .7;; '.:? -psy- Changes at a touch on the lever from either r purple, copying or non fading black ink to red ? v v a - ' ; for inserting credits, ' HK: ' . J ,; for emphasuing words S'1"- -'. ,v;V 'r'- or phrases. V s . -; ,: ; ; Does all of these things at one bperavi - j,-tion and without." changing the sheets. Is the quickest billintr ; machine for , unit and , compound 7f n iT sT . BYOICIU3. . AUO . - ; - 1 ; e (1. 11 , . . . ' : ' ' . . . .' ..... 1 ' , Should be bTesated ,' bv all who make out Wholesale aad Retail Bills Railroad Way Bills -Statistical Work v Intricate Tabular Work " StaterAent Work. Ubrarr lodexlnjr ; Lecal Docttmeats ' : ; : The SmithPremier Typewriter Co., Syracuse, N. Y. 1( V