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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1907)
r ' A ... THE OREGON DAILY JOUElIAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVEITINO. AmiL' 18. 1Z27. ! m . m ' " r ; . , . I - PURER FOOD IS ESTS RESULT MIR Hamburger No,, Longer Treated With : Presarvatlvas and ; " Dairies Kept Cleaner; ; ' iruss Torture Oao Tasurkt Ilwur; tn tha Boatmae Sat la aw Txm itr Witk fcr Slav 1 , . pis. Jfatiml lanatloa. . w - oert Pllktnrton. assistant atate fbod I ommlilonr, njri treat raaults have icuiowea the reoent running- down of un , scrupulous milkmen ana b'utchera who nsd boon peralatently vlolatlns 1. the statute rrrdlnf tbe sale o( adulter- .rooaa. h a?s that aa tha out some of tha proaaoutiona that were maaa a faw days ao and tha subse quent publication through Tha Journal People may foal reeaonablr. aaaurod ' HL ths,r lk " meat la pure. ' aianc or it samples of milk vara twad la tha laboratory t Third and Waahlnston streets yeatardar, with the u mat no watered mil opuld bo round. In hla Inapaotlon of some of tha market whara the proprietors and man ears have boon eapeclallysegardleeo of tha publle health. Mr. Pllklnston haa -iouna no mora Hamburser charted with Preservatives. Tha work will contlnua. - ?owVr "nJ o flna wlLUbe Xsverad If iouna guilty ayain. ' "State rood Commlasloner BaJlay.laft yeaterday for Salem, whara ha haa boon ""a to make aoma , lnvestlaatlone. While In Marlon county ha wUl Inspect tha dairies. Mr. . Bailey aays that ha nde a food many dairioa over tha state n excellent condition, a lar matorltv Of them. In fact. - In moat avarv o .a -tha eowa are clean, but tn some eaaea oairymaa Have become , careless ; with their barnyards and baraa. It U quite a task to keep thesa as clean aa they noma do Kept u damp weather. Many now barns are being built and tha larva dairymen are fast oupplantlna- tha msr..jha entrdabblod with hla dairy products and lif every Instance aary sneas are being built after Im prove methods. . , CAME THROUGH THREE - : ' ; wep; wm Recent Addition to City's Popu- " lation Has Been, in the ''LlX Midst of Death. r.- ., ..." . . s -, v -I- '' C. C Crawford, who artired la Port land tha othar day, is a man who haa baan In three aarlona railway wracks and has escaped Injury, aaya 'a few alight bruises, in a)L Mr. Crawford waa In tha wrack at Cayuaa Hill laat week and was in tha smoker when tha accident happened. Sitting directly across tha stale from Mr. Crawford waa one of tha men killed. In tha seat . ahead of Mr. Crawford sat a Chinaman, whose back and both lags were broken. Others In tha ear wera badly bruised and injured ears Mr. Crawford, who waa only slightly stunned. . Othar wrecks in which Mr. Crawford , waa a participant ware la the east One ' waa on tha Wabash railroad near Pitta burg laat-AprlL This wreck was caused 4a the same manner as the Caynae wrec oy a landslide. The other wreck Wtafafrul Asrdiaaee tetain aa Cur-s Wltk eu Km., buisw er la la luaaet . ... Sauraly Mmw a4 reoaUar te Itit. - Sent on Trial Tro-e tortare Is ne lonser keeMwry. Oallla, llpplnt truM-e en4 bartwraua metood of tna Ujc raptor are done away with by the wontor rul lnrntlon of s min wbe baa pent thirty yrare to nak It abaolulalr frttt. Tbe an.r ralaua mw Brooks appUanca firm to tke rup tured teaiant NllaC, ml, aad amrtty, where all otbara (all. It etopa all Irritation and re atone erary part to It natural loa a eooa aa it k) saad aod tor aU tloM afterwards. Trass torture esaste aod , trasses are tkrewa swsy foreTsr. .. . . Wbera others fall Is I have) my greatest occeas C H. BROOKS Breokt' sppllaaee eoree'are dbsahitely witk it MmHmi Ml, M la-.M. Ita arlM (a aa low (Mas ttiaa tbe east ef waay aartral trassee) that ear soe. rtefe er poor, can hare the barae diate and traly waaderfnt rallrf at this star. rsioaa appuance, and so so. with rapture caa tor a alasle day afford sot te hare It. M ulrltndss of eursd mea. tromsa and ehOdraa testily to Its aatontshlos aaeceaa aad lastlns eursa. Mr. Janse Brlttoa, s wealthy manafae turer at Bathiehanv fa., votoas the pralsa and proof at thouaaada. He ears: "It would be a erltahle Oodssnd to the anfortanats wke aafrer froaa raptor. If all eoald procure the Brooks Buptare Appltaoes. kfy rupture Is all beaMd ss sad aothlns ever did It but your appliance. Where ethers (all la where I save my great t snessse. He sprints, pads, salves, otnt- BMBta, at karneae ot anr kind, aothlns eomeU. eatad. ae pala er k-rltatloa, but Just a simple, natural appliance which euraa. Iainiedlate relief tuaraataed. He fakaa or Has, Just straight aoslaeaa, aad sascjey refuaded ir sot entirely aatiaraetory. aak BMeksiror full tafarmatloa. ! sot Ur this aalde. er e lay, or ferrnt, sat writ today (or Brooks' Book. It tails all about Brooks' Bwrreloos sew Ap pllsnee, glTa prices and aamee ef awople esmd. Address at onoe, O. B. BOOXaVtT BaUahaf, kUrakall, ktloa. waa near Cotmemaugh, Pannsylranla, on the Pennsylvania railroad. ' Thla was of the rear-endv variety and many per sons were seriously injured. Mr. Crawford will make Portland his futurs home aad started to work today with the Portland, Ball way, Light at Power eompany. ACCOMPLISH MARVELS' (Continued (torn Page One.) THE BETTER JUDGE YOU ARE, THE QUICKER You will make up your -Tnlnd to have, all of your ,yclothes made at ; this shop. There is nothing f to ' compare with , the character of clothes that' ;; we turn out, not even the most highly finished 7 7 creations of the most ' k , exclusive tailors. ; Anybody Can Say That Much, but We Can Prove it to You by1; wS: Making a( suit for you that will 'surpriseryou. In the first place, , we have the assortment of fabrics from which you msy select;, second, we, are careful in measuring, " you; third, we are par-1J- ticulaf about fitting you fourth,, we , insist ,.'. 'upon pleasing you . in' price ' and ,- courtesy , of -teeatment Have, you Never Called at Out Store and Looked t r. Over the line of Spring . goods, we .have on dis l , play? ; Well'da so; at once, f And remember, " that a suit made, by us .. for , you will t be equally -J stylish1 -though-it-v ; were , made for you ' to - wear in Ney York city. -We are a year in ad r , vance of all. other Port' viand tailors in point of ..' style. f, I'.-'V?' '? ' NOTE. Read "The Autobiography of an . V 'Old Suit of Clothes" in . ; , Sunday's , papers.-. It's ' gOOd. ; "' ! OktaWT PB-wOtarr, Manager. Iks' Bids', 7 to and Stark Its. FlUmora at rest la burled in bunting; flaga small and large have been thrown to. the breese; tha red, white and blue la wraooed about tha atreet oorners and , draped across & buildings of business nouaw; oiuo ana goia, we ooiors ox ens University of California, are aeon above many houses and: In the air la a spirit of holiday, hopa and crosperity. . In the blase of the thousands of eleo- trlo lighta strung along the buildings, bands will march tonight and a parade composed of automobllea and carriages will file through that section of the city, carrying tha merchants who will attend tha banquet of Khe . Merchants Exchange. At Palrmount hotel all evening there will bar publlo band con certs. AU the papers are sued with figures showing tbe progress of building the city, which show weU what haa been' dona. Since the Are permits for bulldlnge 6 tha total value of $, 000,090 have been laaued aad over $100,- haa been actually spent in habituation. Bank clearings for the year ahow f 1.047,644,000, . as against M!4.S4,000 last year. ,, Btarreioas Jtsetoratloa, Baa Francisco's restoration from its ashes has been one 'of the moat re markable performancea - of modern times. A year ago a city practically In ruins, today from any -one of the elevations surrounding there la a view of hundreds ot workmen engaged In the conatructlon of the scores of bulldlnga or a new city. - The ghastly marks of tha terrible catastrophe are rapidly dis appearing. It to a city within a city, and to a etranger to the zaets it is a demonatratloa of . lnoomptehenalhle ac tivity and building progress. - At tha corner of Market and Powell streets a. year ago the Flood baiidlne- presented a hopeless mass of wreckage. its entire is stories bad been a-utted. Only tha walla, and aoma ot these la a battered condition, remained Intact. On January 1 of thla year every floor or the ouuaing waa occupied. The gen eral offices of the Southern Paclf lo were transacting their business here the same aa before the fire, and every other i ir the building held occupants. Four months from the time tha first contract waa let- to construct the building and rewire it, the . top floor was J-eady for ocoupancy, and rapidly afterward the-other floors were given over to tna possession or tenants. wim ms same rapidity and cars reconstruction haa made new bulldlnga out of the Merchants Exchange, the Mutual Savings bank and the Chronlole structure. Not only have these and a score of other buildings been placed In readiness for, their oooupants, but In a measure they have been rebuilt, sew designs of architecture being used to sdvantaga aa well aa new and better material and workmanehlp. j-Along wlthlhe tremendous sweep jf reconstruction which haa touched every portion ox tne inreo square miles ef burned area, new akyscrapera are strik ing upward toward the skyline. They aro Duiiaings wnica wera under con templation before tha earthquake and fire. Delayed at that time by tha ca tastrophe, and for a time later bv lank of material, they are now a part of the amaalng procession, ' headed by panda of hammers ' and chisels, which lines every atreet tn the business, wholesale and residence districts touched by the SILVERTON MASONS . ' TO BUILD TEMPLE ....,.. . -' (Spsclal T laps Ml to The Ineraat.) ' Sllverton, Or., April H The Mason I o lodg haa sold its half of a iotntl owned building, to Lewis Johnson A Co, who owned the lower part, in which tha latter have conducted a drug store. Messrs. Johnson aV Wrtghtmaa will mora the building to the back end of the lot and erect a larre brick ' building where tha old frame building now etande. it Is also reported that the Masons will erect a tempi during th summer. . J V From 7:30 to 10 Tonight TCiJISHT'S TOE WIGHT-CCZIE I7MI THE GIOUE n mm m From 7:30 to 10 Tonight Of our-new and enlarged store Portland's best and only bargain stbrcand this event has been planned on a scale that far surpasses all previous openings held in this cityan event you will remember for years to come for preparations are complete to make this the most brilliant opening event you've ever attended anywhere a display. worth coming miles to see ; 1 EVER OHOWN BY ANY 8TOHB ON THE COAST : GREAT FLO WER: EXHIBIT 'O GRAND MUSICAL PROGRAM During the opening hours from 7 :30 to 10 tonight by this city's most celebrated musicians. Every one an artist. ' LET NOTHING KEEP YOU AWAY That is simply superb in Its grandeur-an exhibit well worth a FUll SOUVENIRS fOU At great expense we have secured 25,000 of the most exquisite and costly souvenirs' ever given away at an opening. These will be distributed free to all adults attending. "Aa the souvenir feature is in the nature of a surprise,; we will simply say they are articles such as all art stores retail at 25c, 50c and some, at $1.00. These will be given you at the door as you pass out They are absolutely free, cost you nothing,' and are given you simply as evidence that this is the most liberal store on the entire western coast Everybody is invited and expected. Remember, from 7:30 to 10 tonight. You are welcome. No Goods Will Be? Sold leave Your Pocketbooli at Home IPs Our Treat Tonight from 7:30 to 10 jRree Souveriir For All Adults Attending - , Be Sore Yon Gel Tours Our Now Toninlil ' CITTCT CLOCK CH YAUl'-lLTZZll Ztl Doors Open at 7:30 Tonlg!it Free Souvenir tlnslc Flowers Decoraticii V Ton Are bWItd Cent Starting Off the New and Completed Store With a Great Hurrah Sale He.e FTOAY SEIISATD0N BAKGADRIS to aae Bargains that prove to you that this store makes Greatest efforts to win and deserves vow trade. Shoo here tomorrow if vou never have hefon Test our bargains: Let us convince you that tWa is mdeed the real bargain comer .md the sto .. t A Friday Oehsatlon Oalo of 50c SILK ORGANDIES &000 yards and mora to go, all mtjl tods, snd ifs ths rw finest of- Me grades; Dssnmnu tigursa eiiects, on whits grounds, almost aa Una as pura silk and srsry yard a 50e grada ... A Friday 9enpation In tho SILKS At 89 yard, a clean op of manuf actor rs odda and ends; fancy silks of srery Kinos; sujes mat we nave -a sold right along at 69c, 75c P 0 HC and up to $1.00. AU go to II an arrest lot at. choica . . ellls Ss Seat geods haapest keeps thm conn tare czewdea aally. Wky par aaors whea yoa saa tray Ilka thlst SUll eads ox yara wios Zoar oioth, tae flaast aaS BBearasi or gradaai muoui bar, SS tmanas wide aaS saaap at .so yara arrain Scramble IN THE RIBBONS It's a sale that affords tha best buying opportunity of years; a chance to buy Ribbons for every use at a mere fraction of their ralue; maker's doss out lots; broken lines and a few pieces of at kind; that's what makes prices so sensationally low that crowds should be tne greatest we nave ever Known. 5 c YD S-ot? e4A please ef fiae ausom, blsvok, with sro. T, a tat la widths, tha aswaiiy SeUS M XOs SatS lie, eholoe se ysesV. . 9 c YD Fes Me aa4 SOe SUsWaaa, all S te s Uofeea wtaa. asttlae. aaa heary ewaltty aaa all Ue aa eoe kla&a, M ys. 2 rem S te S taohaej wld SSe SUbsoa, , ail Ssaay efTsets, an pa sat aa so lews. m YD Dreads aa4 faaey SUs koaa, an S aad a taeaae wide, ssslsasns patWras sad eokxra, aU wast SOe asat ee BUskoas at las Be Figured Calico All the best makes, all colors and all patterns worth -6c, 7c and even 8c. For one day C Yd Menncn's Talcum The large 25c cans, Violet or Bora ted ; 1 1 only 1,000 cans; while they last. . . ....... .JLL 9c CM slohaat, tha saa asses eat aad at a fan thiM savaaw what yea pay eOea. waasai t,eoo Orapomstta Piss a Buasfa. S4 laahae loaf, fMaa-aS sJX aawaaai M fs SOstralaae. that's Wsavt ky saw westk, erery peaay tt. ChoUsj.Xt 4 5,000 Tablets Good Writing Tablets, ruled or unruled, good quaury paper; regular c Tablets go at. He ANOTHER GREAT 3c SOAP SAME 3c Ten thousand bars more, bought especially for a Friday sensation; the finest of 5c to 10c Touet Soap at 3c for choice. All the famous Armour's make, and everybody knows it's one of the best made. Autumn Rose, Autumn Violet Enelish Violet. Clover Blossom. Lemo Olive. Transparent Premo, Glycerine, etc; all large cakes; all standard brands that you and every one else knows sells at 5c to 10c everywhere. Buy "all you want tomorrow, for the one day, choice, 3c cake. ;-v- ; "'V'. . .::.;:;:." v - ', Gake Cake IK mm Friday's Rcord-Dreahln( Sensatlota 3alo of Woman's $15.00 PUKE S1LC1 RADNC0ATS Just SS of them in all. Think 6f it Genuine Pongee Silk Rain Coats at $K.9S la an offer that should hare crowds waldng for them when the doors open: made in the latest style. SO to S4 Inches long, ell button trimmed. Tbe il P g r light, comfortable-onee and the beat and moat serviceable Rain Coat made. Alt $15X0 varaes and bot K U74 ...a.yyvv 04.98 for 912 and 015 Covert one to a customer. While they laat at, choice , Friday, Sensational Waist Sale Two hundred of our best 130 and 14.00 Waists at 1.79. Made of fine sheer lawns, all over embroidery fronts, VsL lace and tuck trimmings, ' long and short sleeves, an sires. regular and M OO Waists, Choice for.. $1.79 Women's 012 015 and 018 (t1 iflF i ne ireaiwai Dargain sr the seasonone of a style every ; Imaginable material and color plains, iancies, cnecKs ana plaids finest T silk linings, newest skirts We t leave It to vou If It's not the great- A) est of suit afgalns But see them Mf early IfyoM want the Vest $12.00, , $15 and $1) new. spring suits for Coats AH new spring styles. In tight and semi-fitting affects, strap and but ton trimmings, all sat in-lined : one, two and tbreerf "8 fcindr tllOOj values. Choice for. sw via Biwij au.uu ...$4.98 f If lh www III " l w And Tliese Bargains All Over the House jr:M- a1a' ttia finaat and hmmt vard.wlda Silkoline; not thin and alasy, but, a good heivy grade, worth . 12 centa a 7 yard .eJC $1.49 Bedspreads 95c Just SO of themlarge fancy Bedspreads, In pins, Diue ana green, inngea m he. around, reg. $1.49 values, for........ e7IC 25c Silk Mallnes 19c Fifty pieces All-Silk Maline, tn black, white and all colors, full width a atandard ' 1 0 25c grade. Yard ......... ........ ...liC GreatSc NeckwearSale 100. dozen vVomen's fancy embroidered linen Turnovers, plain p q white and colored effects, dainty, elegant styles; not one worth -5 F less than 15c, and remember, they are all linen, too. Choice . . . . ;. v OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT And is in charge of one cf 'the foremost artists on the entire coast. To make room for new groods now en route the entirt present stock must go, and all Trinrned, l-.-.vs been reduced to . almost half former prices. It's your chance to ! -swell elegant Hat for far less than you intended to pay, end i ' ' ! 1 taken advantage of at once. nnuTAnYDnunr Less Than. Half Prlc One thousand of them en!y the b' SSe and 40c military Bruthes at Good cua'lty bristles. One day only, pa r G " -s . w a w a a. v .J Ja ean Ohnrarflnia'a ChT-olnta IOt "an rxrn or Ia 7 T a. V?fi!t Imm t"T '. . Pt rn f - , f T. i 1 ; " t i