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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1907)
TUB OREGON DAILY JOUKNAI, PORTLAND. nroraOAT rmffil, AlT.n. 13. l::T. HIGH TAX UPOH 17IIISKERS Purpose of Bill Introduced in the Ugfslatur "of New : f V .-V. ...., ,7 . York." ", y-v r; - CCMEME MAY SPREAD . r ; TO OREGON ADORNMENTS The IWpectaMe rereoa With the ; Bunch oi Alfalfa Would Par iUto Fifty eimolaoM Ml the BHttaoie Motto Chops Would Coat fifteen. New Jimr, famous for IU billion aire corporations and m many mot qultoea, bu product legislator whoa raor-ken antipathy -for him kawhla krred colleague haa found vnt la a bill levying Uim on all hlrut ap pendage oenied on th faea of New Jersey resident. ,. ' If tha bill paeees not all those who carry fecial adonMnente wlU par tha aama assessment. Assomblymaa Coralsh. tha author of tha bill, drawa a nne dlatino tlon betweea varieties of coverings for tha face, and tha aassinnt will ba . levied aoeordlng ly. - Tha tea la gradu ated aa followa: -. "' Ordinary whlakara ... Kid whlakara Van Dyke board 10.00 Mutton chopa ...... ! "-BtUygoate" ....... ror rod whlakara add I par cant ex tra. Twanty-flve par cant of tha tax. la to ba paid to tha tax collector for col lecting tha levy. Tha bUl haa baaa re ferre". by tha apaakar of tha Naw Jer aey houaa to tha aommlttaa on Ash and aama. : - ' ' -. year la expressed"" that ahould Naw Jeracy adopt tha meaaura tha fform In faca dressing wlU apraad westward and perhaps reach Ore son. Hara It would coma In contact with aoma of tha moat noted and picturesque whlakara on tha pacific alopa. What havoo an enforce ment of Ita provisions would bring about Is a matter of no little moment. Think of Colonel "Mike" Wisdom mlnua tha tamptatlon to barbera which ha carrlea on hla facet Imagine P. U. Metaohan with tha cheeka and chin of a school boy graduate! - Portland topography . would suffer . radical changes.- Much of ita preaent translu cent lorellneaa would suffer a, serious jar. ' When tha facial reform . wave - which has struck Naw Jersey becomes a part of Oregon's Ufa hallelujahs will ba sung by both tha photographers and barbera. Tha latter will be busy add ing new news to tha family album so that future generations ' will ba able to reeognlr their "with and without" an ..,n. Woiilaa to add. tha arlaldere of the keen bladea will thank tha lawd wnicn puia i ii i n iww. uv.uv. Saturday night thumb screw. . 7 Free Souvenir .77.7:7; . Tonlrht for all visitors at tha grand opening, of the new and enlarged store of Tha Oolden came utj uooaa com ' pany. Tou are Invited. - . - lj:iiuOiiiUiiiu . ....,.'.i.:--J.,.i.";V iU! There is ; no case on re-; cord of a xold resulting: in Pneumonia, or other sen ous lung trouble, after I : ail i had been taken. . ( It . stops' the cough" and heals" the lungs.Tand pre vents serious , results from Do not! talct. chances on - a cold wearing away or experiment with some un known ) preparation Tthat costs you' Jhe, 'same v as Foleyts Honey and Tar. . : Remember the name and 'get the genuine. . ' i; j v v I I I ' I StYiri Cc!d for Thru IScafts Tbe (ollowlnir letter from A. J. Koa I aara, of Bateaville, Ind., tails Ita own mom "I suffered for three months with a severa cold. A drug-gist prepared ma aoma medicine, and a physician pre ribed for me. vet I did not Imorova. 1 thra tried Foley's Honey ud Tar, 1 eiebt doses cured me.'' . ThrM sices 2Sc. 50c. JV.00. The 50 cent sis contains two end tne-balf tlrgM as much as tha small siaa and tbs fX.OO bottle almost six times at much. rrnr .i'lu - r Mm mm V.' - J. mm AV.& pBtniaraT, YOUNG PORTLAND . . . SHOWS r :;.- limy.- Tha larva esdlenc that beard Visa Elisabeth Harwa sing laat night at tha testimonial eonoert glvem her at tha Hetllg may be glad that It seised tha opportunity ; before she want - eway, Thar Is JJttla doubt that soma day they will great bar again aa most gifted singer. ; i., i, Iflsa Harwaa la a aa rural singer, aha slnas In aplta of herself and la. spite of any ebatacles that may have been put la her way. Now aba haa faulta of Incor rect breathing, of unbelanoed tonea and aoma other errors of method that aaa be easily corrected with Instruction, but In spite of them aba alnga and alngs from a musical aouL It waa a real pleasure to bear her lovely - dramatic tonea that need only to be modulated and rounded out to become exqulalte. Bite haa temperament and a lot of It that will enable bar to grow rata a spieuara onera alnaar. Added to all thla aha haa a pretty, simple and attractive stage appearance and a faoa that will carry her a Ion a way toward anceeaa. miss Harwaa la only lust beginning but not often are euch encouraging beginnings found. Among several trained muatolana she remained tha star of her owa pro gram. . ' ' ' " -Dee aetata oesanr (Hayon;, waa her - first number and served mora to show- tha ottaiitT-of her tone -than her real ability to alng. Of a group of llaht aofiK Tor Ton Alone" (irHar- delot). "Night Bong" (Aahford), "Burat SEWER LEVY IS r.i Vernon People Not to Pay the Assessment Until the Con- A f n.An la Maria. O'. h ror the flrat time In the history ef the city council, aa ordinance referred to a committee waa summarily withdrawn from that committee and brought di rectly before the legislative body yes terday afternoon. The law waa prosaic. It dabbled with a portion of tb Irving ton sewer assessment. The committee had had It In charge for a few weeka and had not made any report Annand had tired of the delay and ha demanded tha return of the ordinance. . . Bennett nought to avoid trouble by proposing that the Ordinance be consid ered by tha council in committee of tbe whole.' . Annand a motion waa carnea and George B. Frank, president of tha Northeastern Improvement club, waa given the privilege to speak In its fa- for. . , ..'' ' ' i ... ; What Sewer woi ooee, Wr. Frank said the people in tha neighborhood .wanted the privilege of connecting with a sewer-emptying Into Columbia alough. A. new ecnooi is to be built . In Vernon, . and tha expense will be enormous. For tha main newer Mr. Frank said tha first assessment would be IM.tQ. The second assess ment will be for I4.0 , for laterals. If all tha houses in the district were connected with the sewer at once no eomnlalnt would ba made, but In a ma jority of eaaea th people will aot have sewer connection, (or two years. air. Frank said too people In the Highland and Vernon districts are vitally Inter ested In the Improvement. . Herman Wittenberg of tha Paclfle Coast Biscuit company a poke In be half '-of 10 - lots that the district. , Mr. Wittenberg waa, will ing to pay hia assssament upon every lot benefited by tha sewer, but he did not believe that either he or any other taxreyer ahould have to pay the aa sessment before th connection Jla made i..' - Xold pedal Keetlaa;. J City Engineer Taylor Said the aewer district had been laid out before- ha entered office. He brought In contour maps and said be waa prepared to ex plain everything in connection with the sewer, but the council had a great deal ef business en hand and it re-referred me ma tier u uiw wwer woiuiiiLn, This committee will have a special meeting next Mondsy at 10 a. m., and it will file a report ef tb proceedings at an adjourned meeting of tb council next ' Wednesday afternoon. a GENERAL A. C. HARKLEY ; 03 THE RETIRED LIST Veteran of Civil War Is Retiree! From Active Service in the t ' eftegular Army.' ' , ... i : ' ( - .. i - - J t? f (Joaraal Speelal Service.) Washington. D. C April 1. Having . w tw. t.ttttorv aare limit for aa- tlva service. Brigadier General Alfred C Markley was piacea on tne reiirwu list today. Few officers of the army hav mm lona-er or mora varied service than haa Oeneral Markley. - A native of Doyleatown. Fa., ne entered as a prniu i frWM.wfiri, Pannavlvanla in- IR IU1 ww.-..." ' . " f entry during tha first yesr of the civil war. He served in the operations Deiors Richmond, Virginia, waa present at me siege and capture of Petersburg and .a i. nnvanit f Oeneral Lee's u. w - - army to the eurrender at Appomattox. . . c r l wl.w During tna aummer m w.u tha "Army of Observation." which waa iwa .Ha rfnrh armv out of Mexico.'. Then came several years of In dian fighting on tna rrouuer. - - In the war Wltn opain nt veglment at tha battle of flan Juan HUL. After tha war , he was in com mand of Fort D. A. Russell. Wyoming. and Vancouver Barracks, Washington. In 18 he went to the Philippines, re turning In 110! to take command of Fort McDowell. TM vacancy in mi grade of - brlgadlar general resulting from the -retlremsnt Of General Markley haa been filled by the promotion of Colonel Charles' Morton. Seventh cav alry, now in tbe Fhinppinee.- . WILLIAM J. BRYAN IN ' NEW ENGLAND TODAY ' -v -Vi.'- -' (Joaraal gpe-lal Sarrl-a.) Hartford, Conn., April 1 . Connecti cut, which Is ths borne of tha New Eng land Progressiva Democratic league, la recelvlna a twa days' visit from Wil liam J. Bryan, which the Nebraska leader will follow up with a speaking tour of all the New England states. Ths fact that Mr. Bryan has believed It worth while to make two extended vis Its, to this section of tha country In as many months Is thought to be th fore runner of Important political develop ments having a bearing oa the national AKIIIG TROUBLE SINGER " GREAT. PROMISE T Apple Buds- (Emery) the last waa a vrvecloue aejaotloa that delighted with the rlchneoa.aad power of . Ma tonea. Her opa ratio numper by Meyerbeer showed her biggest work and declared without doubt her budding dramatic abilities. The final number "Cantlque de Noel" f Adam), waa an nnfortunate selection for a closing number and her enoora selection. "Home. Bweet nome.- whUe It brought down tha popular ele ment of tha house raised a aueaUon of tha lnartlatlo. But Mlas Harwaa la e mere girl vat Th number showing the moat oare ful work and excellently done waa Wal- demar Llnd'a violin solo, Wlenlswakf's second eonoerto In D minor. There waa a lack of "team work In tha first move ment between the piano and violin but the other morementa worked out beau tifully. The Lakme quartet sang sev eral numbers with eaeoree In their usual pleasing manner. Mra. J. Whyte Bvans sang ' Bamberg's "Hindoo' Bong" with much ' color and rich tones. Frederick T. Crowther, a baritone, comparatively new to Portland audiences, sang "The Toung Dietrich" Oeorge Henschel) and showed some excellent notes. -- There waa a large audlenoe and ft re ceived the perform era enthusiastically. Miss Harwaa waa greeted with many flowers and her farewell waa aa stirring ee any one, could -wish. - She. laevae la July for Italy to continue her studies and she la followed by many hopes and good wiahea. SOCIALISTS PUT TICKET III FIELD Candidate , Named for Every Office to Be Filled at the - "I'77 .. , i City Election ..-4 The Bodallsta of Portland pot eom- plete municipal ticket in tha field, at a meeting at Socialists ball. 10 Davis street, last -wight. - The tloket named la as followa: . ' . ' Mayor, M. B. Dorfmaa; auditor. J. W. PetUt; treasurer, A. BhahUnaa; munlo Ipal Judge, Otto Neuman; city attorney, Thomas Sladdan; oouncllmen at large, J.- D.- Smith. T J. T- McDonald. Joseph Franklin: first ward, ' B. Peterson; fourth ward, George L. Priori fifth ward. H. F. Fuchs: sixth ward. E. K. Jones; seventh ward, A. Salmela; eighth ward. M. B. McHenry. - ' i ' ' 1 The following platform waa noopieu by the party: ; ' ; "We. the Social lata or tne 017 m Portland In convention assembled, do hereby reassert our adhsrenee to the principles and program of international, revolutionary socialism. . , . -In view of the raottnat tna warn-Ing-claea, by thetr intelligence. Indus try and skill, create every object ef (artificial) wealth In the world, yet are, through private ownership of th tools and meana of t reduction and distribu tion, denied access to tha very wealth which their own bands alone have cre ated, and, aa w believe that tha vesting of this power' to withhold - from the masses by a powerful few the surplus value which haa been created by thee masses, leaving them but a bare sub sistence, is a privusgs. graniea ry a po litical force, the creature of these dom inant few, the capitalist -c hue. and as wa further believe that this class-government, this Drivate creature of the dominant few, of a necessity must be come the public servant of the demo cratic whole;--"' , "Therefore, , we assert that the So cialists of ths city of Portland enter ths political field aa a fraction of tha international Socialist movement which aspires to wrest from th capital lat class tha powers of government and to use these powers in' the Intsrest of ths worklnar class. Our aim In doing thta la the abolition of all laws which vest In tha individual the right to own privately what ta needed for use by all. In other worda, tha abolition of the wag system. And with this aim in view w plac In th field a ticket which la com posed of dues-paying members of tbe Socialist party, all of whom must have been a member of the party at leaat one year. W demand of them that they plnlg themselves. If .elected, to act In accordance with Instructions from their party organisation and not aa Individ nala. 1 "And so. without any attempt ta mis lead any person., we Jay before the vot ers this declaration of our principle and alms. ... "If you believe In the taking over ef th toole and meana of production and distribution by society and the render, ing to- the worker the full value ef his labor, vote tha Socialist ticket as a whole, not for th Socialist aa aa Indi vidual. If you believe In th private ewnarahip of these social necessities, vote against the Socialist ticket. We stand before th votera, not as non partisans, but confessing te a belief In th strongest kind of partlssnshlp. Our only viewpoint la a class viewpoint W stand for th Interest of th working olass. For th capitalist -class wa have no concern." . . . DEMANDS TO BE AGAIN SENT TO PENITENTIARY New Tork. April IS. Louis Oourdlan was arraigned today. He waived exam ination and asked the Officers te hasten him te Jollet. so he can begin hla prison term. He says If hla effort to serve his sea ten ce this time prove unavailing he will carry out hi original Intention to build a private Jail and Imprison him self outside th Illinois stats prison. S0Z0D0NT TOOTH POWDER used with Sozodont Liquid makes an ideal dentifrice. surpassing anything of the kind "ever offered to the pub lic Ask your dentist Verdict for Dr. Pierce - AeAUfft .TaTl ' Ledlcs' Home Jocrn&L Bewcmg tretk after a Me. It la aa H Maxim that 'a II wlU ' travel seven leagues while truth ta getting It boots on," and do doabt hundreds of thousand! ef good people read tha unwarranted and malicious attack upon Dr. K. (V. Pte-c and all Favorite Prescription pabllihed In the May (laoi) number of the Ladles' Home Journal, with Ita great black dta play headings, who never saw the hum ble, groveling retreetlon. with Its In con spicuous heading, published two months later. It was boldly charged la tha sland arena and libelous article that Dr. Pierce's Favorite prescription, for th ear of woman's weaknesses and ailments, con tained alcohol and ether harmful Ingredi ent. Dr. Pierce promptly brought suit against th publishers 01 the Ladle' Heme Journal, for 3OO,O0e,OO damages. Dr. Pierce alleeed that Mr. Bok. th editor, maliciously published the article containing tuca felts snd defamatory matter wlOf the Intent of Injuring fill urthermore. that no alcohol, 01 urioue. or habit-forming, drugl re, contained la his "J - Iptloo'i that said medicine 1 native medicinal roots and harmful IngredUnts what- that Mr. Bolt's malicious state- were wholly and abeolutel false. nnnMiijTiiia,iiain;aj iMtffarLi ware alfta Di-oven the action In the Buprease Ooart, But the business of Ir. Pierce was greatly mjured f the publication of the libelous article vtt lerce was grestly mjured by libelous article rita Its great dltDlay bead la-, while hundreds of a. wt lUI thouaaads who read the wickedly defamatory uy aerssietorr 1 erovellng re- article never ssw tbe bumble arafrtloA. aat la small tvne a and mad ae lneoor splouous ss posalbTe. tke matter waa. how- ever brought before a Jury la the Supreme Court of Mew vandamd a va: which promptly let In the Doctors .favor. Thus his inducers cam te grief Itass alanaen were riutee - 1 DIRECTORS OF- FAIR . RELEBfR fl. 17. GOODt r aHMsaamwaawamewaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaS Adopt Resolutions Which; Give Him Credit for Success of : a1' j the Exposition. At a meeting of the former members of tbe board of directors of the Lewis and Clark fair, held April 1. a committee consisting of Theodore B. Wilcox, W. D. Fenton and , Bufua Mallory. were ap pointed to prepare resolutions on tne Maath f the late H. W. Ooode. The ree- olutlona. an angroased copy' ef which will be presented to tne zamuy, erw aa follows: . 1 - Tn the death of Henry Walton Ooode, president of this corporation, the board of directors fed that tbe stats of Ore gon and the city of Portland have sus tained an fr reparable loea. - Te his un usual executive ability, hla ready grasp of affairs, his generous spirit and uni form klndneae toward all men, waa due the unsurpassed success ef -the Lewis and Clark centennial exposition. achievement ef national Importance, and In the conduct of ' whloh ha endeared himself alike to his associates and sub ordinates. "A' man ef splendid public spirit ' Having In the future of the state of bis adoption, .he waa ever ready to Identify himself with measure of publlo bene fit, liberal la hia benefactions, a slnoere friend, an exemplary husband and father, hla death In tha prime of man hood and usefulness Is no ordinary loss to th public or his friends, and this board composed of fellow workers and personal friends, desires te express Its deepest grist at bis death. .Therefore, be it - "Reolvd, "That th board of direc tors of th Lewis and Clark centennial, American' Pacific Exposition . and Ori ental fair desire to record their unani mous assent to tha foregoing expres sions of theii regard and estimate of their coworker; and be It further - "Resolved, That this resolution' be spread upon the records of th corpora tion, and an engrossed copy be sent to the family of Mr. Ooode,. ... . . ; . BEHTOH COUNTY W. C. T. II. ;IH COOTHITIOii FRIDAY At Which rt Is Planned to Solidify ; . Organization- The Pro- ., gram In Full. . 7 : ISpectal fnepeteb te The Jtamal) Oorvallla, Or., April II. In ths Chris tian church la this city Friday morn ing will begin tbe annual convention of the Benton county Women's Christian Temperance union, with Mrs. Lucia Faxton Addlton of Portland, state presi dent, presiding. ' During this conven tion it 1 hoped by th local W. C T. U. members that tha organization may be perfected of societies at Walls, Mount Vtsw ' and - other neighboring nolnte in Benton county. . ' 'i 'About ft delegate are expected ts attend the convention, the compute program for which la aa follows: - t:10 a, m. Friday Devotional, Mra C I McCausland; address of welcome, Mra ' Hlgdon; response, . Mr. J. E. Hankie, Philomath; . appointment of committees r reports of officers, county superintendents and local unions; busi ness drill, Mrs. L A. Addlton; election of officers; state plans of work; noon tide prayer,' MftTT.- S.-Handaakerr-ed-4 Journment. - 1:14 o'clock p. m "How Our Finance Can Beat Be Increased," (a) "Sys tematic Giving." Mrs.. Lumm; h) "In oreaa - of Membership, Active snd Honorary, and How Beat Secured," Mra Sarah Canthorn; c) "Self-Denial Week.' Mrs. I A. Addlton; d) "Collec tions and . Donations, Miss Nancy Campbell. ' ' S p. m., question box Address, "How Best to Fight the Cigarette and To bacco Evil"; "Our Work for and With the Children,' Mrs. L,umra;-t:4l p. m., report, of committee; adjournmnet ' Bvenlng ssssion, 7:4 Song snd praise service, Rsv. T. 8. Handsaker; aorlptur and prayer. Rev. Olbbs; l:lf. lecture, "Word Picture From the Tri ennial ot th World s W. C. T. U., With a Oeneral Overlook and Outlook," Mrs. L, a. Addlton: free will offering; music; benediction. - v ,, Mar Leave 8. A. A. C. . . Spokane. Wash., April 11. It Is re ported that Director Cook of tha 8. A. A. C. will resign hts position with ths athletic club within a few dare. Tbs muH is supnosed to be the lack of h.irmony between Manager Wright and I himself. He refused to make a state- .raant todajr. ., ,,r , btttlneasci ether u are. or vvsr 1 vorlte tyt la madr from eonuVfVi evrai(d r r. w IBS lrrtnsrctr inion Whulll cmf J p.Il iytM'Tpiit canta iq af c7'ril ij: any onha slicired harmful drugM Ta 10 ISUEMf! TRIPLE TRAGEDY Chkrlee .H. Rosterf Arrested at Los Angeles Will Be Taken ' to New York.' TWO FARMERS AND ' HOUSEKEEPER KILLED Snepidoa Facte on Rogers Tbrooch His Wife's Jel-Bjrr -Had Dlaap peeved . Immediately After Crime Wag Committed. , ' . A Klddletown, M, T, April leonanee Henry . Xogere, alias Chariea u. w pen tar. who waa arrested laat wee at Los Angeles. California, wCl be returned hare te stand trial tor one of tbe meet fiendish erlmea ever .committed la Mew Tork state. ; The local authorities be- kM have, sufficient evidence te bold him for the murder Of Willi Olney. Frederick Olney ana juios !" whs ware murdered la their borne near here on th night of October . MOt Frederick and Wliua oiney. ww w" prosperous farmers, were aa In the woods back of their farm houaa Mra. Georgia IngerUok, their nous keeper, wee found la tbe bare uncon scious from a blow oa in neaa -turlng her skull and the body of her daughter. Alloc, aged nine yearn, waa found to tbe cellar ef the Olney home. Tbe discovery ef a bloody towel ea hiAk tha aaaaaalna wined their hand after killing the little nlne-year-oM girl. whloh wee found in rront ox in nue the morning after the muruer, ex emplified th oold-bloeded manner a whloh the crime waa committed. The authorities ware convinced that the murderer were personally known te both' th Olney brother and Mrs, Inger- Uck. This theory was baaed en tne supposition- that the murderers returned te the Olney house to slay Mrs. IngerUok and her daughter, because they feared that If the murder of the Olney waa discovered It waa possible that , they would be suspected. It waa believed that Mra. Ingenicx alone bald th key to th Identity ef tbe assassins, and for day the officers watched by her bedsld awaiting her return te consciousness. But -when h finally -recovered from her wound her mind waa a blank - concerning tne tragedy and, ta fact, aha never fully re covered bar reason. . Baffled along thla line the authorities act to work In other directions to run down the murderer. Certetln relative of the murdered per sona were suspected bet they easily proved alibis. It waa a considerable time after the crime before suspicion became fastened upon Roger. Suspicion finally centered upon him, 1t la said, through the Jeal ousy of his wife. He la said te have been friendly with Mra. Ingerllck. ; It la thought that he learned from her that the Olney brothers had la their posees- slon 15.000 cash and aoma valuable. Thee were taken by the murderer. After the murder .Roger disappeared from Mlddletown. The Plnkertona searched in vain for eome trace of him until tbe latter part ef January laat be wrote a letter which gav a olu te his whereabouts In California. 6000 ROADS TO BOOST - . THE LD;.1BER . INDUSTRY Josephine's People Look to Put- tins Them In Shape for Traction Engines. ,7 - (Seedal Mneteh te Tbe ownaL) Grants Pas, Or- April II. Th lum bering sea eon baa opened In Joaephlne county, and as ail the mma have been ahaped for greater capacity. It la evi dent the output will be greater this season than aver before. Thirteen mills in Josephine saw the fir and pine. Be- 'iiuiii:i::ni!::t.mnss::s!:s::!tu!un:tin You i might as well try to force a substitute for a U. S. gold piece uponV a banker as to attempt tb force a.sub- s -stitute for ".,V .. - '.," - uVillriLMl'RiL 1 upon the roan who has once smoked' them." '-vr i . , ' A ciearette means only one thing to him an " Jmperiales. ' " ' - - .''- That's because Imperiales Cigarettes have a ' rich smoking taste all their own -a taste result-. ; . ing from the careful blend of the pure clean tobacco ' . that's in them, and the way the thin mais paper crimped, not pasted -helps that tobacco to smoke : right down to the mouthpitct. , 7 - 7 AH the full tobacco taste with no afttr taste, ; iK''J ':-1.: 10 ccnt ; 'yy,':-: Ths men of ths West smoked 100,000,000 Imperiales In 1006. '. ' Sold Evtiy iAer 7 THE JOHN BOLLMAN COMPANY , .. Maaufactorerg , 7' ' : - , Sea Freaelsee) TO h 7s.l ,:777i7; 11 V k:: : J.' y . .-. . 'j ) (M ' " ' -7; ' v-:- '".- 'AaJ ' VJ 77" '77; '.7'-;7':te;.7.r, ;,7 7,. . , .;,'.:7; ;7-; -. ),: Underwear Sp Spring weight !vMcrino: in natural gray, with reinforced faced seams. Full line of sizes up to 48. i Regular $1.00 values. Special, per garment " ''r- " 7, " 7... "(TP)' Our Underwear lor S wiimcr Consists of a most varied ;- assortment of different weaves and textures. Fine Silks, Linens and Imported Woolens, Silk Lisles, French Bal briggans, C ottonv Mesh, Derby Ribbed and Lace Knit Weaves. Special ineasurements and extra large sizes. Per garment S D U $SoS(D 1 ' ,7'-V -X"'"r ' ''v' ';.'' ' -..'i :""' "',:r - t cause ef tbe bad reeda la winter 'the mil la run only during tbe summer, aa the entire output le wagon to Oraata Paae for yarding; porting and shipping. A large quantity of the pine lumber le 4ed la the Manufacture- ef box, sash and door by the local fao- tory. ' Tbe mills are located at varlona. point ea Applegate river, ' Slate creek and other western Josephine - oounty timber belta aot Included la th timber reserve. , Lrumber la hauled all tha way from 1 to It mil from the mill to Grants Pass. The sal of lumber from Joeephln county for this ysar will amount te about ISOO.eO. The Industry '.'; - . - : -'y--vH.v r man eciai laV..'A:V:t'.: ; i-' ;t ' 7.-' -;7-j: ' la bow tbe leading eae and le the msaas of giving employment te eeveral huo died man. , . " l- The oounty court, eomaardal alub and : lntereated parttea have taken up the proposition of building macadamised or turnpike roads -from Oraata Pasa Into the timber baits ef the upper Applegate, Jump-Off -Joe and ther districts, whloh are at present tee tar away te allow profitable lumbertjrg. But with good road for. winter and aummer work traction engine drawing four or five heavily-loaded wagons oould operate and reduoe the coet of transportation to such a figure aa to permit th milling of tb remote timber belta at a profit. - campaign ef next year. : fv ,.v.