The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 17, 1907, Image 1

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A'1 Uttic Ad ta THE JutRHAt f V-Vr i-fCV . i,: . .
Ert,i, neiu. cm o-i, i 1 M- ! froHTlT FT) U if WJPiXC?; J llNN JnMUNF x J"al Circulation
; Tne Weatheiwralr and cooler to-; J , " SSssTITT a"i4-i - ' " ' ' I '" tei JT fklXXJf J
' nlfbt; Thureday fair and warmer. , ; J . XJ ; faj . , I e
I i i .iSs ii ii iw ii - i i i.iiw i Lw i i mm niaain n .i - isaassai i X i mm i " i i i m i.n ae 's an i i i i m nwn i i i .i .i n i mi 1 . M ... ' " " ' ' '" """"" ' L' ',"' " " " '
VOL. VI.. NO. 37.
- i
Ernest Lane Held; for
; RountreeOutrageand
Other Puzzling Deeds
of Darkness y
Wife of , Proprietor Hammersley,
' Former Officer, Finds Black
. Jack In Pocket of Young
lodger and Husband Notifies
Detectives and Aids In Capture
Ths BwftM.
Ernest Lane, alia Barl Lewis, alias
John Davie. . '.-.'' t ,, ,
Twenty years of age.
Native of Creswell, Oregon. - ..
Committed . to -Oregon - a tat reform
school In .DM, and paroled aama year.
Arrested June 15, 1104, by Dsteotlvee
Snow, Kern ran and Say for robbing
residence of H. Rasmussen, 411 North
Twenty-fourth street, March 4 aad
Mareh It,' 1104.
-Returned to reform school in - June
.and paroled last yeas.,;, ,
' XaVs .Alleged brlxasa.
March ft Entered horns of Newton
W. Rountree. 00 Ella street, murderous
ly assaulted Mrs. - Rountree, who ' was
alons In the houss at the time, aad car.
rled away tar diamond earrings, valued
at 1200. v -
Mareh 10 Effected an entrance to
home of Mrs. Van Winkle, 140 Oouch
treet. and stole large quantity of valu
able Jewelry.
April 1 Climbed through ' rear win
dow of the reaidenoe of P. C. Patterson.
7T1 Everett street, at 11:41 p. m, and
attempted to bold up Patterson. - who
was reading In bed. Noise of intruder
aroused E. G Qlltner, in flat above, who
fired several shots at the burglar, caus
ing him to beat hasty retreat
April S Surprised tin horns of Mrs.
Rosetta Sherlock, II North Twenty-first
street, by unexpected return of woman,
and eacaped through rear window. !
April 4 Held up Henry Hahn on
porch of his residence, tit Cornell road,
and forced Hahn at muxsls of gun to
enter house and turn over gold watch
and 11.50. Subsequently fired at five
times by Hahn. but escaped unscathed.
April 11 Broke Into store of. Port
land Gun A Bicycle company, m Flrat
street, and carried away several revolv
ers, rif lea .and other articles.
April IS Forced sn entrance Into
Moore's studio. ISIH Washington street,
at 1 a. ro., bound and gagged I. Z. Du
freene. an artist, and after securing gold
watch and $15 in cash mads his way
serosa roofs to Sixth street.
It remained for a quick-witted little
matron, unversed In the detective arts,
but posseaalng aa abundance of good,
common senae. Veen perception and the
natural suspicious naturs of woman, to
furnlaluthe Information which resulted
in the capture at t o'clock this morning
of Ernest Lane, the desperate felon held
nslble for the unparalleled series
of burglaries In the Nob Hill district. In-
(Continued on Pago Fourteen.) ,
,' " :;i ' "i (Journal Special Service.) " '' ( ' "
PItUburf. Kan., April 17. "Hypocrite,' "demagogne' and polltl
cal prostitute" are some of the milder, terms applied to Preaident' Roose-:
relt by Engene V. D be, former Boclallst candidate for president, in a
ed statement made public today.
occasioned by tbe latter' recent characterisation of Hearst, Moyer, Hay-"
wood and Debs as "undesirable citliens," liud Is In part aa follows r
Regarding the president of the United
States, as I do, simply aa a el.jn and
fellowaan, the same as any other, I
- shall apeak of him aad his acts free
' alike from awe and malice, and If I
place him In the publlo pillory, where
he hsa placed so many others, to bs
. , seen and despised of men. It will .be
from a sense that- his official acta,' so
often In fist denial of his professions,
merit- the eseorstlon of honsst man. .
In the first place, I charts President
' Roosevelt with being .a hypocrite, the
" greatest that ever occupied the.sxeo-
ntlvs seat of the nation. - Ills profes-
alort ef purs politic Is false, his boast
ed moral courage the bluff of a bully
. snd Ms ''square deal" a delusion and a
, abas? ' - . ,
: : '. ""- -
; .
. t
. -. . . . . . . .. .., .
j - 'i. ;;:-"-.
..... r- .9
Ernest Lorn. AJlag Earl Lewis, Captured After a Hard Fight Throufh Uie
Father and Mother Dead, Three
'Sons Seriously III Daughter
and Cook III in Hospital Under
Arrest Arsenic Is Found in
Flour Barrel. ""
' (Jeeraal Ssedal Serviee.)
Chicago, April IT. Repeated poison
ings of the members of the Metto fam
ily of Irving. Park, this city, are giv
ing the police a mystery to solves con
taining . melodramatio features, seldom
equaled. ..The .father and mother are
dead and a daughter and Mrs. Mary
Sladek, housekeeper for' the family, are
under arrest In the hospital, where they
are suffering themselves.
Quantities of arsenle were found In
the flour and meal barrels In the house
and other poison was found buried be
neath . the woodpile in the basement.
This morning detectives en routs to the
Motto house to resume their Investiga
tions met Joseph Mette. Mette was
desthly- pale and 'grew woree before
them. The officers hastened . Joseph to
a doctor and then continued to the
home, where they found Charles, aged
II. 'and Rudolph, aged - IB. suffering
apparently from the same trouble. All
are dangerously 11L .
t Mffls DM Not Rrtlre. r
' - Uooml Special Serrlee.)
Albany, Or., April 17. Contrary o
sxpeetations, IX O. Mills did not retire
from the directorate of the .New Tork
Central railroad- today He was reelect
ed, but may retire later. .
Debs' attack on the preaident was
Theodora Roosevelt ' la mainly for
Theodore Roosevelt and Incidentally for
"tuch . others aa are also for . tbs ssms
distinguished gentleman, first, Isst and
all the time. He Is a smooth snd slip
pery .politician, swollen purple with
self-conoeit; he Is shrewd enough- to
gauge the stupidity of the messes and
unscrupulous enough to turn It Into here
worship. - This constitutes' ths dsma
gogus and he la that In superlative de
gree. - .
Only a abort time ago he arpeared in
a characteristic role. Rushing Into ths
limelight, ss riecesssry to him' ss
breath, be. shrieked that .he, and Root
wars "horrified" because of certain
scandalous and revolting ehsrges made
by one ot his . own former political
. v i - -'-r' ?
t :r. :
- J
Early This Morning.
SprJkane Introduces Evidence to Offset That of the Railroads--Woodworth
States That Complainant Has . Been Specially
- Favored and Coast Discriminated Against Distance Tariffs
, Would Force Inland City to Purchase From Pacific Points
' Instead of From East Portland Demands Reduced Rates.
4 e
"The interest of the great
"mass of the people of .this coast 4
' is to get. their products to mar-
' ket, east or west, as cheaply as,
possible, . not primarily; to get e
'.eastern goods Into' ths hands of
Interior Jobbers at a lower rate. 4
' The' Interest of the great msss
of the people of this coast is to e
get what they consume to them
as cheaply ss possible, through 4
low distributive rate from their 4
natural eoaat market" J. - N.T e
Teal to the Interaute commerce O)
T commiaslon at Portland . hearing. 4
. .... v ; , . , .... . . e
Evidence given this forenoon by rail-
rpad . trafflo men before the Interstate
commerce commission In the Spokane
rate case emphasised the force of Port
land's claims as a coaat point for In
terior distributive freight rates, and In
the seme ratio damaged 'the Spokans
argument that That city, without water
competition, should be entitled .to ter
minal rates now given the eoast cities.
"J. 'O.. Woodworth, trafflo - manager of
the Northern Pacific railroad, was asked
by W. W. Cotton the following vitally
important question: '
sw a, ' ''- ' ' ',
I! K
; . ' -v
: ; itJti , , ,n.
, , . . . ...
chums Of course, ho and Root,- of
Tweed fame, ths foxiest "fixer" of them
all, were "horrified" because of ths
shock to their political virtue, but It
se happened that the horror took- ef-
of 6
v. K' J
Btforta ot Mrs. Tom Hammsrtly
Tf a long and short heal or distance
tariff and division were put Into effect
on Spokane buslneaa and you. lived up
to the distance tariffs, at. the same time
taking into consideration the. rates and
probable conditions as to water com
petition from-the east to Paclfle eoast
ports, -where would Spokane merchants
buy their goodar i , ,
. Mr. Woodworth, with considerable re
luctance, replied: .
' "Such a plan would bring water com
petition very i much ' nearer to Spokane.
The merchants .of. that city . would buy
their goods from Pacific eoast . ports."
Elimination of Spokane Sons.
' It was brought out that ths only log
ical conclusion ths ' Spokans case can
reach 'will be the elimination of Its pres
ent monopolistic "sone," andVtbe estab
lishment of. graded rates from the east,
accompanied probably by some reduction
of the. distributes rates from' Portland
to1 the Interior. The result will be to
place Portland where It properly belongs
as tbs natural distributing point for the
territory from tidewater te the foot of
thO'Rocky mountains. ' '
' Mr. Woodworth. when asked where the
dividing line between east and weet
hoirtid distributing tariffs would be
fixed, said that Miles City, Montane, Is
(Continued oa Fnge Two.)
Debs on ;
f I charge President
Roosevelt with being a hyp
ocrite, the greatest that ever
occupied the executive seat
of the nation. His profes
sion of pure politics is false,
his boasted moral courage
the bluff of a bully and hisv
"square deal' a delusion and
a sham.. '
feet when they found themselves un
covered. . Ths taking , of Hariiman's
boodle for corruptly sleeting him pres
ident and ths uss of the stolen lnsur
aaoe tuadg for the sane purpose, did
' (Journal Special Service.)
New ; York,'. April 17. "Harriman must '
go, is the edict issued in high financial
is being waged upon the Union Pacific mag
nate. " Local and foreien investors are back-
ins: Henry C. Frick and Jacob II.
their efforts to oust Harnman from control,
having lost all confidence in him becauseof ' .
his radical plunges and the expose of his ,
methods 'as shown by the interstate com
merce Investigation.. There are indications
on 'change today that "something is hang
ing over the Pacific," but just what is un
certain. .1 ',.
A split has occurred in the croup
ciers that have for several years been known
as the Harriman syndicate, which may re
suit In important changes in the Union Pa
cific railroad, so long dominated by E. H.
Harriman. mere has been a lining up of
the members of the syndicate with Henry C.
Frick, Jacob II. Schiff and William Rocke
feller on the one side as favoring a change in
the . management and . with Harriman and
Henry H. Rogers, opposed to them and
wanting things to remain as they
fcver since Harriman eave tht now famous
testimony before the interstate commerce
commission, which "-was followed by -the
crash in stocks and especially in Union Pa- ;':
cine shares, culminating in the panic of
l M . .. . 1 . . 1 l
ftiaren it, ii is saia inai mere nave oeen .
mutterines in the Harriman camp. The
panic resulted in very heavy losses to many of the friends snd followers of the Harriman group,
nd these losses are thought to have extended to some of that group itself.
The poor rallying power of Union. Pacific stock in the market has been a matter of observation
in Wall street since the panic. 7 ... 4 ,
YOU 800(1 MUST
Price of Haircuts Will Be Thirty-
Five Cents in Another Month,
so ; You Had Better Get a
Year's Supply at the Present
Rates. . "V
iab catting II eenta.
Dig. The barber has got yon. Ton
can't use a safety pair of shears and
out your hair, so get resdy to meet
smilingly ths new schedule which be
oomee effective May, 14. TJntn then you
can ssvs 1 cents a out. Better get
several before the raise.
The new price list for hair cutting Is
ths result of the action taken by ths
committee consisting of F. T. Rogers,
A. R. Rlttsr and J. W. Rounds appointed
at a meeting last. Monday night.
Since that time practically every shop
tn the elty has signed the agreement to
Increase the price of hair cutting from
21 to II cent a Once down their names
cannot be withdrawn and only a few of
the smallest shops In Portland have re
fused te . give their, consent to the
enange. :
- Portland. It. Is said. Is the only city
In the country charging IB cents for
hair cutting when only II oents Is re
ceived for shaving. . Hence the forth
coming Increase, the sorrow to ths pa
unt, and the Joy to the barber.
not "horrify" the president and Rnnt.
nor would they bs horrified jet If they
had not been caught red-handed In the
act with the booty spon their person.
When Roosevelt stepped eat of the
if . v -
n - - - '-j
v a i ::
' V7T' ; 1
i 'if - ' ..t.JA T
Schiff in
of flnan-
If President Interferes to Stop
Indictment and Prosecution as
Requested, to by Borah He
Will Be Accused of Protecting
Some and Prosecuting Others.
Washington. AprU 17. Kaatern news
papers almost unantmoualy aaaert this
morning that the attorney-general can
not Intervene In favor of Senator Borah
In Idaho to atop proceedings against
him for alleged conspiracy in land
matters. Federal District. -Attorney
Rulek of Idaho Is due hers now to 'lay
ths facts before the department of Jus
tice. ...... n - s ".. .' ( '-.
The matter has grown to a sensation
of national scops owing to ths fact that
labor men,. Moyer, Heywood and Pettl
bone. In Idaho are Involved, ' according
to Borah, In a conspiracy to injure htm
aa their prosecutor. . Praotloaily every
labor organisation . In ths east is
wrought ap over the president's letter
to Congressman Sherman condemning
Moyer and others prior to their trial
Crisis for oo sevela.
- Special representatives of the laborers
are due to call st the White House to
day to demand a ' statement ss ' to
whether Roosevelt made ths statement
attributed to him In the Sherman letter.
The opinion is growing that for the
(ConUnned ea Page Two.)
wtilta House and called Moyer. Haywood
and Pettlbone "murderers," men he had
never aeen and did not know; men
who had never been tried, never con
victed and whom every law of ths land
presumed Innocent until proven guilty,
he fell a million miles beneath where
Lincoln stood and there he grovels to
day with hie political orlmes. ons af
ter another, finding him out and point
ing at. him with their accusing fingers.
No president of ths United States haa
ever descended to such depths as has
Roosevelt te serve hie law-defying and
crime-Inciting masters, Ths act Is sim
ply horrible and without a parallel tn
American history.
The reatset XJa.
Theodore Roosevelt la swift to hrenrt
other men who even venture to dis
agree With htm BS ltura. He, iri-nMim
te himself, la immarninte and InfulllMo.
The greatest ltnr la he who only
llara In others.
1lTi Rowve!t -denounce.! M -T.r
TTnywnod n1 Pett!vne ss tnur r-- v -
Ottered a lie es Mi. en.
a Pfll"r,i'-ir r f -1 e-i 1 r-r
SSI1-1 -i ' , ,
thin ' .
Brilliant Social Function Ushers
In First Anniversary' of Disas
terSeven Thousand Attend
Charity Bali Dedicating Mag
nificent Fairmount Hotel.
fjoaveal Soeelal gtevtse.
8an rrar.clsco, April 17. The celebra
tion of the flrat anniversary of the new
8aa Francisco began last night with a
charity ball and promenade concert la
the magnlfloent new Hotel Fairmount
which crowns Nob HUL It was tn tha
nature of an informal opening of the
new hotel. The forma opening takes
plsos on Thursday. AprU 18, the anni
versary of the great earthquake. .
' Never before - in the history of the
city has there been such a brilliant so
cial function as the promenade con
cert snd ball at the Falrotoast hotel last
night. It waa eonceived oa regal pro
portions as an ' appropriate event for
the Informal opening . of the superb
hostelry snd to give much needed finan
cial assistance ta three of the most
prominent and deserving sherltlee Irt
San Francisco Doctors' Daturhtera,
Nursery foe . Homeless Children and
PolycUnlo. . - .
The plans of the ladle interested In
the affair were splendidly executed and
the result wss successful, beyond the
highest . expectations, It seemed that
(Continued ea Page Two.)
served their fellow-workers snd having
spurned the bribes of thsir niaattrs.
transcend Immeasurably the man in t;
white house, who, with the cruel mlv-
olence of a barbarian, has rrnnuunl
their ' doom.
Hers snd now I challenge presM.nt
Roosevelt He Is guilty ot blah crim,.
snd deserves Impeachment.
For ths second time Prow I, lent P,in
velt haa publicly denounced Moyer. lUj
wood snd Pettlbone. He haa not r-renounced
condemnation upin r
Thaw nor upon any rich nwi
with mnrder. He haa, hnwtr.r, i .
poatmaater of a men at ., t-u ar - .
by the Chlcatro Tribune wnn .
shot another mnn In a l.rnwl m.r .
ropntnhle wnnx-n, ari l thn tint I
finnce to n-nkn thn mic i i .
Of tlint
1 .
i -