The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 16, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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VVestern Refinery Meets Advance
of the. Hawaiian Made
Last Friday. . "
Today' market tatmr
finer edwaeed by
Ki.ttsr mrkt auake drnB
,. m quiet la hop eaarha. '
Mlverto mohair paej sold. .
Uoadeaead creasm ere advaae. . J
Potato easier I enoth. i .. . .
Five ent paid onloa a. ,
Oregoa grase coming faeter.
Halmoa aeaeoa 1 onsBld. i
t'allfornlt peas eetUng tawa. .
Orange are graded Bnr th" "''
fiharp tro In bothoo letter. -Cucumber
com trom far aouth.
ihnnl Ha Vv Wa
A terrifle war la tb eager manw has i Wee
narrowly averted by the Jetera Beflnery
wbick advanced It valaee SOe par
today to reefer with th dvne mada by
th, California at Hawaiian eowpany last rri
ly. For severer daye the ,rl.b"b"
expecting tha Weetera eompany to P P "
nuotatloa bat aa tba daya pwaed and ad waa mada tha trad. begin
that wvwJhly tba aid opiW ,p" .!
for a fight with Ita gunt rival. Howetrer. tba
r.llfornla A H.W.U. did act go t of I J
war ta earap from the Western and when It
merle tba laat advance, etyed right there, end
refused ta boll, thaa show ng that ba
ronfldvB of Ita absorat control of tba art
sugar trad. Tha adraaca quoted XJT"
l.r tha Hawaiian and today by tha Western
company waa foUy Joetlfled by tha wodltloaa
ruling la tba aaet. However, the future of
the eoaat ugr market la ry much to
rtmibt aa It cannot ba told at thl time what
the frolt crop will amount ,te and Sttgar
vulura will fluctuate aa tha crops progree or
go backward. .
Butter Xakes fredictaa Decline. .
Aa' wan predicted la thla report yeaterday
the butter market today ahowa drop of e a
pound or MX a aonere.. Thla rat waa mada by
all e-lty ereamerlre and waa followed by the
outride lnetltntione, Soma of tba tatt"!
tlclpated the preeeot enovement and lowered
their value several daya ago. City creamery
la today quoted at XT Vie for fleet trade and
Sit for second trade. . Oatalda oreemerle art
top at ZTHe although aoma am lea of flrat
riia atork are, reported today at BSe n
pound. With tha Increaan la local arrival
14 the beery drop la raloei la nther market
ties another decline In alae la doe bera be
fore tha praaent week la ended. It la now
generally predicted that tha low price of but-t-r
will be reached oa the preaent morement.
Cbeeee market U without atrppllea altbonch
tha Tillamook ahlpmeata are expected darlnf
tbe day. , ..-.. X i
Era market u weaker and moat ante are
reported today at KQiOt while eolr a
email number (o at 90e, Tba former rant I
therefore the market. V - ' v X i
Cbickena oontlnne folly aa acare aa errar
with dunaad quite liberal, at. the recent ad
Taurc. ,
atatoaa Zaalar la th loath. .
Potktoea anow aa eaaler ton la tba enatl
owing to the larte ahlpmenta la tbia market;
prlcea remain firm with anrrllea rapidly dla
appearlnc. McKlaley Mitchell, re porta the to),
lowing meaaaita from Aaa PranHaeo: . -
"Potato market eaaler with lower prleea; 18
rare of eantera and T at Oretoa arrlred daring
the) day." , -
Eaatrta potato are betnt freely offered t
the trade bora at prlcee which will not allow
of materially higher ralaea for Oregona no leu
tha nnexoeeted haDPene. Following la to a
local denier from a Mtnaeeota ahlpper Badar
date of April 12:
"We quota yon today cbotc aflnaeaota aand
land Bnrbank notatoea at fl.aS per ewt,
Early Boa at fl.dO per cwt. aaeked la 4
weight atu-ka of 130 pooada. dellrered at
your atatlon. , We hare la on of our ware
botwea abont half a ear of email Burhanke
which are aaaorted from other atrvk, which
we offer yoa at 11.35 per cwt, and balance
of ear to ba aaaorted Burbenka," .
mtwn enw mum w
rynifltVa were nerar ao qnlet la the bop
market aa now. No late aale.
Fllrertoo mohair pool waa aold yeaterday to
Brown of 8ulem. Plica reported waa 194e.
Carnatloo and Pioneer milk adraaced. For
mer 20e and latter lne a caae.
Colambln and Willamette rtrar (almoa aea
aoa opeaed yeaterday at - boob and catch waa
quite fair. Price her today tc for Chinook
and He for cteelbeada. . .
California peaa are down another cent to lie
a pound, y
A car of amill-eiaed arangea la . today.
Prion op. ; -
Rharp drop noted la botbuaae lettoca. ' Oood
etarf at $1 a box. t i
Oregon 'gram coming faeter aad price abowi
another drnp of cent today.
The trade per a tba following price - to
Front etrret.' Prleea paid eolppera ara leaa
regular commlmlona: -
Oraia. Hoar aad Feed. '
ARAIK BAOSCaicatta, fcaytag yrVsai
aelllnc. SStSOHe. . ."
WHEAT Clob, ttc: red BaaaUa, TOcj bloa
atem. Tile; valley. Tie.
COBN-Whole. 2ft.00; cracked. 126X0 par
ton. , .
BARLFT New Faed, t21.OO0tf.OO per ton;
rolled. 1 23. 00 24 .00: brewing. IS.UtiiQ 23.00.
BVB 41.88 per cwt.
OATH New Producer price . I white.
t2T.Miia2SXI0 per toa; gray, $2.90a27.B0.
Fl.Ot'B Beaten Oregon patenta. t4.IR;
tralgbta, $S.0: eiport. $3JW; valley, T!
graham, Va. IS. 00; whole wheat, .70t rra,
COa, 8S00; halea. I.Ti.
MtUTCFFS Bran. ItT.OO per ton: mid
dling, aborta. roan try. 1 20.50; city,
i.m; muh. ajia omitzi oo.
HA I Producer' price Timothy, wITIametr
valley,- fancy, f 16 00; ordinary." 112.00f!l
14; eaatern Oregon. 820.00(22100; mixed, $10i
10.00; clover, tt.X3.00; greltu. 88.004310.00;
cheat, $8.00.
' Batter, Egg and renJtry. ':"v'. ';;"''
BUTTKB FAT f. e. a. PorUand wt
cream. 2V( enar, 24e.
BUTTKK 4)lty ereamery, JTAc ontalde,
fancy, 2f.Hc: aeooada. 2fle; atora. 18s,
KOnn Extra fancy, candled, 1820e.
CI1KESB New Full cream, Oata. l01Ml
Toong Amerfce. ITQiTHe. . . ,
PotlLTRV Mixed ruictene. 4tt per lb;
fancy bene, I6e per lb; rt water, eld. 11Q2
per lb; old ataga, 1212Hc per Ih; fry era, 10
per lb; broiler. IGc per lb; old dneke. llHe
per lb; aprlug dacfc. IS per tt; gee, J
10c par lb; turkey. 17 per lb for old; dreeaeA.
fancy, 22e per Tb: gqnaoa, $2.00 per does
plgeooa, $1.00 per do, breaaad poultry 1Q1H
pet lb Ugher. .
Hope, Weal aad Hide. ' '
BOPS iwkj crop Choice. , tic; prima to
choice, lOQIOHc; madinm re prima, 80c;
menlua, 8r; eontracu. IMT'crop, 12c.
WOOU ISO alto Talley. . 2UJZci , eaatern
Ore on, toe. ,
m.HAIR Wew mr-2CHc
SHKICHMSINS Shearing. MjtJOt earkt abort
ateot i-i(c: medinai vmol, .89075 aacbl
leaa wool, IVeJtl.00 each.
flM-Tim. par to. Mei We. 3 aad
gr-ae, 2fa2U.
CHITT1.I bAKK Be for car lot; etna 11
lota, ae,
UtOBfi-Dry, Na I. II It aad an, 180
IPe W IB: Bra kin V. i a i.-. ipi A i iu .
dry calf. Vie. I, andet lua. 20c; aalied bklea,
aie aoud, 88 Ilia and ever, tig loc: cow,
at age aaa Ml la, aound, 617C; kip,
I to St lne, be; ealf, aoand, nader IS lb, lie;
greea. anealted, le leea; enlta. le par lb leaa)
kore bhlea. aalied. tech. $I.OO91.00; dry, eecU,
lHflM); roll bide., tswi goat aklna.
do strong; Is the demand for 4,
onion ror aoed oa account of the d
enormous value now ruling; all
ever the coaat that prices on the
former are touching new records.
9 v na i la oaueved to b th high
t pric paid this aeioa for
onions we reported) by Mo
Kwen KoKkey. local people to-
- oay. Ihe firm purchaaed a lot
of aeed onlona at 6 cent a )
pound. About 10 sacks taken. 4
By Templeton Broa. , d
I)raad menu of all kind
hald remarkably well laU wek
for choice atock. Quit a quart-
tlty of poor veal avrrlvafl and d
ucb moved vary alowly. . In-
qulry for block bora Is ateady. - d
While the tgg market la atllt .
' holding at the aame value the d
ton la weaker. Thar seem to
b a tendency among; cold atop-
age men to fore th price down-
ward and . If receipts lncreaa d
they will accomplish Uiatr ob-
Jeot. ' : . i - ... d
Poultry arrival are entirety
too small .to supply , th demand
and all offering ar picked up
at nc, , - e
-...- .- . z;y. ... . ( .
each. lOAIOct Aneora. aaeh. tirlt
$1.00; abeep aklna, 2Scl.(0.
JTralta aad VagaUUaa,
POTATO KS Bur tax once, tern Waltno-
maa and Clackamaa, eeloct,. $1.75Gl-; aell-
ug, fancy, lu; erainary, JotHiiug, Bl.Tr
1.U0: aartern Oreenn-bnjrlna tl.iu.i U lit mm
lota, ll.WHil.Oi); aweeta, 7c par lb. -
uniufta woooing price no. I uregoa, .ov
CI 2i: Ho. 2. 82.oOtia.7S: garue. DHItc par lb.
garlic, 8tt8c pet lb.
AfFLKS taacy Hood Biver Bpltarnherg aad
Tell, Kewti wn. 82.60: fancy Willamette val
ley aad aootbern Ore go a, $1.6O2.O0; rdlnary
aiock. U0ri$1.28.
IKEBH . KU1T8 Orangee. new aaval, $8.00
O8A0; tangerine. $1.26; bananaa. 8 per lb;
lemon. 84.2Aklft.08 ner boil linn. Aleileae.
1125 per 100: ,nlneappla, H OOwa.uO par do;
grape frolt, 83.18. ....
VEGETABLKn TbtbIdb. new. 0rO8t aack;
carrota, 75r;81.00 per aack; peat. 11.78 per
aack; paranliia. 81.004Jl.2ft: cabbage, $38.2A;
tomatoea, Mexican, $1.76a.2f: Hurt da, $0.50;
pararilpa, IWctjII .Hi atrlug uaaaa, lc par lb:
cauliflower, t2.MHa2.7S doa; peaa. 1e; bone
radlau, 8e per lb.: artlchokea, Iftc$IX0 per
doa; aqoaah, 7ftcl 00 per box; celery. Cali
fornia, ( ) ; eraolierrlea, $a.OO(8.00 per barrel;
eprouta, 88c par lb; aaparagua, 12HkJl.V;
rhnbarb. He per lb; greea onlona, 18c due:
rioriria bell pepper, 40e per lb; aplnarb, $1.23
per box;iirad lettnee, Oe do: radlaha, 33c
do bnncbea : eggplant, !Ae per .lb.
ORIBU JTBUllS Applee. evaporated.
o per lb; ear loot. 18feti20e pet lb; peachea,
121318 He per lb; aacka, He par lb leea; prnnea,
80 to 40, teoe; He drop oa each 1-10 entailer
alae; fig. California black, He par Ibl
t'alirornla white. 6k4He per lb; da tea. golden,
$6.80 par box; farda. $1. par 18-lb Box.
- . Oroeerlea, Hut. St
Jt'OAB tktllfernla Hawaiian Cube,
$8.47H powdered. $.S2H; berry. $L12H; dry
granulated, 8i.l2H; Star, $A.02H; conf. A,
$.12H: eitra B, $4.2H: goldea O. 14.62;
I) yellow. 84.42HS beet granulated. 88.02.
Waetern Cnba, 4.7H; powdered, I8.82H:
dry. graamleted, 8812H: P. C, 18.01 H:
rrancia. 8&.02H; confectioner.' A, $4.82Hl
extra O, 14.62 H: goldea C, $4-o2H; D yellow,
I4.42H; beet granulated. $S.02Hl barrala, 10c;
heir berrala, Uc; boxee, 80 advance aa aack
t Above price ara SO day set caab enota-
. HON1T $8.80 par crate- :
COrrEB raekage branda. $lB.mai..
HALT Coaraa Half pound, 100a, $11.00 per
ton; SO. $11;. table, dairy, B0e, $18.00;. lOtia,
$14.70; balea, $2.00; Imported Liverpool, SOe,
$18.00; 100a. $17.00: 224e. $18.00: extra fine,
bote, 2a, 8a and lOe, $4.50a8JI0; Uverpeol
Itunp rock. $20.6tf per tea; 80-Tb. rock, $11.00;
lwC $10.60.
lAbov price apply 8 ealea of lee thaa
car lota. ( ar lots at (paclal prlcaa aubect to
(luctuailone.t . i , , .
B1CR Imperial Japan, Ma 1, 8c; No. t,
6"ac; New Urleana, baad,.7e; AJag, ae; Craota,
6jc. ......... ......
BEANS flmatl white. $8.80; Urge whit.
$3.26; pink, $3.25; bay, $8.76! Umas, 6;
Mexican reda, 4c - j
NUT8 Paanata. Jamba. 8H par Tb) Vir
ginia. 7H per lb: routed, 10c per lb; Japa
neve,, StciAHc; roaated, 7tt7H Per lb; cvoow
on ta, aofeUOc par doa: welnnta. California. lAc
per. lb; I'rencb, 15 par lb; ploe nnla, 14015
par lb; hickory nnta, 10c per lb; cbeetaata,
eaatern, 15(al8c per lb: Braall Bute. JS ?
h; niDero. toe per 10; uacy pecan, isgizuc;
ainaunuia, ivt0;2i)o ; .. ,
teats, risk aad Vravtati
FRESH MKATO-rrat Street Hog, fancy.
SHttwe per 10) veal, extra, a per id;
ordinary, 7Hc per lb; poor, v per lb: mut
ton, fancy, 8fie per lb; spring lamb, 10c
ft lb. ,
HAM. BACON, ETC. Portland park floral)
bama, 10 ta It Ihe, 16 He par Jb; 14 r 18 lhe,
16c per In; 18 to 20 Iba, 16c per lb: braakfaat
baeoa. 1HHCC21 He per lb: picnic, lis ear b:
cottage roU, 12c per lb; regular abort clean,
anemoked, 12c per lb; imoked, l.lo per lb;
clear back, anamokad, 12c; a rooked, lie per
lb; La Ion bntta, 10 to 18 Iba, nnamoked.
per lb) ainoked, 8c par lb; clear belllea, aa
moked. 12H per lb; amoked, 13H per lb;
ebouMera, 12e per lb; pickled toagne, 80c each,
IIW'II. t IDIL-Vtl. Lu f A- IBIa a
lb; Sa. 13fcc par lb; BO-lb tlna, ie per lb;
ateam rendered. 10a, 12H per lb; Oa, I2t
per lb: eomponnd. 10a, V We per lb.
CANNED SALMON Colombia . rtvar. 1-lk
talla. $1.80: l ib telle. $2.76; fancy l ib flate.
10 H-lb fancy fUta, $1.18: fancy l ib ovale.
$2.75; AVlaaka taUa. pink. B5Q0e; red, $1.00;
nominal, xa, rau. az.uu.
fISH Bock cod, 7e pat lb; flodndere, Sc per
ballbat, Ha par lb: era ha. Il.txwal SO per
; atripea one, izc in: catiiaa. iuc id; Sal
on,' fresh Columbia Chinook, Pc per Hi;
ataclbeada. 8c .per lb: barring.' 8e lbs Bole.
8c per lb; ahrlmpa, 10c per lb; parch. Be per
id; dibcb ceo, o per id; aonaeoo, ra per m;
k bat era. 18 per lb; freeb mackerel. ft per
lot ernwflab. e par do: atargeoa. lOe nee
lb: black baaa, to par lb; Colombia rivet
melt, oc per mi anaa, lue.
Oi oTERa BBoaiwater nay, per gallon,;
per 100-lb gar,- 4.oo; virmpi. per gallno,
82.15; per . lift-ID eaca, o.aoejioi Kagla,
canned. 10c caa. $7.00 do.
CLAMrt Hardanell. per nog, x.0;
clama. $2.00 par box. 11 per doa.
alat, Oeal Oil. Zte,
BOPB Pare Manila. 18Kt atandard. ItVe:
alaeL llCv . t
COAL, wiu rean er Aarrauaea, ibu per
gal; water wuiia, it nua, ie per gai;
wooden. 17e par gal; beadllght, 170 drg, eatee.
i pr-r
Iran hrtiAaa-lfle per gaL
MH per gal;
BBNZINB deg, cages, to pet gal; Irea
bbla. lHe P fl.
TV B P E 7ti p m ib eanaa, aa par (ait waede
bbla, per gal. ' " t "
WHITE LEAD Toa Vta, 1t par lb $00-lk
tots. 8c per in; leaa wta, ii per in.
WIKB najlb i lueuar naaiB ai
I.INHREO OIL Par raw. la 8-bbl lota. Met
1-bM lota, B8e; caeca, B8e per gal; gesnlne ket-
tkt-bolled, ; caeea, sue par gal; b-ddi iota, aval
l-bbl tots. 85 par gal; ground cake, car Iota,
$20,00 per tea; leas thaa car lota $80.00 par
toa. , : .- - ;. .,! ,
hmv eeMM "
mr TORI C0TT0V Maun.
New Terk, April 18. Cotton fntoree:
Open, lllch. Low. Cloae.
Janaary 102.1 1M2H
ehrnary .......... .10HO 1085 .
:i 10SS
April ...
May ................. tm P74
"L T4
.. 7
, Prll
June M2 P70'
July 0 878.
Angoat 874 ' 00
geptember H0 80
Octotwr .1000 . 101)8
December 1010 101$
. 10114
, . Aeoapt Caamrra Call.
("pedal Dlepatcb to The Jonrnaf.) '
Astoria. Or., April Id. At a meetln of tba
flahermea'8 anion Saturday alght It waa de
rided to accept the price offered bv the
eaasmrymea aad eeld-aerge people and the
mea receded from tbelr former demenda. A
large number of California flahermea bave
arrived here th last two or three day and
Aatorla looks oult lively, , ,
Toralga Exchange Kate. ,
New Tork, April 18, Btnrllne. demanA Baku.
80 dara, 42H; Hamharg, w: Parle. 619;
Antwerp, 620; Bearish. 6320; Amsterdam,
40.18; Vienna, 20.18; Stockholm, M.
Dalatk Wbaat Karkat.
Dalafh, A,pm 16c Wheat clcae) May, 80 Me.
taaeapell Wheat Karkat. 1 ,
Mlnneapolia, April M. Wheat cleat!
78c bid. ...
Xaaaa City Wheat BUrkei.
TCansa City .April 18 Wheat clneo:
7040, t
JTew Y ark-Lena oa invar.
New York. Anrll 18. Rae uiw u. r
doo, SIHd.
"; aw Tork Wheat Market.' .
Now Tork, April l Wheat cloaet May.
88Vi Baked., . ; - '
New York Market Receives a Big
- Boost In Most Issues Dur
; v Ing Today's Trade.
klOreat Northern .... Is
1 1 Northern Pacific ..8V.
Anaeoada ; . ,
... 1H
... 7
... 1
Atcblaea ....
Sugar .......
Smelter .....
Brooklyn ....
Bait. At Ohte.
Colorado fuel
... 1H!N. f. Central 14
... 4'i Pennaylvaala 1
. SUIBeadlng
IHI Republic Steel
lHoutbn Pacific .. 2
Bt. Panl
.. a
Cnkia Pacific
V. 8. Steel ....
do preferred
Ktie ..........
Stock were bolllsb la Nw Tork today and
harp advaacea ware made. Th early London
market waa firm and blgber,
Tha groa -earatng of all rallroade a th
tJhlted Bute show aa tnere of 71 par Cent
for March ever the eame month a year ago.
There were rumor of a new Bote tseae If
Cnloa Pacific, bat they war denied.
Heavy- aalra of steel rail reported for th
peat week and steel (lock are big be Id oa
aueace. ' .
London I looking for aa early reduction la
tb Dank of England rata.
Official quotations
Cooke company:
by Overbeck. Stair
Amal. Copper O.....
Am. Car a round., c
do preferred......
Am. Cot toa Oil. com.
Am. Locomotive, com
Am. Sugar, com,....
Am. Bmelter, com..,.
Anaconda Mining Co.
Am. Woolen, com...
81H' $3' 1 H
80 H
Atrblaon, com.u..,.,
do preferred.......
Baltimore A Ohio, ana
do D referred
T 8 I 87 H
Brooklyn Rapid Transit.
canadlao racinc, com. .
Central Leather, com. . .
do preferred......,.,.
Oil. O. W., com
Oh I, MU. St Paul...
Chi. N. W., com
Cheaapeak Ohio
Colo. Fuel A Irea. com..
Colo. Southern, com.,..
do 3d preferred
de lat preferred......
Delaware at Huoaoa. ...
Denver R. O., com...
do preferred..........
28 A
Erie, com
do Id preferred ......
da lat preferred......
ininola Central ........
Manhattan Railway ....
Mexican Central By....
M.. K. T.. com......
do preferred..........
Dlitlller '
Great Northern ,.
Mlaaoart Parlfle .......
National Lead .........
New Xork Central
N. T., Out. Weatera.
NnrroiK a wear., com.
do preferred .,... ...
Northern Pacific, com.
Pacific MaU B. 8. Co..
Pennaylvanla Railway..
P. U., L. C C.....
Preaacd Steel Car, aaa
do preferred ........
Beading, com......,.,.
do 2d preferred.,.,.
do lat preferred.-...
Ben. Iron a Steel, com.
no preferred
Bock Iland, com.,..,,
do preferred.........
St. L. 8. T.. td pfd.
do lat preferred
St. L. t S. W cam..
do preferred..........
Southern Pact fie, com..
do preferred
T5H 78
104Hh00 104
78 ! 82-1
toi 11
Southern Railway, com.
do ore f erred
Tenaeeaee Coal 4k boa.
Texaa Pacific........
T.. Bt. L. w., cam.,
do preferred
Cnlon Parlfle. com.....
United States Bub., earn.
do pi$i t $ rrct
TJ. 8. Steel Co, eom.
do preferred
Wabeah, com. .......
do nref erred .......
109 102
Western Union Telegraph
Wlaeoniin ventral, com.
do preferred ..........
Virginia Chemical
2l 28 I tg
Total aalea for tb day, 867,800 shares. .
Call money closed at i per cent.
Home Telephone Advance and Pa
cific Bute Loaies Tod.
Asanctatlon Oil lost Boe today aa the local
market. Home Telephone gained $1 la the
bid but sold at $.15. J. C. Lee company rose
$2 In the ksked price. Bid Bt $7-60. Pacific
State Telephone la weaker and was offered
so. lower. Alaeka Petroleum lost e. Mam
moth dropped 4e and Standard Consolidated c.
foncie- aavanceo 10 tat ' toe aaaea
with a tale at le. la tba Coenr d'Alene
Hat Bullion la lc and Copper King 8c off.
O. K. Consolidated loat lc and Snowstorm Be.
Oregon Secorltlea was taken off th list.
Balea: 85 Home Telephone at $35 and 4,500
Potlcle Mining at 18c.
Official price: '
' . Bid. . Ask.
Bank ef California $M0.08
Banker a Lombermea 108.00-
Merchant National 177.25
Oregon Tmat at Bavin........ ...... 150.00
Portland Tnwt Co...... v ' 120,00
L'nlted Btare National..,....,. tOrt. 00
American Biscuit Co. 8a 08.50 . Ifln.OO
City a Burmrhaa 4 , 82.00
Hum Telephone 6..
0. R. N. Rallwhy 4.
- 80 no ,
0. W. P. Railway ..
.It '
Paelfle Coast Blacntt .,.,,... ......
Portland Hallway 5a...........
J, C. Lee Co. 8....
Associated Oil .. ' 48.00
Horn Telephone 84.00
J. C. Lee Co. 7.50
Pacific mate Ilepnone. ....... .....
Paget Sound Telephone ,,,
lakevtew , , ;.. "
Manhattan Crows Point..
Potlcle Mining
Whahoogal. Extenato
Taonlna Bav Telephone.. ...... 8.23
Oregon City Mill at Lumber....
Alaeka Petroleum '.
Drttleh Colnmbla Amalgamated.
Ciscadla . . ,.............. .
Msmmoth a,.,,.....,.-..,.,..
i .12
. .m
t.87 ,
Oregon Seearlde
Standard Consolidated .........
Tacoma Steel
.08 lj
Bullion . .t..... .r...e. ........ .j07
Copper Klrg .................. .IT,
O. K. Consolidated .04
Happy Day
Bnowahne ., . ., .40
Snowatorm . .................. S-80
New Tork, April 18. Government head: '
.-,.. Date. Bid. Aak.
Two, rvglatered low
do eoiiDon 1 0
Threee. registered lo
do coopon .....,.. lie
VkMM ..II liMtrta.
luura, 'registered 1025
r JL- . ,(iOK
WUH ...,,,......,. .
Fottrs, reel. tared, eld...... ' ....
do coupon ........
Pour. I'hlllpplnaa '
Two, Panama ....
Clearing today $1.211. IWi J
oo year ago,: 7X1.421.25
Gala today 847.071 m
Balance today 1M.178.K1
a gear asm n.Vtl to
Looks as if Pries of Eggs Was Going to
oucK Low Point on Present Movement;
Cold Storage Men Taiking Lower Quotation
Present Indications Are for Rise
of That Sum In Local
. Brands Tomorrow. v
Pact fie North wee t Cloudy and cooler. .
North weatOene rally cool.
Roothweat Clear and fin.
Southern VTaxa Clondv . and warm. . kadlca.
tlons of ram. , , ,
St. Loo la Raining. -
April 18. April II.
..$ .78 $ .784 B I .00
.. J .81HB .004
.. .K21 .82 .0014
.. .sa .S4. . .ooj,.
July ......
Uocember .
If preaent Indication de aot mlaearrr fh
?rlc of local brand of floor win be advanced
Re a barrel for all grade tomorrow. Tht
action waa exclusively predicted by Th JoarnsJ
war weeg. locai wneat 1 nrm Dux pneuangM.
A report from Walla Walla atatea that a tenth
of tha crop, or about 800.000 bashela, atlU
re main In th baada of grower near there.
thicago was vary weak todav deenlt the
bullish report bv Cron Kxnert Snow that th
crop of th enothweat baa been damaged amre
heavily thaa expected. Chicago closed He to
e lower than resterdsv. reallaln aalee costing
moat of tb lose. I
Liverpool wsa weak sad closed sharply tower.
Crop Expert's Bap nit.
A aneelal from Cblcag Bars that On Bxaert
Snow baa returned from Kansas and aaya th
wheat of that state la to n critical coadlthm,
with bag present very where and ' Increasing
rapidly In number. He give the coadttloa
of lb crop of Oklahoma at 28 per cent against
condition of 78 par cant April 1 f tola year.
Official Chleace arise by Overbeck. Starr
at Cook company;
. WUUT, . ' .
' Open. High.
May 78 78
July 81 81
September ..... 82 82'.
December ..... S4 84
. , COBNv
May 87
July - 47
Septambag ... .. 48
--. OATS. .
May 44 -44
July - SOU .,,40
Saptsmbar 85 ' 85
May A.48OT. 1807 . . 1887 ,
July J610 ",i8i5 A isBO
'- ' LARD. '
May aej S0 tut '
July i SR0 - ImiO " 875. 878
September ..... 880 -- 82 " - 885 887.
May .......... SDt . . 8At 848 848
July ; 870 ' 870 88 888
Septan 880. 880 871 ' ' 87!
Liverpool. April 18 Official
. Open. Close.
April IB.
Ita 5d
t 8d
. 4 BT4d
4 8 J
Msy 8 B4 8s 8d
July 8J lid
May ........ de Bd 4 d
July 4 8d 4B $d
St. Loula Wheat Market.
Bt. Lonla, AprU 18. Wheat do: May,
78. .
i35 Yavarai In Portia hd'
Low. On,
'A 77 78
. , SOU ' S0A
r4 ' 8t ' 82
88 &&
eVJ 47A
4T , 47A
48 . 47B
8 48 A
40 . 40A
SStf S5B
laot '
The aSclontlf lo Treatment of
Baabig th syxtem with powerful stlmalanta sad tonic ta aa sffart t raster fvno
ttonal vigor oaa have bat eae final rasulti The eondltloa le rendered war thaa
before. "Weakaeaa" la merely aa 'lndloatlea ef a low form ef Inflammation ta the
prostata gland, and thla tnflarnmatioa is bat aggravated by attranlatin re mad lea that
ipormrry aonniy. we employ in
meat for
to a eeand aad heal thy aute. Wa ebtaia
PAY US FOR CURES-A Cure With Us Means a Ufc!on Core
Wa efrVr aot only TEES Consul tat loa aad Advioa, bat vary east that "tiling t '
na we make Careful Examlaatlos aad IHagnoa wlthont akarg. Be ailing maa -
thenld BeglMt thla eppei kunlty to get expert opinion afreet hla troahl.
It will aot 00 it yoa earthing t call at ear effioe aad eoaault aa, aad by e
doing. It maf save yea mueh time aad meoey. and If we eaaaot enre ysa w will
hoaeatly tell you ae, aad yon will Bet be andet any financial oblige tloa ta a.
0UB 1 STEM OP TBEATIN0 I upari' t any in this eeantry, aad ear ear
are the result of these methods. W aevwr fell t effect ear la any rase w
take. If yea suffer from neglect, from wast ef money er from aaakillad praetloa
m wenHsur e ge im iwtidw
clan. with nara f vine exnerienoa la
at vni.x. 11 wiu eoei aoining 10 xaia
111 eoat aethlng to talk
yo to health; and hanplaas. Why aet
I OS ae enty in eooior.
Our ie being ae lew, H enable many
eoieniura easiaiaaiw, aeraa maa
gov g witnoui imatmenc.
Hi bhoux auat.iT,
Hear 1 , I a. m. to I p. m. vnmg,
PortUad Caloa baekyaida, AprU II. Live
stock reoelpu;
Bog. Oattl. Sheep.
j-oosy .................. ... , as - ...
Week ago ,. 118 ... - vll
Year aao ... ' ... v 831
Prevloua year .: ... 110 B10
At the advaaee ef ISo, re parted excrBatvely
la Tb Journal yeaterday, both the bog aad
cattle markets are vary firm, ta total arrival
la th yard being nominal.
. A year ago: All line firm bat aachaagvd.
' Official liTeatork price 1 .
Huge Beat eaatern Oregon. $7.50 tckr
sad feeder. $7.00; China '. IT.OO.
I'.tt le Keet aaatam Oroaoa steer. S5.S8:
beat co we aad belfera, 14. 00; atocker aad faed-
m a no. fe,nll& !l no. .
Bheap Mixed, wHet watsars, Mhie; wasj
! urn, Ho. -
a - I III '
' . W
Chicago Market Chsuigvea Tone Again
.Other Lines StAj. 1
Cblcaco, April 18 livestock reeelptti
. Hoc. Cattle. Sheen.
Chicago .............. .12.000 $.000 . 16,000
kanssa City J4.00 ' 18.000 8.000
Omaha 8,500 7.000 t.000
Huge are atrong wits i.wuo ten ever. a
.-77 1 a AAA r.U... WwmA
$.40.76; heavy. $8.86)'.72; rough, $ ",
B.oo; iigot. eu.uajiv. :
Cattle taaay.
Sheep Bteady. v" J
Price - Current Today In the Ran
Frtuiclsco Market, ; .: ;
Baa rrncico, Aprfl 18. Kevada sharaS
official bid prlcat -
..... vu. en.M A. rvilaaMl IrVV
aL.. jnmk aaok- JnaeeiL. 82.861 VaraaL
loe; Pennaylvaala. tc; Gold field M. Co., $L47;
Kendall, 41c; Bootn. lie; ntu xnus, "c,
Adama, Mw; Slrvar Pick. $17; May Qoeea,
tocAj Kev. Boy. 18e; B. B. Ex., 14e; Bla
rteii. xnex xxie, siv, w. wywi
Hihemia. 13c; Rt- lea SlJr7: CoCHTnemr.
lc; Blk. Bock. 8c: Urn Star, 0c; O. Weevdor.
5c; Potlstcb, 80c; Ore, 48c; Koadall Bit, 4e:
Saadat. Ext., 8c: Maya. 18e) Atlata. 7e!
Grt BBd. $L07; BlmeroBB. l amire.
19e; Bad Top Ext., Ave; rmreoee. a-t.wJi
Dtarn'f. B. B. Con.. 80c; O. Daisy. $2.12;
Ugnna, $175Aj . Commonwaaltt, SOe; Comb.
rictZ7$4.15: Or. Bend Ext., I7e-, Or. Bend
Anx., toe; MllVitara. 8Hc; B. B. Booanaa 11c;
Kewanoa, $L87; Kameralda. tocj Portland,
2ffc; Cracker Jack. Be: FTancU Mohawk. $1.10;
Beci Hill. 47c; Mohawk Pit., Sic; Gold Bar.
SOe; Loa Dllloa, 14c; T. Tiger. 18c; Oraadma,
tHeA; S. PUk Bxt-j c: f. Boaj. Itc; CoL
ML Ext.. Tc: Ooldf. Cos., so; tHam'f. Trt-
angle, .48. . ,
waaiuis vtoiaivi.
Ophlr, $140; Mexican. 6c; Gould Onvry,
40c: Con. Virginia, $1.10; Savage. BrV". Bale
A NorcToea, sic; Tallow Jacket, $1; Belcher,
mm . e,. simm w o. as.
ckveaar, B5cA Cnloa. Boa. -. t
PULLrauu uistniur. ,
Original 1e; BnUt M. 0., He: Meat. Bullf..
Tc; Nat, Bank. 40c; fa, Harris, 4c: Aaaethyat,
44c: Gold Bar. $1.10; Stetnway, ITcA; Deaver
Bar. An 18c A; Bonnie Clare, 5e; Mayfl.
Con.. 43c; Montr. Ohio Bat.. 16e G. Bcepbat,
VMI Bciyanaxg,, ft.aWi a"Br u a , ww
c; Tramp On, $1.17; Victor, tOcA; hortb
Star, BacAl Mlda 60c A.
MnarL Toa... $8.85; To. Bit., $.88; Mae.
Manara. 47a: Midway. 81.65: Tea. Belmont.
$4.75A; Toa. Ko. Star. SOe; Ohio Ten-, c
Weet Bod Cons., $1.27 Beerae, Sic; To.
Calif . 18oi Goldea Anchor. tc: Jim Butler,
$1.26; Toa. ' Caab Bo 10c; Toa, Hoe, 8c;
Boat, Ton lie; aaonwrcn na. swt., avcja;
Mont. Mid. Ext.. 14c; Goldea Crowe, 14c; N. X.
Tea. Cobb., oc , ...
ar-.a. r. vk. u..k t rv iBe, CL
Wedge, lOe; Bcjrler Hump, Be; Darter, SSei
L. Joe, Sc; Creaeeat, Be; Combination, Be;
Granny, S3ei Mustang. SSc; TAttla Gray, 40c A ;
Cowboy, ac; Orlg. slanh., too: Brrcb. 13c;
Jump, Jacx, lee- neanc. lie; saiiaw, loc; o.
Do. 25c; T. . Bora, 6e Indian Camp, 18a
W want to tmpr ft ape every
weak1 man that w caa make him
atrong. vlgorooe, healthy, alert and
free from every talat of dleae aad
weakness., W . bav limited oar
Specialty fa practice to only e few
ef the more Important disorder ee
that w 000 Id anderstsnd the thor
ongblv. Oar experience along thla
line for twenty-five year oualiflee
us to y poalflvely that each trou
ble as Night Emissions, Loat Vigor, "
V art 000 la, Rydraeale, Contracted
Disorder, Ceataglena Blood Potaeau
Stricture end '"Weeknssa" caa b
cured perfectly o sa to stay cored.
Of arm re, we nse different method
thaa th ordinary phyalclan. Moat
of these sr oriflnal with np aad
war devised for Jnt each esses ss
.the ordinary eoaree ef .treatment
fail to reach. . .. , , ,
aiy aoMnxute an iniiy erfottve Tree a-
wnica aiieet a awrmananx mare y restoring ta prostata glaad
ipteva rxuiis in vary aaa w treat.
ei saiiie vpeouutsi, a graauaxe pnym-
treatlaut anmnlleateA aed sneolel BlseeaVM e
to as, aad may be the mean ef reatoiin
tedayl Our effioe are vary private..
wh ar sfflloted t pvoonr the highest
i aw u meerji uai aayona Baa 8
T t l:0 rxadaya, t a. av te It sa.
American National Bank
; . SAN DIEGO, CALk - -
' romnvm m v. norm .,..4floo.oo
"fjiiniM MM9 BlaUIOTOBaV; ' ;
LOTJI8 7. WTXDB. Proa B. M. POWERS. Vlo-prt
Caablar. L, 1. RICE, Asaft-Casnlar. B. STRAHLMAN.
BEXD r roun PAcmo xobtuwkst items
) xsEXDrsTOTJBinrsrroxts
,,.'V ' '. '. ' X ' ' --.I- I - ! I
' V,' sajt xmui vinumruX r :
Toot time ta tha blatory Baa Diego baa tba tern
Mratnr touched $ degrrees, bat baB nova failea
lower. - Tb ternporatur of Baa Diego baa azoaadwa $ -aaTa
bat nlneteoa time la tblrty-twa 7axs. - .
X ara newwr ta- doubt aa to what tba
rearulta from Bar treatmant will ba,
Dar attar flay (or alita yoara I
haw baaa ouHnw oaa afta" oas of
tb aeveral disss ssa poullar to maa.
Ko aaa oma to m sow, th Ilk
ef which I haw aot treated aoore
of time la tb past, and I oaa al
ways ay definitely wbtbr I win
b abl ta effect a prmannt emr.
X never bold oat . falsa hop or
mak promlso ytbat I eaaaot fulfill,
and yoa oaa rly abaolotaly upon
any encoara-mnt I mar b abl
to offer yoa. If I proml yoa a
. our, a carb win follow. -
Z ear fonetloaal wsaalra ta nam.
I know of ao other physician wr
ing' this ailment Moat doctors treat
wrongly. They civ etttmalanta and
tonic. . The thing can't oar.
"Waakn" la a.aymptom of proa
tatle dlsordr, and tba treatment
noat b looaX Thla la a troth that
I myself revealed. I have perfbetad
tb onhr aystara ef local treatment
that enraa "weaknBsa" . A - few doo
tor over the eonntry claim to ear
by the sam method, bat their treat
ment la only aa Imitation of th
genuine "Joalea" mathod. Th gen
uine la here and la administered by
Its originator. Don't hope to find It
elsewhere, , .
Specific Blood Poison
Mo danrerou mlnarala ta drive the
lroa to the latertor, bat hartal,
blood claanarlng remedlea thaa re
move th laat poisonous taint -
Consultation Free
a. at, t f. bvi
tiVA ilorrlson Street Cor.
xt na za ont '
Yo u Pay
laT Nr BBBBlBaN bb1xwV
, . w hava'tust received a large shipment of Oermsn Vallay PI pa On
aoooant of daisy la arrival, w -will sell the at II cent a dosen,
per hundred, I1L&0 pr thousand; Just half prlcev . Bet out a bed of
these lovely flowering planta where they can remain, inoreas and
bloom each year. Order quickly. Stock will not laat long at these Jjrioea
Pboa Mala 471. or eaU , . ..-T , - ?
Cest Senrlcel . Lowest Cbargest Cures Coarssteed
Wbi r effncterl arltb NFBtOTJS DBBtttTT. er railing gtrenatk. aBsa.
mnnty rails "LOflT MANHOOD," BxhanMing tSralas, Pimple. Lara Back.
. InfUmBisttoB et tb BlaiMer and Kldnay. dirtily ColorH rjrleeT ImD
teoer, Daspeadeaey, railing Memory, Lena of Ambition. Mental Worry re
- IU- ax cess end overwork! Pile, riatnla and Hydmeei er etbar weak. '
see, w til eh absolutely naflt tbem for Btsdy, Bbameaa, rieuore er Marriage.
Be ewre.
B sa. '
ao lu turn.
' gad Cooeclentkxie bervtos, ,
Call a writ BB.
Every Wcnan
xaBBreatM ana nmuei mew
a neat the wonnarfnl
MARVEL wMrUwaj Spray
Tb new VatM Sua. At.
flea SVd .Verfto. Iteaa Bar.
lwoe. t on tentena,
laciaeaaes IjinsMy.
II be rennoteotnly tn
BJ A B V a I., Bnnept BO
ether, bot winfl aaamn fee '
lllnauated bnnk-Mlea. ft
fnll net! eu I ara and 1lrrftmis tn.
valuable tolariie. piaav at, rX
a . aa rr.. Bat ua
paua co BToaia.
V avw 7-1 J ,
eewtWsrt. Wv '.
: : rb sfeta4taT - arpxiajls,
Zbrperlment or tak ebaaeos f any
sort I et tempt to ear only the
-diseases that I have been curing for
the peat lztQ year, and I believe
I am Justified la saying that I bave
lammed all abottt thara. Wore f lack
ing in knowledge pertaining to my
specialty I wow Id never have attained
mr rrnt suoewsa. nor would I to
day be reognlsd a th leading ep.
claltst ' treating men' dleaaaea. If
afflict ad. vou oaa dtend anoa it that
th rv1o I offr yoa Is the aorvto
yoa need, and I sorvlo suoh a oaa
be rendered by a ether pnyslolaa.
Iffy Bvaottoa-1 th largeet
X Invariably fulfill my promise.
TTnder my treatment the tnot a
gra rated oaaa ef varloooele ar
cured la a few days' time, - Thara la
no pain, and It la seldom Booaaaary
that the patient be detained from his
occupation. Normal circulation la at
one restored throughout all the or
gan, and the natural proose of
wast and repair ar again eateb
Ilahad. If yoa are afflicted with va
ricocele, consult m at one. - De
lay 'can - bat bring on- aggravated
condition and nervou complication
that will Impair th vital fnnotloxta
and Involve the gsneral hsalth, .
Contracted Disorders
- In tb treatment of disorder X eV
fer a servlc uch aa no thr phy
lolaa oaa tender. Tb pwnaedie I
employ bave a moat thorovsh aad
poaltlv action m cleansing th mem
brane of J1 Infectlou and subdulog
all Inflammation. My manner of ap
plication lnaare abeolnt tborongh-
neaa. ana remove vry posainilitv
ef ralapee r a ohronlo taT, hfy
ear ar net only thorough, bat ere
aooompiisnaa ta xom pnist
poaalbl. - , . .
arvwatag T
PcrCtad, Cr.
t.l .sf-i.r.' 1 ai r ,
Bleed folna. contracted ar henMlttarva sv
'. eW ..
aadaxyB U ff S euy
Bheamatiam, Baeaa, a welling, DwehBrg, Brrhaa, laat,
Xnlarawd Prostata aad RyAriKal. Xeaeat Deailaga, aeoaeafal
'i vnai
t.t. rmcs. in ytrt rtua. .
Scctrs Santal-Pepsn capsisrss
Inflammation or Ob larrr, of
we oianner ann Uleaaaed B 14-
iey. BB CUB BO rat. Cnre
nlrkly and permaeentiy th
inrat fmmmm tit ' ' -
and tjllee. bo aiattar of bow
ngataading, Abaolately
armleaa. AnlA dnarfM.
'Hm ai en , 1 . ,
pal, $IiT. bnuw, Sajf -
BallntoarUla. Obas,
' Bold by AU Bvartrnta.
11 As
1 1 i