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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 13, 1EC7. Tovri Topics . y, , TOKIOHTi AKVBKXEim. , v Baker... "it. Admirable Orkhten Kmplr "Hello hill I-Ttlc 'Aeraes tb Potomac" 0rn4 Vaudeville ut Nortbers Licbu' With reference to tory prints Sunday morning to tho offoet that John Burks, a well-known ettlaan ' of Port land, waa lodged in Jsll aa raving declares that It la untrue and that her j brother ha merely been 111 lor aeveral weeka. Mr. Burka baa Been sunerini from locomotor ataxia and had been tn the care of a physician. He la far from Insane, aaya Mlaa Burke, and Deputy Sheriff Bird did not call at tie borne. Seventh and Salmon streets, to Uke eare of him. It had been planned for aeveral daya to aend him to a private .aem- tartura for treatment and ha waa aent there Saturday. t Rev..' & 8. Huchaa entered on hie work at the Second United Evangelical ohurck in Alblna yeaterday, and preached mornlna and evening. Rev. Bowersox received a hearty welcome at Ocklev Green in North Alblna. Rev. A. A. Winters haa been welcomed back to - the. J1rat-church,.iaat TentH and ' Eaet Sherman atreete, and Rev. U. r. uaiee haa been aent to St. Johna. The new conference year began yeaterday. A lectur will, be given Tweaday at .-, p. m. at the Fourth Presbyterian enurcn. First and nlbba atreets. bv RaoDI Jonan Wise, on "The Contrlbutiona or me emltea ' to Culture.1 The lecture course la now nearin the close. The lectures are riven bv the association olely for educations purposes; and the publlo are cordially Invited to attend The usual musical program will be ran. dared. .' The Odd Fellow" lodges, Rebekah Iodise and' eneamcmenta that meet a the Odd Fellows' temple, will celebrate tho 18th anniversary of the order Fri day night, April I. A program of vo- . al and lnatrumental mualo will bo ran dered. together with tha anniversary eeremonlea of the order. Invitations ' wlU only be aent to the members of tha waat side lodges and their families. Professor J. C Managhan. for a' Bum bar of years a resident of France, and at present chief of the Bureau or eon.umr reports at Washington, District of Co lumbla. will deliver a lecture at the , Woodman at tha World halL Eleventh a and Aldei etreeta, tonight 6n The French - Revolution from a Layman a Standpoint.", Admission 10 cents. A meeting ot tha New Tor Stats society will be held at tho home of Mrs. R. C Bell. 89 Sixth street, to morrow evening. All New sorters re siding In Portland are urged to be pres ent An Interesting program haa been arranged. The society will hereafter meet on the Third. Tuesday of oaob month. , .' ''';"r - w n. Hoidlman. charged with a statu tory offense Involving Hsttlo Fee, a H-r ear-old girl, waa arraigned in the circuit court thla morning. The crime is alleged to hava been committed on January 1. Hoidlman will plead Thuro- dsy. - Henry Hoffman, cnargea win furnlahlng liquor to little boyo of Laat. wu arraigned and pieaaea not gum. A alaughter1 house near Kelly's Butt . - leased by Martin Olson burned down early yeaterday morning. Olson's loss waa considerable, it being a email eatab- w believes that It was of in eendlary origin. It was reported to the police, who referred him to the sheriff. Tha Episcopal Chinese Mission school baa moved from tSt Second street and now oocuplea new quartera at I8 Tsy lor street. Tha scnooi naa rooponoa and night the evening school from : to 1:10. Superintendent James M. . Kan. expects the regular attendance ox teacn era and(pupila to bo there. Lawn Graea Seed, tha kind that will atanit our Ion dry summer", ' the same that was awarded the only ; gold medal at tha MWll ana i-iar ex position, .old only by J. J. Butser. Ill lor. "Don't get in the wrong place." The annual pariah meeting of Trinity ehureh which waa postponed from laet Monday will take placo tonight at I 'clock at the parish house. An msm ' bera are Invited to be present. Tha ' annual reporta wlU bo read and there will ba tha election ox uw wr ki no charge for a acien mii m examination. - Small ehargea .mm lenses If necesssry. If ' need the services of a doctor we frankly tell yOU SO. ueoree; aiuuonoiom, Biauu- ate optician, 181 Fourth street, between Yamhill and Taylor. - Rtngler gymnaatum classes now open. Join now and aave II Initiation fee. Mew East Bids Athletic club. Grand avenue and East Morrison street. Phone East 1170. Inspection Invited. " Steamer Jesso Harktna. for Camas, fAViihougal and way lanoings, aauy ex I eejJt-Bundsy. Laavea Washington street dock I p. m. i, '. , ' . - For wire and iron fences for ceme teries or lawne. phone East TOI. Colum bia Wire iron worxs. . , A cms Oil Co. sells the best safety eoal II and fine gasoline, rnone seat tii For Kodaks, Kodak developing L I Cohen, the Kodak atore, in auxin bu Woman's Exchange, 111 Tenth street, lunch 11:1 to S; business men's lunch. Why pay more Metager flu your yea for II. Ill Sixth street. Berger fllgne 184 Tamhll) Phone. On account of the absence from tha r.W.D.LI CO I o Anrinn Mir a uuurau MAIN 105 . ; " sWBBBBBBBBBBnaBBaaBBBBBBBBSBM INVITE YOUR iriQUiniES FOR Pim.T.HG Fim AID OAX STREETS A YOUNG man who thinks of marriage must think of saving.. What are you thinking "about? V- ':.!-;:'':V- " ' Oregon Trust & : Savings Bank ' Resources jy50,000.00 i I:- CONSIDER CALLS TO HEW PULPITS Oni of Most Important Pieces of Work to Come Before the Portland Presbytery. , The Portland Presbytery will meet this wsk at Calvary ehureh for it an nual meeting. It will come into ses sion at T:ld tomorow night and assist in ths silver annlvsraary celebration of uaivary church..' Wednesday will be given over to bualnesa and the aeaalon will last all day with a luncheon at the church served by the woman.. Kev. ti. M. Booser of the Piedmont church la a moderator and Rev. E. M. Sharp la the stated clerk." a position held for three yeara at a time, while the mod erator la elected every aim montha. The - business aesslon . Wednesday morning will be given over to report of committees, the election of commis sioners to the general assembly at Co lumbus, Ohio, May 1, and to calls ax tended with the Presbytery in the past alx month. The calls to' be approved by the Presbytery will Include that of Rev. William Hiram Foulkea to the First Presbyterian church, of Rev. G. W. Arm to the Anabal church, and of Rev. IX H. Hare to the East View ehureh. The last haa Juat been given. and it 1 not yet known if Mr. Hat,: who l assistant pastor at the. First church, wlU accept It but it must at any rate eome before the Presbytery. The most Important bualnesa by far will be the acting on the report of the home missions oommittee.' Thla 1 the time when the appropriation are made for the year work and a the pres bytery includes Multnomah, Clatsop, Tillamook. Washington and Clackamas counties, the matter of support la If"- and imoortant one. The Monta- villa church la to petition for organisa tion under thla head. It is understood that a plea for better aupport of Albany college, a queatlon which came up last week before the meeting of the Presbyterian local min isters, will come ep eltner unaer ine renort of the eommlttee on aia ror coi lens or a a special bead, and there will probably be a lively discussion on the matter aa opinion oa it aupport seems wiasiy aiviaso. At t:!t tomorrow afternoon the meet- In - of Portland Preehytery .will oe called at Hawthorne Park ehureh, Thla I the Praabytery formerly eomprtalng tha Cumberland churches, but alnee ths Presbyterian and Curaberjand cnurcnea were united by vote of the general as sembly It la to all Intent part of tn Portland Preabytery only, waiting for the vote of the general assembly to unite them. Until the assembly meets in way it is known aa tha Portland Presbytery signifying It formsr Cumberland exist ence. The. session will be a short one, only to wind up the business and to elect delegate to the assembly. Rev. C I. Brown of Boappoose la moderator. city of Attorney Mulr, Judge Fraaer thla morning postponed in sentencing of J. W. Reed. Reed will appear for sentence on Friday morning. ' Dr. Will lam House, nervou diseases. 111-4 Oregonlan,' Geneva Llthla Water It First St. eaaaaaasBSBase) ; A D. Chamber. . optician. Ill Seventh. NEGROES OPENLY PLAY i C POKER IN BARROOM Patrolmen Howell Evans and Wen- dorf swooped down on a poker game conauciea in waixer et Alien s uimu ealoon. 11 North Sixth. street, shortly before It o'clock last -night and ar rested nine negroes on ehargea of gam bllng. The gam waa running wide open in the main barroom with no at tempt at concealment and the bluecoata seoured tbe eards, chips, 1 la cash and the table aa evidence. All of the men arrested were released on ball and the caae will be heard in the police court tomorrow. It haa been reported to the police on aeveral oooa- alona that Illegal gaming waa In prog ress In the saloon in question, but not until ' last night were the authorities able to make a uoceasful raid. ' , SOCIETY CIRCUS SOON ' TO STIR UP SAWDUST The big society circus I now ready. Every performer la in flue trim and all details of the performance will be per fected and "pointed up" tonight. Beat are now selling at Sherman. Clay eV Co., Sixth and Morrison, and the great demand for aeats aaaurea the cir cus immense audiences. The street pa rade la now being arranged under the direction of T. Morrta Dunne and will be formed at the Armory and get under way at 4 o'clock Thursday. Three per formances of the clrou will be given at the Armory Thursday, Friday and Sat urday nlghta.' i Preferred Stock Caaaed ftoos. Alls Lewis' Bast Brand. l i V. Interest; r aaTinga "T! accounts f TO , GATHER SOOII Arinual Session of State Grange 7 at Hood River for Four ' V- Days, in May. For four daya commencing Tuesday, May It, the Oregon Stats Orange will hold forth at Hood River for the twenty fourth annual session of the organisa tion. On Thursday, May SO, Hi Pomona and Flora degrees will be exemplified and on the following nigh: the eubordl nate degree will be conferred on candi dates by the drill team. The winner of the state grange contests will be announced and prise awarded follow ing the initiatory ceremonies. A special rate of one and one-third fare baa been msae by the Harrimaa line. , Following la a complete list of the standing oommittee appointed by State Finance committee M. M. Blrchner. Freewater, - chairman; Ethel Walslnger, f. at. uer, Mrs. jl v. irjver, T. I Turner. , . Credentials Mrs. Nettle B. Petaraoa. Miat. chairman: c l Weaver. Mary B. Howard, Ethel Walalngsr, EL A reason. mvision or Labor a. n. Tharn. Alasa. chairman: Mrs. Mary Crane, Mrs. E. Arneson, Mrs. Kmma Jones. JoaeDh Adam. , Mileage and Par Diem B. it Dannv. Beaverton, chairman; Mr. J. 8. Ander- eon, Mrs. Mary Crane, R Arneson, Mrs. Mollis Scoggln. By-laws R. W. Olll, Oeone, chair man: Mrs. Nettle B. Peterson, Mrs. Ora nuiaoay, w. r. wnitoy, I d. Jonea - uuou fix m uraer r. J. Peterson, ",'"t. cuwrman; airs. I. u. HUlstry. Mrs. Merita Phllpott, C ,T. Scoggln, Mra ueorge Dcnoil. - Woman's Work Mrs. Z. X Hllleary. Turner, ehairman. Mrs. Mary BUssr. inarn, asrs. I. V. Drivsr, Mrs. John Loftts, Mri Rose Crawford. Cooperation George Schott. Condon. Chairman; B. K. Denny, Mr. Mollis Bcoggin. Jdrs. A. A. Bonner. J. A. J Crow. . Dormant Orange Mnt Richardson, McMlnnvllle, chairman; O. B. Tharp, at aa. n. vtrniioy. atre. John lirt n. T. J. PbQpott. . ... Appeals Mra XjOnlse BaM Ahm. City, chairman; Mra. MerlU Phllpott, n. a. Anaerson, Mr, ttose Crawford, Thomas Walslnger. - education L D. Driver, ehalrmaa; Mrs, Alice Tharn. Mrs. A. w. utn.r jaiit nuinsruson, u M. Bimpeon. Agricultural Collea-e Mm. If . tJ Whitby. Corvailla, chairman; Mr. Alio tticnaraaon. Mrs. M. Blrchner, F. M. user, xienry tiorrraelstsr. Agriculture H. B. Anderaim. rwm. City, chairman; T. I Turner. Mra. A. A. Bonnoy. Mra. Ora Mofcadav. ink. Loftla ... Assessment and Taxation W. w rrn. leary, Turner, chairman; Win lam Beard. Ell Perklna, W. H. H, Dufur, Joseph. legislation It ' T. Rnvtnn urove, cnairman; c u Weaver, A. A. Bonney, Mrs. Louise Beard, Mra. L M. Simpson. Pure Food Mrs. H. S. Anderson W. gon City, chairman; EUsabath Adam. Mm Lula Dean. M. M. Blrohnav. n t oood Roads F. H. Crana. riu.. chairman; Mra. Maggt Weaver. F. J. reterson, Mrs. N. B. Turner. Thomas Transportation J. A. Rnlaa tw. i aianu. cnairman: w uiii jmnny, Mr, ussi Dufur. W. J. Dean. - . , Reeolutlons-A. T. Villa, sun chairman; John Loft Is, Mr. M. Blrchner MXABE CAUGHT AND : - TAKEN TO I7ASH8I0S Escapes From Commercial Hotel After Arrest but Will Now An " twer Charge Against Him. . Theodore MoCabe. a South PnrtlanAa of unsavory reputation, who la wanted in Casus Rock, Washington, for an at tempt to assault a lt-year-old girl named Ada Fletcher, waa captured laat night by Deputy Sheriff Archie Leon ard at the west end of Madison street bridge. -Thla afternoon' City MrfreheJ Huntington of Caatl Rock took the prisoner back to the Washington town. About sis week ago MoCabe attacked Miss Fletcher on the main street of Castle Rock and directly in front of the home of Councllmaa P. S, Dtghtman. He got a grip on her throat and tried to prevent her from screaming, but failed. Residents rushed to her assistance and the thug 'fled in the darkness. It was o'clock in the evening, but Marahal Huntington -aoo had MoCabe, In cus tody. He wss taken to the Commer cial hotel for safekeeping, - but e eaped by allmblng through a back win- slow. . GRANGERS CELEDRATIOU AT CALVARY TONIGHT Church's Members Remember Ite Founding Twenty-Five Years Ago, , . Tonlgbt at Calvary Presbyterian ehureh. Clay and Eleventh streets, will be held the first meeting in celebration of the silver anniversary of the found ing of the church. Twenty-five year ago Calvary church began ita life aa a separate organisation, parting from the mother ehureh from purely missionary spirit, and today there are still those among the active members of Calvary wno remember its founding and have followed It through its tlmsa of growth and Ita nsceessry seasons of depression with lor and de votion. A greater number of its charter members, however, hsv passed Ba and left the active work to other, but the remembrance of their seal and faith rest not only upon the church lteelf, but the community of wbioh it I a part. Five pastor have filled the pulpit of Calvary., since it founding. The flrs wss Dr. E. Trumbull Lee, now in Pitts burg. Pennsylvania, and after him Dr. Warren B. Landon, now Ladd profeaaor la thai Presbyterian theological semi nary of San Anselmo, California.1 The next pastor. Rev. John Morrison, died In Yellowstone Park, during a vacation time in bis active PorUand ministry, and was succeeded by Rev. William Gil bert, now at the Astoria Presbyterian church, and a little lea than a year ago Dr. B. E. & Ely became minister to Calvary. Dr. Landon and Mr. Gilbert have both returned to take pari in the commem oration ervlccev and to meet again the old and now msmber of the church in oelal reunion. All former and present A member of Calvary church and their friends ars invited to be present en theee oceaalona. Tonight the gathering will be an In formal reception, and Mr. Foulkea, the new pastor of the First Presbyterian ehureh. and Mr. Gilbert will apeak. To morrow at the commemorative asrvtoea Dr. Landon will be the central figure. The following i the program for the two dava: Monday night Greeting, "Words of Welcome," the pastor; -Mother t Daughter." Rev. William Hiram Foulkea "Then and Now. Chiefly Then, the Be Ion." Mr. Coleman: . "The Trustees, Mr. Honejrman; "The Sunday School. Mr. Ramadell; "The Endeavor Society, Mr. Bain; "Muslo," Mr. Ely; "The Ladle Aid Society." Mr. Scott; "The Missionary Society," Mrs. Holt; "Ths SUNSHINE DAYS v HERE AT LAST Sunday Was One That Made Everybody iiappy ana sent All Pleasure-Seeking. THE LESSON OF THE DAY A Moral for Those Who Are ' Fond of Music, Who Can Sat Ufy Heart's Desire With Lit tie Effort. , ' . ftna at those davs to ba remembered t And Portlands took full advantage of It yeereroay. Away tney went, 10 ine hllla and woo da, where the buds and blossoms could be found tn all the slorv of their freshness and beauty where the scent of the wild flower and the first genuine breath of Spring might be enjoyed to - the heart con tent. Tea: it waa a day for ths lover of nature to revel In. The retreats and nooks where the sun waa warm and there waa a melody of bird notes; where all nature seemed to smile, and where fresh air, rest and recuperation in plenty abounded these were the spots sought for yesterday. And It waa not bard to find fbem, lther. . .. But today moat or u com oacg to ths air of tn shop and to the mart of trade to tn "steady grind 'to tn muslo of electricity's whirl, to the hum, hurry and hustle of business. And when the day' work 1 don, how many are there who wend their way, to a mualo- tea nouaenoia a pianoiesa, nomor BTOT OBB BVJOTS BrUSXO. There is no excuse for a home with out a piano. Today, through the lib eral method of modern piano merchan dising, any on may enjoy tne pieaaure, the unliftlnsr Influences, of a Dlano. The Eliers way masea piano buying eaay. it a tne result oi aoing inings In a bis war. a different way. the dod- ular way and the popular way la tn way that win nowaoaya. The Kllera way- put a piano into any horn "today. It'e the way of buying in iramenee numoers thou sands of pianos, several million dollars' worth a year the way of shipping in carioaas yss, irainioaa. iois aistnD- uting through a chain of store that cover a vast territory all th - great Paolno Northwest buying on a baala that meana a much lower coat than la enjoyed by any other plano-eelllng or- nntsatum in America loaay. ana laat and moat Important or all, to the in dividual buyera to you aelllrur at i price that meana saving on each and every purcnas. , TO TEBY BBST WAT. " That Is. "Th Eller Way" better til- anos for less money, easier term a, a broader and more aatlsfactory guaran tee, not only that or too factory, but also of the most powerful, strongest and moat - aubatantlal piano house In the country. These facta merely ex plain wny Eller Piano Houss sells mors pianos, control a higher class and larger line and enjoy a greater ahare of public confidence than any other one piano (Inn In the United States. Buying of Eller Piano Houee meana the advantage or - making a selection from the "Lin of Highest Merit" the line which include the Incomparable vebsr. with Its wonderful - tonet- tha grand Old Chtckerlng, famoua through out all th world aa the master mual. clana' iceal; the Kimball, the most pop ular mass on nw amiricaa manii, ana I ethsr splendid mskes produced by the best -known piano builders. And in buying of Eller Piano Houss there Is th satisfaction of th strict one price system. Ton, your neighbor, man, woman or child are all given the same cost figure no deviation one salssman's figures exactly the same as another's tha only fair and honorable method. ..,-, , ,. okbtbxbto Donro roMouoir. Today or tomorrow would be a good day to In vestl irate k little. Com to tilers Piano House, look around. - Ask to be shown throuru the establishment. Fee for yourself. There's a SDeaial aala of second-hand and slightly used Instru ments under wsy now, And every one of thess are excsptlonal bargains. Ask to see them; the list appeared In yea terday' paper perhaps you'll want to bring It along Tor reference. Heiaemner, ri Eller War" makea blano buying ' eaav. UiiMmlwi tha number. 1(1 Washington, corner Park and don't forget, it1 Th House af Hlaheat Quality Men's League," Mr..Labbe; "The Young Women'a Bible Class." Miss Margaret Lamberaon; mualo. Mlaa Brown; "From the Abaent," eoramunioeUone from Rev. B. Trumbull Lee, D. D.. Mrs. Morrison and former member ; word from for mer pastors Rav. Warren H, Landon. D. D., Rev. William & Gilbert; hymn, "Blest Be the Tie That Binds." : ' Tuesday night Berries of thanks giv ing: eathsra by' ths choir; Soriptur; hymn (written by on of the member) prayer; memorial' offering; Presby tery's congratulations, the moderator; bistort oal sketch. W. B. Hoaeyaaaa; music, the choir; address. Rev. W. H. Landon. D. D., "The Influence of Cal vary Church on the Pacific Slope"; serv ice of remembrance; roll call of the member now In the Church Trium phant; prayer. Dr. J. R. Wllso! hymn, "For All Thy Saint." OLD SLEUTH BLOOD IN THEIR VEINS . .'. -.'V' Two Ton tha Feed on Yellow tracked Xovels, Buy Revolver and for Bad Man' Land. :" ' ' , --' ' w . ' ' Three lS-yaer-old school boys, their imagination excited by nickel ' novel and the first blush of spring, played truant last Friday, bought a couple of It-catlbrsr revolvers and flash-light lan tern and started for the cowboy plain of Texas. They went as far aa Albany, where they were arrested by Chief of Polloe MoClaln. MoClatn wired to Portland and Truant Officer White took the next train for the town to the south. He brought the boy back and lodged them in the home of. the Boye and Girls Aid aoelety. Late thla afternoon thsy will appear in the Juvenile court and afterwards will be turned over to their parents. They are Archie MoCauley of III Twelfth street. Eugene Spenoer of Twenty-fifth and Mildred streets, and Jamea Ellison of Twenty-fifth and Alberta streets. Society Circus BT MULTNOMAH CLUB ; THIRD REGIMENT AT THS , ARMORY 'SSL' aM 8ts. THREE, NIGHTS TXintsDAT, APmrt lit rmnT, Ana is, AMD aAXDAJDAX, AJf AUw S 100 W tOOAL SHOW TTT ATIIHFIW, wixu a utLii z or siajt iuh , VOUtXEt, IK A Typical Circus Performance Twe Slags 00 Peocl. , 40 Harm a I hiring Spectacle of Must vetoes, aa auay vtaa geatsres. Prices 4000 5ata at goc iooe Ra- rrved at $1.00 and 91.50 tests en sals at RhersiaB, Clay Oa, Shrth sna mottumo streets. HEIUiaTMEA'fkE ' These Vela 1. : V " V. ' , : ( . OBAVBi ',: ... TiESTIMONIAL CONCERT ." . fob' ' - ' -V. KISS ZUZABETK BASITaS. . Assisted by the Best Ussl Tales. Wednesday Bvenlnj; APRIL 17 Dtreetloa Oeorge L. Baker. , Tickets. (1. Oallerr admlsalos. see. Beat sals today. 10 a. av, Balllg taeetre WztetfUe. RAfRD THDATDD urtnun iiiuniivu Mats Qw. L. Baker, Oea. Mgr. PsrswaeBt or tne iiaker stoea cxpaay. Pertlasd's raibtonable Pepalar-Prloe Play aesse. All Tbls Week. BTesuig i.U. t. M. Barries Oalsbrsted . Enrll.h Plar. "THS ASstl&ABLB CU0HT0.M A Osmedr m rear Acta. Macalflceat sad settings. Peraaeal Dlreetisa Mr. Arthor Mackley. 1 Bveatn Prices Sfte, Soe. Ms. . Matinee 15e, SBe. Matlsee Batnraar. Vest Wees "The riedlgal Bsa.1 uS. Empire Theatre lit. ' atntoa W. Beamaa, fctaaager. Tetrbt AH Week Matteses Wedassosr atarday the Laat Bead Attraetlea es eaaea the gereeailsg Fares Oeeaedy, ths HELLO BILL' rotsteg Bat Laughs. Beratar Bmptrs Beat WmS "The Blaek Xaaa. The Grand Tsaaavllle ee Lass, HEHBIHT'i THOUPE. EDUOATZD DOOS 0. tsttednsBg Leafiag aa4 Laoplag the Loof Oraafet Bog Act hi the World. nAkX OTOXU, SOTK CIFTTTBT miTirx. yarrls sad Tses. Viola sad bale. . ' Tattle sad Kay. :' rredarie Beberts. flrssdlsease. ' THE STAR iVra . lw ... Week ef April It. The Alias Rtock Company Ti Hints TUX 0MATM3 dIaMaT NOHTMHRN LIOHTS " y BarkbM isad Bar am. M.Mneea Toeedare, ThanKl.ys, Satordays mt sdarsi srteae 10a and SOa. Kwm,w " f w, mnH owe. ' MavM sasU saay be eeesred bf Tel. Mats lews. LYRIC THEATRE terUaad'a Poyalar Bteek Sense. . Xvety Aflst , Booa aa Evaalag Tela weak, Lyrlo ataok Ooaauy la "ACmOBS THS POT0KAO." Seeerre seats can aow be aaeafad te a. vaaee from 10 a. n. to 10 p. m. Dallf aiatlnees t win time. Btusg perronnanees at S:1S Batwday and Sasday eveategs, first per tut a- hci at 1 :io. PANT ACES THEATRE The Broadway Trie ' la the acreamlag Fares -a SAia o? HXA., . I Ley Trio, Oiiffls Mlateta, Lee White, The Bartenoe, Lottie Olbaoa, The BKrrap. Pertorm.noM d.llr at SO. 1 ISO asd p. m. Admlaaloa 10e asd fOe. BotM, tne. At weekday ataUsoes. aay seat TIN CMNTS. LADIES' DEIICHT TOMCHT (Oaks IMi SOCIETY NIGIIT , SBAJTD ICABOm. ' sTewirasla. Pleaty sc rjtfraetora. FREE-30 DAYS -TMAL ELECTRIC FLATIRONS 1 Teas Vtm " ' ' ; ttu moaaim - - av Wetn steal av Tail stoatoy Say Tea Oletkea . . Save Tout wests eg Sere Teat Oewtyisgityg Fill in coupon and mail to us The iron mil be deliveredwith all necessary equipment, abso lutely free of charge V CUTOUT COUPON AND MAIL TO US TODAY PORTLAND RAILWAY. LIGHT POWER CO, Flrat and AUer fitreats, Portland, Orefoo. , Caatlemea You nay deliver to ma one Electric Flat non. which I agre to try, and f nn satisfactory to me, to retnrn to you within 30 days from date of delivery. If I do not return it at that tim jrou may chargv nrat to my account at $4.00. ' It is understood that no charge will be mads for tha kroa ii I return it within 30 days. - Nam..,............................... Address .' DEPT. J. THE 30 DAY TRIAL OFFER AP PLIES ONLY TQ CONSUMERS OP OUR CURRENT win ro Tomorrow (Tuetdsr) w plact on sale 200 pairs of Laca Curtains, consisting of Nottingham, plain nets with Clunj edging, insert ing with edge of Batten berg braid, cable nets and two-tone effects In white and ecru, 8 and S-ytxd lengths.' An immense se lection of beautiful pat terns to - choose from. Values up to $3.00.1- ' SFECIAl 'FOR TUESDAY $2.65 ' Per Pair SEE WINDOWS IS-14. TaOettlaew vtstaa wise, as threw att tkian aetf-aka srea.1 Xy Tea ld ten with heta ay hut that tr Coffee to pore tha aroma at 1 positive essareao at that, Ceffa la either rood er has - It aaa't be hoth and U It toft aa tt IS th ethsr .there to a asladla STwaad, Oara la too4 4h beet. In taet. Tea aaa Uk ear word for that. Or wru aiv year money baeh It tt Isn't the beat Coff yea hava aver tasted. D. C BURNS CO. ( exoexxa. SIS Thiiw atoswV rfcee KaU sia. ; '. .- S. . ' - . o.e.o. . o nun ma itou II 1 r Cor. Wsshlnolon and Tenth T E ET Ei v i roe euoiuia K9!k i&yTl t or Vi-,-. lit . ri.i.r'UUJ hBTi I' SO; (I'M.!) ( I Sha fw.ev. All were; rnareateed for n rr. Lad? attendant slwaye r -nt. j, M work done ebeolotelr wit! -ut, 1 spewiallsta er from II te yeais" a, perlenea, - . .J ree la 1l V i