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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 15, 180T. THE GOOD THAT SORROV; DOES Dr. Brougher Tells of Its Influ ence Upon the Character ' ' of a Christian. WHY ALL SHOULD BE , LEFT TO XjOD'S DECISION '.Perfect Knowledge' of the AhnJgbtj . of AH Mankind's Sorrows and Need Power to Comfort yhen : All El a Falls' '; .' ' - v Those who have had sorrow coma Into Ihelr lives received a special message from Dr. Brougher at the Whlta Temple wat night Hie aubject waa "The 8true a with Borrow " which was tha taut a aeries of nine very popular ear none on "Jeeus and Ufa Strugglea" His text was Matthew "Mr soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death." spoke partlv as follows: . VSiichia the err of each-onaetf-ur-tn jtlma No mattea what or' where our lot .may be, each heart, mysterious even to Itself, has a struggle with sorrow. The mystery cannot be fully explained, but snow tnat Jesus "waa a man of sor rows and acquainted with grief." If Borrow had a mission to perform la the life of Christ. It surely baa Its place In our uvea .,''. Sorrow Mot a Curse. "' "Sorrow la a disciplinary force. i not aiwaya punishment. When a phyatclan performa a surgical operation upon a beloved child, no one would ao use him of punishing his son. Under the discipline of sorrow, the Christian has bis life enlarged. He Is given a new . a. i w. nv i una iuvi, kwuiio mellow, loving and sympethstlo. He becomea more Chi-lstllke. Borrow, there- loro. is a blessing sod not a curse. "There ara many occasions of sor row, but all of them center around the . sense of loss. This Is what a-lvaa anr. row Its sting. You feel that eome good Is lost, and for the time being you do not realise that something better will soon take Its place. Take the loss of property. This. Indeed, le a sora trial. but remember that "Jesus had nowhere to lay hla bead." Take the loaa of health. What a sorrow It Is to bo shut out from much that makes life worth the living. Take the loss of reputation, ini I Kaammam .). a --- sorrow. . . i. . That Awful aVoaeUaeaa, 'There is sorrow la the hearts of many also, who , have been sera rated from frlande In this 'Ufa Wayward children, too, are the occasion of deep oat sorrow to parents. - Ideals unreal iked, hopes disappointed, and life does not seem worth the living. But there la probably no sorrow so keen as thsl of bereavement. Death comes Into the -florae and takes away the loved ones. It lays Ita hand opon one who la dearer to as than Ufa Ws stand before death, sbaalutely helplesa It may be that wa know the separation la only for a abort ,1mA V... Ka - . r, - a. 1maI1u cornea over us. and the world seems to he a different place, i "There are three things that should lead every one of ua to submit all of life's plans to God for final decision. "First, he has perfect knowledge of all our sorrows and our needs. He knows all about our poverty, all about our-loneliness, sll about our bereave ments. Ha knows, and V111 make all things work ton ether for good to those that lore hint.," ' "Second. God loves ua with a perfect love. Hla love can never change. Friends may fall - us they may even desert ua, but he lovss us with an ever lasting love. I care not what may be the experience In Ufa, what may be the! affliction, what may be' the bereave 1 I ment. In tha far. of It alL let us never doubt that Ood loves us. "Third, and last of all, Ood has tha power to comfort when all others fall. He haa eonouered death and la the rea reotlon and the Ufa' He glvea ante ua tha aaaurance that In our lonellneaa ha will be with ua until the consummation of this sgo. - He haa given us the aseur- ance that wa anal; meet our loved oaea again." , SPEAKS THROUGH BIBLE Rev. Hiram Vrooman Telia Why Scriptures Pisappolnft, Some. In a'eerroon. "What Is 'the Bible r Rev. - Hiram Vrooman last night told what' ho conceives to be the purpose of that book and explained the methods employed by Ood In teaching His divine lessons through scriptures, aa well aa otherwise, v The meeting was tha Iaat of a series of four at -tha Swedenborglan church, which have been devoted to a sermon followed by a free dlacusalon. These meetings,' announced Rev. Vroo man laet nlsht, have been extremely successful. In bis sermon tha minister said in psrt: - "What we learn from tha Btbla Is much dependent upon the attitude wa assume toward it previous to reading It When a pln-polnt of a man, a mos quito man, has presumed to set forth what he would say If hs were writing a book over uod'a signature, and then, upon reading tha Bible, finds to his as tonishment and disappointment that Ita contents scarcely reaembles what he himself would have written ha quickly denlea Ua snored eo4. divine character-. "Ood speaks to men and helps men In many different ways. Ha speaka to men through conscience. He speaks to them la nature: The heavens declare the glory of Ood and tha firmament showsth bla handiwork. Ha revealed himself In Jeaua Christ And ha alao addresses us through tha Instrumental ity of a book, tha Bible, . "There la a vital way In which Ood can abide in men. In which the divine can abide In that which la not dl vine somewhat aa a mother's love can abide in and - brood over her Infant child hlch la other than herself. Ws are not dlvlns when tha divine abides la ua any mora than tha babe ta ita mother wnen it la tha redolent of Ita mother's love.- , .. - PERIODS OF PAIH While bo woman is entirely free from periodic sufferla;, It does not seem to be the1 plaa ef nature that woman should suffer ao severely. Ir regularities and pain are positive evidence that somsthlnf la wronjr which ghould be est right or It will lead to aarlous derangement of the feminine organism. Thousand of women, a a to towed relief from all perlodle euf ferinr y taking- Lydla K. Plsk bam's Vegetable Compound, which ia made from native roota and herbs, aa It ia the moat thorough female regulator known to medical aoianoa.' It eures . the condition which causes so much discomfort and robe that period of ita terror. Women who are troubled with painful or ir . regular functions ahould take immediate action to ward off tha serious consequence and be restored to health and strength by taking? Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Mlsa Adelaide Nichols of SM West Stud Street, New Tork City, writes: Dear Mrs, Plnkhm:-"lf women who suffer would only rely upon Lydla E. Plnkham a Vegetable Compound their troubles would be quickly alleviated. I feel greatly indebted for tha relief and health which haa been brought to me by your Inestimable remedy." Lydla E. PlnkhanVa Vegetable Compound cures Female Complaints such aa Falling and Diaplaoementa, and Organio Diseases. Headache, General. Debility, Indigestion, and invigorates the whole feminine system. For the derangements Of ue juaneys 01 eitaer suui fi. PJnkhMtm't Ware enswM-.e sxeauea. f MIS3 ADELAIDE NICHOLS Mrs. Plnkham' Standing Invitation to Women " Woman sntrarins from arjv form of female weakness are Invited to write Mrs. Plnkham, at Lynn-Mass. From the symptoms given, the trouble ' be located and the quickest ana surest way or recovery aaviaea. GLAD YESTERDAY THEY LIVED IN PORTLAND AT CHURCH OFNAZARENE Ten Converslona Are Professed Dor , tag the Services of theDay. ; The revival aervicee at tha Church of tha Naasrlne, - Burnslde, between Tenth and Eleventh, conducted by Rev. u. uarradlne, D. JJ.. of 8t Lula ware largely attsnded at both tho afternoon and. evening services yesterday. The text for the afternoon service waa from tha first .epistle of John, "If ye walk In the light aa he Is in the light" eto. The - preacher exhorted Ills hearers to walk In tha light of salvation snd not In the darkness of sin, encouraging the latter, however, with ' tha assurance that there Is sn ant (dots for the poison of sin the cleansing blood of tho cruci fied Savior that no matter how great ths tranagresslon thsra la aa antfdots greater still. --t------ ; . ; Blx persons professed conversion at this servloe and four at the evening meeting when" the evangelist spoke of Balaam, ths fslsa prophet Services at this church will be held every morning st 10 and evening at 7i9 every day this week. Including Saturday, and will close next Sunday evening, j- : BELIEF BE KNOWN Tidings' yesterday morning the Rev, James D. Corby stated directly that In fluential religious journals Ilka ths Independent of New Tork and the Out look had advised a man who bed out grown his creed to conceal hla ad vanced thought and battle within the ranks. Ministers had been charged with' taking their orders from Influen tial layman regarding leading problems while they: dared not Jeopardise tbslr place by declaring their actual theolegt Beautiful weather yesterday waa re sponsible for a ' great outpouring, of Portland eltliens In search ef a good time, good health, good spirits and all the othen delights of a walk in the parka and on the streets when the sua shines. ' -. . .- -"' . The - roountalna shone resplendent In their coats of white, while across ths intervening valleya tha fog and. base ware swept away by the delightful breeaes that kept the sun's rays st a comfortable temperature. Thousands of persons clambered to the city park to obtain a view of tha mountains and at times - the favorite spot In the park was lined three, deep with spectator a Whlls thousanda went to the city park by the regulation street route, others hit "Skyllns Trail". and helped msks a. path that haa become a distinctive fea ture la pedestrian Journeys in and about the city. A steady stream of people passed from Castle Point to Portland Heights. ' ' ' Those who did not care for a walking tour found enjoyment in streetcar rides. Hundreds went to Vancouver te visit tha bsrracks, while ether hundreds went to other Portland suburbs and visited points of Interest close to the eltyv The waterfront . waa crowdsd all tha - day with Interested persona, whe found much enjoyment la viewing the' vessels lying In harbor. Then there were the man who like the quiet of the ' shaded brook, . where the trout lie in Walt for the bait whloh the angler deftly throwe upon the water. At all of the nearby streams could bs found pseudo Isaae Waltona eagerly threshing the water with their feathered hooka.-- . r-- - Taken alT lnalL yesterday . waa-an Ideal dat: that aulted -everybody. - All classes from therloh to the poor took enjoyment out of the bright sunshine that warmed the city. Fsw days ware, so perfect aa yesterday and that It came Sunday was a source of gratification and rejoicing to tha classes whe have ta tfcke both rest and enjoyment on the Sabbath, day.- . , . Unrrereallst Speaker Declares Mach .Advanced Thought Is Concealed. . In hla sermon in the Churoh of Oeodi ter and their religion east of the Mis sal vlewa. Instead ef soeeptlng ths challenge and giving proof of their eouraga and honesty tha two Journals named, Mr. Orhy said, gave editorial approval to articles advising tha con cealment of advanced thought . Inatead of lifting humanity to Christ the speaker said, much so-called religion haa lowered Its standards. Churches have padded their rolls with nominal or unreal members who are Christians In name only. It la said that msny whe come west leave their church let Folger'sx Golden Gate Coffee fcM Will Delight Your Guests' Aroma-tight tins only " " Cofrp Ntrr la B-,k v Sold on merit -J. A: FOLGER & CO. San Francisco 1 r I '.- -v- -J--.- ' Blacksmiths o n r others whose work ' ail4 requires great physical strength and en durance need tissue build ing foods. ' Amoni these there is none so good or so sustaining as ' . soutixrlver. The low moral conditions visible In current affairs grow from tbs thought., that Ood la aa amiable eld gentleman who may be deceived easily aa a school master by a tricky pupil. But neither wealth nor lnflu ence will secure favoritism. , Tbs strenuous sgs needs virile faith In I victorious fsthsr who lovss all too sin eerely to let a belnx stop abort of any- his- bsst thing less than AGAINST BAD BIG FOUR I GMrardelli's Cocoa - Dr. Tofts TeUs What Reform Boreaai Is AccompHshlng for Hnmanity. At tha Mount Tabor U.-K. church last night, undsr the auspices of the International Reform bureau. Dr. .Tufts gave an account - of his work, which covers tha Ave Paoifle eoeat states. Ths speeker rehearsed the early history of our nation to discover the four corner stone principals of -morality, education. law and freedom. The reform bureau advoeataa aa the only true philosophy of reform tha mar shaling of tha moral forces against all tha chief eoctal evila." said ha ."The bureau is operating In four fields the International, tha national, tha stats snd local communities. It opposes tha big four evils of Sabbath breaking, gam bling. Impurity and Intemperance. Ore gon needs a better Sunday law. - Hun dreds of laboring men must work seven dsya a week or loss their Joba Every men baa a natural light to one day In seven for rest and It la a physiological requirement of his being. The Sunday- observing nations sre tha moat prosper ous. "Gambling Is an evil especially In the western states that needs attention. Many young men coming from the east and away from horns reatralnts are led to ruin at the gambler's table. - When good cltlsens take a livelier Interest In ths primary snd work for ths nomina tion of eandidatas who stand for law enforcement, then gambling can be sup pressed. , "The social evil la a crying disgrace to a Christian civilisation. Every week I. 00 Innocent daughters must be pro cured from the homes cf ths people to oontlnue this awful crime against purity. Fifty thousand of those moth, srs daughters fall Into thslr disgrace ful graves every year after leading a fallen lrfe for only five years. And our municipal . governments are deriving license money In tha form of monthly Unas from this whits slave traffic. Even Franca la Inaugurating a crusade of the nations against this crtmlnsl evil. - - ' . "The licensed saloon Is being placed under the bsn of the lew throughout ths land. . Two thirds of the south Is under "prohibition by means - of lore I option laws. Msny portions of the north have driven out this curse to humanity. One hundred and ssysnty flva towns and cities of California ara dry. Nearly one third of Oregon Is under prohibition. A. Crofton prophe sied before a committee of the elglsla tura two years sgo thst tha local option law would put the liquor men all out of business In this state within four years. "Now Is the time to press the battle and not .to provide by hlah license for the protection of the traffic. Says the Wins and Spirit News regarding the I I. 000 saloon tar In Ohio: 'An Immense revenue will accrue to the ststs, mak ing the liquor business lndlspenslhle to the stste. Legislature of the future will not be so hssty In listening to every erenk organisation that crime along with .a complaint against the liquor traffic. The - state will have ' learned to lean on this revenue.' The only lloense that Is Justifiable la one that Is prohlbltlva Los Angeles re quires $1,000. Soma atates place It aa high aa IJ.S00. A towa In Georgia of only too population haa fixed Ita lloensa at 11.000 and one In Missouri at 16,000." Dr. Tufts, also spoke at the Taylor Street Methodist church yesterday morning on the work of his ergsnlsatlon and what It hopes to accomplish. Dr. Tufts spoke te a large audience on the subjects of fighting the liquor interests, especially. Ha held that It waa a wrong , policy to vote high license to regulate I saloons when the battle for their com-1 piete' extermination had bean all but won. EXPLAIN M'KENNA BILL y v ' eaawanBanssBanaaa . Representatives f ; Initiative One Hundred at Calvary Church. ' The McKenna 11,000 saloon erdlnanoe furnished, the theme for aa address by M. Murdoch of the Municipal league en the subject of "Clvlo Reform" at the Calvary Baptist church last nlsht. He spoke of whst the lea true hsd accom plished and what tha league honed to do, and said that the league had adopted methode whloh sought to Introduce re form measures, and, rather than ta re form men. to make it easier to do rlaht and harder to do wrong. , ' - "It will regulate the ealoone,' said Mr. Murdoch, speaking of tha McKen na ordinance, "and that Is whst the liquor Interest is fighting against. It moans that when tha saloonkeeper para $280 for hla quarter, he must comply with the ordinance or forfeit his 11 censa If he opens hla saloon on Sun day he loses bis llcensa" The speaker deplored tha faet that ao many atgnera were careless with their signatures and addressss, and that ao many did not know how to sign a peti tion. - He aald that he did not know whether the people would have a chance to vote on the liquor ordinance or not. but he declared thst It contained effec tive reformatory measurea. D. A. Psttullo of tha Municipal leasrue also spoke briefly on civic reform, and aet forth what had been dona PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS!! Oreat acrlfloe Bala ef Plaatoa. To begin Mondsy, April 1, at the ware rooms, 150 Alder street. An en tire carload of high and medium grade planoa received on consignment muat be closed out on or before May 1. The lease on tha store expires at the above data, snd the consignee Is In structed to dispose of every plane In stork at actual factory ooat The pi anos are front . well-known manufac turers snd every instrument sold will be accompanied with a bond gusrantee for a period of It years, and will be deliv ered at your realdenoa, free of charge This la a legitimate,- square-deal, sacri fice sale, ana no reserves will be1 mils This sals will Include several Interior and exterior plano-playere, cf tha best mates, au runy guarantees:. This is tha chance of a lifetime, avail yourself of the rare opportunity. W. T. Shana han. Consignee, ISt Alder street. NEW REplSTER MOORE AT SCENE OF LABORS The Dalles, Or,"- April ' H. X W. Moore, ths newly appointed register of the United States land of tire In this city, hai arrived from Oraaa Valley. He was met by his brother, W. H. Moore, the banker, of Portland. He at first spent some time in renewing old ac quaintances among the cltlsens of The Dalles and in making preparattona for the filing of hla bond. Business at the land office during tha time there haa been no register has accumulated oon alderahly and Mr. Moore will undoubted ly qualify aeearly aa possible. The new receiver. Louis H. Arneaon of Hood River. Is little known In The Dalles, hut the appointments generally give satisfaction here. ' Collision at Dakar City. Baker City, Or April 10, While run ning for a high fly yeeterday Clarence Palmer, pjtcher for tha Red Stockings. OlDAY'SSKEAI SALES Continued Tomorrow Another day of the record breaking selling and store crowding bargains. Bargains "that put to shame all contemporary offers and that indisputably prove that this is Portland's ONLY REAL BARGAIN STORE, rti 1 fcriTCE CLOCK C.J Uk;.U,U-,i 2Ke) TO ZXk It's fash Buying and Cash SclllngThal : Hake These GanBe-Matchzd Bargains Possible. If you were here today and couldn't get waited upon on account o the crowds, come again tomorrow, for well have an extra force of salespeople to give all prompt attention. . ' V ! i r Hill Ends 18c to 25c Figured Organdies . . . 8c yard Finest 75c and $1.CD DaUste Embroideries 29c yard largest Size JOc and 15c Tablets. Choice at . . 5c each -Women's $1-$1.25 Sample Kimonos,-Ul Sizes 42c ecch" .Women's Finest 25c Seamless Black Dose ... He pJr ' Women's $5-6 Mohair and Sicilian SUrts $2.98 each t Women's $10 and $12 Tailor-Msde Spring Suits $5 each 5,001) Regular Two Pair 5c Wash Rcg3 go at le each -f Mill Ends 8c Yard Wide Figured SilkoUne . . . Sc yard ; 5,000;Yardtf 75c:and . Best 7c Figured Calico, All Cdors ........ 5c yard And the thousands of other bargains In every ' section of .the house, and in ad dition that never-to-be-forgotten sale of . ' iJitmmnelJain At One-Third and One-Half Price One day more 'of this great offer, for the way they're lelling erery last one will be gone by tomorrow night. Two thousand of them in all, every one of them a genuine Oil Painting. Beatiful aubjecta, and in an artistic frame. Jutt the thing for dining-room, parlor or den. Large sues, and every one at lesa than coat of the frame alone. Genuine Oil Paintings, in six inch gilt frames, worth up to $3.00 each. HQ Choice 70C 22x33-inch genuine Oil! Paint ings, solid gilt frames, . worth up to $5.00. . - J1 O A Choice. .... ....... a X e Oa Large 14x23 Oil Paintings, in I eight-inch gilt and walnut frames, worth to ;- A O I $3.60. ; Choice 0 1 .40 1 a, GRAND SOUVENIR OPENING Sf" Flowers, music, "decorations and free souvenirs for all. Make no other en gagement. Next Thursday night. Everybody invited. Come. TT T is every worn II, an's pride an 11.- pleasure t worn-' and :o makee her home beautiful. With Artloom Tapestries her opportunities are limitless. There was a time when only wealth uld buV fine draperies - cur tains, couch covers and table covers; b ut -Artloom Tapes t r i e 8 have brought the prettiest patterns s a n d finest qualities, t within the reach ofalL ; The Artloom Tapestry Mills are rr the" largest tapestry mills in the world. The variety , in patterns and colors - is such that you won't experience any diffi culty in procuring the color or shade desired for your color scheme. - ' Now is the time to buy. Artloom Tapestries should be your choice. Curtains and couch covers, $3 and up. Table covers, $1.50 and up. CO 4 ASK YOUR DEALER TO SHOW YOU ARTLOOM TAPESTRIES oar mtun tmamtom BttJOGtftf 49aVss SfceeTrtsJWBaC eVaTsafas aW lam e Us Asa, V Oissjs ; XNSTTaUCS AXXt KXNXS OW XJTVB STOCK JLOJLDOfV , DCA.TXX FROM APTX - . CJLXJBB ' J. F. WBksLaaMT.Pne. I. H. Ona Osel Umi M. M.OWSKMarr SLl.tli nlii Oas'tlasa. jUaa ewssfc Oasarel r.aial . stlaf SIR Caaaar ef 4 Penlaaa Seat4 el Tieas -' KiriKINCBS Osagaa Trasi ae4 SeHaa, Bask fiiSil Oa. Tke lutaa a C ,, , tt O. Dm Si Ce. CaaMtlal As - W aufea se afssUst ve Se est falsa ' Ws se r s aaie 4mI Ua Ma JTOaf OFF1CM t-T-t LA PA TETTt iLIKX Cm rie .a aW Silk ftuM O. MR3. G. IC. CMArj collldsd with Third Basemen Welch aad was rendsred unconscloua Tha blow alao forrad his teeth through his upper lis, eutttns; a half-Inch sash. Palmer wss placed In a cab and, hurried to the noapiiu, wnere ine gasn was sewed up. He Is rspMlv lmprov1n today. The same .waa between local teama snd r- snItMl In the score. Bed Btockiocs 11, Bkldooa a. . w i Tbe eel, Oiln wm.n .ortn. la till. '. tm4 s.r -l ea. 'w. ..t ... i ,. hlng troiiul..; . Al t an'l aMn. .n't tl,.t II. k h't ta. i:nr. i . .n4 wnl H'- . h. K. a'.'1 i t