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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1907)
ilGIIIOIl TALKS II HI A New Hitch Appear Iri the O'Brien and Burns Fight Negotiations. ' " ' PHILADELPHlAN WANTS . THE FORFEIT PUT UP Bill Bqnbreo Says That Be Will Take on the Winner of the Contest and Will Make Good by Posting Five Thousand Dollars. . 'V- ;'"..' " . ' By TT. W. Naughten. " (Journal Special Service.) Ban Francisco, April 15. There a tangle In the Burns-O'Brleav fight, and It will take- some unraveling. Prom some one who Is very, very cloae to Jack O'Brien It U learned that the purs of 130,00 with which MeCarey of Loa Angel" was aupposed to outbid the Rhyellte $25,000 aeveral months ago ia m. mere chimera, and that (-the only '" real money-at Issue ts a sirra-of flO.eeO which O'Brien Insists shall be posted as a guarantee that his share of the rate recelpta will not be leas than that amount.. , . O'Brien, who was In' San Frsnolsco a day .or two ago, wherever ha may be now, aatd that MeCarey was to bar posted thla tlO.OOO on March IS. "He haan't done so, or he would bare warned me," aald Jack. "Until the 110.000 rM up, I will keep away from Loa Angeles. I hare other fish . to fry. and MeCarey needn't think he is going to get me to box Burns on a percentage basis without any guaran tee. i f From loa Angeles . comes word that MoCarey denlea having promised to poet tlO.OOO on March If.: or at any other time. In delivering himself thusly MeCarey, without noticing it maybe. Is, ' knocking the props from under bis con tention that there la a 130.000 purse at ' stake, for the merest tyro In matters pugilistic knowa that promoters who offer prises for that amount have to place aome. If not all. of the -purse in ' safe keeping somewhere. -. ' As the matter Stands, MeCarey In elsta that, the match ia for. a $50,000 puree, and that the fighters are to Uka 1 bla word for it O'Brien Bays that the . match so far as ha la concerned Is for a guaranteed sum of $10,000, and as ' much more as he can get by the per- j rentage route. Maybe In a day or two when the matter In dispute la threshed out thoroughly by wire we will hearj - that It waa all a misunderstanding and that the contest will take place on time. ! But whether It will be for $80,000 or .. leu or more we will never know. Bow O'Brien Argues. ' - ; O'Brien, according to report, speaks ' quite frankly when arguing that tt ' would be poor buslnesa for him to fight ' Burns for a bare percentage. Be says ' that, having boxed Burns once, the gilt Is off the-gingerbread, and that It la j bard to tell whether the publio really t; wants to see Tommy and himself In ac- "tloe agafn.' "Tlte taM-tbar the arttcleet , call for 20 rounds the same as before will lead many to expect another draw, aaye -Jack. If tble eeoand e were -4a be a finis U would be different O'Brien baa been offered-' a - match 5 wit Gunner- Motr, -the.' same to take ( place In London in the autumn tn eon ? nectlon with, Billy Nolan's grand Inter v national passage-M-arma, In - which i American puglllata will be pitted against f. Britons. , Up-to-date Nolan has been 1 quite, tactful la making bia . arraage- menta for the big tourney across the i pond, being fearful that If too much .- were said, about his plans some unkind t, person might remark: "No wonder they are avoiding uana.- The schame aa far as can be learned f. is as follows: A rich Englishman of mw EjHTERS f sporting instincts is oeninu hhio, mi - - - . T . . ' V the series of Queensberry contests Will ."But tt O'Brien should defeat Burns r be held at Olympla, the Madison Square , was eaked Coffroth. i Garden ;ef London.. In August next "Tnaf Is something I haven't allowed " Nolan., who came across from England for," said Coffroth with a smile. This i to sign up men for the tourney, toldile tanUmount to aaylng that he be- ; such as he placed blmseu in toucn witn ' that be wanted - four championship i events. After canvalng the altuauon The deetded upon the following program: f Jimmy Walsh vs. Digger Stanley, Abe i Attel va. Joe Bowker, Battling Nelaon ' vs.Johriny Summers, and Bam Langford va Gunner Molr. ' After thinking matters over Nolan '' decided be could Improve ' upon the Jieavyweight card end he Invited O'Brien ' to take the place of Langdon. O'Brien ' rather likes the idea and will be among r the Nolan voyagers probably when the .American Queensberry specialists set eut for England In July. . Bill Sqttlree. the Australian champion. , will be bare In a few days. He said la , The wens Wave la earning'. wui yen ears iook Van yoa, knTe aaed rans e-varaoatT . , Oav stoeas ia bow tan ef eprlaa noveatlee. - , . ' Tbie wak ear long salt t en Kan's Salte eg ' - w . . SIS.OO Slxty-foa vartetlee ef tke newest things on- , t i GlolhinqCd V'.o's aad ys' Oaflttare. tsa-l Third gu Mokawk sUdg. HQLLADAY PLAYER TELLS ABOUT YESTERDAY'S GAT.1E Has Praise for Hit Own Aggrega tion, but Doesn't Care for the St. Johns Lads. '. The St. Johns High school team and the Holladays crosaed beta at St. Johns Sunday. The Bt. Johns team, said to be a team ploked from the High echool of that city, waa a picked team from the team that played the bt. jonne, ana only three of the .High echool players performed, although the whole team waa on the Held. The score etood f-4 In the seventh Inning, when the playera not belonging to the High echool team quit and Manning, the star pitcner o me ou Johns High, was then forced to play with -their regular team, but feeling that they had no ahow without out sider they walked off the Held and the umpire awarded the game to HoUaday. The feature of the game waa the pitch ing' of the - ' Holladay pitcher, who truck out the nrat eeven men who faced him. He fanned tea men In seven Innings. The batting of Onnandy was good. Be secured two hits out of four times up. bringing In two of Holladay s rune. Yett also got two hlta out of four times at bat. He made one of the rune for Holladay.- The nelding of Me Donnold at short was aa usual very -ma vmiimi clayed an extra good il-rei lima- at .second,! George Murray, the Mouaaaya now baseman, played well, having 10 chances and no errors. Ben Weiss, tha star Aelder ef the HoUaday team, sprained him arm by falling over first baas and .in ha out of tha game for a long time. Thla Is not the Holladay teairi that waa defeated Saturday By wonn wmnu. but we would like to bave.tne nonin Portland team that wrote ns a poaiai call 'up East 1217 arter s ocioca. aa we cannot iake bead or tall of bis postal card. The lineup: , -St, Johns. r- ' Holladsy. O Poff Duncomb Los. MUt... ...... ....... Wlthycombe Berley ,1b.... "M.a.rrsT Oarles - wiiiiams Los. Milt Knowles McDonnold Morce . . . . .. If Murphy Manning .Tf. ......... . Tettr a Poff ;ef weiss Umpire C Paries. " an Interview at Honolulu that he wanted t begin bin American career with a match with the winner tef the -Bums-O'Brien fight snd that be would poet ts.000 with the writer on arrival, the same to go aa either forfeit or aide bet. It Is bis Intention to be at the ringside In Los Angeles if Burn and' O'Brien aneeU ' v ;'-' ; '- '''' Should the Burns-O'Brien maten ran through It . la highly probable tnat flnnlrea and Barns will be matched to fight at Colraa on Decoration day. Jim Coffroth, the San Francisco promoter. who sent Nelson and Brut togetner at Col ma, haa been working on the Squires- Burna oontest for eeverai weeaa. Burns started the ball by writing to Coffroth and asking 'him to arrange the affair. In replying Coffroth reminded Bums that waa already matched with O'Brien and to thla Tommy sent answer: "You go ahead and get Squires for me. ill whin O'Brien surely and will be ready J, box Squlrea a" few weeks later." -Coffroth says: . , uuns: a ouuires Burne match would be a big card even thou ah It should happen that O'Brien and Burns boxed another 1IraW3 You see Saulres and Burns are built on the same lines and each of thera Is a deter mined rushing fighter.' I. don't know of any one among American heavy weights better fitted to give the Aus tralian a thorough trying out and for that reason I am looking forward to bringing the men together. Of course I can't say that I have the match cinched. Burns haa toid me to go ahead and make the arrangements but Squires will have something to say on the subject when he arrive I don't expect that the Australian will throw any obstacles I th f meeting, though.' --. atm vhlav llevee Burna wll win from O'Brien if uicf luw a.M. . "Please state for me that no matter what others think of my ring qualifica tions I will be very much to the fore when It comes time to select aa oppo nent for Squires." raid Jack O'Brien. "I an- still on deck and the match making department which I preside over personally la as active as ever. Like every ether fighter I believe In making good terms and If my proposals are en tertained who knows but what I may m-et Burna at Los Angeles, Squires at whatever place the beat Inducements Of fer, and then make the, Journey " with Nolan and tackle Gunner Molr, ' the English heavyweight champion T" From which it may be Inferred that Squires will get right down to business soon after be steps ashore. 'calendar of sports ' Monday Meeting of Queen's bounty Jockoyclnb at Aqueduct open a wtth Carter handicap. Finish fight between John Wllle and Mike Bcbreck at Tone, pah, Nevada. A Tuesday Opening of two days horse show at Ashevills, North Carolina. Mackey McFarland vs. "Kid" Goodman, 11 rounds, at Davenport. Iowa, Wadneeday Opening of annual bench ahow of Chicago Kennel . club. Ameri esn Association of Professional Base ball eluba opens season. Second, annual tournament of Texas ooir sssociation at San Antonio. Opening of two days' shoetlag tournament at Ottawa, Kan- Thursdsy Virginia baseball league opens Its season. Xacrosse mstcb be tween Canadian and South of England teams ' In London. Annual track meet of Southern Intercollegiate A. A. at Nashville, Tennessee. Opening of three Oars' borae ahow at Orange, New Jersey. Friday Annual Marathaa race at Boston. Massachusetts. North Shore Kennel club bench show at Salem, Mas sachusetts. Texas Baseball - league opens Its eeasotw. Two days shooting tournament opens at Chsnute. Kansas. Saturday Opening . of Pittsburg Sportsman's show, to continue one week. Northwestern Baseball league epena Its season. Lacrosse , match between Canadian and Southwest England teams at Bristol. PACIFIC CO AST LEAGUE . '. Won. . . . 4 . Lost 1 . PC .750 .700 .100 .2(0 Los Angelas . k Francisco ......... 7 Portland ............. I - '. t , Oakland . . ,, i Baseball at Dayton. . , OiMeial tHapateh ts The JoaraaLI Dayton. Or., April 15. The baseball season opened here Saturday with a game between North Tarn hill and Day ton. The games ended I to 1 tn favor of Dayton. The batteries: North Yam hill Bell and Hutchcluft "Dayton a-anao ana VIOCB. ' TRI-C1TY SEASON UNDER HEADWAY Milliners and Brewers Begin - , Playing Under Brightest ' Auspices. MYERS PITCHES FINE BALL FOR THE VICTORS Good-Sised Crowd Witnesses Frakes Aggregation Take m Fall Out" of the North Pacific Brewers Nine In First Game of the Year. Promptly at t :3S yesterday afternoon Umpire Joe Stutt called "play ball" and the Milliners and Brewers faced each other In the opening game of the Trl City league. . There was a big, good-na tured and enthuaiaatio crowa oi icsi fans on hand to grace the bleaohere and mnilitiiiii and incidentally to try the lungs that have grown rusty since 1006. There were no extra ceremonies, as the parking r.f the, playera- tha tOgalpg of the first ball over the plate by a local dignitary, the blare of brass banda or the botating of the nag. irue, mere were fireworks and a balloon ascension. but as these happened during the game the particulars will come out later. The opening ceremony waa business-llks and the boys behaved like leaguers of years' standing. The Brewers' won the toss snd took the field. Southpaw Pender, looking plump and skssy, occupied the knoll and little King peeped over the edge of a huge mitt at the receiving end. Joe Fay -with his new hickory bat waa the first man to officially face the field for the aeasqn of 107 on tha local pre feasional diamond. Pender steamed one over and Mr. Stutt called "strike!" Joe connected with the next one for a aln- glo. Captain Newell came up to bunt. Fay went down, but King nailed him at second byarysrd or two. . larrell stuffs One. Newell punched, one through Fry. White banged one out to rarreu in right who muffed It, Archie Parrott hit safe to centerfleld and Newell at tempted to make the first score.' Mo Holland made a pretty throw from the aardon and Newell waa out at the plat a Oliver hit to Griffith and waa thrown out at first. The Brewers came in and picked up their bungstarters,' Van Riper landed on one to deep left, but miscal culated a few feet and Rich Parrott, tha human- giraffe, reached up seven feet, nine Inches and gathered the fly by Its short hair. King hit a liner to Hous ton, Fry hit to Houston. who made a bad throw to first and Johnny was aafs. Fsrrell hit to Houston and was slammed out st first In the second, third, fourth, fifth snd sixth both teams gath ered . gooseeggs. Pender pitched him self out of bad holes. ' wooo, ine Brew ers' second baseman, distinguished him self by some fast work and Ash Hous ton won everlasting glory ny some clever blocking and throwing. . ; So Tar. So Oood. The rairie. MP pn'n a mighty pretty exhibition, and for teams have had no training ana were practically together for the first time the performance was remarkable. The Milliners bad secured four, hi ta and the Brewers . one. It was anybody's gams, although the Milliners had a ahade the best of It and Pender'e support was rather reared. During this period the Brewers had been quietly getting their balloon In ahape for an aerial flight and the Milliners had unpacked their fire works. A preliminary show was sprung In the seventh when Mangold bit to Wood, who juggled, Troy Myers rapped out a single, Fay bit to right Held, the ball being muffed, and lo! the baaes were, full. Newell bunted, ecorlng Man gold. While rapped a fielder's choice, Myera retiring, then followed a little exolteroent In which the Brewers took a trial trip upward, allowing Fay and Newell to score. King caught White at third by a lightning throw, Parrott hit to Pender, retiring the side. The bell tolled three times. Brewers Hot la It The Brewers could do nothing In their half. McHolland fr.nned. Pender bunted tn Mrers and waa nailed at first Grlf fith scratched out a hit and Van Riper struck out In the elehth the dainty Milliners unraveled aome more ribbon and every Brewer caught a rope. Oli ver aingled. Houston .reached first on left field error. Rich Parrott Mangold and Myers each singled. Fay walked on wide ones, Newell scratched out a bit which should have been charged aa an error and tha score board showed four mow. White flew to first Parrott fouled to King. Haveneck took Pen der's place on the firing line and retired the Milliners during the ninth in one, two, three order. The Brewers seemed discouraged and could do nothing in their half and tne first game of the season was over. Pender STot la Oondltton. Pender Ditched fine balL but waa avl. dontly eut ef -eendtthnr. Troy Myers waa very eiiective ana bad good con trol, his teammates - aupportlng him finely. - One noteworthy feature of the nma that appealed to the people who witnessed It waa the absence of umpire baiting ana nu or nscipune that slgnallsea the average semi-professional game. U S. FRAKES. - J AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Ir. .aa. s 1 j i i 2 2 J-ewsil, 20. 611 2 1 nu, c. s A. Parrott lb. -..-.,. I Oliver, rf. ( Houston, tb. ........ 6 R. Parrott If. t Mangold, ef. ........ 6 T. Myers, p. 10 - 2 1 1 Totals . 41 T 10 27 10 I , NORTH PACIFIC BREWERT. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. van Riper, u. 4 0 0 1 0 1 lng, c 8 0 0 1 2 0 Fry, ss. 4 0 0 0 0 Terrell, rf. .. 4 0 0 0 0 8 Heleer, lb. 4 0 1 fT-e , Woods, lb. 4 0 t 4 8 McHolland, cf. I 0 0 3 r 0 Pender, p. ..........I 0 0 8 t i Griffith, lb, 2 0 1111 Kelt o. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Haveneck, p 0 0 0 0 1 0 TotaJa .....II 0 "l 21.14 10 SCORE BT INNINGS. Frakes ,, .,....0 00000140 T Hlta 1 e e 1 1 e i a in N. P. Brewery... 0 00000000 0 Hits e 1 e v e e 1 0 0 is SUMMARY. Struck eut By Myere, Ts by Pender 8. Bases on bulls Off Myers,- I; off Pender, 8. Double play Woods to Het ser. BaoriAce hit Fay. Stolen base Myers. First base on errors Fr.ikes, 8; Brewery, t. Wild pitch Myers. Left on bases Frakes, Brewery, 4. Innings pitched By Pender I, by Have neck 1. Time of game One houcand 66 minutes. Umpire Stutt Regulates the bowels, promotes easy natural movements, - cures constipation Loan's Keauleta Ask your dm.-i.t iXor them, ii eeatg box, , ... S01TE SPIRITED BOW OH THE OREGON ALLEYS '. : r :. x Sunday Spectators Are Treated to Clever Tenpinnlng by w ' Local Experts, j The bowling fane turned out In force yesterday to witness tne two apeciu matches, played on the Oregon alleys. The first one was between F. Keea and O. Beyland. five games, total pine. Kays got a lead of three pina at the end of the flrat game, lnoreaalng it to IT in the second, and finishing with 4S to the good. His highest game was ltl. average 171 2-8. Beyland'a highest game waa 1S9. average 112 4-6. The scores are as follows: Kees. 147,12.1(1. ISO, 181: total. SIT. Beyland. 144. 156, lit. ISO, 170; total. Sit. The other match was doubles. Flcken and Kneyse played Amba and Capen five games, total pins. Thla match proved to be the best played on the alleys this season. The spectators applauded their favorites with a vim, keeping the playera on- edge all the time. The first game the teams tied, with a total of 1ST. The second one Capen put In a big game, 225. that' gave tha team a lead of 4 pins. Flcken and Kneyse got busy in the third, taking advantage of their opponents' splits, that gave thera a lead of 20- pins. The fourth game Ambe and Capen pulled up, cutting down ghelr op ponents' lead to pins; but not without some resistance from Kneyse,"wTo put In a 121 game. The last game Ambs made two errors, and got a split tn the first three frames, that so discouraged him ha went to nieces. Flcken and Kneyse put ta a fine game, totaling 404. Increasing their lead and winning by SI pins. Kneyse had the highest average in the match, 190. Capen was a elose second with 181. Following are the scores: 1 . Flcken. 18. 185. 101. 1IT. 1: aver age, 181 t-l. Kneyse, 1. 1. 18. 126, 188. 180; totals, 33T. 154, 400. 182. 404; grand total. 1,877; team average, 171 1-5. Amba 180, 17S. 108. ISO. 186; average, 1(8 1-5. Capen. 157. 225. 162. 218. 17T. 188; totals, 117. 402, 131.199. S12; grand total, 1.782; team average, 161 2-6. Tonight the postponed game between t-e "opKrs and Monarcha will t be played.:Tby are the top teama In the ivague. and gooa rolling la assured. . STETTLtRS LOSE THEIR , FIRST BALL GAME The Stettler baseball team loat their flrat game of ball to the Piedmont team yesterday morning at the tatter's grounds by a score of 10 to 7. - Too many errors- In the outfield 'Waa the cause of the defeat Young LaRean pitched a splendid game of ball, and would have won the game If he bad bad any kind of support The lineup: " . . Stealers. ; Piedmont Mitchell 4 .o. . Fisher LaRean p.. Boa per Larson lb.. C Vosper Martin ...2b.,....,... Frasler Pagett lb E. Vosper Watson ss Scott. Marti If Woodcock Wilbur . , cf Richmond Lawton rf .. Stipe SCORE BT INNINGS. Btettlers ..8 001198007 Piedmont 1 I 0 0 0 2 6 10 Battle of Bunker Hill. . "The Bunker Hills defeated the Al blnas yesterday at Alblna by .a score of 21 to 4. The game waa a swatfeat tor the patriots. Crosby. Jackson and Mo- Bride. the battery, did great work. Teama desiring gamea ahould commu nicate with Don Pedeecaro, l4fc Tilla mook street Oakland Loses Again. Loj Angeles. April 15. The Angels ran away from tha Commuters yester day. The score: R. H. E. Los Angeles . . .2 I 4 0 0 0 0 11 Oakland . ......1001 10000 I 11 Batteries Bargeman and Eager; Wright and Hackett " Umpire Perrine. ' Scheduled for Tonight. John. Wllle vs. Mike Schreck, flnlnsh fisht st Tonopah, Nevada. Young Duffy vs. Eddie McGoorty, six rounds, at Fond du Lao, Wisconsin. - Monk, the Newsboy, vs. Bobble Tickle, 16 rounds, at Valley Falls, Rhode Island. Who la MetxgerT He fits your eyes for 6100. Ill Sixth street. To Get More Strength from Your Food. .... f .- HEN the Bowels axe filled ' with undigested food we majr be a treat deal worse off than If we were half starved. Because food that stays too long la the Bowel decays there, Just aa If It stayed (00 long; la the open air. . . Well, when food decays In the Bowels, through . delayed . and, overdus action. what happens? . , The millions of little Suction Pumpa that line the Bowels and Intestines then draw Poison from "the decayed Pood, instead of the Nourishment they were intended to draw. . t ,. This Poison (jets into the blood and. In time, spreads all Over the body, unless the Cause of Constipation la promptly removed. 7T" That cause of Constipation Is Weak, or Lazy Boyel Muscles. : Whan your Bowel-Muscles grow flabby they need Exercise to strengthen them, not "Physio" to pamper them. , ' ' There's enly one kind of Artificial Exercise for the Bowel-Muscles. Its name is "CA5CARETS," snd Its price Is Ten Cents s box. v , So, if you want the game natural ac tion that a six mile walk In the country would give you, (without the weariness) take one Cascaret at a time, with inter vals between, till you reach the exact condition you desire. One Csscaret at time will properry cleanse a foul Breath, or Coated Tongue. . .' e e -e ' Don't fall to carry the Vest Pocket Cascaret Box with you constantly. . All Druggists sell them over ten mil Ion boxes a yean , " J" Be very careful to get the genulnef made only by the Sterling Remedy Com' pany and never sold In bulk. Every - . - -an 1 EVEN BREAK FOR GIANTS AUD SEALS Portland Loses Morning Gam at Oakland, but Wins Aftr- ' noon Match. CALIFF PITCHES FINE GAME OF, BASEBALL Ashley Was the Stumbling Block la First Contest, While the Great Henley Waa Found for Fire Buns : In the Second Encounter. ' ; ' " (Jo-real Special Ber-tee. Ban Francisco. April H. The Seals and . Qlanta dlrlded honora yesterday, each winning a same. - The morning sums at Oakland was a .1 to 0 defeat for Portland, but the afternoon raatoh went to the Rose City team a to 1 in ona of the beet gamee of the season. , Ashley wa In the box for the Ban Francisco team In the first contest and proved a puxale to the northerners, who were unable to getthelr men around to the home plate. "r 7 In the afternoon the Portlandors ap peared to feel better after their beat ing across the bay and played the na tional game as it should be performed. Callff waa In fine trim and kept the Seals far away from any special damage. Here are the scores: y . Mornlaa: Oaaaa. . PORTLAND. ' AB. R. H. PO. A. El Shlnn, e. SwetL If. s 1- 1 0 t 8il 0 1 ill 1 1 i i 5 e 0 0 I 0 tie Casey, lb, .......... 8 McCredle, rf." 4 Newman, lb.. ....... 4 Btaion. ss. .......... 1 Carson, o. 4 Kane, Sb. i 0 Sbimpf, p. i a ' totals ....... ...80 t 14 li MAN- F11ANCI8CO.-T- AB. RwH. PO. A. E. Bpencer, 8b. ... 4 0 18 14 Mohler, lb. 4 Williams, rf. ....... t Hlldebrand. If. Wheeler, ss. ........ 1 Murphy, lb. j Quick, cf. i Esols, e. ........... I Ashley, p. I jll 1 Totals . .n 1 1 1J it 1 - SCORE BT INNINGS. Portland . . a e o Hits . . ......... e e 0 1 1 1 t Ban Francisco ,. .0 lttltl l 1 Hit ...0 X I 1X1 ft . j 8TJMKART. ' ' TwA.Ka Slak hit f aAM a 44. -"V w a.a ea a-vri. VSB. lllJSJ QlHsl Wheeler, Esola. Williams, Bohlmpf. Staton. First base on balls Off Schimpf, , on Amur, 1. oiruca out ay Bchlmaf. t: h, iiMav t Hit K wtw. Wheeler, Kane. Double play Mohler to Murphy. Time of game One hour and tit minutes. Umpire Derrick. Afternoon Oame. PORTLAND. ' . AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Shlnn. cf. 8 8 8 1 0 LovetV, If. 4 0 1 0 0 0 Caaayr-ltx 4 0 1 - 4- - 8 - McCredle, rf. ,4 1 1 ' J 0 0 Newman, lb. ........ 4 0 14 10 Btaion, ss. .......... 4 0 0 10 0 Moore, e, . t - 1 TOO Schimpf, tb. ........ 4 0 0 0.0 0 CaUff. p. ........... 4 11110 ToUle .' ii i? 11 " r BAN rKANCI8Ca m ' ; 1. ' : in v n w . w Dpvncr, id. 1 e Mohler, lb. 4 0 Williams, rt ........ 4' 0 Hlldebrand. If. ..... 4 1 Wheeler, sa. I. 0 Murphy lb. ......... 4 0 Quick, cf. 4 0 Street, o. ........... 8 0 Henley, p. 0 8 0 0 t 11 1 t III t 1 0 1 0 Totals . ...11 1 t IT If 4 SCORE BT INNINGS. Portland . .......1 01001010 S Hits . .1 0 1 1 0 4 0 1 011 Ban Francisco ...0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Hits 11100111 I 8UMMART. Two-base hits Hlldebrand. Murphy. Newman, Moore, Shlnn. Sacrifice hits base on balls Oft Henley, l. ' Struck -a - - - vsa, iuiilr m, DlrUCI 0V.'TBy 91"1' 'i or Henley. 7. Hit by pitcher Spencer. Double play Calls to Btaton to Newman. Paased bail uw,k niiu i.i-un -iuiii. ume or irat-um nour ana 4 minutes. Cm pu-e Derrick. AMERICAN LEAGUE New Tork .T.Tx Boston .....i.. i Lost. 0 0 h i V r.c. 1.000 1.000 Chicago .. . S Cleveland .(60 .100 .500 .BOO Detroit . . Philadelphia St. Louis . ., Washington . .388 .000 ......... . : At bonis. ' . ana ex. ixiuis . .j Chicago . . , I it e . . Batteries Pelty and Stavana: Wht m.v i .aim. NATIONAL LEAGUE y - Won. 1 T-Aat PC. 1.000 1.040 1.000 1.000 .000 ,000 .000 .000 Chicago .............. 2 . 0 Philadelphia. ......... 1. o Boston . . .............. 1 n Cincinnati . , 1 ' n . Brooklyn.. 0 1 Pittsburg . . e ' i New York ............. 0 1 St. touls . , 0 ' i ' At Oaieago. v -r-?-:--.- - w r a Chirago . . . . . . . ....... .'. . , . o St. Louis . ...a a a Batteries Lnndgren and Moran; Bee- om ana jaarsnsu. umpires carpenter and Johnstone. . . , CARABIN WANTS ANOTHER : CHANCE AT M. A. A. C. (Snaeial . Pt-natek ts The Joarnal.) Spokane. April IS. The Multnomah Athlatlo club may see a boxing oontest between Frank Carsbln, the Spokane boxer who has won the hearty favor of those who have eeen him work out, and Nicken, Portland's favorite. It was first Intended that Carabln should be sent to Portland to attend a smoker given by the Multnomah club. Carabln Is very willing to mske the trip snd thinks he can change the standing reoord between the two men. All that la necessary la the approval of the directors, and that la possible, as there Is muoh feeling that Spokane's pride can beat the doughty Portland boxer. One ef the meet brilliant little bouts ever' witnessed by the fans of Portland waa the exciting combat between Cara bln and Nicken. The former was put out la the fourth round efter a noble effort and now hla frteeda are more man conndent ana desirous thet he be given snotber ehsnce to even tin the honors. . . , IT -r 1 j. laUCe a UOZCU Ullicreuii mgii-jJj Jtcv a; yt cigarettes, , ; Light them one They'll all taste to one of those ' T 19 5 ' CIGARETTES , .' -."r."''" I.":''.-. erf -A HI 4nA mi ffvm oil tVi rf TiV a air n4 QB.I UU YflXA BKUlVi VMlf pf old wine from a scries of '. It's because Sultan Cigarettes are rolled from a , blend of tobacco all their own from fDubec" . leaves the very -cream of the last sorting of the finest Turkish leaves. Because they are rolled in MThih7crtmped that brown xnais. JJecauser eacn auiran cigarette -has its own mouthpiece to cool the smoke, -- . Try Sultan Cigarettes along with any number : of other brands, and see for yourself , - ' ; 20 for 25c WHY PY MORE f - dubs and Good Tobacconists Everywhere . TUX JOHN BOLLUAN COMPANY lUauttetvnn: ' BaMTnaOaeo THE BEST $3 HAT IN THE v.ri 80.000 SOLD, NOT BEN SELLING LEADING C O L O N I ST v RATES TO .; OREGON And the Pacific Northwest oyer the Union' Picifle, Ore on Short Une. Oregon Railroad & Navigstion Co and Southern Pacific from all part 1 ho East, DAILY during March and April . ;T , X9U CA IN PREPAY ; For cicts. If yon deiir to brmg fHends. relitiTe.. employee or thero frota the East, by depositing the cost with any agent of the O. R. & N. or S. P. Co., with name and address, and ticket will be promptly furnished ia tire East A Rare Opportunity "J - - S A af .en ausinai urowin mATsa nox rmnrozyAj. xAjrrxmjr nrna Ohleage '. ......... 930.00 933.00 r. a(a . mi Mi an m Kaasaa CHty SS.SO tS.OO Omaha 09.50 ' SS.00 . Vani ...r ..... SS.SO WMM . A Ratas apply te all main and branch line points, Huntington to Spokane. Inclusive. 8 Raise appty to Portland. Astoria and Puget Bound polnta: else uJrn PsclC. main and branch line points north of and Including Ashland. For complete Information, Inquire of ' ' ' " , ' ''. . , WK McanrBJSAT, Osatral Waaangar Aran, ' ' i ' Oregon A-.Uroad ft aTeTtgatlen Oe. C W. Btlnger. City Tfcket AgU d and Washington. , , . . sssjfssssjppsaaS-Mg. mm laMBsMSelsnnwSsBaBwa" PORTLAND WIRE Phone Mala 2000. , ' 1 j:rr - . t.!-.i. 1 v ' after another. : ; alike until you come WM M MV tw. . nondescript 4 Wirinkj.".. "whttCTfoe f "or" WORU) ONE RETURNED HATTER to Promote the In- a an asa. en . aa. oc tne northvveit Buffalo, t tt tsof tf OOtoa to vv.w av-wai . w Tew Terk 47.80 BO.OO neston . . . . ...i. ,,. 47.40 e.e0 PhlladelTbla 47S8 4dv ................ 40.00 94a. BO wroie . eejie BANK AND OFFICE RAILING WIRE AND IRON FENCING Bajrbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, Poultry Netting, Etc . AND IRON WORKS SECOND AND EVERETT STS. j t,