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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENINO. APRIL 15. 1C07. TOLD DOY WOULO BAPTIST CHURCH DEDICATED ICE CREAM AM) BUTTER . AT HOOD RIVER YESTERDAY CUT HIS THROAT HOW :: IT IS MADE BY , A MODERN CREAMERY. Man Forced Boy to Leave Home Wonderful Strides Made by the Washington Creamery Com-: 1 pany of This City. and Threatened - Him V With a Knife." ' ' v w n l.vsiyvj ocra. i cisvc I - IN KANSAS WORKHOUSE r Bob of Chicago Bookkeeper Telia a ' Remarkable Story In Police Court : While Testifying Against' Man Who Took Him From Home. ' . (Jomtl SpeeUl taMae.) .Kaneaa City. April II. "Ha- show me a big knife and aald ha would out F throat If I ever told that ha had f oread ma to laava boma. , Baaldaa that I could .not - resist tha man anyway. Whenever I would apaak of coins noma . ha . would point bla finger at ma and - tell ma to say not bin. I bad to obey, ; X have bean In terror of htm avar alnoe h.e took me away -from boroe.? This waa vart of tha statement of Allen Bhtrley, a . M-rear-old . boy of Lakeside, Illinois. In proaecutlng Henry e JJavy in pence court this morning. ravy waa charged wltn vagrancy, tit Waa arrested yesterday afternoon on 1n formation from Chicago, saying that Davy had forced tha boy to leave bla wma Tba boy la a son of J. C. Shirley, bookkeeper of tha First National bank ef Chicago. Tha family Uvea tn Lake side, a suburb. A telegram waa I eelved from Chicago yesterday ta ar rest Davy, it la aald that the boy bad written a poet card to hla father eaklng that police be sent to cat him.: .Tha two eve been 11 vine In Sheffield. :, "Ha made ma do everytblnr." tha boy aid I in police court "Davy'a brother married my atster. but I bad never aaen the man until ha came to tha houaeH April 4. He told ma be had money and that wa would go In tha axpresa tusl neas In Chicago. Whan- wa got there ha made ma come to thla city with him. Wa "bummed" our way. Since wa have been here I have lad a dog's life." "I believe that you used threats and your Influence to get this boy away from home,- Judge Kyle aald after he had heard the story. "Tour fine la IS90. That means a long time la tha work house. When yon gat out of there you wlU know enough to leave boys alone." IS SAWS VERY , AIR HAS Willi! , Washington Town Weights the j Lid Down With the Bluest uf Blue Laws. ' 1 (special" TJispefrt te TSSToeraaEl . Hood River, Or. April It. White Salmon was In tha clutch of tha blue . lawa yesterday, i Ita Sunday quiet waa undisturbed by the click of pool ball a Reform he reached here in the shape of a vigilance commutes armed ,: with pad and pencil who are aald to be tak- tng-the namee of those who would dea ecrata the' Sabbath cue 'in hand The reformers are aald to be of both eexee and It la reported that they have ba ' come so sollcltoua for the welfare ef their errtng brothers and alatera as to invadl a danoa which waa held there ', SaturLsy nlahf and inform" the light-'.- hearted dancers that they must not trip It after It o'clock ' In peril i of being confronted with tha majeaty of the law. , The wamtnira are being' heeded, ae- , cording to visitors from across tha river, ; and Just at present the reforsnere have tha best of It. ; - "-- Tha cause of the sudden moral wave seems to be unknown, other than that some ef White Salmon's residents look with disfavor upon any -diversion that tends to make .Sunday a day "of pleas ure instead of meditation. . White Sal mon la a dry town, but the cloalng of tha lid eo tightly tn other reapecta is aald to be not at all to the liking of . many who are In favor of drouth, all right, but can't aee any soul-peril in lots of other things, such as dancing, Sunday plcnlce and the Ilka ROBBERY STORY-WAS , ' AT LEAST EXAGGERATED " (Spfetel Dwpeteh te- The Jeereal.) Helena. Mont, April li.-r-The , report sent out from Butte last night that tha atage running between Malta and Zort man had been held up and robbed of I2t,000 la authoritatively denied by of ficials In this city who are In a position i to know, at least eo far aa the amount kwla concerned. The Butte report had It i Thweatha-money- waa being seat te payf aff miners in m nar piece. ne prin cipal and in fact tha only mine of any consequence kt Kortman Is owned by B. p. Phillips of Helena and hla employes are all paid with cheoka - The monthly pay roll, moreover, la only M.lfOa. Phillips' repraeentatlvea atated today that while the coach may have been robbed, the. only money that could have beep stolen was a consignment to Mal ta saloonkeepers for tha purpose .of raining checka, but this must have been an Inconsequential amount. . DEAF MUTE GIRL KILLED BY TRAIN AT NAPA VINE Chehaalla, Waah April Virginia tninn, an l-y ear-old deaf mute, while walking along . the Northern , Paciflo . tracks near Napavine station yesterday ' afternoon, waa struck and Instantly killed by the North Coaat Limited. The ..M.nt waa witnessed by more than Ifti people who were powerless te save isa Dunn. " 1 ! THE3 POLICYHOLDERS COMPANY . BEST FOR AN OREGONIAN v HOMB OFFICE SIXTH AND ANKENV STREETS, PORTLAND, A. t. MIVVB. ,' L. BAMTJIU " ' CLARENCE 8. BAITCTEU .president. ' , General Manatar. , assistant atanafar. -Nef- Baptist - Church ' gptr1r Dwpatrh ts The Iflftreat) Hood River. April 18. Tha new Bap tist church, with which tha local con gregation of that faith feela the great est satisfaction, was dedicated here yes terday. The . service waa opened "at 19:10 a. m. and conducted ' by Dr. Brougher, pastor of tha White Temple, Portland. Ha waa assisted"- by Dr. C A. Wootly. Preceding the dedicatory serv ice proper. Mayor Blowers delivered an address, in which he congratulated thje FATHER SEEKS DAMAGES BECAUSE LITTLE SON Responsibility for the maiming ef Carlos Chambers, an i-year-old school dot, will be nxea by a jury impanel ea this snornlna . Iiv 4 Judee Oantenbeln'a department ef the 'circuit court. On February It. llOf. Carlos Cham bers, then 1. waa toddling home from school at Lenta, accompanied by several of bis mataa The children walked along a path near tha street railway for some dlatanoe, then turned to cross. A ar traveling at high speed struck little Carloa. ran over him and erippiad him for Ufa ... ... . - t ' I Alleging that the ear was operated ' KNOWS NOTHING OF THE lilCMNT OF BORAH Attorney-General Bonaparte Has Ha4.NoOfficial lnforma- , tion of Charge. v ' (Washloctoa Barcaa ef The learssl.) Washington. April IS. A Boise tele gram to the Washington Herald waa shown - to the attorney general thla morning, who said ha had no official Information that the Idaho federal grand Jurj bad returned an indictment agalnat Senator Borah for alleged conspiracy to defraud the government In land matters. Ha knewa nothing beyond what ' waa atated In the newspapers and therefore could say' nothing regarding the matter. From the sUtement of the attorney gen eral It la believed that If auch action baa been taken by tha grand Jury It waa not due to prompting from tha depart ment of 'lustloe here, although the at torney general would not aay anything specific on tha subject In addition to wtiat he has said heretofore. The reclamation service from Director Newell down to the lesser orrtclala bald a Jubilation today at the official exon eration of Engineer Roas of Idaho by Secretary Garfield. They claim the ex oneration wlll invest me aarvioa wun renewed confidence In the minds of the people, reestablishing it everywhere where the ohargea of Special Agent Green had called It in question. . SOCIETY . NIGHT. TONIGHT Oaks Skating lnk afore Musics Skated . . ,,ta .Ooaplea. . v..". This will again be aoclety night at tha Oaks rink and thla evening is antici bated with, much pleasure by tha hun dreds of skatera that prefer skating In cuuplea Kspeclal attention la given la dles and this Is a popular night with them. If you want' to learn to skate do so et once, begin tonight. The music tonight will be fine and a good time awnlta all at tha Onke tonight. Air Line Work Commended. The La Porte Argus Bulletin of La Porte, Indiana, where the Chicago at New Tork Arr Una Rsllrosd company la doing Ita heaviest work, atatee by a res olution unanimously passed by thaVcoun ctl, th company waa commanded for the excellent work done la constructing its track and the substantial character of all tha work being dona- Tha Argua Bulletin goea on to aay Jhat such, work has never before been aeen In that country, and thtt the first-class condi tion and the brick. pavement foundation were commended. . ' . ; Metsger flta your eyea for 11.00. Ill Sixth street, near Washington. ' t la Voting Cases. ' Woodbum. ' Or.. April 15. Justice Hayes rendered his decision thla morn ing In tha Illegal voting cases, dismiss ing the case of one defendant, John Sti Onga, and binding Andru Oster over In the sum of 1100 to appaaa In circuit court. ' -at-Hood -Rlvorr congregation upon the splendid suoceee that had rewarded Its arduoua and self sacrificing endeavors. Tha bunding waa packed to the doors with interested aua ltora. . y ' The newjedlflce owes its' inception to the labors ef Rev. J. B. Bplght, recently deceased. - A large and beautiful m mortal window adorns the front of tha church, placed by Mrs. Bplght in honor of bsr lata husband and to commemo rate hla efforts for tha church. . - CRIPPLED FOR LIFE Hh a reckless, oareless and nagllgaat manner and that it was In chsrga of in competent employee, without any look out, with no warning algnala and no aafa or suitable guard or fender, C. A. Chambers, father of the child, filed salt for 120,000 damages in tha circuit court, j ' -r . The defense of the company la that the lad waa guilty of contributory neg ligence in that be failed to head tha warning of a playmate to look out for the car; further, that be ran In front of It suddenly andV unexpectedly, giving the motorman no time in which to atop. TACOMA'S BUILDING MEH THREATEN GREAT STRIKE Two Thousand Almost Certain , to Co Out-Leaders Say, I '.'For Long Rght,; ; (Speelal rnpetcfe tn The learsal.) Tacoma. Waah, ApHl 1B-At a masa meeting of 1.000 men at Oermania hall yesterday afternoon resolutions were paaaed recommending that the building tradea council of Tacoma ask Ita affil iated unlona to cease, work until the preaent labor trouble with the con tractor snd the Cltisens Alliance ta settled. - Tba building trades will vote Wedneeday evening on the proposition. Unleee the contractors come to terms It la practically certain that a general atrlke will be called the last of the week. Prominent labor man of Ta coma aay the atrlke may result In a general aym pathetic strike extending to all the cltlee of tha northwest. The laboring men claim that the contractors refuse to recoanlse ne i employment to any artisan belonging to a union affiliated with that tuviv. it the strike comes this will be the sola bone of contention. The demands of the Journeyman plumbers and all other labor controversies hava bean drnnnA mna uu one issue mads Da rem mint Tne meeting yesterday afternoon held to hear the report ef a mm. mltee of tl previously appointed at a maaa meeting, 11 from Seattle and 10 from Tacoma. The committee renortad the refusal of the contractors to come to any terme and then made ita ru. omendatlon for a cessation of work. This Is the most serious labor trnuhle Tacoma has faced in many 'yea ra - It win involve. Ultimately, ,000 men. Lieaaere aay aaaiatance will begin to come In within two weeks after tha atrlke la declared, and will place all the atrlkers on half pay, enabling them to maintain tne strike indefinitely. MEXICO CITY SHAKEN BY MIDNIGHT QUAKE Little Damage Done and No Loss of Life Reported ' Lasted Four Minutes. J Joarai Ipwlel arTW. Mexico, April IS. Thla eltr waa ahaken by an earthquake that lasted be tween four and five mlnutea ahotaly be fore midnight last night No deatha have tbeen reported and little damage waa aone, so far aa la now known. Tel earaph wlraa ware thrown down and tha electric llfhte failed for a tlma The earth moved with a lone; swinging mo tion. . On one of - the principal business streets the pavement waa cracked open for a distance of 0 feet and on San tiago Street a wall collapeed. Injuring a number of man. The meteorologloal bureau gives the duration of the ahock aa four mlnutea The earthquake was felt ever a territory extending 400 miles to the south of Mexico City. Theatres and cafes were filled with people at the time, but there' waa no panto, due largely to the regular swing ing mo tion. of the earth'a crust. GLASGOW IN MONTANA' SURROUNDED BY FLOOD (7eoroal Iserlal aVrrlee.t Glaagew, Mont, April lS.Tbla town la cot eff from the eutalde world ex cept by boat by a high flood In the Milk rlvar. From Ita normal width of ISO feet the' river baa risen until in some places It la two mllea wide. Ev ery sidewalk In town haa been washed away and a number of houses on the lower greund have floated. At some points the Great Northern ('passenger The season for lea oream baa opened and from now on the consumption of this delicacy will increase aa the ther mometer climbs. Tha Washington Creamery Company who sella an enor mous quantity of Ice cream, butter and cheese, have moved from 410 Waahing ton. street. to ll Washington and 101 Eleventh rtreets. occupying the first floors and basements of thsse two build' inga ' This change waa made for the purpose of inatalling a strictly -sanitary plant with tha moat modern and ap proved machinery and applianoea . A representative of Tha Journal waa shown - through tha entire plant and found the very best possible eondltlone existing. Tha features that Impress the visitor . most are the scrupulous cleanliness observed In every depart ment, tha machinery which la the. latest end. beat that could be purchased and the immenae volume of high-class trade CI en wans "Ire slily kAlsomlned," oa- ment floors And running water make the manufacturing department a modal of ita kind. Every receptacle for butter, cream. Ice cream and fresh milk la kept In auch perfect condition that It would make the average bouaewlfe marvel at tha thoroughness of the work. In the manufacture of Ice cream three freezers are used which can produce (0 gallons of this delicious product every Ib'mlnutea They ahlp to all express points eonttguoua to Portland. In this city most of tha beat retail stores, bo tele and clube serve the Washington Creamery product exclualvaly. ' Its pop-t ularity being largely due to the extreme care taken la Ita manufacture, no for eign aubstance of any kind la used, ab solute purity being the aim of tha man agement. An ice crusher grinds up the larrest block of Ice In a moment while a Simplex churn, the best of Ita kind, turns out 1,000 pounds of butter at one churning. A pasteurising maohtne is Used to remove all objectionable matter from the cream and every approved method known to aclence has been adopted to facilitate the constantly in creasing volume of buslneea The growth of this business Is ef Im mense benefit to the farmers of this state ho find, a ready market at all tlmea for their cream. When the dull season comes te other dealers tha Wash ington Creamery Company, owing to tta Immenae ice - cream - trade, - la able te handle all of the aweet cream that it can secure and at the same time guar antee to the farmer the hlgbaat prloe for hie produot. ... A CL Grossman and W. OL Day are the two energetlo and thoroughly prac tical men who In the short space of aeven yeare have brought the Washing ton Creamery Company from the bottom of the ladder to within one. rung of the top in point or sise and aecpnd te none in quality of product. trains are running through three feet of water. Many ranchers have been compelled to abandon their homee and aeek safety In the hllle. .. Milwaukie Country Club. : 1 'Eastern and California race a. Take Sellwood and. Oregon City cars at First and Alder.. ... " :, .':.-. ROBBER AND STABBER SENT TO PENITENTIARY eeasawesBBBSBBBssaBBBf Pendleton, Or, April '" II. Clroult Judge Bean thla morning paaaad sen tence upon 'Jesse Rowley, convicted of having robbed a man named Short In the Idle Hour saloon, brutally atrlklng him while doing eo. - Ha waa given three years in the penitentiary. Row ley le the young man who attempted aulclde Friday by drinking cyanide po tassium In Jail. - i - Ban Hlckman.teolored, waa given one year for atabblng Al Richardson, also colored, with Intent to kill. 11 ' Farmers, mechanics, railroaders, la borers rely on Dr. Thomaa' Ecleotiic OIL Takea the atlng out of cute, burns or bruises at once. Pain cannot atay where it ta used. V - . Preferred Stock Canned Qooda, Allen ec Lewis' Beat Brand. TUESDAY THE. BIGGEST BARGAIN DAY OF LlBefore-removing to. ouzintvt Garments is offered to yon at the greatest reductions in price that have ever before been offered in the city. SEEINQ 13 BE LIEVING. Come in and look for yourself. The latest and choicest of Suits, Skirts, Waists, Petticoats, Short and Lon Coats and Hats are here in ndless profusion. ALL AT REDUCED FIGURES. , ' f GR1LAT SPECIALS at the HOUSE- OF VALUES I Am: '. mm The J. M. Acheson Co. ..f, O- - yrv , v 'iy ft r ' Our Juvenile Department BEN ' ''' W''"';"''' FROINT AND MORRISOIN STaSa 'ciziaignnmiigzzxmxxzaizazxaaxxaxaaizmasjm;1 - the northeast corner-oLFifth and Alder streets, our vast Slurfs 100 Skirts, every one this spring's patterns, in Voile, Panama and -Mixtures; values up to - $30.00 Tuesday . $9.95 'Another lot, values up " to $3.00. Tesday Suits About 75 Suits, some new and up-to-date ; Spring Suits, values up to $35.00. Come early Tuesday. $7.P5 Dashy Spring Suits, strictly man tailored, $40.00 and $50X0 val ues. " Tuesday $1.95 The most comfortable shopping place in Portland invites your inspection of the new arrivals in SPRING SUITS BOYS'- REEFERS KNICKERBOCKER SUITS WASHABLE SUITS ALL EXCLUSIVE STYLES LADIES' AND MISSES' MA-TAILORED -COATS and DRESSES . " v Leading Clotfiicr Work Inoludss painting up your barn a fenoea, homes, ota, and for thla purpose there are no paints that will give auch a rich and durable color aa the BAT STATE paints. THX BIG PAINT STORE Fisher,Thofsen & Co. Coats Long Spring Coats, values up to $12.50." Tuesday '-. $4 .25 Box and Fitted Coats, values up to $15.00. Tesday $19.95 1 $6.95 1 ... ; r , - ; NG ns b in h tn sast i as May he s espy mt ma Suklia, aaserlblag eye tMblss. If yen seN , fer fraoi sar disease et tbe eye tkat eaa ke esnd, sa4 Marty all eea, this Is, ay far. the seat ftte hMtltMMa) ea tae eaaet s toll yoe bf they ehooM he created. By m ateaas af leet year eye. They are the heH frteads yea will eeraee. Oar awtheas sre rasreateed aeeataht aad sstlsniciary. Set tha aeek. LA PXaaA imrtaJX, msfissllsaist Munsell Optics! Co. aUOZXAT BXSeX, FOITLAM, OX. THE, SEASON stock of Ladies' Readr-to-Wear $100, $3.09 and $7.30. Tuesday - $3.65 1 Silk Petticoat: Vales up to C13.C: Tuesday f Waists