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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 15, 180ft 12 TODAY BUTTER PRICE TO DROP AGAIN Within the Next Day or So City . Creamery to Co Down With Larger Supply. ' , - Principal market feeraree today; Flour advene fitting cloker. Predicted drop to came la batter. V right ua la wifu market, -Bulk pickle are advanced. ' ' ' Cora meal 6e up la bale. ' Rhubarb coming front Walla Walla, New potato In from Mexico.. . Florin atrawberrlea appear. Calltorala ateamer brloi prodaea. . Salmon eeaeon open at noon. . j Sharp drop In egg plaat. ftreea pea getting plentiful. . '. Tea la very dull In bop, y Tw car fin bananaa,. ,; rraaiotai Dre to Com la Butter. " There will be a ebara break In tbt price of - ereemery batter la ttala market daring tb aex few daye aalee tb unexpected bappene In th meantime. The drop will amount to fully iW a ponod and poaelbly 6 a. poked for city ' creamery; lb la of th decline depending altogether anon tb attltad of tb ontald market. Tb Mvar break la California rrway and Saturday baa eaaaed a eonlderble worry to tb local trad, and .Bale Drlre reed It . will admit of th lare (applies of Calltnrnla Brodset Into (hi market and tha fore weal valor lower than they would tbrwla be sad th California production Dot molted local condition. ' Thin action baa keen xcltulvrly - predicted by Th Journal of let. - front atreet ' batter market abow eitreme weakn al : tkoturk on nr two branda are etlU being quoted ; t et Oe. Preecnt Indication fur a drop 'all araand. " ' ' ' Tb loog-delaycd ablpmemt of eke from Tillamook were reported In Aatorla th la mom W and will Ilk! rr1v In thm market to- - morrow morning. Until that time atocka of kere-ar nominal. '-,.... ''- ." Kay Be Sager fright. ''' ' , ' . - Tb drop of aoe In th price of anger Friday by tb California , Hawallaa refinery baa not aa yt beea followed by tha W cetera aom- . naay. Tb anger' brad 'la all agog er tb Itaatton and thrra are many prediction oat that tbl refoaal of tb W eater to follow ' the eaatera market mar mean tb renewal t th ugar war which cut lot price ao deeply alnce lb California, A Hawallaa eomuSny be. ram a factor In making anger value. The advance made by the latter concern laat Friday '.wa suite natural and waa ntmply tb following f condition rating In, tb Mat aad Cob. .Ton la Yry Dull la Bop. At the nooa hour th oa for aalmoa " flaking opened along' th Columbia aad Wll lametta river. Ther be beea aneeual pre caution br flab of Octal to ee that ao aalmoa wa eenght along tb Clackamaa before the legal time although flak mea r ther wa no each vlgllinc along tb lower Columbia. Prearnl Indlratloni are for a good catch of aalmoa tb flrat few day et th rua and merer price In tb freah. flab market bar will undoubtedly be th outcome, according to tb ' Joker'' In tb recently enacted flah I bill. It will new be unlawful to catch ar"eell r. ahad or inieH ' la thai etat without Mcurtng . a llceaae. Th ahad eaoa aanerally opena eonot tee am tun a. aalmoa and tbl will ,!. work . hardahlo en tb trad wenvr eurplu of aupultee la abown. . Tb atato " Washington I nald to allow th nam and -, cateatng ef both abed and emelt without i lleeax. t According to Robert S. FarreU. member of the leglaUtur from afaltaomah, tb . mgltlarur did, not Intend to Heme th aal aad catching at ahad and emelt and that the ' prortaloua which mad tht poeelble were forced ,,- J through -th leglelattrr by deceit aad will Hkrlr kcbage4 t the kantt aomdoava : '. Brief Voted of tha Trad. ' ' Tb flret ablnaent f atraarberrla la .from Florin. Cel., and aold at AOc per i pound box. Excellent condition. Tb flrat ahrpmant of new potato ever re. releed her from Mextce ram la tht morning end were aold it It a pound. Peg Boa recelTrr. ' " Rhubarb M now arrlrlng from Walla Walla. .' Local (tuff mar plentiful too. ' Local aaparagu more plentlfnl but aoppllea , are am tow. roc at joe ror aom atuff. California at llHeidc. .... Price of gg plaat cbflwa.a aaddea drop from i to loc a poana. imiiy arrival from Florida, Bom tomato from that atate In today. Price at Mexican tomatoea more pleatlfnl . with price ruling iron 1.70 to f3.M accord' ' Ing to quality. u. ' Oardcti aeaa ara coming freely from tb ouia ana pnee m aowa ao to 14c pound. '''.'' Wool aad mohair both strict. .. ' i Potato market m aaalar In th Booth although price are maintained. Onion ar auotod Terr tiff In tb aonth although th ton ibowa a ' dlapoalUoa to chang with th offering from Ttiae. . - Trad TT fa following price to Pi atreet. Price paid ablpper ara lee regular -t ommuunoB; " 4 Oram. TUmt and P. ; f '. attAIN FAOft-Calcatta. BHe kaymg Brie, 1 eelllng. ga8ie. . WHEAT (Huh, TSc; red RaaataB, TO; brae " stem. TSc; valley, TSc. , CORN Wkom, fM.OOl eraeked, MSOO pee BARlfBT New feed, Rl.BOttTt OS per tea ; roiien. z.i.u"ui.uuj ovewMia. a.wmra.0. RYB ll.M per cwt. . . OATS New Prodaea rr price No. 1 white. t2T oO'rf 2S.O0 per ton; gray. 126.60117.10. W.OUR -Baatvn Oregoo patent. . 4 IB etraignta. e.o'; eiwrt. oo; vauey, B3.TH; grakam. Ha. SJW; wbl wheat. MTB; rye, aua, a.'-'" 1 i i iu. bflLUiTt!rr Bran. I1T.09 per toe:'- md- allar. annrra rouairr. IZO.SU; elty BISMI: rhoD. 118.00021 .00. ' HAT Producer prlc Ttmofhy, Winametr valley. fancy. Biotai; orninarr? 1S.OO' . J4; eaatern Ornrou. ao.noJl.eo; mixed. 10D In BO; clover, $S.bO,00; grain. d.00a 10.001 efeat, s.ou. . .. . , ; " Buttor. Igge aad Foul try. I BDTTBR FAT f, a. a. Pttaadrwet cream, mHCi r, . BUTTER Tlty ere mere. tXHci eutalde, Kancy. at ww, iji'l (ore, 19G, Etlltc r.aire lam-;, vvhuivo. ieigiue, CHKKfft New rull cream, data, ItSMgUet loon. America. 1T1I1,. - ' . 1 UUl.l m nixea enicien, . 14 He per mt ; fancy ben, - la per lb; rooatera, old, IIQI2C pee IDl VIU 'iel7a11 ,u . per lb) broiler, lb per lb; eld d per is; rryara, in oek. UH per lb; aprlog dnck. 1IH per mi gee, sJ . 10 per lb; turkey. IT per lb for eld; draned. fancy, 22e Wo pee nana, . SI 00 aer dont pigeons, $1.00 p - poalbry 101a ee lb hlaner. , Hep. Wol Bad Bid, ' r HOPS lo crop Choice, 141 BHm t cnoir. naivHc; mcainm prim. . BQUe; ' medlam, Sc; roatracta. ItWT crop, la. WOOL 180d clip Valley, SUQUci eaatera oregoa, zoe. - MOHAIR New lftOT 9 per Tb. 1 HHSBPSKINS bearing. IhtJUw eecb; ebort wool, aut40ei mcdlnm wool. WOTbd eacbl . long wool, TAcQd.OO ach. TalXOW Prime, par lb, IVaOiei K. t and rreae12tt2He. CHITTIal BARK 40 for eaf Iota; email Inta. K. ' HTPHa Dry. .Wo. 1. IB Th ud up.- k sHEN POTATOES COME FROM MEXICAN RANCH Egg plant and tomatoes from . 4 Cuba and Florida, and aw pota - d toes from Mexico show just how d metropoliUn Portland Is getting d to be. A few rears ago It would, have been lrapoaalble to aell any 4 amount of unanaaonsble produce d on .account or tne enormous prloes asked, but Portland now 4J demands , everything - just aa quickly as It can be produoed 4 prloe no object 'For this resson d a local shipper sent te Mexloo for new potatoea and they ar rived today In fine shape. They will sell at litt and IS cents a pound. This Is like bringing eoel a to Naweastle and dam and - Ing enormous values. e 'S MARKETS WHAT DEALERS SAY OF LOCAL MARKETS By W. D. Olafke Co. 4 4 . While- fhe egg market la dtlll 4 ' holding at the same values that. d ruled at the clone of laat week d the tone this morning was not 4 d Quite so strong,-and the future 4 e of prloes depends upon arrtvala d d more than ever. -There la e dla- d d poaltlon - among cold storage d operators . to force the price a down, and If receipts Increase d . materially ever the present ar rivals they will accomplish their d object d- . Poultry arfivsla war ao mall d tha past waek that tha trada waa d enabled to easily; 'advance the d price a half cenL The extreme e ' shortage cauaed tha trade to delve more than evert into the eold storage stock, and this kept the price from advancing- to a higher limit . . - Creased meats of all kinds held remarkably well, although at I d t times there waa a faint showing of weakness due to the modified ''weather. . , .. , - : . 10c nr lb: drv bin. Mo. t.' g to IB Ih. IBAlMet Sri calf. No. I. under B iba. 20c: aal led blue. teer. auuad, 00 lb end er, 9tt loci eow. eiUWl Met aad bull. uad. tl7c; kip. lb to 90 tba, pcj call, eoaod.- aader lb lb, lie; green, unealieu. la lee; culla. le per lb waa; bore bldee. aal led, each. $1 OOifiZOO; dry, eacu. el .00tlJ10; colt hide. ISHMtej i goat akin, com mo, each. lOUIfiri Angora, Teach, ittcej ll.CUl kMp akin. McCtll.DO. ,. . r v arulta aad vgtaala. VPOTATORB Uatmg prlc. utra Moltoo- mak and CUckamaa, aelect l 75iai.6o; U- Ing, fancy. tzit2.l; orillnary, Jobbing. fl.Ttn) 1 Wo; eaatern Oieana. buying. $l.Zi; atlaiw acta. l.S4il.u; iweeta. 7c par 10: O.MONS Jobbing uric M. 1 Uregoa. (3.00 tta.&; Ha. a, t2.wi4ij.18: garlic, suite per lb. girlie. R'ttOc per lb. ai' paacy tioou direr npiixenoerg ana TelL w Nawtcwn. ttAOl fancy Willamette val ley aad aontbern Oregoe. lUti2uO; .ordinary Itork. uncI.SS. . PHRKH ruiUlB Oranre. lew aareL 13.00 (I.U: teagerln, 1JU; bananaa, fic r lb; lemon, H lOfeb-O" per bos; llmee, Meilcaa, tl.24 per loo: plneapplu, UMvSMt per taJMif . 7S u. TV gran fruit. $3.2d. - VBttETAHl.r.s Turnip. aw. occi ar; eartut. lockill.OO per aack: rta. gl.73 per aack; paranlp. tlMii.ur,; cabbage, 3tf3.23; tomatoea, Mexican. l.Tbi3.2b; Florida. tS.ftw; paranlue, kucijal.OO: alrlag ueena, 13 per lb; aullfluwer. S2.30f2.T doa: peaa. 14c: hara- radieb, ie per lb; arttrkoke. 7 Or tit I -00 per ooa; aqeaaa,.Trciiuu per not: celery, tall- for la. ( 1 1 eranberrlee. ga.OOUO.00 per barrel: aprouta. a0 per lb; a.paragua, 12Ultlc; rhubarb, tic per lb; green onion. 15c doa; r tor 1.1a bell pepper, due per lb: eulnack, gl.jfO per dox; aeao lettuce, e ooa: 1 doa bunckea: ecxDlaat. loo nee lb. DRIKO ruins Apple. aporatd. ! le per to; apneota. I(H20c per lb: peeehea, lift IS H Pr lb ack. le per lb hma; prune, 0 to 40. otc: He droo oa ach 1-10 emaller an; rig, caiirornu black, etffH par lb; California white. eHrSHe per lb; date, golden, W.50 per box: tarda. i.40tl.oO par IS-lk- box. Grooarlea. BuU. Kte. BllOAR j California m Hawaiian Cab. 3.2TV: povdered. ft.l2U berry. 4K2V4: dry granulated. v,; ptar, B4.HZH1 coot, a. MJBl extra u. V4.4XV; goidea U, 43k; l yellow, 4 WV4: beet sranalaled. S4.2U. Weatera Cub. f4.VTVk; powdered. aJ.lifti; nry granultcl. . BO.ZTH; r. c. - e.B2'4 ; BU Krancla, 4.82(t; confectioner' A. 4.e2m eitra C. S4 42; goidea C $4 82 D yellows M.22H; beet gr an la led. $4A2Hi barrel. lOifj half krrela, kOc; boiee, to adraaca a sack beat. . . . I A dot prtoae are BO days set eaab qoota- HON R Y SS .00 per enta. " - CorrKB Packaae braada. t IB 88f 18.68. 8ALT Coaree Half pouad. lOOa. t$ll 00 pet Inn; BOB, ll; table, dairy, BOe, 115.00: Khi. 14 T5; bale. .$2 tHI; Imported l.lTerpool,, Mie, iiH.ou; rooa.-gito; 124. tIS.OO: xtr fin, bbm, Xa. 6a and 10a, H.Wic&M; Ueorpool re nip roc. per toe; eo-ib. rock, gll.ou; loua. $10.40. -1 r (Aboa prlc apply to aalee ef ma than car lota. Car iete at special price aubject w xjucinaiiona.i - ' 1 R1CB Imperial Japan. No. I, get No. i. H Orleans, bead, Ic; AJax, e; Creole, VraNB Small whit, fa so? 'large white. IS. 26: pink, Ji2B bayou. 13. 76; Uraas, 14i aleilcan reda. 4c. s NUTH Peenuta. Jambo. (He per lb; Tlr gin la, THe per lb; malted. 10 per lb; jaua nee. b(3Hc; roaatvd. 7tTM per lb: coco aula, BStfUOc par due; walnut. Callfomle. in per. lb: French. IV par lb; pin nut. I4tirc per lb; hickory not. 10 par lb; clieetaata, eeatem, ISkjMto per lb; Braall ante. ISc m tbl filbert. lAe pr lb; faacy paeaaa, ibZuc; auaooddj l8me. - Keata, FUh aad PTovUloa. 1 TRR8H MEATS Front Street Hoc, fancy. Hutc per lb; veal, ertra. 8 per lb; ordinary, THc per lb; poor, dc per lb: mot ton. fancy, tQa per lb; anrlof Umba. loc PHAafB, BACON. BTC Portland park Wai) hama, 10 to 12 Iba. 14 per lb; 14 to 1 Ua, IS per H; I to IO Ibe, loc per lb; break feat bacon. lUG2m per lbs pirate. IBc per .b: enttnre roll, 12 per lb; regular abort clear. anamoked. IX par ID; mokd. 13e Dee lb: clear back. anmnkd, 12c; moked. I3e per lb: Cnloa batt. 10 to IB Ibe. anamoked. e par lb; smoked, a per lb; clear bellioa. e- rooked. UHl per lb; moked. USc per lb; Douioen, ut per in; piraiea ronr, ou LOCAl L.ARI Kettle leaf. lua. 11U pet lb: aa. 11 per lb; bOtb Una, li per lb; team rendered. 10a. 1W Per lb; 6a, 12C per 10: eompouna, l". per 10. CANNED BALMONtlolBmbla rlrer. - I-lk taUa. 1.0: I lb tall, 2.7Bi fancy 1.1b rial a, g.0; H-lb fancy fUta, gl.15: fancy l ib orahv. 12.75: AUsU tall, pink, 8St0cj red, IL&O; nlnal. za. tall. g2.0O. riHll Rack cod. Te or Jb! nounders. a nr lb: halibut. Uc per lb; erahe, ll.uritl M oer doa: trtpea aaea. ixc in: ratnan. loe Ibi rra - canrornia. 19 ID; froaca aak- lie nor lb: herring. Be per lb: eole. Be per lb; ahrlmp. 10 par lb; perca, be per lb; black cod, 7 per lb: tow cod. Te par lb; looat era, ion per 10: ireaa mrari, ne Ih; craw flah. gue par doe; targeoa. 10c per lb: black baa. So per tb; Col tun Ma rlrer melt, 6c par lb; chad. Inc. OiKTERa Sboarwater bay. per ganoa. I 80; per 100-lb aack. 4.a0; Qlytnpla. per gulkm, f2.B5; per US-lb aack. ft.Wais; Eagle, caonea, tue ca. i.uv aoa. CLAMB HardhIL pea bo. (2.40) elama, 12-00 per box. 11c Per doa. ntot, Ooal OH, Xte. ROPE Pare Manila. MVoi staadard. ltci etaal. lie. . COAL Ollj Pearl or Aarral Caae. llUe ear gai; watvr ' wait, nea onia, 14 per gal; weodea, lie per gall headlight, 1TB Sag, eaaea, SIVt per gal. . OASOLINB Beg., taaaa. KHI aer gall kron bbl. 18 per gai. BBNSINB l dee- Cue. tS aer anlt I ma bble, I" He per gal. TURPENTINE la caae. aa per gall wcadaa bbla, use per gal. , WHITE LK AD Ton RtU. Tas per Ibf BOO-Ib una, e per in; ion. Bit Pr IB. WIRR NAIU ITaeent baal at gl.PS. LIN8REO OIL Pur raw. la 5-bbl tota, ROet I -bbl lota, S3e caae. ftDe per gal; tea nine her -noiiea. re. ue per gait -nni tela, 4 khl Ion, bbe per gal: ground cake, car lota. 120.00 per l tea tbaa an lot, 130.00 per Ijrurooi. ORApr marxtt. Ueorpool. April llOfflclal Pttcaa: : . V.T. , WHEAT. , Open. Cine. A prD IS. (a. . " d Id Did fed Mar - 6Hi Be B July ....... ee d Be td CORN. ht.y 4 e4d da fii July - 4 rl 4 tii Septeabar a Std aa Bd s 4 1 e l.d 9 Aeed Roar Men. f Special DUpetch to Tb Journal.) Wee too. Or.. April IS. A Berkahlro In. algblug 404 pound ha Jmrt beea ex Id to th irroere market be Ire O'Harra. Mr rVTl.H. received t.O-112 for tb anlmaL and thia la onnmiaerew a eery gooa pnee, . TeacherB la V(n1ock Schools. Wlnlockv Waah.. April IS. Tha Win. lock school board Ras elected the fol lowing teachers for next year: Profor j. h. uaraner, superintendent; Mlsa Ida moreiancj. intenneaiate; Mlas Sallle Vo Kay, grammar department: Miaa Wan. ota Oardanler and Mlas Iois French, primary and preparatory. The .high school teachers have not aa rat been lee ted. Th board expecta to add an. other teacher for next year's work. FLOUR ADVANCE -HI INTERIOR Some Outside Milters Put Values K Up Fifteen to Twenty- -f. Rve ' Cents. - .. e AMERICAN GRAIN .TIH1BLB, What looreaaed 1.62O.0O0 baafacla. CornDecreaaed T78.0CK) buabel. i tXtswlncrMoad S&4.0UO buabel. , , CHICAGO WHEAT TALCBB. AnrlllfL Anrll tIL Ua. loos. May ........a .78. a .Ttm I July .Wi .siC .oo)4 Tb adrane m local floor ealuaa. eicluatrelr predicted by Th. Journal earl laat week. Ii being eon firmed by tu. reoorta from Interior nulla, which are advancing their value loo to per barrel. Lcal value look hle-ber and will likely adraac UiavJorin, uu during tb near lew oaya. rhleago wa alow for wheat today a tbt Increase In th via lb 1 f l.oiO.OOO buahala aad t n o a noahei. i4vrpoat earn fraction higher. Impartial reports from tb winter wheat blt bur out atorle of great damag to wheat In Kanaa by ttie) green bog and by drought. Bom damag from tb mm aouro hi allwoarl and no Injury to apeak of la Nebraaka, wear It Is said neither th green bug, drought nor cold weather ha had aa adrer Mect. In Kanaa tb (Ituatlon I aerloua. Ethnologiata with only a erlentlfle mtereat la tb matter Join with all crop expert In aaylng that wheat la aireaay mucn nurt ana mat luiur poaaioui tlea are not alinrt of alarmlne. It I .not believed tht tb eoel epell baa checked the activity .of the bug. Tb aext gorernment report I likely to anew aa - area of 9,000,000 acre of winter wheat abandoned, moot f it la Texas, Oklahoma. K a aeaa aad California. In Kan. t!i premier wheat atate. drought la doing b-renarabl damage aad many flelda are he lug plowed up. Official Quotation ' by Over beck. Cook company: ' . " . ' WHEAT. ' - - - " Open. . Hlrt. I July an' t iiH Beptombet . .. 24 - CORH. '471.4 : . 4V " 47 OATS. May 5-" M juiy September i " fay .... July .... 8Ak 44 44U 404 of - MRUS PORhV ..'.......lflia ; 101T : ' ,. dOVb wr July 1588 1&W2 ' lr)00 leu into - iom NEW YORK STOCK- MARKET VaJneg ; Lose . Today , oa GoneraJ Xfca,ullatloii In List. - New Tork, April IS, The atock market eloxed lower today-. . Will tb general liquidation. Official quotations Oook company! Overbeek, Starr DBSCRIPT10B. Amal. Copper Co... Am. tcomotte, a Am. Sugar, com... Am. Bmeldcr, eom. Atchlaon. com . . . . . Baltlmor At Ohm, com.. Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt Canadian Pacific, eota.. t ht. mil at HU Paur: t-oio. net at iron, eon. Erie, com... .'. I-oolrrlll A Naahvllle. Muvourl Pacific New Tork Central..... Pennsylvania Railway... r, u a u. Reading, com Rock laland.tma. Boathcra Pacific, eom. Union Pacific, eom.... D. S. Steel Co., com.... do preferred. r"fotal aalee for tb 1 day. 1.021.000 share. Call money closed at 1 par cent. .' V ' "'.' PORTLAND STOCK MARKE1 J. - C. Leo Ru : Lees" Creek Gold 8trlckea From Listed Stocks. I . Trading waa alow on the meal exchange to day. Sale were: Fir Home Telephone t 133 rprlvat le), i.ono Lakerlew Mining at 5c. and 1.00O Mammoth at lc Oa requeet f 7. C. Le tb Lee Creek Gold was strlckaa from the Rated aecuritlea. Official pricca: . ' .. BASK STOCKS. ; . i - Bid. . Bank of California..... Rankers At Lnmbermeas......... 10S.M , tlerchant National ........... ...... ITT. 50 180.00 120.00 Oregoa Trnat di Raving. ....... Portland Truet Co. Unltfd State National Sno.00 USTRO SRCCBrTIES (BONDS.) American Blecult Co. Oa... 88. BO loo.oo t.r ana miwinai ee. . 83.00 Home Telephone Be.... ' 83.00 O. K. at N. Ry. 4 ae.00 100.50 103.50 S8.00 . 100.00 ft. W. p. Re. 100.00 Pacific Cnaat Btacnlt .. Portland Railway 6a ...... J. C. Le Ce, d , ' HllH:HLtaSBUCS BTOCKH. Aaaoctated Oil a... 43.00 Horn Talephoae M. ............ 83.00 " J. C. Lee Co. ...... Paclfle State Telepbon . ..... Pugct Sound Telepbon ..... s- MIRINO STOCKS. Lakerlew . ................... ... Manhattan frowa Point. . PotM Mining . Wiabougal Exrenaloa .......... ' .IS UNLISTED STOCKS. Taqtilna Bay Telenhom S.tS ' n . .I,, ajin A t w 4.00 40.00 18.00 101.00 40.00 .25 .20 .24 M BOO .IT Alaaka Perrolenra ............. .1214 Brltleh Columbia Amalxamatad.. ooh t aacaoia , JO .0014 .03 Mammoth. . io Morning Oregon Bemrttle .11 .u .n .14 ':3 riiiHMia uiaeiuflltia ......... ,0T Tacoma steel t. , COEDR DALENB DISTRICT. BuTlloa . . .mtiA u. n,. i onaojiaatea. ............ 04V Hairny Dar -04' nnowanoe) . ........ .no Ao Soowstorai V ASS TXTTZO RATES OOTimiTrnrT B01TDA New Tork, April 18. Ooremment hoada i bat. Bid. Aak. two, regitra ........... lain do eoupou lmo Tbr-ee. reglitcred , ...... I9H do coupe 1008 Ttire. email bond .... 14 104 14 J04 10a 104 102 lo.1i, 1021, . IV l.tot do enupua 1B2.1 do coupon ..... 1B2S iinv U1V rnur. I'hlltnntna ......... .... lonv 1041. Twos, Panama ............. .... 104V lOti, VOtTLUrO 1AR STATXaTZR. Clearing trtflry ' ....l.snrTlS ra jeer as...... Oars toda . ..$ arrr.naa.Ai . 13D.0H4.llf '. 4A.6oJ.70 Balance today do year ago., Vew Tork-Leadon Saver. Hew Tork, April 13. Bar Hirer, See) tea. doa, SOHA ,., - - . KAW VALLEY FROSTS DO A LITTLE DAMAGE Spelal Dlanatck t Th Journal. 4 Kanaa City, April 1. The 2 4 lata froats In the Kaw waller 4 have not materially affected the d 4 potato crop, although some dam- 4 4 as was done. ' d Btarr ) - . ' Low. Clcee. T8 , T8 f i r X. 1 - ' e 1 ; : ; 80 I 2 8 I 0K eitt eoK eoil 123 128 1S2 - 122U 12S 11-SH 124U 12BW 2H -iT p-Jii 7lk B7 6H T B7U BgT ul, B7U 1T8HI1T4V, 173 171H 112 tai m H4H 88 S44 234 2-1 22 S3 118 118 118 11H T314 T3 T2? T85 llfUl 1IT IIS lldll 12vJ124 122H 123 IOX14 IW 103 u 103 f'aS XI 202 81 80 I 822 7V NO 1S24 1.16. 132 133 8 37 8ft Sflr SH NH MP8lI Sharp Decline Will Be Shown in Price of Creamery . Butter, Soon Owing to Larger Supplies and Lower Prices in Other Markets. 25 (M RISE On Account of Scarcity In Local yards All Value Are Show-. Ing Advance. -, Portland Cnloa Stockyard a,' April IS. Un ITam r..l. ikM, looay .i. 3d ' W 6.', week age , . 104 t 0 Year as ia ' V i-.i ao arerioua year B01 800 ' ... There (a great firm nee lu all line of live 'ock today. Every 11 n la (howlsg rnwed trength and higher vlne that ar Being quuie are oemg aaaiiy maintained, suca auia'l arrivals aa have continued to be show Id Ut wees wr xnected be the kieel trmtlm That tbl condition a regard a Bhortag m th rarloaa line ef llveatocM te not a local affair la ehowa by th aay recoverl mad In tern price of late. This le the time ef th year when dftcllnln nrlcee r th rnle anu ar genera iiy ipectd, tint tbla eeaaoa haa provaa aa axotoB, vrywhre.j - - Bog at Bevea aad a Half. 'Today th hoc market went to ST. 80 for heat tuff with arrival during tba 48 boura of but M head aa ara laat a nominal number a year ago and 391 head for .tbla earn data la '1005. At tha new vlu hog are firmer tbaa er. and therefore 'tb price Is more eaally xoabv (a mea. 8bes ar arriving In each nominal number that price ar bard to aunt aetlifactorilr and ar today quoted nominal aad one hanged. , Cattle Aavaaoe Agala. , Aa was predicted la this report during th previous week, cattle ar again showing aa advaace, today's value being 33 higher all around, . Th top of th market today In the arda I 35.50 for beet atnft with arrival ef at 50 head agalnct ISO bead a year ago ad 800 hud thia earn date In 180(1. Today ST bora were among tha arrivals. A year ago today: Lambe Bue off; cattle firmer, SOe sp; eheep weak, BOe eft. , urriciai nreeioc pncM Hog Beat atra Oregon,' 37.50;' atoeken aad feeder. 17.00) China fata. 7.00. Cattle Beat eeitera Oregon iter. SS.fBi beat cow and helfere. 34.00; stackers sad feed- . B4.W, DUlla, z ou. SheepMixed. eaHct wether. 8Ue: swas. Smc; Umba. Ia;te. EASTERN . HOGS LOWER Prloe lit East Shows a Reaction o( t FIto to Ten Cents Today. - Chicago, April 1. Ltreatock receipt: Hon. Cattle. Sheen. Chlcage 48.000 (3.000 22.000 Kanaa a City - 8.500 0.060 Omaha t 8.500 8,500 15,000 Hog are Be to 10c lower with 18,000 left wr. Receipt a year ago were 34.000. Price: Mixed. 3tt.42Hia.T2H: heavy. Moa.TilU: rough. l8.4ftQ8.66; uht, 8d.Se6.T2Vi. . i tattle mm ceuta lower. Sheep Steady. r - '' -. , NEVADA MINING STOCKS i Ooldfields Ara Showing Rise in , San Francisco Today. Go M field stock ara klrtiar todav In Saa Franruc and tba ameral Uet of rV evade share la more bullies. Official aotatione bv Orerneck. - Starr A 0ok company: - OOLDFTELDS DISTRICT. Bandatorea. TOe: Red Ton. 14. IO. Catnmhla Mt.. 66c: Junioo. 33.80; Jumbo Ext.. 12.25; Vernal. ITe; Peunaylvenla, Sc; OoM field M. Co.. .TH Kaodall. Sbc: Booth. T2c Bin Hull. Hc: Adam. 17c; Silver Pick. 31.22(4: May Cneea, 32.84A; Nev. Boy. 16c: B. B. Ext., ISc: Bin Bell. 26c: Dlxl. lie: O. Columbia. 80c A; Hlbernla. 12c; Bt. It. a, 31.80; Con. ueror, I8e; Blk. Rock, 8c; Lone star, 81c; 1. Wonder. 4c: Potlaeh. TBcA: Oro 41ct Ken. dall Ext., 5c; Sanaa c Bit, Set Ma.rne, l:tc; Atlanta. TTc: Great Bend. 81. M: Red Ton. 4Se; Florence, 10; DIam't. B. B. Con., 87c; O. Dalav. 32.18: Laenna. k Sl.tBAt Common. wealth, SOe; Comb. Fract- 14.50; Or. Bead Ext.. 2Te: Gr. Rend Anx.. 18c: Mlllatorm. av: n R Bonanaa. 10c: Kakanoe. 31.87 "4: Eameralda. 20c: Portland. SScA: Cracker Jack. Pile; PYanela Mohawk. 81.10: Red HI1L 46c: Mohawk Rt . 22ct 8. Pick Ext.. 10c; T. Roae. 12c; Co I. Mt. Ext.. Te; Ooldf. Cons.. Sc; DUa'f. Tri angle. 4Sc. I COaiSTOCK DISTRICT. - ' ' Onblr. 82 BOA: Mexican. 8A! Ooald A rr r; Ooa. Vlrglnl. 1.10: Bavage, Mc; Bale ml nnrcro, sue: ariiow jacket, 1: Belcher, SSei Confidence. 81: Blerr Kit. aiei K.h.nM T4c; Unloa, 68c. . V f , BpLLPROO DISTRICT . Original, ldc: Rnlir u c i , c; Nat. Bank, 40c; U Harrla. Ac: Amethvat! Bufl Gold Bar, 3U0; Sulaway, lse) IMarer Anx., 20eA; Bonnie Ctare, 44c; MayfL . 41c: Monte. Ohio Ret . n a .-T Col tlcfc B. Dalav,' 25ej BanI tak Con.. 11.20; Tmko Girt Sc: Numr i ,ii" SO Vatars In Jortland IN HOG MARKET M3Kl 'UV. W vAlill- BLOOD POISON a. .BlLE!lton" T dim.. leading to etractura and rntaaeoaa eeOa. due BIKTODI T sTrtll It U nninaiTK r B4 Ks tfAnm.m w aa i. n.. - i..a aWt kaeV4kSk.rllv m tKaa iJ-Zl ' LZT r. 7:." V'w "'"X ""vno1 Tirilins tr aTamtPBMtlskaT tKe Thl. dlica- win 11 -7. hI'.T1 '.tV1"- ' ". rsr-lksrcklfa, .... " "''I. iST,.,L? ''"ng out f lb krr. aorea, nicer., eecayea Done eahetance, rotten teeth, aervoaanee. rlrrrlranmaa BMlaBcbolla. km f memory, making your Hf reelo. ef ih. i-I , "T! T, ,. . W ear lu.t rack nd th. k.,.l r rnir n a ream ar the ms Jt what w aay. Our aaott Bad BMthoda ar a square deal t eery man. NERVOUS DEBILITY th Io?km.t'wnir" h'irIHlJSL "rT xy. wnee ye k.v V-t . , . VT . r. . , , . " d t4, ewftmed. Bleep real Wee. eoufldnc gone. bnmv ril.l5rLjrkll ta'"er7 kealutlng- a .able te venture 2T'a .,I,L?LU,, W! "nt eomhdy to decW for toem. who are 11? !e. iirl'JT'TSL." J aa who hare part er .11 of tlx ymptom alTi tiStTmei?.' 17- W .ollclt thoa oee la which m.ny ITIriLmilT 1. . II. f " ha beea weated on other method f treatment. Iou t e inert men t wbea enr dlnot tv. . ri,i. mt eera. tr eJlk h L'i1 ""'U1 tadlnc w.ieTe- Si ..w JZL-?',0: Ihl. L.. r niL '"""" thar tnatltutloa baa kea here ror U year It wlll ,7" """" erfthrog to call Ha frankW "tlit X7 "i bri". and yoa Will BOt . Writ if von cannot rH ' you cannot eaU. Hartt S a. SB, te S s. m.1 evaaiaga, ST. LOUIS- "Su? DISPENSARY COXlfXm SECOHB A0 TAMHIIX STlXXTfl. 0TtA, OltOOlt. '. PHONE fiiERGER , RUMOR'S OASIS Pacific Com fj any Has' Acquired ; Control of Manufactory of L ' Automatic Telephones. CONSOLIDATION HERE - . . . V ; IS STOUTLY. DEN IED Home Company Points to. Clause In ; Ordinance ' Which Prohibits, the . Company- From. Merging With An " Other In Portland. , . . Persistent rumors to the effect that the Paclflo Telephone Telegraph ooro, pany and tha Home Telephone cotnparty of Portland have effected a consolida tion Is emphatically denied by the local managers of both organisations. ' When seen- thls-rnoTTilnsv anofnclal -ei ne Home Telephone company said: Under the franchise granted ' the Home company by the votera of Port land by Initiative the company la abso lutely prohibited from consolidating with sny other telephone organisation. and hi event f an attempted merger the franchise Immediately becomes wold. The city la wisely protected In this way. "The Paclflo oompany la under a ft- year ' contract with the manufacturer of Bell telephones not to connect with any company using other than Bell In struments. I attach no Importance to these rumors, for the reason that the contracts and engagements of both com panies are such that a merger or sale of either Is absolutely prohibited." C K. Hickman, city manager or the Paclflo company said: 'We In Portland have no means of knowing what the head omotale of our company In Boston- will do. However, take no stock In the sale and merger rumors. It Is true, though, tnat tne Paclflo company has recently acquired controlling Interest ' tn Kellogg company, which Is the second largest manufacturers of telephone supplies la the -world, and It la rumored that the oompany haa also secured control of the only plant In the country that manufac ture automatic telephone supplies , "It this report Is true. It may have considerable bearing On the local tele phone situation.' The Home Telephone company is ais- trlButlng Its first bulletin of subscribers. It la a neat booklet containing tns names and telephone numbers of t.000 subscriber. This bulletin will be fol lowed every two weeks by an additional one, riving tha names and numbers' ot subscribers as they are . connected up with th central office. Turner-Marks Wedding; Tomorrow. (Special Dfcrpatcb te Tb Journal. ' . " Albany. Or..v April II. The wedding of Mlsa Beryl Turner and Mr. "Wlllard L, Marks of (this city will take plaoe to morrow. Mr. Marks lsN well known In the valley and for a tlm waa con nected with the staff ofv a Portland dally. At vreaent he Is occupying the Dosntlon of deputy county clerk, miss Turner Is one of the city's most esttm able young women. ' ' e: Tnmp Cone., ft 15; Victor. lcA; Burn art, 10c; North Star. 6c; lfldaa. SOcA. . - TOWOPAH DISTRICT. Tne wee.. SIS CSi Mont. Ton., t BO: T jYt.. gx.TS: MarKamire. 7e: Midway. Sl s.1t Toa. Bolmonf. tS; Ton. No. Star. SOe; Oh I Too.. c; West End Con., fl.SO: Keecue, ict Ton. A Calif., lSr Goidea- Ancbor. due; Jim Butler. Sl.STVt! Ton. Caeb Boy, HHe: Toa. Horn, Sc: Bot. Toa.. lie: Monarch Pitta. Ex., 1e: Mont Mid. Ext., lies Ooldca Crown, lc; . X. xon. un c ' i MANHATTAN DISTRICT. ,. i" ' a- . r. . .a -. . u A. It,. A widra. 12c: 8erlr Rams. Set Dexter, 22c eiana. . uu,. . i , ni..o. . . ,w, U Joe. Set Creecent Be; Comblnatma, 6c; Oranny, c; Muatang, Be; Llttl Ory, eoeA; Cowboy, 4c; Broncno, uc; J amp, eaca, iicja; rinenut, jtj nuiiaio, oc; . w, ui T. Uoraa, Sc; India Camp. ize. TARIorS DISTBICTS. Falrv. Silver King, 80c; Fatrv. Eagle, SOeA: Nevada Hill. 4; Plttaburg Hllrer reek. !.:; No. Star Wonder, 12cA: Eagle's Net, 2c; Buby Wonder, suet All ef Woader, mm. Ltverpool Oattoa Market, ' ' UearpnoL April IV Oottoa futarea elostd IH A to H I IV, eolats fewer. Our Fee $1000 In Any Uncomplicated Cases Consultation Free at ' ra Sf s t a ih'1' io ray unless turea . . BT-OOO POTBOW. tXU PT8TASTS, SOSES, VLCESS, STRiCTl'Bk. yARlcOCTLE. HTOftOCELS. KIR- vous rrxuifT. wrag-jiEs. mow OHBHOIA, CftKOKIO P18CASCS fr THE KIDS IT AMD ySOSTAIX. ADD AU SECT AX DISEASES. V 1MQTI t.ITCw, spstl ill. SSittrw klm. .kr " . .L .' ""- '-.7V-'w h.r.. .... . . . . t , ar anutend, and from nmH which. " will find that we ire ill we sad tha eldeet aneclallat la th etty. as 4 a... w-v., nnniin at our or f loo. aad ky doing It may ear If ww Baot cur yoa. wa will koneatly ha Ma ... n..el. hlleatlne to . " " f to I Mi uBdays, lib t la, MEN'S DISEASES American National Bank SAX DIEGO, CAU- ' ' OATTTAZi (paid p) S100,0O0O tnnv An xnr. nomi , .f4o,oooo - omoni Avn zruoTom. - LOUIgjr. WILDH, Preg R. M. POWBRfl. Vlce-Prea H. E. MILLS. Vlce-Prsa CHARLES L. WIHJAM3, Cashier. U J. RICE, Ass't-Cashler. JB. KTHAHLMAN. 6E30 VB TOTJB PACITiO KORTITIVEST ITESIS . ' SEXD VB YOXTR TIS1TORS . ' ,s ' FOB GOOD TREATMENT - ' . , -' ' ' , .- - - ' ' -',V''. '' ', BAM SZSO01 CUaUTl. v'' four times' in th history of Ban Diego has the tens-, perature touched 11 degreea. but baa never fallen . lower. Th temperature of Ban Diego has exceeded ' degrees but nineteen times, la thirty-two vsars, - . '. . f : ' : J .....,.,..' ' RUSSIAN PREMIER USES , FARCE ON THE QUIA Palace Guards Ordered to Ex . . elude Every One Except , Deputies Who Protest. (Journal Special Servl.) ' BL Pataraburr Anrll u Mtn-.t,,. from the building everyone ax cent deputies, and permit no one else to enter." Thia woe ih ed. the palaoe guards today by Premier Btolypla at Taurld palaoe, wher the douma sits, aad the order waa at onoe oarrled out. Th members . of the lower house made a vl mrnin nmiu . i of foreaL huk n MmMiiu , A ... w . . to the wlahes of the premier. Thus did Diuiypw carry out me tnreat to pre vent outside experts from assisting the commute which la to eonsldsr ths budget. , Later In the day Prealdent Folovin ef the douma -aent a communi cation to the premier In which he said: oiwa jwu aeTa coomi 10 reaort to force In order to maintain your posi tion, and not having arguments with which to anawer such tactic. I do not wish to further discuss tha aufclactt of outalde bxperta" Thai nramtar heat anaa.ll 4V mltteea hold private sessions. This will oe acceptea oy uie nouse. several com mittee meetings' of representative of the mlnlBterlea were held today. Noth ing Important waa accomplished. ' I AM NEVER IN DOUBT X am never la doubt aa to what th result from my treatment will be. Day. after day for sixteen years I have been curing caae after oase of th several diseases peculiar to men. No ease eotne to m now. th Ilk Of which I har sot treated scores of times la the peat, aad I east al waya say definitely whether I will b able to effect a permanent cur. I never hold out false . hope . or make promlae that I cannot fulfill, and you can rely absolutely apoa any encouragement I may be able to offer you. if I promlae you cure, a cur will follow. WEAKNESS , I cur functional weakness la I know of BO other nhvalcfiut aiw. Ing this ailment. Moat doctors treat wrongly. Thy give stimulants and tonic. Theas Ihlnaa e . '"Weakness" l a symptom of nrosv latlo disorder, and th treatment must be local. Thia la a truTh that I myself revealed. I have perfected the on It bt at em or u1 Im. . . - that cure "weaknesa' A few doc tor over the country claim to cure by the same method, but their treat. men! is oruv an imitation ar the. genuine "Joslen" method. Th gen- urn la her and ts administered by Its originator. Don't Hods to- And it eisewoerea Specific Blood Poison No dangerous minerals to drive the virus to the Interior, but harralsss blood - cleansing remedies- that r anov the last potsonovi taint. . DD nr astt vsrooscrxjOATXD oasx You Pay When CURED Consultation Free '" ' CkBo boars a. sa. o 8 p. va. Cvi - A a IZ': 1 1 CHS. VnSLOW'S sooTm syrup; haa lie eaaaed by Mlllloas of Mother for their 1 , children wml Tec thine for Over nfty Tear. 1 It Booth tb oh 11.1, aoftens th guaaa. aUari all poUi. eure wind sotle, aad IB tb baa 1 rem-.1T for dlarrhoaa. ' i lv-B;KlTyijYK- y??.1! 1 11 A A . mm TEA 5RICETG BAKIflGJ50VVDR yuSFRlGHT ii CLOSSETia'DZVEES ' PORTLAN D, ." 0RE.rj 4 ii i I v NEVER GUESS lzperlment er take chance ef any sort.. I attempt to cur only those disease that 1 have bean curing for th past sixteen years, and I bvllav I em lusttflit In aaylng that I have learned ail about them. Wr I lack ing In knowlad; pertaining t any specialty I would sever have attain! my present aucceaa, nor would 1 to day be rwcoanlswd aa the leading sp clnltst treating mn's dlMaaen, If affllL'ted, you cart depend upon it that the- service I offer you la to snrvti: you need, ami Is service suuh as caa ba rendered, by no- ether physician. Wy practia I the largeeO beeaua I Invariably fuitlU my yrumisva. , VARICOCELE - trader gay treatment that tnoet a gravated eaa ef varicocele are cured ta a fvw days tint. Thar U not pain, and It I eelttom neceanary that the patient be detalnel from hi occupation. Normal circulation la at once restored throughout all the or gans, and the natural proosse of want and reoalr are Benin o.tih. llahed. If you are afflicted with ve. rlrocele, conault me at one. Ii laye can but brine? on inni condition and nervous that will Imnalr tha vital r,ni,.... and Involve the general health. Contracted Disorders Tb the treatment . e a . . e far a aervlce auch a m. .n, . . slrlan csn render. Tbe r.,. employ have a mnt tb.. positive action in clnnii 1 .. v uren-w ir an tnr-iiin ai l .1. all Inflammation, yi v nu1-i..r .f ; plication Inanree at.-o',.)! p,,-.,. riena, nn.l remove ei-.-ry i.... cf relni or n rl rmii- e' , -., cure are not only iK,rn- . :t n'vnmr.iiehe.l In tlm I'M- 1 i ponnilij. nine T to j B ti : 1 1 ti 1 r mm - -. .. . Ba, TATXtEm. i . ) Tb T.aaitlatT aeetallse. ,