The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 15, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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vv ixKct rwtrrt km Oa street pen, etde
.. u4 eroaelac. lwber iw"!
Barber AepbaM Pmrlnj Oa. a rertlaas.
orrio oa WkcmM tu.
wasted XtenOT-anhlr work it reaeonahl
prkoM. Mlaa Inn LM- . T1-
BXPKBT eteaoeTaper n typewriter.
Mala im. HI iwcaa eiug.
showcases W every nj ;
mrarea ink t order. The UtM
Msasfaetiirla a, fort !
K H. BIBPS1I-U deelrer: " !f:J"5?
i UoiHr uo. namiiwae """ "
. fe Yaa.elll at., eor. 4. Poaoe Mela SlOl.
w In kmda eX eew aad eocead
Eodee t greatly redacod prtcee.
U ISlil.Sl I WIH I " 1
bkaDOUARTERS tot mm end rebnllt type-
, B u.,. of .n o- ' m??2. C
are c orog ta ear a ew tyiKwrlUc oa 6e
fore hejlnsi we re
haM V-rt. for reeelrmi ell maeklnee; state r: bay ail kinds
If lp.-rtrr. The Typewriter ae,
"., JL I. Uleon. ouner.r. M Third at.
(Ur KEN8DKBFBB. Typewriter ,"7'-."S"
sra Mil RMtnrtona, umim mtiim.
merea. eta, lower than any otlw wtm)!
"!Z74 rd.rood Typewriter Co.. M th.
1 M month. Pertlend Leoonry A Towel
npply MltttrtOwtt. flwwtik
ran kaooaob omnibus transfer co
comer Sink 0k K
from hotel or mldrae llrt dOTtlutloa:
nfOT tlwratnr atoM rnk and aaaor
aaeaTi pou. Prtrata Bicbaaga 8. x -
AVAFRfl. staaa" at4 fufnltara Bvovad, ackM
rlT lor ablpplo aaa akipiw; all work
warabow wr atoraaa. Offlca J0 Oak at.
Olaaa Roa. PaoM Mata kaT. . ' -
OL O. PICK. atfVa H rtrat kt. batwara Jtark
Tid Oak ata.j poena dot. rmooa
auk paraaa aw aaippuia.
rraat and Claj ata.
dfana brlrk ararahooaa wltk aeaarat b-oa
t a
Oak at. I talapboa A,U 44W. Traafrta
aa4 atorto. . . -
pkoaa Mala W. Haavy baallDC asdatoraca.
Buna. M Stark at. Mabi 07. -
tagcaa at. Pka Mala -
BUTTER, tOOt. ate., alr prodaeta boaitht
ar kaadlad ' oa eoranlaaloa. 12M rink at,
(HwatUad bids.). Portland. Or.- ;
Three Sailors Desert Steamer
Kirklee While at Anchor . '
i r. in Harbor. ','.''.
Second Lot of Sailors to DMert In
Kioillar Manner Daring Pt Few
Dajra, Crrw of the Bark Jordanblll
Harlng Taken the Lead. :
WhUa th Biitlah Ktrklaa
wi at anchor la tha atream yaatarday
off ktontcomary dock No, t. threa of
her aailors manaced to deaart by leap.
In Into a paaalns boat. One mlsaed hla
footlna; and slipped into tha water, but
waa picked up by hla companions and
taken aahore. little the won for his
experience. ... -
The proceedings were watched rrom
ahorse bot neither Captaln-Badford nor
hla offloera knew of the escape until
late in the evening, when the men were
missed In their bertha The Kirklee
carries a crew of about 40. all told, and
they represent nearly every race on
earth. The three deserters Joined the
vessel - in San ' Francisco, so Captain
Bedford was not surprisd to find them
missing upon reaching tha harbor. '
This is the second lot of tars to es
cape In boats during tha past few dsys,
the first being that from the British
four-masted bark JordanhllL Fifteen
of the men leaped overboard Into a boat
near at hand while the Teasel was tid
ing at anchor In the stream and coming
ashore ,, reported the windjammer a
"tough proposition.- They said they
had been driven to desert and so of
course would leave behind - whatever
money they had coming. The Jorsdn-
hill la now alongside one of the docks
discharging cement, and It Is believed
that she will have considerable trouble
In getting a new crew. '
In speaking of hla ran to Portland
Captain Radford of the steamer Kirklee
says that fair weather has been en
countered so long that it la tiresome
almost, it was fine weather when she
left Australia for San - Francisco, and
cleared op when she arrived at her des-
ilinatlon. Then beautiful weather fol-
day the sun came outyln all lta glory
after the big tramp bad dropped her
mudhooks In the Willamette. ' i
The Kirklee Is under, charter to Bal
four, Guthrie A Company to carry wheat
and flour to China.
VRRDINO FARRELU prodnea d mm
aiVaaloa marrttanti. 10 rraat St., Portia od.
Or. Phooa Mala ITS. . .
Masafacrarara of foraitare tor the trade.
' Portlaad, Oraaoa. v.' - y- -
Demurrage Question Will Be Decided
C .'-ir' ' n Bidart Suit. ' ?.';'
The question of demurrage against a
number of Portland wheat exporters will
depend upon the settlement of the
case of the French bark Bidart, which
Is now- being threshed out before -the
courts on Puget 'Sound. Tho owners of
tho Bidart ask for some 1 10.000 for
delays in getting loaded. - Balfour, Quth
University of Oregon Graduates
Send Out Circulars Against
' 4 - V Referendum. '
TA25A!?sw usr .sriz.
and Oak ata.
rURNITURB sianafacriirlDC and aportal ordera.
L. Baranaky'a faroltara Cactary, SOT Front at.
ALLEN LEWIS, eomntaaloa and prod ore bm
ebaats. rraat aa Davla ata., Portlaad. Or. ..
WH0I.E8ALB eroekary aad (laaawara. ' PratC
Basela A Oa, Port la od, Oraaoa. -
. W. SIMPSON. t Waanlnctoa at Wbol.
aala dalar ta rla and hay.
Alaska 1907
..p',;;x5 tfjps
. S. Spokane, 7nne 14,
U Jnly U, MS Aug. t.
, Qneea, foXy 16.
jroin.movTa. '
. ... .... ....... .Tone 1
g. lresldeB.....,....',..f'.o,ane 4
Ktka, Jon aaa and way porta.
'. Balling p. sa,
SCaVaVOo.' Jlnmboldt. , . .Aprtl SlS-89
Oottaga City, via Sitka April T-Bl
City of Seattle April 17-CT
.... ' ;
iabt raAjrexsco motrrB.
, ajaiuag a. m. From. Seattle. '
City of FaeMa ....April S-S0
nQkaa' , ................April gs
Bpokane, dlraot... April IS
Umatilla . - .P" -
City Offioa, Set Waahlngtoa .
responsibility on the ground that the
rallroHda could not ' bring the wheat
from the Interior, v .
. Cases to be settled here upon the out
come of the Bidart case are those of
the French bark Asle, which claims $5,-;
000; the French bark Leon XIII, which
wants 11,000, and the French bark Con
nil Bart, which hss been delayed to the
extent of 92,800, , y .
Colombia River Scenery
aUOIT&ATOB usm Riuaia,
Dallr eerrlei batwaea Portlaad aad Th
TMllaa, exoapt Boaday. leaving Portlaad at
t s, arrtvlnc aboet p. a, carrybif
fralakt and paaaanrara. Splendid aeeoeB)oda
ttm ttm aatflta and llraatock.
Itork font of Alder at- Portland; foot at
Oaart at, 'The Pallaa. Pboae Mala 814. Portlaad.
Str. Chas. R. Spencer
' . . waslJarsoa-eTreei voca. .
Dally, except Sunday, for The Dalles
and wsy landings, at J a. m, returning
1 p. m. r aat tune, oeai earncm
Fheaesi Stala, S1S4 loat, A, 11. S4.
steamships ROANOKE. .
Sail for FureXa, San Franclaoo and Los
a"l direct every Tuesday at I p. m.
Tlckat efflce 111 Third, near Alder.
Phones M. 1114. H. TOUNO. Agent.
fSpaHal rnapatek ta Tha Joaraal.)
Aberdeen, Waah, April li-A strike
of Joiniers,.'headlng room men and com
mon laboiers ta on at the Western Coop
erage company's plant. The demand is
for hi r nor wages, una hundred men
are affected. . '
Matador Gored br BnIL
(Jvaraal gpHial Sarvtea.
ITl Paso. Txaa, April la. At a bull
f'xut at iuarea y aa tarda y afternoon El
t in'o, a matador, waa gored and prob
My fatally Injured by the laat bull.
Ji. ny women In the audience fainted at
the bloody spectacle.
Old Sores Oared by
"The Household 8urr"on." Druarlata
r-fnwd oumry if Or. Porter's Antiexptio
al6ng the waterfront
. Captain P. J. Werllch.' lighthouse In
spector, returned this morning from
Puget sound, where he has been look
ing .over the aervloe for several days.
He will start for ' Alaska soon on the
tender Armaria . .
The Harrlman liner Columbia sails
for San Francisco at o'clock tomorrow
morning. , She arrived here yesterday
morning at 1 o'clock. : .
The old wooden bark Alden Bess a
at anchor in the stream under charter
to load lumber for California. She Is
one of the oldest windjammers afloat
on the Pacific and for many years ran
between Portland and Hongkong carrying-
Chinese passengera
The watchman on the steamer Her
cules had not been Informed of three'
new hands having been hired yesterday
and .. so when they approached the
steamer In a boat he fired several shots
at them from a revolver. Tha sailors
rowed ashore and notified the police,
to whom the matter waa subsequently
explained to the satisfaction of alL
The German steamer Tiberius fin
ished loading lumber at Unnton today
and will probably leave down tomorrow.
- The steamer Alliance sailed for Coos
bay last night with a full cargo of
freight. Now that tho Alllanos is main
tained exclusively on the Coos bay
rout the freight congestion haa been
materially reduced. .
The French bark Bayonne shifted to
Montgomery dock No. 1 today. The
French bark Armen will leave for
Sydney Heads in ballast soon.
Th. im.HMn harkantlna 2. 1C Qrif-
ftth was placed on the llstff vessels
enroute to Portland this morning. ' She
cornea, from Ban Francisco.
The oil carrier Argyll is in ine river
and the oil carrier W. 6. Porter sailed
last night , ' ' , j
Aaroria. Anril ll-Arrived a 1:11 and
left op at 10:10 a. m., steamer oaa vv.
mi,. from . Haa Francisco and war
porta Arrived down Ci 7 and sailed at
10NW a. m., steamer iian; .ur
bay. Arrived down at a a. m., sonooner
Virginia. Left op , at . .: a. nx,
schooner Sehome. ,. .' '
San Francisco, April it. Arnveo,
tumtr sktuth ' Bar. rrora Astoria,
schooner Americana, from Portland, snd
schooner Muriel, from Columbia river.
Astoria. April 1. Arrived at s:v a.
m:, British steamer Irish Monarch, from
Ban Francisco. Arrived aown at a a.
m. and sailed at J p. nv, steamer JExcel
sior, for San Fiaaclaco. Left up at 11
m.. schooner Abbia . Arrived down at
noon and sailed, at I 10 p. m., steamer
Northland, tor San Francisco. Balled
at 1:11 p. m., schooner Irene, for San
Pedro, snd tug Tatooeb with steamer
Northwest, for British Columbia. Ar
rived down at :10 and sailed at T:I0
p. m., steamer W. 8. Porter, for San
Frsneisco. . ,
San Franclaeo, April 14. Sailed,
steamer Johan Pouleen, for Portland. ,
- Astoria, April IS. CondUlon of . the
bar at I a. tru, smooth; wind, north;
weather clear. ;
Impure blood run yon downsnakes
you en easy victim for orranlc dlaeeawa.
Burdock blood Bitters purlflas the blood
oures the cause builds yoa up.
Sohia people fear
that of brew era
no strike except
The alumni of the University of Ore
gon have sent out In the form of leaf
leu a strong appeal to th voters of
Oregon against the referendum on the
university appropriation. The executive
committee of the Alumni association.
consisting of Homer D. Angellt Clifton
N. McArthur and Dr. Homer i. Keeney,
all of Portland, heads the pamphlet with
a statement of th value of the uni
versity to - the stats and its compara
tively small support- from ths stats as
compared with the Institutions of other
statea ."' , . .
Th appeal calls attention to the facts
that the Stats grange executive com
mittee haa strongly advised against ths
referendum; that tha states which sup
port their university most liberally are
the ones that have th strongest public
school system; that th s tat as from
which Oregon is trying to attract Im
migration are th middle west states,
which have the strongest educational
systema, and .that the Investment In
education Is the best eoonomio Invest
msnt a state can make becauss It In
creases the esrnlng capacity of a man
as a skilled engineer. A few facti In
regard ta the university appropriation
are set forth by President P. L. Camp
bell, with a statement of the Immediate
needs of ths university and ths plans
for application of the disputed money.
Editorials from The Oregon Dally Jour
nal aad th Morning Oregonlan follow.
B. H. Miller, a real sstat man. Is de
fendant In a suit to recover 1177.10,
brought by W. O. N. Morrison. The
story related by Morrison is th old on
of an sgent who promised to divide his
commission with a second party, but
who refused to do so whan th sal was
accomplished. Morrison says that he
found a purchaser for a tract of land in
Cowliu county laat December. Miller,
the agent, had promised him half th
commlaaion. which totaled $1,171, ' th
sale price being 117,100. .
Miller, on th other hand, declares
that he never promised Morrison any-
uing, ' mat n nimssu got only on
fourth th commission, one half of it
going to E. Turnay snd the other fourth
going to hla Own partner, Miss L. K.
ymor. Judge Fraser la hearing tes
timony) in tho oaaa today.
i m i :
Outcome of Hearing Waited for at
v Commission's Offices. '
Washington. D. C, Anril .11 Tha
hearing by Interstate commerce com
mlaaion today at Portland is awaited
with keen Intereat In the offices of the
commission here. It is realised that
this Is ths first . fundamental issue,
raised by the new rata law going ta the
real queetron as to rates otner than as
to fliaenmlnetlon. It Is claimed that a
decision favorable to Spokane would
compel a radical alteration of th sys
tem of Jobbing and haulage from Chi
cago westward. Tha decision in th
Denver ease that ths railroads cannot
legally charge an unprofitable rat for
transcontinental freight Is taken as a
promising-concession to . Spokane, at
least inat in roaas must give her th
earn rates as la charged through to
th coast porta. . ' .
Unique Barrle Play at Baker. .
Every ante la a while a play la pat oa a
ata-e that hi totally different from earthing
eleo Is toe theatrical line. Tola to tha eaat
with "The Admirable Crfc-htoa," this week'a
attraetloa at the Baker. The work ef t. M.
Barrle. It will always be eeeorlated. also wltk
the Be ma ef William Gillette, trbe ImmorUUaed
the role ef qrichtoa. All thai weak at the
Glorious "Hello Bin."
Oertatnly "Belle Bill" made a hit even
greater tbaa expected at the Empire yeeterday.
It waa aot entirely the tnfleeace ef the fine
BELLE CREST is three miles from the center of the city on
the Sandy Road Boulevard-it is the coming fashionable r j
dence section- in the city. Many people saw BELLE CREST
yesterday and everybody was delighted with iL
Ve want you to see it tomorrow if you possibly can.
'vl'Vierterday'was a delightful day everybody was happy, everybody was put in his "glad rags.'.
Spring has its effects on people the same as it has on -trees and flowers. We can often tell the frame
: of mind a person is in by the way he walkshe's got the "spring"' in him. We like to know people who
, walk "purpofully
'; 'j: Yesterday lots of people came to our offices to go with us to BELLE CREST-It's true some came :
f to take the automobile ride, but we are glad they did We advertised a "free auto to BELLE CREST,'
and they -simply answered the ad; others' came for. the downright purpose of buying in BELLE CREST,
To say that sixteen Ipts yere sold means nothing to you; we want you to see BELLE CREST and then
. : yfa will better understand why sixteen lots WERE sold yesterday. JV--- v-'.V V;:;V ;:'f-'Y!. ;
BELLE CREST pleases everybody we know that spring brings blossoms, and blossoms buds and
buds flowers we know this. rWp also know a growing ;city -expands-it' grows- commercially tp its
waterways and railroad centers it grows socialy to its most desirable living sections. J V . -I'v,
, Study the map of Portland, figure on its thirty thousand a year increasing population, and you will
agree with us BELLE CREST has more good residence features about it than any other Portland tract
ever put on the Portland market, and the reason is it has the possibilities behind it. .; . . ' y
- - "."v-' : : .' :.. -:. :V'," ;... f". i': - ':."-. " " -, '..
Just as sure as Portland is be big town of the. North west, the lots in BELLE CREST we are sell-'
, ing for $400 will be worth $1,000 in a year. We doynot want thb statement to go out as an ad vertising ex
' travagance we simply want to urge you to see BELLE CREST for yourself," and, seeing it, determine
r for yourself how nearly right we are. ,.' '. r ; v;:;. 'f r!:'C".';.v'VrW-:iy '-s'. "
Phone either office the hour you cango it takes but an hpur, Can't yon go at .the noon hour? We j
will get you back on time. 'r,'.;: : :, -y'y 'Ci:i'?T'? S'ifJ: :-; '.-A. 'r'-:f.--'.
The5panton Co. j The Jacobs-Stine Co.
270 Stark Street, Opp. Chamber of Commerce. Main 2828.
Swetland Building, on Fifth Street.
Mtin S39.
aprhig weather that aade the aodleaoe leach
as heartily, for "Bane B1U would auks any
one lanch any time. Ifs good aad It's clean,
ae all tha Empire anew are. atatlaee Wednes
day and Satnrdayt ' - ; :. . . .
"Across the Potomac "
' 'Arrcea the Potnena, the sttrrlng drami
ot tlie civil vtv la the Mil at the Lyrle thla
week. It opened thla afternoon to a larae
aodlenee and gave eatlefactioa. It Is a epeclal
predoctloB by the Lyrle company. Matinee
every day. Seeta Bay be raaarve by tele-
. Dogs as Entertainers. (
. BalHvas A OoBtkUa have sent another Mg
headline aet ta the Grand thla week aad have
packed ap the art with a abow which promisee
to be the bast the fooae has had ta eeveral
week. Herbert" a dogs la looping the loop
have the poaltloa ef honor, aad oa the bill
with them are Frank Onaknua, the aoted aeono.
loame arttat. aad Tattle aad May la a eonedy
aketrh. .. ' - '
"Northern lights" ' ;
This weak there is aa ladlea, or mnttary,
drama at the Star theatre. The eenfllet be
tween the Indians aad the soldiers In the laat
aet will canae the pnlaa to beat faeter, aa thla
Is a dramatic situation which la not snrpaawd
la any ether waatara drama. "NortJiera Llchts"
la aot aa ttntrlad play, bet eae which aaa been
played with saceeaa. It ia fan ef meat aad
there are aa dnU nor wasted aoomenta fta it.
Matinee Tsaaday, Thnraday, Satarday and Sna-eay.-
t .
Fr started Stock Oanaed Oooda.; .
Allen A Lewis' Best Brand.
' " . . ... v...--:;
.'.. A strong and weij-managed trust com
, pany in any "community represents finan-
r cially what the department store. does com
mercially. It is j the one place where you v
can attend to your Commercial Banking, t
your Savings Banking, your Trust Business .
and the many matters that pertain directly
to your business welfare.
Our company is especially , equipped for
, this work, maintaining a separate depart-
ment for each general division of its busi
ness, and invites the consideration of its
methods by those contemplating such service.
5 Merchants . Savings
and Trust Company
v CAPITAL FULLY PAID $150,000.00 ; i
1 J. Frank Watson .... . . . ... ... . . President ,
R. L. Durham........... i ) Vice-President
'W. H. Fear.. Vs.. .....-.. Secretary ;
S. C. Catching. . . . . ; .'. .Assistant Secretary :
, O. W. T. Muellhaupt.e....; .... Cashier
(Special tnanatefe ta The oaraaU
Woodland. Wash., April II. The pub
lic schools resumed today, after a
week's vacation that permitted the
teachers to attend th county institute
at Kelso. . Principal Crow and his alii
corps of teachere have been invited by
th school board to remain here next
year. Th voodland schools, under th
able and efflolent management of Prin
cipal Crow, have Com rapidly to th
front and bow rank with th bast la th
county. Great Interest baa beea manl
feated ta athletics ana debating during
tba rear,' and tha school win close the
year tba bolder of th foelball cham
pionship aad with a standing of 14
per cant In tba Inter-high school debates.
Do you know what a NATIONAL BANK guarantee Is?
Well, it means that that bank, because of governmental regu
, lations, has back of it thousands, some hundreds of thousands, "
and others millions, that whatever it guarantees to do it has .
the money there to do it with. Therefore when a national
- bank issues a guarantee that if you want to you can get your
money .back out of any lots you buy in WAVERLEIGH you
know that you will get your money back. This is the kind of
, a guarantee we give with jots "purchased In WAVERLEIGH.
Any national bank in this broad land of ours will guarantee
you your money, back under our system. You can use your
1 ' own bank or any national bank in Portland, and your money
is there waiting for you at the end of six months if you are
, - dissatisfied with your purchase. , V , v j ,
- Our system is without strings or twists It is so simple .
' that a child can understand and appreciate its liberal terms.
v There are no "ifs" or "ands" in the proposition. It is a sim
ple one of your getting back tlie actual amount of money this
, company received if at the end of six months you are tired or
dissatisfied with your bargain. This is all there is to it. We
know you will not be dissatisfied, but on the contrary will be
delighted, for WAVERLEIGH lots, are today the lowest
priced highest-class "close-in lots offered in Portland. Only
12 minutes from Third and Morrison streets, and two car lines
- reach the tract. You don't have tp wait for car lines to be ?
built- The cars run there now every 10 minutes. Lots in
WAVERLEIGH range from $275 to $500. -If you want to
. , see them take the W-Wj:ar to our branch dffice at Twenty- '
sixth- and Franklin, streets. Our agents are always on the
ground. If you cannot visit the tract, write to us.
; V-.v ' ,;:rrA;-;V.;VrVv: '':;':::
; Main 550 Entire Second Floor 6lh & Washington