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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1907)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING,' APRIL If, 1007. IT-! 12. Cl G. Cora ota ilio Dcai Popular Pzico' Corcota in tlio "World MODEL 181 AT 91.00 More of this model is sold than all similar models put together. It's a shape for the average form, the corset . skirt shapes the hips into curves of beauty. They have jgood, hose supporters, which are necessary for producing the desired. figure. Great many other new and desirable models just received, priced at 75, $1.00, ?1.50, 2.00, $2.50 and. ...;.. $3.00 We are offering an excellent Corset and Tape Girdle, in drab, pink andblue, at. .'. ..... .50 Nazareth Knit Waists for -children at 15 and ..... . . ..................... ... .25 Ferris Waists in several different models for : children, misses and women 50, 75 " and ,.$1.00 Scott's Bustle's and Bust Ruffles, in all the best styles, at 25f, 50, 75 and ;.$1.00 G m The IIO ST in Value V I I I I - ..'I Hlll.llIlM ll . . Niill'f liM'TKI rr Tlio BEST in Quality sPcijl10 infancy Goodo Torchon Laces, in bothrfine and coarse meshlJW3"irich elT wide, insertion to match. Specially priced at........ ...... 3 Cluny Laces Bands and edging to match; one of the season's popular trimmings. Specially priced at...,.,........... ,.9 Alloyer Laces Baby Irish and Irish Point Allover Laces; beau tiful designs real $1.75 and $2 values Specially priced at $1.23 Embroidery Edging Pretty designs in edgings and insertions to match, 3 fo JLO inches made on Swiss and Nainsook; values 18c to 25c.l Special an i . .. ,12$ Allover Embroidery Large assortment elaborate designs," 22 inches wide; $1.00 and $1.25 values. Special at......... ...491 Taffeta Ribbon Extra . good quality; 4 inches wide,1 in all wanted shades also, black and white; real 25c values., . Special at i ...... . We Want You to Know Our advertising is representative of much more than it specifically her- ' aids;' .We do not make a great outcry about every, bargain that awaits - our customers, in fact very many values of 'great merit are never given : : public notice. Where we mention one, two or three items in any line we Jiave ten, twenty or a hundred others thataffonTshoppers similar and , equally good advantages. This weekly page of store news is an index to the best' merchandise in the market, a review of current fashions, and an inerrant reporter of the minimum prices for which merchandise of a ,;V ' ;: ,: high class can be obtained. ':. y1'?-. We have made this store a place where shoppers deiightto come ; Alacrity, courtesy and absolute truthfulness are strictly required of our salespeople. The whole tone of the place-is such as , to inspire, confi dence. : Every effort is ira out things that will interest : the ' buying public, and to display.them attractively. Our show windows pre sent a great panorama of up-to-date merchandise. Customers find it, i easy to make their way to any.part of this great store and to find any line of goods which; they desire, to inspect Especially attractive are the val ues offered at this time of which today's store news gives you many il- . v'','v.'- i- .;;"; - lustrations. '".v ' :t' Smart; Snappy Creation in Spring Apparel Tailored Walldns Suits, Q12.50 ; 015.00, 010.50 and 025.00 Tailored Jacket and Eton Models of plain cloths, checks and 'stripes, In light and dark colorings." Some are elaborately . braid trimmed, others are. plain tailored; extra full-pleated skirts, in the newest shades of brown, tan, navy,, giay and black. An elegant assortment of the prettiest suits you have ever.seen at popular prices. ! ;Vv.i:';y'Nnar. Sprinc Coats fell tailored short and i full length Coats, in plaids, mix tures, tan coverts and black broadcloths. ' Some are silk lined, others are unlined, in' single or double breasted. Beautiful garments at $5.00, $0.50, $7.50, $8.50, ' 019 CH 810.00 and. . . . . . . ... . . . .... . . . 0 iL.DU Kox7 Suits for ' Young Women V From 12 to 18 years, have just been received, made xf fancy ' stripes and ' mixtures,. in nobby box and semi-fitting coat styles. Good variety of styles to choose from.atrfl O "CA $io.50 nd. . . . .... . i: . . . : . i; . . . . . MZ. Oil A very pretty one of taffeta and mohair, in blue, brown, red," gray and black, with plaited skirt and hand- M A flft somely trimmed. Special value at. . . . . . . . . . : . . D 1 U. U II "S-l-r. Speeial SMrt Values ;pv;. ' i,-T Three styles of fine worsted Panama, m the new clustec and side pleated models; FA also several styles of fine imported checked and striped .worsteds. - Special values t;PUU II -...zy::.: Crareoette Coats , 50 Women's Cravenette Coats, made m a" va riety of styles ; values up to $15.00. ,, J? A Special Monday at. . .p f .011 lingerie & TaUored, Waists We have the most complete showing of dainty Waists of any store in the city , , -White Lawn Waists at $1.00, $1.23, $1.50, $1.00 and. .$2.50 Lingerie Waists at $1.75, $20, $2.00 and . . . . ; V. .... . ...... i r. ... . $3 JSO Tap. SQk Waists at $2.50, $2.00, $3.50, $4.50 and .........................$5.50 Taffta Waists' In Black and Colors at $3.50, $40, $5.00 and. ... $5.50 Children's Spring Apparel See ' our line of ' Children's Spring -Coats, in light and dark colors, f$ and lengths, plain man-tailored effects; also pretty models trim med with braids and velvets, in sizes 2 to 14 vears. Priced at . $3.50, $4.50, $5.00, $5.50, $6.50 and. ... . ... . . . .. .$0.90 X ; '' Btylish New Models In r ' -' Children'a "Wosh Dresses " " Dainty white lingerie effects, pretty plaid ginghams, block plaids, solid color linens in sizes 2 to 14 years. Prices range from $5.00 to . . , . j i . . . . . . .50 Dainty Saoques 800 Women's Dressing Sacques, made of good quality figured lawns. Special for - 0C Monday at..,..;.......... .... .... . . . 00C Ont of the prettiest lines in our stock is the splendid assortment' of Spring Coats for the baby. Splendid values in the latest styles of all the popular materials , ". 1 Long Coats at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, ?1.00, $2.50, $3.50 and......:... $4.50 hort Coats, 1 to 3 years, at $15, $1.50, $1.00, $2.50 and. .......... . . . . . . .$3.50 - ' , ;;V Silt: Petticoats , '. '"v.l. t ' Made from extra heavy rustling taffeta, in ihe new Roman stripes, changeables and solid col ors; also black. They have flounces , formed by accordion plaiting and sectional ' attached ruffles,' finished with strap bands. CA Special values Monday at.....,....pfu . Underweap and :H6siepy' ' FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN A sale of .rare magnitude starts here tomorrow. Under clothing and Stockings for spring and summer wear, the highest qualities at prices never be fore equaled. Reduced prices will prevail all week, but each day's offerings will differ from the previous one, so if you wish to take advantage of the specials listed below, come tomorrow. i"-. Women's 5 Oo Stooldngs Q fc r'rm c . Three Pairs for One Dollar SJ S VX(3 ilJt liiib offering two exceptionally fine values, one of indestructible gauze lisle gauze mercerized silk lisle. Both qualities regularly sell 1 At this price we are offeri A the other of sheer . .... , t . . . . - at 50c, come in black, only; Special at 3 Pairs for . Cliildron's Stooldngs , at 1 80 Mother's Friend Stockings for bovi and girls, made of best combed yarn by skilled Saxon knitters and U recommended particularly for Its wearing qoalities; good 25c grade. CA Special 18 3 Pairs for. . .. ......... OUC Women's Union Suits at 47o Not often such an opportunity presents itself. Best grade lisle thread Union : Suits in , all styles, all well made, neatly trimmed with lace, superior quality; good 75c and $1.00 val urs. Special Monday and Tuesday A.'Jq Womon's Underwear at 33o Only a few dozen of these excellent garments. Swiss ribbeVi vests,' pants and. tights, perfect fitting garments, coVhe in all sizes, extra good quality, and the quantity will not last long; regular price up to 75c. , Special. 33c Women's Fancy Vests at 50o Women's Lisle-Vests' In pretty fancv styles, elaborate hand-crochet yokes, all silk' taped; extra good qualities at 75c and $1.00. CA Specially priced at. . . ... ......... .. . OuC Four Special Values in Undermuslins Our new spring stock of. muslin underwear is one of the best we have ever shown, styles are the very, lat est,, quality and workmanship tha best and prices the very lowest. ; v i. Muslin Gowns 05o ; Made 'from ' good' quality "muslin, yoke embroidery insertion and hem- . . . . r tri . suicnea camDric runic ai necit ana cuffs. . Extraordinary . 1...- '-" ' ' v- . L. ......... ...65c White Underskirts 81.25 These Skirts are made of good qual ity cambric with deep lawn flounce, three rows of torchon lace insertion, five clusters of tucks' and lace ruf fle. Exceptional r A values at. . . . .'. 1 9tO Muslin Drawers 30o ',; . Special values for Monday only-?" . Drawers of - extra quality muslin, extra wide lawn, ruffle, tucked and trimmed with embroidery. Q Q Unequaled values at. . . . .... 0lC r Corset Covers 35o ; Made from cambric, full front, fine VaL lace insertion, front and back with rows of ribbon beading. o Good 60c values for.. ODC Pretty Whito Wash ; Fabrics r. The Suson't Most Favorite Weave An opportunity for shrewd buyer to secure fin Whit Wash Cotton at the price of ordinary material. It's a line of all tbejiewest weave from the beet manufacturers. . There are fine material for neatly tailored auits. Fine sheer fab ric for evenine wear and dressy fancy 5 owns, alao desirable weave for infants' resaea and dainty undermualins. . . AT 10 YARD IndU Ltnon 30 inches wide, good quality. Selling Mon- f n day at, per yard ....... ....... 1UC AT , 12yi4 ', YARB-Indla Llnon 32 irtches wide, nice sheer quality. Ol Special Monday it.',,. ...ImC AT 18 YARD India linon 32 inches wide, even thread, nice smooth ' 1 ( finish. Per yard ................. IOC AT YARD Nainsook Full width, , assortment of styles, lOl check and stripes, , Per yard.... 13C AT 20 YARD Dimitiea Full width,' Assortment of dainty check and Of)- stripes. Per yards. XiVC AT 80 YARD Mercerised Batiste 45 inches wide, extra good quality, Oft. beautiful finish, at .............. JUC AT 35 YARD French Meaalia 38 inches wide, soft finish, very dura- OC ble for fine underwear. Per yard. WC AT 50. YARD White Persian Lawn 45 inches wide, sheer and pretty, CA,, splendid value. Per yard.. JUC AT 85 YARD Dotted SwU Em broidered tied, dots, all sires, good Off value, at, per yard ...r. UJC AT 80 YARD White French Lawn 45 inches wide, beautiful sheer fin- Of) Ish, good value. .Per yard.; JuC Irlore KTew 'Ai?:?i vclo Hen's Bress SShirts " at 75o, at Q1.Q0, at , : $1.50 , New arrivals in the latest novelties in Men's Shirts. Every .style deemed cor rect to be found here. Neat patterns in golf, dress and negligee styles,' at specially attractive prices . (f H 75f, S1.00 and,. , ... .... abl.uU ; A Host Com- I ; v 7 ploto Showing lien's Underwear . .; . Our line of Men's Underwear is now complete in" spring and summer weight garments, fine worsteds and merinos made elas tic ribbed or flat, French and elastic ribbed Balbrigpans ; also cotton ribbed and Parasknit, at prices ranging from 35 up to, garment . . . ... . . . . , .......... . . ... r. ............ . .Sl.OO , ; An Unsurpassed ' Assortment of s - r -i ' Ien'sNeokwear i ; : All the latest novelties in four-in-hand ties, an assortment of new plaids, all the fashionable plain colors and an endless variety of fancy designs, made, French fold and reversible, widths ; CA Vt to 2 inches. Specially priced at..... ,.........:... )UC Vneqnaled .Values in Hen's Hats Special attention is given our Hat Department to see that all cus tomers get just as good a hat for $2.50 as is sold in other shops at $3.00 and, $3.50. Our immense hat stock comprises all the latest shapes in . stiff, crush, telescope and ; soft styles, colors black, tan, brown, all shades of gray. Our . i A price. .....;........;.....;.v..i.iV-vv-'--"t-veOU A Great Sale plonday and Tuesday U of Dress Goods and Sillis ' Now for the biggest day of the season. To make Monday and Tuesday record-breaking days we have brought forward a lot of items which have not heretofore been on, sale fact is most of the goods have just been taken from the cases. ' So you see if you have already been here this season there's incentive to come again study the following price list. -and come to morrow jyoull regret it if you don't v , . . v . ; ; At75o PLAIN .TAFFETA SILK 19 inch dain Taffeta Silk. heaw. soft and. pliable; considered the best 85c silk on the American market. Comes in over 60 different shade, exceptionally good JE quality. Specially priced at. . ...... . . . UC PLAIN TAFFETA SILKS 19-inch plain Taffeta, in a beau- At 05o ity. Special At75o tiful range of fashionable colorswarranted all silk, soft and durable; good 95c qual- rf y pricca ai. .............. uil NEW WASH TAFFETAS 19-inch' wash Taffetas, in the new black and white novelty plaids, warranted to wear and to wash, pretty range of de-' yg signs. Specially priced at ........ .. V. ; DC NEW OMBRE PLAIDS 20-inch new Novelty At 01,00 1 g Ombre Plaids, in all popular' shades of laven der, green, brownn blue, red, etc. One of the prettiest novelty silks of the sea- AiiAA son! Specia ly priced at. ......... kMUU ax okJ shadow check pana- IXJ, OOQ MAS Full 45 inches wide, comes in all the new shades of brown, blue, green, navy, etc., with just a suggestion of color running through them, light weight, ex tremely fashionable. Specially priced Off ' for at.....,;...;..i........,.OjC At 01.50 NEW CRAY SUITINGS " Full 60 inches wide, at-: tractive pa,ttern in new gray blcJthecks, with pretty colored overplaids, made, ot very finest selected yarns in most popular designs. Spe- cialiy priced for this sale , . 50 At Q1.00 MOONLIGHT MIX TURES Full 46 inches wide, beautiful moonlight plaids, the season's newest and hiost popular weave, comes in all the newest shades in dainty colorings, especial ly beautiful. ;y Specially, priced for , A aa this sale at. ..... . ... . . . ... . .D1UU A fit OR I BLACK AND WHITE xlX S u IT INGS-Full 50 inches wide, assortment of stylish designs in hairline stripes and checks,' made of finest se lected yarns in ' nobbiest spring and " summer styles. Specially priced for this ,' df Of sale at , . . . . . . . W. i i . . .7. 0 1 ,L,0 At 01.00 SILK AND WOOL MIS TRALESE Full 48 inches wide, beautiful fabric, one of the new foreign, weaves, comes in cream with neat black pin stripes and checks, silk warp very rich and elegant Specially priced for this t A A sale at. . . . . . , ... M.UU Some Extra - oodL Slaoe 1 r:1.' .-" We've an enormous quantity of Shoes on sale in the Basement Sho Department Annex, with quality and style exceptionally good, good enough for us to guarantee every single pair. The prices are the lowest we have ever quoted for any of our sales. You had better take ad vantage tomorrow without fail for your own good, not ours. They're the best bargains you will be able to get this year, considering the high price of leather. ; .v; - M.TD)( 1 bbo Pairs of I)ouclao Shoes and Osfbrdo at BEST 1)1 WORLD Basement Shoe Dept. Also choice of the following well known makes: Spence Shoe company's $1 Oxfords, Rice & Hutchinst $5 Shoesthe Churchill ?3.5U snoes, wacey uroa.- $3.50 bhoes. About 20,000 pairs all told, this season most popular styles, in all the fashionable leathers, vici kid, box calf, patent colt, etc., in both plain lace and Blucher styles ; medium, light and heavy soles ; not a pair in the lot sold for less than $3.50; most all are $4.00 and $5.00 values. All pj : 9jidVU go at one price. Your chpice. T7omen Walk-Over o Qif Dboes and Oxlords.. vPfWeO - Main Floor Shoe Department -The celebrated $3.50 "VValk-Qver" Shoes and Oxfords, in patent leather and black vici kid, lace and button, with light and heavy soles, Cuban, concave and military heels, as well as Lady Churchill $3 shoes and Oxford. Zier Bros.' $3.50 shoes and Oxfords, the rrwo .1 $3.50 shoes and Oxfords, Hannah ?' firt' v $3.50 shoes and Oxfords. All go at one price. Your choice Women 02.50, C3.00 - Shoes and Oxfords vJJieOw ; Basement Shoe Department At this price you have the choice of several hundred pairs, all this Sfasnn's stylci, in i kid, patent leather and t'nt cr,!t"lc.iiVr., i -both plain lace and riiic!.r c.t; J --ivy. and medium soles, v.i 'i t - ' also one and tv i 1 ; ; in the lot r ' i M t sll r - l t