The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 14, 1907, SECTION TWO, Page 19, Image 19

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    ( . . . .
Move Tiiis Slrueli .
n Tiiis Stock Clust De
.. -. r- i jt, ' .
yfU Mil 4
! ;
Hals, S&08S and Furnishing Goods
Is being sold at forced invoice at the most decidedly bona fide price re
ductions of the times. DELLAR'S qualities going at prices that have
-fl-. no parallel in .Foraands history;. ; t-: , : ' v -
. W have by actual count more than 3,000 Suit! In thia
store. To reduce this stock at once requirea desperate
' price-cutting.'; We are nerved to the ccaeion.
- .e ' . v ,'wm Uk choice ef I0 Siilta: ia
C A Cfl II to 44 cheat maaaure; In all-wool
JT'ttU or woratada, dark, madlam or llcbt
lf. for S8.C9
(o $10.08 Soils
For $20.89
lo $25.09 Salts
eolora. Not a auJt In the lot. but
aold reaularly at at and t. and aorna
aa high aa $10. They ara barkaloa
beyond the moat aanauine ezpacta
: tlon of moat critical bargain buyers.
Soma of laat yea'a atylaa, not cut
no lona aa thia . aprlna'e coata '
This eatabllahment for nearly H
year ha atood before the Oreaon
public, r rowing year by year strictly
on merit. It's auch clothea as these
that haa made John Dollar's name a
household word for reliability. We
have cut' this line from. ISO. $11.50
.and $25 aa the finest and best goods
" In the house are the ones we are
moat anxious tesell before the dirt
"and dust begins to fly. -
For $15 Soils
For Sit. SUJSt
' Ssl $
For SIS Soils
, Thle ' almost endless variety of aprlng
atylea aeleoted to please the most ax-
aotlnjr of patrons, are- reduoed from .
lota up to $1$ and $14.(0; sergsa, unfln-
Cshed worsteds, wales, ribs, plalde, '
cheeky . and silk mixtures; are tailor ,
made throughout. The tremendoue cuv'
from regular prlcee needa no further ar
gument, ee there la not an opportunity '
jo equal this great Rebuilding; sale.
This assortment ef select atylea In
single and double-breasted black; blue.
- araye and fancy eolora.; plaida, eheeka,
mixtures Is beyond question the- finest
showing of best $10 and $1J.B0 suits to
be eeen In the city.- Hand-felled collars,
-full padded shoulders, haircloth and
canvas Interlining. Suite that satisfy.
These eulta are the beat tl.t0 to $11
value that la ahewn In Portland. The
almost endleea variety of colore, atylea '
and fabrlca will need no further eulogy.
Select domeatlca - and Imported ma
terlala, equal In every way to euatom
made. Including Prince Alberta.- Suite
worth te $2$. .. . -.;-!
To aav 3,000 hardly cover them alL Wo ara the atora'that ahray
i carriea the big stock. It baa ahrajra been our belief that to do buat
neaa and gjow required plenty -of merchandise. ' Think; of the panta
you want ytiu will not b disappointed youH find them hero, at tha
lowest prices you ever looked aquara la tha face In aUea 30 to 50
waiat ana au lengtna oi inaeam. -
er" FOR fl.73 PANTS Odd pairs, accttm alt Hons from big
lots nearly aold out; samples and odds from suits worth
$175 and even $2.00.. , . .- Vv.;; - )P'.;-'J h: ;
r. FOR 13.00 PANTS More style, mora colors, than you
$19 will care to examine; $3.00 pants, but on account of rebuild
ing this store we must sell our stock before it is exposed to dangers
of buildingoperatiofta.i. , ,. ' . . :.,,', ; ..
q ( FOR $SJ0 PANTS Imported and domestic, serges, wor
pO.OD steds, tweeds, french flannels and ultra-fashionable and
staple materials; regular prices $3.00 to $3.50, but on account of ra
Duuaing tney must go now is your time. ;
SikiMElN'S, SHOES r:' '
r. '-,'v , f . romwn iwn ,
Four hundred palra of box calf shoes, light,' medium and heavy stock. , ,
s Every shoe bought at this store must be satisfactory.. It hag John .
: Dollar's guarantee behind It. Thle bargain grabbing lot eontaina ahoee
. ef all klnde, worth to $1.7I ? ,.. . . v.- .-f. .(.v
J ,v' 91.48 o fABo uosa. ; ' ;.;;';':'':.;-.:..
- Viol, heavy kip, ealf and valour ahoee. in more than IS atylea of toe
A and ebapee of last. tThese are the best $2.(0 shoes, and only onder
' forced clrcumetancea would we aver ronelder to slaughter thle immense t
, fine stock,. ; ' -''.'".''".;.' v ' : ! '.: : '. i" ,
, ll.OB an 92I45 o 9m Awa fxeo noma.' y .-
Do you realise whet 1,000 palre meanaf Try. And then eorae here,
and we will give you the opportunity of selecting from that many pairs .
' r more, worth $1 and $$.60. s Thle Rebuilding eale.wUl terrorise the "
- shoe seller and draw more people to this unparalleled reconstruction
sale than ever .attended a sale la Portland. . - j
'" 92.85 AJT"93.S5 rOB 1440 AMD 94M BMOTM. : -The
best band turned. Goodyear welt, vlci. eolt, patent, enamel.' ealf, : .'
etc. Theee shoes are $4 and $4.t0 values, and the largest and most
select stock that liee where Mount Rood looke down.- . The ehoe aen- -eatlon
of tha times John Dellare atore-wrecking sale. . , v.
-nm, K
" 25 for Oolf Shirts. Were Tie. -35e3
for Standard stiff bosom Shirts.
were $1.00. . . ' . v
404 for Worklngmen'e beet 0o Shlrta.
BOe for Oolf and Negligee, aeleot, TSe
- and $1 valuee.
CS for Oolf . and Negligee ex. select
and I1.SS valuee. -
8Ba for Negligee Shlrta, special offer
log. r f LSI valuea.
' SBa for Derby and fleece, regular lOe
-..valuea.'- , ' - ' . . ij
- 60 for beet quality Tie underwear. ' .
6S for broken lot beet $1 valuea me
'' rtno. ' ' -
, 91 for ll.ko' wool, the kind that made
Dellar'a the leading underwear store.
.'. KJBI1 WlATXaB.
BOc for mix wool $1 valuee.
91.00 and 915 -for ; up
Sweatera. . . .
' ' SOX. 1
94 for feat black and brown and fancy
. to too valuee. v ,
15e for splendid lie valuea. ' . i
224 for all atylea up to lee. . . ,
'. rnntDiM
194) for apeeial value. Coat more. ' ,
89e for beet I0o Suspendera en earth.'
lOe) for pure ellk Spring atylea up to
$60 good a. .s. i .
89e for Dellar'a arreat 10a Spring line.
- BTDT OACaa S '" 'f' '.
91.35. 91.8K.
94.35, 5.85,
per cent saving. ,
t ;. " . " TBtmcm,
93.50 93.SO, .
. , vmUtBUtAB.-.
3.65, 98.45,
8.75 about' It
B04 for Tlo Umbrellaa.
1H 4 for 11.00 Umbrellas. .
91 for $LI0 JUmbrellaa. ,
' ' ' '
-v..- V.:
W 1 :
. . . V-
j u
Set for beet le Handkerohlefa.
74 for beet lltto Handkerohlefa '
12 Met for beet lOe Handkerohlefa.
Tram, the reed ap-eo-date saedli
anaUtlea to . a. teteoa'e
eolora and ahapee, from alaek, aof and
sttff to the red skldoe. ,.
85a rtm tuo
This lot of Hate are epectela.
But beta take up lota or room.
Hats must move, eo- we put i
tl.84 bate In thia class. . The
pring tylea.
. 91.65 ro aajoxATa.
The nobby ehades, ahapea and
colors, bought for the - hat
eritlo of '01 and eut from 1160.
925 TOM axM XAT&
Do you want the beet atylea
and finest qualltleeT Theee
are our $1 and $$.60 beta. In
au ahapea.
This establishment stands on a 15 years' foundation of truth, facts-'and merit of merchandise. - In all
our existence we have never oosed as a orofessional bargain store. The rood and best merchandise at
fair, honest prices, is our stepping stone of success. : But on account of remodeling, altering and rebuilding thisstore the . most terrific sacrifice of high-class
Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings of Jhis century will be the Great BonaTide Rebuilding Sale of the T -... r ; ; i S''
Everything must be sacrificed at JOHN DELLAR'S RE-
TJILDING SALE-i-exchange or get your money back
First and Yam
' Ladles Fine Footwear. Tha Dallar stock stands pre-eminentty at tha
top. The variety of leathers and atylea comprise all that Is new and de
sirable; in black, gunmetal, patents and tana, Oxforda, lace, Blucher, but.
tons and tindila. ' ' . :
75a AND 9100 FOR U0 AND 3 8HOES. .
Starting at these unusually low prices gives you soma idea qf tha ter
rible sacrifice we ara making on account . of rebuilding. : These ara our
$1.50 and $2 shoes. ;- t - , - -
', ;. .;;.. ..: y 91.45.. FOR uo,.SHOSa. ----r: .'.v.- ;
. s There is stylo and quality here to please the fastidious shoe buyer; $2.SQ
in almoat endless variety Street and Dress Shoes. V . ' v ,
V". aa'45 FOR $3 AND 3JU SHOES. ''.
1.000 pairs or more, the acme of footwear. The most reckless sacriftoe
of all new footwear ever made in Portland; i and $3.23 valuea.
vj'; . 92.85 FOR $3J0 SHOES. ';, :A "". ' 4 '' ' :: . .
Our high-grade hand-welt bench goods, the newest swing lasts and bou
levard toe, patent, gunmetal, vid kid, latest and best $3.50.
Henry' McConnell, the Supreme
7, Court Stenographer, Who
- Goes to Baker, City. ;:
f ,i ; ; . ' . . , - , -.-'
(Special Dtosatck to The JeraaLi
Salem. Or, April, 1$. Regret Is ex
ijffmtA over the decision reached by
Henry McConnell to resign his position
as stenographer to Chief Justice Benn
of the Oregon supreme eourt'-He will
enter the active practice-6f the law and
haa asoclated hlmrmlf with V. M. Rax
ton, a leading attorney of Baker City.
Mr McConnell le a Portland boy. He
was born In 1$7 at Coshocton, Ohio.
He graduated from the PorUand High
aohool In -June, 18l, and afterward
.pent two years at Iceland Stanf' d unl
versltv at Palo Alto, California. He
took his law course at the Willamette
University Law school, from whloh he
graduated In 1904. For the past five
years lie hae been chief etenographer
for the supreme court and during that
time was successively private eeoretery
t Chief Justices Frank A. Moory. C. H.
Wolverton and R. H. Bean. Mr. McCon
rell was admitted to the bar In 104.
Tha firm name will" be Saxton ds Mc
Connell. The former was st one time
the law partner of, Will H. King of On
tario, who wae rec'eaUlT chosen supreme
court commissioner, . .
,.' '.:
, "
, Henry McConnell, Lawyer.
Charge of .violating Anti-Lottery
Laws Are Filed Against v
Vk.'.'1"' TVventy-Four Men.
Charges That Society's!; Funds
Are in Bad Condition Made
and Denied Emphatically.
Livestock Loss Adjusted.'
Lewis Kerne of 429 Belmont street,
who Buffered lose of one horse by
dropping deed et Prettytnan etatlon in
Mount Tabor, April 4, was fortunate
to have $1K0 Insurance on the animal
In the- National Live Stock Ineuranoe
aaaoclatlon of Portland, file proof of
lose wae filed April 5. On the earns
date he received a check for the full
mount. Tble wae qulok work and
apeaka well for the new Inaurence as
MobileAla April ' It. The United
Statea grand Jury today returned in
dictments against S4 people charged
with conspiring to violate the lottery
tawe. ' The : Indictments Include some
of the wealthiest people In the coun
try. ..The Hat of those Indicted who
are out on bond, are:
A.' Baldwin, commodore of the South
ern Tacbt olub end capitalist; Frank- T.
Howard.,.-E. J. temarast, Walter Dem-
rent. John M. Demarest, Paul Conrad,
Chapman II yam a, Jamee Rat,. C. W.
Bredow, New Orleana; . J. jj, .Shaw,
Washington, T. C.j R. K. Thompson, E.
L. Penac, - Lewie B. Graham. Mobile,
Alabama; General W. L. Oabell. for
mer Confederate general, Dallas, Texae;
11. ' W. Henderson. W. C. Henderson,
Brooklyn. New York; William P. John
eon. Cincinnati; and F. D. Fttspatrlck,
Fttspatrlck appeared before the United-States
court here today and pleeded
guilty to the charge of conspiracy to
violate the law.
N. Hodgeon, formerly at -'
170H Seeond etreet. now at
407 Morrison etreet.' ,
Full Use sheet moalo.
(PsMbbtrs1 rvesf by aperlal 'LesesS Wire.)
Washington, April 1$. A "revolution"
haa broken out among the delegatee to
the congress of the Daughters of the
American Revolution which will begin
a week'a eeeslon Monday. Chargee that
the ftnancee of the society are In a
bad condition end that a heavy' debt
hangs over It because of the depreciat
ing atocke and bonds, whloh chargee
have been made by a number of dele
gatee. have met with an emphatic dis
claimer. . .,..,,
The presldent-jrenlre!,,' Mr. Donald
McLean, Mrs. Robert Parka, Mrs. Rich
ard J. Barker end Mrs. William Ker-
foot, vlee presldents-geneHil reapectlve-
ly of Georgia, Rhode Island and New
Jersey; and Mrs. Patton, atate regent ef
Pennsylvania, led In a denunciation of
the chargee at a meeting of the na
tional board thle afternoon. ' It le de
clared that the nvotloa to endorse the
action of the ' f inanoe committee was
carried unanimoualy. - -
.It Is understood that the fight will be
carried onto the floor of the eongreae
and that It will be uaed In the eonteat
for president-general.
" Buy a few eowe, sell cream and P roe
pur, edvteee the cow editor ef the Al
bany, Democrat. , .
. Seattle, Wash-, April It. Tha Found
ers' association of the Paget Sound dis
trict, comprising practlosjly all the
foundries of the Paciflo northwest, hae
refused to grant the demand of the Iron
tnoldera anion ef the -coast for - an
eight-hour day effective May 1. The
announcement hae been posted In the
vartoue foundries of Seattle and ether
cities of the Paelfle northwest. Be
came ef the fact that the wage sched
ule paid bore, $4 a day, la the hlgheet
In the United Btatea, the employers
hold that to grant the eight-hour day
would be eulddaL ,': , . j. , f
ft . . . . WMa. '
franchlee by the Judloiary committee ef
the city council hae been postponed. It
waa Intended te consider the matter on
Monday, but It baa been postponed for
a week at least Announcement will be
made later of the positive date.
- just a-aoAVsa
yonr eough le only In the threat and
doee not trouble you now. don t think
that ft needs no attention. When It
hae not bd mu-h ef a etsrt le the time
t check It The slightest eoosh eae
tly leada to Pneumonia, Bronchitle and
Consumption. A bottle of Ballard a
Horehoiind Svrup Will cure inai oougn.
ute V- witnio rvaon ox ail.
The price put
Bold by ell d
$100,000 worth - of; high "grade lead
ore is piled on, the dump at the mali-
moth to be shipped to the smelteh.
- shipments i livcommeiice may 1ct.
watch the price of stock advaixc
to par within six months after tiis
first shipment is made.
, , v. ; Call on us for part: cukrs.
Tlic L L. Keady Investmznl Cc
307 FaUing Bldg. n:cn; i: '