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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1907)
YY Mil I I I SECTION TWO PAGES 17 TO 32 - . r- PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 1907, Ladies9 Home Journal Patterns Are for tale in this store, of course. , They represent VII that is new in pattern making and style illustrating. ' They'ae the most authentic and sily understood, the best advertised pattern on the JQg jrjrj Cjf - 7 . - ... Use Our Mail Order Department It you live-out of town, you've need of this splendid auxiliary to this immense business. , Try it Just once, and you'll set the. difference be tween this and the ordinary way. Your order has INDIVIDUAL AT TENTION HERE. Send, your name for our new catalogue. Closing Out a Dainty Line of English Semi-Porcelain An open stock of one of the prettiest lots of-, decorated Chinaware you ever saw. We can' replace this pattern any more, and for that reason we are going to make quick sales of all the pieces we have. AU staple and fancy pieces to be had, too. The shapes are very dainty and the decorations are exquisitely beau tiful floral designs, augmented by rich tracings of gold line work. Many pieces come to you in this special sale for little more than half regular. Read:. t - r . Bread and Butter Plates, regularly At ' 69c; for aet of six 4UC Tea Plates, , regularly 93c; for set . . of six, special ...0C Breakfast Plates, regularly. $1.10 ff r 7C : set of six, special I DC . Dinner Plates,-regularly $1.27 for , . OP- set of six, special .t.OvIC Cups and Saucers, regularly $1.32 for j Ql set of six, special yUC Meat Dishes, regularly worth 50c , OC 84c Meat Dishes, for ........ 42e Meat Dishes worth $1.18 for B9 Fruit Saucera,;regularly 51c for ' set of six, special -....AhJw Creamers, regularly 26c each, . ' special sale, eacn .a... ww Water Pitchers that sell regularly CA for $1.00, special '.OwC Bowls, that sell regularly; for 20c 1f each, special price, each ..Ave Special Bargains? Too, on Complete Dinner Sels -7 Garden Utensils Very Special Garden Rakes, worth 35c, at Garden Hoes, worth 45c, at 8&4 Oarden "Spades, worth 75c, at .......0 Grass Hooks, worth 25c, at Grass Shears, worth 25c. st ;...18 Oarden Trowels, worth 5c, for .,.. '. 4 Garden Trowels, worth 10c, for m:.Tt Garden sets, $15 value, for f 1.00 Pruning Shears, worth 50c, for ...... 404 Lawn Mowers, $3.50 value, for ....f 2.T0 LacesrTrimmings New Allover Laces are being shown In s fofuston of patterns lhey are priced at Zf, fl0 andjjp. Vcnise Edges and Insertions, 15, 35; 35 and p. ! ; 1 - Baby Irish Edges and Insertion, 85, 85, 50 and up. I-rA . (1A flA Black Allover Laces, the yard, up to Iv.UU Braids, for dresses and jackets, some swagger' patterns, In the new one-sided OC. effects; yard, up from Women's Spring Knitwear "i r : : "i . Light weight Underwear is chief . among the needs of milady, now that warm weather is so nea at hand. Vith superb selec tions, we're better supplied, than ever to fillfyour summer needs. ' ' . , . . ' ., , . Vegasilk Union Suits,1 lace trimmed, each..'.;"...,..;.lip2.00 jLlsle Thread Union Suits, lace trimmed.....:..; I Jr.!.91.50 " Vegasilk" lace trimmed fancy Vests, each . . . i . V ; i".-- 65 Sleeveless Lisle Vests, fancy. crochet yoke. . '. .9OQ Silk Vests, Swiss ribbed, sleeveless' each. 7r. T. . .". 1 . . .$1125 Sacrifice Odd Pairs Portieres ..... i Rich hangings to add new beauty -to-your home, tasteful in color and design, exquisitely beautiful in finish and material, in mis saie are aozens ana dosens of pairs, many in the aggregate, but not to nrnd three oairs of any one kind. That's the res son of these sweeping reductions. Come in plain colors or figured designs, with plain or fancy cen ters, some with handsome borders and some in cord ed effects with cord-bound edges:' Read of the savings; Portieres that sell regularly -for $3J5 v. ra?r. more than one stvle at this nrice vaa w i - ; , jr -a too, now go for only, . "I Reg. $3.75 values for, ; . . ....... ..$2.95, Reg. $6.00 values for .V". 'i " f.. . .$4.75 Reg. $6:50 values for . . . -.$4.95 Reg. $9.00 values for . ... .$6.75 Reg. $10.00. values for . . .$7.50 Reg. $11.00. values for.", i . $8.25 Reg. $12.00 values fori .. .$9.00 Reg. $13.00. values for :. . .$10.00 Reg. $15.00 values f or . .'.$115 Reg. $17.50 values for . . .$13.00 Reg. $18.50 values for . $13.85 Reg. $25.00 values for . . ; $18.75 A store' replete with all things that a woman needs, a style store that there's ImorelhanT brdihiynBatisfactiori" lndealing with. , A tetorc where qualities arc never anything but splendid, where quantities are enormous and selection is a pleasure. A store where values always ' are more than the average, and where you are cordially welcomed no matter what the amount of your purchase. We've made even greater preparations than ever to serve you well this spring. Come and see. O In the Muslinwear Aisle Children's' Skirts) ' of ' fine cambric, with muslin waists attached and deep double flounce of fine lawn,' made In the' circular style, with four clusters of fine tucks, for little ones from 1 to 3 years of age; regular 50c OO value. Special .each ..tjdOQ Women's Petticoats, of light weight material, for summer wear, made with double flounce and . four ' rows of stitching, comes in navy, red, brown, atAi f K Mil ISl a slr ft n mmm mr toi far i.SQ values. Selling very special Monday only, l JOII ....... ....... $1.19 We are showing a full lint of Infants' and Children's Bonnets and Hats, In all the fads and fancies that art new for this season.' This Is tht style store, par excellence for little folks,' the one store in Portland where such particular at tention is paid to their wants. Y " - - - - . . .. . " Come to the Art Department Shopping Baskets, hand woven Japan- 0 reed work, with double handle, come in five, sizes, art unusually dur able and convenient.. 'Rf K." 50c snd 55c ones for ......SO. Reg. 60c, 65c and 75c ones for. . .8 Stamped Pulow Tops, all linen, wjtb back, for' Biedermaier embroidery, with enough Royal Society Floss to finish design, complete with diagram, showing how to do the work. vlO Special at ...'t&C We are showing" many new designs ' In some of the newest Embroideries. Biedermaier, Vallachian, Shsdow Holbein and French Embroidery. An Astounding Suit Special ,,,gW For $9.98 ; MONDAY,- TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY : , By all means, the premier suit sensation of the season. These suits are splendid interpretations of this season's best styles. They come in Pony, Eton and Prince Chap styles, and the jackets have long or short sleeves. This choice of models insures a fit for every figure, a style for individual tastes. Come in neat gray homespuns, chiffon Panamas, in blue, black or brown, and all wool mixtures in checks and stripes. Trimmed with fancy buttons, silk pull braids, straps, etc Some are collarless, some have collars of the same material as suit, some shawl collars of fancy moire. - kirts arelaitetl stvle. eiy o". i Q ffjl "o uay niunung cuiu cl yum aixe, tut uus is a harcrain that must eo ouicklvl worth . o ' A 0 w y 7 . . to $25.00 ...................... . ... . b w i a -mm Wash-TextilesJnMosfP ing Patterns and Colors Tht charming fabrics for summer gowns, in, white or colored materials, here in such profusion of assortment that "the , woman who seeks value and choict style will in variably eomt here first. Imported White DUnltv, itf largt plalds, checked, striped or corded designs. Tis a very stylish fabric, and the cost Is small, tht yard, only 2S. 40 and.. a)UC Paris Moussellnes, comt 45 inches wide, s delayed ship ment, many new patterns tht.yard,l J --''J Printed Silk Mulls, In white grounds, with ex qui- Cfll sitely daint- floral figures; the yard UUC Printed Batiste, in large checked corded weaves, printed on light grounds, neat figures and polka dots; ) A the yard, IS and ...v. UC Scotch Ginghams, Anderson's make, the best known fa the world, and known as tht best, comes in all the newest checks, stripes and novelty plaids; the yard, . , . CA 85, io, 40 and .................... ...V.... OUC I? LJ J,.? Thoussnds of yards of Embroideries in new snd fetch- tlniDr OlUtr f t?5 ln Patterns, in floral designs, in baby Irish, in Filet -B' "WW1 mnh and Fleur de Lis.: Come wide or narrow, and in either Swiss or cambric Distractingly pretty trimmings for dainty summer lingerie gowns or underwear, and priced so low that you'll bt mors than pleased to find that you have so wide a selection for so little money. - y . Cambric Edges, the yard, 8. 6, 7 and up from ................;r..T.. ...... .10 Nainsook Edges, the yard, 10, 13tff 15 and up from .-........ .......20 Swiss Edges snd Insertions, 12 and up from ....18 Allover Embroideries, in endless assortment of designs and qualities, for dt Aft every purpose and purse, up from ..w. ylivv rv Now ir iVaffylbyy Shoes No smsrt costume will look as it should without a pair oi styusn nest onocs. ji course tney must De tow shoes now. Even if you aren't in the habit of wearing Oxfords, the smartness of style and the comfortable fit of these we have to show you would make yon a convert . ' ' ' ' ' I short vamp; Cuban heel, medium, sole and dC tif , mvisioie eyeiets; pair yvv Women's Oxfords, in gunmetal leather, plain, toe, me dium sole, short vamp and medium heel; fine (( for street wear; the pair ylUll. Women's Pumps, of patent leather, with light sole and Cuban heel; they are in tht short vamp Style 04 Aft with ribbon' bow ties; pair v vU Women's Oxfords, in patent leather, three-hole ribbon tit, light sole snd 9 CA Cuban heel; pairN yJ3VI Women's Gunmetal Pumps, with short Women's Pour-Button Oxfords, patent vamp, medium soke and Cuban heel; fin- vamp and dull kid quarter, light sole and ished with neat leather bows; d A A A Cuban heel; for dress wear; Cft price, the pair, only pt-UU tht pair ;$0JU 1 Great Sale Men's Shirts If we told yon tht name, yon men who know good Shirts would be here in throngs Monday morning,' ready for the first choict of tht roost tasty Shirt made. Suffict to say that they are the product." of one of tht beat shirt factories in aO tht country, fit right la tht neck and- shoulders, comt in several sleeve lensrths. and the natterna are , indeed well chosen. Nearly all sizes and regular $1.50 i qualities, Mens still bosom iMrts yiAJ Mens Half Host, fancy striped patterns. full seamless, and in a nice weight for spring wear; they are a regular 25c value. Special, for Monday, , 1T tht pair H C Men's Spring Weight Underwear, white Swiss ribbed cotton, very elastic, best pos sible finish, with all seams covered; 75c value. Very special for Monday, , 4Q tht garment ...................... H?C New 5-Inch Jafteta Ribbon 25c So many new Ribbons to show yon, so many . tnings xney i .10 u um ' . 7 you owe yourself a visit to the Ribbon Depart Mnn An to make it soon, here s a special on new arrivals in handsome richly fn- fc ished Taffeta Ribbon, 5 inches wide, for, OfT-IVl the yard 1 Silk Belts.... -"f Plaid Ties, pew...... ......88 and o New Elastic Belts, white or colors, f 1.50, $2.50 and up. Silks and Dress Goods Novelty Silks, in the latest fad out in silken dress textiles..--'' . " Scotch Clan Stripes, come in soft finished taffetaa, the kind that wears and looks welL Just here, and the first thins we do is to make a special : Q1. fon them. Come and see them; the yard.....O!C Colortd Dress Goods, some of the choicest fabrics of the season, Panamas, serges and voiles, in chif fon or regular weights, come in neat mixed effects, stripes, checks snd plaids; regular $2.00 CO values; the yard '. ylJO Every Day Notion Needs WrltlBg rape, our apecUI ltnen lawn, cloth finish, la white enly, "i C a resrular ISO box, lUnx for. poasd BMAtBtr SImh, with nickel rim, worth tl.ti each, 7 C Special ..0C lot Baled Wilting rabtota .... 6 raeklBg Oeapho, fo anotht, Qg Shelf rapw, Ue edge, IS yds 8 Wrlttag rapot, linen-finish, ?fV worth lie the box, special ...Vw lSe Whisk Broowe,' apoclal ....10 Black Sateen Sleeve Vvoteeton.20 Bubbee Ouahloa Bait Brsahet, bist Ensllsh make, value 65c tSe Imported Tooth Brashes... IT SeBlekel Skirt Baagert .....19 SheU Brtk Coaabs."0o value 25 Ball Trl Battens, for trimming, all slsoa. .card of ,, ; I (r one doscn ...........t.;.....avW Bross Shlslda, oonet proteo. ' AtZp tore, all slots, SOe value .....'u Jewelry and Leather Goods jrewel Boeketa, aUk ehamola la var loue Hm and color., selection very yomplste, and this wosk we offer our regular 7to ones for - Qq Loathes VtotoM Bramea, fine qual Itv, ttefully -emlMMsod. with Jewel ed settings, come n several strlee and sell regularlr at S60 and too, spool! this week at 88 (Jg Storuag SUve lit Btea'ta'a great variety of designs, the quality rg-; ularly sold for ISo; spoeui lft. at. each IwC SwaetJks rote, the lateet fad la neat designs, loather fobs with a pretty pendant fit good else, m tan. green or red; be one of the first to wear one, they eoet 35C Boaaty Blae, eomt plain and sotnt have neat setting of pearls or tur quoise. We're going te make a ope elai en these, too, and the reruiar too ease are aew . - q Bearl Belt Booklee, rome tti scnre or oval shapes, tie values, 10 special ,.,........- J 1 1 1 " Fine Millinery Pattern Hats, Trimmed Hata, Tailored lists 7,1' j are yon looking for? Lock for what you v.;:i ii tasteful millinery and youtl profit by corr.'.rj hn. WeVrt been told times without nun Ver, that we l.iv the most pleasing lire this Sfon we've int ' .. WtVt ad.led a new note of Ir.tereit r.iw, 1 y r at decid!y low prices, evtry r V-t-- - r : the bouse. Kot a spfrial t '., j - ; t lower than iii.h ban.Nfis-ie t ' ' maintain our r'itaf-.-in hi t' - ' nrry a,,.r$ , .'.i--; ' '