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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1907)
THE OREQOH SUNDAY JOURNAt, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. AFKIC jn. 1507. TEACH BOYS WORK WITH TOOLS IS HONORABLE Professor Monaghan Declares "More Technical Schools At :-' . Needed lit America. '. ' OLD WORLD AHEAD - IN DES1CNINQ WORK Interesting Address Delivered to the Members, ot the Comnv-rcUl Club Valuable Comparisons 'Made by Experienced Government Official. ' "A young college graduate, who with scorn refused to work with hie hands. saying he had not graduated from eol lege to drive a team of horses In Xh forest,, la now In ths penitentiary. am disposed : to' believe ths psnltsa-J tlary la the best place for that sort or young men." . - . . . ; Thls was tha declaration made by .Professor James C. Monaghan, chief of tha consular division of tha department or commerce and labor. In a brilliant address of bait an hour at tha Port land Commercial club yesterday. He Teoltad h rM. nsiu4hllltia,a devaU Onmant In th. wm.amw . tiart irflf tha United States, and in bringing; out tha tremendous Importance ef , this coun try's raw. materials ha' rigorously leaned ths class of young men who acorn to work with their hands. ' Ha m i . m mi eiate vu i. u 1 1 innuau im and technical schools to Inculcate Into tha youthful mind tha fact that work Is how to work skillfully In tha develop ment of tha country's great Industrial future Ha said: . ' - , , , Teonnleal schools Vee&seV ' 'It has been said by Gladstone that tha country will be tha greateet that has ths best school a X modify, that by saying that the country will be greatest that baa tha beat schools and - tha largest raw materials At tha present time Germany has tha greateet schools, but tha United States baa the raw mv tarlala. ' ' "A . v "I find that Jthe great artisans, tha leaders In mechanical arts, tha men who are doing ths designing In this country, have come from ths older countries, from Germany. Scandinavia, Swltser Jand. What we must have In thla country is the technical school. The young man must be taught that It la honorable to be a blacksmith, that It Is great to be a worker with tool Of tha artisan." ; The speaker told of coming upon an Instance, in hla trip to the coast, of a young college graduate who upon com ing home found there was nothing bs oouia ao u ones ucepuni w m team , of horses In the woods. Ha. fused with '. scorn, serine hs had not a-rad uated from college to drive horsea Tba young man baa. It seems, taken up a still less honorable vocation In tha penitentiary, and hla fate called forth tha expressive sentence uttered by the speaker. ,.' - i - -A aaarkabla peaket.X .Professor Monaghan' 'grasp of facts end figures relative to tha Industrial condition of the world rS nothing 'less tha-marveiee.'I(r half an hour's aeik ha sDoke more words. It Is said, than ware ever heard In tha aama number of minutes from a Portland platform. Ha marshaled an amaslne array of figures, from memory, to Illustrate to Portland business men just where ' this country standa In tha Industrial and commercial race. ''. The burden of his argument w more and betetr schools; more industrial schools: mors honor to the designer ana mi 1 1 nn , iki vi , iuhh. tween the Pact f to coast and ths people of Asia. Hs pointed out thatf while tha United States is producing ths greater nart of the world's copper. Germany is manufacturing that copper arid i ship- nine- ths finished product to all -civil Ised countries. It Is Germany that Is making tha copper wire and . InatnT tnente for harneaslng the great fall of the Nygansa river In central . Africa. Ths old world is buying our raw ma terials hnd shipping the finished proa vets In many lines back to us and to ths foreign, countries. He gave credit to the United States for Its wondrous development, its vaat weaitn and ma terial success, but called attention to ths fsct thst this country of all others nossesses the raw matsrlala which mads this success possible . . re see What Z Wanted, - ''- "What would Germany, with her great schools, bava done had aba pos aaased these raw materials? What could ws not have dona If we had pos sessed Germany's schoolst" hs asked. Referring to ths Paclfle coast' fu ture, he pointed to Jspaa and Asia with prophetic finger. Hs ssld China does atot want war, but peace. When China reaches the atsgs of real Industrial de velopment, with Us vsst raw matsiials, i. arm trat ths canacltv of ths Paclfle t to supply me neeas ox mat as- Eyeglasses Not Necessary at Can Be Strenrtkeaed at pttMMS syee Witaeat Oattii aad Vast reras Saaeaeafally Treated - I inisg. . Tkat the eyee ras be etrenstbesed ee that EMltHN ran be SKeeoaed wits Is any eeare a bees proven brooi a doubt br the test! eieny ef baalrla el people woe publicly elalm tfcat tfeelr rltit baa eaes reetored by tbal wgawiui uitjv nnn meet eaUed "Aln." "Actlaa" alae relieves gore end Oraaalatad Llrta, Irltle. ete,, end renteeee Oataraets arltb eat cutting ee ares sin. Over eeveoty-f Its thonaaed " Aotlaaa " have bees soldi tnere ' .tore tba AeUna treat. n la set aa expert awat. bat la reliable. The ro"owta letter are bat aample of hundrnle ere reeelvet Mr. . M. Walker, corner Caroltee aad PaV SMtte la., Ixa Angeloe, Calif., wrltta:" About we yeare aeo mt eia nr eeras in ran rapMiy. a ii ,n ukiaiiM f.ivnmic vuiiaiB ido ail special glasaee made, bet ell te se avail. 'I hmabt aa Aetlee and la araaThaa thirty day threw away mr glaaeea. Tbanke te Actlaa j ran reed er write sow for hnora every Say. t weeld sot be without It for lay amoeal ef Mra'charlee bostetreet Ke. 19" VT, 4Ttk t., taw Tork City, wTlteei 'Tt rlvee sie irreet elaenre te raxsisied Afttna. Havlnf eaffered tnaoh wltb my eyee eelthw any treatment ew elataee arall(l. I waa ilndnred te lve Aettaie a trial, end after a few weeka sea of Aetlee. I em able te read er write without that Intaawe pals. My eras are sow ee streag that: 1 eaa Bar tbm freely. ,T g, B. Iloltrenk, Deputy Oonnry Clerk,' Pah fai. Va.. wrltaai " 'Artlna" bae.enred my eyae Se that I ran SO wtthont (laaaae. I very eaUktoi bare heailarhe Sow, and ras etndy Op to eleven e'rlnrk erlaf bard n.r'a work at the office." 1 Artlna" fas-be eM by eld and yneng with serfeet aafty Irevv' ewirber ef the family ra see the ve 'Altl1a foe any farm r.f dKaea ef the rra, fear. Tbreet er Heed. One will leat frtf years, aad la alweye ready for Bar, "Afflnn" will be eent -s trial itoatnabl. If ene will en4 ynnf sme end atHr to the A'lIM Arbllae tle.t I'apt. M H, Sll Wa. ait e .i Sana fltf, Mo, toe will reie, ehootnMy rnr,). e valnabla book 1'rof. WU Ses'S Ireatlae ea I '. i ee . ; I Professor I. C HooAsbsa. velopmsnt work, snd It will bs to ths United States, hair nearest neighbor and tha most progrsssiv country on ths globe, to which the Chinese - will turn. , , . . . , f -. JTapan doss pot want war. If h did. It would bs race suicide for her to go te war with America. Tha countries of Europe, do not went war. If a bar rier were drawn- between this country and the old world the countrlse of Eu rope would be thrown Into a revolution, for epon the United . States thsy all de pend for their raw materials and their Industrial szlstsnoe. . Japan e Oreat Consumes, Ths German era teaching their stu dents the Chinese language, for thsy see In Chins' vast storehouse, of raw materials the future prosperity, of Ger many. , The Japanese are the greateet In Imitative Industry. Thsy copy ths best rom every- country's Industrial progress. They are learning; what - Is worth while from all sources, and thus taking advantage ef the research of ths world. - Their whole empire, with an area. less than the state of California. and only one third of It tillable, will be oome . great customer - for Psclf lo northwest wheat and other foodstuffs. This coast has an immense future in fruit growing. California has already become the .rival of France LOS ANGELENQ iVifIS THE THORNTON REVERSAL RACE Knapp Rode a Great Race ahd Made Victcry Possible Over Marrie AlgoL , From the Standpoint of the World's Foremost Musical Authorities,' Chlckcr lng Quality Is Highest Quality. v , i t , . ' Thii Art Contest Chlckerine Art Contest Sketches for the Todav we oresent another of the hova and rirls to cut out and color either in water colors or crayons. Re member, there are to be eight different subjects in all; two of which have al ready appeared, one last Sunday and the other the Sunday before. Be sure and watch for and color them alL ; ! , Sll; a . e , '.,..- I 1 R 19 ' ' 1 - s-aa-wsw- . -eessw- ,t i 1, i i X 3 Irrtli-l -IT'- The Prizes Are Well Worth the Winning 'The best set will secure a beautiful Chickering Quarter Grand Piano at Half ..Price; the seSond-best set a $100 Certificate, good for that amount toward the purchase of any new piano selected from our line of highest quality the finest makes of all the piano world;' the third best set wins a $50 Victor Talking Machine think of the good times in store for the lucky boy or. "girl, , and the fourth best set secures a $25 Premium Talking Machine. Three of Portland's leading artists and art critics will decide which sets are colored in ' the . neatest and most artistio manner,-; Their' decision win be impartial and final. . - , . -'. :x -JV ? ' YS't V : You Can SendJoiirSketches In . At .Once-."- air- age m sr sk . ec i 1 1 rsAinti i t fv tiMi ; Mill .. . 1 m K-Wv .1 ihi M s mlMm.-i'-X'-.": ' ' at' . ' j .. TTit Nomi' Htu Been Famous For Over Bglity-oiu Years TWTORE than fourscore years of expertence In Piano ". forte buUding is exempUfied ' in the Chickering Piano, of to-daw. Its tone, of exquiaito quality, is If peculiarly its own, no other maker, having succeeded B in reproducing it.: v' . k' , t Xilcrs Piano House, Exclusive Representatives Send your sketches to the Chickering ' Art Contest Department, Ellers Piano House, sign your name and address and give your age. You can send them now, one at a time, or all at once, not later than May 25. Some of the best will soon be shown In our windows. - 3lspznaor of , " pianorcliabilitx "',,... " . The House of HIGHEST Quality BICCEST. BUSIEST AtO BEST IN " , ALL THX WEST " "' - . ' t 353 Washington Street, Corner Park The Chickering Is Sold Exclusively by the EUers Piano House in Every Im portant Pacific Northwest City. , CIRCUS PARADE TO BE , HELD ON THURSDAY mearat Kewe by teeteet teeee Wlre.l v' Baa rranclseo, April 1. Tbe them stoa .Ions; distance -race- Jierse ef ths world won the . Thornton Renewal at Ema:vlHs today. As In tbe Thornton stake severe) Weeks a. go Los Angeleno , X won by only e nose from the gams mars e auunie aagoi.. JUoa Angeleno lowered e the mark made br The Bachelor In ISf , from 7:1H to T:l 1-5., Ths aged son of Rey El Santa Anita had pujled up lame. In his work out for several dava ' aad In hla warm up before the race was t even mere lama than before Tha veter-1 Inarlan. however, reported to the Judges that tha horse would . probably warm , himself out ef soreness durtnr-the race-, and Los Angoleno waa aUowed to start. Meantime the bookmakers ware offering I tevl on hla chances and Mamie AUrol ; The" 'msnsgement of- the So- - .'tv Circus has announced that e thins Is In trim for ths . e opening of ths circus en neat Thursday-evening. The sale of e seats opened yesterday morning. e 'and the tickets wsnt with a rush. " K w The street parade will be e held on.Thursdsy sftsrnoon at e 4 o'clock. The entire list of performers will meet at tha e Armory at '1:80 on Thursday e snd ths procession will get un- e der headway at 4 sharp. , : Tha parade will pass over the e . principal streets of the elty, and will undounteaiy attract ey the kssnest attsntlon and lntsr ' e est.- .. . i All of the animals, clowns, aorobats. bareback riders and e uerformers will be in the pro- e ' cssslon, ,' . was held at odda as aha wss reported to be la superb condition. In ths last mile Lee Angeleno and Mamls Algol drew- away and turning Into the atretch ths last time Los Angeleno led by a length. Knspp sat down and rode hla hardest as' Mamls Algol wss running strong behind him. She gained on tha leader Jump by Jump ejrfd at the wire the two ware so close together that the crowd did not know wlilch won. Knapp's finish won for Los Angeleno. Summary ef Bvsnts. Six furlongs, selling Qov. Orman, Flahsr, to 1, won: Mliao, Hunter. ZO i ! ,Hugh. MoOowsji, Sandy, nuchnan 1 to 1, third; tlms. 1:14 1-8. Wlss ....7. ' ivw lurionga, nm nauara r ir canal MoOregory cp uawm w uviu. vrvmm, i lu i, wn,iB,rnl WHITE SOX PROVE TO BE LIVELY PLAYERS The Altons defeated tha White Box veeterdav br the ecore of II te It. Tha ilne-UD: Altone r " ""Posltlons. White Soz Jennings ,.p .....Jones Carey ,...-......!-- Nelson Calwiy Dudley k. Follle L, Sandy, IS to 1. second: Crea ton. a Ross, t to (. third; time, 1:01 4-5. One mils end 10 yards, selling Earl Rogers, Lyourgus, I to 10,, won; Cadl- chon, Ooodchlld, to 1, second; Sahara, Sandy, 10 to 1. third; time, 1:44 1-1. Four miles, the Thornton Renewal stakes Los Angeleno, Knapp, T to 1. won; Mamie Algol. A. Brown, even. second; Bsnvollo, It . Smith, 7 to 1, third; time. t:10 1-5. Five furlongs, purse Entre Nous, W. Rally, I to 1, won; Fireball, Buchanan, 10 to 1. second; Cloudllght. K. Smith, S to 1, third; time, 1:00. - - - Ssven furlongs, ths Green Lily handi capRapid Water, Fisher, I to S. w.on; Hector, C. Ross, If to 1. second; Prlnoess Tltanla, Sandy, t to , third; time, 1:11 1-4. s - - . Bslrd Murphy ,F. Osynor lb ...Hannon as R. Oaynor If Ketasndell eeseeseeeserieeeeseeeeeee , tt Dourlas MONEY HANDLERS PUT - , QUIETU? ON GOLD SEALS The Gold Seals of ths Good year Rub ber company mat defeat yeetsrdsy af ternoon by the united states National bank by the seors of to I. Ths Sesls lost ths game In the elxtb. Inning on sn error and a wild throw. Gold Seals. Position. U. B. Bank. Albert. J.. ....... -P....... Ungsr Bsuer .o. ., ...... Cstterllne Fordney, F. ,. lb. ........... Powell Patterson lb Hugus Fordney, B..... .lb..,......Hartman Albert, C.'.........s. Brunner Fordnsy, P........rf. . Mavis Davis ...... ...... .If Schmeer Ford ef Carpenter TIGERS TAKE ANOTHER GAME FROM OLD RIVALS ', " it , . The " Tigers defeated ths Brain-Van- aeuver team yesterday in a ll-lnntng gsma by tba soore or 14 to u. Ths line-up: ; - ' Tlgere . . , . Position. Brains Bsty e.... iiaroid Toung ........... .p.. reany Barton' ..... .lb. ...,,,... .Moore Ravage .......... -tb... ...Tuttls Thlerl Choppy Moddy ,.a....,..,.....Cook Clark 1' , ...Rlrhwold Cllss -,, .....ef j......Kvera lHchell ua..rtLt,uuu. Andrews Baseball Bends List. ' Shanlks. Or., April It. Sporting Bdl tor Jouraat Does-the-total -number-et tennis players, both amateur and pro fessional. In the world exceed ths total number of baseball playerar , . , . SUBSCRIBER, While there ere no records te show the number of persons that play base ball and tennis It Is quite certain that our national gams ef bassball has more devotees than almost any ether pastime In the category of sports. ; BIG REALTY CoImBINE Moots Investment Co. end the Moors Beelty Co. Jola Sends. Ths Interests of ths Moors Realty Company and - thoss ef the Moors In veetment Company have been united and the buslnsss of both concerns will bs continued under ths name of ths Moors Realty Co of which Ben Rles land Is ths msnager. New and commo dious offices have been opensd at ths comer ef Stark' and Fourth atreeta, la the Mai lory building. Bealdas Vernon, the Mg tract on ths peninsula, and large holdlnga near Woodstock ths Moors Kealty Co. has large lists of Instds resi dence and business properties. "We have elso opened m department to op erate aolely In farm lands of tha Wil lamette vaMey and those of eastern Oregon," aald Ben Rtesland yesterday. "We already have for sale thousands of acres In rich farms In Gilliam. Morrow and Sherman count lee on our book a Furthermore wa nave an exceptionally good Hat of fruit farraa In the Hood River valley. Besides we have soma fine dairy farms within few miles of Portland." The turning over of the properties of the Moore Investment Company to ths Moore ' Realty Company has made ths latter organisation one of the strong est In Its H ns Operating In the north waat. : ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' n Good Washington Street . Buy. A full lot on this fine thoroughfare, and H9.009 cash will handle It. Bee A. It Ellers, secretary, Ellers Plane House, Park end "Washington. . . i NEW EQUIPMENT FOR CHICAGO-NEW YORK AIR LINE - ; Bprfcd Meeatrk ee Tbe Jffereal.t . Chicago, AprU II. Ths contract for the- car equipment for tnaterurban ser vice on the Chicago-New Tork Electrlo Air Line railroad has Just been plaoed witn tns mies car Manufacturing com pany of Klles, Ohla Thsy ers combina tion baggage, express, smoking aad pas senger coaches, 41 Vs feet long, uphol stered In leather and weigh II tons each. Thsy wlU run west from La Porte, Indiana, Increasing ths length of tha run as rapidly as track is laid to ward Chicago. Ths company'a main line traffie wlU require and will be sup plied with ea entirely different kind of esr. Lsss than seven months have pessed since work commenced en ths electrlo railroad which Is to connect Chicago and New Tork. - Four ef the eeven were winter months. Tst such progress has been made that In another 10 days or so ths new paasenger eoaehee wilt "be put In operation on the first five mllee of track leading west from the city of La Porte Tha necessary equipment Is being purchased for three more con struction camps, which will bs installed at once five or six miles apart. ex tending toward Chicago. Include! In Uie equipment already purchaaed Is e huge .Vulcan steam shovel espable of lifting two and one-half yards of earth at e dip; two stsem locomotives for eon structlon purpoees and a string ef dump cars, combination capable er great results. Work has begun en the abutments for the overhead bridge crossing the Psre Msrquette railroad. There will be Installed at once et 8outh La Ports, Indiana, e 100 k.w, generator to fur- nlah power temporarily for the opera tion of the first fsw miles ef railroad and for tha company's repair shop which Is being built there The perma nent power bouse will not be - put in until nsxt season. . Tsn acres of land have been bought, en which It will be located. Ths ground lies 10 miles seat of La Porta, Indiana, at a,' point whsre ths air line crosses the Grand Trunk railroad. This power houae will be of the most modern construction and equipment and will have a. capacity of 10,000 kilowatts, equivalent to about 11.000 horse power, and will operate the entire first division of the railroad, Chi cago to Goshen, Indiana. SUNDAY SKATING Oaks Sink Opea All Say Vpeolal Musical Program. ' t The big Oaks Rink will fairly hum with merriment all day Sunday. Ths rink opens at for the morning, when beginners learn and experts practloa. Music alt afternoon and evening. It's a nics car rids sna you gst that fins park air. . Tha skats book sals Icloses Sunday night. Don't fall te go te the Oaks Sunday If yon would laugh and be merry. Mme Anna Lundberg, .tha "Tvette Qutlbert ef Sweden.' Is on e combined pleaaure an 4 concert tour through ths unitei ntstes tnat win extena clear to tha Paclflo eoaat fend through the ef forts of the local organisation, ' ths Swedish - Singing Club Columbia, will appear under Its auspices In Portland Sunday svening. April II. "Mme Anna Lundberg is the fore most of Swsdlsk singers, said e Swed ish- resident of Portland recently, "in terpreting songs of every mode and oherecter, but being particularly fa mous for her oomlo end topical songs. But no one must maks ths mlstaka ef rating thin alnger aa a Uttls chanaon- ette . Mme Lundberg Is a petted and fated diva who, In her chosen field, has won fame end wealth. -. w pi JU Jill: llliHQ A Tiece ol Furniture That Is a Necessity, Not a Luxary. Somelhinn That You Can't ; Do Wilhontl v rytooazinc Kadi Music Cabinet Record loMer A A A a ' A Piionograpb Stanii Hlitr48nchcsrwidth 14 inches '(large enough to hold 12-inch disk records). . Made from Oregon fir, finished weathered and shellached, fitted with six shelves, slat sides, very strongly put together, made on strict Mission lines. , Regular price. ' If yon would ret this Magazine Stand in oak from eastern factories it would cost you $12.00. SPECIAL PRICE Mi NO PHONE ORDERS fimnusE co. J 184-186 Firs! ALL THE CREDIT YOU WANT. PORTLAND AGENTS FOR LAUREL RANGES. COM- ; PLETE-HOUSE-FURNISHERS SHIP TRUSt CLOSES . : : CHICAGO SHIPYARDS (Fnbtlabera' treaa by Sparta teaaad Wlre.l Chicago, April It- live hundred men were thrown out of smploymsnt todsy by ths closing of the Chicago shipyards, owned and operated by e branch of ths Amsrlcsn Shipbuilding company. An nouncement wss mads that ths closing was on account of tha widespread etrlks of bollermskers In tha shipbuilding in dustry throughout ths country snd that the yards would stay closed Indefinitely or until ths final and permanent Bat tlement of wage dlsagresmenta. FEARS NEGROES MAY VIOLATE CONSTITUTION (PeMlaserS1 rveee by toerlal Teeead W, New Tork. Aprlt l Hundreds .f Demoorsts, representing every oiion of ths country, gathsred hers tonight for ths annual Jeirersoe hejo,uet et iti L 7 r Nl 7 C L '.r-t ' vy . . O ' V N I'nm in t'-" i i I it. "it . I