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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1907)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY . I.IORNINO. APRIL 14, 1SS7. NEWS AfJD lllFORtlATIOfl ABOUT AUTO DEALERS Brief Items and Information to Those Who Are. Interested )n the Speedy Cars Valuable Suggestions to Drivers t , . ' V',: ', , r end Owners. ', , - : f JAA -. .. - I- V . 1 A Vm itiv nil iiavw wwi, u iu v j Seattle dealers sine the beginning of the present year. Th road about Bait Lake City ar declared to be Ideal (or eutomoblUng at tbla eeaaon of the rear. The directors of the Lone Island Au tomobile club have voted unanimously to admit to membership 'women who own cars. The members of the St Louis Au tomobile "club have approved of the Plan to establish a chauffeurs' Inform- President Underwood of the Erie rail road haa . a touring car fitted' with flanged wheel for use on Inspection trips. ..,.;.'. ' :''. " juei suioxnooinsis are psrrea irura Turkey, as the Ottoman empire does not permit the us of gasoline within Its borders. ; . , - , - A aaw field for the gnsollno engine Is rectly to a dynamo for lighting small buildings or yachts, , - Th Mliw Yap iM1ia rinirlran( haa ordered a number of motorcycles capable of a speed of 100 miles an hour for Us V -ycle squad.' ' . ' ' Norman Belby, known In pugilistic circles as "Kldi. McCoy." has purohased a racing ear and expects to enter the next Vaaderbllt cup race. . , a uwntu nil inTinim m muivr, u power for which I provided by the successive explosions of small quaatlr ; ties of gunpowder In a cylinder. . iseapue me numoer ox eiji-cjiinucr rare An th. m.rlr.f h mkktfl nf the one and twe-eyllnder machines report auins" as mucn ousiness over. Wf L 1 . i - - I h. I n seninarion, are remay la tocvit vium for the Manlto Park boulevard, which will be on of the best driveways In the. nvnnweei. . . i , . Queen Alexandra's private automobile will be carried on the new. royal yacht which bears her name la which aha and , Xing Edward' will tour the Mediterra nean. . . . ; i ... Tb Dixie, owned by Commodore XL 3. Bohroeuer of the Motor Boat club ' of America 'will be sent abroad to tar for . t. a. tiMi.Uh lt.iM.iiA.ial m, n In h m Following the 'lead of W. E. D. Btokea. several New Tork motorists are sending their cars one day each week to. hospitals la order that the patients ma be gives airings. . There ' are more automobiles In the state of California for. Its population than any state in the Union.' Tbero are more high-priced machine sold In Cali fornia than any other state. Tho good roads movement Is gaining ground In Tennessee. The legislative has a bill contemplating tho cooperation of the various cities in a complete ays .tent or highways or the first class. - Aa Indiana clergyman, -. Rev. & T. Sweeney, has been granted permission by the state to construct a railway to -be operated by automobile between Seymour ' and Brownston. It - miles anart. - ' Missouri good roads advocates are en deavoring to . have tho legislature ap- mo SUPPLIES EVERYTHING TO EQUIPS THE MOTOR CAR. ' OILS. JACKS, BATTERIES? , TIRES, GOGGLES, ETC . BICYCLES National and Pierce , FROM $25 td'$60 Sold on Installments. Liberal , AHowanc for Old Wheels. ; GARDEN HOSE This la becoming an Important -lino with us. Our stock la . fresh and price low. ' ; jytf TO 1TV PER FOOT 8PHCIAL OFFER Bring this ad and save a cent . per foot Ballou & Wright 85 SIXTH STREKT. ' Orpo't Wells-Pargo I u.Hlrg. seasonaoie Goods v V - . . 1 prove a bill providing for the a of convict In building two ? trans-state highways, from east to west and north to south. ' . For the month of January. HOT, the total value of automobiles and parts ex ported from the United States reached the stfm of 57M7, as compared with 12(7,6(4 for -the corresponding month of 10. - " In purchasing a closed carriage 'on hould examine the glass very closely. Imperfections It) window are very an noying when a person Is traveling through a oountry where tho scenery I on of the attraction ' To obtain the horsepower of an auto mobile divide the total capacity of the cylinders, expressed In oublo inches, by 10. The figure of the quotient will very dearly represent the horsepower in a majority of cars. Fast autpmoblllng. It Is contended by an expert, le the beat form of exercise for' lung development, for a man who constantly ha to 'face a gale of neces sity keeps hi lung filled with air that la changing every minute, i With the opening of tho European rac ing and competition season the new repletions of the Automobile club of France, requiring every driver to have a license, come Into Operation.; . Thl rule will apply to Americana. , . - Although the Philadelphia motor-bus franchise was killed in tb closing hours of h last city councils, duo. It la aald. to street railway opposition, a new ordi nance waa introduced in the new coun cils which were organised last weekv - The Weybrtdge motor track near Lon don la to b opened July . "it is a three-mile' circuit, well banked at the turn.. At tha opening C. F. Edge, an English motorist, will try to average 0 miles an hour for 14 coneecutlce hour. . For the Peking-Paris enduanc eon teat, for Which no entry fe 1 charged. It car have been entered. ' Tpe car will bo shipped from Paris to Peking about April 14 and the partlclpaata will follow a month later to aogw uie return run. .-. . . ,' ' Ownera and driver of chain driven car will find their machine will run better If every time the car 1 washed the chains and sprockets are brushed off thoroughly with kerosene and ruDoea over with a light coat of graphite and grease. . v-' . Honduras ha only ono road aultabl for auto, but that road, which lead from Baa Lorenso up among tho moun tain to TeruclKaloa. S.0O0 feet abov the sea, is considered the finest In Cen tral America.' It cost i;.oo,oo Jin goia to build. ..Automoblllsts of Milwaukee and Chi cago and of the olttea along the shor of Lake Michigan between the two are planning to rvlv tho project of com pleting the ramoua enenaan anv Which now extend from Chicago far aa WaukeaarL llllnola. ' f ' s A new car for King Edward of Eng land was' totally destroyed In a fir at Blarrlts. en the BDanian-rrencn douu darr. The tire Is said to have. been started by a- customs official breaking bla lantern over an open gasoline can or tank on the car. i -fin on edition of Victor Hugo'.."Le Miserable!," published in ISZ. the word 'chauffeur Is given this definition: "A band of felon - who, about 174-i. burned the soles of their victims feet to make them confess where they kept their money." . v-' ' The Massachusetts supreme court has decided in favor of a motorist a suit for damage against a street railway company which used such a powerful headlight on a ear that the motorist was temporarily blinded and ran -into an obstruction, wrecking hi automobile.' Owing to the difficulty of arriving it a basis satisfactory to touring machine and runabout of different horae-power, the fuel test baa been dropped a a part of ,th endurance ron or the New Jer sey Automobile and Motor club, ached uled for May 30. tl and June 1. The annual Frencn industrial vehicle tests will be run between Msy to and June 10, and will Include an endurance test and a fuel consumption test, based on a useful ton kllometrlc calculation! Ther will be flvo elnsnea of vehicles, with loads varying from 110 to abov 1,400 pounds. r It should be remembered that alkalies have considerable corrosive effect on aluminum or alloys containing it, and that soapy water splsshe4 . on crank ease and other pajt ot a oar mad of that metal la liable to bavo a pitting effect and afford a place for the Idtlg ment of dirt , and dust. . The supreme court of Massachusetts has ruled thst k traveler on a highway I not bound to be continuously looking or listening to ascertain whether motor car are approaching, under the penalty that hi failure to do so will constitute contributory, negligence, precluding. recovery for .. Injuries sustained n a oolllslonw . , v - , ' A Chicago alderman proposes that all car owned by the city, except those for the ns of the fire and police chief, be kept in ft municipal garage and aent out on call front .any city department bead. , 'When 'a machine goe out tb tlote 'wlU be registered, and also tho us for which it 1 taken. , Tb return also will be ehecke4. , With 1.000 taximeter cabs awaiting Official sanction to begin operation at London. , the old hansoms and four wheelers . seem doomed - to extinction. They will add a lively touch of eolor to the streets, for they have red bodies with yellow wheels, and tho driver will wear gorgeoua blue uniform with plen ty of bra .button - - : It takes very little experience for the motor cyclist' to discover that It re quires more care to round corners with a machine than It does with an ordin ary blcyole. Always shot off the pow er well In advance of reaching tho cor ner and alow down to a pare that keep the machine In easy control.; Remem ber That tho unexpected Is generally risht around 1 tb corner. Inventors are turning their attention t device to rid sutolsts of the "boy evIL" Two recent Invention are tb "boy dropper" which Is a reck for the back of car which separatee when boy tries to rid on It, while the "boy eradlcator1 I a brass bar. heavily charted with electricity, which gli an unwelcome passenger a sever shock when It is touched. 4 Vsnderbllt cup condition will bo an nounced before tho end cf this month, so that American and foreign maker will know whether or not the former weight limit of 1.100 pound will be the main point-Of the rule, or whether they will have to run their car under some sort of a fuel-capacity regulation, as In the French Urand Prix, or to oom ply with a combined cylinder oapaelty nd weight limit regnUtlon a Is the main rul for th Kaiser cup face.- A purchaser should bo careful to aeo thst leather upholstered ears ar don In gostnktn and not sheepskin. Tho real goatnkln upholstery hss a soft touch, while the imitation md of e!icjsk!n is dry and hard. , All leath- Ifli Ilfiiitipir Of Alwayr Being Fir sf 7 " : ' ? , Th to the much phrase.' '?' ... ' r. ''.v'- ' It la , actual NORTHWESTERN DISTRIBUTORS or should be hand-buffed and not machine-buffed. At first machine buffing does not show, but it bad qualities will soon com out In uss. A machine-buffed victoria hood will look a bad In on Tear a a band-burfedj hood will look In f lv year. ,. - . According to M. raroux, th French authority, th United State built fO.OOo automobile In 10. Franc 81,000, Eng land SS.00O, Germany It. 000, Italy 000, and Belgium 12.000. . In 1901,the United State built only lit cars and that am r Franoe' built St,Ttl. Tho It 1 shown that, although .the United Slates was th last of tho grsat nations to begin th manufacture of automobile. It ha not only raught ap with th procession la half a decade, but I now at it bead. ABERDEEN TEAM IS v ROUNDING INTO FORM (Srertal tHaeatrb to T Joe rati.) ' ' Aberdeen, April II. Word has boon received from Manager R. p. Brown who 1 at Pendleton with th Aberdeen baseball team that th team 1 doing fin work and he haa every confidence that they wlU be a winning combina tion thla summer. ' Th team returned horn Saturday and on Sunday will play a game at Electric park with s nine to be picked from th best timber to be found on tho narbor and strength ened by member of th regular team. Thl will b a fore taut of th work to be expected from th team during th . Will Add Water Polo. V t 1 (ttperUl Dlapatc. to Tea, Jseraal.) Seattle. April IS. The students Of th University of Washington aro to add water polo to their list of athletic porta, .Tho atudeat board of control . " . ,t . bleeest little car aa applied Thomaa Forty Is somethirlg more than a mere clever catch- a literal' statement of the truth. J The Thomas Forty possesses two essentials of "blg ness" which set it in a class by itself. V It has the biggest wheel base and the biggest horse . . . power possessed by-any car in "America of the same ' or approximate price. V;,".. ':v'w'.' '--' : In everv cart, point and detail of its construction the ; same policy prevails-- always a ' little more, u. little - j better than your fondest dreams could hopeor . : A truly big little car bif in its beauty. and big in lu luxuriousness, and little in the liveliness with which . ; it gett away" and Heeps going. 7,;(,-.-;SJ .J. ", 7 ! You will most quickly appreciate the Thomas Forty if you consider it in comparison with other cars of ap :', proximate price,' or costing considerably more. ; EL POPE-TOLEDO, POPE-HARTFORD, POPE-TRIBUNE, THOMAS FLYER, THOMAS FORTY, BU1CK, OLDSMOBILE, and FRANKLIN for the State of Oregon 2C will have th bottom of tho lake bleared oat for a hundred feet or so and th game will be played there. Th work will be don by th student them selves on Csmpu day, next Friday. Campua day 1 an annual event at the nlverslty, when all th students turn out In working clothes and davot their energies to working on th ground. Tho men handle th picks and shovel and th girl provide luncheon. - LINEUP OF TEAMS IN ' " : THE OPENING CONTEST 'The following will be th line-Tap of th Frake and Brewer thl afternoon at Recreation park: I. a. Frakea, Position, 1 North Paelflo, Whit,... o King or King Myra or Johnson. p. Pender or Goodwin Fay ss ..Frys Parrott ...... t. . .lb. . ...Helser CapC) Newell (Capt)..,.lb...... ....... Wood Houston Griffith Parrott ,.lf .Van Rapier Mangold ......... cf Mcilolland Oliver ........... rf Farrell Umplr. Jos. A. Btutt.. , .... .. ' 7 Bargains in Harness. Th Keller Harness Co., at 4t North 8lxth street. Is offering loma great bar gain In harness and blankets. Although there has been lota of th fin hamea old ther la still enough left to satisfy th admirer of good durabl harness. Remember th plaoe. 41 North Sixth.. ' Barbers, Attention. i Th bos barber will meet at Crew' ball. 141 H Second street, near Morrison street Monday. April 16, s p. m. All boss barbers wilt attend. Business of Importane. ! jfy ' W I saaTsTsTsTsTsTswsas lasSa . . B II I bbbbbsbbbbTsTsTsTbssbTsTsTsTsbsbw m. . 60 BL P..Tbooas Flyer, SiOQS, F. 0. B. Factory . IISfiTS MJT CUD 0-S f X.7 And so do we. We aim to keep In the lead and have succeeded. "Thi Trv . is a launch of style and durability;as well as of speed. Solid ccrrlcrt can t ; f in a Truscott Launch. .We carry a full line of Launch, I.;:!i v heautifv vour old launch. Our repair shop is at your serv ice. Ccr.ccs cr, 1 V t4- -o Mienn!ih1s ntnrft stock of gasoline engines of REIERSCBI VI: X : 7 The Biggest Big Ctar; TDE 60 HP. THOMAS FLYER t 154,000 F. O. B. FACTORY Big not In mere size, but in the policy that dictates . its construction. ;: ---7 ..'-. f: i ;';'-' V Big in the insistence that demands the costliest ma ' terials made. : . -'' ' . ' , : Big in the scrupulous attention to the hundred and ' one little refinements that go to make up a harmonious :,' whole ' , , ' .ri". sJ' '.V-7 V::,. ?; -r - Big in the spirit that seizes upon the best produc tions of the whole world. V V - Big in the policy that gathers together the largest 7 corps of American and European engineering experts associated in one factory. ' : - .7 ' Big in the records and test that make for reliability the most remark able collection of valuable road and en durance contests ever won by any car in one season. v- ,;': Tbis car Is replete with surprises I Far and away the richest looking car In its class and this high-grade goodness obtains in every ounce of. metal in its makeup and every mechanical detail that enters into its construction. The" ThomaForty in its class perpetuates and emphasizes the excellence of its big brother, the. Thomas-Flyer. NORTHWESTERN DISTRIBUTORS . - - . IS nnA Carina P.-td1s all sizc3 and styles. -1. , . v 'J - - t ""Vl-Tir " """ aKv.ivt i-i rtr-r1:. A ' 1