The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 13, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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FILL THE lllli
r.ioriAGHAfi is
Senator Fu!tW Declares Fac
tional Affiliation! Moore
Mad A No Difference. ,
Mrs. Frederick Egbert It Elected President After Spirited Strug
gle Between Rival Factions of the Organization
President Johnson Wields Gavel , With Effect. V
Large Number, Sit Down at
- Commercial Club Dinner to ',
Wiley Indian hjeadman ' Entices
Valiant Brave Into Breaking
; Law of White Father.
Staunch Supporter Says So but
Pleads Politics Jail Till June
T..- for, Chapman, Maybe. . '
Many Peopls Pour Sad Stories
of Wrong Jnto Patisnt Ear
of Police Officers.
Noted Professor. .
nooDYisn no
- 1 1
Th undercurrent - of xcltemnt
which has characterised the campaign
preceding tha annual . election of offl
oara of tha woman's club was alao
present at yesterday afternoon's meet
ing and at times the excitement roar so
high that the preeldent'e . gavel and
voice were repeatedly called into action.
' On with -leas elf-oommand and leaa
knowledge of parllnmentary matter
might easily have been Tattled" -at
the eituatlon, but Mr. Wynn Johnson,
the retiring president, ably eustslned
her reputation for handling difficult sit-
nations with ease and with her tact
and coolness she prevented the dla and
smoke of the conflict from obscuring
tha real Issues.. , -..
' . . ' , Two raettoas ka Club. 1 . "
"- Tbs club was pretty evenly divided
Into two factions. The one party head
ed the ticket with Mrs. Frederick Eg
bert sunnortlng Mrs. Robert Lutk tor
- ftrsvles srealasat. and -Mnu- James
Moffatt for second vie president. The
opposing party, which has been sup
tMed to renresent .' tbs younger and
more ambitious element, whose support-
era, it la uld. had dream of a new
. clubhouse and of more elaborate so
elal functions, waa headed by lira. A
C. Newlll. with Mr. Nina La rows for
first vice president and Mrs. Edward
Jaerar for second-vice president.
Victory perches on the banner of Mrs.
Eggert's party, although the vote ran
so closely that Interest did not 'lag at
any stare ef the proceeding. Mr, uun
Iway made' the nominating speech for
Mrs. Eggert gracefully ' refuting the
charaea of ill health and propoeed ab
sence which were th leading capital of
the opposition. Dr.- Mary ' Thompson
Disced Mrs. Newlll' nam Is, nomina
tion, and th battle was on - ,'
Mra. Xrffsrt' SUf Majority. '
' The vote for president ran as follow:
Number entitled to vote, IT!; number
voting. 171; necessary to a choice, (I.
Mr Eggert received 101 vote and Mrs.
- Newlll . Mr. Newlll moved to make
the -vote unanimous, but waa overruled
by the chair on a question of parlia
mentary law. For first vloa-prsaldent
th vote ran so closely that It iwas
necessary to tak a second ballot, the
first resulting as follows: Mrs. Latka,
tl; Mr. Nina Larowe, It; neceaaary to
a choice. On the second ballot Mrs.
Lutk stood 15 against Mrs. I row 77,
and was therefor declared elected.,
More Ballot Thaa Toters.
Th contest between Mrs. Moffatt and
Mr. Jasgar for second vlce-preaident
was also very close, but resulted In a
victory for Mrs. Moffatt, . The real
Slot machine are again In operation
la Portland. Thl morning a cigar store
oa Sixth street placed on of th money
eater on th counter and it hungry
maw ha already consumed many stray
nickels. -
But this machine belong to a dif
ferent family from those which have
recently caused ao much dlaturbanco la
police circles. The Sixth street variety
' exchange a cigar encased la a celluloid
80 strong wa 11-year-old Eugene
Spenoerc desire t travel that prior to
departure on his tour of exploration
be transferred th content of th fam
ily exchequer, amounting to lit. to hi
own capacious pockets, without - aay
regard for the financial-em harassment
that would result to th family.
'Ia company with two lads of th
sama age, named MoCauley and Allison,
voucs- Spencer started . yesterday In
search rf adventure, but the . trio of
'youthful - wanderers war apprehended
John Henry, manager of the People
market snd grocery, Ztf psrk street,
was fined Zi yesterday by Justlcs Relfl
for selling adulterated food and paid
tha fine. John Henry I among a num
ber wh were recently gathered In by
Food Commlasloner Bailey for adulter
ating Hamburger steak. He Was charged
with putting sulphites 'In Hamburger
In order to make It salable when other
wise It could not hav been disposed of
to his patrons. Thl I the third time
that Henry baa been convicted 'of thl
'' J. W. Reed, msyer of Estacada, a
banker and building contractor, will ap
pear for sentence In tn circuit court
Monday morning. . -j,
- Several months ago a jury In Judg
Frsser's court found Reed guilty of In
ducing electors to vote illegally. ' Out
of the It persons arrested for partici
pation tn the famous Sellwood election
fraud cases sit but Reed went scot free
on a technicality. The contractor moved
Th parking, of Johnson ' street from
Fifteenth to Twenty-fifth street wss rec
cm mended by the council committee on
sirets yesterday afternoon.. A petition
for the Improvement of, the street with
Mtulltlilc iavement waa laid over Until
the next meeting. W. B. Ayer spoke In
'nvnr of the petition, but Earl C Bron
t:h and a number of other property
ctwnxra objected , on the ground that
iumi would be unable to sscend the
I I over s narrow roadway and 'a
i 'li pavement.
1 rnnnurh aald that sven now
1 ,.-( ! Iiava to follow "Switchback'
crux of th situation cam during th
lection or th treasurer wnen an ir -
regularity occurred In the vot ndtn
chair ordered the vote taken over. Th
w. r - M Rankin snd
candid. w.raMra.N.
came In th hair announced aa Irregn-
larlty. -
- Some of th member were on tneir
feet at one, lnalatlng that the chair naa
no lJ"tlon "nlV',-. ,..t .Tdd
that the number of voU. east
the number entitled to vote. A eom-l
mlttee had been Dlaced at the door to
n ... V L..un. a .nter.
lag th ooretary had besnble to keep
to vote.
" ' " ' . I
'Mra. Weaver. the mother of Mra. 1
Bom who waa on of th canaioaiea,
h.n mnvsrf- that her daughter
r oausnter D ai-1
lowed to aay whether th vote ahould
k. i,ir mm.' hut waa overruled by the
ohsl-wbo-j-uUd-thia-inotlon- aad all
other motion out of frdr at thl tint,
saying: "There I an Irregularity In the
vote and th vote must be taken over.
All Talk a OS. '
. For a time ther wa much ado;
some of the club Instating that such a
ruling waa a reflection on th members
of th rab. - Several tried to make
motion at th same time and confu
sion wa Imminent when by repeated
whacks of th gavel and by atrenuoualy
Insisting on parliamentary proceeding
Mr. Johnson was at last enabled to be
beard and to carry th proceedings to
action. .- -.. i
The Irregularity wa doubtless caused
by soma of the member depositing
thslr ballot and immediately leaving ine
hall, and by other leaving their ballots
to be denosltad. In of th presi
dent's former ruling that such a pro
oeedlng was Irregular and would result
In throwing th ballot out. After aa
actual count of th member present had
been mad by th two secretaries and
th door closed while the vote ws
counted it waa found that Mr. Rankin
had been elected by ft votes against
41 for Mrs. Boss. The other officer
iMcted are, recording secretary, Mrs.
Jay Smith: corresponding secretary,
Mra, Antoinette! Stiles; financial secre
tary. Mr. W. H. Fear: auditor, Mra: T.
P. Wise, directors, Mrs. A. King Wilson
and Mrs. & M Blumsusr.- s V .
A protest ws Introduced against th
plan of sending a delegation of Oregon
girl to Jamestown attired aa Indian
and a committee ws appointed -with
power to act. The committee consists
ef Mr. Q race Watt Ross, Miss Helen F.
Spalding and Mra. J. a Prltchard. .
cover for vry t-cent pleoe placed In
the slot. The alckej la dropped, the
lever pushed down and a second after
ward a Havana In clear celluloid make
Ita appearance at th bottom of th ma
chine. '
That'1 all ther I to It, hut th noie
of Its action will probably result la po
lice investigation, and after . they've
looked It over they will probaby be able
to se th Joke.,
at Albany last night and win b brought
back to thla city.
Th. Spencer rild "at 107t East
Twenty-fifth street and th other lad
live In th sunt district. According to
8pencer per, who I a barber, th
money taken by hi son represented th
entire aavinga of the family. ' To mak
matter worse on of the other children
wa permanently Injured from a fall
some time ago and th medical atten
tion for th child ha proved vary ex
pensive. .
offenss In th Justlcs court and before
Justice Reld. Th fln each time ha
bn f IS. " , ' -
"If Jack Henry come back again on
thl charge I will giv him th limit,
which I think la , 1100," aald Justlc
Reld thl morning. - r . -
Th food commlasloner Is still on th
trsll of unscrupulous butcher and
dairymen who are adulterating their
products. The chemist Is - gathering
more samples and more revelation may
be forthcoming In a few day.
for a; new trial, alleging partiality on
th part of Trial Judg Fraser, but thl
morning Judg Fraser , denied th mo
tion and , ordered Reed .to appear for
ssntsnee. ' ' j-
Th penalty for th offense Is Impris
onment In tbs penitentiary for from "e
to thro years, or a fin of from 1108 to
1 1,000, or both such fin and Imprison
ment. Reed ha been out on bail ever
sine hi arrt. '
method In order to reach Twenty-fifth
street. Parking -would reduce th width
of, the street to tl feet Teamster
would b anabl to reach th ton of tha
hilt : .
To bring that matter before tha anna.
ell th committee recommended that the
Street be parked. - Remonstrants will
be given sa opportunity to be heard at
th meeting of the council-Wednesday
afternoon. ' ,
, ' Troop' Train Coming. ,
Southern Paclfl official In Portland
hav been advised that- the Twenty
eighth Infantry, field artillery, will
leave San Francisco torn arrow afternoon
for Vancouver berracka. , They will ar
rive at Portlsnd early Turadsy morning
In specUl troop train. . The company .
constats nf four commissioned officer
ana nv enustea men -
Factional affiliation had no weight
ln the selection of Charles W. Moor
. -- ,,.,, .-., f
' ' . reiver of
" IZ'XL-t, Z ,T..".IaZ
. . , l Mtor Fulton who I. lathe city
'n " ' :., tK. Mpt
I f .ifhnr n-natnr Rourna or myself to
i . . e.ntion.1 histot-v of any
Thera ha been
Teat deal of misunderstanding about
th. .ppo,trant pf th land of no. men
" ,, . 1.1...
: 1 . '
l"" ""- rMtr..u-u
aldered in candidates recommended to
u w( flrt thj)( thay clMn mnA
competent men and second that they be
Kepubllcene. . , '
. rKj.i.k.. vr. ' tj . - 1..
. . ... lh(, . . . , tn.
, .- , .
past or war at th present men opposed
to Mr. Moody or any other man. W
tltnal dispute or factional history,
Arassoa Boora' rrtoad. , ; j
Mr. Moor ha been known to m for
a long tint," continued th senator.
"Mr. Arneson I have never met per
sonally, but he 1 a man wall known to
Senator Bourne, and on la whom h baa
every confidence."
The story Is going th round that
th appointment of both Mr. Moor and
Mr. Arneson have not given the best of
sstlsfactton to soras of th old guard
who had been consulted In regard to the
appointments. In th words of on well
versed In th situation, th commute
of Inspection asked to select men for
th place by Senator Bourn and Ful
ton Is "up In th air" over th naming
of th two men.- Several consider It a
Moody victory, and aay that th man
elected hsvs Moody tendencies. That
to their mlad la a groat disadvantage.
Brother of Bourn' Secretary.
Ko on eem to know who Mr. Arne
son la Th principal mean of locat
ing hi 'Identity seems to b by th
atatemeot that b I th brother of Mis
Arneson. Senator' Bourne's prlvat sec
retary. , Many , fear that he ha been
affiliated with M. A. Moody la th past.
Th faithful are worried over the de
velopments, and srs looking Into th
matter to see whether or not th polity
leal, record of tfie appoint will mak
him qualified to hold office.
Senator Fulton will b In th city for
a abort time on bualneea. He will startj
on his trip through the Interior of the
stat about th first of May.
Italian Boy Ordered Committed
to Asylum When Sane
I-v-' Must Hang. - - -
" Peter1. Garrlt will go to th lifsane
asylum at Salem 'tonight. - Presiding
Judge Soar of the circuit court issued I
an order committing him this morning. t, BnJ ch.nge straightened out. Un
The. order Include a clauss directing!,,. An,
that the murderer shall be returned to ,
the sheriff of Multnomah county and
held for trial for first degre murder j
ahould h at any time be adjudged aan
by the asylum physician,
(Speetel Dttoate ts The feerssL) V
Hoquiam, Wash April It. Three men
and a woman were arrested in an opium
joint in thla city that was raided by
th police early thl morning. All were
under tbr influence of th narcotic and
were In the realm of dreamland when
th officer broke In. The place -had
been under auaplclon for aoma time and
the arrest caused no surpris,-'. On of
th prisoners, named Wells,, ha been
before the police before on the nam
charge, while th other hav - been
known to be dope Senda Thl I th
second raid on th joint In the laat
fsw months.
("pedal Ptmteb te The Jnaraal.)
Pendleton, Or., April It. Despondent
over his recent conviction and th rav
ages of aa incurable malady. Jease'Row-
! ley laat evening tried to end hi life In
th county jail with a solution of cyan
Id of potassium. While other prison
ers jrsr not looking h drank nearly a
pint A physician waa hastily sum.
monea ana ssvea nis lira Me admit
trying to commit suicide and declares
he -will yet do so, rather than go to th
penitentiary.) He waa convicted of rob
bing a man In a saloon. - He Is of a
well-to-do family of th state of Waah
mgton and In tlm will fall heir to con
sldsrabl proprtf.
'" (RpMiai IHepateb to The JaersaLt
Pendleton, - Or - April 1J. Beventy
thousand acres of land In the newly;
created extension of the Wenaha re-1
aerve wer. allotted laat evening. Many i
stockmen met with Rangers Schmlts '
and Oreen. Only four different lots of
sheep were given grazing permlta for
thl aectlon or th reeerva The ar
th property, respectively, of the J. B. 1
Smith Livestock company, Riigg Bros., I
Jo Connelly and Dan P. Smyth. This '
addition was recently : made to the
Wenaha reserve by order of President
Roosevelt . -
: f ' t.
, ( (Sperisl Diapatek ts The JeeraaL)
Kewberg. Or, April It The e-year-old
daughter of J. Merrltt Is 111 with
spinal meningitis, and no hope of her
recovery Is entertained. -Th family re
cently moved to Newberg. The little
one haa been ailing most of th time
alnc their coming and a week ago ws
tsken seriously HI." '". . .
' Astoria Pally Suspend.
" Astoria, Or., April It. Th Dally
Herald, which was started aa the of
ficial city orgnn laat January, suspended
publication this moraine.
C J. Curtis,
sdltor and proprietor, will start a week'
Iy in th endeavor to huld th city
At luncheon 'at the Commercial" club
today a party of distinguished Catholics
were guests of President W. C Modson.
Profsssor James C, Monsghan,- tha guest
of special honor. Is front Washington, D.
C. where he occupies th office of chief
of th consular division of the depart
ment of commerce and labor.
On Invitation of Presldsnt Hodson
Professor' Monsghan talked to the tod
aseemblsd members at luncheon. - H
was received with enthuslssm. -He re
ferred eloquently to th great posalbll-
! viewed the sreat increase In th
llies or me rmcmo oonnvni, ana - re
r - - - - -- . --- - - - - . ...
world's wealth in the laat century. He
aald the world's wealth since 1(79 haa
Increased more thaa la all the years
prior to 1870.- Th country with the
greatest future. - said th speaker, 1
th country having th best school and
the largest amount of raw materials.
Qermany has the greatest schools, h
declared, but the United States la th
Other in th party at luncneon were
Archbishop Christie, Father McDeavitt,
Father Thompson, Father O'Hara. Bdt
tor Sullivan of the Catholic Sentinek.
and Tom Richardson. . . '
. Professor Monsghan is on a lectur
ing tour of the coast- He will mske
an address at Woodmen of the World
hall, corner, of Eleventh, and Alder
streetsv nex't Monday evening, on th
aubject, "The French Situation." ' He
apok at. Butt and Spokan en rout
to Portland,
raillA'S BILL
Voters Registering So That
Names"on Petition May Be
Legally Forceful. ":
' ( - .t ' ' ', ''y
Fresh hop 1 springing up la th
breast of th - friend of McKenna'a
tl.009 license ordinance and thay are
now confident that the petition will yet
find ' It way upon th ballot for th
consideration of tha voters.
Tssterday SO votsrs visited the of
fice of the county clerk and registered.
Today large crowds hav been lined up
all day waiting for turns to comply
with th law. Out of thl crowd th
McKenna license worker allege they
can ptok many who signed th petition
and then forgot to register. When the
cards have been - sorted out ' and the
registration, book straightened up the
license ordinance backers predict that
ther will be 'found name enough 4o
giv th petition a fir pi footing upon
the official ballot.. , -,
S StUI tm BonM,
County Clerk Fields says that It will
be well toward th and of th com
ing week before the registration cards
.,, w. -a a .k. 1.,..
MrK. ai-- n. w. kn
for thera will be no mean of checking
th- ,nd f,ndtng thow WQO
h' . racnti- resi.terad.
The checking of th petition by.tho
books as they now stand has been practically-completed
and will be fully dons
by Tuesday of next week. At that time
the worker will be ready to begin
checking up by th new cards a soon
a 1 possible. : ' , ,:
SfeXsaaa Teal Baoonragsd. -
' "TV feel much anoouraged," aald Mr.
McKenna thl morning, "From th re
port that have bean mad to m I feel
confident that th petition will. hav auf
Sclent name toplac It upon th ballot
iany of those who signed th petition
Without being -registered hav . , alnc
placed their namea on the books. Thsy
were legal voters, but had neglected to
comply with the registration law. Their
doing so will give a sufficient backing
to th petition, I feel confident. 7
Jam D. Lacay Co.. filed ault In
th United State circuit court today
agalnat Thomas Thomas to recover 116,.
114 for alleged breach of contract '
According to th complaint filed,' the
parties , entered Into an ; agreement
whereby the Lacy company was to pur
chase a tract of land - belonging to
Thomas in Polk county. The plaintiffs
allege that an option was given them by
Thomas for 0 days st $ 4.000. Later the
price wa raised to $5,000. Whan th
tlm th option expired-Thomas, It I
alleged, refuaed to selL- Th plaintiffs
allege that at the. data th property
waa worth ttl.204. and that they hav
been damaged In th sum sued for. .
(Special Dispatch t Th Journal.)
Newberg, Or., April It. Th debate
between Albany college and Pacific col
lege 'took place In the college cnapei
last evsnlng: Th question waa that of
government ownership and control of
rallroada Paclflo wa represented by
Clarenc Brown, Psul Maria and Ralph
Ree, on the affirmative. J on es Steele
nnd Dlrchett of Albany had the negative. J
Pacific won by two point to one. th
judge ' were A. King Wilson 'and
Attorney Hoaford of I'ertland and W. H.
Ragsdala of Moro.- The result decides
the state lea g us championship.
telmerBovlec, a seaman on th French
hip Bayonne, now lying In th harbor,
waa arrestsd at ' Columbia dock No. 1
yesterday by Patrolman J. M. Thomp
son on a warrant charging him with
threata against Ufa - Captain Albert
Huev of tha Bavonn is ths comnlsln-
snt and alleges thst Bovleo threatened
to slay him over aom trivial matter.
Upon the calling of th caa In th po
lice court thla morning Captain Huey
failed to put in an appearance and th
hearing wa continued until Monday.,
Earthquake at Kingston. -
(Jreraat . Special Sertlee.) ' s
' Kingston, April U. Ti.e worst earth
quake alnce the one that destroyed the
city occurred today. . It did little dam-
Chief No Shirt of the Umatilla Indian
reservation Is a very wily Indian, If
th story told by his companion In oupa.
Jbn Luke, another Ipdlan, to Judge
Cfiarles K. Wolverton, In the United
State diatrlot . .court thl morning', I
true. j.'V.: - . ; . -y ! .-
Jim waa found guilty of carrying Whis
key on the reservation without .having
resorted to th prescribed - oourss of
curing 'permission-from th war de
partment and waa sentenced to Serve 0
day In the Multnoroalh county Jail and
pay a fine of 2S. . Jim admitted his
guilt and then ' proceeded to tell how
Chief Mo - Shirt, without . regard for.
Jim' loyal friendship or tot Jim' per
sonal liberty, enticed him by ' clever
strategy to carry the whiskey on the
reservation, and then how Chief No Shirt,
who 1 an older and wiser man, drank
the whiskey without endangering the
risk of being t summoned , before the
courts for his act ,v
Jinr stated that Tl Is ayoung man
about to year of eg and continually
amoke the pip of peace, with hi -whit
brethren despite th fact that b Is a
brave warrior and perfectly able phys
ically to-whip his weight In wildcat
Jlra added that while In this perfect
condition he went with Chief No Shirt
to Pendleton," where they proceeded to
fight whiskey. Not being able to drink
enough la the eastern Oregon city, they
purchased several flasks, under th di
rection of Chief No Shirt, and started
for th reservation. ''
From Jim's story It ema that oa th
Journey to their ' horn Chief No Shirt
fell to eogttajlng upon' th fearful con
sequence of carrying whiskey upon' th
government reservation If the govern
ment official detected them in the act
No Shirt wanted th whiskey and
wanted It badly, but h did not want to
be arreated for carrying It on th reser
vation. He thoaght over the question
and then all" at one wa seised with a
brilliant idsa whereby he.could have tlie
whiskey and at th kudi tlm esoap
punishment. . i , ,
H turned th precious liquor, over
Into the aafe keeping of Jim .' Luka
Later - he aided him In 1 drinking the
ardent spirits. - Jim unsuspectingly car
ried In th whiskey and was af terwasd
arreated. ' . . 1
, Although Chief No Shirt had evolved
a very 1 sunning scheme (to avad the.
law. Assistant United State Attorney
Jamea Colo 'took another view of the
matter and will doubtless hav No Shirt
arreated. . ,.,:
Emll Osterle, a ear waaher employed
In the Northern Pacific terminal yard,
wa arrested by Patrolman Ace Welch
thla morning on a warrant charging
him with assault snd battery. . Emma
Osterle, the wife of the accused man,
swors to th complaint today. She al
lege thst upon arising to prepare th
morning meal for her four boarders, her
spouse became enraged because he ws
awakened and dealt her a stunning blow
on tb'head.' Th eoupl reslds at 211
North Fourteenth street and have three
children. In default of $100 ball Oa
terla waa locked up In the city prison,
nd will b tried next Monday. v
-:. ,- - '-
Q. Waller of East Twelfth and Esst
Salmon street complained to the police
last night that while Ms- wife and
4-year-old son were passing a houss at
th northeast corner of Sixteenth and
Lovejoy streets yesterday afternoon a
small dog attacked and bit th child on
th leg. According to Waller, the same
animal bit Mra Hart man of 6 Love
joy street several day ago. , Chief
Orltsmacher ha directed that th owner
of th vicious canln be notified to either
mussl th dog or warrants will b se
cured.. ,' , ..';." ( ,. .,
:; - a s ...-.
C Hsrvey, who wss srrested several
day ago by Detective Hill and Mallet
on a charge of larceny, waa sentenced
to 4t days on ths rock pile thla morning
by Judge Cameron.' 'Harvey waa found
In the act of attempting to siell 10
pound of braa stolen from the A 1 Wins
car- shops,- to a second-hand dealer on
Water atreet ' A there wa nothing to
directly Implicate him with th ' theft
the charge was reduced to vsgrancy.
The brass was found to be a portion of
the plunder stolen by several boys who
are now awaiting trial in th Juvenile
court . . '.-''-.-'
' (ftpertal Diapatek es Th JonrsaL)
Boise, Idaho, April it. This evening
Judge Jamea H. tteattyewlll step down
from .the federal bench and turn -the
judgeship over to Judge F. 8. Dietrich,
recently appointed to the position. Judge
Beatty will soon start on a trip around
tha world, accompanied by Mra Beatty.
' Last .night -In dismissing th grand
Jury h mad "a - notable address, ad
ministering a rebuke to those corpora
tion which pretend to uphold the law
Unit which hav been th first to violate
ft. It I thought he had In mind th
caa of L. Q. Chapman of th Barber
Lumber company, who went to Jail for
contempt '
1 r
. Bank Prealdent Indicted.
' IJearnal flpeelal. flervlee.l ' '
Mobile, Ala, April It. The federal
grand jury today Indicted Albert Bald
win, senior president nf the New. Or
leans National bank. Chapman rilysme,
Frank T, Howard, David Morris and Al
fred Morria, all New Orleana :capltal
lata, on charge of violating th anti
lottery law. .-, '"''.
Judge Carey to Speak.
Judge C H. Carey will spenk at the
T. M. C A.
udltorlum st I o clock to
night on ,nLlabll1ty from Ownership."
Much Interest, haa been evinced on th
subject and a Urge audience I expected
to be present to hear the address.
Garfield Dismiss Charges,
(Jfinratl gpeelal Bervie 1
Washington, C, April Secre
tary of th Interior J. R. Garfield tody
dismissed chsrges against Douglass
n S- 1 I n a M . . k. H.l.a..,!...
servlc , - 1
- ' 1
Snerlal Damatca ts Ths JoarssLl '
Boise, Idaho, April it. Many rumor
ar afloat her regarding th almost
drastic work of th federal grind jury.
That ' aa indictment waa ' returned
agalnat United State Senator W. K.
Borah In connection with the timber
caaea Involving v the Barber 'Lumber
company, charging conspiracy. Is admit-
I ted by th Dally Statesman, and 1 th
general talk. The Statesman hs al
ways been a stanch supporter of Borah.
It ascribe -the indictment to politic.
Rumor has It that several other prom
inent men la Boise, two of them leading
attornaya, have been caught by Indict
menta - It Is reported that L, O. Chap
man, manager of the Barber company,
who was committed to th county jail
Wednesday for contempt of the federal
court. Is alao among thoss Indicted, aa
well aa other member, of th Barber
company, i Th Federal official hav
guarded their move closely and will
kar-iita. T-r-: r' v .7:. :T7f. :
It Is rumored that O'Fallon. - special
agent of th government, haa gong east
to get Calvin Cobb, - president of the
Statearaaa Printing company, ' who la
supposed to know something about tim
ber cases. .
. Lsts yesterday the federal grand Jury
mad an extended report to tbe court
and Judge Berry excused It till Jun
IT. It Is thought several additional
Indictment will .be -Tetutnsd at thst
time. ,. . ,. - .. ' . ,- v
Owing to th fact that th grand Jury
adjourned till June If-, the only way
Chapman can gain hi liberty be for a
that date 1 through a writ of habeas
corpus from Judg Gilbert of Portland,
which It la thought h will not grant
- United Btatea Marahal Round say
several agalnat whom Indictment hav
been returned Will be arraigned thl
afternoon, .", .-.;...'".,.-
Now In Jail In Italy for Fraud--
:, Hs Bunk'osd Manyjjn ths -''i
Inland Empire. -:: ,t
("pedal Dwpateb ta Tbe JosrssL)
Lewlston, Idaho, April It. Ia-a letter
received her today frons-th director
f th prison at Santa - Maria Capua
tere, Italy. It I officially atatad that
ke" : Rossi, th fictitious scion of
thift anclsnt house of .Turin and" heir to
ountle millions, whose meteoric career
startled Spokaim and Lewlston people
two yeans ago, I now confined there for
a long term for fraud.. ' ..
Rout while la i Italy represented him
self as the adopted son of aa American
mlllloaalr and cut a wtd swath. This
and other offense placed him behind
.prison bare. . - -.-..V
Roaal, . whoa real nam aa given by
Italian who declared it was hi purpose
to build an electrl Una from Lewlston
to .Grangevtll and to build a mansion
on Craig mountain, rivalling a Floren
tine palace. - lie .announced th purpos
furthermore of making Lewlston th
Intellectual center f th - Inland . Em
pire. He represented . himself aa th
heir of a famous Italian win merchant
and, took a Spokane man to Italy with
him when he went In support- of hi
spire confidence and enabled him to
borrow hundred of dollar from ad
miring members Of th local Italian
colony, . wno now oxpreaa aatlsf action
that Rdssl I paying th debt for hi
fraudulent pretension. 1 - -
La Barge Escaped Through ' Car
l . Window' bat Return and Coni '
mlta Another Crime.
Bert La Barge, an 11-year-old youth
with a long criminal record, wa ar
rested last night at Front and Madison
street by a detective on a charg of
larceny. La Barge' I accused of hav
ing stolen four paint brushes from th
Ptsher-Thorsen'eompany. - . ;
About alx months ago La Barg and
Fred Cobb were arrested for the theft
of several suitcases ana considerable
weartng apparel from a room In th
(bb building. Both lad . war con
victed In th circuit court and sent
fenced . to confinement in th . reform
school. Whtl being tsken to th re
formatory by Mrs. Lunls. wife of the
superintendent. La Barge, on the pre
tense thst be was 111, wa allowed to
visit, th lavatory and Jumped off th
coach whll th train wa traveling at
a high rat of speed. i - -
Tbe youth- made hi way ' to Seattle
and only returned to thl city a few
day ago.. Jo La Barg, an ldr
brother. Is now serving tlm In th
Sslam penitentiary and a younger sis
ter I confined In th Boys' and Girls'
Aid society. - La Bargs will he given a
preliminary hearing oa Monday and In
view of hla paat record -will no doubt
be committed to th penitentiary If
found guilty tn th upper court ) v
,' 1 : ' ":
Thomas Lewlston, a son of E. Lewis
ton, a pioneer hotel man, died at the
county hospital of apoplexy laat Thurs
day. . Kidney disease waa a contributory
cause. Mr. Lewlston hsd suffered from
epilepsy for yeara, and a trip h made
to the Philippines for ths. benefit of
his health only increased his mental and
physical troublea He returned to Port
land aboht seven year ago, but a h
waa unable to perform any labor wa
cared for by th eounty. Mr. Lewlston
waa born In Portland. , Hi father,
mother and , younger brother ' died - a
number of yeara ago. -r- ' - , ).
. -. Flooded Track Repaired. ,
(last ' Side " lines of th Sacramento
division of ths Southern Paclflo were
opened today for operation for the first
tlm sines th California floods. Th
company haa been operating all train
via th west aids lines. . Ths worst
washout wss Between Dsvls and Sacra-1
men to. This has Just been repaired, and
trrlns Noa II snd It today were run
from Davis to Bacramsnto and Roe-
vllle, and north to Tehama, ,
the-prim director I. Jowph ParrallC 7 ' jj Jnt'r'ViZ?Tt0J7':
I remembered here aa th youn;Ivrtomo,TOW I a plaf
Mra Keith, residing In th old Bishop
Scott academy building at Nineteenth'
ana couch streets, haa reported ta th
pollc that a watch wa stolen from her
horn about thro weeks ago. Detective
hav been detailed on the case and sus
picion I directed toward a woman.
.The manager of 1 Peters on'a stables, ,
Esst Fourteenth treet'and Union ave
nue, complained to th authorltte today
that two young man hired a rig at a
O'clock yesterday . afternoon and hav
not yet returned, Th animal ls-de-scribed
a black, weighing about 1,100
pound, and th vehicle wa equipped,,
with rubber tires. - An excellent descrlp- ,
tlon ha been furnished and th deteo. .
Uvea kxpect to capture tbe thlevea
- Bob Olllln, a plumber at Tenth and
Morrison streets, notified th pollc to- .
day that hi workshop In a nsw build- "
Ing a-Fourth and.Bumald trtwaa
entered by thieves last night and 10
pounda of lead and a gaaolln furnace
carried away. Burglar vlalted th place
laat week and stole a ejuantlty of valu- '
able toola It la th opinion of th no-
llc that th crime hav been commlfV
ted by some on residing In ths vicinity
and thay ar working on that theory.
J. Meyers, a tailor at lot Main street,
complained to the bureau of criminal
Investigation this morning that a young
man cam to hi shop yeaterday and
aaked to be shown some suitings. Dur
ing th temporary absence of th pro
prietor th fellow selected a light sum
mer ault and mad hi escape.
. Laat Time "Free Lance" Tonight.
Ths laat performance of jolly Jo
Cawtborn tn John Philip Sou' mili
tary com la opera, "The Free Lance,"
will be given tonight at th Helllg
theatre. Fourteenth and Washington
treeta Thl excellent company of ar
tist ia presented by th big theatric!
firm of Itlsw Erlanger and I without
doubt th best oomlc opera Portlsnd
has had this season. Ton csn't afford
to miss It Curtstn at 1:11 o'clock.
Seat selling at theatr boa offlcn. -
One Chance Left fo Weatern Drams
7 That great Morosco plsy. Th Judr
rand ths Jury" has been pronounced bn
or the very best production ever given
by th famous Baker stock company.
At tb Bsker this week It hs proveJ
Immensely popular. ' Tonight' perform
ance la th laat for Gillette' play. "Th
Admirable Crlchton open tomorrow.
GJJIette Play Next Week. ,'
Th -Admiral Criebton.' next week's
attraction at th Baker, will always b
associated with th nam of William
Gillette. It Is th story of a butler who
becam the leader of his formsr mas
ters when ' the party- wan ehiowrecked.
ov play
a prominent part In thla
worth seeing.
Better Meet "A Stranger in, Town."
t Tonight's performance I th last op
portunity to witness that - wonderful
combination of mirth and muslo known
aa.lA Stranger In town," whloh ha
I th patrons of the Emolre this week.
) It' a how to mak you laugh, and th
air aung In It will stick In th memory.
M.1!a 1241V . .
- That Unhappy Bridegroom. '
Haw would you Ilk to b a bride
groom for a few short hour and And
that you had to go to Jell T Sound
mslsncholy, doesn't ItT But a thla
story la Interpreted at th Empir In
"Hallo, Bill," next week's attraction.
It Isn't a bit melancholy. Anything but
that for "Hello, Bill" Is brimful of
fun. Tomorrow afternoon' la th first
prformanca "--,-'
,'The Gamekeeper."'-, .',. -W
Tonight,' tomorrow matinee and nlghf
ar th only "chance left to e Th
Gamekeeper" at th Lyric It I S de
licious play that ha mad hundred -of
new friend fo th theatr during the
week. Two performance tonight 'nd
tomorrow night, the flrst at T:ll o'clock.
You'll be sorry If yu ml Th Gam,
keeper." Get th Lyric habit
- . . - '
; "Actom the Potomac."
Following out it policy to giv flrst
class production at popular prices, th
Lyric theatr will next week present
th mAVt famous civil war play, "Across
th Potomac. It' will b glvnwlth
full cast tha comnanv belnr enlarged
for the bill. Scenery and costumes vrUl
be tru to detail. Seat aal openrTo- I
morrow evening. . ,'.'-'.,"
"Our New Girl."
Tonight.' tomorrow , afternoon" and
evening will be the laat. three per
formances of th rattling fare, "Our
New Girl" which th Allen atoek com
pany I giving thl week at th Stat
theatr. Beets for, th remaining per.
formance ar now on sale. For next
week th mansgement has selected th
famous weatern drama, "Northern
Llghta" which will b a winner.
y,- ", ' New BUI Soon. ,
, Monday ther will be a complete
chsnge of program at th Grand but
In tha meantime th ' patron of th
house will find a lively and diverting
vaudeville show holding the boarda at
this theatre. There ar singer, dancers,
oomedlaaa, musical artiat and other
and thay combine ta give a typical high
grade entertainment and on which you
nouia se eeror ji is loo jat. :
I . , -
Mr.- Charle Riley has purchased th
IX- W, A. Cumminga home at tt Hoyt
treat between Twentietn and Twenty
first streets, for 11,000. Ths lot Is 0K
10, adjoining tbe North Paclfl Sana
torium on tha west, and Is occupied by
a handsome eight-room resldenoe. The
sals w'ns mads through th agency of
D. B. Mack I. ,...
. Ollbert ; Hunt ex-msyor of Walla
Walla, VtCaKhlngton, and a larg menu
factdrer of that place, Is at ths Port
lsnd hstel. He Is accompanied by Mia,
Hunt sikV the Misses Hunt .
F. A. Nolsn of St Paul, A. R. Roger
of Minneapolis and C, M. Youmnn of
Winona, Mlnneaota, are prominent east
ern timber men at the Portland hotel.
Q. A. Westgate of Albany Is at tb
Imperial hotel. . . a