The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 13, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Councilmen Recommend , That
So-CaJIed Free Water Measure
Be Taken Off Ballot.
Resolution " of Recommendation
' Adopted by the Committe riainly
. State That Members Believe
; Signers Knew Nothing of Import.
If the recommendation contained In
a resolution to the'cltr council passed
I yesterday by the street . commlttea are
' " curried out. the Wagnon free water
'amendment- to, the cKy charter will die
despite tta promotere efforts ttf bring
It before the people on the June ballot.
V The resolution was passed by a unanl-
-. moua vote of all member -of the com
.mlttee. It la clothed In caustlo terras;
, and states plainly, without any reading
between the lines, that the Wagnon
amendment A 'a fraud. and a cheat in
. mo tar aa deception waa practiced when
it waa presented to the council without
, a. word being said that It adoption la
,June would annul the t-mlll bridge tax.
"Said resolution submitting said eo-
, called fire water amendment waa adopt
ed under a mistake as to the extent of
lis provisions, says me resolution,
i "and under deceit praeticed by at least
' one or me principal promoters. . it is
- the belief -of the members of the coun
cil that a large portion of the slgna-
tures to the petition for Such amend
ment were obtained under deceit and
; misrepresentation aa to the full effect
of said amendment or at least without
.knowledge on the part of the signers
thereof. ' .
Take Aaaeadaaent Off Ballot. -The
resolution concludes by request
Vlng that the auditor of the city of
Portland be authorised not to place fhe
. proposed amendment upon the ballots,
and this Is the question to be threshed
" out before the election. Whether the
amendment Is on the ballot or not. It la
the general Impression that the amend
; ment la defeated at the present time.
City Auditor Devlin says he of course
.must follow the Instructions Issued to
: him by the eity council, so long aa
' that body acta within Its powers. If
. he la instructed not to place the meas
ure on the ballots and the council has
the power to give such Instruotlons, as
will obey them. . ' i
' .On the other band H. D. Wagnon. the
father of the proposed amendment to
. section 114, which would kill all bridge
. work, by - general assessment, is not
. pleased at tbe outcome of his measure,
the deception In whloh waa first exposed
. by The Journal. In consequence he threaU
: ens that If the proposed amendment Is
tJtaraal gpeeU gerrles.l . .
Washington. Jx C April II. A spe
cial train of II ears, leaving New York
at 11:11 p. m., will reach, Washington
early this evening bringing the members
of the Thirteen club ef New York to
this eity for their annual dinner at the
' National . hotel tonight ' Previous - to
the dinner the members of the club will
Toe received . by the president at the
White bouse. The dinner Itself will ba
an occasion 'to shock the superstitious,
, for every tradition of occultism will be
. flouted. ,r. -. '
The members will, walk under a lad
der In entering the banquet ball, and not
being able to limit tha gueste to it will
(Continued from Page Ona)
and the laat year's car shortage nearly
wiped them out They atruggled along
until the state legislature put through
bill to regulate tbe railroads, and en
force reciprocal demurrage, and up to a
., few weeks ago the future looked bright
when suddenl the received from the
Portland freight department of ' the
Southern-Paol fie notice to the effect
.that on April It the freight rata on
common areen lumber from western
, Oregon polnta to San Francisco would
. M raised irom to per inou-
. sano, .... f. .,
.. sVaada Samaaa All.
II. K per thousand on their output and
. tha freight rata is increased per
thousand, toe mmmen are again up
Southern Pacific company proposes to
- appropriate their entire profit, and the
.. tnlllracn say they cannot continue to
Interest among Oregon millmen and
shippers generally as to where the de
mand for an Increased lumber rate orig
inated.' They have In the past believed
I their, troubles -with the Southern Pa
cific, company arose from a too far re
moved source of authority In the rail
mad mans foment. They ere beginning
t,L - '
Don't have that tired, run
down arid languid feeling
thii spring.. Prepare the sys
tem for the season's change,
by taking a course of the
Bitters.. It will clean but
winter- impurities from the
blood and cure Spring Fever,
General Debility, Dyspepsia,
Indigestion or Costiveness.
not placed upon the ballots for the
people to vote upon In June, he will
earrv the matter Immediately te the
courts for decision. .... .
The full text of the resolution paased
by the street committee of the council
yesterday . afternoon Is as follows:
"Whereas, at the meeting of the coun
cil of the city of Portland held oa
April U 10T, the council passed a reso
lution submitting to the vote of the
electors of the city ef Portland at the
aeneral election to bo held an the first
Monday of June, 107, a proposed amend
ment to section 114 ox the onarter 01
said city, known aa the Wagnon or free
water amendment, and .
Whereas, at the time of the paasag
of the said resolution the- council was
acting under tha belief that said reso
lution waa prepared In good faith and
for the purpose only of making a change
and alteration In the manner and sys
tem of conducting the water department
of the city of Portland, and In tha
matter ef water supply, and without any
knowledge or , Information mat eaio
amendment aa . proposed would repeal
and Invalidate that portion ef section
114 of the charter enacted by the legis
lative assembly In the year HOC and
ratified by the people of tha city of
Portland at the general election la Jane.
101, providing for a tax levy of not to
exceed I mule en tha dollar of ail tax
able property, both real - and personal,
subject to taxation. . for tha purpose ef
meeting the cost of bridges across
gulches and ravlnea In the city ef Port
land, ena ef which bridges Is now under
course- of construction, and twe ef
which plans and specifications are now
being prepared for ( tha construction of
all of which will be paid for eut of the
said special, .bridge fund, but cannot be
so constructed or paid for In case said
proposed amendment to section 114 la
adopted by the -electors ef the city en
the first Monday In June, HOT; and "
i "Whereas, said resolution submitting
said so-called free-water amendment
waa adopted under a mistake aa to the
extent ef Its provisions, and under de-
celt practiced . upon the council by at
least one of the principal promoters
tnereor; and
"Whereas, it Is the belief ef the mem
bers of the oouncll that a large portion
of the algnaturea to tha petition for
such amendment were obtained under
deceit and misrepresentation aa to tbe
rull effect of aald amendment, or at
least without knowledge on tha part of
tha signers thereof; and.
"Whereas, the best Interests of tha
City of Portland and tha residents there
of would be greatly Injured by the adop
tion of said proposed amendment: now.
therefore, be it - , .
i "Resolved by tha council. That the
auditor of the city of Portland In prepa
ration of the ballots for use at tha city
ejection to ne held on the first Monday
in June. iur oe authorised and di
rected to not place upon auoh ballot or
submit to tha electors for their vote
thereon, the said proposed amendment
to section 114 of the charter af tha nit
of -Portland known aa the Wagnon or
iree-waier amendment."
do the next beat thing and have 41S to
sit aown at the table. - The black cat.
wnicn is the mascot of the club, will
preside over the revels In tha banquet
hall, and among the decorations there
win oe tree frogs on gilded cages la
places of canaries. . , ......
The'-president of the club will Inau-
S urate tbe dinner by breaking a looking
lass, and all the other guests will be
given a chance to take a rap at It also.
If anybody else has a pet- superstition
they want defied all they will have to
do will be to mention It before the din
ner, and If possible soma of the mem
bers will do something to tweak the su
perstition's tall. v.
to suspect that tha Karrlman ear never
hears of their burdens, and that they
ewe aU their alleged oppressions to
minor authorities nearer ' home.
It la. not believed that even Harrl
man or Stubbs, in. tbe face ef a rec
ord of net earning of t7. 600.000 for
the last eight months reported by the
Southern Pacific company. an Increase
of to per cent In net croflts would in
bitrarily put into effect an Increase ef
the San Francisco freight rata that ep-
vivpcisww Tnr raiiroaa company the
entire profit of tbe western Oreron mill
manufacturers and actually ruins their
uuuairjr, .
. An Astonishing Showing.
The earnings of tbe Southern Pacific
nave oeen me pnenomena of the rail
road world for the past year, and an
so interesting mat tne increases are
being i published broadcast Following
Is tha record of Increase for the last
eight months reported: : ,
February .......f S.0St,tt4
' ISt.tTt
December ... ...
November ......
October ........ '
September ......
Total ......Slt.St7.ISI t7.iJ77.71l
The net Increase, t0 per cent, alone
ta surncient to pay aa additional tH
per cent dividend on the entire com.
mon stock of the Southern Pacifie' com
pany. The gross Increase la II per
cent When the millmen recall the fact
that this common stock Is chiefly wa
ter meir ire is increased at tbe ad
vance, of tbe -.lumber freight rats te
Bn Francisco.
' fSpnelal Dispatch te Tbe JesraaL)
Enterprise. Or, April It The num.
ber ef Instruments filed for record In
the county clerk's office for Wallowa
county during the year Juat paat ex
ceeded the number filed the year pre
ceding by fully to per cent The work
J2?Tk'm inc9 u Performed by
i JLPtI!0,r"'.;na Instruments
are copied In the records with the type
writer. The records of WaUowa county
are in excellent condition. 7
, Struck hy m Streeter. f
Patrolman Carlson made the following
report- April t on a street car accident
In which a man named Frasier waa In
lured, The accident temped the news
papers 'at the time. The patrolman's
report follows:
7tn or APr'1. :V i
Mr. Frailer waa struck by R. S. car
No. It and Injured Internall. Tt-
attended by Dr. Buck but baa not been
noticed oy tne street car officials up
to tha present time and haa had verv
little attention. Expects he . will re
ceive attention now ae his case Is In the
hand tt Attorneys Banks find O'Viy."
Report of Stat Commission De
tails Its Operations and
Epitomizes History.
ni.i.niiii.M te The Jesraal.l
OlYmnia. Wash. April It. The first
annual report of the railroad commis
sion of ' Washington baa Just been de
livered by the etate printer. , It Is a
volume of 1(0 pages, covering the period
from June IS. l0t. the data on which
the commission was organised, to De
cember SI. l0i.
The first tt pages give the general
report of the governor and tell of the
organisation of the commission: the
visit of the commissioners to different
parte ef this stats and to other states
on offlolal business; tbe meetings of the
National association ', at peadwood.
South Dakota; In 1105, and at Washing
ton. District of Columbia, in Itot; dis
cuss the question of office records that
hava been prepared. Including tbe blank
forms for annual reports of railroads;
the division of freight revenues, show
ing percentage of different products ef
tbe ntate making up the total freight
carried: earnings of railroads; statis
tics regarding railway employee; prog
ress of railroad construction In Wash
ington; employment of experts to ascer
tain the cost ef railway construction ac
cording to the rules laid down by the
United States supreme court; Informal
complaints; petition for - reduction of
grain rates; Joint rate on ; eoal. mer
chandise and feed stuffs: the Joint
wheat rate order; Walla Walla dlstrib-j
tttlve rates; new distance tariff rates;
track connection and amendments sug
gested by the commission to the law ef
10. '..'..:: '-"v
The remainder of the volume Is di
vided into eight appendixes, whose eon
tents are. respectively, aa follows) The
constitutional provisions reiaung to rail
roads and tbe commission law oi iva;
opinions by attorney-generals relative
to laws affecting the commission; list
of Informal complaints filed with the
commission, with synopsis of the dis
position ef each: history of formal hear
ings held by the commission and copies
of orders Issued following; brief history
of early railway construction in Wash
ington, together with the mileage of
railroads, steam and electric, under con
struction and projected In this state;
history of the railroads In Washington,
with statistical tables giving' synopses
of financial and trafflo reports made to
the railroad commission; similar Infor
mation regarding express companies in
Waahlngton: financial statement of the
railroad commission, showing expendi
tures In the different departments.
Then follows an alphabetical list of
the railroad stations In Waahlngton,
showing distances from Seattle, Spo
kane, Tacoma and Portland. The last
division contains the commission law as
amended by the legislature of 107, and
also tha reciprocal demurrage act ef
the recent legislature. The volume con
tains a complete Index of about 20
pages. . .- . .' "
,'.; - u.t,. ,tA 1 "' ;', -'.v'
(Continued from Page Ona)
were married in Chehalla, Waahlngton,
In ISO. ....
Aftsr enduring gross drunkenness on
the pert of her spouse for seven years,
Mrs. Ruth Sheffield revolted when ber
husband. William Henry Sheffield, took
her to a disreputable house In Belllng
bam In the spring of 104. She tele
graphed for money to her brother and
ran away. She was allowed to resume
her maiden name of Ruth Dundah. The
couple were married In Portland In 18.
A quarrel over the husband's 1U treat
ment a step-daughter caused Frank
R. Grant to desert Ann V, Grant at
Redding. California. In July. ltOl, since
which time the wife has not heard from
him. The couple were married In Har
ney, Oregon, la October,, lift.
J. A. Williams was granted a oivorce
from Mlna Williams, Ellen Oarrlah waa
granted a divorce from William J. Gar-
rlsh and Susla A. McCroskey was
granted a divorce from Elaworth p. Mc
Croskey. Desertion formed the eause of
action In each case.
(ItoeeUl Dispatch te Tb Jeerul
Enterprise,- Of., April It. Engineer
Watson, who has charge of the work on
the Elgin-Joseph branch of the O. K.
V N-, has Just received, orders to 'double
his force and continue the work aa
rapidly aa possible. About April 1 Mr.
Watson waa ordered to take hi a force
to Wallowa and work on the roadbed be
tween that point and Elgin. It would
seem now that tbe railroad company
Intends to complete the line to Joseph
aa rapidly aa It can be built The
grading between Lostlne and Enter
prise Is about half completed and be
tween Enterprise and Joseph about twe
thirds of the grading has been fin
(Special Ptapateh te Tb Journal.)
Medford, Or.. April It. At Oold Hill,
this county, an electric plant of 1.000
horsepower will soon be completed.- It
will furnish light and power for man
of the towns of the valley. A ditch 110
miles long for floating logs and lumber.
but more particularly for irrigating
purposes. Is about finished. This ditch
will also furnisn plenty or water for
the adjacent 'mines and will aid con
siderably in the development of the
country. ,
. (Bpetlat Dispatch ts Tbe toemaLl
Colfax. Wash- April It. Ths Oar-
field Land company has sold the En
terprise Hardware A Implement stock.
worth ebout 111,000,10 js. xverlll
ef-Garfield and W. E. Southwood ef
Bpokana The new owners wui take
charge at once. Two thousand dollars
worth of binding twine haa already been
ordered by the new firm for, harvest
trade. ' - -
" ' (Joernal gpeelal aVrvlee.)
Washington, IX C -April It. William
J. Bryan will be the principal speaker
at the Lincoln memorial exercises, to
be held In the Columbia theatre tomor
row evening under the auspices Of the
Union Veteran legion. Mr. Bryan's ad
dress. It la understood, will be entirely
non-polltlcal, but he Is expected te make
one of the greatest oratorical efforts of I
(us carter. .
His Honor Kicks Contemptuous
Witness Off Stand and Is '
Arrested for It. .
(Rperlal DIapeteh ts fe JoarnalJ '
vGreat Kalla, Mont. April it. Justice
ef the Peace John Q. Dempsey Of Belt
Is under arrest for assault as the result
ef a walloping he gave a big burly
rancher, Joe. Buckingham, when the lat
ter was brought before Justice Dempsey
on the charge of Jabbing a pitchfork In
to a cow. - -1
Buckingham became Insolent In his
answers to the court and his honor, los
ing his tamper, punched Buckingham on
the Jaw. knocking him off tbe stand.
The court than kicked the fellow from
the room and. bad him locked up for
contempt A few hours after Bucking-
barn had been Incarcerated the judge s
heart- softened and he gave him" bis
liberty, whereupon Buckingham imme
diately bad Justice Dempsey socked up
on the assault charge.
(Special Plapetek ts The JesraaLI
Hood River. Ore.. April It. lira, Har
riet N. Stevens, whose death occurred at
Lone Rock, Oregon, waa born at Zanee
vllle, Ohio, October tO. 1811. While she
waa still a child ber people moved to
Illinois.' She was married to Oslaa C
Bt Brans at Wethersfleld. Henry eounty.
Illinois. May t. 14. After some years
of residence In Illinois, where two Bona
and one daughter were born, they moved
to Texas, . where , they spent ' several
years and where another daughter was
born. They then went, to Louisiana.
where another son waa bora, and from
there emigrated to Oregon, via New
Orleans. New Tork. the Isthmus, Ban
Francisco, and Portland, finally landing
at The Dalles la March. 11(7. In lt
Mr. Stevens received appointment, un
der Captain. Mitchell, at the i Warm
Springs Indian reservation, and spent
almost two years there They moved
to Lone Rock In lt'l. being among tbe
first settlers In the valley. They re
sided there till 1 17 1. when they retired
on account of falling health and re
moved to Tbe Dalles, where they lived
till Mr. Stevens' death In l.DJ. Mr.
Stevens had lived with her two-oldest
sons since her widowhood. She died at
the residence ef tbe oldest son, Charles
B. Stevens, at Lone Hook, March to,
aged 78 years and t montha. She leaves
a sister, Mrs. A. H. Curtis ef Grand
Dalles, Waahlngton: a brother, Horace
N. Gould of The Dallea; three sons.
Charles B. of Lone doc: Frank B. ef
Condon, and Alonso C of Hood River,
and alx grandsons and 'lve -granddaughters.
She was a devoted Christian
and a member of the Baptist church for
nearly 40 years. Her remains were laid
away 'beside those of her husband In
Sunset cemetery at The Dallea on April
I, when a large mnoourse of frlenla
and relatlvej iwld their last aad tribute
to her msrajryi , ,
. . ' ., 111
(Jeoraal Speetal Ituki.) " .'
Washington. -April It. Commissioner
Bellinger of the general land office baa
announced that Da intends to Issue pat
ents to all valid publio land entries In
, Oregon.
He will, pass to patent every
entry which appears to have been made
In good faith. Many claims nave been
held up en suspicion, growing out of the
extensive frauds in publio lands which
have doveloped In Oregon. .. He believes
that Oregon has Buffered unjustly in
past years. It Is expected that most of
the patents will be issued during; the
coming summer.
(loaraal Special Bei tie.
New Tork. April II. John F. Stevens,
former chief engineer of the Panama
canal, arrived this, morning from Pan
ama. He will go' to Washington and
report, and then attend to private bust
nesa He thinks he will take a trip to
Europe, for rest. He would add noth
ing to what haa already been, made
publio about bis retirement
eSBBwaawaBBaBBsSBsasasB f
(Speetal Dispatch te The foeraaL) '
Medford. Or April 13. A recent dis
covery n the mountains about 20 miles
northeast of Medford blda fair to de
velop Into a fabulously rich mine. The
discovery waa made by aiv old miner
Believed by Simple tThaags of food.
A very common eause of dlsslnees Is
ths poisonous msterlal that results from
imperfect digestion. - 1
When the stomach Is unable to 'digest
the food because of Us being eaten too
fast or because It le of the Indigestible
sort part of It Ilea In the stomach and
ferments, producing gas and bacteria,
These bacteria (micro bee) then manu
facture more or less poison which Is
absorbed Into the blood elong with what
little food Is already digested, end the
result le a bad headache. Irritability,
dullness of Intellect and lack of energy.
Don't get Into tbe hsbtt of taking
medicine for euch a condition, or If
you've formed the habit, quit It
Look to your food as a. New Tork
man did. He says:
"For six years I suffered with aeute
attacks of Indigestion and dyspepsia,
which usually affected me directly after
eating or within an hour. I would be
come dlsxy with a sensation of being
sbont to faint - .
"These attacks usually lasted two or
three minutes, sometimes accompanied
with vomlUng. (The effects of poison
produeed by undigested food and bac
teria.) Between these acute stacks I
suffers J much pain from Indigestion
and bloating. -
at"! tried about every known remedy I
for my troublee but got only temporary
relief. Then I tried Orape-Nuts. This
food certainly commends Itself to a
delloate appetite with a gentle per
suasiveness that ta peculiar to Itself.
- "Orape-Nuts food agreed with me
from the first I em now entirely eared
and I most heartily secommend tt to all
who suffer from stomach trouble.
, "The nutritive value of Orape-Nuts le
hown by the fact that as an electrical
meohlnlst I eat nothing but Orape-Nuts
end a piece of toast for breakfast thsn
keep on my feet all day without exces
sive fatigue. ,
"I consider this food haa more bard
work in It; more strength-giving Qual
ity; more satisfaction to the eater, end
more every day health than any ether
cereal food mde today." Name given
by Poatum Co., Battle Creek. Mich.
Read thr little bonk. "The Road te WelU
1VU1V in psgs. "Caere's g Meason.- r
a ...,(. v
Is Caused by Gems
When tbe germs of Catarrh.' or other
grerms, attack the stomach lining, too
little gaetrlo Juice will flow,;. Tbe re
sult Is Indigestion. And the trouble
never can end until the germs are. de
stroyed, j Drugs which' . merely create
artificial digestion have but a brief ef
fect, : ;, . ' ..! -vi-..m - ' - :
Llquosone Is now used for Dyspepsia,
almost the world over, .because It kills
germs. It Is not like Other germicides,
which are poisons when taken Inter
nally but a harmless germicide . whloh
sou as a tonic. It id derived ' solely
from gas. -Yet all disease - germs
perish at Its touch, because They are of
vegetable origin. " ,
Millions of people know from experi
ence the power of .Llquosone. It does
for stomach troubles what nothing else
may do.- Its effects are so certain and
so immediate that we paid $100,000 for
the right to this invention. V
: 50c Bottle lec v
We ask yen to try this product at our
expense, ' Don't treat Dyspepsia . In
trifling. Ineffective ways. Simply send
us this ad with your name and address.
We will then mad you aa order on your
local druggist for a BOo bottle, and will
pay the druggist ourselves for It In
Justice to yourself, learn what Llquo
sone means, to you. for you incur no
obligation whatever. - Address - The
Llquosone Company, Dep't 147, Chicago.
who haa lived here a great portion ef
his Ufa . At present no one knows the
location of the claim but himself, and
he guards hla secret very Jealously. He
leaves home and is gone two or three
weeks at a time, oatenslbly developing
his property on a small scale. Some
sample assayed at Grants Pass showed
free milling ore running $200 to t400
to the ton. No one can get any- Infor
mation from him aa to where the claim
Is located but he says that In the near
future, when he Investigate further
and proves up oa hla claim, he will or
ganise a stock company for its develop
ment . -:'..".-
' '(Special Ma patch te Tbe JearaaLtr
Palouse, Wash-. April It. A man ft
years old who arrived here from wo
east Tuesday walked oft the sllewalk
Into the-. Palouse river and . narrowly
escaped drowning. The night waa dark
and the river bank full and It waa with
great effort that he managed to keep
from going down .stream with , the
current '
: ' It is a good country to
live-in; such coffee as one
can get; Do you get it?
-" Tear grocer ra hires year sMaer M yes deal
Bke ScaUUag's Best ' -' ' . tf-i
1. ifTsswTrrT A'i'f wJTl
1 mm . 1 ': i " 1 .
- ' LVi.; h..j -w f .
1 1. I y y W
Cut showing ths Rtliabls Oss .
II - Water Hester connected in
H ," '-. ths proper, -way. . , .-. v, . ,.-;
' Oa Sale From 5:30 P. r.L to 9 P. F.L
V s '
- Ktzzlsr
Value $1.25
8-QL Xca Kettle
6-Qt. Berlin Kellle
(Special rHapateh to The tearasl.t) ;
Olympla, Wash, AprU It. At the
banquet given by the members of the
Washington state railroad commission
to the visiting railroad commissioners
from Oregon and Montana a resolution
waa adopted providing for an organisa
tion by the commissions of the three
etatea The resolution was offered, by
Commissioner Altchlsoa of the Oregon
commission, and received - tbe unani
mous support of an the commissioner
present The discussion developed ' the
fact that tha ooramlsslons can accom
plish mn?n rf mutual benefit by har
mony of action. The same blank reo
orde and forms will be used by all three
commissions, and where lasuas are In
volved -they will be attended, by. mem
Rector J
I f ' - '
v -
Complete the gas
equipment oi your
By having 'a circulating
gas watc rhcater i n
stalledin connection with
yoUr gas
. ea
aouDiy assure
the ' success : of
fuel; purposes.
-Fiirn Mid YAr.nmi streets
Royal Enamel Ware
Vslae 70c
Royal Enamel Ware
bers of all three. ' Whenever confer-
eneee are held at Portland with rail-1
road officials by either the Oregon on
the Washington commission they will
be attended by members of the Other;
commissions, , ' :.,
There waa no Jury trial at the lat
term of. the .circuit court In Harnerj
eounty, and Jurora served only one day.l
: HOOD JVV9WOn . i
le the essential characteristlo ef men
and women. Invaluable to good busi
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