1 THE OREGON r DAILY JOURNAL, 7 PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. APRIL 13, 1907 ' ''. ' ' ' '.' 'v-".'..;' '.'-, ' ' ,'"''.;' v-w' ' ; : " : "," ' .." ' V -i .. .',!".; .. v ''.., 1 '? ''". ;. v ' . : " v: : 1 , 1.1 f HOU) ON A MINUTE? ' . WH D VK AND( ' ' M rlW (0HNQKOM13 . , I .:; A , - . - J wait tiu r ost my LJU r' - SI, ,y ysgSstJf 1.,.; -ass&v:- 'w 'vs Vl'-'LJ! 1 1 (: BARK. AK MAKE I c Cj" '1 V ! VvYv Afll, . v toooe, we going I 'Lfzz: ,i?l'''Msx-L: - . . r , . ' ' Aundak. th Crow, soon racowd from the touch treatment th Wild Crowt had given him, and, except for a bruited ' ere, wis toon up and around agmin about the ium u ucuaL The weather wat now so mild that the children no longer wore their mittens nor mufHera, and the snow had all disappeared. But the ground wai still very wet in the woods, and Nokomia .. would not let the children go out to play until it became drier. Growling Bird and Yellow Hair wondered how they could . .... amuse themselves in the meantime, and it waa the little girl who first had an idea.. She said to Little Growling Bird: ."Let's make a summer Playhouse and keep store; we can sell things Just like the Paleface People do in the Settlements T Growling . Bird thouvht it was a good idea, so he grabbed hold of Bit Bear, and Cried: "Come on and help us build playhousef : .1 I WW GOT - - V I .1 1 r2 ''fei t - -,N:J4 mo; mo? why Jj -.. ' ' 4f; 1 'J F . Yellow Hair coaxed Nokomia to coma along, too, and help them; so they all went to the big rock, behind the Wigwam,' , ' ? ; . and set to work. . Nokomia chopped down a lot of small trees to make polee for the framework of the house, and trimmed off .' : ' spruce branchea to cover ft with. - Big Bear because he was the biggest and strongest planted the poles in the ground and -; 1, v laid others across the top to support the root . Growling Bird stripped the bark from a fallen birch tree and brought it to r. . Big Bear, who placed it on the roof and around the side to keep out the wind and rain. Yellow Hair carried bundles of spruce ':, . i branches, and even Little Bear toddled around pretending to work. But Aundak said he had a "black eye," and, of course, ' vv , couldn't think of working ut, for that matter, he was so black all over you couldn't tell whether his eye was black or not! . ' ' I Iwtu HAVE A FINE SlObK of cooos trt. VTOREI P002.HOO. OZHAM-WUNOO, THE bUJEBlRW IS ftECWUN.TMl SOON T i .- ',: v .X rf , . ,.1',.,,. 1 ..;.t. .-. -.. yry I TWINK rU HIDE 4f P MtKE-iTM 1 A r 71 hepe; SOME nice: cohnmeal rt) fRETTV JsoNaBtuseiKO! .. 'J . 1 1 ' 1 v. . . t J 1 i 1 THAT' A PflETTV . t C V 1 rut a t-rn'ck iimct'L' I USED TO BE A FINE I PEFOPvE t. CAUGHT i ,Aark flflr ca cf you BUY IM OUR AUNDAK? t BSk.' '' After a while the little Play-Store was finished and a ? counter made of smooth poles built across the open front Then ( Big Bear and Nokomia went back to the Wigwam to smoke t Opwah-gun, the Peace Pipe, and rest. While Growling Bird was rattinc the finishing touches on the walls of birch bark, Aundak spoke n and said: "Hoi Hoi. You " to SELL in your fine store r 1 haven't anything f , ?W l - -r TVS- 0A aw T Money? PvTr f ' - - x - t want two fouNDft. j r- jmru $ m-i - ' !' !'- HONEY OH If YOU . . . VE'SC-Y2 l-XM'HjU :-r ',: ; v.-tv-'.eJw,r:". Have NONk.nl take Lf . il Fkl 'XKt I 'y' ; -,, ,7; N ALL-THE MAPlE-SUSARf j i yCV' . T" , , 1 FOR ANTTIMCj ; ! '" L- ' But Yellow Hair knew that the Birch-Bark Trunk waa full of presents and toys that Nanna-booxho, the Indian Santa Claus, had given them at Christmas time, and, besides, there was plenty maple-sugar and other nice things to eat -that they could borrow from Nokomia, so she was not worried. Then they went to the Wigwam and loaded up with all -sorts of things to stock their little store. Little Bear took' a bundle en bis head, and even Aundak carried a small package : in his beak. When they returned to the store they saw that a pretty little bird waa perched on one of the poles of theT counter. It was Ozhah-wunoo, the Bluebird, the friend f ftegwun, the Spring Spirit. .. They were very glad to see him, because, whenever Bluebird comes singing around, you m ay be sure that the springtime has come at last. '.. - " ; v The children put all the things in the Play-Store and ,.' i then, after greeting Bluebird, asked him to "aing something V ' ; ; .The little bird was quite willing and sang for them his "Spring f Song so prettily that Growling Bird gave him a handful of ' ' nice cornmeal to pay him for his music . Aundak cocked his' head and listened to the song and. remarked that HE had beer i ' , - a fine singer himself before he became so hoarse. Well -'," WlOOF!UTJUdAR. art mm m. .-r ' ft BRING-BACK THAT MAPLEvUuAR'r LITTLE BEAR". n&Z v xKHi-YM'.w-rmi I SU rLf in Me. sot no INJW1 MOHIYi ME GOT CnZDiTl iA 1... - i' 1 tr" "1 ji1 1 - They all thought that it was now about time for business to begin, so Aundak flew up on the counter and asked for some sweet com: "And I want it boiled SOFT," said he, because I'm supposed to be anjnvalld just now!" Little Bear asked for what IIS liked best which was HONEY! But. as there wst none in stock, he said MAPLE-SUGAR would do- : provided there was PLIiNTY OF IT! Of course, no one can keep even a Play-Store very long if he CIVES AWAY all his ; ' : Itoods. so the Children asked them to show their money. When Little B'? and Aundak said they "hadn't sny.? it wss ex- plained to them that if they had no Shooiv-e-ysh, or Silver Money, they should get Me-gis, Indian Money, or Wampum. But if they hadn't ANY KINO of money at all, then they must bring in things that they could trade for goods. -1 ' : I WOH'TJPEAK'i .,iTn urn ANVMnoFM ... ,,.,J.tJ'-l '!"" c CAW CAW.' O t i ' I THE BUTTONS JHto! j I ; 1 ll v Whiltt thtl ChiMren wArst surnlainiflV thi. T.iftlat Retar anrl AunlnW kjm taeAmi liie Uat.A nJ -..4 j t. It w" - f p nVMiuii( 'vee vweuiwvt sjtlSii sHlUUCniVs UlCY - up nviu mi counicr m uiinjcs vnvy iwu asicu jot, ma iKeaaaaiea si last at iney couia RCl away! They ffiffrled at - I . . ,U ,.111 k..l O.L.... ... .L. ...J. .1 1- .Ml C . t m , .... .- .. ... . i i iiv7 viu uv w kiwxf ui u kwjuio men wcguni uu aimruxi now ims wasn i mo ngnt way to play at storeiceep i f . tng t all. and it vexed the children very much indeed. But never mind! You will see what hardened to the little black j . next week, and how they were punished for stealing!, But nyway,; the Crit song-bird to come around your home in the ' - ? i . pnn w i preixy oiueoira. ana u you put put a icwrumoi tor mm, ana ao not Inghtenhim, he willsing you a song in pay. j . f1?' V?. ,.'IA"J!!hjf PfP1 "y of anythjn they (tet vary chanply. that thay V6t it for amcr aonr ' A. T. C ; ' . ) ... v