.THE .OREGON DAILY JOURNALS PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENINO. APRIL' 11. 1D07. Few More Days 01 And these few days will be the Mggest bargain days in our bargain-giving history, don't miss one of them every article reduced Skirt V t - Sale mm f a;.:w',v(,p,c;,.fe FRIDAY and SATURDAY JE,Xtra Special ... R . $5.00 and $7.50 Friday and Saturday . come and take ' ' r '' -;i iC your choice of any Suit in the house : , Qtll fr W rti$G marked at $22.50. - J v llllV X C lUCUdld and under., r . . ; , STT75 In black and all colors. FRIDAY : M A ,'. for,... v-.... , AND SATURDAY ; , ;';; JpjJJ ilk itUi - ' Sateen Petticoats Vl " -Hf ' r v Y: Regular $1.50 values. FRIDAY AND SAT- J Q - ' SinRT WAIST SUITS AND DEMI- URDAY. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . .. . ;. . .. ...... U 5 V V ? ! COSTUMES; values up - to $60.00. . spARDAvD $27.50' Friday and Saturday A . &lvB. args:in::Maiinery:'' i ' . tI 31 ' i it is our aim to dispose of as many Hats as possible before . . - , ' V ClAiJ. v moving into our new store. Friday and - Saturday we -will v ' w- " -gTs ' '1 : offer the following big values: --- .v ,v v. ,i JLXtra Special p1?? rbans- ti 4 9 1 i V WAIST values up to $2.00 FRIDAY LADIES' AND MISSES' TRIMMED. ' 3jO O C AND HATS, values to $6.00 fP-'' J :1U: SATURDAY" : . ; 89C LADIES' HIGH GRADE TAILORED U .' : A r """7'' ' V . v V " and TRIMMED HATS, values to $10.00.V7. .JJ)4" j ExXtra Special Select your SKIRT from the largest stock of skirts on the coast. ; Extra .and little-woman sizes a specialty. VOILE,: PANAMA AND FANCY MIXTURE SKIRTS; values up to $17.50. FRIDAY , 1; - -and, : t (5 SATURDAY: ..... MVI A LOT OF SKIRTS, ODDS AND ENDS; values up to $10.00. FRI- DAY AND ' ! SATURDAY 11 fc V for..V;v..;:..... Long and Short Goat Extra Special About 200 Long and Short Spring Coats values up to $12.50. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY for.. ...... Regular . $15.00, $17.50 and $20.00 Long and Short ; Coats. - FRIDAY AND SATURDAY for....-.:....... $3.95 ..$9.75 131 Fiftli Sfreet O )x Between Alder and Washington SEVERAL LARGE STEAMERS DUE Com Her to Load Lumber and Breadstuff! for the -. , V Orient. ' BRITISH SHIP CLAVERDON TO BRING CARGO OF COAL Well-Kaowm Sqoju-eRlggr Chart red bjr Andrew Weir tt Co. to f Bring Pnel From Antrlla Ra V '! Steamer Selenga Leads Fleet. . Several larte ititiniri are due to ar rive here next week to load breadstuff 'and lumber. Ftret to arrlva will prob ably be the Russian steamer Belenga, ibicova chartered a few dart so by ' Prank Waterhouse Ca to load for , North -China and Siberia. She U e- ' peeted to leave San Kranclsco la time 'to arrive here by April 1. ' ' Th British steamer Iriah Monarch la due to arrive here April 1 to toad ' a full ear(o of lumber tor China, and on the followlnc day the German steam- . r Araconla of the Portland Aalatle : .Steampablp company will be here. from the orient to discharge and load a re turn earao consisting- prlnelpsUy of flour. About the same time the Nor j w.lan steamer Slldra and tha British ' .ternr Klrklee - will come here from . B.a Franelneo to . load wheat for the . , tvrlent, - both of them havlnc recently ', been chartered for that business, the - . former by Kerr, Olffors Co. and the r letter by Balfour, Guthrie A Co. ' . ' The British ablp Claverdan waa char. ,'tered to brlnf a cargo of coal to Port . land from Newcastle. Australia, by Andrew Weir Co. She la well known -.'here and was In Tacoma about a year a o, when she sailed for Chile with a carao of, lumber. Several vessels have r been encaged .of. lata to bring oargoea from Europe and Australia and neirotla- V I . . , L . LI SOZODONT TOOTH POWDER is of benefit as a deodorizer, r . ': , ..... r.ntisrptic . cleansing agent r 1 preservative. Ask your tlons are about to be closed for mora shortly.-: Tha unprecedented demand for building material on this coast Is press ing a large fleet of sailing .vessels on the routo to Portland and exportera are looking for reasonable frelghta for the wheat tonnage for next season. READY TO START NORTH Steamer Northwest Will Chora the Ocean for First Time. ' ;r ' Every effort will be made today to get a tug to take tha river steamer North west In tow across tha bar and up tha coast to . Skeena river. In British Co lumbia, where ' the stern-wheeler will ply henceforth as a tender for the Great Trunk railroad, -r At Brat It was in tended te send the boat north by her self, but Anally the risk waa considered too great and a tug will assist bar. ' So far na tug baa been available. . . Captain A. Crowe of this city re turned this morning from Astoria, where be baa spent a couple of days superin tending the work of ntrengthsnlng the boat so aa to enable her to ride oat a light blow at least . The bow haa been boarded up and everything made f aat so that even an ordinarily rough sea will not trouble her mueh. . Several river boats have been taken from this port to the sound and vloe versa, and many of them have made the run unassisted or unattended by tug The steainerCpttl City, new operating between Portland and The Dalles, made tha run from Seattle to Portland without any mishap whatever. OLD BARK ARRIVES V Alden Bess Corned to Load Lumber for California. ; ; v ' The old bark Alden Besse' arrived at Astoria last - night under charter to come to Portland to load lumber at the salilfc ef tha Portland lAimber company for San rranclsco. .She will be towed up the river as aeon' as a towboat be comes avallabia -r"' 7-t--t; . The Alden Besse Is ona of tha oldtft windjammers on tha Paclflo coast and for many years ran between this port and Hongkong. For a long time she carried passengers, when hundreds of Chinese were huddled together between deeka. Tha schooner Become and tha bark- entlne Cheballs crosaed - In at Astoria shortly after tha Alden Besse, and at t p. m. tha schooner Manila eroeaed la. The Chahalia left up In the evening to load at one of the Columbia river mills, ANOTHER TELLUS COMING Norwegian Steamer Ban Same Nam - aa German Bark. ! There are two vessels named Teliae en the enroate list for Portland, one being the Oermaa bark , Tellua from Shields and tha other the Norewslan ateamer Tellus from Nan 1 mo, British Columbia. The barn Brings general cargo conskrned to Meyer. Wilson A Co., but tha steamer la supposed to come In ballast under charter to load lumber tor tha orient. - The ateamer Tellua has been engaged aa a collier between Nanalmo and San Pranelaoo for soma time and It la pos alble that being under charter to 3. J. Moors di Co. she may be diverted tem porarily to the . lumber trade. The Te-jus is a comparatively small ateamer, her lumber capacity being -about t.000, oea"feet. . ' -. The German brk Tellua la now out lit days from Rhlelda and fully due at this port. She baa been taken fori lumber for Sidney or Freemantle,. Aus tralia. . . . ..... LIGHT CARRIED AWAY c Freshet "Doe Damage to Aid to ' , ' v. Navigation. ; t ,.-yv; The creet of the freshst passed Port land at o'clock laat night at a etage of H. feet and today the river la fall ing slowly. It will recede rapidly to morrow and Saturday. The audden riae caused little damage hero and covered only- the lower Aah street dock to a dentil of a few laches. This dock will be above water by tha and of the week and men were put to work tbla after noon to deer oft the allt deposited on the aDoroaeh to the lower dock. The llghthouee Inspector haa'. been notified that the freahat carried away the 8wan Island upper end three-pile beacon llcbt. Tbla beacon waa rebuilt only a few daya ago. tha old ona having been - carried away by tha former freahet The light will be reestablished aa soon aa possible. ALONG THE WATRFRONT The steamer Alliance, Captain Kelly, arrived at Astoria this morning and will be at the Couch street dock late this evening from Coos bay. She left u at It o'clock noon. The steamer P. A. Kllbum arrived from San Franciaea via Eureka and Ceoa bay Uat night three. daya behind her scheaule. She lost two days 'at Eu reka and ons day at Coos bay, . ' She satis tomorrow night The French bark Bayonne shifts to Montgomery dock Ne. i this afternoon and the French bark Leon XIII shlfta to Columbia dock Na t to finish her cargo of wheat. F. P. Baumgartner went to Stella thla morning ta arrange for a cargo of rail' road tlea to be ahtpped to California la the near future. - The lighthouse tenders Columbine and Armaria araapn Puget sound at present. The uVlumblne will proceed to Alaska while the'Hkrmerla will return 'to As toria to go north later la the season. Tha tender Heather Is along tha south ern Oregon coast supplying light eta- tiona, - t MARINE NOTES - Aetoria, April 1L Arrived down at t and nailed at 1:80 a. m-, ateamer Coata Rica, for San Francisco. Sailed at :1 a. a, Ruaalaa bark Fennla, for Port Townaend. Arrived at :! a. m. and left up at II noon, ateamer Alliance, from Coos bay. Sailed at 10:10 a. re., French bark Emilia Galllne, for United Kingdom ror oraera San Francisco, April 11 Sailed at 11:10 a. m ateamer . Columbia, for Portland. ...... Astoria. April 10. Arrived at 1:11 end left up at p. m., barkeatlna Cheballs, from Baa Franelsoo. Arrived at t:4l p. m bark Alden Basse, from Saa Fran. ciaoo. arnvea down at a p. m., achooa sr Manila. . San Franciaoo, April lv Sailed at B:10 p. m., ateamer Caacon, for Colum bia river. Aat orla, ' April 11. Condition of tha bar at a. m., smooth; wind eaat; wiatber cloudy. , BUILDING NEW DOCKS ON NEWPORT WATERFRONT (Special Wapiti te The Journal.) Newport. Or- April 11. The Fir and Spruce Lumber company, owned by Foard A Slokna ef Astoria entered Into an arifement with the ctty council of the 6it hawi?ort to puU4 a dock t eoat Turn Your Eyes Upon Our Optical Dept. KEVTTPRICLEN3 Perfect Glasses, courteous 'treatment, aklllful. acientlflo adjuatment . and - fair pnoes. - Agents for tha woaderfnl Torto Lenses, Don't forget our Flower Seedsthey grow OXTU aTWSST PSAS are tlea, new and beautiful. -tall and dwarf. named varle- Naaturtlums, Spray Your Roses .Today.' WOODLAXK On and fruit spray will destroy every leaf-eating in aeot and never inurea I ha moat delicate foliage or t flower. BOTTxa ate VICTOR t Talking Machines : ''.": v ARE NOT Squawking Machines Every ona la a delight to tha ear and era' Come to our Gift Room and llaten for an ' hour at your pleasure to tha new April Records all tba great alngera are bare. Their aweet melodlea are youra at all tlmee and forever with one of theee won derful instruments. "mi aaeTt voter - BAST KOITUT PATMZJTTS. PYR0 GRAPHIC OUTFITS r i; ; ' . P0RTIAMD, ORE. J ' " ' ' ' "' -' '' ' V.'. Yesterday we Received from Discriminat- ing Boston r: v "A large order for that most delightful ra ' -aulalta for tha bath and toilet, - - ' - . -' - - '. . 'V. f'. V U-RR-DRS BATH OF BENZOIN And not from Boston alone, but every city : and section of this country, eon steady and. increasing demands for thla axqulatta adjunct to tha health and pleasure of the bath. TT-AJt-DAS Bath of Banaoln 1 a delicate though richly perfumed efferves cent tablet; on' dissolved lath bath lands to It a Softness and' fragrance) truly de-, llghtfuL An aid to dslloau and pleasing eomplsalon, .- -i . The largest shipment of Pyrographio Outfits and Btamned wood brought t this city. Kvery desirable or use ful article In wood we bar. . art sums Every shade, color and alia - Aur artist will make any aesign wood. ieslgn desired. - Free hand work on either leather - or v: special ;,,(. We ere cloalng out our regular 11-00 leather. Table Covers ; Do You Know That for $3 srfeot little Camera.' "l on tht will aiva dava nf nurt dnllsht. Wi alwava show eur patrons, old -or young. The largest dealers In Ton csn pnrehase ror your child a per e amii Photo Supplies on tha Paclflo Slope.' I ox oovr Aurora arm tuum 50 Cents Bp Maa e any1 Aadreaa, Postpaid. ' mmmM 'LUXURY A Seveloplag, prlatliig, Bnlargtag, - A UQVXD . PAOB POfTD , im wiri om puss.., - . . ...... . -. ' 1 . Creates and preserves a beautiful akin and complexion; absolutely harmlees. It adda beauty to a feautlful faca - . LADY PATRONS. of dur toilet, manlour and perfume de partment will alwaya And at our counters eourteoua, competent and experienced ealeawomen, who will sdvtse and aaalat In tha selection of harmleaa and proper aide' to beauty. Every article we offer carries , , our guarantee, and may be Implicitly de- ' pended upon by our patrons. When you are la a hurry sail Sxobauge 1110 trunk lines, SO extsa aloaa. Ovsr 100 salesmea ready to attend te year orders. ' We want monthly eoeeuaea wtth respeaatble folk. . On deUvery aysteaa la goea, and we are alwaya trytag to Unprev It. W take Oaaadian mosey at fall valoe. . - woommittkmiMMommM-, 17,000. to be completed tha first tt June, and aleo to operate two ateamere per month, the elty of Newport to Iras tha said waterfront for the term Of if yeara. , , , .; Thla company haa five-mites of log ging road under construction from Ta- qulrm bar Into the timber. They ex pect to ahLo about 700.00 fet of lum ber per month to Ban Francisco, begin nlng the lath of June. Th University of Washington recent ly purchased two elght-oared ahella which were used by Cornell In peat aea ona, the ur.lveralty la juat atartlng In with elght-oared rowing-, foura and stxea belnc tha better-known boats : : 1 . there. ' .- v- ' Washington, it haa been suggeeted. haa an ay on th Hudaon reoea, but that la hardly likely. Ifa a long way from -Seattle to Poughkeepaie. and, be alias, the trip eoata more money than a email university 1 Jtkety to be able to epend. Washington haa been trying te axranaa for a raoa with Wisconsin but for tha time being that has fallen through. Out t, Washington thay expect to have a race with Wleconaln or aome other esstern crew Wisconsin I eaat from Seattle next year If It Is posatbls to arrange It. becau-e they f, that they ar coming on fast In rowing and that thar la a future tot thaa. .