t -I- THE OREGON DAILY -JOURNAL", PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. APRIL II. 1907.. I. . 1 i J , ... .I'll . '.. . . - 11 I Our Greatest Sale of Women's Sample Hosiery 65c to $1.35 HOSIERY at 29c mm 3, t Thia wonderful Friday bargain Bale will be the greatest sale of hosiery ever conducted in Portland by this or any other store, offering the greatest as sortment, the most beautiful novelties and the greatest values ever given. No details can be given here, but there ; are hundreds of styles, including white lisle with white silk embroidered - in- steps, gauze lisle with self-embroidered figures, white lisle with silk embroid- ered floral designs worked by hand In two colors, lisle opera lengths in all colors, fine black hosiery with silk em broidered v figures in assorted colors. " fine plain black gauze lisle, white lisle with embroidered ' and lade boots, fine Imported lislea with lace boots -..;.:.'. and fancy embroidered insteps, and a hundred other styles and colors. All fine imported hosiery, pure Hermsdori dye, regular values to $1.35 and even higher. On sale Friday only at .................. . .'. . . . . . Extra salespeople to wait on -you. - Extra wrappers to save your time. No jhone order, no mail orders, none sent C O, D., at this extraordinary low price. , Come at early as youjcan. 2m Music Hits A Ar Friday Sale at-LV Say Fay, May 1? " ; Red Domino ; ; " Lord and Ladies ' . ; I Like Your Way v' My Mississippi Missus Missed Me - . I'm Up in the Air About Mary Won't Your Mamma Let You Come Out and Play?. Lonesome Little Maid ' I'll Keep a Warm Spot in My X-Hcart "for You , ;..,, Bewitching Beauty Caprice Boxed Stationery 50c Value 28c 50c "box of Novelty Linen Fabric Paper, hemstitched edge and en velopes to,, match, ,pe"'28C 75c box Linen Fabric Paper, con tains two ies of paper and en velopes to match; tremen- JJ dout value at, only, ..v.... -.OD $2 Long Suede Gloves $ 1 Q $1.25 Short Kid Gloves Qr Special for Friday sale, BOO pairs of Ladies' S-but . ton length Suede Kid Gloves, in sizes from 6yj to 7, in white, black, tan, brown, mode and slate" Regular $2X0 values, for Ex-SL29 , 700 pairs Ladies' 2-clasp Kid Gloves, sizes 54 to 8, in black, white, tan, mode, brown, slate and reds; $1.25 value, and an extraordinary special val ue, in this sale m at only,; VC Wc Tit Lvery Pair of Gloves Sold in This Sale. - : Extra Salespeople to Wait on You. 75 0 C. B. a la Spirite Corsets 79 c Each V i Tour Distinct Styles ; For Friday we - offer the greatest bargain of the season 750 new and absolutely up-to-date C. B. a la Spirite '. Corsets, In four distinct models. They Include sixes 18 to 80, made of white batiste and sum ' mer net, trimmed with lace beading and ribbon. V Styles are (1) high bust,' princess or - dip hip, (2) low bust, princess or dip hip,' (3) me dium bust,"shoiirlirpr(f) high ljustT shprt hip.- Without regard for their real values they go Friday at only, paif.-.W. .,.... r, y C Friday Sale Spring Remedies a n s 4toa ma w t 49c 49c x.owsrr ysacss tou stssb razs II CeUry and Kola Narva Tonic, peial... i.'. II Compound Rad Cloror Syrup for tha Blood, apaeiai i Lsmpouna uxiraci or Baraaparuia, apeclaj.. Il Iron Tonic Bittern, special, ,..,...;.. II Peruvian Tonlo Bitten.......... .. 11 Stone Root Kidney and IJver EUxIr. special....... On Sale Tomorrow Friday r- Not Today Our AboI Sale of Waists Friday Bargain Day we begin our great annual exposition and "sale of new Spring and Sum mer Waists, offering thousands of new, fresh and dainty Waists in ,a hundred styles Besides showing every new and important novelty, we offer the greatest bargains of the seasonDifferent from other sales You can practically select the Waist you want and pay only our April sale price St Will MVO of C- aod u dement bay ImM or 4 of tneee eatiful , ew nirtwaista. An are perfect ly made and of Bpleadid mate riaia tie very lateat eoneeita as (feeva a ere. If gmy ON SAL1L FRIDAY yTC H4: $3.27 Tse beat veJnea ha dalntleat . style we have ever fceem able to offer aj soon medevate ' prioeav . Reg. $f.50 Waists, $1.15 Re $100 Waists, $1.58 Rcj$2.50 Waists, $1.98 5 Will Reg$5.WMSts$3.27C,i 500 New Lingerie Waists of fine mull and batiste, made with fancy, yokes of Valenciennes lace- and embroidered medallions, wth fine pin tucking and lace collar. The back is made with rows of lace y insertions and clusters of fine pin tucking. . New el . YiTwa .Inlaid witri ' 1ar .;insrtinn : anrl tiirlrs Regular price $5.00. Extraordinary val ue in this April sale Mail orders filled if received at once. None on approval at this low sale price, i Th sew 107 style tktt. quarter sleeves, and tha aovel ptlif sad inUK 190T pattens. Reg.$3:0QWaists,$2.35 Reg. $1.75 Waists, $1.39 Reg. $2.25 Waists, $1.78 Reg-$2.75 Waists, $2.15 Rett$3.50Waists,$2,73 Reg.$3.75Waists,$2.95 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 Hat Pins at 28c I Most Beautiful Pins and Greatest Values tver Given in a Sale Direct from a leading European Importer, comes this great lot of the swellest and most stylish Hat Pins, In this summer's 'styles, but closed out to us at one low price. , Rose gold and crystal tops. In fact all kinds of beautiful rhinestone and rose gold combina tions. : Only a few hundred pins in the lot, so come early and get the choicest and most beautiful designs. Most of the val ues - range . from 75c to $155. All at the one , low price of . , i 28c 1 1 1 1 28 c Checked HandkfcMcfs 12Mc Each 1000 dozen Ladles'. Checked Linen Handkechiefs, with neat hand-embrold- y tn ered initials, all letters, while they last 70 f a half dozen, each. . XaWC 1000 dozen Ladies' Checked Linen Handkerroidered Initial ' Handkerchiefs, - - y inch hemstitched, value 10c, for 70 dozen, each. ...... ...QC Annual Spring Sale of -' ,. ..... -; Dress Goods t Offering the greatest, values ever given any reputable ' Portland store so early in the season. : Buy . Tomorrow 50 silk stripe Wool Challies, new sprinf styles, at, yard:..... ... ". ...v.. .35f 00c black and whit. Suitings, plaids, stripes and shefkherd checks, 36 Inches wide. yard. v. . . ; .1 . t 43 60c Novelty Suiting;, black checks, shadow plaids, Scotch tartans and shepherd . plaids, at, per ytrd. 60c all wool Panamas, full line of colors, at, per yard..... ;. 4T $15 all wool Taffeta, hemstitched stripe, 44 inches, in black, cream, brown, gray and reseda, at, per yard....... 8 $1.25 to $1 JO Novelty Suitings, 44 to 54 Inches wide, cloths Panamas, taffetas and, mohair, in all the ntweat spring colors, stripea, -ehecksr plaidspetcf or- Eton and jumper suits; special at, per yard..... .88t $1.75 black French Voiles, 45 inches wide, wire finish silk selvage, yd f 1.48 $1JS black French Voile, 42 Inches wide, wire finish, at, per yard $1.15 $1.25 cream English Yachting Serge, 46 Inches wide, at, per yard 89 $1.50 cream and ivory Ocean Serges, 50 inches wide, at, per yard " f 1.29 $1.50 and $1.75 Cloths for Tailor Coats and Suits, tan coverts, checks and in visible plaids, 56 inches wide, at, perard . f 1,35 , Great Sale of Gas Fixtures Burners, Globes, - Mantels, Tapers, Xtc ......... , Everybody that uses gas ' needs some of . these articles. Now is the time to buy a lib eral supply at big savings in some cases of half and more. Genuine "Jena Opal Globes, the best 1 r J !l Imported, 25c values, special.......... IJw Genuine "Lindsay" Burners, with lat- 55 est model gas and air regulator, sale at. J J Genuine "Millet" Burners, the latest model,' with air and gas, regulator; regularly ji 50c. sale . . r.r, r. rrr. . t:; ,-. r . ; . r, ..'vJL Another big sale of good Gas Mantles that fit all models of incandescent gas tights; - r worth 20c, 25c and 30c, while they last. -LUt Best Gas Tapers, wtnTTringetrendsfljox ccii. taming ZyS-doien tapers, 10c value, for.............. Gal Torches, good and long, slide adjustable; 20c value 175 candle-power Incandescent Gas Lights,' with complete in. burners, mantle and globe; 75c value for.......... ...Ot 4c 12c KERCH ANT'S V7IFETAKES LIFE (Continue "from Tf Ona.J ( ' nearly directly oppoalta tha plac-var ' which Dr." JohnBon"a body waa trarlad threa months ao after ha had bean 1 robbed, t . '- ' ,' "' ; V i : , SJaem SUadlatf ridge. ' - It : Is believed Mra. Iwenrt pro ceeded directly to the bridajipon lear- -rnl her home. A atreetcar employe saw rm. i.mIIii, thara IK mlnstea before I k o'clock and ra it Tew lighter Mr ' Auirust Ploeatra, Market street ; ' drtve. whoae. bouaa facea the south end of tha bridce, aaw the woman leaning ' aralnat.he railing. ..." . "I-notlood har first as It wa-sttlng , bright In tha eaat," she said thla morn- Inf. , "I thought It waa aomeone who 'L hnd come out early In .the morning to 1 1 view the mountain. It muat have been 10 minutea later that I looked to war tin ' the bridge again and aaw her atlll , atandlng m the walk. I thought It ; ra.thar atraoga at the time, and tha t ronoluded It waa aomeone taking ad i vantage of the flrat bright aunahlnv morning we have had for aome time." SVaoo raised at Xoapltal.' Inapector Miller of. the street ear t ' company also aaw lira. LowengartOn the bridge before I o'clock this morn tng. Jfe reported the matter when he reach the carbarns and It Waa upon hta expressed belief that the woman , cormplatod aulclde that Patrolmen 'Lr J and fr'herwood hurried to the spot They reached the structure Jat In time to aee the woman plunge face downward Into the canyon below - Mr a. Liowengart'a Identity waa un known until after she had been taken In the patrol to the hoapltal, where ehex waa recognised by several of tha doc tors in attendaaca there. Dr. Baar, the family physician, waa Immediately sum moned, and be subsequently notified the husband of her preaenca there and her fatal injuries. Death resulted from a fracture of the akqjrand concuaalon af the brain. ... . - , , v .. i. .... : ',; Siaara Saaty Aetloa.. . . Dr. Ifaar failed to notify the coroner of the -ko, and alio algned the death certificate which Coroner Flnley says will have to be cancelled, aa It la not within the province of a physician o to act . . Mrs. Lowengart had been a resident of Portland about 10 years. She for merly lived In Sail . Francisco and be fore her marriage wsa Mlsa lah Oerat Her mother and brother until a ahort time ago were In tha city, but left last month for e trip through Europe. Mrs. Lowengart was also a alator-ln-law of Samuel Naphthaly, a prominent official of the Ban Francisco Gaa 4k Electric company. She leaves a daughter I years of age.- " Vromlnant loctally. . i Mra. twengart had a Wide circle of acquaintances In Portland and waa prominnt In aocfal circles. lr tier-vo-js condition, however, had kept her under a phynlctnn's care for aome time peat and yeaterday showed elans Of the aliment which M to her death ' this morning. In the afternoon aha waa tak ing, a wood earring leason when" she s., ' .... eollepsed and It was necessary to place her In charge of the 'nurse. She. re covered shortly, however, and In her uaual cheery manner bade v bar In structor. Miss Biles, goodbye. Mr. Lowengart waa very much af fected thla morning over the affair and denied himself to ell vlsltora at the residence, where the body will remain until - funeral arrangementa have been made. He Is prominent among the wholesalera of Portland. . ! Thoaarkt rig-are Baauuy. . Millie on hla way to the Washington street car barn at 4:40 a. m., H. A. Miller, an inapector of tha . Portland Railway, Light A Power company, saw Mrs. Jjowengart crouching on tha out side if the handrail on the south end of the bridge, but In the darknaaa thought the figure waa merely a figure placed there by some of the small boys of tha neighborhood to rrighten pedes trlana.' "I left my home about 4:11 a m. en my way to the -barn." eaid Mr. Miller, "and reached the Ford atreet bridge about 4:40. As usual I walked In tha center of the road aid when about to feet from the third post on the West side of the south end of tha structure my dog, whloh accompanied me. stopped and commenoed to bark. ' , ; Them Slaeeeed Valolda. ' "I did not attach any Imporlanea to the actions of the dog. but' after walk ing about CO feet further and noting that the animal was stUI atandlng and bnrklng, I walked to the aide of the bridge and looked beck. , I eaw a dark shape, which I though at flrat to be tha shadow of one of tha posts, but upon looking closer made 'out what ap peared to be a bundle of black clothing. It waa my Impression at the time; that some of the Goose Hollow gang of boys had hung a dummy on the branch to alarm people paaalng by.. "I continued on my way, aa I had to get to the barn to start tha care at o'clock, but the further I went the more I became Impressed with the Idea that perhapa some person waa contemplating aulclde. I bad a premonition of a tragedy and upon reaching tha carbarn told the boys about' the matter. Soma time later I learned of the affair." Upon Millers statement all of , the motormen and conductors were on the lookout while eroaalng tha bridge. As car No. 1S6, which makes a special trip to bring the railway employes from their homes to tha barn, waa passing tha spot mentioned by Inspector Miller, Motorman Rob I neon saw tha woman standing on tha edge of tha bridge and hanging to tha rail. , Upon reaching the barn Robinson In formed Patrolmen Lelsy and Sherwood and they hurried to tha soene. - The of ficers upon arriving on the b rod fa aaw Mra Lowengart holding to tha rail and tha blueooats raced to prevent her from hurling beraelf from the etructure. Aa tha blueooata appeared tha unfortunate woman leaped into apace. Tskea to Vaaa tori nm. Tha ' patrolman hastily clambered down the precipitous bluff and upon reaching the side of the prostrate form found that life wes not yet extlnr-t The patrol wsgon waa summoned and Mr. Lowengart waa removed with all sp--1 to the North. Paclflo sanatorium. Her hit was found near tha body and Is now In the possession of Chief Orltsmachar. Tha entire Jewish community of the city, among whom Mra. Lowengart waa held In great eateenv haa been plunged Into gloom over tha terrible affair. -- Coroner Flnley aaya his Investigation shows that Mrs. Lowengart wa in an unaccountable condition of mind. No Inqueat will ba held. ' GETS NO DAMAGES ; V . FOR A BROKEN LEG Anttl Errklla. a Greek laborer, for. merly employed by the North Pacific Lumber company, will be unable to col lect damages for Injuries sustained while working at the company's mlir In North Portland ' In Feb ruary, J lot. At that time Errklla'a riant leg was caUght between a piece of tim ber and some machinery. The bone was broken 4uftt above the ankle and the flash waa terribly lacerated. The work man sued for 11.000, but a circuit court Jury thla morning found for the defend ant "' ' -A " WARNING GIVEN OF THE W.C.TaU,'S IMITATOR Miss Margaret Piatt, atate preeMnt of Washington, and Mra Mar(rnr-t Mums, corresponding secretary, r present yesteriiny afternoon at tiie O tral W. C. T. V. meeting srvl n i 1 ter!lig renmrV a. Fpni.l i was made to . tha recent decision cf Judge Artman of Indiana in turning down high lloense. Mrs. Matt spoke of the general encouraging condition . of the temperance work.. , Attention waa directed to the exist ence of a new society opposed to total prohibition and -upholding tha uae of the canteen, which bears almost the same initials aa the W. C. T. U. Us in itlala being W. C T. C. Reference waa made to the honor conferred on Mra M. A. Stone last week in being made a Ufa member of the state organisation. Next .week Mra Hidden will talk on "Health and Heredity." - - . . KNIFE STUCK INTO .VALUABLE STALLION Suppoeedly out of a spirit of revenge for Its owners, some one stock a knife Into a 110 Alttmont stallion belong ing to F. A. Johnson and O. A. Trw er, expressmen, last Frljay nlbt. A "nt aeveral Inrhea depp was msds in the animal's hip, blondpolaotilng hss set In and it la not blieved that the horse Ma be snveit. The owners have OffTr. r ir-l of $;i0 for Infirn u tl"n v 1 to the srr-' I fori' i if the pe-j... - hoi if i t .') STOP SALE OF TOOTHBRUSHES Injunction Will AUo rWveat Con. ; - stable From Forx-f-d Kale of , Face-rowdcr. ' The eelxure of mrh 1 ....... as tooth brushes, face powder and other articles of the toilet to satisfy ,' for groceries: haa resulted In the Ibhu. anca of a circuit Court Injunction hr acterlslng the artlrna "memento.,, s - - nit injurri pHrth-si, parnlytlo mnt . rp Way F. DeSncra, aeccirea the ' i"e Kroimtl it fhn prn lea in i i i ,r h.,,i mmfnt'.-s sn-1 K- not be sutlsri. l by i ,. acs. Tll I' ! II; i Ml t. t t . -Inl