THE OREGON DAILY (JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY "EVENING, APRIL 11, 1807. i; I I Ffb TODAY'S MARKETS FIHE SALT S1 A TOO UDMCEO Sharp 'Advance In Less Than Carloads Coarse Crade I 7 Fifty Cents Up. 7 ' ' '" ; ' ',' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .ANOTHER DROP NOW :- .' 5 EXPECTED IN BUTTER Creamery- Men Expect Jraluea to ,Y Slide, Down First ot Week, Owing to Invasion , of. This Market by '. California Product. - ;..V';7V ' Today' principal BUM featnre: , . ' v ('mint Hkolr In iiPPlr.-r-( - roam wit eoo ton higher.- , ' , line grd alt II dvnc. " .:; front street butter lower. 'J V ,,' Mepl arru eboare ebarp rls.- .;, . , Onlua advance too rapia. . . . . ' ' . Ireeerd kmln ar coming gl. . - : ' rrodu aad fruit from th oata. , ? Saat .Uvaaee t Salt Tata-.' " A W sbrp advaaee 1 notfd today la tB , vela. f lt la lee thaa eawlota. Tbt o baa bMn esclnalvely predicted by Th - Journal and present Indication ara that still ' another t4nm would bo be orprlslos to ' ; tha trade. By today tha finer ,i . trade mt salt are pat np 81 toa and eoaree and grsnnlsted sradoa We a ton. f ;or'e advaae fallow- to recent to the grade la carlote. r i , r.l !.. Butee .iv With the retain, ; f California batter Into . this market la large lota e ecoun o harp decline ta valoee there,' rroet trt prlea ahow a declln today, Albany tolling at ' SO a pound, tb aaa prlca a 1 kd tor --tk California prodnct at beat qoallty. The two ereamerlea which were boldlua oat fur t ' ' the higher prlr on city hotter bar lowered their waluae ta aorreeoond with the raerat 'decline to WHc . At thla lime the prospect ,-ara that all butter value will ahow a decline . about to rlrt or ine wees. -imm r'r ' creamery atlll ahowa a brraw detaend tbaa '.onpply but thla la only a. temporary affect ':. i- . Ini OomI Taster, "'. - f ; Ee 'reeeipta ar (bowing an lnTa, the .' arrlrala of -4eday aad aeaterday. prarlnc that - OBuatry- ahlppara wore Buldlof berk their eon " 'pllea with th bop of an adTanca In eahie. i Trulu the rrant afreet aiarketa are" holding oolt well bat footlnned lnereaaa In arrtTal k will m in, yrK hv m v haala .1 i: rhlcken am almost to aeare to anoto alms ' "remit arraet todav.- BTarron wa trrln to ; ! buy thla nrornlnc bat practically aa arrleal 1 were now, un aeeouni or rn outer www 7 at atoek prlc' r practically tha ai al knarh a narh atlfnrr feeltna la ahowa. V- I th dreeaed areat market th receipt - of 'real ar agal abowtnc ellaht Inrre and the ton la cuter thouirb ta prlr remain .anohaneed. A .mall ablpment of nrtna- larnbe , -icani lu thla taoralnf. With pelt they, war '-. qaotoa c lue. - - .. . ... ;. , ' v -: " raiauM LOtely la Bia Supply , V. ' gpenlar Information fathered by Th Journal hy reliable dealar orr th eountry ahow that ' ( an pp Uea of rlr ar very nail. There baa f. bee a wonderful Increae In eanaumptloa of . Tic during tb boat year or two. .Alnoat Tery V confectioner now aae jt lara amount of thla , V cereal aad tb roralt 1 thet with tha ebort ' . crop of laat eeaaou the trad fear that r famine may teeult be for tb sew crop la ; barrtd and ready for aurkat. , , '. . ' On loo Adrano I To Sapid. . ' t ; Ouloa holder bow bellrea they have erery- thing thh own wy.nd ar therefore put . ..tins UP Tre that would put the ordinary manipulator of Taluea ta anant. . It now : ' ; ut howerer that aupplle availabl ta thla 't ar almoat twice a beery aa . ti. Icated; the erfrreae blah vnhte' 1 : oiioted haelna . the effect of eaoatni tb hold- . era t offer etork'to th trade that tb latter . am ant know rxlare. Tea Bore car war 'i offered to front afreet people ithla awrnnf rthat bad not area counted In tha farmer total. Potatoea ar Try firm and tb trad I . new rtea 11 7S tfne .Ardlnarv mtnf t a j Jnbhlna vway. - Value la the eoath aontlhua to : atronrtnaa imt today a .aancee ar that tby t ara rary gioa t th aa lifer point. . Srtof Vote of th TrU. '' ' ' ' loa; Cahln ma pi yrap adeaaced'' IS for i eraarta and 10 for pint today, . Trd atlU Inactive ta bop althouah thar , ar rumor that raol Horefl takln up a : larira number of bow eaatrarta, - Th, hour. ; arr, era not eonf Inned. , t About foor ear f orarare and aereral of .. rabnaae arrlred la lata -yaaterday tftamoon a ainertod. ' They were noloaded thla, atorntne. Shlpmanta of nara(ua from California ar dtcTeaalna oa aorount ot the email auppUe . there. Local trade ant bur In o ,br b (., oanea 01 toe uinf or ue loeai aaaaoa. - Tha. trad para tb' followlns price to - Front afreet. Price paid ahlppcra ar lea -'.rvffiuar comtnimioni ; Orala, Floor aad Feed, . ; ,'.'' OSAIK BAO-CalcutU, SVa bur tea, prior . aelllna. gaAafsaj-. ... - , WBIAT Clnb, T3c: red Buaalia. TOc; Mao- ain -Mil... 19a . COB.t Whom, 20.00 erackad. par - BARLKT New Feed. 21.00?1 00 per toa; viieo. i.'um.w, orvwiUt ia.uuazxa.V0. RTF I l per ewt. . OATS New I'rfldncanr price No. I whit. aiiamaww jar iiaa; arar. .f.ot(BZ7.0O. aw. riAiu r.n.iam vreroo roo patenta, , 14.111; raller. ia Ta' . aafralhta, f a.n: - riport. wbol wheat. $3.TB rye. tnm a.1 AO: hale. 11 T&. MILLOTTJFr Bran. ItT.Oo nor ton mid ' dllnaa, 2n 00: abort, errantry. 130.60: ail.. 1 0: chop. lfl.OOI21.00. r HAT I'roduceit' price Timothy, Willamette ' Valley, fancy. flS.fpVrfrM.OO: ordinary. S OOrd) 0: eaatera Oreron.Vln.OrKi22.on; mlied, 10 10.KO; eiorer, .00j fraln, tg.OOQ10.00 cheat, ; (aoo. i . , - -e Butter, Xrr and lSeJtry. . . ' BtJTTFiB FAT f . a.k'i Portland Swat eream. KIHc: anar, H. BUTTER City creamery, MHc; - ouUtde, .fancy. US He l atom, 18c. - EOoa Eitra fancy, candled, lUceJOc.'- OHKKMB New Full cream,, flat. loaieUci .loon, America. lTGlTHe. , ' POUM'ttX Mixed chicken. 14 Vie per 'frit fancy area. If per lb; roneta,' old. llQlSM 'per lh;.old ataca, ISQlSVic per Ibv (ryota. la in; orniiera. inc per in :i era eocka. U er lh; erxlna dneka. lHo DOT Ibf go loo per lh: 1 ark eye, I7e per l for old; dreaeeT fancy. 22c per lh: win aba. J 00 per' dnel piieone. $1.00 per do. . breaeed poultry lOlia per lb higher. . . "," : i Repa, Wol aad Bide,, - ' HOPS IB" crop Cholo, lie; prim ' to hole. lOlOHei medlnm .to prim, 4ta; piedltint, 8c; contract. .11 if. crop. 12a.. wuub iwa clip valley, 2ug23c; , eaatara earm. Joe 1 - , . . WOHAin Vw 1907 e per lb. t BUEICPNKINS Shearlna. ll'dUm each; abort wool, kAarc medlura wool, fOQ;o aavbi Irrui wool. JftcI.OO each, , . " , TALLTWp,ini. per lh, 410l (To. aad v are. JfUHc. - . . CFIITT1M BABK ft to ear tot; nn fct. BIOBa .rtrrf !. t," 1 !h ind up, 1J . 1 per lb: dry klp, No. 1. to 15 ha. fiMrlc; -dry calf. No. 1, aader S tba, SOo; raited bide. teera, oud, SO In and over. lOajiic; owa, etar aed nolle, eound. etTa klp, 15 t to the, e; oalf, aouad. under' 15 I ha, lie! eroeu. unaalted, 1c lea enlK c per lb lea; oree hldea. aalted, each, f I orortl.Oii; dry. each ' ll.OOQip; colt hide, tro.mat (net aktna, roremoa, eaoh, lOQlftci Angora, aaca. Ucj Fralt aad Tapatohlaa. FOTATOEH Rnybif prlc. eaafern Wullnn, man, and Clarkatnaa eclect, 11.701.79, eel I. , Ing.l fancy, 1.7; rdlnary, buylna. Il l.aoi aaaiern Oregon, baylns, . 1.001.10t weeta, T per lh. OMOKS Johhinr price N. 1 Orerna, M no Ha. 1. J.,VV,'7 75: garlic "ie par lb. f. o. h. ahlpplng pntitt; garlic, ue per lh. APPI.KS f ancy I(nr1 Hirer Pi itaenherg and Tell, w, 12 .Vi; f.nT Uii.mene eal l.r and enthcrn Oi.foil. II,'.' iit.l; or Hnary ai,"-k. W . 'I '. I HPMI I' . ' e. e n. ' I. 'A JOKER I1M BILL MAY RUIN FISH INDUSTRY d ' On account of a "Jokar" belns a plarod la a flab bill fathered by 4 MoCu of Clataop county. thr ! fa vry prospact lor tba rulnlns I of tha shad aad smalt flahlndt of I d thla stata by th Imposition of 4 4 a license that was not intended ! KhSLiSts wis aaaured thai there wis l ncT- chance In th bill axoept aa j regard canning;, nd h addition Of - tha words ' "other anadro- ' 4 mous after salmon fish and ball but is a put up Job." : d Aocordlnir to -- ha - new law naaers of sbaa and smelt aa well as dealers and peddlers will ' beresf ter - b forced to- pay a - d I state lioansa 1 : . , gran fralt. M VEOBTABI.r.H Turnip. bw, PAcCtl ear) carrota. 7 5e alii. 00 per aacki beet. Sl.T! nor each; paranlpe,; cabl.aae. a.7nS3; KKuaioea, aiexican, a.oo; riorina, n.uu: pa ran Ilia, orftll.uo: atrlna baana. lae aer lh! caullNower, 2.&oH7& doa: aeaa. live: hora. radlab. a par lb; artichoke. 75cttl 00 per no; aaan, tacuai.uo per on y celery. Jall turnla. ( ); er en be mica, I8.00na.00 nor barrel ; aprouia. 5o per lb; aaparagua. Isolde; rhubarb, c per lb; green onkma, 15c doa; Florida ball pepper. 0e per lb; aptnacb. 11.20 a.ou oer oox: oaa aattuon. us aami raaianea. 0e do bunchea. , DRIED FBHITS Annie, raooratad. UM To per lb; apricot. lliVaCIOa per-lb; paacbea. 1Z4X18H ner lh: aacka. Ue new lh Vaaa: nruna. 80 to 40. etr; He drop oa each 1-1 aoinller me riga. California buck. ItllM Dee in; California whit. 6SfH per lb; date, goldea. ta-bO par bun faro. 1.40 till. M par 16-U ox. . ttreoariea, Jlata. xt. BUOAB J Calltor la Hawaiian 0b. I8.S7HI poadered. .3.11:, berry. 4J2H: dry grannuoM, Hv2)i star,; ouol, a, Mi2(,l nitre H, S4.42 : golden O. M3'i U yellow. 84.131 beet Tnlatd. 84.82 S. Weatera Cub. 84.87W: nowdored. 8S.12WI ary graoniated. S8.87H; F. a.o4l at. rraacl. 84824; eonfaeUonora' A. MOIM eitra u, 84.421 soiden U, 84.33 : " V.VoTTjL.i TZ: MJi.4; berrala, IOe so adraoca .aa neck tl.22Hl ant gnaaulated If bami. aact feou. Koaaw. 1A Abtrr. nrlaa. BO days t. peat' ttone.l HONBT par rrata. v - . - uuirai-racaaae Brand. sis.s8aia.BB. 8ALT Coarw Half nonnd. 100a. 811.00 per r. .'" . . . V ' l rrr ! 4 T?i b, J!-?! lroported Urerpooi. noc, a in. vv : luua. S17.UU: za. aio.uu: extra Ilea. kh la, a. a and 10a, S4-80B-dO; Urarpooi lump rock, 130.80 per toa; 60-lb. rock, BIJUOO; 1iU. am KA - - . lAbota prlc dd1 to aalaa1 of lanr tha ear lot. Car lota at epeclai prion Subject la liorinauono.1 - . -'- B1C& Imperial Japan,' W. I. sc; H. t. oic; ew Urleaaa rlea, bead. T AJaa, 6c J Creole, v. EANA-taaaall whit. ' M.M: lara white. 18.80; pink, 8.26 baroe, 88.701 Uata. 814oi Vie. au aieaicaa reoa. ee . NUTS i'eaaata. ; Inmbo. pu t lb: glnla. THe par Ibl raaated. 10 per lb Japae neao. i64e:- raaated. laTUt atr lb: ancoao Beta, BOWVU per aoa; waioota. uanrorai. lo oar lb: Prenrn. 15c ner lb! nine nnta. ladtloa . . T - JL... . . . per lb; , hickory Bote, 10c per Ibl eaeetnnta, 181 1 no nor tb: Bmall net a. lne nor i( riiuerta. ine par lb; laney pecan. lsauc; ahaoaaa. J C 21 lie. Xaata, riak aad ' rRRSB MEATS front Street Hora. faacr. 8VaU per lh: real, extra.' SflSe per lb; ordlnarj. 7Hsc ner Ibi noor. ner lb: aot- ton, faaey, kales per lb; aprlng lamb, )e per ua ' 4 - HAatSV BAOOlt. STCIMrtland pack docal) hane. 10 to 12 lb. 16 Ho per lb) 14 to 10 lb, lee par lb; 18 to SO Iba, 18 per lb: breakfaat bacon, 18HQ81H per lh; picnic, 12 par d; nttag roU. 12c par lb; regnlar abort oleara. namokad. AS Bar Ibl emokea. 18a nar lh: f!"r,'!!ik4L".M"rff ,.?'eJ??d' I3. T! f.n e?04, faW ibt ir beiiioa, an - amekod. im per Ibi emoted, iai per lb; ilbf aa. 13H per lb; 60-lb tine, ia4e per lb 1 a team renoereo. i. h per 10, an. c per lb; enainoaad. lUa, 814 a per lb. OANltED SALMON Oolnmbl rtrmr. T", -l-Ta l ib flaw. rana,; wto tana, gxtn; faaey ft. 00; 4-lb hart flat. Il.ln; faaey 2- noe I I8H-awe eoo, to per in: imam, ne ner i- r lit. W.M. ,v, W V..WU1 doai atrinea aaea, r" ?". .,ae. ".?",u. lOc-lbj l - jn nor aaoa. t.T'i.'iL. vj.i i ' moa. OVrTTERa aealwater bar. per gaDon. 2 80; per 100-lb aack. $4.80;v olrninl. igillon; I per HWb . i8.60OisT JtagleM CLAM" Hardabell, per bo. (3.M bun, (2.00 par bos. 11 par doa. ( " ' atat Oeal 00, St. - " lie per. id; nernng,. nc per H: aolea, I aMt w.n4. S1.K: Bmulta. 17c hed To Ixt f T?V" r"" pa id; annmpa, luc per i: perctt, b per I aMnt rbenea. aa aa- ln.m'f! B. B. Con.. 8tvi I S"." 5""a,"a ........... ni oinca coo, per in: ioomwo. 10 per lb; I q baler aiORi Laanna 2178: Commonwealth. I S";"'" ...... eSaii" a.ana ...... mi. crewi ten. a in awi nirraia, iu ner l nT nnd Ana 10c: Millet arm. 85c: B B. I . 1 ti nim racin 1U lb; black baa. 10 par Ib CuhuabU rlrerl.: t," !-'.-. 7r.Ti'it. ttC-l o Ut pfa 2 C. fa Steel .otd 2 mifnil-read aanaUAa HU . Norcro Wc; Vellbw Jacket, 8100; Belcher, -.2. rlfctlT TrTtojZiS ii7JTl,c Confidence. Sse; Sierra KT.. etc; Ex- 1: water . wait. Iron bbl. 14 ear aali woooen, A ic pea gnu awaaiigaa, aiv oev . 11 ue ner ral. OABoUNE 8 Sec, '' 14 14 par gal; Iron bhla. In per gat - BENZINB 3 og, sue per gall Ira PDla, lc per aaj. lOBrBNTINB I bhla. ate ner ra 1. - i caeee, so par gal; weed. WHITB LEAD Toa lata. t aer lb: nOO-D. lata, B per in: reea iota, h. Pr in. WIBB NAII Preeaat Wall at 12.88. LINKKED OIL Par raw. fe ft-bbl kite, SOe; 1-bbt krtr. Me: eaeea, 88 per gal; re at no kat tle-bollea. caeee. 80S per aal: 8-bhl lotav 84ai I-hbl lota, b&a aer gal: ground rake, car lata. 820.00 par tuai eM tbaa aal lt. 830.08 par i HOGS FIRuLY HELD v AT YESTEROAY'S RISE -V , ' . ' I ' V I ah supplies TaKen up in Local ,rr-.. . - r . . . . at a m. .mm . mmmm ' al Yards Only a. Few. Head of Cattle in Today, i Portland TJbIos Stockyard. April ll-Lrr toes peeeipta: ,... ,t . . - . . . . t .. Aaa r fettle. IU, Today ....... ... v - 12 . . . I week are .............. : si - - 147 . ? : 174 Year a liv.. w i SMklinr. regisuiwa ......... lwm . 102 Prerintia rear ........... , 00 "' . lie - 88 I All line aaoa a firm ton la tb local lie. I rock market. Only 120 head ot Cattl were I recetre in tn rams anrtng at 24 boar. Hone ot recent arrlral har been taken nn at the arleanc quoted aicraaleely by The I opraai eeieeuer. a year aro tmirr au idm ann( rirn. Offlcml llTeateck nrteee: - Horn Beat ee.tetn Oregoa. 87.0077 .1: atoekers and faenera, 88.7t l a. lea fata, 80 7.1. fattle Boat aaetera urearm ateera. 88.00: beet cow and belters, . H..V)4.n0; . tockw I tad feeder. 84, It) .4.(10; bnlla. IJ ISO. rtneen -imei. 'av4c: wetaera. bhc: ewea. ooyCi MBba, enwrnc. EASTERN HOGS STEADY Chicago Sfarket Holds Well-ttie and fibeep Are Better. Y Chicago, April 11. Lleeatock receipts: .,, Hoc. . Cattl., been. Chleere ......l t, i.i.ot'o Kanaaa. City P.0"0 8.2O0 .i0 Omaha '. P.W1 4 OuO .4.000 iioa ara strong wita b,tuo wn over rrnm yeaterday. Recelpte a year ago wr l.oto. Priceai Mlied. 8I.MtMi kearv. II tut I p. l,r: rongn, ri uawi ugni. fo.ovajn.l 1 1. t atTie-nteatnr. -Sbeep-SttoUy. . , 1 ' POSTtAKD 1AJTX oTATEanrr. ri...ine tod. II am I do rr agu B.i.2110 1 ; "' ... I ' '-!'",.':.?.;:::::::::;::::.::; HlliriT ninfPT U r , r II0LDIO6 WELL : Local Trade Is Slow, but Prices irt Pacific Northwest Are Well Maintained Today. , LITTLE CHANCE SHOWN f- V IN CHICAGO VALUES 1 1 May ;' and September Vncheutgedej 1 July He and-Pecember U Down Northwest a Good Barer of the I .Former Option. . ALBICAN CK0P WKATHBB. ' ' " Pacific Korthweet Light troat d clear. -Kebraaka Bain laat ulebtf looka like aaoa Kanaa Generally cloud with ouol jMrtbwoat , Wlnneaota i Clear and fine. Mleelealppl Valley Cleat aad plMaaat. - ' Taaaa Clear and anal. , , . . . CHICAOO WBIAT TALCS. . ' inrfl 11. Anefl I0i Lex. 1P0S. :S5 May ........I .774 a .77 a 8 ..... July ......... .T9B .71.A .00 Sh Rentember .ai U .alii ' . I fxeaaihw ... Jii . Mt : M Whaet anarkats ef the Paclft am tbat ar qnlet with ralue eaaily soalutatned. . Chicago waa alow and loed alowat at th am flgaree aa yeaterday. . Tha eoeeraanent emrt l.anai vaorawda how. I wiM.ww y. wu. - ' I 01 cent agarnat Pi par root S yr ago od ta OkUbomT T per cent i1im P0 P I , . . -. T a-neatino of (ho 1 pneTou to April 1. . - ' lin , tn nuiiiaa - i.rrerpooj cuoic ana wry weather to Kanaaa. Chlcag opened otreog and laaa, vnicage openoa aueng ruled la a aarrow rut all day. a good buyer at July wneat. I ......i ... I Th. north waat area a rukea I Tb Cincinnati Prlc Current aya: Tb I wheat dropv I aaakina good grograea I ... 4. -1 ! - I I " v'. ;oWM Chleage price, by 0rteaWlarljuF f WOO Cook company! . .. J - Ta . f , 100-M Vfaf ........ T7S TTH Horn Trlaj.ttaa ; .. 88.00 0jD0 loir ....... .......I..... 'TprA '' t4 J- C. Xa Oo,. .... 10.00 ' PO.0 Septetnner u,4i ....... 81 4 . PiW IPaolflaeutea Telenben .JOa.00 IecmUr 2 U Pagt Soaad TeWpnoa.. ,.. 40.00 COB.f. Hay' ...... iA,dTtt " , 87 4 4TB Bptunb 47 ,.B 4T1 - r ,vATS, ,8SS JJUf I . l rear .... I Julr- .... ityA e-e eee re insss " pobk! " 4H 81 I Beptambar Mat ..llfl ' lontA I008A . ; ftflO " r2A " attl - Joly ..... ...............1020 : . ,.. la an. . May 870 Jalr ............ ....... r2 September .................... 802 , f 8B0BT RIBS. ra . .V.. ........ ....... WT 870B . HA2 : 8S0A,.. .... .s .. . aeO , NEVADA MINING STOCKS I Bid Prices Current on the San Fran- 1 claco Exchange.' Baa Franciaoo. Aprfl 11. Nerada bara bet 1 " "Vr GOLDFTKLDS DrSTBICT. orf., r,. u-i 1S. s.15t Mohawk. ate. rAinnkiA v at.. aa an. Jan,he tat., 8X1714; Tarnal. tOe; Pennay'leanl. Sc; Ooldfleld m'Co., I1.47U: Kendall, 87c; Booth, I rn.. uiw.u I lumbia. toc: uiDornia, lie; nt. it, i.ou. i c. i I. tew. t.u bi.. qo , a. w.mrtM- a, l 'e: Ore. 40c: Kendall Bat,, be: I Bandat. Kat-Or; Marm. 14e; Atlanta. SBe; JS'-T tT?Jc. St WUmlld Grandmat 1 Portland. 85c A; Cracker Jack, 17ej rraacl It en tiiii. ic; atonaw. an., Ocld. 40c: Loe Dillon. 17o: Grandma, 2c; S. Pick Kit., 10c; T. Roan. 0c; Col. Mt. Ext., Te; Ooldf. Con., 17e; Dtaa'f. lTiangie, t. ..- courrooK msxitiCT. ' Opblr. 42 8S: Meltcan. PSe; Ooald Carry, cbetroar 85c A: Cnloa. 84c. BUIXTBOO DISTRICT. ' ' 5 ' Original. 15e: BuUf. Uf 0.. toe: Moat. BnTtf.. te; hat. Bank. 41 ct L. Barrlr, 4c; Anietbrat, 47cj Gold Bar. l.vT4; Btelnway, Ine; Deneer But. lit., 20rA: Bonnl Clare. 41c: MarfL Cone.. 4.V, Monty. Ohio Ext.. l&CI O. Scepter, tie; Unite lit.. PAc: A. Ilatae. ne: flnna. etak Cona., S1.2S; Tank Girl, c; Nngret, I Pr: Tramp Cona., 1.17 m Victor. IPc; Baa-1 nee. rn.., e, tv,, uirt.. ao.a a,,l I ner, TOcAl North Star. )0c; Ml da a, 60Ai Sua. I set, 10. . " 1 . i TOROP1H PIBTBirrr. I Ton. Wee.. 81 24: Mont. Trat.. 83.PS: Toal Ert. I 1 . e,eci.Miu.r, e. eiii.ij, o,.ofi i,e, i Ton., 4c; Weat End Cona., tl.!t24; Beacoa, 17c; I Tan a r.lir nnllen Amkmr an, lie Butler, $1.10: Ton. Cah Bor., ISc; Ton. Home, 8e; .Boat. Ton.. 12c; Monarch Pita. Ext, 18c; Mont. Mid. Fxt, leci OoWen Crown, 14oj K. If, MtMk Cm, 1Q. ' - Toa. Cob., 10c. MANHATTAN DISTRICT.. ' Manh. Cona.. Tfte! Mnak VI ra. tet A. Wedre. tor: Kefler HaraoT kc.- Raetee. laei L. Ine. 8c t Creeeent, 8c; (V,hlnHon. Oc) Oranny, 22c; Mnatana. 2; Little Orer, 40c A: Cowboy, c: .ortt. aianb.. IPc: Brbnebo, IJcfvJnnip. lark. 17c: PlnennL 18c: Bnfrale. Res a. rjee-. i- a"m,m ' I. - ' VAHI0CS DISTRICTS.' ' anae . . eke are n . Falrv. itreer Kin. Sac: Nerada mile. Plmrmrg Bllrer Peak, 1.8S: No. Star Wbntler. 18c: Eagle'a feet, 84cA Roby Wouder, 8ucA:I,' auc 01 wonoer. laca. trvrrxn states oovxavmjri boko. ' New Tork, Arll 1 1 Oorem aen Ooeda : - " --. .-.. -. r. . . nu . Two.' regtstrd .V 1.M I04 llUls - 00 eonpne . . .. . ih;h .104 104 lOJi 104 do coupon loot Imi rnree, mn mono .... 102 Fonra. - regletcrad 1P3.V 1)0 11U :181V ionU 10914 eonoon ...... .......... luas imix. Pour. I'hlllnnlne iimt I Two. Panama. ................ I04t do coupon A .... 104M MtW T0BJC COTT0V MAJLXZT. ' - Kaw York. April 11,Cettna fntoreai: .. . . . Open. Anr.ll. Aer lO. I January v.l00 t 1015 I0O7 I apri. .,,.., "y Jnn ....... S4 , .v sn 03 ha : , ne ' 804 os - 048 at 7 I f"H I Joly .. Ananat a rrflj eenteraher 04 i October PsS. P8 DWbw ..?..?. November ,.. ... 7 00 " Hew Terk-Landea Silver, ' rtw Tork. ADrtl 11. Bar allrer. ssue! Loa- oa, 8014 d. - - . RESUME GRADING OF ; RAILROAD TO JOSEPH Joseph, Or, April 11. Work? on ths I Elfln-Joeeph extension Sbov Wallowa has bean ordered Yeum4 by Krlcnnn 4k Peterson, ttie contractor J. M. Mitch-I ell. the sub-cfntretor. having tb srad inK Between jonepn ana r.ntarpri, nas bn offlctally notified to this affect anl n,r,B ' worttin ,rew m By the Placing of a Joker in a Fish Dill Handlers and Fishers of Shad and Smelt Will Hereafter Be Forced to Pay a State, License II0L1E PII011E IS . QUITE BULLISH Bid Value Is Advanced Three Dollars and Asked Five Dollars ( ft Share Today. ' v LATTER NOW STANDS - v AT FORTY DOLLARS pank Share Show Mlied Close ' J. C Lee Oompan and Lees Creek Gold Gala . In Bid TricoCoeup d'Alea Ltst 'la Quiet. Y ' V 4 ) Bank aharaa war Mitred ta th trading today, Marchaaas National wag offend Hoc lower whll tb aaked prlc Oregea Truat waa raorad ap S3. AaaocUled OH gained Cos with eata at the ad ranee. Bon Telephone wa eagerly ought and th aid waa advanced 88 aad tba ak4 lu td a ahare. i. 0. La gained 81.T8 In the hid but toad anchanged for the aaked prlc. Lee'l Creek Gold ad ra need We rn tb bid. Whougal Xatenaloa noa fc. Brlelak OoluBbl Amal ganiated kiet c klaninioth Inat 1H and Mornluf hia. Oregon necurlUea adraaoed it la th aaked hat re eel Tad aa hid. In th Com d '! tut BulUoa lot U. Copper King gained iVs. while the real War unchanged. . aaloa: lSrnty Aaaedated O0 at Mi M. .000 Waabougal Kxtooaloa at K 14c 8u4 Oaaeadl at 28. , -, '., . , , .- Official prlc: ' ' ' . . . t j BANK STOCKS. . Bid. mdi ok vauiroruia ...... ...l. .. a3ta.w .... 1 Banker 4 Lomberaaen........ lua.00 I MerchantT WatSnal77:r:!::".:. iii In ni-fl Jra.L,lll i'JrSt cSSJ T-UbnT 'hSuY 12U.00 ...e... 466.00 U8TCD (CCUBITIEB tBOXDfl.) 01 - " . Jnh. ' '- . 8urbaa e. ..,...' MOO 8.00 inn an I f. --. I X" , " W OO Ml M. - - " . Z SI mjt "...., JUU.OU IOO.0U Pacific Chant lianll rw aw . . . u? un no iftNiKa rmrn Lk-Tlew . .IS .84 wi vreear uota.... : , (It U . Mtl lrD'" 'Bln .is rVaajioogal Bateaaioa MX ,.2' r - ' TJirUSTtD STOCKS. I Taqnlna Bay Telepbone ,;t.U i.00 - I Oregon lty Mm Lambor... . 7.00 i an... reiroienni ...... I BrIUab OolamnJa Anuhianietad. .. .081, .221, .001, .0814 Sr' JU814" ; it .0814 ' .08 ) .121 r ,04 , 1 .ion S MX ICaacadla , ........77.. Great Nortbera Mammock . ......U... Mornln . Oregon Scarltlee Standard Cuneolldatrd Taooaaa Steel COSUB, rrALENB DlfrTRrnT' Bailie ,..... V7.0714 Copper King .i . O. K Con null dated... .na Hanpr Uay ...w, JOi Bnowaboe . .................... .40 ' Saowatcrai 1.80 .an BEAR RAID IX STOCKS ' CAUSES A SffARP BREAK ' wail Bsurristis, Amalgamated .... IKIOreat Nortkcra .... V. Bagnr ............ ViK.UoBaj . 47 aaelter .......... S .Nortbera Paelfl 1U ...... - '.wrr OAiN. . .v Hw Tort Ceatral... ye.. ............ London waa hlrbar thai nornlng oa th re daction ef the Bank of BngUnd rat ta 44 The New, Tork aurkat held wrl antU tb beara began their raid, tbi oaneing tb er re erl on. ' Howerer, , ta awrkat MBMd nolt wall anpportod a tb dip. i Official enotatlon by Orarback, SUrf A Cook company: i Jti DBscarrnoH. . l'raalganiatad doonawT? AmTrigar, 2 I""...' HlT Lo4 25 12 I Am. ameltar eona' I atcfalao. eoia li 'a I izila 125 131V, ao Wl'4 IMS 04 101H4 8114 Reltlnw. a. Tiui. en 100 Brooklrn ItanM rw.,' 1a. 0 68 umaaiai racinc. com. iro IRA itne, 17414 17BS Colol ynel 4k Iro. eoia fu. een.. lflHll4. inn4 8.1 j S4 I Loulertll g FTaabrill" I Miaaoorl Pactfle "i I New York Central!, . ' lb. n .. " 25 4 7lT 2SU 23'. lleSllH,. "I T. 78 , Penn.jlranla Railway... inu 1IW 1214 12.1 tteeaiug. coin .... Bock lakind. eora Son them Pacific. Cnloa Pacific, o U. 8. Steel Co.. a do preferred..., 110 a 1J" urt VJ 22I 21 Wl anajl M 114114 113T 840 at M414 141 iam 101, 100 aeaan. at naa.a... 1 I . .CPIN BELL OF IDE . SECRET SERVICE RESIGNS Will Be Succeeded -by His Prin cipal Assistant, Thomaa B. Foster." : (Special Dlepatch to Th Jonrnal.) . eaattkt. April 11. rboniaa B. rosteav prln- cipar uraraai sa ajaptaia B. W. Ben, wan bars la . Charg of tb .United State aeoret err Ice work la the aorthwast, .will vary proa. .Me aneeeeel hie ehlaC .t. . B fa. th. denarteaamt . w ..,..- tea. Ball will leara th rrlc May 1. . " Ball baa bee la tb secret aerrtt- alnce v.naere 1. liaMk. enel bee bean la., - " I . . mt t...,t..t. ,1.1.. W. - feltara. Tn raatone Bar Coaa eonnterreltlng can ka Oregaa we on at fcla acklereatetita. H ale wa prominent bi tb eaae mt Oeerg a Edward Adai, tb Beat tie ntrlaty an an, wu a in ben led tbooaand whll eaahler ot th aaa.7 trie la rVattle. Prior to eomlne ta Seattle, Cptala Bell wa stationed at Baa Aotoalo, Tesae. '..,' ' 'Womanly Logic- ' ' Pjna th C1erlnd Plata Dealer. "Serer." groaned Baelld avann plctar dealer the other dey, "never try to argu wo2;, JJ.. ; k.T.a. i wi 1,, .ing-oreeentee a kill tor son tnff I nrdered two aeU ag. . ' Her wa aer b refutable Ingle: 14 'I never acaered any plcrarea. " 'If I did, ion never delivered the. " 'If yoa did, I neve got them. '14 I did. I peM f them . ' -'If I didnt, I aioat hat, kad aora good POPULAR PLAYERS TO GO TO BOSTON Lillian Lawrence and John Sain polls Reported. Engaged: . for Boston CompanyT 1 ' " ' (Journal Brjoetal Berrlc, ' Boston, , April 1L It Is announced her that Miss IJUlarl Larnc. now playlns with tba Baker ptock company At Portland. Oregon, will be the leading lady ef a new stock oompany which 1 to play this summer at the , .Boston theatre. In th fall tha theatre will be turned Into a vaudeville houae, booked by tbd Keith A Prootor syndicate. Charles Miller of the Castle Square stock company will be leadlna man and John Balnpolla will be the hoary man. the other players belne leading--Boaton f arorltea. . The . opening- attraotlOn will be "Alice of Ola Vlncennes. 5- - , T haThea!rd nothing;' aboirt such an arrangement.- aaia -oeorca JBsaer, man. agar of the Baker: company, with which Ml sa Trfiwrancaand Mr. Sainpolls havi contract. Ilr. Balnnolls has kot me posted on what he has don la tba east, but I have beam nothing about the ar- ranBsments that are , mentioned In the dispatch. . ; "I received neesage from him thla morning saying that h was leaving New York for home today. Our season Is nor supposed to done until July and nothing ha been eald about, releasing either Miss Lawrence op Mr. Balnpolla before that time." .' NEW YORK HERALD IS FINED THIRTY THOUSAND ' (Jomrnrt Soeelal Seretea.) New Tork. April 11. Jainaa Oordea Bennett was fined IZt.000 yeaterday by Judge Hough in the criminal branch of the United States circuit eourt. He pleaded guilty, as publlaher ef the New 1 one ueraia, to circulating through th malls, advertisements la the Herald's personal columns which, were regarded ' V '.- ' e .r-evJ- s In Uncomplicated Cases My Fee Is Only Suecesi tice lege work each You Can Pay When Cured era e . , Mel the serious complex and stubborn ones that others neither cure nor compre hend. I have confined my efforts to diseases of men exclusively, and there is. no ailment. belonging to this class that I cannot fully conquer. I make broad . and definite claims. : I tell men that I can cure them, even though others have failed. Jealous doctors have eharged me with claiming too much. But I ask,, wherein have I failed to fulfill s promise?. My practice is now fully twice that of any other specialist upon the Pacific coast treating men's diseases. It has grown to these dimensions because I have made promises and fulfilled them. Each curs I have effected is s triumph and s manifestation of skill that has . had its part in the making of my success. Each day new cures are com-, pleted, and mr present growth of practice is more rapid than ever before. ; -Consultation is free. If you are afflicted, consult me. You can rely upon what I tell you, and if I accept your case you can rest assured that s complete and permanent cure will follow my treatment . ' AA neceaaary ,X-Ray examinations 1 are , abso lutely free to patients. My equipment for X-Ray work ' is - the - finest and most complete ever pro duced, and equally per fect results are not possi ble with an Inferior appa ratua. . '';.', '-f. 'v-v , All medicines are pre pared from standardised drugs in my own private laboratory- and are sup plied to patients st actual coat. ; ,-: V : .'. ao Yra In Portland . OTTft STfOCXSS 11 BUI T0 . ' ytret Beta skUlad apaeUllato. Beceod-lavlng tb beat ealpaed efftoe ta 4b Wee. Third By aerer preniUl that Vkioh. wa . eaaeet da. ' - .. . rearta By grrlng avnry man a Nam deal. ruth Pr aaln soleaUda. aae, . aneaera . taathed ef vraetment. Siatb By cttrtna; every Vhea t.t we e.-. PILES. aUHL'BE, IlooOki!. ;.k eared witheat tba kmie r any 1" J r g.ii, l The Ue S. Government y.-'l HAS ADOPTED - The Automatic Teleplion V The United Stateg Government believeg bo thoroughly in our automatIc ytem that it hag adopted it t four of its ' renalRocT Island Arsenal, Rock Island. IIL; Frank ford Arsenal, Bridcsburg, Pa Watenrliet Arsenal. Syra- . ; cuse, N. Y.; Springfield Arsenal, Springfield, Mass.; at the Naval Station at New Orleans, La., and at tha Ssndy Hook Proving Ground, Fort Hancock. N. J. LOUIS J. WILDE LAFAYETTE BUILDING PORTLAND, OREGON Immoral. Th New Tork - Herald oompany was fined 16,004 on the same Charge and ey fS. Oilman, the ad- vartlalng manager, waa nnea i.voe. Total nnea ef 111.000 ware paid la cash to the clerk ef the court at onoe.- Ben nett was la court when be wss fined. '. .' Re viral at Hatrtstmrg . ' , (Special DWMtah The Menial) ' Harrlaburg, Or, April 1L Th 'Bap tists ef this place , have started a re vival meeting, to continue poaalbly three oka. Its. J. A. PettJt. who has had great success at ether places, will con duct the services. .1 i 1 1 '. DEPUTY SHERIFF SUED , - -' FOR DAMAGES BY A BOY ' (Special trtapatok (a Th aeoraal . Seattle, April IX. William H. Bailey, soaoial deputy sheriff, Is being sued for 11.000 damages because he arrested 1 Have the LarscstPrac tice Dccanso I Invariably Fulfil My Promises isn't attained at bound, .It is made ef manv little triumobs. ' A larske medical doesn't wait the young physician st the door. He must prove himself. He toward success day after day, doing day's task.' : ,-'....,.'...,'... ' '- It lias always been my rule to promise nothing that I sm not absolutely certain of accomplish Irfg. Realizing that no one physician can suc cessfully undertake to curt all diseases, I entered . special courses of study in . preparation for my present work. ' For sixteen years I have been proving my ability and building my tuccess. I have mastered, first the' simoler diseases, then The Taylor Co. 234 J Morriion St. . Cor. Secdnd Portland, Oregon Parte) lrrtaf t f lty aad mbLg to Peri, lead far treatment will be farelahed wltk fia reeaa fro f barge. Caeok year tranka aUreo to B.4W atari waa at. , TaSt SflCCl , . . .' "j ' .V'-'' . - ; : Our Fee in Most No Pay ... Unless CONSULTATION FREE BLOOD Blood peJena Is a eoataaloae die do ta e microbe er germ. It I propagated by contact or hy noteritanc. tha latter not arrll an: tha hinoeont mar become vletimn he ' tn duet from th tfa left en ante lea ef different nature, snt-b aa tow, napkin. nandkreblf, etc. Thla dlaeee wlU not only destroy the parta t ' coaa la contact with It, bnt tb entlr araten. a well. Lena of a poem., fa) oat ef tb katr. sore, ale re. decayed bone nherano, rott.n teetn. ner.en.,,. . aleepli aam .a. leocbo1ta,- trie of roeteorr, noting roar life reri et Inferno and death a very acceptable relief, v. a enra fat etutb eeea and harder the , ta better we Ilk tv, a. w defy to world for ny w e a4 ear. Thla aaar aeeea a brood aut.iaent, bat w snaee Juat what we a Our aiett and BMtbod are a aara deal to every anna. NBRVOU3 Tat la to Bten wn Isck eoarara. wkoe nerrea are e',.'. ! lent tb artarkle, when bralna ara rand. Med. kir.a ci,r,t.. i , r dene pan, eplrlta kw and ee.lly fl.pree. e m 1- k . . , t hi to venture becawe they are afraid of f.i ,0 for them, who ere weak, ran down na4 eee, --. it la t., 1 . . all ot thee ermpteene and want new 1 . e. , ,, . . thona eeae ta Which man eo-eelitl . t ..r . h..n eruited aa ther netlMla ot treats.,.!. in., 1 t e method oil. re a eerimia aneaea ef e"e. V -"e tier errrtotonia blaae If " 1 c.ot r.M "M ten HOI S A. Al. t 8 r. i ; , ' ... I t ' ' to 12 axon. ir mJ at e . 4 U if a boy before ha had filed his notice at appointment with the - county clerk. William Jennings waa arrested laat Auruat for stealing fruit, rf waa kept In lall ever Bight aad reUaaod next day. His counaal contends that Bailey waa without authority to arreat hlaa and asks damagea The special devutiaa have not been required to file their com mission and give bends aa have the regular deputies heretofore. ' f , SHINGLE WEAVERS DID .. NOT QUIT WORK-TODAY "Hoqulam, Waah, April 11. The shin gle - weavers" recueet for a raise ta wages, which waa mad laat night, ha bean granted tcday, the mills claiming te pay the state ecbedele, and ta view ef this ' the crews are ail working, no min being compelled to close down. Too demand was for a raise of 11 per cent, and If the state bureau grant thla It will be the scale paid here. up pro col must well DR. TAYLOR ' Hie Leading Spedaia , We!cOCSS Tb predae tomnornry aetlvtty mt th ranetlna In eaiaa mt bo. called I a elmple aaat tor, bet to pemeaentlr reetnrw . teength aad vigor I peooieea - that bat few pa rale la oe bar solved. I never treat for teea . porary ftet... I'noer any aje , tetn at treatment, vry bit mt , laapiueainent I a part ef a pr . maaent ear. Tbonah 4im ' pkyalfilaas feava, thee a a aty eo aeea , I affecting perrnanmit ear, bee tenilawed er the tact that prauarareneaa, baa mt pow . etc, are bat vntoni re volting froaa enreale naflaoin. tloa or eoMtloa ta ta pmetat . glaad, none bar aa yet ton able to aapiirato any ara. yif ef local tree ts out I ti aly rcthre manne yet knew for reetortog tb prostate to Ite normal ara ta. wblca arway re olt la fnU aad complete retora - ef etrengtk and- via nr. Bne . car boltly petanaaent. be. 1; ra aae th coadltkai reenonalbi , for the ronctloaal dlanrdt-r ka ee- ttrelr reanoved. It ka tb only kind f a care a pettent deelrw. , and m the only ilad mt cur I . wUl treat tar. . . ... Coruultuitlon Fr: o I state nothing ta any aeancententa Sot the tratj '.t. qnar tmtb. It wlU met yam nothing to call and talk arrrr year ce. Tea can find ont a i boat roar trouble a ad rn ran later err ear a to began tree ",,, any tlm yo Ilk. . My axru-ea, eomprialBg toa roorna, ar t,,e , lent eat, rat a lea eat aad Wet equipped la the want. ONLY ' r. - s '; - .-. .- Cases Cut'ed POISOP I leadtng to atraetaral and enter, aoa le. ttt DnOILITV . 1 ; few- oMcr to accompllh as much a posl-1 reason for it. in,oa.s7 ilia. -aVad if 1 kad, f mm, I won't pay. -