The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 09, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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-.- .Vftt-wv" ""-- i ! t I I II I --"MIII-eMtgg-WW!
: ," ' . - " '- i : - , stopped to talk to a friend. Thaw going ev-j " -v- -w" '
f " . 'jTk:' . ' 1 o'clock. Jerome will begin tomorrow . .1 f " 111 IVeUVUii Vaw . .' -V ' .
--( w . -v - ..,. . 11 , , morning, v .-. i . ., 71
' - , s . - Delmas Dfaonnces in BittcY Tenna i
- - - v, " Aid Mra. Holmaa Cay Jerome. '
- . .. .. .;- . s . ...-;... ; v- . . ; ,.,,.;.-. V. . ' ' '
I -v :.:,;. ;' " .,--" I" ' ' I I , ' " Ueeraal Seeelat Servtcat ' I 7"A
I . If.-' " - S . 4 ' . . J I
I ? r F t-- t-T 1 I
I '-- itXl !L ; I le and churche crowned with th m-J 7A
I V If- i IL-rt inZl it' ':1 1 I the worda of the Redeemerr -Whosoever t'A -v
. f". I it
ff i - f ( I it i: . - -. j . , 11
I 1 i F I 1 T UV t1 1 Iff It err unto mv I hU surely bear. I 1
i ! it'll
rr: ! I i ?
. i i
1 f ' I of a great cltyT . Did he Imagine that A ' . . , ' ffm T
, Vi" ( I j I i 4lha4 foraottea'-hle promiaa and-hlal. V , . w i
t ' t . - ' ,i )T.Lji , ----'' 4J.---"-"-- 1 ideerees? Better for him had he died I . a 7 J
! -W ,rr!Ur2-j' .w ..."'JXi:,ii -''' .'Z-.Z..,..' - .. 1 I before that day when death might hav I I,'-
, .. . v.- :. J:.n.rV - .:-..t atiat-ir, san-rwn . . ? j
Shacki Tort
The eld frame rookeries at the eouth
vrest corner of Second aad Salmon have
twa torn awar and oavatlns; for tha
foandatloa of th proposed Chinese
building- will becta In a day or two.
Tba building that ha to disappeared
'from thla earner played mora or laaa
Difficulty Experienced by Nolta
Club In Securing Councilman
f for Peninsula District.' -.
Bayard Aaaoancee Candldacr jsnd
Will Bun Irreapectlre of Wishes
of Proorreaalre Club Latter to
'. Build Fire Houae.
' r.MmhU difficulty eonf rent the
Nolta Prograaalve club In the choice of
a man to repreeent the " penlnaula Jn
the city council. Dr. U M. Devi of
tha tenth ward Baa aireaay anmucww
bla candidacy without eonaultlng tha
Nolta club. J. W. Bayard of University
Park, waa present at tha meeting laat
night and announced that at tha request
of hia many friend ha would enter the
race for councilman at large, regardlee
of tha views of tha NoKa Prograaalve
club. The Improvement aaaoclatlon has
a committee In tha field that la look
ing for ' eligible candidates, but they
have been apprehended at every tuna.
Bayard Make Aaaoaaomaat.
Mr. Bayard In. announcing hi candi
dacy " practically reiterated tha wlahe
expressed by different members of the
Nolta Progreaalva club when they flrat
began thla aearch for a man to repre
eent them la tba council. He waa
backed by C H. Carter, of Penlneular.
Oa motion the matter waa postponed to
a eubeequent moetlnjr but tba tlma for
filing 1 feat paaalng and tha club will
oon nave to choose.' The three men
that thla committee have under consid
eration are Dr. Davla. A. H. Beard and
H. a. -Parson. Secretary Stone aay
that Paraona will undoubtedly be in
dorsed bv the committee and Davla will
be dropped because. Parsons haa been
recommended to the Federated Trade
a a suitable candidate by the execu
tlve body and with the two Indorsed
monts he stand a good chance of being
wleoted., " ' .'.';-
Adevtr Beeohrttoae.
A set of resolution waa passed In
which It waa declared that a wood truat
existed la the city and, eddreeatng the
ounolL requested that body ta take
rone action toward relieving the eon
anions. It waa suggested that the city
establish a fuel depot where fuel could
be bought at a reasonable price. O. C.
"Our mottahrr
"When you see
a head, hat it"
Our plan of
electing our
spring hats has
been not to
' stick to any one
make but we
. haye a large va
riety of spring
shapes so, that
any style of ;
face can receive
fair treatment .
:We have just ,
opened a new
lot of. - ,
S Lion Special -
A style for the conservative
man, a shape for the college .
youth; $2.50 quality, $5.00
appearance ' : ,
Men's and Boys' Outfitters
1C3 and ICS Third St.
- Htbawk Building. . : ;
Down at the Southwest Corner of Second
of aa Important part In tba early his
tory of Portland. Ona it tham. tnat
atood Immediately aaat of tha Holman
Undartakina- parlora, la aald to hare
baan built mora than lfc year ago, and
was at ona ttma aulta a pretentloua
business kouse-tat for the paat JO or
Carl doubted If tha city could tabllah
ueh a depot and aald that tha knowl
edge bad coma to him that certain Port
land - bualneaa . men - bad. ordered large
amounta of coal from Cooa Bay which
ha think wlU help wood prlcea in
Portland. The reeoluUone ' concluded
that tha .fuel truat waa (rowing opres
eive and that It ought to be broken.".
WU1 Ball llre Koaae.
A fcouaa for tha volunteer flra com
pany, that waa recently organised, will
be built for tha company by the Nolta
club.' It waa decided to organise a Joint
atock company and the following men
war appointed to complete the organ!-
ration: Cbarlea Pattern, E. J. Casey, C.
H. Daggett. H. E. Ruble and Q. C.
Cart C H. Daggett waa appointed to
secure coaiea of the amendment and
Initiative meaaurea that will b voted
on In Juno ao tha club could intelligent
ly' dlaouaa the merlta of each,
' Continued from ftge One.)
this talk In Parte en this man. ' I re
turn to, her story of . their atay'ln Eu
rope, ; bow-he talked too much of thla
thing, how . he " would . become excited
about It. how h waa constantly going
ever It again and again, and how It wa
never out of hi mind. I -
"8uch wa the condition of Thaw's
mind when he parted from Evelyn and
sent her to America before blm. It wa
the first faint dawn of the mental con
dition which manifested Itaelf three
years later. He ears he went to call
upon her aoon after he arrived In New
York, and bo found that ta the mean
time auoh things had happened that
when he, the man she loved, called she
refused to see him alone. .,
; Poisoned Agnla Kim. ,,' -'
"He found her mind poisoned a gal not
him. He aald aha didn't understand.
Then aha told him she'd heard certain
stories,' that he put a girl In a bathtub
aad turned boiling water oa her; that
he took morphine, tnat he was erasy
and that hs was la tha habit of tying
girls to bedposts and beating them. He
shook his head and aald, Toor little de
luded Evelyn.'
"She told him how ehe had gone to
Hummafs office and bad seen there
papere purporting to be a part of a ault
agalnat him by a girl he had mistreated,
and he told her If ehe wished to be
lieve uch thing aha could.
"Evelyn told you. 'And ha kissed my
hand and aald he would always car
most for me that I wa an angel to
him aad we parted aa though never to
see each other again.'
--. Picture XI Ooadltloa. .
"Picture hi state of mind when he
received such greetings fioiu the woman
from whom h hd parted so tenderly
only a short I me before, whom be loved
and had asked to be his wife. Picture
his state of mind when he found that
sbe had been mentally, poisoned by the
man who wa the cans of all her
wrong ao that ah refused to ee him
alone, and whan he exclaimed, Toor
little Evelyn.' , .
"Then recall' the letter he wrote her,
how he wrote the nest day Oh the
madness of it 'A you ar absolutely
honest. I won't trouble you, I would
have done anything for you; now you
muat get atronger without m.',i'
"Neither the pagea of poetry nor ora
tory contain a sadder atory of utter
desolation than when Thaw bewailed hi
lo. The world appeared blank te him.
He felt that he had nothing to Ilv for.
All ambition had ned." , ..
.. XI Changed Manner, .r
Delma described at length Thaw's
changed manner when he went t Pitts
burg, how hi mother noticed It and at
last learned hr secret. He continued:
"Then you remember the occasion In
the church when the organ pealed out
that grand anthem. To the God of Our
Armies and Navlea. Lest We Forget.'
how he broke down and with the mualc
ringing In hi ears he repeated thl tale:
Tea never caa forget tha wrong done
thl girt you never can forget what
make your life ao desolate.'
"The courageous man conceived that
he had a ailaalo to perform. Seeing
Evelyn In the hand of White Beamed to
him worse than tha tormente of hell.
He came back to New Tork te make oae
more effort a save ber."
Delmas then depicted how Thaw and
Evelyn had met aa etranaera. hew Eve-
lya at laat learned that the etorlea that
had been told her. about Thaw wars
untrue. , -
t atop Dawaed Oaee' Mora. V
i "Then." exclaimed Delmas, "hspe be
a agala to dawa In thla man' breast.
The hour ef reeonclltattoa wae at hand;
we oarner were railing away. -
"They cam closer together until that
blessed night of Chfiatmaa eve. ltOl, the
night that White had prepared In the
hlgb tower a banquet for thla girl vic
tim ef Ma, when he thought to lure her
ta hi dea again that night, wbea he
and Salmon.
1 1 year nad descended to tba Inalorleu
level of a Cblnaaa laundry..
Tha two-atory .bulldlne on the corner
of 8soond and Salmon baa for a long
tlma beea Ued for aaloon purpoaea. A
third of a century ago It playad a eon
apicuoua part la Portland'a tenderloin.
hoped to renew his wrong to her; on
that night thl man who wa devoted
to her. snatched her away from the Jaw
of death, from the snare of disgrace.
and took her away." .
When That meal IVera Began.
"And that night their real love for
each ether ' began. That night, when
hunting for the man who had rescued
Evelyn, but found him not, with platol
In hand. Whit threatened to ahoot tha
man who had baffled him." Delmaa ex
plained how Thaw believed that White
had v employed the "Monk" Eaatraan
gang te kill him and continued: '
"Then the apectre that he might loee
hi own life wa added to the en
which had haunted him 0 long. From
that nleht he went armed." - . Continu
ing the story of Evelyn and Harry,
Delmaa said: .'In the Utter part of 1194
or the beginning of 1908. the second
operation waa performed oa Evelyn.
When convalescent the man who for
two years had aought her love and had
been refused because she 'thought their
union would be to his detriment, per
suaded the mother he adored to come
te New York.
Thaw Xotb SaeeemrfaL
"She came and beeought the girl to
marry- her--sons She- assured .Evelyn
that ahe would be welcome to the home.
would be honored and respected aa the
wife ef her son.
KAnd'th Poor little girl, who had re
fused the ion, could not ' resist th
mother, and en April 4, 10S, they were
Delmaa outlined at length how, when
business or social duty had driven Thaw
and Evelyn from Pittsburg' to New
Tork, Whit had twice pursued her, and
how Thaw mad hie wife promt' to
111 him ef every time she saw White
He continued :" v '
"In May, 1908, Evelyn related to her
husband how White had gone to May
MacKensie In the hospital, ' and when
May MacKensie had said ' to White,
' Isn't It nice how Evelyn and Thaw
get alongr White answered, "Well. It
won't laat; I will get her back.'" . ,
: Orew Wild at White Boast,
"When Eveiyn related that atory to
Thaw on month before the fatal day
in June he began' to gnaw hi nail and
bl eye grew wild. Did he not have
eauae to get wild, when thl man, who
had loved thl girt for four year; who
had carried her atory 'In hi heart; who
had made her hie -wife, heard that her
ravlsher had boasted he would get her
backf. s. :
"In- hi mind he heard White eay 1
tola her from her mother, now I will
ateal her again from her husband.' But
he did not ateal her again. Between
that desire and Its consummation stood
thl strong young man to defend his
right, inspired by pledges he had made
befor-heavenito protect her'wtth hi
Ufa" . - --y .
"From that time on Thaw waa al
waya haunted, by the thought that
White, aa long aa he lived, wa a con
stant menace to hi horn and honor.
HI wife ha aald ha would wake her la
the middle ef the night to aalc quae-!
tlona about White. He waa conatantly
brooding on the subject of White. Then
ope by one he learned the specific case
btTb"dlher girt victim "of White."
"With thl thought in mind he aald
Whit' place was in th penitentiary;
that he would get worse and worse aa
time went on. and would deatroy not
only girls on the stage, but other girl a,
and they would not only be dl" graced,
but would become bad women. To shew
how deep waa the Impression oa hi
mind, I call your attention to the pro
vision In th codicil of hi will aettlng
aald thousands of dollara to protect
girl who might become victim or
White, and, etrange to aay. It wae writ
ten on th night of thl wadding."
A Applied to aerosae SUmself. :
B-ut his effort did not end with th
codicil, but In th early part ef 190 he
wrote to Com atock and then called upon
the district attorney, whoaow asks hi
llf. Then he went to the moat impor
tant detective agencies. He al way o re
tained tha earn result, was told that
nothing could be dona 'Even hia wife
toid him he could not aucceed agalnat
Whit and hlapowrful frlenda With
these thought in mind, that h waa
baffled in hi battle for Tight and rtr
tue,' try to conceive the etate of Thaw's
mind when he met Stanford White on
that night in June."
Thaw's laaaalty "Dementia Americana."
Delma said that It th expert could
classify Thaw's Ineanlty they would
characterise It as "Dementia American,"
which, makea a man believe tnat the
sanctity of a man'e home Is Inviolate.
The Jury appeared to give unaiviaea
attention to Delmas. but were like
graven images so far aa showing by
facial axpreasloa any impreealon from
hi argument waa concerned. . ueimae
thla afternoon described the night of
the tragedy and the dinner party given
by Thaw. Evelyn, MeCaleb. Beale and
Thaw walking together until Beale
TEA.-; -'
, Do you think you-know '
all there is in those three
letters, t-e-a?'
A SduUiflg At Cotrr-cy Sas rrancUc
-. (Journal Kneels I Sentre.)
New Tork. April . Continuing his
denunciation of White, begun yesterday
afternoon In his address to the Thaw
Jury, Attorney D. M. Delmas said, af
ter reviewing ' Evelyn's . betrayal oy
White: - ' ,
"He who had erected altars, eanctuar
lea and churches crowned with th em
blem of redemption, had he forgotten
ths words of tho Redeemerr "Whosoever
receiveth such a little child In my nam,
recelveth me'T
"He who erected temple to th Ood
of Isaac and Abraham and Jacob, had
he forgotten th word of Jehovah: "Ye
shall not afflict a fatherlea child, for
If It cry unto ma, I ahall surely bear,
and my wrath shall wax hot and will
kill you with my sword and your wives
shall be widows'? ' . . ' .
"Did Whits Imagtna In his hardened
heart that Ood would not hear the erica
of that fatherlea child In the ellence
a great cltyT , Did he Imagine that
he- had fonrotten - hie promise, and - hia
decreea? Better for him had he died
before that day when death might have
been deplored by his family, whsn mem
ory might not have . survived , only
to be desecrated. .v ' v
' Jury to Peas oa Xer Truth. '
' "Gentlemen, la the atory true, or I
It true that Evelyn told It to Thaw "la
Parte la 190ST Thl I on of th great
est question you must answer. Tha
district attorney tells you this Is a
fabrication of th girl's own mind, that
h tried to make her make a written
statement ef It N.
"In corroboration of Evelyn' atory
I call your attention to the thing you
obaerved aa ehe told the story. Tou aaw
the horror In her face, her courageou
struggling with emotion, aaw her com
poae heraelf and resume. I aak you oa
your oath, was-ahe- playing a partr
Delmaa Veferred to the fact that It
developed - In probing the payment to
Evelya by White of tit weekly whan
she was not on th atage, that Mr.
Holmaa had 'received the money from
White. "In the tear following Evelyn'e
betrayal Mrs. Holman received aa aver
age ef t!0 monthly, yet the prosecu
tion tell you that at that time White
waa financially embarrassed. I ask yoa
why White paid this money to Mra.
Holman, and: leave you ta anawer.
"Thla led up to the discovery ef Eve
lyn'e condition by Mra Slmonton. who
wrote letter confronting Whit with
danger of exposure, and told how White
went to hi "disreputable friend, Abe
Hummel, to aaalat la keeping the mat
ter quiet.'" , ,
Bvelya' XCothay Bitterly Orltlrise.
"I wish to call your attention ta the
asslstanca clven the prosecution by her
mother. Once I spoke of the mother,
disclaiming any Intention ef criticising
her except to eay ehe had been care
less. At that time It had not developed
that she had received 300 monthly
from White, nor that ah waa assisting
the prosecution. '
"When -1 saw- th district attorney
reading from th statement by th
girl' mother I reaHe that In plao-
Ing hi finger on all th aor spots In
her poor eoul until ehe writhed he had
been told by her mother where the sore
spots were concealed. When I under
stood that her mother wa pointing the
way for the torture of her own off
spring, . when ' I realised that ehe had
furnished the prosecution with Evelyn's
Alarv srith foolish little child eonfee-
slona. I retracted what I bad aald about
the mother." - . ' -
Delmaa continued grilling Evelyn's
mother, called ber aa unnatural parent,
said even the unreasoning ' beast pro
tects its vounc. but here waa a mother
who assists la talcing from her daughter
the Only being who clings to her. '
i hearse Seechl ervtee.f " -Winnipeg.
AprU t-Hundred of
American settlers and their car ar
blocked in the yard here, and the etock
I perishing. Th human authorities
have interfered upon t.e American ap
peal' to the board of control. Dosen of
car of fin atock are dead oa account
of the lack of water and food, and the
ewnera have had to a tend helpleaely by.
' ury Finds for 8 ma there.
' ' f Jeeraal Seeda! i ifts.)
New Tork. April 9. The Jury today
returned a verdict la favor ef Smathera,
who wa sued by th Memphla Trotting
aaaoclatlon to recover the cup woa by
Delmar la 1904. The plaintiff aUeged
that Lou Dillon' opponent had been
doped. . 'i . i.
. Mr M m, .. MMMM r-
Wednesday la th laat day for dis
count oa weat aid gaa bill.
11 ' u Hackett, Carhart & Gb.'s
- - ;,v
'U ,J "Styl
of tho most nutritious c! flour
foodsUncsda Ckcultthe
only perfect soda cracker Then
you will bo ablo to v .
Earm ' More
becauso a well-nourhhed Ijody v
Thus you sVnll
H because for value received there
is no food
Uncsda CIccuIt
The West Coast Me Insurance Company
' ':'' ' Announces that It haa opened aa ' ; ; .
; : At rooms 409 and 410 Madea Building, Portland, Oreton, ';. "
This office Is in chr of Mr. Newton E. Crow, Superintendent '
THE WEST COAST LIFE is a strong, well managed company,;
organiied under California's stringent corporation laws. Its diree- it
tors and stockholders, are among the state's best known and most
frogressiva business and professional men. Policy contracts plain,
ibersl and thoroughly safeguarded. . , ,,. i 1; ; r f
' V V ' ' V '. OFFICERS t 1 . ' 't '"
; GEORGE A. MOORE, President - , i ; V ,
THOMAS L. MILLER. Vice-President ' r ? v
' M ' . EDWARD L. DORN. Second Vice-President
JULIAN SONNTAG, Secretary and Treasurer.
EDWARD TOPHAM. Acting Medical Director, j ; ' '
M. B. KELLOGG and F, P. DEERING, Counsel
' : : ( '. 'directors.,' v.Vvv. y: ; Wv . :Vv,
U P. BCHRCNS, first Itattasal luk,
K. J. BKANDfc!Tin. arsreaaat,
' MAURlCa CahBT. Capitalist.
. JOHN O. OOLKM Alt. OaDlUllst.
HENRY t. CROCKBB. Capitalist. '
, OEOKOB n. HIND, Bhlpowaar.
BBNBT BBDNMKB, Oeatral Treat Osss-
A.?7afIBXSJ. sftrehast.
C. O. O. MIIXIB, tHelfk UfHtlmg
at, S. KBtXOOO,
&KKik., VIRKS&)
X Hara you planned your flower and
at once, it is rugn tuna to piant enruos, rosea, frees, etc so get
busy. Our descriptive catalog; and our salesman will trive you
S -valuable information on the subject Do not wait until the last
j minute; get your supply now and be ready to plant when the ground
Scientific Made Shirts
Are just what a man needs if he
, durability. If you enjoy
The Jacobs Shirt Co.
Phone Main 1087. 91 Stark St, Between Fourth and Fifth
:. ... sts., Portland, Oregon ------.-.:-T
Now Displayed in Our Shop $X5 p $40 INSPECTION INVITED
' 1 " - , "'' '
Top to Bottom Outfitters ' - 303 Washington Street
also be able to
so eccnosucal 1 ts
proof packet
T. t. MIIXHR. Tlte-PresMeat.
CH AS. O. MOO KB, C, a Steer fjagl-
eeerlns works.
OlOROB A. atOOBB. Preslaeat,
H. B. NOBLB, CsBltsllst. . -:'.,
W. B. BE IS, Capitalist .
T. J. A. BUT, Brlttas Bey.
M. IT.BISH H ACK R A, MeKkaat. '
KIBKatAN WRIGHT. Capitalist.
B. L. DORN. Beeoea Ttee-Praslaeat, :
FBANB. r. DBKBUJiv, atteraey.
vegetable garden? II not. do so
wants a perfect fit style and
a comfortable shirt see .
Seen on Br
' ' " c ; :.
r Bottom
olOur '.
$15 Serfle
Suits v;m Koi
Please Yoo, Then
You will not be satis
fied to buy a serge suit
from any other tailor in
the city at any ; price.
! Why? For, the simple
reason that ; we have
compelled ourselves to
' give the best serge value
ever offered in the city
t prices which make
ready-made , goods look
-like thirty xents.-
Forty Dollars
In a serge suit that will
give no more satisfac
tion; last no longer, fit
you no better and be
made of nowhere near
. as good material." Have
a reason for buying your
: clothes this year. ;. Get
them at the lowest price
" you can, consistent with
; quality, fit and finish. " If
you follow this rule our
tag will be on every suit
and. pair of pants you
"wear. -
Seventh and Start Sts
IFo Portland
portuaKix onieooM.
J . TRAVKWtML . "." ,,
Everythlne te eat and erlak, aad
tt eoete aa mere In tba ... .
PortUa4 Hotel llathskellar
than elaewbere la the city. 1
areekaay algal rrota : ta !., -.
St. O. OWa, ataaairev.
, ,, . ,'"'' '-
: ,o o ; V