The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 09, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Tobacco Kills
Absolute Btonpev- for Bralav
ic, jrerve-ueetroying Tebaeoe
JEaUt ata Steea Pvund.
. Tea Oaa Try It Ahtelatsly Frae.
But Bargains Are Snapped Up
The Oobaoee aablt te a enraa. an
kaows It. Some "smart klla' t snow It,
- Rapidly,- arid If You Want
Heney Suddenly Turns Search-
Fine. Piano for Little Money
light In New Direction In
Hunt for Craft. 7
, Youll Have to Hurry.
Host ai wi uks te quit. If thtt knew
tr eooid e It "eaar, wlUurat caualag Una
tlseeatJhvt. .
I I : II I I
if ii ii
I ;! 1
I i
I Ii I I I I
I I? -,.r- ' , , II I
.. . i ... .. . ' .,. I . I . I
Mil j . I
-f W ; ' . 1 . XII - 11
?m$K'n K I
ll ' r i
A ' "United States Ambassador Lloyd I
III ii u. unscom was severely.. Burned I
II III while attemntlnr to tint out a blaze I -
, 1 ll f J f in. the Palazza del Drago, his home
:- ' Hi from a recent photograph of Mrs. ; I
Eilers Sold Eight of Those Splen
did Bush & Gerts Pianos Yes-
' terday( at Just " About Half
Price. :. ' '
ThM ar sood time In Portland.
Business ti never better, everybod;
haa money, and the "goose bangs high.
But thla la wetting; a little away from
our topic. It a an important on for
those who are nlanolesa. we v a crorv
osltloa that meana -a. fine lnatrument
In your home and a. big aaving la the
coat to you If ou are quick to re
spond. ' . ...
Monda moraine we had alrhtean fine
ouin uerte pianoa, wnicn reached ua
with the cases more or leaa ecra toned
ana marred. These piano were ahlpped
to ua In what we call "harneae" a full
car of them, unboxed to save wetrht
and tpns In chipping- and "the car
wu oroaea into ana entered by Home
mallcioua part lea, who created more or
leaa mischief. All the daman, how
ever, waa confined to the outakie of the
Instrument, and therefore - the nlanoa
are really not Injured a particle from
musical point of view. The railroad
company paya the loss, and . we have
cut the price almost In half. We will
put eacn lnatrument through our shop,
repollsh the case on each one, and every
Instrument will carry the same full and
complete guarantee that goes with all
new lnatrument told by u the guar
ante of the strongest, moat reliable,
bisgest. buaieat and beat niano-aalllna
house in the United States.
There are or went thla mnrttlnat
Just ten of these fine piano atUl un
sold. Prioee reaularlv would have
ranced from tilt to t2a. but now are
Just about half thee flrurea. A more
satisfactory piano would be hard to
nna man th Bush ft QerU make.
Major Shown In - XJgnl - of Sneak
Thief, Accepting Petty ' Graft
From Slot Machines Go-Between
Is Exposed and Turns on Schmlts.
are mad
wtth caotloua nantinn.
Oua-hly honest aU throurh. fine In tone.
action and finish.' Be your own Juda-a,
or bring- along th beat posted friend
you can And In piano construction and
we 11 be satisfied to leave -the matter
of decision entirely with you. i .
Never mind a few itmni nf t !
they 11 oon dry off. Come thla after
noon or Brat thing In th morning, for
theee few pianoa .will aoon be snapped
up by appreciative muslo lover.
Com right to th busy piano head-
uarirra. in nous or Hiaheat
ids wasninnon street- corner a
win riano Mouse.
of Park.
"United States Ambassador Lloyd
C. Orlscom was severely! burned
while attempting to pat out a blaze
in the Palana del Drago, his home
at Rome. The picture at the top Is
from a recent photograph ot Mrs.
Lloyd C Orlscom, wife of the Amer
1 lean ambassador; In the ) center Is
shown the Palazza del Drago, and la
.the medallion at the . bottom Is
anown f rmce net urago, to wnota, a
the house belongs-
'Manager of the Great Barber
Company at Boise Obeys
Sharp Order. '
tSperial DwpeM te TM Jearast
Bolae, Idaho. AprU I. Federal Judge
Haatty today Issued aa order requiring
Ik O. Chapman, manager of - th Bar-
bar Lumbar company, to produo be
fore th grand jury aU th book of th
company to be used in the Investiga
tion of it timber purchaae la Idaho.
Chapman had been before th jury, but
. . . i. . ..
refuaeo to proouc ai u inw
tha company. Judge Beatty auggta
that any trifling with th erdr would
bring a request for the marshal te take
Chapman into custody fo contempt of
court.' Chapman obey th order to
day and laid th books ad papers
tor th grand jury. . A
asaaeaaBwaeawaan ' V
' Th damag suit of Campbell f
, against - th rortuna Kail way w
company . was ' dlamisaed this e
e morning on account of th death 1
of th plaintiff, Mrs. Christina ,.
Campbell, v- June SS, 10, Mrs.
Campbell fell from a ear at 81 e
- teenth and Morrison atreeta,
atriklng her. head on the pave-
ment. , Her demise was not in
any way doe to th accident ,
e Mrs. Campbell was xtremely
e modest la th amount of dam-
ages asked for. Her el aha eras " e
e for KtS, the actual erpenee at-
e tendant upon her alcanas tol-
e lowing th tnjurla - ' -
.. -. '.' - )
' CJeeiaal SwMtsI Berrtee.) '
... v., ylal HI J VI J BUI-
round rue th theft of 1171,00 from th
ub-treaaury 1 said - to . have been
cleared. Th employe who were sus
pected are not guilty. It la said that a
colored scrubwoman took th bill when
th employes war not looking. Follow
ing a, search of th woman's flat, th
woman was questioned by government
secret eerrlce men today. It 1 said a
warrant will be Issued.
Artificial 'Limb Company - Is
. : Made Defendant in Contract
vCase by B. S. Pague. ;
. William Kelly, an expert in th menu
ractur of artificial limbs, is suing th
Portland Artificial Limb company for
1,000 damages. . Kelly ehsrgaa that B
B. Pague, president of th company, se
cured hi arrest for th purpose of ex
torting from him zoo share of th stock
of th company, Th stock was given
to Kelly aa a bonus la consideration
of his signing a contract to work for
th company for two year. Th stock
waa turned over to th workmaa and
than there waa a hitch about th signing
of th eon trace
Pairu fearing. It is alleged, that b
would lose both stock and workman.
called an officer. Th sight ef th city
lock-up was too much for Kelly and n
turned over tn certificate of stock.
Th case Is Ming heard in JTudg Oan.
tanbela's court. .
J. E. Smith Crossed the Plains to
This State In Fifty-'v,-1';-
Four. 1 , . '
J. E. Smith ef Mount Harmnnv.- an
Oregon ptoneeex died of heart failure In
Portland March J 7. Ftineral services
were conducted by Rer. Hamlin of Cedar
Kill M. B. church and also by Ldy
m jwhiii, Mi i.wwiiiiiuiiii .spimi uiiuh inns
' .y ' :. '--
' V.': - ' :
. sf ,.. '.:.;.;
: : '- ft
I , , ; ,.,
J. S. Smith.
X. M. O. A. and T. W. O. A. Mem
bers Win Express GraUtude at
, Secarlnf Boildlng Fund., '-
C';r.;in!; Tonight
Wednesday evening, from S to 10
o-eioea. the member of th Y. M. C
and th. T. TV. C A. wlU have a iubne
um ia u gymnasium or tn T. aa. C
A. rooms. Clifford's orchestra will fur
nish th tnuslo. - An especial effort Is
being mad to have th gymatalt
tastefully decorated. . --
The first hour will be given o-rer to
social gam and a general reception, to
n rouowed by an hour of impromptu
speech making. In which Mr a. Dr. E.
Rocker, Miss Constance McCorkl,, a
rotary Of th T. W. C. A-, B. Ck Reed.
Walter A. Oos and H. W. Stone will
deliver short addreseea
' Wednesday la th . last day for dis
count oa west sld gas bill a.
' fpdal Cwpateh i The JoaraaL) '
Cheyenne, Wye., April K A mud
alld 100 fret long and IS feet dees at
th east portal of Aspen tunnel, on th
Union Pacific, west or here, baa block
aded - transcontinental traffla on th
Overland rout and it will be days be
fore trains can be moved. A passenger
tretn was wrecked on th soft road last
Bight and Engineer Burton fatally hurt,
;.. ' " - :-
(SMdal Dttpatca te Te Jnaraal.) v' '
Pendleton., Or., April . C A. Bar
rett, president ef th Inland Empire
Orala Growers" association, . ha pur
ehaaed of Koahland Broa of San Fran
cisco 110,000 sacks and 71,000 from a
I. "'M.c turn yii: piiQ ii 9 Yf
cent, th Back to h delivered at the
wheat ataUopa In Umatilla and Harrow
counUaa. - . .
grange of which Mr. Smith was secre
tary. Th remains wsr Interred in
ueaar Mill union cemetery.
Mr. Smith was born near Madison.
Indiana, November It, list. He croeaed
th plains with his parents tn 18(4 and
was married to miss is'annl E, Scott
March 14, 1S77. Mr. and Mrs. Smith
celebrated their thirtieth wedding anni
versary snortiy neior nis death. Klaht
children war bora to th union, all of
whom ar living. They are Mrs. Emil
star, Mrs. iuis etara, Mrs. Seatta R.
Cook, Lindsey A., Pliny C, Carl 8
Fanny "If. and Marshall D.
(Continued from Pag One.)
war present and "th investigation was
conducted by a deputy from th city
auditor's offlc.
Of th 10 names on th first nag that
was examined this morning nine nam
war discovered not to be registered and
were accordingly etrickea off. On th
second page also nln names were fouad
to h not registered. g, .
Twelve ef the en 'the next page
were checked off for th same reason
and seven names on th following page.
Pour names were checked off th next
pag and on th following, a portion of
a pag, flv out of th alx name war
found to b not registered.
Al Crofton, repreaentlng th liquor
Interests at th Investigation, charged
that some of th name war ap
parently forgerlea and had been writ
ten by some one who used his left hand
to dlagula th writing. ' : - -
Th Investigation was postponed at
noon until I o'clock when It will -tie
resumed. It is estimated that one half I
th names oa ths petition will b miners.
aMWan ART aa a If r.t . ' """"re.
regiaierea. v .
Jearaal Speelst Service.)
San Franolsco, April I.1 It is sener-
ally, believed that Monday's seaalon of
the grand Jury marked the firing ef thei
polio department and that In th tes
timony ot Fred Hllbert. Schmlta bosom
friend; -was laid th foundation not only
for an Indictment against Schmlta but
Of several polio offlatal as well.
Befor nightfall It I believed Heney
real purpose in going Into the alleged
slot machine craft will be revealed.
Hllbert will be sweated again thta after
noon and membere of th fight trust
will also be examined.
Almost without warning, th grand
jury- yesterday turned It attention from
tn investigation Into th manlnulatlona
or th board of supervisors by th local
telephone companies te the compara
tively Insignificant grafting Indulged In
by Mayor Schmlts through his go-between.
Fred' Hllbert th confidant of
th mayor and secretary of th Hllbert
Mercantile company, that went out ef
existence In a blase of scandal. -
-Evidence was adduoed yesterday
showing that Hubert received half pick
ings from conducting gambling ma
chines in th saloons of th city against
the law, and under the protection of th
city's executive. In prtnelpl th graft
ing by th municipal authorities and th
go-'betweens was tremendous.' la fact
It is lnalgnlflcant, for th graft lasted
but 10 days In January and February of
10S, tha-period between th revocation
of th city ordinance by the supervisors
and . th selsur ef the machines by
District Attorney Langdon under th
stat law. .,
Another Xxposur f Bohmlta. '
Hllbert haa concluded that the safest
Place for him la under th Immunity
wing of th prosecution and In the
panio has, in th language of hi aaso
clatea, "coughed up" all he know about
th liquor graft and th slot machtn
hold-up. Hllbert, relying upon his In
formation concerning Schmlts and hi
relations with those seeking protection,
to save his face hope fc asoap serious
trouble by a betrayal' of hi former
friend. He is still under subpoena and
win oe recalled for examination.
Hubert's story shows Schmlts in th
light or a sneak thief,- as he waa con
tent to pick up th small graft from the
saloons and cigar stands operating
money mac nine. . This trail, however.
seems likely to lead to bigger gam.
Th examination of the talesmen at
Abe Ruef e . trial wae resumed , this
morning and on additional talesman
was temporarily passed. ,
e Wednesday is th last day for .dis
count on west fid gas hula.,. .
" baOe'M ' to" kata. tJlgaxettsa -H.
. The Oaese, ..
"Kurr-To-Qalt" a a pnsmv. abeenit "etna.
per" to an tobaeee habit.- If Is a veaetaela
rsaedy, an4 aay lady nu live It seontly la
food or orink. It la harmless: leaves no r.
eettaa or bad after ellacta, aa4 U stops the
kshlt te etar stopped. a
alatkar, save the jrmng smakers brala, fe
eaaaet ee tt kuaaelf. Wires, sister and sweet
hearts, kale aave taa tohul. kodv am fatura
ef eooM eae wke la Bear and dear te ra.
Without row help It may aot be one.
"I gave year tobaceo ear to my bvSband
wltboot ala kaowlng It, and It cared aim. Be
has aot had aav Saalra for IsbuM am ana
hla. bealu la moca taaprevedJ'Mra. Battle
Oallck, Aatmrx, lad. . '
If ye fill eat tbe blank Knee beknr wttk roar
name ead addraae. eat eat eoapoa and aead
It to na, we wlU eend ye abaolntely froe,
by mall, la plala wrapper, a trial parkece
of aaaay-A4)ult." Yoa 4U ee thankrol
aa long a yon live that ye did It. a.
tfrses aWars Drat and Ckemlaal Oa IU4
rifU aad Base ata., UoelaoaU, OkW
(Continued from Fag One.)
(Special Dispatch to The loarasl.)
Taoma, Wash-, April . A deaerted
row boat was found 10 days ago in Gig
harbor, and today word reached her
from Vashon Island that th boat be
longed to Matt Bridge Jr; a fisherman.
It years old. whoa friend fear h ha
been murdered. On the night that
Bridge waa first missed residents ef
Clam Cove heard cries for help, and
some recognised th.. voice of -young
Bridge. Boat which put out over
hauled a launch, th occupant of which
said he believed a man had : been
drowned. - He acted queerly, and 'pres
ently ateamed away In th darkness.
Bridges friends bellev that h and the
man in tn4uncn may nave got Into an
altercation. In which Bridge waa
knocked Into the water. Th deasrted
boat contained young Bridge hat and
such lands, which agitated Oregon poll.
tics for many year a Queatloned fur
ther, n said, "No, air, I did not know Z
waa violating th law. - I wa not re
moved becauae I acquired th landa"
Th government then introduced ' in
evidence th records showing that Her
mann mad out paper a receiver, sell
ing publlo land to himself. Hermann.
' X knew of Senator Mitchell's receiv
ing two 11,000 bills from 8. A. D. Puter.
Benator Mitchell never called at my
nom in reference to th Puter claim.
I never had bueines relation with
Senator Mitchell. I do not remember
meeting puter- on F street and talking
la reference to his claims. - -
K ' . av Oar Tips."-'1 ': 1
i never gav Up a to th Blu
mountain foreat reserve. What any
on got, th whol world got. I always
admlnltrd affair of th general land
offlc 'conscientiously, with aa or to
ingl duty and publle good. .1 never
received one cent of money for action
In th Blu mountain reserve matters.'
This examination ,- by hie -. counsel
nded and the cross examination began.
The district attorney took up th horn
-. J:
' Sold exclusively at Gray's
can be relied upon to give
absolute satisfaction. It's
the' right kind of clothing. !
, Finest. imported and domes-
v tic fabrics, correct tailoring,
- styles as only shown by New
York's best tailors and better
' fitting than any other make
; of" ready - to- wear clothesT"
- We sho w a larger selection
of beautiful patterns than. .
you can find anywhere else
in the city. The most criti
cal man can- find the gar
merit he wants in this great! ;
assemblage. . 4-i::.f
:," ;:"'.';;-itet us show you." :
S2O.00 is $50.00
stead entry ef SohtUer B. Hermann tn
th Boeeburt district, te show that
Schiller claim was handled by Herr
mann, tn violation of hi own order of
February. 1HL Maying that no official
or employe of the land office could ac
quire publlo lands or become Interested
tn land, th purpose being to show
that Hermann waa Intereated la Schil
ler eiaim waiea cars befor him aa a
commissioner. - , '.
Force Uarrlman Into Omrt. , ,
(Jetiraal Sperlal Servke.)
Washington, D. C. April, . It Is in
timated that th interstate ' commerce ,
commission will force XL H. Harrlman
into the federal court of Tew Tork for
refusing to answer their question at
th recent'heartng. ,
, OoTemor Haaly Is Worsa.
" Uenraal Sp-tUl S-rrlae.1 .' .- ' '
mdlahapoll. Ind., April a,... Oerernor "
Haniya - condition thl morning ; took
a sudden turnfor the wore. Stomach .
specialists were hastily summoned and
the ordered tbe executive to remain in
bad at least three weeks and dear him
self to, all, business. ....
. -'( I . r '-
(Speetal Dfapatah to Tha Joarsal.)
Taooma, Waalu April . For th
first time la many week action waa
taken la th Chester Thompson ease
yesterday, when an order was entered
by Judge Snell continuing th trial on
th complaint flld by Prosecutor Mack
intosh of King county, charging Thomp
son with being a dangerous pereon to
be t large. . Pending th decision of
the supreme court on the appeal of
Judge Thompson, th father of Cheater
In which be demurred to th action of
Judge Snell In. refusing to try Cheater
cn a complaint filed by Maurlc Thomp
son charging Chester with being insane,
th Mackintosh complaint will not now
b heard until May . .
In th meantime th boy mnraerer la
taking hi long Imprisonment with a
stolclara that would do credit to a phil
osopher. HI Jailer describe him es a
model prisoner. - ..
; Simmons Case Near End,
Vsperlet Dtspateh. to Tae JoeraaLl
Bole, Idaho, April . Th Simmon.
Stank murder trial I atill occupying
th time of th district court. Th evi
dence Is practically all In, and th case
will soon go to th Jury.
starts t h c day ' rigfit, if
Cood; and starts the day
wrong:, if not ood. .
. Tew avecer retire fersjy M pae e1
tttSaaUiUtaa,, ., , , -
- (Toarnal Stw-lat Servtra.)
Butte, Mont-, April . The Pennsyl
vania, Mountain' View, Leonard and
East and , West Colusa mine or tn
Boston A Montana company were" shut
down today, throwing 1,000 men out of
work, following the cloelng of th Oreat
Pall emeltere because of th strike of
th It electrical workers, machinists
and blacksmiths for a 10-cent rals In
wage. - Beside the - 1,500 araeltermen
rendered idle at Oreat Fall and th
at Butte, about coal
quarry men and trainmen ar
out of work.
" (Sperlal Dlspstch to Tee I oamel.)
' Condon, Or., April I. The city elec
tion . yesterday to elect three council
men clerk and recorder, resulted tn
th ntlr Citizens ticket being elected.
Th eoundlmen-elect ar Dr. J. F. Wood,
Dr. E. A. Mann and P. H. Bt.pheneoii;
recorder, C H. Horner; clerk, Arthur
Blow ai IrlYat Banks.
iJonmet Seeelal ServiMt
Springfield, J1L. AprU . A bill was
Introduced In th senate thl morning
providing fof th abolition of private
s Diseased Appstite Gtgg
And Could Not Slaep
Miss Ella Agard of Eureka, Kan.,
who had frown weak and frail,
from a deep cough, caused by dis
eased lungs, loss of ; appetite and
" sleeplessness, Joins the throng , to
sing tha praises of DUFFY'S PURE
: MALT :WHIS10EY; ; which cured
her after all other remedies failed.
' ' Tha foHowlnr tmaolklted testimonial
; of Miss Agtrd is similar in its words of
praise to many letters received dally
" from men and women throughout tha
world, in all walks of Life, who have been
permanently cured by DUFFY'S PURE
MALT WHISKEY, the frtateit ef all
", medicines, v . . .. . : .v .
'..- " .t i :" .' V'. v.1-..;,'
: "Having seen vour advertrsement
in one of the papers I spoke to alar-"
inena ot mine aoout it ana sne gave
. me a bottle of your Malt Whiskey ;
as I was very much run down and
' Scarcely able to go out' My lungs
Were badly affected, I had a deep
cough, ached all-over, had no appe
tite and could not sleep. I had
taken different medicines for ' my '
7troubleS but found no relief and was
just about discouraged when I be- "
,gan - taking DUFFY'S , MALT ;
WHISKEY. It helped me from the
start and very quickly cured me,
r "I have just been taken with neu
ralgia and a cqugh same as I was -before.
Will you please send me..'
six KrtttVa nf vAiir volnaTKIa wrriialraw .
w. u. k win dit ior ii ncre ana l win n a orear invnrit n it imnnir mv aii-tr rwanta- r Aii
have sold a lot of it when my friends and neighbors found how much good it did me. Thanking you?
oeucye. mc, ulla jts.v, nurexa, ureenwooa o., Kansas, .Nov, zzd, 1906. , v v ;
. ... V
I , ' i
I r a.
nnria ' n
uu uuu
stt wlah te keen strong and. vlrorous
Of perfect health, take Duffy' Pur Malt
and hav cn vour cheeks th alow "
Whlskev rerularlv. aeeordlnar to al. .
reollons, and take no other medicine. It I dangeroue to (111 yourself -with
drugs, they poison th blood while Duffy Pur Malt Whlakey tone and
strongman in neari acwun ana purines tn entire system. It 1 recognised
as a medicine everywhere. Thl I a guarantee. Duffy Pure Malt Whlakey ha '
toed sever tests by skilled chemists for fifty years and haa always been '
found absolutely pur and to contain great medicinal propertle. . .
CAUTION-When you askfyour druggist, grocer or dealer for
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey be sure you get the genuine. It's ths
only absolutely pure medicinal malt whiskey and is sold only In sealed
bottles; never in bulk. Look for the trade-mark, the "Old Chemist,"
on the label, and make sure the seal over the cork is unbroken. Price
$1.00; Illustrated medical booklet and doctor's advice free, Duffy
Malt Whiskey, .Co, Rochester, N,.Y ,' ' ' ' - . .