The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 09, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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Ksirizan Describes the Great
Final Struggle at the Na
; tional Championship.
Despite the BpuUtlon of the Ne
wark Mu the Yale Wrestler Pats
1 Him Down In Quicker Time Tht
'-. Portland Entry Beaten.
'-''" By H. W. Kerrigan.
New Tork, April J. With Saturday
v night March 10. cam the finals In the
national wrestling championships. The
crowd was larger than ever ana mors
. enthusiastic. If possible.' Every lover
' of th. arame was present, and there
certainly ls nr bunchTifsntlnisiestie fol-r
. lowers of the mat sport in a a wars, mm
' pectally. As most of the crowd present
- nnnrnttd the Newark following, the
f eeUng was Intense In favor of the
local man entered, and whenever .they
- won bout, aa happened In one or two
eases, the crowd went wua. Ana woo
uld blame them? For as It
hnnnaned this Turn Vereln has had
more champions of national fame than
. ' any other organisation In the county.
Not a year has passed that the National
Turn Vereln of Newark has not had a
champion la on or two classes of the
national wrestling- championships. They
have done more for the game ana
. turned out more 'good - wree tiers than
any other afhletlo organisation. On the
walls of the gymnasium there are pic
tures of champions slnoe the year 1171,
f ii . national champions. Curiously
enooarh. they are all Oermans. It Is
Strang that there are not more Irish
wrestlers than there are. Wonder why
It 1st Those, that are In' It seem to be
suoceos. at the game. ' In the ease of
CyCormell of Tale university, for tn-
' stance, be In no doubt the best man In
", the oountr today la the variety of
. holds over which ho has command. Be
has been at Tale for four years In
structing, la the meantime he la tak
ing up the study of law and stands the
highest In his class In this department
. His knowledge of the game Is remark
able. Only weighing 141 pounds
- stripped, he has thrown many cham
pions much heavier than himself. Btlll
be la an exception and one of the few
cases of a successful Irish wrestler.
Of course, w could go back and enu
merate many old champions of the
gam who were Irishmen, but none to
speak . of at the present day.
;.' I ' Oesman Are Superios. .'
The Oermans- are oertalnly In the
' majority In the wrestling art ef self
. defense. Bach can be shown, for ex
ample. In the case of the National Turn
Vereln la Newark and there we will
top to show Just how the finals In the
championships ended on Saturday night
last. '
The first bout of the evening was' the
final in ' the 106-pound class, between
Currle, the champion In that class since
the Bt Louis wrestling championships,
: when be won his first championship and
ever since, and Taylor of the National
Turn 'Vereln In Newark. The latter
won la the finals over Currle and proved
one of the snrprlsee of the evening,
: although Currle .bad entered a previous
: match In the same finale and waa quite
tired for his match with the Turn
Vereln man, the eeml-flnala taking
'place before the real bouts of the even
Inn. Taylor was a little, short fellow
of 'about 4 feet 10 Inches, and bad
' shoulders and .arms large enough for a
man of 146 pounds. Ills strength waa
' remarkable and It waa that which won
for him, Currle showing the more Sfel-
enee during the entire match, but ef no
avail In the last bout of the finals,
. when Taylor held him down for the
time limit and won on aggressiveness.
And yell; they literally screamed for
the loc -i man, for he had won over the
' tiatlcal champion In . the 106-pound
' class and won the title for. a year, for
his club and for himself. And not only
in the 106-pov.nd, but In the 116-pound
elaaa as well, did the local Turn Vereln
win. Bauers. last year's champion, win
ning It a second time over Bepton of
. the St. George Athletic club In very
short order. ,
. Dole and Manners.
And then the 116-pound final- waa
on. Dole looked confident and so did
Manners. They took their corn era. It
' waa more Important to ua now than any
prise fight or football game. If I was
worked up the Thursday night of the
contests I was even more so now. Bo
: waa Frank, for this bout meant so
much 1 us. particularly Interested as
we were now, for I had told them that
if Frank had not drawn Dole at the
beginning of the -contests ne wouia
have aron over Mehners surely, and
waa anxious for this bout to prove it
Tn fact, we had It already arranged that
if Manners should throw Dole he was
' to take Frank on the next evening in
the gym of the Tarn Vereln e. special
I Will Show You How
; To Cure Yours
-. -
I was practically helplws and bed-ridden for
totny yrars trum a double rapture. I wore In
DumeraMe dlflwent kind ol troaM and eppll
thoea. some oi them were tortures, nmi poel
liv.iTdanf.roo and none would bold the rup
ture in in proper place. Tb. doctor, told me I
torxM not ei peul to bare It healed tinleaa
I would consent to a mirglral operation. . I fooled
Iheai all. however, and cured mvinll eovpletel
knd permanently by a simple method which 1
mxvrrd. Anyone can tua it, aod I will gladly
tend Ibe rare free by mall to anrone who writes
ii It fill oat trie emipon below and mil it to
tn. tod.r. I will send lbs ears by return mau.
tn. odr.
Free Rcptcre-CcreCogpon
oapt. w. a. eoumaa,
' ex 17 Wmtmwn.M.r.
Dear Mr: I wVh roe would send me you
. h.w lleoovwy lot lb. Cure of Kupuue,
Kami '.
match and Frank would have thrown
him I'd bet Mehners was perfectly
willing, as he Is always - willing to
wrestle anybody Or everybody at any
time.' He la a good sport and a fine
little fellow. . His knowledge of the
game and his care of himself has given
bira all the confidence la the world.
And the peculiar fact about It Is that
ie Is a vegetarian. - He never eats
bui, idw up r annas ana is uvuti
in condition. - He can wrestle at 116,
110 or 116 If be likes. When he went
into the match he was 111 pounds, three
pounds under weight, and the only rea
son he doesn t go Into the matoh at ll
la because he would rather give his
club mate a show than" enter tn the
same elass. with him. This oertalnly
shows a magnanimous spirit and good
sportsmanship. Why, the members of
the aasoclatlon of Turners say he
couldn't be beaten, and when we
pressed the fact that wait until Dole
got a hold of him. they lust laughed;
In spit of his great qualities he was to
meet a man his equal. Both .of a san
gulne temperament; there were different
qualities In the two men. Not once did
either one think he was to be beaten.
They were the same national tendeney
and disposition.
Both Were Stubborn.
The stubbornness of the match was
to be Ita best quality and attraction.
Neither would give up. Mehners great
point of attack waa for a. flying fall
and a roll. He had won all of his
matches In Just that way. Dole's was
more of - the long-drawn-out contest
He waa slow and deliberate. In some
ways -hs appeared too slew. But his
knowledge of the gates gave him the
confidence to watch and wait Such
his game. And with It all he ahowed
great coolness and daring, going half
way to his back to lay for an opening
to watoh and strike. Not-like the paw
of a Hon or tiger, but like the slow,
lithe movements of the snake crushing
a rabbit in its folds.
Rushing, as was his usual wont, to
intimidate his adversary, Mehners made
at Dole. Moving like lightning, he
seemed to Just revolve around Dole, try
ing for an opening. For fully two min
utes he kept this up. But Dole had
anticipated this attack. He -was as
steady aa a ' rock. Meeting one on
slaught after another, he was not te be
drawn In or shaken off - his ' feet
Mehners soon found this out, and even
rushed him the more with many open
ings, but Dole was wary. He was
biding his ehanoe. Mehners, aa we had
anticipated, had shot his bolt Hs bad
always succeeded up to this time "with
other men. He waa clearly bothered.
Dole waa on top now and down. Like
snake ' did Mehners wriggle and
struggle. It was simply great Never
did we see such a struggle. And It Is
only to be seen with small man who
know every trick of the game, and move
like eats. Even as It Is In the boxing
game. . It was good to look at Novj
Mehners was on top, and auch desperate
efforts to do something, but Dole was
like a rock couldn't be moved. Up on
their feet again. ' Three and a half
minutes had passed. Dole was new try
ing for his deathly scissors hold. Tee,
he had got him. No, he waa loose. He
had him again and then came the real
struggle. Mehners was fighting for his
reputation and championship. He had
never been beaten or defeated. Just
Imagine! But now he was In his last
struggles. Slowly' but surely Frank
Dole was getting his man. Mehners
could not understand. Neither- could
his admirers. What was the matter
with hirat Another struggle. It looked
like he would get -out of It It waa
the last effort- Slowly he succumbed.
and being forced back. Dole being
thrown from one side to ths other by
the struggles, nut hanging en ne
uura aui l v .uuuou. I
The referee touched Dole and Meh-
nara waa defeated In four minutes and
six seconds. And Frank In the previ
ous match had stayed the limit.
Vance waa on for the next bout and
did himself proud, but he was no match
in science for the other roan, and went
down in two minutes and thirty seconds.
But he fought gamely, and we were
with him te the nnlsh.
San Francisco, April t. Races at
Five furlongs Raleigh won. Heather
Scott second, Husky third; time,
Biz and a half furlonge-r-Bilver tine
won. lfeohant second, Duke of Orleans
third: time, 1:11 t-t.
Five and a half furlongs P. Kungent
won, - Johnny Lyons seoond, I arose
third; time, 1:? 4-.
Six furlongs Sir Brlllar won, Ths
Mist second, Nlgretu third; time.
1:11 1-6.
Mile and a sixteenth Dutiful Won,
Cadlchon second. Invader third; time.
1:41 i-i.
.- One m He Confederate won. Dorado
second, Bolomaa third; time, 1:41 !-
At New Orleans.
New Orleans, Aurll
.City Park
race results:
' Six furlongs Oargantus won. Mi
trom second. Black Lock third; time.
1:14 4-.
Steeplechase, short course Karan
won. Easter Joy seoond. Mole B. third;
-time, 1:51
four and a half-furlongs Blue -Iee
won. Parisian Modal second. Whisk-
broom third; time, :H t-.
Mils and a sixteenth John I Inglls
won, Peter Sterling seoond, Morti Boy
third; time, 1:46 -
Mile Warner Orlswall won. Bather
Royal seoond, Roseboro third; time.
1141 l-.
Mile ' and an eighth Flavlgny won.
Orenade second, McBeth third; time.
1:61 S-6. .
i Five and a half furlongs Sagapanak
won, Dorothy Duncan second, Solly .M.
third; time, 1:08. , -
At Washington,
Washington,' April . -Bennlngs race
Seven furlongs Chippewa won, Wa
bash Queen second. Jack McKeon third;
time, 1:11 4-6,
Four furlongs Beckon, won, Merry
man second. lxng6au tmrd; time.
0:1 4-1.
Six furlongs Lord Boanerges won.
Workmald second, Annls May third;
time, 1:1
Five furlongs Annie Smith won.
Cousin Kats seoond, Kankakee third;
time, 1:01 e-i.
One mile Cobmosa won. DeTphle see
end. Dekaber third; tlme,l:44 l-i.
Seven and one Lalf furlongs Or
monde's Right won, Faust second, Sail
or Boy third; time, 1:17 1-6.
Dartmouth college '. vs. Washington
and Leo university at Lexington, Va.
College of Charleston vs. Presbyte
rian college at Clinton, South Carolina.
Georgetown university vs. Virginia
: Military institute at Georgetown, D, C.
I Trinity college vs. Virginia Polytech
; nlc Institute at Durham, North Carolina,
Princeton va New York Nationals at
i Princeton, New Jersey.
' Knox collrgs va. Burlington (Iowa)
I league team at Oaleeburg. Illinois.
I George Washington university vs.
( Davidson college at Oreensboro, North !
, Carolina.
I University of Illinois vs. Chicago Na- j
tloneis at Urbane, Illinois. . , 4
Contract Signed Yesterday
Calls for Two Games
of Fostball.
On the Nest Two Thanksgiving Days
the Lemon Yellow Warriors and
the Red and White Veterans Will
Bleet In Combat on Gridiron.
The Multnomah Amateur Athletic
club and the University of Oregon have
entered Into an agreement to play their
annual football gamea on Thanksgiving
day of this year, and also next year.
The two-year Leon tract was signed by
the club manager and C. N. McArthur,
the local i'gpieseutaUe uf-Oregon, yes
terday. and the document calls for a
game In 1907, and also one tn 106.
The same conditions will govern both
contests. While the exact stipulations
have not been, made public, It is known
that the club authorities are greatly
pleased over the way that the negotia
tions turned. The club will receive a
higher price for the field In both games.
and will also have the entire proceeds
of the grandstand should It be decided
to charge an admission. - .-
It may be that before next fall
the olub will have the much talked
about and greatly needed new grand
stand. The present grandstand is only
an excuse, it la poorly situated, poorly
built and affords the occupants no com
fort whatever. , A new structure that
would accommodate say 4.000 or 6.000
people would be of great convenience to
spectators, besides being a source of
revenue for the olub. The club dis
likes te charge admission to the present
grandstand on account of Its many
drawbacks, and for that reason the
members are urging a new stand.
Now that Oregon and Multnomah have
signed up for two years, the followers
of both Institutions will be assured that
at leaat two star attractions In football
have been provided for, -
Nine Governors Chosen to Pre
side Over the Destiny of the
. Honk-Honk Institution.
At the annual meeting ef the Portland
Automobile club last evening nine di
rectors were chosen for- the present
year. The successful candidates were:
D. Inman, H. M. Covey, H. L. Keats,
Louis- Russell, Dr. C B. Brown, H
re-iw.mIM j a KMlj. O. W. Kleiner and
Will Unman.
un r na.y swains . in auwian win
meet and eleot ofneera. i
The principal business transacted was
the movement started for the purpose
of raising funds In order to macadamise
a road from Sweet Home to the toll
gate on the way te Mount Hood. The
clubmen were very enthusiastic over
the proposition and will begin at onoe
te raise money for the protect.
There was no action taken en the
proposition suggested regarding the
placing of signs along the different
roads in the oountv and on the princi
pal highways in this section, of : the
. It was decided to hold e bamraet
some time next week to Which every
auto man In Portland will be Invtted.
' Dr. .Bmanual Lasher Is now chess
champion, having concluded his match
yesterday with Frank J. Marshall tn
New . York City, winning after IT
moves. The score: Lasker A, Marshall
I, drawn T.
e .
Tom OTUrarke says that Peter Maher
was the greatest hitter 'that ever
stepped into the ring. 0Rourke prob
ably meant that he was hit oftener
than any of the latter-day lighters. .
e e
Rube WaddeM's Rules
"Only pitch on days you are sure yon
will win.
"Never allow a baseball game te In
terfere with good fishing.
"The way te win games Is te get the
meet runs.
"Stealing a base Isn't grand larceny.
"If yon want te lead the league In
batting all you've got to do Is to make
a hit every time you come to the bat.
"To Insure safe hits always place .the
ball where a neider -ain't.'
"A ball you don't touch ain't going tn
your error column.
"If s no crime to km aa umpire en
your home rounds. -
"If you want to fool the batter threw
mm a nail ne can i nit.-
" . Brooklyn Horse Show.,
(Joemil tperlal Servlee.l
Brooklyn, N. . Y.. April . The fif
teenth annual horse show of ths Riding
ana Driving ciud or jjrooaiyn opened
today under promising auspices. Ths
prime list this year contains II classes
for saddle horses, polo pontes, hunters
and Jumpers, tandems, four-ln-hands
and carriage horses and appointments.
The show will continue till the end of
the week, and from present Indications
the attendance will far eclipse the fix
ures of former years.
Wednesday Id the last day for dis
count on west side gas bills.
Had ever worn a
pair of our
no4.jUless j
You'd never see anyj
other make on his
official limbs.
They're dandies. I
mm co
" .flJZfi Till
A Step weal of xoarta.
I'H I rrr "
Is absolutely the best Floor
Finish made and is also the
best general finish for furni
ture and all interior wood
work. It makes old floors
look new and all woods look
beautiful; it produces beauti
ful effects on all woods,
whether previously finished
or not; it makes pine floors
look like hardwood. It does
not scratch, mar or show
heel marks ; it is not affected
by water; it is very tough
wears like rutfber. Once
applied it needs no further
attention. Readily cleaned
by wiping with a damp cloth.
One gallon will cover 300
square feet, two coats. Light
or dark oak, cherry, walnut,
mahogany, malachite green,
velvet black, pet gallon,
$2.75; half gallon, ?1.45;
quart, 75f. Ask for free
booklet, ."Care of ' Floors."
.Telephone Main S02S
Governor. Folk Recalls Lawmak
ers to Regulate Corporations
and Suppress Poolselling.
(tonal Special Berries.)
Jefferson city. Ho, April t. Ths
Missouri legislature, - which adjourned
Its regular session less than a month
ago, reassembled in extra session today
to give attention te measures which, in
the opinion of Governor Folk, should
have been but were not passed at the
regular session. Even by giving dose
attention te business It is probable that
the special session will oooupy 10 days
aad -possibly longer .
The specific subjects which are to
be considered and acted upon ark:
Te enact such legislation aa may be
necessary to provide (or the regulation
of the rates or pubue corporations;
To provide legislative enactments
for the enforcement of the dramshop
laws throughout ths stats:
To provide for the recall er removal
of derelict officials:
To enact laws relating to the police
systems of cities of 100,000 Inhabitants
or more; ,
To provide an enactment with an
emergency dense for the suppression
of race-track gambling.
Astoria. Or, April . J. C Clinton,
oounty clerk, has received news by
cable ef the death of his brother. Wil
liam B. Clinton, at Valdes, Alaska, of
srysipelas. Deceased was born In As
toria and was 41 years of age and un
married. He leaves a mother, sister and
four brothers. He was a member of
Astoria lodae. No. ISO. B. P. O. E..
which is making arrangements to have
the remains brought here for interment.
Wednesday la the last day for dis
count on west side gas bills.
Fights Scheduled for Tonight.
'Cyclone" ' Johnny Thompson versus
George Memslo, 10 rounds, at Los An
geles, California; "Kid" Williams ver
sus Ribs Smith. 10 rounds, at Ban Diego,
California; Jack O'Leary versus tfstty
Baldwin, 14 rounds, st Milwaukee, Wis
consin. run aaoAvsa
your cough Is only In the throat and
doea not trouble you now, don't think
that It needs no. attention. When It
has not hod much of a start Is ths time
to check It The slightest cough eas
ily leads to Pneumonia, Bronchitis and
Consumption. A bottle ef Ballard's
Horehound Syrup will cure that cough.
The prloe puts It within reach ef all
Sold by all druggists.
Made iniNew York
STANDARD Time measures the differ
ence between New York and Buffalo
as one hour. But it takes six months
for tailors in cities nearer New York than .
Buffalo 'to reflect
New York Style.
Why wait six
months? Wear
v A'EW yoai(
Today's New York Styles Cut and tailored
into your clothes in the best possible way.
Insist on the lfrcd Benjamin & Co. label.
Correct Glottos for Men
''. . .',.'--. -
- . . ' Exclusive Agent Here.
Buff um &
3il Morrison St.
A great many men are
their stomachs with drugs, trying
to overcome some chronic disease
er weakness, and wondsr what
makes them so nervous, restless
and unable te think clearly. They
naturally blame the dlseaae for It,
but the trouble Is really caused by
Tour stomach,
whan it is
working right
generates -ths
power w h 1 o h
runs every or
gan of your
Kp d y. This
power Is eleo
trldty. When
your stomach,
kidneys, liver or
digestive organs
get out of order
It Is because
they lack the
necessary eleo
tiiclty te en
able them to
perform their
regular func
tions. . The
breaking down
of one of these
organs nearly always causes other
trouble. Nature can't cure them,
because your body hssn't enough
electricity to do the work; eo you
must assist Nature by restoring
this elertrlolty -where CITts needed.
M Electro Vigor does This
while you sleep. It saturates the
nerves with its glowing power, and
these conduct the force to every
organ and tissue of your body, re
storing health and giving strength
to every part that Is weak.
Electro - Vigor la a relief from
the old system of drugging. It does
by natural means what yon aspect
drugs to do by unnatural means.
It' removes the cause of disease,
and after the cause haa been re
moved nature will do the reat It
gives back to the nerves and or
gans the power they 'have - lost
which la their life.
e e e
Electro-Vigor is a bbdjr battery,
made of separate dry cells. It is
easily, comfortably worn next lo the
body during the night and gives
out a continuous stream of that
SpeeUl Dlapetca te The Joormal.)
Whitman College, Walla Walla,
Wash., April I. The Whitman College
Olee club has returned from a week's
tour in the eastern portion of the state.
where they have given a series of very
successful concerts. Concerts were
given at Ritsvllle,. Spokane, Pullman andi
Dayton. The management oams out
ahead financially. The borne concert
with which the regular glee club season
Pendleton, Inc.
Think of the number of hme-
writers that seemed popular a
few years ago.. -
Think of the different ones
seeking public favor to-day. ' -5
. Then think of theRemmgJon,'
which has been the standard since
typewriters were invented, and
which maintains, its supremacy
solely through enduring merit.
The man who seeks experi
ence may seek it anywhere, but
the man who heeds experience
buys the
Have vea tned ma mmm I
ent fi will be e levelanoa Is yes oi me
mma m vpewntaT i
Remington Typewriter Company
Hew Terk sad Eretywaers .
- 34 Stark Street, Portland, Oregon. t
i strength building. ' nerve
of all
force watch is the basts
health. Klectro - Vigor Is not aa
electric beltthere Is no charging
to do no vinegar er acid solutions
to bother with.
It's easv and sure te be oured by
Electro-Vigor, and the cost ie not
half an ordinary doctor bllL
cured me of
digestive' trou
ble and i re
stered my
strength snTter
I 1 had tried
many ether
methods with
out benefit
Thos. Kelsay.
Smith, Ore.
Get It
Oet my 100
page book de
scribing Elec
tro - Vigor and
with illustra
tions of fullv
aeveioped men and women, show
ing how it Is applied.
This book tells in plain language
many things yon want to .know,
and gives a lot of good, wholesome
advloe for men.
. If you can't eaU. In send this
nooa, prepaio, rree, it yen will in-
S. A. Hall. M. D.
lets PClsaore treea,
Please send me, prepaid, your
free 100-page, Illustrated book.
' '' ' 'V ' " ""
Dr. Saeoatesa's Orasesad savta
sad Oottoa IUm PllU. The beat
sad velr rallabl. raiMdy far Da.
ab.tln.ta nM I. a e la .
I'rto. fj per boinaltoe la slala wrappv,
Aliraae Dr. T. I, ttSSCB. Ill First .treat
porllasd. Oregaa. -
will be finished, will be held In Walla
Walla Friday evening. It will be ene
of the big; jest society events ef the
season and will be given' In the Keylor
Orand opera house. ,
BVBura BfABox ajto Avmr& . .
From St Paul, Minneapolis. Duluth,
Omaha, St. Joseph. Kansas City
end other Missouri river polnta.te
Portland and Ashland, Or, and In
termediate points ..M&oe
From St Louis te Portland. . Ash
land, Or, aad Intermediate
points . ..-....esooe
From Chicago to Portland, Ashland.
.Or, and Intermediate points S3&AA
Similar low rates from ether east,
era points to the west
Send me full name and address
ef your relatives or friends In the
east that are thinking ef coming to
the Pcolfle - Northwest and I will
have them furnished with literature
and full Information, or If yon wiah
to pay the fare of any one, - the
money can beodepoelted with any
agent ef the Northern Paolfla Rail.
furnehea "Cfct WlU Brompt,T
For any additional - Information
wanted, call ;on or address
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
SSS storrlsoa t, Oor, rhlrs,
. Portland, Os. - -
The Well-Xaewa
Ha a ll tm mtmAm -t . -a v .1 .
that etaar dlwevwea aad W siring
th. world Ms weadvrol naMcltoe.
90 J?J,??!JlIOI"0,, 0K DITTOS TTilB
WCyiEiJsriTHOirr OrEnATios. os
Be guarastM te eer. Catarrh, aatbsw.
Lumg, Threat. Ehmmattes. .KarramM,
N-rvoee Debility, atoraaeb. Uw, kldMV
I W V.nhood. raule We.
aeas sad All Prints DImmm.
' -"."a ask'"-"'-
w too tn Airticnn, doitt delat.
If yea eaaaot eaU, writ, tor syaiBtMS slesk
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