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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1907)
Vita QjitacTdfj ih'AfLV JjoawNAr;, 'pbkTr'Awh,,Tir6fib'AY JiyriiiTro.AHitA,1!:::, rm TO ' n i I i ' ' 'I 'M aaa J. Ji -i ia -1 V 1 - (DridQ lis TOeinz Mada oon I Hood 3trt and the Ha'ls 'Aro (Coming. (CONCRETE fBRIDCE AT - CCDRDETT tST. rpLANNO) Orcgpm HElactrto 'Company Iptsitifag fOaetttrwetian tf Hine 'From )pnrtj Ibuid (to TTowtta Hip nviltamatte . , '' ...... . i JTha 'Oregon EtaetHo TRatPway Atti IIMQ7 liu 'batwaan T0 nd v40 Italian , ifaLbar.ra rt 'work ..OUR JMnad 'atreet. Mtoutb (Portland, tan the 'rade rtf IU Ulna, 'from Hsaiam -to tlita 'city. 'It 'mta i laaived -waverai arlMii 'of -tel 'rails whteh are tMtng unlomted 'from 'the .'(tout hern Paelrtc nar 'the foot Of Vends latraat. Whr itlM ltim woaMa 'Corhatt -Street. l!Just north 6t ithe Kulton "brldga, th 'umpur 'ta tprspartng 'to put 'In wotne heavy 'sonorat 'bridge work. '" CrtwuttM Jiavo JttalltlbUtUmtf tthe rriiitu 'of wy from t!orbU "street mortb u Wearfe vrraau A 'Inrae amount of -blasting will have 'to b done In urnil ItnK the iTlfftit at wy 'through outh Portland, an lladgas 'of Dponk "ware uin-l covered maar 'the -aurfane in 'number of outs. . The bulldara nt 'the ToaJt xpattt f4o Iharve tt eompletad and In 'operation by Vail. TVom tiulem tt 'Chemawa the Una i hi qsnmplatad and in operation. Trntn iChemowa. to Wllaonvllle, whaee m "bridge Ua (being oonatrunted somas the 'Wlllnnr- Railway Conttructlon Material TURfl LIGHT OH PASS HOLDERS -a'.- - ' ' r South Portland Ltagu lntnd ' to Ditcut Somt Acts of .?' Public Official. WHAT DISQUALIFIES MAN FOR PUBLIC TRUST Beeorda of Km JTdir Ifotdlnf KTaM . per of. Official PtfattloM Wfll fto Carefall ScrattnfauMl for Amf thuh jrfdoajtf ClfcaiiMaiMV VoHOetoiM k earrf teu f4 W - Vv dltek tfeafr aatajMrd a (k Kowf ft ' rvrttea4 iMtnxr ann (aa If fftey aVaf t arstelk aa. tf fVelwM wUrt .' ' aa aaw tKtn f Umt aawC (Mft r aaaa KmnsliitAl Ma fh aftl af fH Ma artli a aratl ta aa-r t1 traolra mtav ta waaMi tm vr ft b Kmirft rnrtland laua Ha mt1t anawt y av , 0n txa fralert(UOT dity avanauvaak There win a m mwwTiwa;-! ait lhrn atraacai aom atah m tb-Kwaa- furjire me tntfnhi fh llau t alV rtftoaa- anhllw mwl' wif nnl'lmia' Who TcaJ fiiw quality of "V - Torittf Brand off aor many tSousimdl off , amoker year after .. jeac " ciLtjrcKixoK - ' ;' Cigar . nijeataadrnear' : i Easraoently become? ai ."tftivtsvte . ; Brand'-irfiicfiiiifinlt" fiirtlicrasfruranos off , linpravodl qua I'i t'y ' and liettarvalW " tluuit vk. Mode lh seVerall size, bo I'd! a1J yfor-SSc:,, ; v 3f6rt.22es. andl ItKt. urn A mm 'A COMPAT?r r.!innf4rttrrrrr ( 'I .1. -X'Wfig.'tb 6rtdb f 'the fta, nvrWl 'hUhiJrw 'hih 'tffa ;h't VttrV nn !fha frn1a. whlla -fmrn "Wltnotrvdle to Wmifh 1'ortlnnd h nfra 'rlgbt M ray; baa tn 'larad 'a'nH 'ta eady ffor. the ytftHlng erfvu. 'The 'ywtnpany liaB -' paritty 'ptrrohawea a. !Inrre 'number 'of 'tlpar hel wmp 'fot 'on 'ha 'heavy- 1 v la Boutli foniattd Cfttat bf Oregoti carry baaaea from the railrpaa aha traatrar yatem f tb ktata ahd clt wilt be pubtliltod aha a rampalart aaainat them will M inauauralrrt. The brnmatara bf h nieetlrt art led o the plaa bf th argument that bh ill alven a pec a ayer any truhBportatlon Una without beinit atpectad by the mm. party matt mint return at aom time and In noma kubatantlal wanner tt la ratMMt that the Jtidaa bpoH the bench, ttarryln a pa, la in ho enfriHeH to nit over the henrlha of a aame Hiae aaalnat the tine lenrnnf (he pas to him. Member of the Mty roMrtrll whd Hrte on atreetcar tranapnrtatlori, or on the main linen on annual feeae are IH no unhiaeae! fconltlo t paaa orfllhuncee f feotlna thr reautatlon of eltbef Of the eorporaflon or the arandna of fratt fhliwa ar their refuaat - ' On theaa aroanrl th iean hki befl makinf an tnyeatlaatloa an4 fi trt fha foneloalon (hat It li now rt p pntinm time to take an the 4nitott for fhhlUt mformatlmt and tflaeOaatoW. Th reeorifa of atttnoaa men who1 are e?W h of flea r 'h ra tryinitf to gtt tnera wwl tanew n fof eoneld ayafto a fier ar men1 noW aterf aeftt fM IM lf of tn ctty M ha eVm 1 tRiaa hKW ffhwrmtHfy hm fo noMWi ffhe of pitbTfo trtVi,' (Mt leaiea' m-Mbera of (n leaihrA any, m wis fney bav oVm ; wtri be br(wTit owe rnt fh fiaTit of tit1f knnwiMavK ' ' - Tk owfW oyf6trt-rirrtf H M aneiafKtw of ttmt wSo1 hv bart-W memaaivew foawiWr. tw or)r for .fha tveafer f munfofpaf life a amTt ff fiWMtief oma ery itoeai!4n Wformatoav W W riona fwv year av if wnv not b & ktw ft? it workf drinw fba comWtf eartv-aatani- Th mriri wiif aorhapa ba- tna latter aare of fha week:.- i - inn ' , aMtataja- AMW -aaa &&Mf W ' Tha Konaeholi hwfeon." . EnnttrirMta rertini money it ur.- romr w niiBpuo Healing Olt fatla. ffeei' . ftmil' aril). atilbPW flVU rof , rV. JWnlhp' Brtrtn;. awbrW' rh' a1 ymplWnf 'ttil ttlomirlrt' cliarirtna WllHarH1 Jnmwi' 'witlt awaatlt ann1 battry. VaW aUeifea ttiat lwvw berama' rtenwM oVet' bai IMav Hafhar,rai frwm' itow mplhyv of the futnltur flrrtti afl rWallated' by ad mihiwarinar a' Iwatirigt to ttta altiiinihe rterWi Al?MlnB to1 VrtVa etrtry.. the 'invuandi man' mwt-tr; him1 with' aome blunt' wetupon' ahfl' the5 ertfhplnlhant'e' HattenNIt vtitMteTenfs benra" Oflt' the aa" eirtlotli. Ttto' pWll' arw" aeatfhlna jnrl thr- BMinr ana1 ball' bak ween' nwd ml' tMi I . I I II MINI 111.1 I II. Ml 111 f 1 Wefltiewair llr thW lafct' day tW tflo mnt' cm' weat'alfl aa"blt1e. . Will. VICE'TESTS FORI MAY AW JUNE TW foltowlrra rtVll' aet1-n ewrnlha tloria- wwrw aTtnetmy-ew) ' today"1 ti-ha men.'. jalfn! la1' Ia1lnv Invmlaratlori wervieev.i May? l!' aalaty iNtk'a'year' lhTr'twry hefprf' department' of ' aaTl wrtture1. Ma :'. ealKry jed0 a1 veurl lredli! lrrterrr. Jine lV and' l' aelnry- ' yr?- annrr;' May it-eatery Jl.iee'1 a' yearr App'h'khrta ran1 eetire rvmrla'' irif ormatton mtern1nr,) the Mtrn1haloTV by ntitlylht t 25.' A.v Ltelah at' tha1 ptoetfifftc.' f C,h"T'' -aefldenf' ,lntiTeti" -iV fVom-- K'rleptrle txl.' Wph' the ' p( .nlg the wound.' All' druinmt It. 'Ofofetih "Kldctflc ftailVttfy, Hood -Istfeet. trtith drtland. 'grade "through 'the ints 'liotitkr 'of Hhh The torn Varifa 'blf 'the VflmpRny, Hear the not of Meade afreet, 'are f Med With S1J 'tnatitwr 'of .'rnllwuy construction material -to be -tisetl 'o 'this end. 'of the Una. . -. . feleclrlc Rallwajr Cbfepafajf; Arinrbfi; 'fcetlerioH, 8rH UinditfoH kpelade for fullt hal 1 Hrlllg tea tern I not- Itral L Lefvk Seattle; left ai-ti tvnnt af kimetetl, brtl ! krtlkter ten, ttU elr yerWei ah rtt lankf t,Mi-t I trtli tt-ti nnnrorM aaanntlni kit ktnrartiicii ... Horuk potn. , . wyetifa;: Hliiarw. Lampaeldk taaiibtihdU octi .alia . da andr; koirl JhM pqblllfftia brkanfgR s ld hpprollandet if. fldan: for forst kkten be-rlaade ,att Foritinit Jyekaris .fee, var roTMuaanne urn DefrBivao. men f drrt enrin dtvenaka khtnaeft OarH Hertfrf apelanflo- fMIr-fr. , ' Herf orh fr ff?il eltttiS Ky& iiiikt. D hm akorlt ten Stoekholrt 6eh f-rfeaae) - rnanaa; --man a, tanapr, ..? Ill finndwtroVn f nrrr pfrir kiippf ocft alturen,- Oeb hn foryttrtnf iksdade ej trtforandet if roTiert; rra Pfefl vaiin an'Mfkena tnhaTIfa MfaiJ aoihe 0fK bondpofken1; rhrrrtf hort afveiV ..foJcndo frokett Csmfliea OfTr ferta rotTer mri forferretf alii rifldirf" itMrrtoNw,- eom1 fin, jtridereoyY" pTtrt' fartd ei frattf tne foTranande',haatraht f femte tarflarrda. bo appaad 1f Taf!an arrYn1 icitt f hneet-, AT f'arfafefl',. HjaJmnf fCtnlWr. RrtK frrattetronr.-, OV Nelsotti Victor otiH.' Job Jofifln'. Aet fcnaVrrom' farlaf Rapper,- Ann Qlarlr och 6"oar, fredriKnon' a-r' an yard iorow,' f1 kvrtnerher rf crriitson eow airoirtnstar fhawefedf,' 6?n' BrafWtrom1 aom' daraKalleiV t erf af tltef yollerna. 'nil ske'ivet! -aotNitier t roiatvia' dporA' en- anrtra? reav rrf dtn' Bttllnttafukusf- eratern anaV a Valkomna' on alia1 da' nrtdVandliw' bokatafS)rtrnal roMe yl bed1 Vara.' bpntilfn' insure- uraaVt beamrnftWrtef af dot hymodlgn1 ataf-airirfanattet.- t' I - tWaV trth' th'a marrtna' Mle J!yta;, mtmphtvya;- dtfhtpr of Mr.- T. Sti- Jtthn1 OtfYney.-.wlre df thtf AmtJrti (Vi rT confiiawrieniV tiera?: i rtf".. Captnlri' Mttrta" Helnrirh' Vdri'.Wrtlf of tbd' Hoynl fnYon1 aniiiery.-, Tna eervmnny, whir 'twolf llare at' the1' Arhertrnrt' tfhttrch. atvvf' a' dia'limrwlh't, BTitherlriif;- whlrtl lnrlttded' pfpresPrithtlvea' of the' Paxon ponrt1 arid1 the" highest' Dreade' eoVIMy., Tha1 bridegroom1 iaH a tw of OPnrrnl Rmet1 Hutf. yrm' wolf, late" commander- ln-chlef of th SftxHtt' artillery, -., . vVedrieefl' 1 the" ikat1. dar" fof fiul f6nt' on' weat' alffer aa'- Wlla.'- . ' . . .. ... ... - . . OMrni1 TVarrt' tfilif t' Portlhha; Klein: 6K.-aVHI1 tTb-V trtW rnlcli retweaeYited1 OHoft1 lodtre: ro.'- 71,; It, of in' the? dtatrtPt' co'rlyer(tloW, Heid'-ln 'tHa' dty- lat' WfrV' and' whlfh: Won, the rrmtfar front I'(rtrhd'w1tl gn'to Iort ltid ; ahd' corn'peTaf tt'.the" atate" contest, wiitPb' wilt' be new; May , e1" 11 Vlalaiit.'aVa''ddidt&' TT;i: K!;. Vca' HaY AK.:js" Bel 'l 4 I Beatrix 'yirtrx 1 x ' SWEDISH eOMIDY A Hlf ';, v "-riV.'V,i,'.:';. wmw vorn er Second - .hd FdUR-dRVfeRICK td feE trONSTRjfCTEb 6y Walk ftfW, tt'A'tetoi fltae MC6nV, M AAA WtKtVt to! fe'tir'dctBre V5in'eA VJr iilni iftA AA"- i Vtii. tboik fenfl'tWiPtloi tt'mpany Vi 'Of Iran the work of 'tjoftolluhln the Oltl fraViie ro'pft'orlpi at klie tonthwcut, porrtor ni Drrnnjj nnu c;iimn, jjtreeie tt"a rnrn Jnrt "preparatory, to ,lh .'ereftloii or a fniir'-atory brtrt biijldlna hy .Uane. t'oolt whd tiuroha that trojerty aoma. llwe i 8rV. ,Tr.t tlte hne 4, rrootiite pr100,' foet on. Snlrhon. atreet, f J;tntlri Wft . t4b Holman-4TrteHahrnt fetiWAlni -ttni-4 50 ffpt on. Booond. atruoti ana coe.tht Chlnrn'e ityndlcnt'e, $30,001), th'i e',t 6t ttio proponed Improvement Will t about iiS.Pod.- , . , Moy. Ba Itift ,r?cehtlf BiirrhaJel fh? tWo lot oti Serorict atreef; ;, adjoining the tnfc lot bri the south;.. whtcn ir pccUt o4. by a fcompartlyely. be, rica nqwain tend to ad t. ,Moy. J'.ak k; hit .he a two :noriea to buiMr Int td rnake U conforni )4 nelaht -nlth tne new corner . trticttire; Th . two bulldlnte wjit fcontntti bina, afore room ba tha trotuid floor and 4 large tmmbr of amaU Hytnf tompartrtienU In the htji ktn-am ..... BeerI chineae btlaln-vi. f Hha.bavi paaett,iuatterj there kptj Uj8 thoiujht hy the ownpre bf the trcrty ,tbat. wtlt fom the. riMmM of a bnvf Chinese disttrjof whtrh will eventu'ali. become ro-rtlrinta .fjMnatowfl., The ofj Invest, meht faaWa py.Chlnoee in tha.vlclnlir of peotid Jitjc? Ralmoif ktreet will aggregate about lioo.eoo. . " . i lit . : - - ' : . t pefigf .fifievt; List a .roreat, Oroye,- pr-.Aprrt f.-r-The ffrit knntiaj benefit ntertIncncot given n Vrrfa- haTt W the Interest of the toung ferr( rhib, an AthTatta , orghizotlon, rejruTfed' ,fn rerefpf a of Ilj9;,;h(ch wfTI go' toward baying athfptto, ffxturei . , Th weather wse .ver.fnpjetnont but the opera-riouae Wa crowded; e,od fhany are', aekmi- . the erttertatnera to tcpeat fbeff nerforman'ceV Tht Htit, fart ,ci the, proeTim ,wa., giveri .over w tM "Whtt ATmatrei,". , chorus of 40 Jove,- whtrw .Mn rn ,,"Mootf ,eVn; from ,tne OTorer-rtreai at.-xn.:.-. 6n, of the arronireat .numbere a a , "atudian- ima." anna- py 10 jpria, in.PaOIPO e tirme' wfrh fna'niollne, gultare andf fa roa- tam- tbe "kitchen band" Containing. very ipatyxmiint known', W, man.-each roartuV farnjrc(T,ttf of eorne .kitchen. lhenslT. Tne' uniform were entirely in" Recpijf itbVthe dccaal'onl-.. The other number. oil1 tne , program., wore. Vocar aoa.bj1 TD einnicn... rranir MaraeL , BT.tte Bfriblclti' Waud' Oil. tCathcryna hanhon;- Dt1. tt P. T.poim.,1 flow.-trd M Chrimati,- ,pauf Schulu ,'ani; Ros Vaigh)jL Mlea' Cornelia' JRarke gave (("vioiitV aolo; ..TWo' tuiaiira,", by, a' pair or Them," wagivon t j. jr. - Wraioy rr and1 MiNa Jtinnie n'UV. ., it . V, Sparks' eppeardln a' chalk talki j ' ASKED W JO!! cent' Ihfcrpase (n wajfee Ik an' admlnalon that . the" cnmi'f n IS, g warn . of , the atrehirth' rif the aee'ret orifaJiliAllrin" nf ,lttr' emi-'oypH' rhe'mbera of the, Cfirnmor plar T-IegTHb'hera ".'nlon , df America1 .bcgaK openly thla .mornlhrf to ortranlael all the we;ern ,Vn(on oppj-iitora, ,. , ; ! , vTeaHnft the' Jnelgnft'.of ,thjeif uijioiC'i hhhdrede of dperatora" enlertjd the', erit 1 nlon otnpa'apd boldly' ut'ged' thelt 1 fello employeV to' Jofn,,16cat. tto.. l.'; wljieh'liae amembe'rshlp1 io' New" Ttuk tty or mor man S.non. ?adqhftrlere In'chaJ-ffe, of' Sn.mue'l J?ina1t tb,e national jwesldent of the' union, '.ware oywned at the' Adtfrr' Itoude.' Alfhrtnirh mnv -WentPrn Cnlfn'oiieralora have to r"yrs ifRiprn wnun otieraiora nave ior years 'prtlyv bplonsrd to ' TelrfTaj'hera; Ln irt ' No.'' 1- elnee' lMJ "titU now r,e i1 dafp4 opnnty to' admit bla union 10rt hn ArviYtar-hKf f 1 . ........ .... I WWnllf'fl'nn'oS.f.tV?- , I , T.ft Orand son ' bivi f . . A. rjrand, or . AprU 8 Jisp;'1i iJ'ih- ri'-rpi ths rtaelifnery .for a o( lt.009 feet dally capnoll III! tf'Kil! gp-tlii; er.lf'aTl., , , leyr; VnrV rn.,.-rpeUfvlK,(r, thaY tha-, recenV conceeHlottbx the M'eatern' Lvnlori' TVlp'(fratJh' cotnnsiny of ri . Hi nv Values 'th'atskkih'e Hhis f4f hirvlhfr'rlctrlt. ' ' ' v: SAm'ss, f -25, cf mm 50 jnier aii raaerstoftrs Tjnccsftre CTrinccu -von ncrc fMhteMbte,yy6kvfc guaranteed Vhe best 'arid Absolute Wsfaetioh" rnoneypacK t w.v(N eifs ; ffomfThfs; 1 i'sYotin : Wmtirroed 'f err 'erne 'ida v lori Vhat TOW e OTerfy Nvaited W ill tieciak Hn wr 'Stiriday tage "ad are Big'sl SargaiftS A?e Ateys Sere ft S, -aiS, -about artt yeP ery staVemet ffidetn h&t Wrbve Vh'e truth "of 'very isertiorr. . - - . . - SI Embroideries A." Li. . .-- ii . ,,'s ' - Jk A!J to 7r. inches. WJeVr'riewrsV , Guma silks Wnite and Jin colors, 1 r ACKU1' e"s Triffi'a Hats An. newest ap'rlfig tyle, $5.00 0 .10 575a.VOueS-. - . tor .w6mn; Unest 4rf ri . . f .tent tather, , . Ul 3M ThaV'iiust eag fit U$ ffiaiiy fcig IgrciateainBBf 'rtamfeletem Si feahd: .OUr N W Ph6i6 iuai8 tB6HS T8rH8?r3 w This depjftfflefit U fiS Bndw the aireEl ofl.Sf SnfSl tfie tSrSUosL SHistl 8S. tiii pnotos proaucca m tnis city: it you, are triinkingr oMiavingyour photo taken, visit bUjc, ikfitdid aril et 6tif.Pricg4ich af e abbutlia UatlSgular gaie$ charge r or tomorrow we oi rer PHOTO POSTAL ARD fiatfe SSe wi A you? p!ciu75 6n; the ... . r ens ar; o:-v. t -'.t:l xor one aay oniy; special..;..;:.;;;;;;;;;...;;:;.;;;; mi Hm fewest PicIS IS the city; . aboui, ino roHei muni 6t Suoiraervtlla in t'nlon. cdunty. jThere.Ia a vajit amouBt 4ff timber,, In, that, .locaJIO, enough, to keep tla mill running for a few year f le'asf,,, ; . FROSECjrTEti U ILLINOIS rlouan. cannot ba xetuihrnt by the atat of IlJJnuIe fn a proaecutlon for tlie rna.nipu latlonbf. .tlia .Chicago, . Alton aeouxli Uea,, according' to an opinion Aaubmitte4 by; AttprneyvGeneral Smat to Gotrwnor Pcneeo.' anil' tUe only remedy available to the leaccj aUklrolduia . ia a,.clit action ,Tho revocation, of the vliartef of, tlm roaJ ! aUviaea agatnat, Vxicauao ,Hrrliaan, ausl. hU wod,bave (JlKponeifTof at largn part-yf-thotr etockt and .tlje burden wvU fiUI on ttaa.etock-, hulilora ,.Uohbve already suffered at ll&rrluuui'a baiula. - 1 m ifiiaJlaib.iuiJ ilUveilHttooubUa bee. I iauIiUlauMel UJ lUewutaeurlug BjM-i.e. ye Carter's JJ' tiww Ptlla ara tjnilf lutlmUmtitluit.-otmi( mm! pea-. lltu wd rT.ll liisbuwaU. alf Uxy aured fi-ra. .!j ).'.. ..nUWi ftlmua I Pt Uwloae to taoea w ha. au ffnr ftuui tUU duiU-iug cuiu.iiuu UH .. tvUlr tUJ r uniOiiM it u krud lia. a Uwk- trj Uwi aiU fliU tta itu lawiw. 1 th.bioe oK to catur liva tat Iwt la wb.ra, w.iikur gwal buMk iAiriUlaoiultliia .tiit' XlttlIJT rWaray ol a4 ycj vutf U Ui. u.siu-lw. t: du., areilriiiily rt.ubU and y a4 niiBoe. piiik. Luf by Uiair guiU.auUua ylew ail aba , u Ujiu. - if IYER PIUS. ' 1 -:-:;-r' I.. .. ii. i -N OURB 'Portland JNc w JDebariment ' ewrw . p e f W1 flwttf e'er. y. - t - .- r- - w- fer Vtj?; ;s 5lc 5-incli - tt T.'rr of 80; niany uXl 5 nchei yqdfi) ilhni lot; and values to 35c Choice , mmm POSTALS y - Sthc .St oubi & S coiich'ebVtirVisbbf y'6W 6Vv W dfa - pCriCS WhCn yoil ji jijlllp 1 ii ENTIt BLOCK XeN YAMKIILTAOM 7KD TO -. i iJf 'oALL vvf I IiULUlLUi.UUliUY ori of the rainbow', barest a at- a a t arw w- v- ww . . . v I tt"' ulri v- n'f the prices if you ma"dc them tnrf in t J m rr , apcsirics can ASK" YOUR pr.AiT I TO 5 ART L OO r. 1 TA ? 'Stogie 'a Veritable 'beehive ew-a j r!eii . Tlctorlal . Review 'Are Best 51 UnicHtam n 1 ace tliiiiya at',' -r Jnter State, $1.00 and itr7 ?! "' a alnea i V'. V: . vi v W- 8c smteiifi e i (incy. .ureo. ......... 2J. yard . 8c eauesea tood lengthi, , , ; . . . tf Q b FOR 5c tli- w . j . .a 1 1 1 E h for ielbping and printing for aina- Xmi Jir1 J J IP t'lp Tou should see the new designs offered m -hey-Cfentttde-Vr the wgest mill in the wof la aevotea exclu- oively to tapestries - ?nJ rrrrre-'t -sCA a ina Represent ajT of. .V i t i. r . r f v i T1! f 5 i . the finest examples of ', American ina French, .... Irt.' Aha, f qu could - not possibly duplicate off snoiitf rloV f.11 to AVtloorii Tapestries see the very next tune you arc out shopping.' urtains a,nu Couch covers, fj and up. Ta! '.z covers, 1.50 a;. J