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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1907)
THREE MAYORS Chicago Has More Chief Exeeu tives Than She Ever Had :' -. .:' ' Before. DUNNE. BUSSE AND v M'GANN ARE MAYORS Mayor DanB Went to Pittsburg aad Appointed sfcGana Acting fayr T 17 &T Appointment Was lHglVlolt' City Charter. Edward X Abrami' business 'manager for the 8oum opera company, la a wrltar of fablaa In elang. Ha declaree that ha wrote tham long before George Add" started lhe atyla that made blra rich and famoue. Slnca tha Chicago newspaper man bccaina famoua with hie to wrlta aa ha wrota before, but algfis the cam a or lmon jiaa. , Mr. Abram wu In tha cltjyeaterday and wrota what ho termed a modern fable, by Lemon AdeTae Fabla of tha Callow youth ytho blade Deep Im preaalona la Papa'a Bank RolL" . Tba fabla followed . "Out borne, papa waa Preeldcnt of tha Farmers' and Drovers' Hank, tha BoMdest Inatltution In Town. Fa had Coma Waat whan that Interesting aaotlon waa Toung and strenuous. - He didn't have much money, but ha waa a Fairly good hand at Poking cattle, waa a good Judge of - Whlekey and knew how to get Four Aces whenever It waa hla turn to deal tha Card. By a atrlot Attention, to Business, keeping sober when tha Other Fellows were .getting Drunk, practicing upriming ins vuB (JoareU Bjeelal ari.l j ,ng pap,.. Bank Koll graduaUy swelled Chicago, April ..Chicago has three n,th7ara. proportion as tha Other , wayoro today .and there la a poaalbll-1 rellowf. diminished. "By Bquattlng on a few claims wnen t r a laa&l tana-la that may take tha t beat talent of tha town to unfold. Tha ' disposition of tha three offlclala tonight la conciliatory, but It will take a very little to atart a warm controversy thai would last for week a to coma. ' Befora UayorTJunni left" for Pitts- ' burg laat evening to attend the funeral of a friend ha appointed Controller Mo Gann Acting mayor" and put him In charge of the fflca. Simultaneousry Mayor-elect Buaaa, who haa not , yet fully qualified by having hla bond ln doraed by the city, council, announced that ha would not take charge of Via offlca of tha mayor formally intll a ' week from tomorrow night, - tha data named for hla Inauguration. To thla declaration the newly elected ttmjt atrinar. While declaring 1 that he did not expect to appear at the c.y hall for eight aaye, am wnw that he might take tha relna at any mo mm th. nntmlnff administra tion ahould attempt fe do any fancy work In tha police department, achool ' board or In some other department of ih mttniflitfl ravernment. ."v...,..:... According to well-known ' 4a wyera, - Mayor Dunne haa no authority, when he goes out of the city, to appoint an ..ln. aa ha AA tndaV. ThO City charter prwidee for a mayor pro ton In auch caaea to be choaen by the city council. - In oaae legal exception ahould ..i,.- at nf Controller Mo- Gann, therefore, hia work aa mayor In all probability would be nuiunea, ACCUSED OF SECURING . LICENSE CRIMINALLY itu.t.1 MmM Vfca laraal1 Heppner, Orv April I. Ralph Robln i haa haan arreatad at thla nlaea by Sheriff Shutt on a charge of suborna tion of perjury In aeeurlng a marriage ' ltoanaa tn wad Miss Ruth Reed, daugh ter of Ira Reed of Spray. It appaara the girl la under It yeara of age and that the aerenaam inauceu ju xk. oiniia, who waa unacquainted with the girl, tn ma hafora County. Clerk Hill .and awear that tha girl waa of age. In tha . meantime the father of the girl tele , , phoned to tha aherlft to apprehend Rob. Thev were married at Hardman 'Saturday by Justice Bates. - Robinson ' la held undef 1300 bonds to appear be- i fore the grana jury ai uie asay wra . of the circuit court t Tha Other , Fellowa weren't looking. stocking tnera with long noma. uw Ing strictly to Tenderfoot table Stake gamea and Playing favorltea at the track, papa's bank roll grew . to auch proportione wtai an trmii grows horse would have choked in an Effort to Swallow It.' Than It waa, that ha Married a achool teacher from Hornellevllle, N. T. ' SOCIETY. NIGHT v "Willie, hla aon. a4 Outgrown tha town School and,rapa decided that he ahould go to-na of tha Swell Eastern unlveraltlaaTao that be would be bet ter fUWd to Become a trust Magnate. Inttie eouraa of a Vary short time Wll- raonly known aa etage-doorUla. Every i aa "kava.aa fmnrJinV llOVfl lQ Willie waa Strong for ;tha chorus Beautiea. Ha was particularly fond of Showing tha Other fellows bow eaaliy be Could make Conqueata. T)na bright day, along 1 cam the gnu. Opera Company with Joe Caw thorn In The Free Lance" and there waa a Bunch of beauts In tha merry, merry. Willie made a Dead eel ; for a Retired young thing with the Claaslo name of Mlgnon Fontaine. Before lie bad caught hla Second wind Mlgnon had him around to tha magistrate a Court, and the next Morning he woM up to find that he had Married Maggie lKXlsy. whoae father Worked Jntha mine., at Carbondale. Pa. Maybe Papa wasn't Hot under .the collar whan be Found it out. - - ' 1 . Wlllla la Now reflecting on a ranch In Arlaona. and Mlgnon haa been granted a divorce on tha Orounda of desertion. Incidentally, sha has a Snug balance of .0,000 eimoleona In tha First National bank I of Carbondale which Represents the damage to her Wounded feel Inge and the Ixas of a huaband. Moral--To cannot Judge a girl a her. Occupation. Neither do Klaw Erlanger guarantee that all their chorus Slrene uae their real names on tba stage, especially la College towns." ; " - NEW RUSE OF IMPATIENT WIFE TO GET CONVIVIAL HUBBY HOME Mr. 'John Somebody of East Port-! land owns a continuous thirst, a dog and a wife. The former-keepa John out ltaj tha second named agrees with tha statement, and tha latter, in order to break the lata night habit, made her husband tha victim laat night of a well-laid plot ' T 1L on.. alii, tha thirst atood be- . , A ,,w H,m, .w, -" " ... k... inuln nnlltica with a crowd of frlende over tha oupa. About 10 o clock Mr. .Bomeooay a wne rusnm up In front of tha ealoon, followed by the family dog, and requested one of the byetandere to step Inside and tell her huaband that aoma one wlahed to ..... V Mn aaiaM that hia wlf Wll about. Mr. 'John promptly obeyed tha request, aitnougn ma waia wm fie Irregular. When ha reached tha sidewalk tha faithful dog had hardly time to recognise his maater befora Um Bnmahnriv h&A WCak-knaed John by the arm. hurrying him homeward. "Our houaa ,1s on 'lira, John!" ex claimed ' the woman, aa ana num-w ainna- tha street. . "Hurry!" and aha dragged him In her traiL Behind the pair a number of spectators loiiowea to view the nre. Tha BmnaVllI ttnma S OTllV a feW paces from tha saloon, and tha crowd. lnatead of beholding an incipient dibs. heard the -woman cry ui tha Annr: "You would hang around tha aaloon all plght. would yout ... . . .... LM . J . k Back to tne ouna wm you. . ahu mu the rest of the conversation waa lost, as 'soma on yelled "Give him the other barrel!" and tha dog bowled to answer.- Tonight at the Oaks Skating Blakv Monday night la tha night at the Oaks rink always anticipated by tha ladles; it Is society night and every other musical selection la skated In couples. There are only a few more days left to buy skate booka at the reduced price. These booka. are good at all times and will be honored all summer. This week, tS tickets for $4. SO. If yon cant skate you ahould I earn now,--The rink la open morning, afternoon and evening. Shinglo Bolt , Start Today. ' Chehall. Wash, April I. Tha ahlngle bolt diivera of the Metcalf Shingle com pany wll atart .out of Tllton river from Morton today with a drive of about 7,000 cords, bound for tha company's big mil) at Kelso. F. M. Broadbent, who is tha company's timber man In eastern Lewis county, will have, charge of tba drlva. - - r " - .- Canyon City Officers. Y v Canyon City. Or, April a. The fol lowing offlcars have been elected to serve the , city for the ensuing . rear: Mayor, F. 8. Slater; councilman. P. F. Chandler. R. A. Hines, William Schroe der;. recorder, R. K. Chambers; treas , urer, Q. L Hasaltlna. ' . ' Wadneaday Is the last day for dis count .on waat side gas bills. ' WILL PASS Oil LIABILITY ACT Supreme Court of United States (; Wit! DetermineXegality of : V. - Act of Congress.'- -;.';:- ACT ABOLISHED THE : f t ' ; FELLOW SERVANT RULE EMPTIES GUU AT STRANGER 1. F. Wright, Demented, Attacks t"-' C. 'Williams' in Hotel , 1 v "at Ashland. TemiMaee Court Held Act Dolnf Away WW Fellow Servant Law rnconsUtatlonal Teddy Did Not Like it. j- :;; :t i lowr r I IT, a iph, Waahlna-tnn. D. C. , April t.-ThS XTnited 8tates supreme .court racon- m - - mm a twA receaa. TVUVd IWB " " " Raveral cases of mora than ordinary tnnrtanne are on tha - calendar for aariv hearlnc - Among the aumber la k. o tha ITnited StateaAagalnat u.ixm A "!nmnanv. involving 'The tar- i m Avimaa ivrcrwYOTan 1 11 a 11 a Ipptna Islands from tha United States between April. im and November. liOL- Thla la the laat of the Philip pine test cases. A case of mora general interest and 1. ,V.. n Tamxl HOW- loiuruun.-, " " ard against tha Illinois Central railroad. Involving tha conatltutlonality of V the railroad employers' liability act. passed at tha laat session of congreas. Thla eaae waa tried by tha United States cir cuit court for tha western dlatrlct of Tennessee, which held the first section of the act, abolishing tha fellow ser vant rule, to be unconstitutional. Tha case la considered to be of great Importance, not only because of tha number of similar caaea that have here arisen and will arise, but because of the principle .involved. When the Unit ed States district court held tha act invalid because- of lU. llneonstltutlon-' allty President Roosevelt at onca took up tha matter and decided to Uke the a Max, Inn tn tha highest COUrt With a view of having tha decision reversed. Only onca before. It is said. In tha his tory of tha department of justice has similar action been taken' by the ad ministration. 'ts..HVfen- tGa, headlight meaag stag- "Boat bshtadi . aatlom." .... .... - ..." . We have peered into the future, and secured the most attractive suits for summer. Some rather striking in de sign, some subdued. . . Some coats have three but-. tons -some two. ' Y ' .. Some with cuffs some with wide lapels they are. all here at f $10 to $25 uu3 i.iuini'i cp' ,iC3 and ICS Jhird St, PHONES EVERYWHERE IN - BLUE MOUNTAIN RESERVE T aMaaaaawwaaBSwaw. .. gpsclal Dtspstei. to The Joernsl.) fanllaAfi. Op. Anrtl l.Arran aementa are under way for tha eatabltshment of a system or teiepnoneg over me iioe mountain forest reserve. - A' line will start from Oranlle and extend south ward to tha old sheep camp up tha Orande Ronde river, thence, 'through Fly valley to Starker. From Fly val ley a branch Una will rug-srestwara through the Lehman Springe district to Camas Prairie. There will be sev eral branch lines, one of which will reach Woodley and tha Camp Carson dlatrlct It la tha Intention to ramify tha whole Blue mountain reaerva with tha telephone. The phonea ara for tha uae, primarily, of tha government rang- rim ouwr zoroi iavLTa uii iciaia, but the system will be connected with the other phone Unas and arrangement wiu o sna ior ne puoua q na,va use UiaiU. - ; . ...... BRYAN DECLARES TAKING TAINTED MONEY IMMORAL .-..:'.. , '., " (VearaaV giMdsl gsrvtea.! Kansas city, Vlr April I " be- h.M Ik. will nr, V. . . . - . . ' w i.4 wui w 1 1 . i , avjuf-aj- tlonal Institutions will refuse to lend aanantahUt A MM( arlmfn.l. u. f " ' v . I ...l.ll.t. Vf accepting their money and going Into partnership with them declared Wil liam Jennings Bryan In a lectors st the Methomet church here last night Vtrvan mmi A ma k.h.. V. . ik. n . . . . i , - ... ... . . . iiu-iviiin fit i,n.nHn lal.t&l k . I . . . .-"- -I'M.. J W ..UII. (fi WOUNDED IN THE ARM A DURING EXCITING CHASE Wright 'Arrested and Identified as Having Been ' Twice la State In sane Asylum at Salem Attack on . Williams HoUrelesa. ' - Tk h..l.i a. V. k r Ashland. Or Anrll t. A man named JT. F. Wright, apparently suddenly In sane, sioppea on nere oaiuraay niioi en route from San Bernardino, Califor nia,: to Roaeburgi registering at the Oregon hotel. Yesterday . afternoon he approached a' drummer, named C H. Wllllaros. who was sitting with other guests at the hotel oflfoe, and apoka to him rather offensively, then walked out Ha returned aoon savins-. You are the man I have been looking for," and be gan liring ai nim wun a as-cajioer re volver. , Williams ran out of the hotel. Wrlrht fallowait him. flrlnc four shots aa they ran down the atreet i There was a general .stampede of people at tha ho tel and at tba Thornton HUdreth cigar store. Into which Williams ran. After Wright had emptied his revolver he walked back toward tha hotel, where Henry Provost seised him and he was . .i wv.A Avar tn tha vAlla Wllllama araa found to have been hit only onoe, the DSJI Striaing nis arm ana ranging up Into his shoulder, . inflicting a painful wound. .. . Wright is known to a miner named Del ch man, who cams from Nevada and AI t h. train hara with hfrtk Dalh- man aaya Wright baa been in the Ore gon Insane aaytum twice, na was sent from Douglas county, where ha taught school. He lias been at San Bernardino tha past year. .... WurlfiHiliT la tha laat dav for dis count on west side gas bills. ' . FORMER DETECTIVES ' .; ON TRIAL FOR MURDER ( . aaaaaaw " - ,' t TAula tin. Anrll ' 1. Th caaea of former Detective Oaorga Williams, charged with tha murder of R, Lee KUllan. also a former aetecuve. ana ot na . rtatatlva Tom kfearath. charged with assault to kill John Kll llan, a brother of Le, were called In court for trial today. Tha murder and aaaault occurred In tha aaloon of Mc- Orath a- McMahon, on January 10 and was the result of a. blttsr personal feud that had its origin in the dls miaaai nf Williams - from . the - DOlica force In February; 10, and for which Williams held KUllan reaponaioia. rref erred Bck Caaaed Oooda. Allen Lewis' Best Brand. i' Mtmmonth Hot! L-J. ; (apeetal Dtopatek t The 7arasl.) Mntiiaonth. Or Anrll I. Mr. Hoaner. proprietor of the Hotel Monmouth, has rented It. to Mrs. wunam jariaweii. Mr. Hoaner Intends to travel and aeU mining stock . Several real . aetata transfers at good figures nave w pise here within the past two weeks. COFFEE The responsible man is the roaster; his is the name to go-by. r Year trocar rrtaraa teac aUI U M "a' lUatckiUlag'aaeaV.. N every office , there are letters' to ; be written, office documents to be kept as records and bills and state ments to be prepared. y ; - Each demands a different kind of .typewriting: ) ' - I ; ' ' Letters: Typewriting that will copy. 'X -.Office.' Records: will .' not fade., or offset with handling. ' ' V Bills ana ing. for; the credits. . vv ; V Vv-;?r"'.';-' -ri- Ns;vTd-GIiraz:3 J:-: : 1 -Its 'wV a y is the only machine affording these three kinds of typewriting,all from one ribbon In chantrihe from one to another, the operator . ' , ' . .... . . , . ... a 1 ' 1 nnl . v L - - --w-ajee-t-aatn."' at loses no time; she iust touches a lever. The New. .Tri-Chromc L gives Vyou this i triple servicein "addition to all the good features of -our regular models and costs no more. THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER COMPANY , , . , .M .;" j, - iissvuia, a, J. . it aaBBaSBSBBsm nrnnii i r .. .1 ' - 'ri'; V : - jM 1 This beautiful' Spring morning. Call up by phone, write us or come in and let us talk with you about , this new, up-to-date suburban district It h . the modern conveniences. . ; GiaraMee p Trust Co SECOND AND WASHINGTON Ye. CALLS CH1KESE GRAFT : 1BVESTIGATI0II fJYTH Strong Defen. of Moy Bak Hin Agalntt Alleged Attack of ; Seattle Chinese. In regard to a recently publlahed ac count of tha visit of Chin Gee flow to Portland. Mr. John F. O'Connor malue the following statement r --. -There was . a Chlnaaa visitor In Portland laat week, who by soma chance got himself publicly announced as The Chinese Heney.' Ha came from Beat tie where for two or three years he ha CTconnactad with ". Man Hop company, a concern dealing In Chlnaaa mcrchandlae In a email ahop. This per son happened to be Chin Geo and ha announced that ha came to Port land for tha purpoaa of lnveetlgatlng an alleged graft connected with an alleged misappropriation of IM00, that amount belw called a part of a 110.00. fund forwarded by the government for the purpose of transporting back to the Celestial kingdom old and decrepit Chinese. ' j "It further was rumnrad about that Chla Oea Oow was after tha head of u nt Hin. tha Chlnaaa consul, and so peralatent became this rumor that It founa lie way w - and an olTloer was asked to aid In pro tecting th local r-preeentatlve of China a emperor. All tnie wsa aan M Joka at police, , TEETH xs. Save mf Corns at onca and bars free examina tion. ... WI EXTRACT TEETH FREE; VER FILLINGS. ISO UP: GOLD FILL INGS, 7lo UP: BET OF TEETH, 14 00: SPLENDID BE.Tjl8.00: GOLD CROWNS IS. 00 TO li.OO; WHITE CROWNS, 111 TO. 15.00. All work guaranteed for ten years. - Lady attendant alwaya present. AU work done absolutely without pain by specialists of from perience. II to It years' ex- Boston Dentists : Thoao Sfais) 030.'.- . 0.1', Morrtaan t.. Opp PoatotBaa. : "At a banquet Chin Gee Gow Is credited with saying that ha held a gsg on Moy Bak Hln And that tha lat ter would do soma accounting to him. or also there would be trouble in China town. He told of his being a resident of America for 17 years. 10 of which was spent In Ban Francisco.- As a mat ter of fact, Chin Geo Gow la not at all what ha represents himself to be. . "Moy Bak Hln, the consul, and bis friends regarded the matter as unwor thy of notice. The consul's Urge con stituency aay that Chla Gee Oow gained notoriety by blindly attacking a man of mora than local reputation for boa. ;C0.FEEE' . TEA :SRICETS BAKING POWDER 0USTRI6HT ) CMSSETi&DEVEIffl "PORTLAND, ORE. eaty and energy. They point to tha methods of their borne government In aeleotlng a forslgn representative, and etate that befora auch an official Is aa looted his life's history Is scanned froyi tha time be waa given birth until the laat moment before selection. - They further aay that It 111 baftta a China man of thla Seattle man's reputation to assail one of Portland's moat esteemed aliens, this alien paying taxes at this time on a little less than 500,0DO worth of city real estate." , , easaaaeBWwjaw-ieaaBaSa aeaw preferred Btoeft Casmed wOOda, Allan A Lewis' Best Brand, . h huh- Hit'' Fiee sample. Address Dept. ft, a, w I aaavOarHaaOvarlatSSa f svs.t Tha fViln A That QhlnealiHn;hte8t " Milwaukle Country Club. ' Eastern and California races. Take Sell wood sod Oregon City ear at First tnd Aider. . - )