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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1907)
u TIIS 'OREGON DAILY JOURNAIJ.' TORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. ; APRIL . 8. 1907. OFFICERS TELL Ml STORY II011 IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT SMARTLY DRESSED MEN WILL WEAR THIS SEASON 'ASK; BEN SELLING - Commerce Commission ' YYil Different Version of Brownsville Negro Affair Is Told to , , Senate Committee. ' . ' Show No Mercy In Southern . Pacific Merger Finding. , J START PROSECUTION - FORAKER INSISTS THAT' . V WITH LITTLE DELAY NEGROES ARE INNOCENT V Commission WOI Ask CongreM to , Pmi Law Prohibiting Railroads Commute of Which Foraker . I Chairman Adjourns for a Month , to Allow Foraker. to Fight Taft . Prom Speculating in Stocks and -. Regulating Stock !. ;, in Ohio. v '".' no ouiira FOR i ii. uinni (ul saeelst gervtee.t Wuhlntton, D. C. April I. It will . prooebly b several day befor th lad ' known Ita Intention In th matter of moving sgalnst th Haniman railroad. I merger operating la restraint of trade, " ChafrmanirnAppOT'rieMf at comntre oommlaalon aald today that tha ,commlssln wouKi , not ba In a hurry about rendering; a decision. He aald tha record waa voluminous and tha matter Involved were of great lmaor. tanca Tha commlulon tharafora would proceed deliberately. in -,aviaenc wnicn am commission has taken will go to tha departmept of justica.ana mere excellent ground ror saying that delay In. starting' proeoeu- tlon will b Just a brief aa possible. Tha trend of tha argument presented . by tha Haniman lawyer, and of tha re plies by the attorney for tha commis sion. Indicated plainly that both sides believe tha strong point for tha govern . mant and tha weak ona for Haniman Is , In tha contract between tha Harrlman . system and tha Ban Pedro road, by which tha latter bound Itself to subor dinate Itself In all traffic and operating matters to ths Harrlman traffic depart ment It Is believed that tha publication of V tha Sydney Webster Jetter of Mr; Hsrri - man waa tha moat unfortunate thing , . that has happened for tha Union Pa' . clflo magnate since his feud with tb president began. But for that. Harrl man' promise to be good, taken to- ; gather with tha fact that soms member of ths Interstate commerce commission are opposed on principle to criminal prosecutions under tha Sherman act. might have availed to Indue tha com mission to give -up prosecution. But ' Burn, an outcome la. said to ba Impo- . sibl after tha Webstar letter. V. Quarter to Xarrba Succeeding development kav aroused tha administration to h determlnatloa to employ every possible resource : against Harrlman, No quarter will ba given. As a result of ths Harrlman to , qutry -which has engaged the attentions ' of the commissioners for tha last three ' month, argument In tha ea being - concluded yeeterday, this la the poest- t ble outcome: Request by tha commission for "con- ares to pass a law prohibiting railroad companies engaged in Interstate com- .' merca from speculating In- stocks: ; .. . .. Request by ths commission for-, con ress to pass a law regulating tha la ' auanc of stocks and bonds by carriers it Raaueat . by tha commission, for oon J greas to pass more stringent laws ra--C gardlng the systems of bookkeeping -employed by the railroads; Investigation .of the combine of rail roads forming ths Pennsylvania eys- tern, the Vanderbllt lines, tha Rock . Island and ths Hill lines. Tha first thing to bo dona is to de , cide whether Haniman will ba haled into tha federal courts of southern New 'York to answer certain questions which I he refused to answer st tha New York inquiry. This probably-will be deter mined In the near future and It Is be- '." lleved will result in tha proposed court ) proceedings. .' v ' -''"' 5 I GUARD IS IJASIAC AID -HIS Trisoser escapes San ' Francisco Detective ' Be f comes Insane Through Loss ' of Sleep Watching Man. V 1' .'"t- - ' -..t ..Vv (Jeeraal gpeelat fciiltt!) ' ' Los Angeles, April Detective Ber geent Charles Taylor of the Ban Fran Cisco police department has arrived in ' Lo Angelas, a raving maniac He Is under restraint at the receiving hospital and will b cared for thar until advice from his superiors are received. ' : Just before Taylor arrived - in Los "Angeles a prisoner -whom hV was taking ' 1 from Blabee, Aria, to San Francisco, escaped by taking, "advantage - of. ,hls jniard'a condition. A reward of I JOS ha Ven offered for hio recapture. Tha prisoner wss Alvin Slewtaekl. formerly treasurer of ths' Brewers' union of Ban Francisco,- Ho Is believed ... to have embessled several hundred dol lars at tha union's funds and decamped. ; He was captured a few days ago' In Blab and Detective Tsylor was sent for him. . ' ' It 1 believed that Taylor's deplorable condition was' brought about through ' loss of sleep Incident to guarding his prisoner and that It will pas off within a fsw week a ,..-, - : Rings Songs at His Own - Funeral. ' - , ' ' - (Jearnal Ipseisl Bervlea.) ' : ; Detroit. ' Mich.. April - I. At ths fu r rveral st Bant water today of Alexander Brldgman the deceased himself sang '. songs by a phonograph. Brldgman waa a constant church member and before , he died bought a phonograph and put . . on record three hymns, "Rock of Age." , "Lesd, Kindly Ushf snd "Nearer My irlod to Thee. "..In his will he requested that ths phonograph run Off the records - at his funeral serrlco. .. - - - 1 (Joer! BpmIsI Sorrtrs.l, , Washington, April (.Ths . senate committee, sitting on the Brownsville shooting affair, whlla only about half mrougn taxing testimony, naa tempo rarily called a halt in Its Investigation In order to permit Senator Foraker, who is chairman of ths committee, to go to Ohio-and -nalr-op-thr- fences -that-tha Taft boomers may have torn down and prevent any mora being demolished. Tba Investigation, or rather the de fense of the negro soldiers charged by President Roosevelt with having shot up the town, has brought out ths fact that' ths ery officers of the regiment who testified In Texas that they be lieved that tha soldiers did th shootlnc now tall ths senate committee that they have changed their opinions and believe It was impossible for the soldiers to have done It. ' ; . The -officers claim they have 'mors Information' on ths subject than they had whan first asked about tha affair by President Roosevelt's envoy, who waa seat to Texas to get tha ncoary evidence - to uphold tha ' president's charge that tha soldlar did ths shoot tng, snd thnt now tha officers believe ths shooting wss dens by someone also than tha negro soldiers. Senator -.. Foraker claim , to - have scored soms Important vlctorlse during ths Investigation' and ' promises that when ths committee again . meet en May 14. ths svldenos still to bo In troduced' will establish ths Innocence of th soldlsrs whom President Roosevelt dismissed l(i a body, beyond a doubt. ; . HARRIDAN'S EFFORTS " 111 60 FOR NAUGHT Cannot Swing Nebraska or .Da kota - Republicans Away v From, Roosevelt. - tfaarssl SseetU Hervfe,.) - Sioux City. Iowa, April t. Kxpresslons from Govern ore Sheldon,; of Nebraska and Crawford of .South Dakota, pub lished her Jndtcnta that llr.' Harrlman and Standard Oil wilt hava great dif ficulty in -res Using on their alleged plan to carry western' states against . Roose velt. Governor Crawford says: - "Harrtman's talk Is a bluff. No doubt ths old machine crowd will attempt to get soiegatton by. pretending to be for Roosevelt with, tb Intention to deliver It t a Harrimaa . canduita . Should Roosevelt refuse - to run ths plan will fall. The Booth Dakota delegation will be. for soma progressiva Republican In sympathy with th Roosevelt ooliev In ess he adheres to his purpose to refuse renominates." ' . , Governor Sheldosr says: "Mr. Harrl man eannat, 1a'mr opinion, deliver Ne braska to anr antl-Rooaevelt candldat ror preaiaent. If . tba Union Paelfia has as hard a time In Tsontrolllna Ne. braska politics next year ss it did In ltos, Mr. Rooeevelf friends will not need to worry about what will be dona In I tot. Nebraska la for- Roosevelt gooo ana strong and for his pollcie un iiwr are ,ena-rea into law. wiuiam J. Bryan la -Omaha todav said:' "Harrlman could, not swing Ne- nras-ca ttepuoucans away from JRoosa- REDICTS CONSTANTINE ' WILL ESCAPE GALLOWS (JoanHt gneelsl gsr-rfM.t -" - .' New York. April i. "Constmnttn 'win be cleared of the chargs of having mur- -reo sirs. Artnur Gentry of Chlcaro Tha trial will develop many surprising details at this time nnknown to ths polk- or th itubllo. . The confession he has 'made to the Brooklyn police will not figure in th trial It is worth less to ths prosecution, in view of th circumstances." f , In these . words Attorney Manton. counsel fcr Frank J. .Constantino. charged with tha murder of Mrs. Arthur w. uentry in Chicago. Intimated that ths Constantln case. would ba ona of Chicago's - moat famous murder trials. Manton Is a fighter. - He has defended r.-- Hearing Rate) Complaints. ' l Jwral Special Serrlrs.) Tooeks, Kan.. Anrll IL Tha ' intsv. stats commarc commission mat la To- pesa today to hear tha complaint of farmers, merchants snd shlnner' clnba or Kansas against ths Rock Island snd Banta Fa railroads for alleged unjust rates on wheat and corn from Kansas points to, : Kansas City. Galveston, Gainesville snd Fort Worth. , , ' BanqnetVo Tower. IJoerasl SDecUl Sorrlcs.) i New Tork. April , . Two hundred covers will be laid at the Manhattan club tonight .at a banquet to be given oy tne proprietors of ths Btaats-Zel tung In honor of Charlemagne Tower, American ambassador st Berlin. The speasers sre to Include Mr. Tower, Mel ville E. Stone. S. F. .0. North and Con gressman Richard Bartheldt. - Wednesday is the - last day for dis count on west aid gas billa (jlllMji - THB POLICYHObOGRS COMPANY " Is tha only purely Oregon Life Inturanca Company . - - VLHY BLST FOR AN ORLGONIAN Call or writ for further Information ' - ' MOn6 OFFICE SIXIM AND ANKeNY 8TRF.KTS, PORTLAND I'r. Asistant Maaagar. r s. -. '. i S.-. : ' THE THOROUGHLY CAPABLE HANDIWORK OF EFFICIENT SKILLED TAILORS WHO PRODUCE OUR CLOTHING iustifjlis.jnl:cl aiming - ., THAT IT IS MADE RIGHT-FIT RIGHT . , PRICED RIGHT ; tMEN'S SUITS$15 to$35 ' OUR JUVENILE-APPAREL , - -Made with the'same care and attention ' to detail as" the men's- merits your inspection 7. BEN: SELL Leading Clothier POOLROOi.1 WITH NONE TO TAKE OR PAY HONEY With Shadows, ; Mysterious Mr. Pickens Operates for Much ; i' 'X-'".' Hard Coin. V '' V (Jsaraal gpaatal Rerrtce.) ' Kew Tork. April I. Confronted with the stubs of a check book, showing thst 1110.000 had bean paid to him through the poolroom syndicate, a witness whose name was given - aa Pickens, at tha heating befor Maglatrate Barlow today said that they represented his winnings In th paat two year. H -aald that when ba bet and lost he paid E. A. Flaher. who Is now under bsll of 1 1.000, charged with running a poolroom. When ha won he waa paid by check from W. D. Miller oompaay. . ' - . - Tha witness declared that stubs of checks did. not represent all his trsn saotlona with th , poolroom people. There waa -nothing to show whst his losses were, because tha stubs of his own check were not produoed to oft set the winnings, , . , The mysterlou Mr, Pickens said he never had seen sny of ths persons with whom he did business. Alt his bets, he said. . were made over tha telephone. Be was assured, , he says, that Die pool room men, had a direct telephone to th track and there vai no law. violated; as the bet wee actually placed. , no less than It alleged slayers by rea son of his shrewd, calculating manner of conducting cases snd in one of these he secured the acquittal of an alleged murderer after a confession had been "sweated" from him by tha Jersey City police. . ' Manton Is losing no tlms In familiar ising .himself with th caa. Ha left thla afternoon for Chicago -where he will employ local counsel to look after the Interests of his client : while his presence In New Tork Is necesssry. WOMAN'S CORSET DROPS FROM HUSBAND'S POCKET (Jearaal ttwdat SjsmIct.i t Iula AdtII 1j Whan Mrs. flM,n Wright saw her husband In a park with a young woman, his arm encircling his companion's waist, . she. rebuked him angrily, and Oeorg arose to . protest As h did ao a woman's eorsat tumbled from his Inside pocket , in the direct vista of his wife's icy eye. ' She wa given a divorce today, la tire city court Of East Bt. LiOUIS.' Tba Wrights war divorced II year ago, shortly alter their, daughter birth. Bh tnen maried a man named Toje. He died some time ago. be queathing her a home. She said' tier former husband, on learning of her inheritance; called upon her and succeeded in. convincing : her that his love bad-been renewed with augmented fervor. They -were married second time. . Boon ana testified Wright began paying moat affectionate attention to her elster-ln-law, Nora Gil bert,, and the corset sxpo followed. ' CHURCH AND STATE IN - ITALY REAPPROACH ' '1aasBSSSsaaaaBSaaa a . '. ' I1 JeSraal Bpeclal toftn.) Roma. April t. -The newspaper com ment with great sstlsfactlon on tha ao tton of tha geWmment In handing over to tha Vatican IMOO.OOs in payment for religious houses confiscated la 1S70. , This restoration and tha thanks of ths pope to the Italian government are held to Indloat that" a new era la the relations between church and atate In Italy I at hand. Boms of thera are Inclined to ballev that thla Is th first stp In an understanding which will leave the pope no longer "the prisoner of ths Vstlcah." .1 Wednesday Is tha last da for Ola east aa vast aid gag hilia, MIRACULOUS ESCAPE OF BADLY INJURED WORKMAN - ' IJneraal hwat Berrtrs.) Tsrrs t Haute, ind., April I. John Connors, a laborer with a construction gang building 'an sxtenalon of th Monon line near Cataract, passsd through'threa houre of eztromo physics torture and mental terror taday. Ha, with several other workmen, jumped aboard a dirt car, after fixing a fuse to eversl hundred pounds of dynamite which 1tad been placed to blow oat quantity of rock. Tha ear had barely started until It jumped the track catch ing Connors underneath ths wreckage and a short distance away from - th slxsllng fuse. - His companions I panlo-atrlcken leaving him to V his fate. . Connors lsy with a broken leg pinioned under the caa helpless await Ing ths explosion which would blow him to blta " k But Providence wss kind to him and tha fuse went out when within an Inch of th detonating cap. His companions were afraid to rescue him and left him three hours before venturing to , the spot.- Connors was brought here snd placed In the 81 Anthony's hospital. He may die as a result of his Injuries snd nervous shock. a DkfAnicAQ pnnuiniTc ' . ' . DEALING INFUTURks f Jneraal gperlal Serrles.l Uttle Rock. Ark., Aprtl t The Moore-Hart bill prohibiting speculation In fit'.urws either through legitimate board or . trade transactions or In "bucket shops" hss been unsnimously passed by ths house. The bill formerly hsd passed both legislative branches) and waa being prepared to be submitted to ths governor for slgnaturs when the discovery wss mane tnat the bin had been doctored and thst two word In It had been changed that would have ren dered It Inoperative. Members who bad opposed the bill on Its first paasag then voted for Ita paa- age, stating that auah - sttempta to thwart legislation should be severely reDusea. .-', ,- . . MRS. M'GILVERY DIES UNDER AN OPERATION (Sperhil Dlapatea te The Jeoraal.) Forest Grove, Or., Aprtl I. Th body of Mr. Laths McOUvary. aged St year. of British Columbia, waa burled In Hill side cemetery Saturday afternoon. She died as a result of an operation. She had beB ,111 . for several month. , She came here last summer for her n. A brother and slater, John Farthing and Mrs, Loins, llvs at Hillside, In this county, Tried for Causing Wreck. Valparaiso, Ind., Aprtl t. The eaeea against Conductor Most. Engineer Gal naeur Snd Brakeman Woodward. In dicted In connection with the wreck at Wood villa were called for. trial to day, The wreck occurred last Decem ber and resulted in the hoe ef l Uvea STEAD TO PREACH UPON - IHTERHAT10NAL PEACE Editor ' Is to Make Pilgrimage Among Nations Against War ;. ,- .- bf All Kinds'. Maaraal goeelal SerHeat ' New Tork. April . William M.Staad. th English wrltsr snd champion of pesca, occupied the pulpit of Plymouth church, Brooklyn, Sunday night to an nounoe to America his plsn for an In ternational pilgrimage of peace. Briefly h propose that a amall group of this country's moat eminent cltlsens shall start on May 1 for Lon don, where they .will be joined by a Similar group of Englishmen.' snd thSn move from cspltal to capital with stead ily Increased numbers, and to eacu sov ereign of Europe proclaim the doctrine of Internationa peace. On June 1. they will arrive In The Hagu for th opening of the first peace parliament of the world. Arrangement hv been made for th recaption of this modern pilgrim progress by near ly all the sovereigns snd prim min isters of Europe and their progress Is to be a triumph of peace Instead of a march of war. , During the paat few months Mr. Btead haa been making the rounds of Europe to sound" the opinions of king! and min isters snd prepare the way for the pil grims. Everywhere hs met with en couragement. . The king and queen ef Italy took up the project enthusiasti cally. Chancellor Von Buelow and Min ister TJornburg In Berlin, gave Mr. Stead long audlaneea on th subject. Th kings and queena of Denmark and Norway entered heartily Into this plan. Ths crown prince .regent of Sweden promised assistance and the leading statesmen of Hungary ara in cloa ac cord. All tha prominent ambassadors In the various capitals and the prime ministers of notions, headed by Sir Henry Campbell-Bannsrman of Great Britain are prepared to receive the pilgrims. SMALL BOY RUN DOWN 5 BY AUTO AND KILLED New Tork, - April I. -While playing with several other . boys, directly In front of hi home, Donald -Grant, t years old. son of Polios Inspector Donald Grant, waa rua down by an aatomobllo lata Saturday and killed. For hours th boy's father remained on police duty before he was notified, and tha frantic mother remained alone bsaide tha child's body until the Inspector could reach the Hood Wright hospital. Tha car which killed little Donald la owned by Jona than Bulk Icy, a wealthy paper manufac turer of Brooklyn. By a freak of fata It rhanoed that one of the occupant wa Mrs. John Chap man, who has always been opposed to auto. Her husband who la wealthy. haa triad to gat her to accept one aa a gift, snd because of her fear of motor ing sha had never been in a car befor that dsy. , wire tappers raided at Bi;:;i;:gs track Exciting Descent of Pinkertons T Gives Washington 'Smart : - V: Set a Thrill. ' (Jearsa! Special taevlea.) Washington. April I. -Mrs. Nicholas Longworth, daughter of the president. wss smong the members of Waahlng- tnn'a smartest set who wltnenef! . a thrilling clean between the Pinkertons and emlaaartea of a new poolroom at Bennlngs (Saturday afternoon. Tha raid waa on a house opposite tha clubhouse. Mrs. Longworth was among th flrrtt to see tha troubla Sha hurried to the lawn snd noon returned to ths pinna ef the clubhouse with Mr. Longworth. Count Cinns and scores of prominent personages. Between the first snd second races a band, of blueeoated Pinkertons clrolel around ths clubhouse end mad a quirk descent upon sn untenanted house across the roadway from tha track. Several men jumped from the hel- oony to the grounds and eapd. Th detectives discovered an underground telegraph wire which entered th rarlnr course snd u&on which a confederate sent out ths scratches, jockeys.) betting, etc., with a pocket battery. The rai l and cleanup created a ensatloii. If s a Plfy To go Without Liquozono When the Test I Free. Too who lack Llouosnoe yoa , don't know what you mlsa And th product Itself caa best tell you. We ask . you again In fairness to yourself, let ue buy you a bottle to try. . Ton who sre sick and discouraged you need it moaL . Ton who are still treating germ troubles la ths old, Inef fecUve waya It is time that you know. as millions , snow, wnat uquownt means to you. The reeulta wlU aur prta yoa. for nothing could be more convincing than the way - In which Llquosene deals with a germ attack. . What Liquozono Is. Llquosone Is a tonle-germlcid. th virtues ef which sre derived solely from oxide gases. No alcohol, no nar cotic, nothing but gaa enters Into It Ths process of making requires large apparatus,, and consumes 14 days Oma Th object IS to so eomblne the gsass with a liquid aa to carry their virtue Into the system. ; The result Is a germicide so certain that we publish with every bottle an offer of I1.00 for a dleea germ that Llqooaons cannot kill. It destroy them because germs sr or vegetable origin. , But to th oooy llquosone is zhllaratlog. VltaUslr.g. purifying. That la Its main distinction. Com mon genalolds ars polon hi tw--i Internally. They ara Impost! M. r r they destroy ths tissues ss 'wall ss tba germs. That te why medicine proves so he! pies In daallng with germ diaeaaea. Llquosone, on the contrary, acts aa a remarkable tonic ; We Paid $100,000. For th rights to - Llquosone, after thousand of tests had been mad with It; after1 Ita power bad been demon strated for more than two year in the most d !rsu It germ dieaaara. Condition which hag resisted medietas for years yielded et once te It, and dlsaasea con sidered Incurable wrre cared. Thst was Ovs yearn sgn. Sines then millions at people la every ert of the world have shared 1a the V-mms ef this Invention. Neerty evory hamlet, every neighborhood, tiae living example f It power. Now w esk you to ih It do for you what It did for them. Such conditions eall for a germicide, not for common drugs Llquosone do what ' ether means cannot accomplish. And It 1 wrong to cling to old war whan million of people know a . way that Is better. 50c Bottle Free. it yec wish to knew what Llquomn doe pleas send UB this coupon. - H will then mall, you en order on a Uwt drugrlst for a full-aiae bottle, and M pay the drugrlet ourselvee for It. TMi Is our fre gift, mad to eon vine r'i: t let th product Itself show you t It can do. In Juatlce to ymiraif. r!-'" accept it today, for It placea yuu tin der no obligations wnatowr. Llquosons costs loo snd II. Com Dl Most of onr e1okn years, been trsced f ome grrms in , raotly attach the f toxins, cii'i-; mellsm, Do. - ,. ind r- Vllf-1 1 f:- In 1 "- In', 1 ! CUT CUT THIS CCU: rll H enl an4 s"'l l Ttis f CMsMnr, (4 k ! An-, Cn. . Mt sue u I fcrs r-p f- t--l tN r ' If T"t w. 1 17. i r a f' t- 1 T - ' i.l (- it.