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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1907)
J THE OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. ! SATURDAY EVENINQ. APRIL 6. 1907. LANE'S FRIENDS STICK : m BY THEIR PRINCIPLES Declare Attempt to Reintroduce Spoils System Kills Demo cratic Chances. ' POSITION OF MAYOR VIGOROUSLY DEFENDED J. Bonne Murphy and Ogles by Young Votj tbo Thoma Cohorts, but Nothing Definite Happens After AIL . ; " Vr. President. I mora that we lay the whol bwlMH On th tame.' Bur. ' "Mr. President, I move that we do now -sojourn.- iiirr, That 1 th war It andad, Patrick Power, shaking hia big stick above the am called fpr. the first motion. George I Hutohln mads tha seoond. General , Klllieather seooaded both and Joa Mai' ley hammarad ' tha presidential tabla 1 a eoupla of tints. Tha rank and fUa of tha meeting bussed In Impotant exclte " ment and straggled down Into tha wind ana tha raw. Thus ended tha maatlnc hald under he aoaploaa of tha Multnomah Demo ' araUo dub, assisted bjr tha Tonne Man's Demooratlo club, and tha ohalrman of the county oentral oommlttee In Draw's hall last might for tha purpose of launching the candidacy of George H. Thomas for mayor on tha Demooratlo ticket. Wimr UdtMual torn a. parliamentary standpoint nouuug was aooompuihed ae far as Thomas' candidacy Is concerned, tor the lettar writUa by him announcing to all Intent and purposes his Intention to rnaaa the raea was laid upon the table by the motion of Pat Powers and tha ruling of Joa Malley, president of tha clutk. .The remaining 'municipal posi- COCKROACHES CAN'T LIVE Portland Woman Are KUlimg Thaaa Off With steam Seattle Mate. . There has. been a great death rata In tha oockroaoh family . since Stearns Eleotrio Rat and Roaoh Pasta has been Introduoad to housekeepers In this city. It Is rery easy to use, and kUls them off at night. Steams' Paste Is sold under guarantee to exterminate cockroach and other rermln or money will be refunded. Steams' Eleotrlo Paste la also guar anteed to klU off rats and mice. Insist upon getting Steam's Eleotrlo Rat and Roach Paste. It la tha only guaranteed exterminator sold, driving rata and mica out of door to die, and compleUiy ridding the houae of eaak. roaches, water bugs, bed bugs, and other vvrmin. s. aura to gat Biearna Pasts. t)i nnU "Unnavk.nlr1' vm. i tlona open at tha oomlng election, bow ever, were filled by men willing te run and Indorsed by the meeting as fit men to enter the oontesC The meeting throughout was a turbu lent one and full of excitement. From the time that Prealdant Mailer sailed the Catherine; to order during tha. time George U Hotchln was reeding the lat ter submitted by Mr. Thomas and up to tba explosive finish there was some thing doing every minute with no long waits between curtains. It opened by Mr. Hutohln reading the letter from Thomas and . tha report of the Joint committee appointed to invite candi dates to run. . The latter' and report were adopted and ordered to be placed on tne mlnutee of the club. Then the meeting . turned . Its attention to the places yet unfilled and placed in nomi nation men for them who would eon. sent te run. In this way the tloket was filled up with tba exception of one or twe places which ware left open for further Investigation by tha committee. Mayoralty the Topto. During the whole of the evening no tice of the Impending atorm was fre quently' given. Some orators who nom inated man drifted from the subject and segan to plead ror the election of a mayor who would give all the Jobs to Democrats These were applauded by Klllfeather. Powers, - Parker, ot si Others asked the Question If a promise to govern tne city ir or the nest intereata of the whole people. Irrespective of creed, was not the highest type of a jjemoorano platform. These sentiments were ruled out of order by the chairman on motion of A. EL Ream, Oeorge Hutoh ln. et aL Ream brought on the final riot by taking the floor on a point of peraonal privilege. He stated that he d Mired to explain something. He said that he had been quoted In the press as saying In the meeting which read Mayor Lane's second letter announcing his withdrawal rrom tne Democratic primaries. "Well. Wa nave accomplished our ourooaa" Mr. Ream said that while those might nave been his sentiments, be did not express them so coarsely or so boldly. Mr. Murphy's zattle Talk. James Hennessey Murnhr followed. He said that the Democrats of the city were confronted by a majority of 4 to 1. The meeting, and those back of It, ware putting a man forward a Its candidate. exclusive of all others, who was to go Derore ma people ana say: "Here, elect me to office and I will promise to put no man In any city Job who Is not a member of the Demooratlo party. "You will put up a man." said Mr. Murphy, "who will put the party down and out for a generation. If you are after the scalp of Dr. Harry Lane sim ply because he has failed to fill tha city of flees with Democrats, then . you will find many people who will tell you that you are In a very deplorable do- sltloiu- Oglesby Toung was the next sneaker and took the floor against the opposi tion of A. El Ream and the chair, but sustained and called for by tba au dience. He stated that Mayor Lena had announced hl candldacx, upon IhaJavUl tation or the oounty central committee. th only "Moneybaok'r vermin deetroyer-eT T "" ch,rnln. who was Steams' Eleotrlo Paste Is sold by , or ma same orriee. drugglata or aent prepaid on receipt of Hls lattr document breathing price, t os. box 15c- is os. box tl 00 tna Purest spirit of democracy. Stearns' Electric Paste Co.. Buffalo, N. - There are people in the Demooratlo T.. formerly Chicago, m) . party who are after special privileges. who want the Spoils system . and of ficial perquisites as the fruit of vic tory," aald Mr. Toung. Tut even to these man I want to ask If there Is any thing, a single Una, In that platform of Mayor Lane's to which any honest man can objectf . . "Nothing. Not a thing," railed the crowd. '; "... .-, Mr. Toung than moved that the vote by whloh the Thomas letter had been adopted be reeonatdered In order that other men might be placed en the list He was ruled out of order by Prealdant Malley en the ground that he had not voted for tha motion. A man In the audlenoe sprang to hie feat, however, and made the motion, while seconds came from every corner. Then It was that Pat Powers, Oeorge Hutohln and General Klllfeather saved the day by their motions to tabla and to adjourn. The ticket recommended by the meet ing was as follows: Mayor, Oeorge H. Thomas; city attorney, Evert Baker: city treasurer, D. M. Watson; municipal Judge, Frank Bcblegel; councilman. First ward, T, J.' Concannonr Fourth, John D. Ryan; Fifth. Mark O'Neill; Sixth, John Halt hamper Seventh. D. P Bherrett; Eighth. A. A. Kadderlyj at large, A. F. Fleget Oeorge Lewie. ' The latter written by Oeorge H. Thomas was as follows). - & ef Ohalrman. -John Mon tag, ohalrman Toung Men's Demooratlo elub, and W. J. Malley, ' chairman . Multnomah Demooratlo club, eltyt , "Gentlemen Three years ago the peo ple elected a Demooratlo sheriff- and he was th beet sheriff this county ever had; yet Tom Word went down to defeat last June because our party Is weak In number to th point of In significance. ."By fusing with Republican factions, Demooratlo fathers and leaders of De mocracy have mads the path by which their sons have gone to the Republloan party. , The great land frauds of Ore gon are directly traoeable te Suoh fu sion. A weak party of opposition In San Franolsoo Is responsible for the graft there. "Many of the Democrats elected te office here la days gone by have en tered th Republloan ranks about the time of the expiration of their term. Occasionally a Democratlo officeholder has Ignored the duly elected party or ganisation but such an one has tried to organise a personal following . and stir up Independent" movements. The lattor elaaa of nolltlclana have effec tively and permanently kept tha mlnj Crlty party weak ana are cmeiiy zw sponsible for Ha weakness. "A number of Portland Democrats have bean fighting for adosan years to commit this city to a polloy of de eencv in municipal government. I be lieve the present temper ot Republi cans and Democrats alike Is against ' return to what Is known as tne 'open !' what la needed in Portland now Is a minority organization virile enough Itself whan trusted to maintain law and order and strong enough to coro nal the ReDUbllcans to do the earns or lose political control to the Dem T believe In . organisation, awery business house is organised to succeed. If organisation Is not a good thing, wny Is tha Republican party organised? If the Republican party Is not made strong by giving the clerkships In the city ball and eourthouas to Its party workers why are thsr no Democrats holding those clerkships? If organisation amounts to nothing, why did Dr. Lane seek a Demo cratlo. partisan nomination twe years ago?. . . "If he rune Independently for mayor this year will he not attenmpt to build a personal political machine? "I believe that la the absence of a strong minority party we are apt to drift back te an opaa-town rule through tha act of some csar Imagining hlmsIf greater than hi party. Defeat of the candidate or the death of the Incum bent mean loss ef the battle when the people rely upon Independent political movement and they are evanescent at best, and even whan the people are so victorious at the poll th legislature of an opposition majority . party may undo at Salem what was thought to have been aeoompllahed at tba polls. Prlnelplea are greater than man and live longer. Principle are Important enough to be backed by great political organisations, and In a republio respect should not be to persons, but to princi ples, i .. "X think It good sense, politically. Just now when Jonathan Bourne, the newly eleoted United State senator, I com mencing to erect a new Republican ma chine, foe the Demaarats ta ha alert strengthen that awn party. Very truly, "W. M. THOMAS,- BBBBssBawSBBBBBSamsBsnwaaBBa--HaBB ' : Who I Ketsgert Be fit your eye for I L0. Ill Sixth street i t. . Baatern Trainmen Wan Tneroa. " (Journal gpaatal gerrleal Chicago. April . Havlnx obtained eonceealona in wages and hour from th lines , of railroads operating west of Chicago, th trainman on lines east of this city are preparing to ask an Increase In waxes. It la probable that the request will not be presented to the railroads until late In the fell. HOW ADDITIONS BECOME - PARTS OF THE TOWNS : (Special Dispatch t The Joaraal.) Olympta, Wash.. April . Attorney General Atkinson ha been called an to decide whether an addition to an in corporated town,' "regularly platted and built up, become by virtue of said platting taxable a part of the town." The Inquiry comae from the town Clark of Kelao, who quotes tha law of 1111 to sustain . the contention that tha al dltton thus platted 1 taxable by ths olty.-" Th attorney-general holds that terri tory cannot be added to a town or city by merely platting It as such, but that It can coma In only by vote of those residing In the dlstrlot to be annexed, as provided by the law of 110. WHEN NEW WASHINGTON : LAWS GO INTO EFFECT (Special Dlaaetes te Tie Soars!. ' Olympla, Wssh.. April '.-Secretary of State B. H. Nichols holds that ths laws passed by the recent leglalature which did not have emergency clauses will go Into effect June It. Instead ef Juna 14, as has been heretofore pub lished. The eonstttatlon provide that laws having no emergency elauss shall take effect 00 days after adjournment of the session. The reeent legislature adjourned March 14. , , Shs Wouldn't Attend Institute. : Olympi. Wash. April . State School Superintendent Bryan has re voked the certificate of Miss Alma Bar natt for failure to attend the teachers' institute In Adams oounty. Miaa Bar nett was eomplalned of by the Adams ceuntr superintendent. . ' VBiscuit CQ!3 JTJS BBCAVSa ! ml 1n tha throat and doe not trouble you- MW. don't, think 4 ,. it naarfa nn attention. When it haa not had moh of a start is the time to oheck it. Th ellghteet cough aaa- tlv leads to Pneumonia, erononiii ana Consumption. A bottle of Ballard s Horehouna Byrop win ton The prtoe pute It within reach of alt by all druggista . Sold an i CREST SUNDAY THE TRACT OFFICE IS FINISHED It Is on the corner of Marina Ave. arid Sandy Road Boulevard Maps of the tract and plans for new houses furnished free. Our representative will be there every day. , We have built an artistic little office in BELLE CREST. -It Is at the corner of Marina avenue and the Sandy Road boulevard. This quaint little "log cabin" holds all our maps and plans, and affords a fine resting-place for friends and customers. . . Many people tro to BELLE CREST direct that I th fni tW?, own means for going; hereafur theywin fJndaj-epre$cntatiYe.Qfihe. 'rnmnanv In tna'tM't' nffie'eTtia 11 can think of. The weather has held us back, that's certain, but we are grading on MARINA AVENUE just thesame; we expect to be ready tomorrow (Sunday) morning to show you the beautiful terraced lots we have spoken about during the last few days. .Whan you eome to think that residence lots further from th center of town than B1UI CM gT lower In altitude than UlU OBSST Infinitely ' Inferior In view to I1U1 CMam with practically no building restrictions, are selling from tl.100 to I1.B0O, you get better Idea what MtM OMMMT 1VOTS TrST BS WOm In a yeari for It I th same city and ths same conditions . prevail. A UUI OBSST lot will ba worth $1,000 before the year Is out. and notwlthatandlng this, these TXWBMT TSBBACBB XOTS ABB SXULXBO VOB fSOO on easy payments (and street work, sidewalks, water, light and treetoar eonvenlenos thrown In). Sunday we will sell the FINEST TERRACED LOTS in B ELLE CREST for FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, terms to suit. Come with' us regardless of the weather. Phone either office. this . evening for auto or carriage seats for tomorrow (Sunday); The SPANTON Co. IheJacobs-StineCo. '" ( v-itnomons Deraand! t7oi Rapidity with Which Lots ."Prices! Sold! Except Easy ional Location! Great Popularity! Terms! Street Car Line! Improve Magnificent Scenery! Features! Elevation! Investment . , , 270 Stark Street ' L : Opposite Chamber of Commerce. ' Main 2828. ' " : r : .... y. S wetland Building, ' "; C; .Fifth Floor. ; ''':'::-( ',,-.' -' Main 359. - -81- N H K H 1 H H 3 H i i i I H il 3 : I i n H . - These and a score more of reasons explain why we have found It ABSO LULTELY NECESSARY to put 178 MORE ROSE CITY PARK LOTS on the market. These reasons," together with the fact that the first tract is ABOUT ALL SOLD OUT, account for this emergency. - Blocks 32 to 47 are how ready for sale. This" tract is still NEARER THE HEART OF THE CITY. Therefore, owing to the DEMAND, the PROXIM ITY TO DOWN TOWN, the fact that the STREETCARS WILL REACH THIS POINT SOONER, that the location is more desirable from many other points of view, that the LAND IS PERFECTLY LEVEL, these 178 lots are of- ereajpramxiinJIMlt45a-AND $650 EACH. If the first ROSE CITY PARK tract was worth $400 and $600 per lot, THESE LOTS ARE WORTH $50 MORE. And even at these prices we cannot say how long the lots will last, nor when the demand WILL BE SO BIO that It will be advisable to RAISE THEM STILL HIGHER. The improvements on this tract will be EXACTLY THE SAME AS ON THB OTHER. In fact, men and teams are now at work on CARVEL AND TIL LAMOOK AVENUES; the work has progressed wonderfully, and ; these two streets WILL BE GRADED WITHIN A FEW DAYSr The tract is dear of all , trees and shrubbery and ready for building. The same conditions and restric tions will apply on this tract as applied in the former, which is about all sold. THE TERMS WILL BE THE SAME. : , ROSE CITY PARK becomes a MORE DESIRABLE home location every day; a BETTER INVESTMENT every day; MORE POPULAR every day. Have you been out there yet? Get there EARLY TODAY OR TOMORROW so that' you can make A CHOICE SELECTION FOR YOUR HOME. - Pending further announcements, there will be no advance in prices. " .' 11 II II II II Zr I I I 1 I I i 'i r I Ground Floor DANICERS Clir.::-- mm r rs . y ut j