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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1907)
i THE 'OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENINO. APRIL" 6. 1007. I Tc; vm ic:::z3 fiflini a..,,.,,...,,..,.. .The Straight Howl" .... Iih KlMhBl'1 ai.aer. ..,.,......, ' Empire .. "Ole Oleun1 l- 'Carmen' Star.. iih titMHHi "Winchester brant Vaudeville Member of, the committee of one hundred war tha sueeta of W. M v tadd at banquet at tha Portland hotal laat night. Tha event wit In celebra tion of the euooeasful eonclualon 01 toe "Everybody Gives" oampalgn which re sulted in completing tha fund or lioe, 00 neoesssry for the new home of the T. H. C. i, and the T. W. C A. good time was enjoyed by the diners 'and aa a reault or their meeting; iui .; night It may be decided that the com , mtttee will be a permanent organlsa ". tlort. With Mr. Ladd acting as toast ) . master, tha followlnr toaata ware given: Walter Qoea, "Men Behind the Guns": Fletcher Una. "Inventor of Everybody aires"';, A. F. Flegel, "Keeping the Score"! W. J.-Clemene, "The New Uee for the Auto" I W. H. Chenln. "The Partition of Portland' R- J. Patteraon. "Portland's New Play"! ' Jaha V. Carroll. "What It Mean to " Us"; Herman Wittenberg. "Priming the , Pump.". i ., ' . , " Federal eivtt service examinations r7"wlU be held In Portland on May for , esalstant physicist. Applicant moat ahow In their application that they have been graduated from college or technical school or. trial tney nave av talned an equivalent education or train Ing. The salary varies from 1000 to : 11.100 ner month. The age limit Is . to to IS rears. Another examination ' win be held on May tor assistant chemist. Salary l00 to . f 1.100. The same rule will hold regarding educa- ' tlonal qualifications and the eg limit la 10 to SS year. On April II an ex amination will be, held for veterinary '- Inspector. Salary 11,400 to 11,800. Ap plicant mast be graduate of veteri nary colleges. The ge - limit - la " 10 year or over. ' i ' .'. . Are yon the owner - of a bore or horses? If yoa are it will pay you to read this thoroughly. About three ' week ago there was a small fir at the Keller Harness Co. 40 North Sixth street In which some extra fin harness was damaged slightly by smoke and ' water. The harness damaged amounted to about 18,000. This very same har- . ness Is to be sold at a reduction of one third to on half off. - There are 100 .sets of buggy harness at almost half price. There la alao a large variety of blanket at rldlculoualy low price. Ite member the place, Keller Harness Co., 40 North Sixth street, between Davie and Couoh street. First oom get first --, choice. ' Nuf Ced. r , : - - f .. . ') Dr. B. Carradlne of St' Louis, Missouri, a noted evangelist of the south, will ar .' rive in Portland next week to begin a series of revival meetings at the old Swedish Lutheran church, now - the ehurch of tha Nasarene, between Tenth and Eleventh streets, on Burnslde street, "beginning Friday, April It, at 10 a. m. and 7:ty p. m., and " continue until - April 11, Inclusive. - Week day meet . lngs are at 10 a. m. and evening tneet- lngs at T:tO tv m, Sunday at t:S0 and , T:10 p. m. Rev. Mr. Carradlne bring : with him a singer, and Rev. A, O. Hen rlokaon, pastor of tha Nasarene church. ; Rev. John OvaU will assist In the meet- lngs, ' . . '2. 'V ' -I .-, . - Horace Lester died of a 'sudden at- tack of heart disease at am early hour this 'morning at the Patton home. He has been a - sufferer of heart trouble v for some year. He wa about 10 years ,. old and had lived in Oregon for about . two years, coming hare from Bhenan- doah, Iowa. He' had been a Mason for ' 48 year and was n his old age kept by the Mason. The funeral will be ... held Sunday from Flnley nndertak . Ing parlor at p. m. and the body will . be burled et Rlvervlew under the aus pices of Columbia lodge No. 114 of tha Mason. ' ., The regular" bi-monthly meeting of the Portland - Baptlat Sunday school union will be held with tha First Bap tist church next Monday evening. April 8. at T:4i. An Interesting program has been prepared. Tha special feature of the evening Is a free for all discussion on live . Sunday school . topics. - Some of the most prominent Baptist work ers, in Oregon will be In attendance. This Is the third regular meeting of this organisation and It has become a prominent factor la Baptlat affair. I Word ha been received In Portland that a boy wa born to Mr. and Mrs. William Powell at Baker City, March to. The happy parente formerly meld ed In Portland where they have many frlenda. Mr. Powell went to Baker City recently a tha agent of the Flsher-Thor sea company. .. , '. M- r - . Xvea tha wind and rain doesn't keep tha people from tha little new store at lis Fifth" street. Swetland building. Cheeee, batter, eggs, honey,' tea . and off our specialty. Always fresh, neat and dean. Courteous treatment to all. - Tour pa tronage sollolted. - Come and craxt, i to give a . whist social at Hunter hall. East Thirty-fourth and East TamhlU streets, next Friday even ing. The suoeessful contestants will be given handsome prises, and refresh ment are to be aarved. , : Tha Winona Mill Seamless Hosiery Agency ha moved from 811 Commercial block to eulte 810-11-11 Buchanan bldg, 188 Washington street. Phone Main 4885. Socialism from the Bible standpoint The man who succeeds in life Is plans for respect of business men. ' Open an and lay the foundation of a fortune. 4 per cent compound interest is a $1.00 will open an account : rew Sasajawe . circle, Women ' of Wood- v . 'j a a Y I Let a "nip" oar wason areenil te r" house Blonder morning, ilir am font lliien, whs end retnra It ''pure the 11 Uee ani walls enow." Whet do rue eejrt I on rmics xjt. Iieets t Preee 10 hliiw leMItu 4H Itpcrade teWetote 8 Tiiitrclotb 0 to Comet Covers S nli.r . eeChvmlM ........... to Towele .... ...... 1 Hrewere M. i.b i nm Ir Nlitht.irum ...... fl..1k.rrblfm lWralpore .10 IlandkeiebJets, silk. ieApnms m.......JM K le Pillow Wi.el..,...l6e uu4 Oovera. SeCblUl'l Pleree..... KOT nOKXS. . IXTEA. AMMhirt, Se BlantetA. wuoL MItitMr(e Oc polr 80S toVmblrU oeBleneeta, eottoa, DnM .. oc pair e Roeme SeQallta lioee ............... 8e Peleeue ,...le - Union IM ' . '.. , 4 Lenloe Veet........ Se . ' . rhlM' rWaralla..... Se ' ' Mo etalrt. eutUre, eerie, vesta, . eeerelle e tampere 4ne la Uls vestment. Me kendle eee uma ooc. , . inrxonr unsn oo. leeong end Columbia eta. Telephone Hem 80S. will be the subject of a dleoours by Rev. O. L. Perrlne, under the auspices of branch No. of the Socialist party, at AUaky hall, Sunday night, April 7 at 8 p. m. Kveryon mviiea. , H. A. Kaston of Chicago will direct the muslo at the Tabernacle Central Christian church, beginning tomorrow. April T. A chorus of 40 voice will sing during the - special meeting at ' the church. .Fast Twentieth ami Fast-Bal- moo streets.-.- .- - i.- .... .. .j,- Pr. X. D. Driver will lecture tonight at the T. M. C. A. auditorium on TThe Immortality of tha gouL" This Is the sixth lecture of the series ha Is. deliver ing this week. The lecture Is free to both men and women. . ,: .. ' . . . ; Robert J. O'Nell and Frank Senn were admitted to practice before the United state circuit court and district court this morning on motion of Charles X Schnabel and Judge George H. Williams. Justus ' H. McLaughlin,' a telephone lineman of Portland, filed a petition tn bankruptcy In the United States district court today. - Tha liabilities are placed at 11,871 and tha assets at 1150. - ' At the University Park Baptist church Rev. K. Pi. Walts of Baker City will occupy the pulpit tomorrow morning in the place or his son. Rev. Arthur B, Walts, the regular pastor.- Steamer Jeaee Harklns, for Camas, Waahougal and way landings, daily ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dOCk P. m. . For wire and iron fences for ceme teries or lawns, phone Eaat 101. t Co lumbia Wire and iron works. :'; Want experienced dentist to take charge of ofaoet good salary. . 818. tha Dekum.- ' ,. (rti f . Acme Oil Co. sell tha best safety eoal oil and fine gasoline. Phon East TS. For Kodaks. Kodak developing L. Cohen, the Kodak store. Ill Sixth St, Woman's Exchange. 188 Tenth street. lunch 11:80 to 1; business men's lunch. Why pay more Metsger fits) youf aye for 11. Hi Bixtb street. - Oeneva Llthla Water 81 First St. XX Chambers, optician, 111 Seventh. Berger Signs 184 Tam hi 11 Phone. RAIN NO STOP TO REALTY SALES Demand Apparent for Ground Near . New T. M. C. A. Building on . Taylor Street. Portland realty to the value of ,con- siderably mora than 1100,000 changed hands yesterday, including two corner lot In the- Immediate vicinity of the sit of ths proposed Christlsn Associa tions' building, together with a large number of realdeno lots. ; 1 -1 Burther Kuhner has purchased a quarter block in Thurman street, be tween Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh, for 17.000. The property belonged to Oeorg Garbed and la Improved with modem residences. t i A. O. Ames of Los Angeles purchased yesterday the 80-foot lot at the south west corner cf Salmon and Sixth streets. Tha purchaser will at once Improve the lot, though the character of improve ment has not been definitely settled. The property belonged to Miss Alblna Page and was sold through tha agency of Charles K. Henry at Son. . A local capitalist has purchased ths lot at the southwsst corner of Sixth and Taylor streets from O. A. Boilers. five-story brick will go up there at once! all of which la to be occupied by one mercantile Arm, arrangementa to - that end having been made. , Both of theee pieces brought In the neighborhood of tvO.OOO each. -. - - - i- ,.. Robert W. El well of Vanoouver. Washington, has purchased from B E. aallory a house and lot t on Stanton street, between Union and Rodney ave nues. Tha consideration was-81,t00. ' Who Needs .Co!?'. . To those who need coal w announce that the . Independent Coal Jk' Ice com pany nave plenty of lump eoal of excel lent quality. Deliveries made promptly. Phone Mala 70 or 1411. : . ,v '' Xefsried Stoek Oaaasd Ooeda. -. AUen Lewis Beet Brand... - the man who looks ahead and the future. He realizes ihe fact that money is an absolute necessity If he in tend to rite in the world. A little study convinces him that only through a bank ac count can he attain future prosperity and he plans his actions accordingly. A small sum will suffice for. the opening of a bank ac count, and it leads to all good things , in a ' financial way, It establishes credit, insures the learning of business methods and the account' with this bank today A savings account which draws quick road to success. Try it. , " " V ' , CHURCH SERVICES ' , - umiT. Arista Bev. John BenUl. Ira. peator. Bmday euooi. 10 . m.f Juukx Uulon. t p. au M. I. P. U- S:sU a. .:. nraeeLlnc. 11 a. at.. "Ood't MtMloa fie the Average Uu" at 1:00 B, "BoahaaMr reset." Tblrd Vur.Hi, nveooe a4 Kaott street! ev. M. bllae. uiiuf. Bundav erhool. 10 Le. m. nreaehtns at It e. u and 7:bO p. m. nujniano Alberta and Sixth streets Becosni tloe servless at 8 s. !, nrencnlng at f:iM SeUweod Taeoeia and Ileraars streets; Her. ueorce A. Utra. Sunaar ncbool. W e. ni. preartilna, 11 a. nt. and I: SO n. ns. Calvarr least BlahU and Urant streets! Bev. A. Laerenr Black. Bible arbeol. 10 a. muf rreaening at It a. at. and T:0 p. m. i Immaouel Second and Meade streets! Be. Oeort-e W. Orutia. Preecblug it U I, a esd 7:ao p. . . . . Uraos efontavillal Oilman Parker, auelster. Services at 10 a. a. and T:M p. m. evirnlng toplo, "The Divine Preeence la tbe Preaculc of Jesse Ctuiat"! evenlns topic, "How te be. have la tea Cuurch of God." Central Beat Twentieth and Aakenr etreetst W. T. Jordan. At 10:80 e. n., "The PlTtk Word Prom the Cross"! Young People's meet ing, 0;S p. m.t (I under school, 18 Bl. at 1:80 p. ., evangellatle servtcea. Dnlvemir Park Bev. A. B. Walta. Swear school at 10 a. aui worshln at U a. a. aud T:KO p. riratl ue wane Tsaple, earner Tweirm ens Taj lor streets! Bev. J. W hi toon b Broogber. u. ii peator. New IDeaibere sreetea - an observance at Lord'a BUDDer. At 1U:U0 a. m nno can jse JToeteoi 1 BiDie ecnooi, iz:i p. B. B. T. P. V. services, 0:10 p. bj-! ! popo X, Law I lar he, evening somes,- JO eetocavM,-u. The Struaaks With Iemniitv.' The Temple guartet and ebouT will reader special Soeond Seventh and Bast Aakenr streets Bev. Stantoa O. lanbui. naator. Services at 10:80 a. si. and p. B.; Bible school, U aa.) loans reupM's Union, f BO p. au ' Lents At Bealdcnce o( Wllllasi Kneeland. ninth avenue. Address St 8:00 p. Sa. by Bev John Bentaian. - . . Bavler-tltreet Between 1 Twentr-trst ' end Twentjocond streets. Bandar school, S p. ereachlne at 7:80 n. m. bv A. L. Johnaton. Sunnralde U10 Bast Yamhill, at bome ef Mrs. Bunting. Address at p. sv by Bev. 0. B. Cook. St. Jobne B. A. Leonard, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. B. sernMa, 11 a. m.i B. P. X. U., 0:30 p. m.t sermon. T:80 p. a. Chinees Mleeloa OAX Oak etreet. Bandar ecBooi, T n. a. preaching In Chinese, S n. a. Plrst Oermao Ponrth aad. nlllr etreetsi Bev. J, Bratt, pastor, gundar school, 0:4 e. m. preach I nr. li a. a.: Vouns Peocls's meeting. t f. a.i evening preaching, T:0 o'clock. Secoed Oerman Morris etreet sad Bodney I evenne; Bev. r. Baeemana, peator. Sunday school, 0:43 a. a.) preaching, 11 e. a.! Toung rvopi e meeting, i p. m. evening preeauog. -w s. Mumah Bast Thirteenth and Powe ran Bev. Jerome B. MoUUde, D. D. - Preaching at 10:0 a. at., topic, Incentives"! T:tO oca Kingdom of Heaven." w, -ine rower or vnruiiaa ciock, "A Blmultede ef the L" . Calvarr Eleventh ' and Oar etreetsi Bev. Ben-Kara gtlke Ely Jr., D. U. Servlees, 10:M a. a, and T:30 p. m.i Sunday school, 12 m. g orth rirat and dlbba atreeta: Bev. John B. Welch.. Oomtnunloa at 10:30 a. m.i Sunday school. 13 a.: Y. P. 8. a B.. 0:30 p. m.t at T:80 p. a., preach tog, teste, "Tbe Beginning of the aeiigioes ore. - . Hawthorne-Park Twarts. aad Bast Xtrior tree la; Bev. B. Neleon Allen. Sundef school. U m.: esrvlcee at 10:HO a. a. and T:W D rorbee Brliweoa street end uantraoeia eve- le; Bev. Harry u. pratL Preachlug, II s. sa. and T:W o. m.t Bnsdar scbeoa, 10 a. a. l Cbrletlan Bndeavor, e:80 p. a. Piedmont Cleveland ' svenoe and Jarrett street! Bev. U. Mroa ' Bonsrr. ' Preaching at 11 a. a. aae i:ev p. m. i euaoaj scoooi, ja:ie p. a. ' Westminster Beet Teeth and Weldler etreetst ev. Jienry m Mareotte. services at 11 a. aad 1:80 p. m. Sunday school, .13:80 p. m. X. P. B. O. B.. S:SO o. m. 1 yirst Twelfth snd AWef streets: Bev. Wll Lham Hiram fonlkes. At 10:00 a. m.t "Beait nnrnrnga or ne v a i;ev p. sa "nmjmum Ministries.'' ' . Pulton Bev. A. H. Bsriholder. " Bandar school at 11 a. m. Ouravuse Bndesvor, 7 p. esrvice, 1:40 p. m. , . afaranaiitreet aarsnau ane rtorta ise teeeth etreeta: Bev. C. W. Bars. Bunda ecnooi, 10 a. a. preaching, 11 a. m. and T:S0 p. m.i I. r. a. v. ., e:eo p. m. oant fsnor veimooi ana rrettrmna Bev. Bdward at. Saarn. Bervicee at 11 a. m. aad 7:80 p. a. 1 . AnaoeK itev. tuee. r. Geo. w. Arms, Jr. Buedsyl school, 10:00 a. a. prescblng. 11:00 e. Bellwoed Corner Beat Seventeenth aad Boo- kane nvenee; Bev. U. A. Tnompeoa. psstor, Address br Bev. J. B. Wolfe of Owendale. Cherokee Natkm. Oklahnos, at 10 a. a.i er- moe by Bvsngeiist J. a.' worn, 11 a. a.: ao dresa at men's meeting, I p. ax. by Bev. J. B. Bnrder, "A Mao": T:SO o. m.. address br Bvangellat J. B. 8nyder ef Vancouver. Servtcea averv afternoon and eventnc this week. Third Baat Thirteenth and Pine streets Bev, Andrew J. Montgomery, naator. 10:80 a. m.: eommuntoa, 10:80 a. i 7:46 o. B too la. ."The Advantage Bervlcss at a. sermon, ef a Clean Mart.1' Vernon East Twentieth aad Wrgant, Preach ing at li a. a. ana i:nv p. a. or aiev. u. a, Blair: Sunday school. 11 a. Montavilla Bev. J. A. P. MoOaw.' acttnc peator. Buadar ertMpl,' 10. a. a. preaching at 11 a. m. ana i:oo p. m. . , ." . xtisoopax,'' Pie-Catbedrel et Bt. Btenbea tbe Martrv Thirteenth and Clay etreeta; dlcv. it. M. Baa say, vicar. Holy oom m anion. IM e. m.t Son. day esbool, 0:40 e. aa. morning service, 11 o'clock ; evening service, 7:00 o'clock. Blehop ceddlns will oincMte at the 11 e clock service. Bt. lsvtd's Beet Twelfth and Belmont i tracts; Bertor, Bev. George B. Vaa Waters, . D. Services at 11 a. a. and T:W p.. a. AU Bsints Tweetr eecend and Beed streets. Snndar ecbooL 10 a. m.s evening service. 10 e cioca. sermoa bt ev. n, i. t na itinera. - Bt. Andrew's unlveraltr Park; Bev. w, B. PoweU, chaplain, gundav school. 0:19 p. a.! eervtce end sermoa at f :0 p. m. - Good Bhephetd Sellwoed street and Van. eouver avenue, Alblna; Bev. John Dawson. Sunday school, 0:48 a. m. I services at 11 a. a. and T:Sa p. m. St John's Memorial tcllwoodl Bev. W. B. Powell. Sunday ecbool, 10 a. av service aad sermoa at 11 a. m. . ' St. Paul's Woodmeret C. L. Parker, lay reader, In charge. Sermon, 11 a. a.i Sunday ecaool, 0:40 s. a. The Beater eervtce will be repeated. St. Matthew's Ptrst and Care there streets! Bev. W. A. M. Brack la charge. H0I7 eom muniea aad ssi niriu et 11 a. a.i Bonder school, 0:40 a. au ; service aaa sermon. p. a. Tbe Charcb of Our Bavlor Woodatock. B Ices every Bandar at 11 a. a.i Sunday School 10 a. at.-.. . ' .. v.- ' . ,, : , . : . strrKOOisz. - Tajlor-Btreet Dr. rraecls Bergette ' Short. Claaes. 0:8O a. m.) sermon. 10:80 a. B.. br Bev. J. IL Cole meat gunday school, II IS p. a.! Epworth league, 0:80 p. a.; evening eermon, 7:80 o'clock, by Bev. J. H. Coleman. Bellwood rotesnth and Taeome streets; Bev. A 1. . Wagoar.. Sunday school, 10 a. nu sermoa, .11 a. m. I olaas meeting, 13:15 B. m.j Junior leagne, 1:80 p. a. Kpworth league, 0:80 p. a. I sermon, 7:80 p. m. Bmnrelde Beat Tsmhtll street, betweso Bait Thirty-fifth and Thlrty-elita etreeta; T. B. Pord, . neetor. Preaching, M a. m. and T:80 p. b. Benday srboo), 11 a. m.i etaae meeting, U:1S B. ui. ; Junior leegne, S p. nt. Orsee Corner of Twelfth and Taylor streets: Clarence True Wilson. D. Di The neetor wll Breach and conduct the holy eotaiti union at 10:80 a. a., and at 7:80 p. a. kla series ef sernwes will be continued on "England end America in Prophecy.' Bonday ecnooi at 12:10 and Bp worth league et 0:80 p. a. Laurelwood Oiarlee" H, Woolby, pas tut. At 10 a. 1, Banday school! 11 a. Sk, sermon; 13:10 p. B., elaae meeting; S p., a, Epworth Leegnei 7:80 p. a servlcee. Bt- .Joke's P., L. Toung, pestnr. Sunday school, 10 e. m. preaching, 11 a. m. and T:80 p. a.! Bpwortb Leagee, 0:00 p. n. Bpwerta Irving end Twenty -third, ' B. PI. Brrant. naator. Preach Ins et 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. a. . ' Centenary winrs a no rue; w. B. HSppe, aaetor. - Preechlng 11 e. a. and t :80 s. aa. IVInlty Oomer of Beet Tenth end Orant. Lewis r. Smith, peator. Sunday school, 10 a. m.i sermoa at 11 a. a. by Ur. B. P. Rowland; eeirtcea at 7:80 B. B.l class meetlne. 11:15 p. B. Bpwortb leagne, 0:80 p. m. ventre neaeeii enn ,wdj arreeoi . t. as bett, peeter. Bervloae by pastor at 11 a. a. and 7:80 p. a. Chlneee Mlealoe Chen ' fling Kat, pastor, Preechlng, 11 a. a. and T:80 p. B. Lenta W. B. Ingaite. neetor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and T 80 p. a. MontavtHs Oregon ane uannera, u. unerg. oet. Preerklng 11 e. m. snd 7:80 n. m. Mount Tabor Jamen Moore, neetor. Pre ch ina st It s. m. ssd 7:80 p. m. Patron Michigan avenue and Carpenter, M, T. Wire, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. aa. and 7:80 a, a. Vancouver Ateuue ITeacaing at 11 a. a. nd t en . V. " MnntaTllle HIT hard aed Mohle streets I Bev. a, p .'i. . ,,.r . ii.. iv . pa., Kaatec service. 11 e. m.i Junior Iceane. I P. m.i Kn worth leegne. 0:45 s. m.1 Dreacblng eervlce at 1:30 p. ni. aeodlawa g. H. Dewsrt. Bestor. Preeehlea li II L s. and T.-ftO a. na. weedateca w. A, Beo, peatoc, rreaobiag , at 11 a. b. and T. 80 e. a. Korweglaa-lfanlaa ThlrtMnta and Devla, O, Lareea. paahtf. Preaching at 11 a. bv aad t:80 p. a. Bwedleb Borthwtck and Bescta, Bev. lobn. son. psator. preechlng at 11 a. a. and IJM p. a. ' . , riret Oermaa Fifteenth aad Reyt, O. A. Peetor. Preachlug at 11 a. a. and 7:80 p.- a. ."'. ' Beeeed Seraan gtsntna and Barney, H. B. Msaa, pastor. . Preaching at 11 a. a. aad 7:80 B. a. Jeneseee. Mlesloe 1T1 Worth . rifteeata. Preaching at 11 a. m. nni 7:00 p. a. Unlveraltr Park Dr. 1. p. prlver wfll preach at 11 a. a. and T:80 p. m. and every eight esrtiig tbe week. li. A. Wattere, peats. .. S -COBOBBOATIOBAt.; PnlTeralty Park Artlaane temple; Bev. D. B. Oray. gunday echouL 10 g. av( eersioe. 11 a. m. 'MlealeslpnkAnaus Mleelmlppl evenee and Preuoat elreet; Bev. WUllea U Cpahew. Sue day school, 10 a. a.i sermon. 11 a. m., "Tbe Program at a Oood Ufa"; Chrlstlaa Bndeavor, 0:80 p. m,i sermoa, 7:80 p. a "The Building et e life.' Bnneralde Comer eg Bast Taylor and Baat Thlrty-tuerth streeUI Bev. J. J. Btanb. pastor. Morning services st 11 o'clock, "Requteltes of e nourishing Church"! evening ear rice, T:80 e'eloca, "T'he Oteat Alternative"! Sunday school, 10 a. m.J Junior OulsUaa Badesvor, 0:10 p. a. ' Laurelwood Arleta kail; Bev. D, B, Oray. Sunday ecbool, 10 a. aa. Ti f. I 0. B., 0:io p. a. sermoa at 7. SO p. a. Both services la new ehurch. Basealo-Btreet Beet Eleventh and Hassals! Paul Bader, pastor. Services et 10:80 a. a. and 7:40 p. a. Sunday school, U B. Chrkttlaa Bndeavor, 0:45 p. m. Ptrat Madlsoe and Park) Bev.' Daniel Btaver. a ealalant peator. Morning sermoa br Bev. J, U. WUsoa. "Tbe Bxlle at BetheV 10:80 o'clock) evening service, 7:80 o'clock, "Chile. ttanity ths Oovsralng Porce ef Society," by dv. wnniei Biaver: Sanaa 7 ecnooa, u:is B. B. X. P. 8. O. B.. S.-00 n. m. S Highland Bee eHstb-sweee-eeevh snd Pres- oott; nev. s. Bollinger. Bandey ecbool. 10 a. m. morning eerrlre. 11 o'clock, Hte ef naptiam, reoeptloa of membsra and holy ct m union; Junior Bndeavor. B a. m.t T. p. B. C. B, 0:80 p. m.1 Baster praise esrviee, IM .v . ': - itrxxxBA. r. '. ' Swedish rmmannel Nine teen th aad Irrlag Bireeia. services, 11 a. a. aaa e p. a Sunder ecbook 0:45 a. a. . 1 riorweglan Synod Bast Teeth aad Orant etreeta; Her. U. Hagoes. Sunday ecbool, 0:30 servlcee at 11 a. a. and 7:80 p. a. I. P. g, Thuradayi S:1B p. m. Betania uanian union evenee ane Morns street: Bev. Uudmund drill. Buadar acheoL 11:15 p. a.i' Sunday service, 11 a. av, with eontlrmstloej evening, S o'clock. gt. Jamas' Bagllah West Park and ,7rffer asa streets, t. Allee Lees, pastor. Servtcea at . 11 a. m. ! evening service ander aasolose OS lAltner leagne; nunoay ecnooi, IV a. in. - Bt. jonns renmsuisr aveene and aunamcl street: C. Buecbsn, pastor. Bervlces et 10:45 e. mM Oerman; 7:80 p. a Anglleh) Baaday scnoot.. v:ev a. m. Morweaise 48 -North Fourteenth erreetl Bev, J. M- Mervte. Destor. Sunday services at 11 a. m. and p. m. Baoday acbool, 0:45 - exBisTiAir. ' Central Katt Twentieth aad Bast Salmon streets! Bev. J. I. tinormley. D. D. At 10:45 a. a., preaching, "The ttreat Salvation" Sun day school, IS a. Senior Endeavor, 0:80 p. a. st 7:45 p. m "After Death Whatr' H. A. Barton of Chicago will eoaduct the auslc. Bodney-Aveene Bodney evenee and Knott attest; Rev. P. Elmo Boblnson. At 0:45 a. m., Bible school: 11 a. m., communion and sermon. "Tbe Two Covenants"! 0:45 p T. P. 8. O. B.l 7:80 p. aa. sermon, The Oreit caenge." Mount Scott Bervlces la hsll at Bars Park, I n. a.i Sunday school, 1:80 p. m. Wood lawn Sunday school, 10 a. m.J preach ing, it e. a.irChrlstls Endeavor, I p. m. services at S p. a. t rb-st Corner Park snd Columbia atreskti Bev, B. B. VI nek lev. minister. At 10:80 a. m.. "An Innovation and a Larger Gospel for the Pint Chrlstlaa Church" i 7:80 T. m., P. H. Hcnilln an "Keaeon vs. Porce In Relation to Labor .Straggles"! Christian endeavor, s:S0 n. m. ...... Advent Second street, betwesa ' Hall ' and tJncnln. tiervleea et 11:80 a. m. and 8 o. m. by Bev. R. 8. Hturtevant; Buaday ecaool,' 10:80 B-i x. r. au si i p. av .1- v rnrrrrD xTAvorxioax. Virat Comer East Tenth and Snermaa etreeta. Rev. A. A. winter. Bonder scnooj. 10 a. a. Bev. John OvaU of Antl Saloop league nreace morning una waning. Second Parso and Kerhr etreetal Bev. J. Boweraoz, neetor. Preaching at 11 a, aa. and t:ao p. a. St. John's tvanhoe aad John streets; Bev. B. B. McVlrker. Sunday ecbool, 10 a. m.1 Krsecnlng, 11 a. B.l i. n.. U. m.. 1:80 p, m. , K. L ft t, 0:80 p. B. preaching, ItU p. a. s Oca ley Sreen Rev. v. tTrWno, psstor. it 11 a. a. and 7:80 p. m- services: Bandar school st 10 s. m. K. L. C. B. st 0:80 p. a. . Bev. frank Phelps will preach st 11 Memorial Beat Ulrnti hteenth and Tlbbettst t reaching st II e. m. and O. Hoover, peetor. Preaching et It a. a. I p. a; Sunday- school, 10 a. a. Xoaag Peo ple's meeting, Ip, p... - BTAB0EXICAI, ASSOOIAT10V. Pint Engltab Bast Math sad Market alienist S. A. Blewert, peator. Preaching and com. tnunloa nt 11 a. m.i Buaday ecnooi, 10 e. a.i Toung People's alliance, 0:40 p. as. I evening eervlce, 7:45 o'clock. First Oermaa Comer Tenth and Clar etreetsi Theodore Scnaoer,' pastor. Sunday school at :o a. a. sermon, iu:o a. a. song service, 7:4 p. m. X. P. A., 7 p. hi. . CHBlBTlAaT SC'IBBUB, ' Ptrst Church ef Chrjet. Bclentlet BcotrhiB Bite eathedral, Morrlsoe end Lswasdakt streets, aervlcee at 11 a. a. and S p. m snhlect. Are Sin. Dlaeaee aad Death Beair Bnndav ecnooa at vioae ok bhwisuui service. - wsanesaay muni, o t . . Second . tnureb er Chrntt. Scientist Elks' temple. Stark aad Seventh streets. Bandey servlcee at 11 a. a. and S p. m., subject. "Are Sin. Disease and Death Real r"! Bind,. ecaool, 1 b a, . ,r sanesasy mseting, s p. u. VBTTZO BBXTyaZB IV CHBTST. Plrst Best Plfteenth and Marrhna etveeee, Bev. n. v. eBiiiw. et.uum aa ju a. m. I sermoe at 11 a. a. aeraea at 7:80 a. sa.1 X. p. B. a B., 7 p. m. ' Badlcal Biitn ane aecnsnie etreeta sev, rj. r. suancnarq. nnnwj ecneau, ju a. a.i eere U a. am. aad 740 p. a. , ' " TJlTTTABIAjr. ' w Church ef Oer rather Corner ef T.mhfn anj Seventh streets; Rev. W. O. Eliot Jrw. m In ka uri Bev. T. L. Eliot. D. D- mlnlerev ,rii Servlcee at 11 a. m, eermoa by mlnleter mert tua; snnoay ecnooi, s:o a-a. kindergarten. aa e- m.i . uh , . ' ? ' ' ITsTIvTBSAUIT. Cbereh ef the Oood Tidings Eart Ceaeh snd Esst Eighth streets: Bev. J. D. Corby, minis. B1UU1 . " I , . Sundsy ecbool. IS a.! Ui garded Opportunities! : a gtady. Esther,' lu: 1ATTIB-DAT BAnrrg. Han 400 Allakr balldlna. Third snd Mia Servtcse at 11:80 e. m. ead 7 p. m.i Sunday school. 10 a. bv The M. I. A. ejlU held evening eTw i , , , 111? IB g TBTTTR 0 LB TIB. Han tOl. Allaky building i T. BT. Mtnsrd, pastor. Servlcee et 11 s. m. . Bsst Everett snd Eleventh streets. Sander. T:80 p. a., "Toe Theoretle Part." O. A. Snyder. , - i. . Elder OHBISTIAB ABO BTtSSIOBABT IIXUIdx. The Chrhrtlan ead MBMkmary Anie nee Sixth ane siaa auvetai nw. v. v. nawteiie, super intendent. Preaching at 10:80 a. ea. Buaday Dr. Brouflher SUNDAY AT,THB . - White Temple Tvrelfta aad Taylor BUeeha, ' 10BJ0 Jk, Bt,.;.; -Who Can Be Trnslcd7? y TiM-.Bty . -Capyilie PnreM Or, "The Struggle wltfi Impurity." . TAJfOTJB QUAXTXT stTJraB. oosrsxi so&o, CABXi BOBmOBT. ' Oreat CongregatlonaJ Clnging. ..'.''.., WZLCOhCB. -Jl ConsTpatlv Cm$totl' SAVKGS'DAKK ' PAYS 4 Per Cent OPEH For the convenience of Its customers on Satur day evenings from 6 to 8 114 Second St Comer Wtslilastoa PORTLAND, OR. ' w. Helllg Theatre JST, LAST TIHB TONIGHT AT 8:15 O'CLOCK. BLABCHB TaUX : ta Clyde Pitch's Comedy-Drama snug ':-,-: "THS gTXAIOHT BOAS." Prions 1 J10. 51.00, TBe. 60a, i , eats Selltng at Box Office Theatre. . ; HLILIG THEATRE Sunday Night, April 7 i Swedish Dramatic Co. In the Musical Comedy "Anderson, Peterson and londstrom" . ; (Swedish Language) " Seats now selling at Hefllg .The- ' ... ... . . w re i , -;. arxe oox vince -Prices $1.00, 75c, 60c and 85c -4 14th and BEILJG TnEATRE Washington uuuu ' a null Hi. , tubs i. Moa., Toes., Wed. Khrbta, April 8, t, 10. - speeiai-rTice Matinee wedneaday. - Lieblef A , Oe. Present . "Mrs. m& of the' Cabbage Patch' BYENIHO PRICES Lower rioar, flJ0 Be conr, ,i, idc; vaiierT. ooc. MATINEB PBlCES-ll to Zfie. BAKER THEATRE Mala S Geo. L, Baker, Gen. Mgr. Permsnent Boom ef tbe Baker Theatre Stock Company, . lABt Time Tonight, V Mrs. Fieke's Remarkable Play, , "LEAH 1XESHMA." Intensely Fascinating. Superbly Mounted. Ths Play of the Heasoe. Direction Arthar Mackley. Prices 15c, OSe, 50c Matins es, loe. zoe. maanee veruroev. Beit Week, .starting XI "The edge aad tha Jury. EMPIRE THBATRB Fhone Vain 11T. Btfltea W. eaman. Kg, Laat Time Tonight Tbe Alwaya Popular ravonte, uh, vu rusnuaiuas in , v . : 0LB.0LS0B The Original snd Oreateet ef Alt Bwedlah msiect riaya; Nortnume ningmg. . . Regular Bmobre Prices. Vest Attractloa, Starting Tomorrow atattnee, a siaaauaa aa iuws.- the star ' THE AIXXW ST0CX COhTPABT ' Freesats Edward MeWsde's Bomsnoe ef 'wmCKEITEB." ,.' ":'. Msttnees. Tuea., Tbnra.. gat. and Sea, at t:80. . Prlcee 10e end SOu. 8: IS. Prices 10c. SO, gad ang. br Phone Mala S480. The Grand Week ef April L Taadevme se Bpselal ttBB, "SOLOKOE XL" . CaUlna Xawley, - 90dWseaW Oner A, erAes, Kiss . htlss Mag Xr. Xart Whe TM kM the laws ef (rravity. ecbool, U:U p. sa- Zeaag People's sarvka st S P. a. ... . . . .. .... v TTBiCTAXIST. , ' The Plret Spiritual SVieistr--ArtlsBjis ban, Ablngtou building. Third street, near Washing ton. Quarterly aeetlng, tor members only, at 11 a. m. lycenm, 13:80 p. m. Harry . Moore, lecturer tor the National SnlrituaUsta' aaeocla Uoo, will lecture oo Sntrlteallam'' et 1:40 p. m, followed by Mrs. B. Reynolds. Mlnlatere aad Mediums' Protective Spiritual. 1st assocUttoa 'will hold rsllglona esrvlces la W. O. W. hall. Eleventh street, between w.k. fcigtoa and Alder, every Baaday evening st T:SO o'clock. Rev. Dr. Mckey will lecture this Sundsy evening, subject, ''It Christ Should wee . w reniaaa,"' nouowea By spirit n T. Bt. a A. Pourth end TamhlU streets. ' Orchestra ene eart aaa men's meeting Beginning at S p. aa. Dr. I. D. Driver, the grand old Bias ef Oregon, snd famous debater, will give aa addrees aa - tieii." tne last in me arise, nr. BonJnena ef the White Temple choir wfll elng a solo. au men are eoruiaiiy avuea. ' ' Tnrmn) pmxsBrntBiAB. - Cbereh et the gtrengere Wssee street sad Orand avenue: Rev. B. Eerl DuBota. Monlna scnnoL IS m.i senDoa, , wv a as. riret Sixth ang Mnntsoerarr streets. Bee. A. W. Wlleoe. Morning eernwn. 10:80 a. Bandar acbeel, IS s. sermon, 1:10 n. Sk i.l aTZTHOIlIST. tOVTsT. First m serene etreet. rarsstere' kail) at 11 a. m, 'Tbe Invisible Oo4" 1:80 a. at.. EpwertB Issgaet 1:80 s. sl. Bnvtronmeat!" WTSBBBOBaiAjr.'.'. . .' Jew Cberrk RnrtetT'-Bleventfe eng Aides streets) Bev. Blrais Vroomaa. Sai ikes at 11 a. ai.t Bnnaay srnoni, 10 a. m.f evening lse- ariTwv riVTlOMH.. BXrOBJaZn,. '.:,' Blrat OeraiaB Teatk sng Stnrh stieelai Be 0. Hefner. Services et 10:44 a. as. awl S . I. f, I. ft I m.f Bandar nehool. :S0 a. . . , i . THB CTtXTBCK Of TBI 7TBST BOBT. Drew kalL ISA BeeenS street. Bee. . a. SL Qoea will leg tare et 0 p. au WOMAN A SPECIALTY MRS. S. K. CHAIN Tbe enlr Carneae wnsnaa aieairsl dnetn la tbls eltr. She bee nre4 Bienr sffllrted Batterers. Cared private ane female 6la saeee, slea aathme. throat lang troshleei atumarh. bleeor snT bMner end 1'-1 n.iis et all kinds tbat the hatn.n fleak In kelr to. Oered br hlneae kertw snd rants. Bemertlee k.rolM, ie er.r.tir,e, ltnt t..'.,a4, SXAM1NAT1J4 tM( ' M SRI Clar Mlreet. (Mr H.IM. r I i : ' L- -r.-a. FREE30 DAYS'-illiL ELECTRIC FLATIHONS Bare Tern BteautB Beva Weary Steve) have Tons Coatee' Save Tonr'Clotaee) , Bave Tear Tsapet - Beve Toag CaBleariosi Fill in coupon and mail to us The iron mil be delivered, with all necessary equipment, abso lutely free 'of jcharge bin ii i ill ii i saersas3gBB33ca III III I I II I Ml II I III SB . CUT OUT COUPON AND MAIL TO US TODAY PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT POWER CO. First and Aider Streets, Portland, Oregon, - Centlemen You mar delhrer to me one Electric Flat Iron, which I agree to try, and if unsatisfactory to tne, to return to you within 30 dys from date of delivery. If I do not return it at that time yon may charge same to my . account at $4 00. It is understood that no charge, will be made for tne Iron if I return Name : Address DEPT. J. THE, 30 DAY TRIAL OFFER AP PLIES ONLY TO CONSUMERS OF OUR CURRENT i v COLONIST T RATB3 TO - .C -. ,.gp R BOONS And the Pacific Northwest over the Union Pacific, Oregon Short Line. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co and Southern Pacific, from all parts of the East, DAILY during March and ApriL ,. .YOU CAIN For ticfots, If yon desire to bring- friends, relatives, employee or others frc-i the East, by depositing the cost with ear agent of the O. R. & N. or R. P. Co with name and address, and ticket will be promptly furnished in the East. A Rare Opportunity dustrie. Growth ortho reorttitvoat rcs Vevoig nxjroxrAi. nAtmrn axrau. : a m I a y CTideage M.M... 990.80 f3.00 B. JrtmlU . ............... gTJ BQ.OOI BTCsr Ttn vaeeaeweeeeeeee er.o t' Xaasaa CltV ............. SAM SeOlrteevoa 47. 40 4- Onaana .................. BS.A0 SeOO Bt. real ........ ee. .. . .' SeVew BeUW I A T. I aa.1. I. all m..Im ahA hranABi line BointAV ITmiririsrtrm tA Bnnlrani. Inolneive. IV Rates apply to Portia ml, Southern Paolfla mala aad braacB line uregea,' 4 . . Jfor eomsleta lafaraation. trHTatre C "W. Btloger, City Ticket Agt WRITE YOUR EASTERN FRIEfiDS to COME WEST SPE0AL LOW COLONIiT RATES Btrmor uamom abtt ana From 81'PauL Minneapolis, Dulnth, Omaha, Bt Joeeph, Kansas City , snd other Missouri river points to Portland aad Ashland. Or, and In terraedlete points MJOQ rrtm Bt Louis to Portland. Ash land, Or, and Intermediate points , From Chicago to Portland, Ashland, Or, and intermediate polnta 144-00 similar low rates from .other east, em points to ths west, Bend me full name and addreea of your relatives or friends in the seat that are thinking of coming to the Pcelflo Northwest, and I will have them furnished wtth literature end full Information, or If you wish to pay tne rare or any one, -. the money ear) be depoalted with any agent of the Northern Pacific Rail, way and tickets will be nmnmi. furnished. For any additional Information wanted, oail oa or addreea A. D. CM AR I. TON Assistant General Passenger Agent, aoe amuii ino art, cog, XMrd. arortlaad, Oa, I-; V. , I I it within ou days. ,4' ''.U t- H9 PREPAY to Promote tho In BrasTala ..... ,.,.,.,.... 4O0O fic-l rbilagetpbU ...... .e... 4T 4- WeMmgoa 7-A3 4 i Astoria and Pn get Bound points: ai points north of aad Including Aailauo. '.-...,,.,;,' of. . OregoafXdiroiMlss BTsrtgatlom0. Id aad Washlagtea. Fl oyer BdS- fany 4n family aejoketa. stand (or Mtaioeraa. MORSE 171 CLAY STh Saa Frsndjc. , Mention the Journal, e e- J es W - w . . - PCrr.A.vrv c t.