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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL." PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, - APRIL 6, 1907. V BASEBALLSEASOn 10 0PE TODAY - ... ' , . Portland and San Francisco ; 'Will Start Bail Rolling In '-. Bay Cltyi. . M'CREDIE'S MEN ARE : IN PLAYING CONDITION New Park la Beady for tbe Opening . Match and the Fane-Are Rooking v . Forward to Game With. Keen In terest - Umpire Will Be 'Derrick. V . (Intul Special iervke.l : ' Baa Francisco, April S. If , rein does not interfere the Psiclnc. Ceeat league V will be formally opened 'this afternoon . at the new Recreation park. Tbe eon h' testing teams will be Portland and Ban , Francisco. The local fans have been pe- tientljr awaiting tbe resumption of base s ball, as there baa' not been a league e. came In Ban Francisco slnoe the ter- C rlble earthquake a year ego.- , The preparations for the opening of ,.e new park are elaborate. The park ,!. Is in Valencia street and the big auto? r mobile parade will pass along, Fillmore street to Van Ness ayenue and thence to Valencia street, where tbe hostilities - will begin. , . The week's - delay In ' getting the ,; grounds and grandstand ready was aeo- esssry and now- the entire affair is la bang-up form for ths reception and ac ;. oommodatlon of the fans. ,: -. , y Manager Danny Long . ordered his players here from Bakersfleld on Tburs--' day and upon their arrival they ware i. gives? an Informal reception by . Ban Francisco enthusiasts, '1 Manager McCredle and his werriars arrived soon after the Seals and were ,.. as warmly received as the local repre- seatatlvea. The Portland manager states that his team Is In fairly good oondl . tlon, despite the fact that several of ,7 his best men failed- to show up, silen "' derson, Donahue fend McHale are amtfng r. the missing tossera Manager MoCredle Intends t havs these three men put out of organised baseball for the rest of : their careera - ' , - ' President Swing of the Coast league I lias assigned Umpire Derrick to officiate at the opening games In this city, TJm- Dire Perrlne belne sent to Los An arete. where he ' will work . with Captain Dtl lon's aggregation. ' i ... While it is not .know definitely what , pitchers will work today. It Is quite cer ; , tain that Jones will do the twlrlingxfor -.. Ban Francisco and Calls for Portland. Both men are In Una trim and eaeh will do his "utmost to land the -first-game. ;r The lineup win be: Portland lr .. . . Ban Francisco. - Bhlnn, of.. ......... ...fipenoer, cf. Jjtentti' Tlnjkhm Vtikwyi .stonier, .fbi Casey, lb.. . ........ ...... .Morierty, ss. roCredle,;"lt..i...'i.i'.V.HUdebrand. It few-manyl . A '' Irwin, to. Btatoa.- s.2...Wi-. Ufv-hWllllants..ltk leanest). ...,.. Murphy of Quick, ' rf. Catsovn,:w, ..-'.V-.., .',, -.Street e. ' CallnVor Oum, p.. .r...... .....Jones, p. $IX HORSES FALL AT i r 1 i V., . r . - , ' YS- - t '4 ;'" tJoamal keactal BcttIm A ' ' -' ' - 'Oakland. April (.The feature of yes terday's racing at EmeryvlHe occurred , In the -fifth raoe, when six horses fell. Taaana broke -bis neck. The Jockeys fortunately escaped injury. Summary '. 'Five furlonga-MJreaun won. Love of - Qold seoond, Brookleaf third; . time, trot l-S. v :' ' Five and one half furlongs The Skip . per won. Judge second, BUly Mayhem Jhlrdf time, 1:08 -. -. Blxand one half furlongs Fred Bent won, -Titus II - second, Paddy Lynch , third f. time, :! -8. ; Bis and one half furlongs IJsaro won, 'Mary" F seoond,' Romalne third; Jime, l:Io. - - " ' One m lIe-AItaBpa won. Boa Vtvant - seoond. Silver Line third: time, 1:41 l-S. .. . One . mile Edith James won, Tada seoonu, Oratorlan third; time, 1:41 l-S. TRI-CITY LEAGUE : -POSTPONES OPENING Owing to the grounds not being In "eondttlon the Trt-Clty league will aot - open - Its season tomorrow aa , was ex-'pected.- . If the weather i during ' the coming week will permit Recreation ; pa Into condition so that the league games may begin on Sunday. i April 14. - -.- .. . ' - - .... -.. . - Is a' Germ Disease :;A;---'f;:rvl';r;'"'-;' I EGzema i"- i . s . : ... ... . i . . ., : .t There are - germs in the akin arid , germs in tbe blood. And the diieate never can end until those germs are oVestroyed; that is certain. i Uqubione cures Eczema' because it kills -erms. It is not - like other w germicides, which are poisons when taken internally, but , - harmless ; germicide which acts as a tonic It -'is derived solely from gas. and the treatment is both local and internal. The germs that cause skin trouble perish at its touch, because they are vTegetablesL -.x . Liquoionels now usedalmost tlx world over, in the treatment of skin diseases. " Countless cured ones know ." from experience that it does what nothing else can do. Its effects are, '. so certain and so immediate that we ;paid $100,000 for the rights tQ this in- ' vention. . ; . : v , ' ,' .. 50c Bottle Free , We ask you to try this product at v our expense. Don't treat skin trou bles in the old, ineffective ways. Sim fcply rend us this ad with your name and address. We will then mail you ; an order on your local druggist for a 50c bottle, and will pay the druggist ourselves for it. In justice to yourself, " learn what Liquozone means ta you,' for you incur ' no oMiRstions what ever. Address The Liiuoxone Com pany, Drpt. 517, Cl.iiM,; . BASEBALL IIEVS The Pacific Coast league will . a a The opening games win piayea at jan rranclsco ana lxs An geles. On account of the. great interest that is always manifested in the Coast league games, on account of Portland being represented by alub, The Journal announces that in keeping with Its policy of keeping the Portland fans posted in the it will publish a full account of each match played, with such, gossip and information that will' be of service-to fandom. The Journal will also publish fronl day to day the official standing of the American and National leagues, and the North western, league, when they open, and all the amateur baseball news that it is possible to gather. ' . ; IS Oft OF :: 1 j ., THE CRACK PLAYERS Manager SrnKh of the Cuba Has "Tecured thServlcetof a V . Star Young Perforrner.. . ; One of the clever' players who - has signed a contract ta play in ' the Trl- Clty league is obby". Krueger of Pendleton. Manager Bral'U) of the Cubs was fortunate In securing his services, as Kruger Is ' not only a fast lnflelder but -can do. his stunt In the box as ' Robert W. Krneger. SpmII. K'r-T1AVv'a first nnnAl'fclwa In professtohal hair wasIn 1101 when he held down lett field for the Pendleton -team, in the Inland Empire teague. in 10! he played third base' for Jackson vllle '. In - ths - Rogue River league. In 14 lie went to La Grande and guarded third aack, as well as pitched during the season. He -then signed with Ellens- burg In -the Central Washington league, same position. Ia l0i he played on the Walla Walla team, third base and pitcher. ' In 1 19.04 he played third base on the champion Athena "Yellow Kids,' the pennant winners in the Intend Em pire league. He flnlahed the sesson with a batting average of .SSI and a fielding average ef 0. - This 'season he will play -third base and twirl for the Cuba. " ,'- : - WASHINGTON AND r ' NEW'ORLEANS RACES (Jaernal KparUl awrrleej - O .Washington, April 4. Banning raoe results; . -. .- ''-... . . --- ' Six and -one half furlongs .Tickle won. Golf. Ball seoond,- Fauat third; time,. 1:11 l-s... . Four and one half 'furlongs TBUfll won. Black Domino second, - Glorious Betsy third; time, 0:47 l-t. ' 81x and one half furlongs Wabash Queen won. Quadrille - seoond, Oreeno th.rd; time. 1:JI.' l . ' 1 s'our and one half furlongs Jubilee won, - Ben Cole second, Oasson third; time, 4 IB l-l. ;- .;.',.,:. .v;. Bla-and one half furleags Bowling Bridge won, Venus second. Legerdemain third; time, 1:14 i - - . One mile and 40 yards Buttons won, Euripides second, - Workman third; time, tt4S, -. - ''. , At yew Orleaajg. . -New Orleans, April 4, Results of raoes: i . . . v . r- : Beven furlongs My Dulole won, IDver Near second, Jeane third; time, 1:14 t-S. Four and one halt furlongs De Thorpe ..won, ' Bucket ' Brigade second, Dick Rose third; time, 0:6& t-l, One mile John L. Inglls won, Peter Sterling second,'; John Smulski -, third; Urns, 1:40 t-f. . 1,--"Five furlongs Boserlan won, Fancy Dress second, Prince ? Brutus & third; time, 1:01 1-1. ,v : .i r.r-:. .One mile and one half Bvle Green won, - Lucy Crawford seoond, , Sanction third; time; l:e 1-a.v , HUNT CLUB CHASE . HAS BEEN POSTPONED . Man Ur of 1 Hounds -F. O. 'Downing of the Portland Hunt club announced ' this morning that owing- to ths bad weather today's paper ehase would be postponuTn until next Saturday. This Is the seoond chase that . had -to he called . off this spring on account of the storms, , . . ' . ,' ' L BASEBALL CHATTER V If lie professional baseball clubs am pler 4.100 professional ball players, who receive tl.tOO.OOO In real money" for a season of 114 games. Is Jajole a better ball player than Wagnerf . . . , . -1 e e . ' : Johnny Kllng, the' star ' backstop of the Cuba "seys that the Chisago Na tionals will bipet the Cleveland Ameri cana In the world's championship series neit fall and defeat them. This kind of talk oomt from being a sporting editor for Just one day. - ' 1 e. e , , This is a fine time of year for that Cleveland ball team to be learning "In side baseball." ' . ."V- . e ,'e Juat thlriV of It, the aeannn not be gun yet and Manager McUraw fired out p.wn i j f i i a, . 1. 11 ewii 11 i-iwiiim ,.ml '- FOR THE FMS inaugurate its 1907 season today. r-. a a sr of the lot for saying a bad word to ths unfplre. ' John believes In spring training. ' . . . .. i ..'..'. " e : I - ; . ' Bill Hogg of ths New Tork Americans and Inventor of "hog latin," says that this season will find him all to! ths "ood-gay." -. .. . . v ". .' " v -." - After reviewing the spring work 'Of the Louisville club -re are forced '.to admit that the ""Colonels" have an even chanoe with Indianapolis for ths Ameri can association pennant. ' - 1 J " In Bavannah whs fans pay ths player's fine when he has a "run-la" with the umpire. How far would ths Giants go If this was done in. New TorkT ' v ' '. f - e -e ., - . . .. ,--With Bates. Bridwell. Brain, Brash. Brown. Beaumont and Boultea on tbs team this season you o&n'call the Bos ton Nationals the "Busy ' Bees" or the "Bussy Boohs," It ; all depends ' upon whether or not they can find the ladder In the ' cellar, v , . . ( e;;e -, ' ' , ,,',. ,; Manager Chance wanted to whip ev erybody In Birmingham when a scribe said .that ths Cubs did not play with ths ginger dlaplsyed by. ths Olante In 101. It feels great to have a "brain storm," don't it? ) ' " . a . e ' : Member of the Detroit "club have boycotted Ty" Cobb on aoeount of a pugnacious proclivity and a puglllatlo propensity. No wonder - they tagged him If he la that bad. . -( : . . -',. ' e - e , . . W111U Budhoft late of ths Bt. Louis Browns.- will pitch for Kansas . City thla year. . . .. -.-7 . -.-l--T7-e-- When ' Ed Reulbach of the Chicago Cuba told the national commission that he could -slim with any club he chose, Garry - Hermann replied, "Let me see if you can choose CblcagoT" And blamed If BA didn't do ttt -.. r . -..,.'. ;v-:.'"'r . .If Chase makes good his threat to hold out for more salary Mortality will play first base for the Highlanders this season. -'.. ;.. ':'" i . . e .. e ;,. ; ;''. ' "Hobe" Ferris announces that he ls going to be good henceforth. tot be cause hs dislikes a "run-In", now and then, but because he bates to lose his money In fines.- .. e v e , !.,...; - -.; . .Bob Swing and Andy Coakley are -the only veteran pitchers with the Cincin nati club this season. - How perfectly absurd, to eaU Such kids veterans, . T'.: V'. : ' ''' - "A NoWs the Tims to Hand; "Old Probe" 'ths Bull. , ..; w. Hello, Mr. Weather Man, you're leokin' all right,.-', ii , . ' Tou surely have a nifty front. It fits you out o' sight i,. ' . . Isn't It a pretty suit, suoh a lovely shade ' of gray.'- . ; Twould be a -shame to wet It on the opening day. : : - ' . '... ; "'-' ' One of the nicest games to alar la Canadian hookey, pick out a good stout club and when tbs bell rings swing the club In the sir. - Continue to swing it until the game ends. If any guy runs Into ft have him put off the ice; i . i COLLEGE GAMES TODAY Princeton university vs. . VardhaM eollege at Prlnoeton. New Jeraav - Tale va New; Tork National league Harvard va. Vnrreraitv of Va rmaitt at Cambiidga -f . Cornell vs. Rochester nnlveraitv "at Ithaca, New Tork." -i,- , . Vnlverwltyx of r. Psnns1van!a W Georgetown at Washington, d. C , ColumbU va. New Tork unlversUr at New Tork. . ' - . Brown university va Wesleran unl- Yersity at Providence. Rhode' Island. Carlisle Indiana va. Franklin and Marshall at Carlisle, Peitnsylvaala. - Holy Cross university va Amherst Aggies at Worcester, Massachusetts. Lehigh university vs. Albright col lege at South Bethlehem. Pennsylvania. -- Dickinson eollege vs. Western Mary land eollege at Carlisle. Pennsylvania. Stevens Institute va Pratt Inatltute at Brooklyn. New Tork. Urismus eofllega .. va. wnilamson at CoUegevUla, Pennsylvania. ' . . v Gettysburg', eollege vs. Lebanon Val ley eollege at A ab villa, Pennsylvania. Naval eadeta va.' Gallaudet eollege at Annapolis, Maryland. ' Bon then Oameav . ' fnlversity .of .' Virginia vs. . Villa Nova eollege , at Charlottesville, . Vir ginia 1 ' r- - I -. - ' i-. ' Wake Forest eollege va Oak RMge at Wake Forest, North Carolina. Clemeoa eonege va Georgia Tech. at Atlanta, Georgia. - University of South Carolina vs.. St Marys at Belmont, North Carolina. Newberry eollege va Charleston col lege at Newberry, South Carolina. University or Georgia vs. University of North Carolina at Chapel Rill, North Carolina. . University of Alabanfe vs. Vander- bllt university at TuscaJoosa. Alabama Trinity college va Wake Forest col lege st Wake Forest, North Carolina.. Wofford college vs. Presbyterian ool- lege of South Carolina at - Wofford, South Carolina. , Xm the Wee, ' '. ' Ohio Weeleyan . vs. Wittenberg at Del aware, Ohio. . . . Missouri Stats university va Baker at Columbia, Missouri. ' Colorado college va State Bchool of Mlnss at Golden, Colorado. . Sard s; la atansaa. '' "ri eld days of arasahoDDere and drouth are almost forgotten in the proe namna Kansas of todar: althouah a cltl- sen of Codsll, Karl Bhatnburg has not ?et forgotten a hard time be encoun ered. He says: "I was worn out and dlacoiiraa-ed by eougnina night and day, and could find no relief tllT I tried Dr. King's New Discovery. . It took less than one bottle to comriletely cure me." The safest and most reliable couth and cold remedy and lung and throat healer ever discovered. . Guaranteed by Red Cmas I'harmacy. BOo and $1.00.- Trial bottle free. . c J OREGOn G017LERS DO GOOD Spring Tournament Has Devel oped Some Fine Talent on ; ;V: Local Alleys, .u- i V 'f'-: r INDIVIDUALS SCORE , . ' VERY HIGH MARKS ItL. the Gaineei Played ' and ' the Matehea Scheduled the Crack Tea Pinners of Portland Will1 'be Seen ; In ActionThe Standing. ' .' The members of jthe Oregon Bowling association are putting the finishing touches on, the most prosperous season known In this city, by rolling individual and two-men matehea Tomorrow' sev eral matches are scheduled . to take place.-. Chief among them la one be tween' C J. McMenomy and C J. Kruse. Both of these men are top no to hers and have good records to their oredtL Ten games will be played, to tal pins to count. Game called at I o'clock. D. Flcken. and O. Bsyland are matched against L. J. Ambs and F. Raymond for five games. Total pins to oount. ' . .'" M, H. Lamond and R. Hague will play 10 games, total plna ' The Gopher and Monarch-'teams game of April -4- will be played Wednes day night, April 10. The Webfoot team rolled for aa av erage Thursday . night, with one man short. Lamond failed- to , put In an appearance. Stammers was ' the pin getter of the evening, averaging ISO, and high game SOi. The scores are as follows: - '' v - , i ' - . i . WEBFOOT 8. '- X (1) (I) t) Ave. Stammsra' ..........tot 1 14S 10 Armltage .ltl M40.1144 .. ITi Meleen .............144 ltl 144 170 Leaver, .....,....m 117 ltt 147 Lamond 100 100 100 100 . Total' ..'........'..ttT I0T1. Tit : taadiar ef the Teemed ) L , won. Lost.. Gophers , ....... ...... It 4 -I Monarcha ........ .....14 T ' Parks ...... .. .lt t , Columbia ....... ......It , t !k Nonpareils ........ ...It ' 11 Webfoots , ...H ' It Pet !too All Chlnooka ' 1 CZAR Wilt ABDICATE : THROSr THIS MONTH Russian Ruler's Mind Has Failed ; Preparations Under ; Way x. v . for Four weeks. ; Uearaal Speelal service, t - r London, April 0 Preparations for the abdication of the Russian throne by Csar Nicholas have been under way for the past month, according to aa an nouncement in , the Daily Mirror this morning. It is said to be the Intention of the esar to abdicate within a month owing to falling intellect, and appoint the Grand Duke Michael as regent dur ing the infancy of the Caarevltch. , The lower house ft the Dooms will be dissolved, and' the regent will pro claim a military dictatorship to stamp out anarchy . and revolution In Russia. Russian officials In London discredit the Mirror's information. . PATRICK BEGINS' HIS SIXTH YEAR IN PRISON - - laenat Special Servtea.-j -" Nsw Tork. April t. Hopeful as ever that he will win his fight for freedom. Lawyer Albert T. Patrick, convicted of the murder of the. aged Texas million aire, William Marsh Baca, today rounded out five years as a prisons in Sing Sing. Though Patrick was arrested in October. 1000, It was not until April f, 1101, nearly two years later, that he wss taken to Sing Sing. . For four years and- sight months thereafter he was an inmate of the death b,ouse, during which time he continued to fight with dogged persistence to escape the death chair. Sine-' his sentence was commuted to life Imprisonment by Governor Biggins last December, Patrick has been at work la the prison bakeshop. Ths unaccus tomed labor has reduced his weight, but his health, remains good and he appears confident that the petitions now circu lating In his behalf will . ultlmatsly oring a paraon. - , , j WISCONSIN RAILROADS'. V GIVE THROUGH SERVICE ' v ' -' '- . .,.--f. ' '(Joemal Rpeetal Svrrloa.) . Chicago. April S Through psssenger servioe between Chicago and Cincinnati, over ths ' Chicago, Cincinnati a Louis ville railway, will be Inaugurated to-' morrow. . Direct connections will be mads here with the Wisconsin Central. The fact that the sama Interests are Identified with both roads. W. A. Brad ford Jr. being tbe president of both, has led to the belief In railroad circles that the new arrangement, means a practical merger of the two lines. The new arrangement will give the Chicago. Cincinnati - A Louisville ' direct connec tion and through trains from the east to every part 'ef Wisconsin, aad tbe northwest. . : ... . . '. . .. - , G0MPERS TO SPEAK TO . AMERICAN FEDERATION 1 : :" '.. ' , tJeemal Bpeeta grraa.) Atlanta, Ga, April i. President Sam uel Gompers of the American Federa tion of Labor Is In the elty for the purpose of delivering aa address tonight at tns ceieoration or tns sixteenth an niversary of the Atlanta Federation of Trades. Several other labor leaders of national prominence are to take part In the celebration, which promises to be one of the most notable events In ths history of organised labor la this sec tion, . - "A Milwaukls Country Cfu! F.aatern and California racea Take Beliwood and Oregon City oars at First end Alder. WORK SUPREUE COURT COtlUEflES AGAlfl Will Pass on Legality of the RaJI 't ( rpad Employers' Uabil- f. r Ity Law.' V-.;':v;:;:' FORECAST OF NEWS : ' . - . CF THE COMING WEEK Interstate ' Commerce -. Commlasion Convenes at Kansas City -Legislature of Missouri In Special See- alon to I&gnlate) Corporations. . , " (JoDrmal Bptetal gerHee ). ' ' Washington, D. C t April . 0j Ths United States suprems court reaaae ra bies Monday after a two weekr reoesa. The important cases on the docket for early hearing Include the 'last of the Philippine tariff test eases and the ease OfJaiBselle-4ewerd- against the Illi nois Central railroad. Involving ths con stitutionality of the railroad employ ers' liability act passsd at tbs last ses sion of oongresa ' . ' The Interstate commerce commission ta to meet at Topeka Monday to hear complaints against railroads for alleged unjuat rates on wheat and corn from Kansas points to Kansas City ,nd points In Tesaa -.-''' The tenth annual meeting of the con ference for education la the south will meet at Plnehurst, North Carolina. Mon day, and continue In session two'daya. The Missouri legislature will assem ble In special session Tuesday to con sider legislation dealing with ths regu lation of publlo corporations, the en forcement of the liquor laws, ths sup pression . of racetrack gambling aid other matters outlined In the call of Governor Folk. - The church congress of the American Episcopal church will nwet in annual session In New Orleans Wednesdsy and remain In session three days. . Notables from many parte of the world will gather In Pittsburg Thurs day to attend the dedication ef the new building of the Carnegie Institute, erect ed by Andrew Carnegie at a coat of (4.000,000. ' The dedication ceremonies will continue over Friday. , President Roosevelt has promised to make an address, Friday afternoon, at ths dedication of a statue to the memory of the Rough Riders, erected in the Ar lington national cemetery. , ' , William J. , Bryan and other party leaders will attend the Jefferson, day dinners to be given Saturday by the Demoorata of greater New Tork. Tbs baseball season of ltOT win be I ushered In Thursday, on whloh day bothM the American and National leagues will play their opening games. During the week ths Southern league and the South Atlantic league also will got under way for- the season. r . ... -. ; Fref erred', Stosk Oaaaed Qoods, '. Allen Lewis' Bsst Brand. . . VETERANS MEET ON - ' SHILOfl BATTLEFIELD (Jenmal Ad.u a-rrlea.! Pittsburg Landing, Tenn.. April f. What may be the last great reunion of civil war veterana on Shlloh . battle field opened today in celebration, of the forty-fifth anniversary of ths memor able confllot Last night and this morn ing special trains ' and boats arrived with hundreds of veterans from Mis souri, Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky and as far. distant as, Colorado. .The re union is to continue two dsya . The pro gram provides for eampflre meetings with addresses by prominent speakers and a tour of the Shlloh National park and the decoration of the many monu ments erected there In memory .'of the soiniers who rough .t snd fell,' . ooob FtrDOMasnr is the essential character! stlo of men and women. Invaluable to good busi ness men and necessary to housewlvea A woman shows good Judgment when she buys White's Cream Vermifuge for her -baby. The best worm medicine ever offered to mothers. Many, Indeed, are the sensible mothers who write express ing their sratltude for the rood health of their-children, which they owe to the use or wnite s cream vermiruga. Bold by all druggista.-' 'The drug habit Is ths greatest curse of humanity. Do you know how it is formed, and who x la responsible-for the blighting of thoussnds of lives by this awful habit? I ll tell you. In nine cases out of tea . it le the doctor. ' .-Suppose you are suffering from a stomach trouble Tour doctor gives you some medicine to relieve the dlatreea It relieves you all right for a few hours, . but the pain comes back. Then you must take aome more medicine. . Tou-don't know what this drug Is - thst the doctor has given you, and yon don't bother .about asking until after Nature has oured the stom ach and -you try to stop taking the medicine. That - is tns tims wnen ins skeleton on the bottle grins at you trlumph- antly. Tbe stuff that yon have been ... taking Is dope-polson, and the . doctor knew It aU ths time. . Tou see, -this dope kills pain by 'stupefying the nerves, and of course they are ' weakened by each dose. . If you stop taking the drug, your nerves will not let you have ease you can't sleep, can't eat until you. feed . them with the poison. . Any one who takes drugs for the cure of pain or disease - Is liable to become addloted tb ths drug habit In thla very way. ' Nearl- all drugs that yon buy contain a large amount ef onl ' atea or poison of soms kind. Ths base of the doctor's prescription . is poison. He ases them In near ly every case he treata, . Every time you take a "rug io force the stomach, ver, kid neys or heart, you hurt them you actually lessen their natur ' al vitality, and any one can see that in time by steady dosing you will hare no natural action ef these organa . If you are sick or ailing in any way it is beeause of the " . . ., failure or breaking down 'of . - some vital organ. The reason any organ falls to do Ha work Is because It laoka electricity. When It ia doing its work right, the stomach generates elec tricity for ths support of the body and Itself. When It Is not, able to generate thla needed force It must have aid. This aid la slectrlolty, artificial electricity, as ap- . plied by Electro-Vigor. Kleotro-Vlsor Is a relief from the oi 1 , , drusclng. It does by natural niane i .i y i -druse to do by unnatural meana. it oaiine of dlnAa, and aftwr the oui 1. , i Nninr will do the rt. l.leotro-Vlgor Is nt en elecrli 1 MADE ENTEIELY C? PORTO RICAN TOBACCO j I w. I are made largely from tobacco grown in the ; United States. ' That's why you '. should be more particular than ever to get the genuine ; .. V"H T V) r; v Cigar-7S Cento :This b one dgar yon can be snrQ b -- Porter Rican inequality as welt as In name t made in Porto Rico, exclusively, of Porto :; Rican tobacco.' :;?.;. - ff. :J- Jf Toro cigars now being marketed are ( finer in quality than ever before becauso of the superior excellence of this year s to : bacco crop in Porto Rico from only the , ' choicest selections of which El Toro b made, ; ' V ELTORO Bretm-Fimmt fixtuttiutuU MrV) Pamtttlm sW KABOsT, amaTAsT . ' - -. rrr La Salle Ststloni . 1 -rx--. . . VjJ newert ta Chicago asd C""" T"". -v. ,h. ' v ' -.Til ccuvonecnalsvatAdkwp, . '.:' v V-r'- .' ' ''', ''''.-"' '.'..'-''..' :' vV . . - . Anywhere any point anywhere in the ' Great M iddle West, between - Chicago ' St Louis, Memphis and the Rocky Moun tains b Rock Island "Home Territory.'' Five convenient gateways for travel East, ' Soc&east and Sostli: Chicago,. St. Louis Kansas City, Omaha,- Memphis. ' : x;. In addition to thb we run through trains and through cars to the Pacific Coast to San Frandsco and Los Angeles over the' two best routes.- t . So you tee there shouldn't be any hesitation on your part when yon see ue bock isuna qua. rTTT AH hvnriries wMI promptly answered. - C A. HUNTER, Oenl Acent, 140 84 St Portland. ' 7 W. F. CARSOTT, Trav. raas'r Agent, SIT Alaaka Bldg feVat : T. W. THOMPSON, deal Western Af ent, 8aa Isclaoov OGTOEIS SLAVES eeii noay battery, ana males Its own power. It V easily, comfortably worn next to the body durlni the night and gives out a continuous stream of the.' aiirniu- vuiiuiiik. basts of all health. S. A. 1439 a' . .- That's more than can be truthfully saii about many cigars sold you as Porto RJcan. The recent increase in, the cost cf Porto Rican tobacco has brought forward JMtleis a sai1tamj4 Prf T7 ffi gJ ft"! t4 arV I There's a band now placed on all genu ine El Toro tigars. ; El Toro b superior to any other dgar sold at five cents. Porto RfcsUKAmerican Tobacco Company" afactnrea, Baa Jaaa, Forto Bioe . - OO, XMstzibators, Foatlaad, Ore. arc - planning to .to Just. 1 nvrTVKeoainST . force whloh ' la toe Wetre-Ylgor eared aw ef dtcerttte trouble ead eauiee sir etreasta aruw 1 had triad Busy etber eiethmts rt.mi benefit. THOa, HKLAAI. wjiea I began year safrertas. from s bad et tixllMetina aad etomaea traaMa. I k4 litue hnne at setting a ears (or that troeble, wkk-a rafu d to yield to antra. Two avmih sppllntlna ot Eleetro-Tlcnr imnlWkl a eoaiplete eaie, asd I bare also sat It aWe. It la a pleasure a a a rei-wnwia4 CleetTe-Vtcor. , JNO. F. BAStUA. stereed. CM.., Free to You Get mi lOo-naM book deaerlh- ing Electro-vigor and with U luatratlons of fully developed men and women, showing bow It Is applied. This book tells In plain lan- fuage many things you want to now, and gives a lot of gnl. wholesome sdvlcs for men. I il send this book In plain wrpif, prepaid, free, If you will inu.e thla coupon. e e e I want to convince every i rer wat he n get r from my treatment. K,.,.,. should be without It, fr It In cheap enough, far ch: r t t a Course of doctoring, and I M everybody to try it Send this eoupon for my 't. HA"