The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 06, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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iXnfghts and Ladles of the Mao-
cabees Conclude Con
; ". ' vention. ,
' IKuprrme 'Conunandce- of 'Woimi'i
1 1 Branch, Wr. "UBm MTltoIlMer
) ' of Detroit' Make lport Show
lng Growth of Order Everywhere.
After electing officer for th enro
ling term. selecting delegate to the au
prema tent at Chicago In August,
'. hearing reporta of officer and trane
eottng other bualnese of Importaaoe, the
. fifth triennial conventions " of . the
Knlahts and ldle. of Macoabeea, wtrel
, concluded laat night. '
f For th fourth eonaeeutlvo tsrre Stats
Commander J. ' W. Bherwood of thia
rlty waa redacted to tha poeltloo by the
Knights of Maccabeee. , Ha haa bean
itn charge of the order In thia atata
talnc tu organisation II year ago.
" Beault of Election. .'
J J. 8. Van Winkle ef , Albany
elected aunreme rebreeentetlv to tha
auoreme tent. Knight of Uaecabeea,
. which la to M bald la Chicago to Au
gust. O. C. Johaaon of Baker City waa
! chosen alternate. The Ladlea of Mao--cabeea
alected Mr. Clara Knott of thia
i city aa their repreeentatlv to tha eo-
preraa hlv. which will convene at Da-
' trolt, Michigan, la juir. Mra. x,usaoaui
) Reed of Albany waa made alternate.
' Other offlcera elected yeaterday by the
: Knlrhta of Uaocabeea are: - '
1 , ,Paat commander. A. " Huckaataln Of
Palem: commander. f. W. Bherwood,
Portland : lieutenant-commander. - P. - T.
McCully. Jooepbi record-keeper, C. E.
Foater. Aatorla; chaplain. C O. Rice.
Pratum; medical examiner. Dr. W. 8.
Armatrong. Alblna: sergeant, t B. M.
'Inca. Portland: master-at-arma, P.C
': , Peteraon, . Pendleton: ftrat ; master , of
, guarda, P. F. Patterson.' Roseburg; seo-
ond -master of guard. T. R. Ratclirre,
Bcbolls: sentinel . William . Mackrall,
Wolalla; picket, C. U .'Conyera, Clat-
. . afcanle. .-a : ; i , -
The various tenia of tha Maeeabaea
of thia city appointed a committee to
Breoara Plana and aelect a alte for a
permanent home for the order la Port
land. Reaolutlona were adopted com
mending Commander Bherwood for bla
work In behalf of tha order. .-..
An open meeting waa held laat night
In tha W. O. W. ball under the auspices
'of the combined hive. Ladle of the
Maeeabaea Addreaaee were made by
Mra I M. Holltater of Detroit. Michi
gan, and Mlaa Blna M. West of Port
Huron. Michigan. At tha regular ae.
alon of tha convention yeaterday re
porta were aubmltted by Mra. Holl later,
- auprema commander, and by Mlaa Weat,
uprema record-keeper, of tha Lad lea of
Maeeabaea. - Mra Holltater' report fol-
Iowa In pari:". ' ; . '' r' ' v .J,-'
, . TU naanoUl Blaa,,- - -1-
"The Ladlea of tha Maeeabaea of the
"World la one of, tha greatest financial
and economc factor In thia country
Car Hm Door at Each End a Wall aa TJinal SIda Doors. :
aw Taallbule eary have Juat
completed at the O. W. P. aaat
aide ahopa and put. In eommlaalon on
the Oregon City line. ,Theae cara are
aa i exact counterpart of the' largeat
and beat cara an tha O. W. P. line ex
cept -that there la a door In each and.
which permlta of tha direct paaeage
from one car to another. Theae cara
ware bitU t-aa aa experiment- to be
tried on the :. long auburban runa, on
which trailers are carried, auch aa tha
line to Eatacada. Oreron City and Lenta.
If.' found practicable. It la probable
that tha company will build othera of
tha aame pattern In. Ita own ahopa or
contract with aome atraet railway
equipment company to aupply the num
bar needed.' .- ' 1
. I
ML , . rtr&TOS, aatazepatk.
Alter July 1st
. Will Be at
Long Beach
October 1st
I1TVBUT axy ofnae ha win
be ffoaa T A. M. aa a P. K.
Dr. N. J. Fulton
VATintOPATB. ,;:,-
:is TiTEina smn
Comer Clay, ee Woek freai K.
Ok ear, oaa from Uth atraet aaa,
from aff creoa oar. Telephone
Mam Blta.
with a mambarahlp'of 1BI.9SS 'and with
I.T aubordlnate hlvea. We hare paid
Into the bomaa of our membere i.0.
(37.S1, and are paying monthly about
185,000, or about 11.114 dally. Wa hare
la oar emergency fund t2.HO.4tl.tO.
"The order of the Ladlea of tha Mao
cabeea of 4he World la Oregon la II
yearn old, . the f Irat hive baring been
organised la Portland. Blna M. Weat
Hire No. 1, ea May 1. 1W4. The atata
now ha 11 hlvea :n geod atandlng lth
a mamberahlp of 1,084, with protection
la fore of fl.lt4.IOO, fSt.14T.fl having
been paid in benefit to the beneflclarlee
of lta member. i
. The report of our field worker and
deputlea ahow that they have organlaed
14 hive during the term with charter
Hat amounting to 171 membere, and
that they have added to organise! hlvea
141 membere, or a total of 411 membera
The total number of membera added
during tha - term by field worker and
member wa ,4tL ,:T...
- What aOgat Ba Boa.': -"We
would have made a greater allow
ing of hlvea and mamberahlp during the
term had It not been that ao much rebuild
ing and aaaiatance had to be given to old
hlvea. h It la oppoaed to the policy of
th fn.cmal beneficiary a yet em to give
the time, of deputlea, and- the funda of
the order - that ahoud be uaad for de
veloping new work, to the hlvea already
eatabllabad. ' To can readily aee that
In doing ao, there 1 a draft upon tha
deputy force and tha funda of the. order,
that ahould ba ueod only for developing
purpoees.' r f. . r j
A hive of B0 membera contribute!, to
the general fund of the order IS. 00 for
the month. ' Thia would rot pay for the
meal a of the deputy. The general fund
of tha order Ja to pay- for the official
and clerical work neceaeary to conduct
the bualneee of the order, and tha bal
ance, after sanding our official organ to
tha ' officer and member, should be
need for developing new work. Thia
work of building and rebuilding belong
to in memoer uiemaeivaa.
"X am proud of the work that haa
been done in our order during the paat
three years. '- and let our alogaa for
1010 - be 1 00,000 , member and 8,000
hlvea." . ,.. .. - .
In her report, ' Mlaa Weat Bald. la
part: . , v... . Vr ' ..
' .GHkla la KeBtbarahip. v - . .
" Tha LaOiea of the Maocabee of th
World wa organised October l, jftf.
It la now organlaed in ft statea, ter
rltorit and provlneea of the 'United
Statea and Canada, having 1,701 hlvea la
good standing.
"The mamberahlp of the order 1 now
If t,000, there having bean a gain of
over 14.000 membera during tha trien
nial Urm juat closed.
"During the term l.f 21 deethe were
reported, the clalma amounting to ft.
lt4.Il.4S. f The death benefits paid
amounted to, and were
diatrtbuted among l.f If clalma
Tbe- total benefit-paid - sine- r
ganlaatloa bar been Th
mortality . ' haa been favorable, each
year being below what would be ex
pected from a membership .ao - lart
taking the N. F. C mortality table aa
a, standard. ?
' Tbe emergency fund haa Increased
during the terra frcra ftlt.07T to St.
110,411, a total ' Increaa of ever l.-
14,tfa. Tha present average amount
of thia fund per f 1,000 protection la
flL8f. while at the beginning of tiie
term it waa only,
The atata of Oregon ha reported
11,401 aa th value of the fraternal
work performed. , and there are many
hl-res yet to be heard fro. .
"Thia state 1 tha eighteenth larg
eat among th states of tha order, hav
ing a membership of J,08 and a total
protection la foroe of tm.800. Fifty
two blveg are located In this atata, the
oldest hive, Bula M- West having been
organised at Lebanon on Marco i, ,iia.
The total benefits paid sine organisa
tion la Oregon alone have been ftf
Tha. following committees were ap
pointed at the convention of th La
dlea of Maccabees yeaterday: .
CradentialsFannl Heylmaa. Beta
eada; Mae Wilson. TKTversity Park;
Martha J. Barr. ClaUkanie; Mary Van
akr. Cottage Orov.
MUaage Edna Haney. Beaa1de;j Sa
rah Buaa. " Highland Park; Elisabeth
Bettner, Baker City; France Mercer.
Hubbard. , . -
Reaolutlona Batelle Berry. Grant
Paaa: Atla IS, Lee. Rainier; Luld Btrlok-
laad. Pratum: . Ellen Brigga, Arleta
Park, " '
Awards Minnie fiayca, Joseph; Lulu
Thompson, Oregon City; Emma Van
eleava, --Beappoose: Alice HomUer, Jef
ferson; Anna La man. Newbarg.
New bualnees Martha Llttlefleld.
Eugene; Lulu Railing. Greenville: Mary
Mehrllng, Falls City; Elle Brotherton,
Athena. ' - '
Necrology B rah Jeaaa. ' Mackabnrg;
Conataaea Robinson. Independence,'
Alice - Daaaener, Freewater; Lena
fitorm. Hammond; Olive McCarthy, Ful
ton park. . - "f-
Ourtealea Louise MeNulty, '" The
Dallee; Marl Tetlow, Hammonds Bai
lie MoCullough, Weodburn; Mary - B.
Turner,' Rockwoed; Belle Rlchardaon,
Hell. , -..
Washington New" Direct Prl
', mary Law May Have This as
, On of Its Effects. -
majority may furnish
; toomany candidates
Peculiar Combination of Provision
Might 6hat Aoendaat rarty Off
General Election Ballot Alto
gether The 8apport Pledge. J
r :; TEA
' A trifle of tea in a dainty
cup has in it a world of
rest or of stimulant what
is the time o'day ? ; v v
A ScaJUing k Company Saa Fraclace ,
(Special fMapateh ts The Jooraet)
Olympla, Wash-. April f. Member of
the atata supreme court are known to
be aomewhat concerned over th discovery
that th provlalona of th new direct
primary law make It . mora than likely
that th Democratic party will here
after have one or more members 'Of th
aupreme court bench In thia atate. Tha
new law provtdea for a aeparat Judicial
ticket at primary electlona, to be non-
partiaan, namea of eandldatea appearing
without political designation. The aeo-ond-chofce
provision I also eliminated.
In ltOI three members are to be chosen,
to auceeed Chief Justice H E. Hadley.
and Juatloaa Root and Crow. Th
names of all candidate will b oh tha
ticket without party designation. The
three receiving the highest vota will be
nominated-7 -
Primaries BeaDy Sleet. ,
Only th name of th three eandl
datea thus nominated go on th ballot
for th general election In November.
This means that the judges will practi
cally ba elected at the September prim
aries. With only three eandldatea on
the general election ballot It would of
course be Impossible to elect anyone la
oppoaitlon. i ; " ' .
-Bo many Republican eandldatea are
likely to appear a to divide the party
vote at the prlmariea and result la the
Democratic candidates receiving a plur
ality. This would leavs the Republicans
thus defeated off the November ballots.
It Is easy to aee that the Democrats,
by having not to exceed three candi
date at th prlmariea - are likely to
elect one or two of them unless the
Republican also unit oa a few. ,',
tor Ala Oat Oat.
A Host Valuable Agent.
' Tbe glycerin employed In Dr. Plereo'i
medicine greatly enhance th medicinal
properties which it eitracU from native
medicinal root and holds In solution
much better than alcohol would. It alx
poasesse medicinal properties of It own,
being a valuable demulcent, nutritive,
antiseptic and antlferaent It addt
greatly to the efficacy of th Black Cherry-
bark, JJloodroot, Uolden bai root, btonc
root . and Queen's root, contained In
Golden Medical Discovery in subduing
chronic, or lingering coughs, bronchial,
throat and lung affections, for all of whirl:
these krauts are recommended by stand'
ard medical authorities.
In all case wbera there to a wasting
way of flash, loss of appeUta, with, weak
as la tha early sure ol coo-
i. ther can be no doubt that gly
as a valuable nutritiv aiia
Iden -Set! root, bton root.
t and Black Cher r bark Id
I ires t Ion and building UD the
rength, controlling th cough
g about a neauny concuuon
system. ji course, it sauvt
ted to work miracles. It will
ntumptlon except In Its earlier
win f ,m vrT wyfr. ony
loqic-f.iiiittlia. lintP.i ii a
t"'liTTT'K'fl vr"l""l:i-r" t:llr"" "'
if!"('!ll VUtLtiOiirsenes. la acute couaki
t la hot ao edecUv. ids In thallngerint
bang-on eongbs, or those or long standing
even when accompanied by bleeding fron
lungs, that It haa performed Its mo
marvelous eurea. -. "
Prof. Flnley Elllngwood, M. D.t of Ben
aett Med. College, Chicago, fays of gly
cerlna: . ' ':..
In dyspepsia It aervea an excellent purpose
Holding a Saed quantity of aiie peroxide o
hydrogen In solution, it la one of the bes'
Kanuf actured products of ue present time li
action upon enfeebled, disordered stom
ache, especially If there la ulceration or cs
a&rrael aastrltla Icatarrbal Inflammation o
atomachX U la a moat emclen preparation.
Glycerine will relieve many caaeaoi pyroi
Oieartbom) and excessive gastric totooaacii
axis rn ur
QuectV rot
i ir 1 1 in i mm j i u
flesh snVlsl
and bring fi
ol th vttli
not be eiriKC
not eur Jo
suges. it
Balg, hana
Uofden Medical Dlsoorery enriches an'
pa rifles the blood curing blotches, pimples
eruptkma, acrof uloua aweUlngs and old aorea
r ulcers.
Bend to Dr. B. V. Pierce, of Buffalo. W. T
tnr fniahnnklet telllna all about tbe nstt
madlcmai mots composing this wooderfi.
'i oera so atconoi
Lin 14, .
s ' ' - . ; "
'V'V .. ... . ., ' s ''.:.
Former Tammany Boss Prom
ises to . Prevent Election of
Englishman at Dublin, y-
: (Jearaal Special ervka. - - - -Dublin.
April . William Redmond re
cently auceeed ed la uniting for th fir'
time la hlatory all of Ireland' parlla
mentary representative in support o,
aa Irish bill. That Is a meaaur anc
ttonlng tha cultivation of tobacco 1)
Ireland. But even the soothing influ
ence of th weed dlvtn haa failed t
maintain that bappy state of affairs.
Because a Nationalist member block
a local Belfast bill, dealing witn sti
pendiary magistrates, th Ulster Union
1st -party; headed by their Englleu leader
Walter Long, threatens to wreck tb
tobacco bill. And this despite the fac
that the Ulater Unionist, party bad pre
vlously unanimously agreed to the bl'
In tha lntereata of Ireland aa a whok
That Is how National Interests are aac
rlflced In th -gam of petty part)
politic. ' .
"Tbe government haa . agreed to th
bill .with certain ' amendment," says
Redmond, "and If th Orangemen kill
It tha responsibility will' be with them
of wrecking a meaaur which may prove
of great Industrial benefit to Ireland.
It la tha meanest and most stupid kind
of dog la th manger policy, for ther
I no evidence' to ahow that tobacco
might not be cultivated profitably north
of th Boyna tn Ulater Itself. ,
Long represent a Dublin constituency
In which Richard Croker. tha ex-Tammany
boaa, raatdea. He haa undertaken
to aee to it that atang doea not get
elected hgaln by Dublin voters. -
"If he does,,, say Croker. "I will
radmlt that I have forgotten all I ever
learned about politics In New York."
i awisn auae una was. ,
The new primary law llkawia elimi
nate United State senator and tan-l
bera of the legislature from th second
choice provisions.' Tbe law provides
that where there are four or more ean
dldatea of any party for one "a tat or
eongresalonal office" th .voter, shall
deslgnat both a first and seoond choice,
but It exclude Judge of the auprema
and superior eourta, state senators and
representatives - from r this provision.
Th balloting for United State aenatora
St the September prlmariea I of courae
advisory only, th election actually be
ing by th leglalatura. , . v
1 Th law provide -that -each candidate
for th legislature may file with hi
declaration of candidacy a pledge - to
suppor his party choie for United
State senator. - There will . then be
printed on th official ballot below the
name of such candidate -for the legla
latura th words, "pledged to vote for
party choice for United State senator."
- fflneHal THspetrs tar The Joarasl. -
, Olympla, Wash., April In answer
to a question raised by th treaaurer of
Ch shall eounty, Attorney-General At
klnaoa ha decided that a certificate of
delinquency can be foreclosed any time
after three year following date of de
linquency, whether held by. th origi
nal or a subsequent purchaser. He says
la parttf ,
"Th law provide that in ea ef a
default by the flret purehaaer h shall
forfeit ' his right' thereunder to 'the
second purchaser.' But what were the
right of th f irat' purchaser under his
certificate! w have seen that he had
th right to foreclose his certificate at
any time after the expiration of three
years from th list of May of tha
year for which be bad first paid taxes
on such land. This tight Is therefore
forfeited to the subsequent purchaser,
and we therefore hold that , where any
purehaaer of delinquent certlfleatea
aufftra a subsequent tan to become de
linquent 'and a aubaequent certificate
of delinquency to lasue on the same
property Included In his certificate, uch
subsequent purchaser may foreclose hi
certificate at any time after th axptra
ttnn of three year after th -original
data Of delinquency oi any tax Included
In the -original certificate ao redeemed
by the cubaequent purchaser." - .
; ,4 '
- For New Stato Road In Lewi.
Chehalls, Wash., April Stat High-
way Commissioner jr. M. Snow, Engi
neers Qiiram and Bechly and Contractor
George Vergour of Taenma are In seat
em Lewis county on an Inspection trip
In connection with the new state road I
being buUt la the Cowllta valley, J
(Bpeelal PUpates to The Jeanel.l
T Lewlatoa, - Idaho. - April- .Officers
chosen- by the ninth annual convention
of the Inland Empire Teachera associa
tion for the enaulng year are th fol
lowing: - President, J. H. Ackerman,
tat superintendent of Oregon; ftrat
vice-president, W. K. Wilson, principal
of th stat normal school at Ell en a
burg. Washington; second vice-president.
Miss Aurella Henry of the Lewis-
ton normal school; third vtoe-prealdent,
W. E. Harmon, stat superintendent of
Montana; . secretary. 3. E- Williamson,
superintendent of Bolae schools; treasy
urer, Charles Trimble of Spokane, Wash
ington; executive - committee. H. C
Sampson of W. 8. C. Pullman, Washing
ton;" S."B."Tenroe of WMtman-colIeg.
Walla' Walla. Washington; Professor
Eldrldg of the University of Idaho. .
,." ' '. ' . ' '
' ; ,NV'. - ' , -' v.
- ' ' ' -' ' '. ' ' '-'
i ' '. s ' r' '.
The people who live on this thor
oughfare ar;e not necessarily mil
lionaires, but they are happy. Every
woman on the street has time for
reading, ' calling, , driving ; or . such
other recreation as she may choose.
Tha : ,
in - v
, v " . ' ' ' - ' - t
Is the secret . Witli them here is no delay in keeping up fires. A
lighted match, the turn of the stop-cock arid the work is done.
Ten or fifteen miputes later bath or laundry water is reacy, or. the
meal is prepared
; , Spring is here. .Have your stove installed before the rush be
gins".- Payments may be made monthly. ,
ttt nri
.'' ' r ' ' " ' " ' '' ' ,v ' - ': ' " a ' ' '
.".-.'.. ' v ; r ,''. '..- "U . .: ;- ..''''.'':'..
' . s" . 1 " , ". 'J-J - ' .",'.V .' ' '"'r'" '' "m" 'j' in niais-eiai.! i. aa.. aa-inay -Ai ..... , i.,J. .
'"-..'.'' .''''' ' ' " .-.'.'',"''.. '.... :v "',- ". ,"'. :' r'.-': -"' ' .-.'.;,'
Pullman. Washington, th bom 6f th
Washington gut college, will be the
next-meeting plaoa, la 10.
am aoa teacher war fa attendance.
Tha enrollment waa mad larger by th
merging of th insmuies or amus
county In Washington ana iian ana
Nes Pare countlea la Idaho. Th vis
it ore were entertained yesterday after
nnnn with a ahsm battle by tha eadeta
of th Unlveralty Of Idaho, who ajre la
eacampmant her. , .
Uetsgar flta your eyes for 11-0. Ill
Sixth street, near Waahlngtoa. .
-.. ,
(Special Mseeta t TS earaaL '
Chehalla. -Waabu, April . Th Lewis
county commissioner are in aeaaion
thl week, on of their moat Important
acts being to grant tha Northwest Long
Dlatanee Telepbon company a 59-year
franchise to operate througn tne county.
Th .company haa already begun con
struction work her with a larg fore a
The city council haa not yet taken final
action on tha company request for a
francblae but will likely do so at an
early date. ' - . -
have a torpid liver whan Herbtne, the
only liver regulator, win help yout
There I no reason why you should suf
fer from Dyspepsia, Constipation, Chills
and Fever or any liver com plain ta, w hen
Herblne will cure you. F. C Waite,
WeatvlUa, Fla., wrltea: "I wa alck
for a month with chills and fever, and
after taking two bottles of Herbtne am
well and healthy." Sold by all drug
glsta. . -. ,
tr u u U v.
1 1 -
Dr. Morrow's Anti-Lean
uajt noru a
.Thaongm tha narrons y
ystma. . St la a parely
vagetabl oaapam. .
Contalna no oil or fat r
any drug that la tnjurtena
' or llabl to produce a habit
Each bottl contain a
- month' treatment and enat
1 11. t at any flrat-class drug
","- otor. v Prepared by the
Osegnalea Slag, SwvUand. Oc. v
an -
MM BsjW Wire, Wirs and Uwn Fenclrig, .
Phone' Main 2000.
Do not take chances on it wearing away or experiment with tu)me unknown preparation
which may leave the bronchial tubes and lungs weakened and susceptible to attack irom
. the' germs of Pneumonia' or Consumption! 'v,.;; ', ' SHV'J:': : V .': '?';Xih:;:",i ; ;';:; v'
not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs and prevents serious results
. from a cold. Contains no opiates. V.1-'--'- 'C;r; V':--i: - '" 'i " hVyl -'': . U
s ' B Sure) Ton 5 Get . Foley '..)
Ther nr ubatltnte mad to !! on th good nam of Foley
'.lloncy tmd Tar. , Bewar of them. Yon abouM have con fid coca
in a cough cSir that nag bean sold with nnivwaaT aaUsfactlon for
thlrty-y year. Tha genuin Foley Honey and Tar la la.
a y allow Package. Sea that 70a act it.
S';'.'- A' Rother! Tettlflae V: '-''-i-;
:. Thia la ta certify that my tfaaghtef wa down for almost on year
with a cold Th doctor finally pronoancad it consumption. Wa had
riven np hop for her recovery, I waa given a aampl bottla of Foley'
Honey and Tar. I ray It all to her in about thrc hours. It stopped
the cough, and gave Iter rest. I nt next day and bought a 50c. bottla .
and began giving It. In three month' time ahe was wU. Ther can
not be too much said in favor of Foley Honey and Tar. tt saved my .
child's life. Mrs. George Bateoo, Foantaia Crova, aio. ,
Three sites 25c, 50o and $1.00. Tha 50-cent sis contains two and ona-half times aa ranch as the small tlx
and tha $1.00 bottl almost tin timss as much. ,
scld o nECCL:;:ED oy z