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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY ' EVENING. APRIL 1907 v I a ft WJ J" ; :: U: - i ' - ) MAPUf 3U0AH. WITH MY f . 1 " vTofr' " V ev- N0THINO TO EAT SINCE V rT . A Mil - , TWE WINTER . CAVE! ,.M--V'. I i ' t ' V' OH BIO BEAR WE I : v fJj , vVJ'f,' F i Vv-m-vA V'- vV.' J L ' -T '-''r- . , f. -i i ' v- ! rr . V ' wSv7 i 5 1 Tv. ' - ' ; . ; . 4' . . - V. ::. 1 4-- b W r 1 . ' I A STTIAY CROW.) I , ' 771 ''r I HUUa BROTHER I U-U-V V ( 4 II 1 rVE COME T9 B I 1" ,l V! , YOUR KINOP'- J V '. , . 7f - ' . '. - -. ...... k mm CojrjtniMi U7. br Tlx Monk Arkj. ,,,,. ' .v. Last week jroa wr toM kaw i( Br cap to th Wifwam uvl pUfc4 an April fooT )okt od Nokomk fwl h cWMrta. ? ' Yb iMy bt nn they wr delighted to m peir goo4 frimd again ; but, of coutm, tha fim thiaf to do was to prapar aomttlipg for r '"." hint to aat. becauaa, aftar a whola wtatata ttoep, rran tlia bcat-naturcd bear to tatbar Impatiant for bit breakfast "HSif Baar bad baanr v ' ' ' - outjtdt bis aHntar quarttta iiea-beWa, lt, eatehing aight of hto shadow, bt knaw by that b raigbt rxpact aU wacks mora of cold . - : weather. So be had ratoraed to the warm care to wait until he should bear the cawing qithe wndcr6wa."Thea he would be sure that - spring bad raaSy coma. But NOW be as out for good, and you should have seen hln pttehing into the big meatjiokomis bad aoada ' , r. T ,v ready for him! The children madrso rnoch of him that Aundak became jealous and want outaida and SULKED t' " " T ' .: ' New Aundak had a great Ue of his own importance, vnd not to be noticed htjrt his fclin(s more than anything alae. Ha thought - f, " V the chlldran ware neglecting him, and aa ha sat there ha studied how h could get en with tham. The wild crowe ware cawing among the J . j . -trees and that gaaa him an Idea, -Now, although the Anndaik-wug. or Crow People, are said to be among the wisest of birds, they are Ji- ' te talkative,' . Soenetimea they win acoM aiid argtie all day tong about ivSthingl As Aundak listened to their loud troicea and foolish Nl'1 '4 i ' he aaid: "The iCrow People would appreciate me bettsrt Ifebody cam f or im arauitd bare, eo TO Crowsl TheyTI be glad to make me their KINO, because I know se much: and Growling Bird and Yellow Hair will be nughty sorry , whan thr find I have left the Wiarwam forever P. So aavfaic ia flaw awavMiolntlM Crow Paoola. ' . ; MOW m EVa-RY -THINO DOWM SOUTH? I'M AUNDAK.! . . PONT YOU WWW MfT v ;' . ' HAW! NO! YOU 1MUST feW A ,i ; ..1H0U3E CROW! it 1 . irivuC fip; ml V, ..'.,,-.-..,.. a"' k . . 1 ! a - - s--'.r? -.X" JcAv7 ; v WUL WNAT3 THE HATTER i DON'T YOU WANT ME TO BE YOUR KING? I CAN TEACJt YOU LOT OF TMlA3 I lEARNED FROM ' J ' . W aTnaUBT'l I .All. . II r-.- r- vi .11 tr-'' VJw- " - &-CAWit,-:-j, ., vV;'v- , i . COME. N0KOKII9I . - COME CK3- BCAfMI COME GROWLING BlROK COME YELLOW HA1R! ' The Crow People were busy holding a meeting to decide if ' :-the "Refuge Ground was a good place to build their "rookery.' or ' tieetiftg-placo, for the summer.: When Aundak came among ; ,;' thafn there was s great Suttering and Rapping of vngi. He greeted T?t7 one gaily, bot po one answered. They did not seem to kbew ; I"-' be wft'tQreat Aundak f Y . K ' y TU THE WISB CROWT he cawed. , "I'm the one that taught Little Growling Bird all be knows, and I can count up to F1F- ' TEEN! Wouldn't you like to have ME for your king, so t could teach yon aO I learned wnOe living with the In-niiuiy-arug, or Man . People r Now the Wild Crows did not take kindly to Aundak's boasting and the aire he put on. (THEY can count up only to . ' TWELVE, oecause THIRTEEN they think unlucky, so they avoid it by pretending to forget when they coma to twelve.) One crow called him a renegade, or deserter from bis tribe", and said be amclled like tame, at bouae crow. Then the other crows became quite .' abusive, eajring mean things about him, L the Crow language. A big fellow, who seemed to be their leader, bopped out along- the limb id said HE wmXINQ OF THE CROWSandeaTered to nght Aundskt !2W V5 different reception from the one Aundak' eapartad. The crows began to crowd bim. trying fco push him ear. the limb. Suddenly the King Crow pounced on bun and pecked bim' ' fiercely on top of the head ! Then ALL the crows want at him. and 1 jt would soon have been all over with Aundak bad he not opened hai mouth and yelled for his friendsas loud as be could squall t ... ' ; S5 14 -rr- yi ... MiFliPI r I illy Ji ''7 tiS I, M OOFIOOF! ME EAT BAD CTOW5 HURT AUNDAAl mm -.,' 9) s aa3!i N at .1 'V.I.I mi an. r - L T ."S W-wfaf X 11 . ex W - 1 . B -raaw e-,- B ; W , VI. e, J , Ja- . bf AuBdlk for h1p. He Jumped up and sprang'outside the Wigwam, the children following at hie heels. Then they aO came running tohla rescue f ' Big Bear get to the tree first and tried to climb it, but be' had eeen 6o much ""r' , mUch " 01 P th,t h eouMn't mske his claws take hold. '. Then it wee that Uttta ofowbng Bird ehowed how clever he reaDy was! He picked up a strsight atick and quickly pointed at the crowa-s if he wss talcing aim at them I Intant!y they left Aundak and scattered in sfl directions, crying! "LOOK OUT I LOOKOUT! HE'S GOT A GUN!" V -. J'f'T ?"?mtM,tu ta w'ht Mukoona made grab for It and ALMOSTeaughtltl But poor Aundak 2 ft m I MJ sVAAaar AMiw. F sW . J I T 1 WILL AUNDAK jT , . 1 I a i WOOri rUNPAK &rr in bad , COMPANY! WILD CROWS PECK HIM .MEAF! w JfV - MOW THAM A t.. lMiaiON CROWS 1WMPE0 ON MCBUfl awwlBBaBM Al i ka I tW M 1WAY. tltrST A54 C-rMfUPi.' r c' ' S'vl 5'-v tEAP roc! " "tT ' i'.' n WU MEDICINE.! "jg8P r .. . VI OFF OAO V aJVtJtV;.'- ' mm gjj vuayK iy?y 1 6 .ai.t?fy 7. '.T mV;-rA ' . t BwcjuMrsn were afraid that Aundak was killed but he wasn't! Indeed, be made a great fuss, and said they most get a stretcher . ; - 1 they placed bim, and carried bim very carefully beck to the Wigwam. When tbey arrived, the cunning old Ccovropmed one eye, and, ' V ' ' ' eeing NAomia was there, he fast HAD to brag a little. (You can tee In the picture-what be said, and what Nokomis thought about ' ; it!) Hrwever, aha nursed and doctored him so that bt a tew days he was out sgain. sa bold snd impudent s a Ver. . Now the bext tiros j ; ' - Jst POINT. A STICK AT THEM, andSee hew they will ecatterf ,V They, wthinkjfou will ahoot, ajid crows are TERRIBLY AFRAID OF GUN3--whkh shows how wiaeihey arel A.T.C . "