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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1907)
THE OREGOII DAILY JOURNAL.' .PORTLAND FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL' 5. 1807. TO REORGANIZE, SPECIAL AGEUTS Tomorrow, the Firot Saturday In the New and Complete Store and 4 Vc Have J v . ITT) V New Commissioner of Land Of Y flee Secures : Greater Effl- V ciency In Field Force. "( 'CONCENTRATE FORCES . TO WATCH SWINDLERS Arid, Timber and Coal Blts Where Moat Fran da Occur Edward W. Dixon Made Chief at Portland of First Division . (Wasatastoa Bums of Tlie Josrael.l 'Washington. April Commissioner , - Bellinger's recent order' affecting' the reorganisation of the fore of special " agents of the general land' office was as follows: s ...... . . ' "In accordance with the directions Of J ifia' president and the secretary-of tao Interior, through orders recently issued, the commissioner of the general land office has taken up the work of reorgaa- Islng th field and office fore under his .. MnirflL In Artr in imiim irreater afn- elency la th field work of th special advisable to redlstrlct th publio land territory, changing th lines so that for the most part th field divisions have been enlarged, giving greater territory ' to th several chiefs -I- :' . . Oars U neJeotloms. " "The chiefs of divisions hav been ' selected with great ear and they hav '. been invested with more authority and '." greater supervisory powers than hereto i for. The special agents will be da e tailed to th several chiefs from tlrfa V. to time and placed directly under tb Jurisdiction of the chiefs of the several ' divisions la th field, each chief being I held reeponslble for the -efflolent per '. fonnano of all work In' bis division. Th chiefs will also be required to call for reports reapectlng th conduct of ' i. local land offloea and th offices of th : surveyors-general In their respective dl - visions. "The method thus adopted, it la , hoped, will bring the field fore ' more compactly together; will enable th agents to appreciate that 'they have as their chief on directly In authority to whom N they can appeal for Instruction, support and advice, and at the same ttma the method will place th chief of , the division in such a position that be oaa organise and direct from his-local . headouarters th work of investigation throughout his entire division. He will . be able to concentrate his -men or-de-tall them aa may seem to him most de sirable la th matter of Investigating th disposition of publle land. It has also bean th purpos of this rearrange sent to make It possible to Increase tb number of agents employed In th sev eral districts In which, th field work la of tba most Important character and in which close Investigation Is necee sary to be carried on to prevent fraud and Illegal entries, and dispose of sus pended cases as rapidly as possible. '.V r Ooaoeatrata To roe. ' "lt la als the purpos of th cora mlaalonar to so detail and concentrate th fore aa to keep th department ad ' vised of the principal land frauds and illegal efforts to acquire title to th pub lio lands and secure .evidence to eon- ' vlot thos guilty., of such offenses. ' TbeJ commissioner In bis Instructions to th chiefs of .divisions' and special ' agent will make1 It plain that It Is his Inten tion to so us this fore as to prof sot th bona fids settler and entryman In th acquisition of his Just rights. . It Is appreciated that ths prlnolpat frauds affecting th public domain !n- volv th arid, timber and ' ooai belts and that th utmost vlgllsno is neces sary to keep these lands from being wrongfully appropriated.. Every effort will be put forth to protect th govern ment's Interests In this respect. . "It Is to be understood, however, that th policy adopted by th department does - not mean that th agricultural ' regions will be omitted from surveil lance by th special agency force, but it Is desired to relieve th honest settler ' In thess regions from th aggravation resulting In general suspensions and field Investigations which cannot ' now be made without a larger - force, of special examiners. . Th asslgnmsnts of special agents are subject to change, rearrangement and concentration in th various divisions as will by experience prove most advsntageoua. v The field divisions and assignments of chiefs, aa now arranged by the com missioner, are aa follows: . Field division No. It , All land dis tricts In Oregon: Burns, La Grande. Ikkeview, Portland, Roseburg and Th Dalles; and In Washington: North Yakima, Olympla. Seattle, Vancouver. - Chief, Edward W. Dixon, Portland, Or. Field division No. 1: All land dis tricts la California: Eureka. Independ ence, Los Angeles, Oakland. Redding, Sacramento, Busanvllle. Vlsalla; all In Vavaria: Parson Cltr Chief. IvMila n. Q! vis. Oakland. Cal. , Tlftld division No. S: .Land districts In Washington: Spokane, 'Walla Walla, WatervJUe; , in Idaho: t Boise, . Coeur ' - d" Alone Halley, Lewlaton, and Black foot. Chief, F. It. Goodwin, Spokane, Wash. - , , - - ' I ". FROST HURT EARLY - PEACHES IN DOUGLAS 'fftperlal Mspatck to The Jooraal.) Roseburg. Or.. April 8 Tb Douglas county peach . crop will be very slim again this ysar. Ths "two. weeka of warm weather early In March brought out, all. th early . peaches and during ths latter part - of March three hard frees very nearly deet roved them and did considerable damage to late peaches. Pear and cherries- were not hurt any by th frost, . .. , ' .... VET CHARGES RIVAL ? V V IS WITHOUT LICENSE A ' (ftperiel Mspetck s Tke learaal) Eugene. Or, April S.--Benry Hs- kins Is under arrest her for practle v Ing veterinary surgery without a license, , Th arrest waa mad on ' a warrant i sworn to by J. Christie, another veteri nary surgeon of this city. Hopkins has , engaged an attorney and .will - appear before Justice of th Peace Bryson, ' Saturday for trial . . - LADIES' NIGHT- - atght at th Oaks Skattag Blah. , Perhaps ' th most popular night of ths week st ths Oaks Rink Is Friday, owing to th fact - that it Is ladles' night. On -this occasion mors muslns are . skated In couples snd a ' "perls! floor committee la rrnvM1. If you cent Vte, lnrn row. T'v s sVt k t' r ' , ' irs f 111) mm 1 Bargains that prove once for, all that we can and do undersell all competitors bringing thousands of new customers daily by sheer, force of best goods and lowes prices, ; u, r '-.;,':.,;..','' and it's biggest bargains that keeps this store crowded with buyers every day in the week. ' ' a Great Auction Purchase of : Wcn'S i$2.50 Hats and in over 20 jOfV 2J0 waluan, so f HVL' ' fD 1 r-j7 All mixed lota' and in over 20 , different ityles; 92.00 and up to those that want com quickest POUHJUIffii IIE17 DOttffilT 5TCHE All New Soil Blocks tm Alplaes, redoraa, Oraeeos, BaUsoad, pongs ' Klder-a&d other s ha pee, black, pearls aad gray I best silk saadst leather sweat bandi all slsee U ths lot aad plenty of them. Vlak oat r rFI laJSO Xata if yoa want.' Cholo TTTTrtiXllf " We Lr CNTKS CLOCK CM YAMrJLUrROM 2ND TV&ZD. ' 1 $ , .Open Satnrday Wight Until 10 o'Clock Great 25 Cent Sale of WccIaWear A thousand plecea of the prettiest, and handsom est of 48c and 50c Women's Neckwear at 25 for choice. The sewett of sprinf and summer styles. , r - .... ... Dainty Novelties Of Blhhona, Xee aad Bilks, In aQ eolora, all prettily trlnuaed. IdeatloaUy th same aear-hy Stores show as spaelal at 87- Choice. ,", . . . . . ..'.'.77 r The New and Greatly Cnlared Cloak Room Invites All Portland Tomrirrowo Share In These' t GREATEST; OF SWOT, - WAIST, AMD COM BAKGABMS A sale that will most forcibly demonstrate our leadership as Portland's foremost Cloak Section. , In variety, style and esclusiveness this store leads them all, and a single Inspection wlu prove that lor elefnnce ana beauty of ferment true store Has few equals ana no superiors. Mo need to pay the exorbitant prices asked by others. vincea tnat we ao maeea seu tne best at a savin of ii I I l warn Come here, inspect our she-win a at your leisure and be convinced that we do indeed sell the best at a sav stores' prices. and 35, yea, even SO per cent under any and aU other Women's Sample Spring Jackets up to 05 values at An sawiplea aad mt em ana two of a stylet th yewsttsat, haadsoassat of this - seasoa'e sty)M aaaaMlstlaa;, rosy aoats aad aovelty styles) new eaaeka, plaids, stripes aad faaoy valveti strap and hanon tztauasai au wise aad aU $10 t SIS gaoksea. Oaoloo-. . . . uv m - aa $5,49 WOMEN'S SAMPLE SUITS tlao V 1Ml,SJ titft Worth 018, 02O. 025 and 03O CHOICE Just 60 of them, no two alike, all new spring styles light and dark colors,, new plaids, .checks, stripes, also plain colors and black; elegant models in Eton, Pony, Prince Chap, Box and Jacket styles; jackets all silk lined; skirts plaited and fancy trimmed; panamas, voiles, mixtures, nov- ' elties, etc.; all fancy trimmed; all sizes. Every . suit a sample worth $18.00 and up to $30.00. Choice, $9.98. a and Children's Spring Jackets raaoy svylea. axade of an wool checks aad novomsa, hxald aa hotsom . rA AA I trlaaasadi mblsa on b!sti aU . 1 Vtl I IM....VVtMUJ, slsesi worth an ta SeUM. Choi Women's $6 Silk Waists Za slack, whit aad colored silks, all faaey aoveliy eaeoks, ssilpse aad plaldsi trimmed vma nasss Taeaixfs aaa isoesi all solova aad hlaeki ref-alar 9joo aaa Se-oo waists $2.98 Women's While Lawn I7a!s!s 01 and 0125 values A harcain lot of so eossni jasVeoo Wsists la an ssads of sheer white la waa aad also aew polka dot effects t new . Ilarest aad dressy models) loas; aad short slssvss all trimmed with lao aad emsrotaery, faaey tucked. Oa day oalyj uoa to llil Waists 49c Womorfs Finest $ 1 0 Dress Skirts Nov $4.49 Each Another lot iust in, and it's the best yet Skirts that are the biggest and best of $8.00, $9.00 and $10.00 values, all $4.49. The maker's clearance line bought at a sacrifice, and now you get them at aoout cost ox material aione. voues, panamas, monairs, serges ana cneviots, m ail colors and Diadc, t ypv also novelty checks and hairlines, plated, strap, button and fancy trimmed; all perfectly tailored and equal in fit and style to made to order skirts. Over 'V-lL 4 LvLf) 300 skirts to go, 20 styles and more, $8, $9 and $10 starts, and at this price it s a value so sensational' that everyone snowa go tomorrow. Choice ... . . . . . .vr O U M Our Saturday List of MONEY SAVING GROGEIUES 'Another great aooop f SO shesva Of flmest eoo Tea at 34 lh. SM Sassas Craa- pewder aad nra extra na a xaa saas lis ail ore at ao,. Oa day eady, 1ir walla tt lasts, lb - vlv Xxf aV4h. hrtok Oodflah, I. I Cr. oo esse v...;-.. "" ' SOo ttat gua Fare Moaey 21 IT Dried Apples, lh 12e SOo Dried Apricots, lh. ....SO he Proses, a lbs. for .....2C5 as M. 9. Ooff ee, ur fasaom enpsstoe blend i oaee yon aa tt yoaTJ hmy J'lf a ether la. 40 Xarg-e taloy Oraag-es, dOseai ....t.S8 10 Ana ft Mamms noda .......... Be IS DotUe Catsup 94 Be piak Saaa lb. , 34 To Broken Alee, lb. 10 xJma Beaaa, lb. 5T 400 battle neJad OQ ....... .......25 Boa;. 10 reaa, a oana for ..164 Beet balk Black Pepper, always 75c 15e 0patrhattl, pka?. 8 IS BOOdlea f OS ......... nrnirttMi r 8d " Anotlier Great $ 1 .98 Shoe Sale :, ;.V Thotuandi Upon Thousands of Palrs-rAlI th Fiaest and Best . Shoes for Men and Womeh-r Worth to $35.0 Shoes for everybody and at a saving of about half. Three (reat special lota; three big bargain beys, and every pair tba best Shoe value ever given Jiere, elsewhere, anywhere. All this sea aon's newest and' latest styles. Women's biih Shoes, in lace, blucher and also Oxfords: fine. high-class footwear, made of box calf, gunmetal and vici kid. Men's high Shoea and Oxfords, in all the best leathers, light and heavy weight soles. AU Shoea that are the very best, and many stamped $3.00 and $3J0 on the sole; all sixes; all widths. Come tomorrow and buy the best Shoes ever offered for the money. AU in one lot, and all the best $3.00 and $3 JO values. Choice, f 1.98 pr. 98c Odd and End Shoe Sale A sleaa ay f thoa ssads of pairs, all edda aad aaas, doaaas ef klmda aad styles, all lamps tog-ether regardless of vetaa, for a grist c8e eoaaatVsa. .. ' High Shoes and Oxfords Values Up to $3.00 AU 98c Pair A has ping- table fan to a-0 lot after lot aU baaohed ta oaa saaaattoaal olearaao aal Woaaea's viol aad high sTboes, ta lao aa blnehari also haaareds Oxfords, hi-h aad tow heels, plats aad paces trsa. sm varoara no tot aa yioa Bhees worth tlJO, BaVM aad ay AO es eae btg tahi at, ebotoa, f8e fJ 1M- kid mt pairs mt Boys V Youths and Little Genu Basse, all solid leather atads of boat calf aad viol kid all slsee aad widths. Bvory pals worth fS-OO to aaAO; pais CHILDREN'S Aad Kisses' Shoes of fin vtet kid, with patent tips, all solid aad worth ay to B4t pair. Oholooi Sdaas S to 8, pair.. ...84 tsea SH to 11, pr.fl.OS llH av P Bl.l- Great Saturday Sals Wdmeiis Fancy Hose Sux EcitroIdtrd Front All 25c Vslses nF) '.. L J ( h I 'II Will Thiak f Is Wo- J L h- J mumfm sflk ambrold. . ssad Kooa, a ad ealy tH4 a palri fast 'blank, - embsesdsvea ta oolon, fall regular saado aad eaasalaasi aa 8S valaee, at last half yrtae, 1SM MItses Fast lUek Hot ' The flae raaraaSeed - tal ribbed. aoable aeels aaa Soaa, sessiiess) fta eaallty yara, aad . A aeve soli aades a yalr.... 17V Boys 25c Sandow Hose Th best weaxtBs So oa earth, last BJatmrday every pals waa gose by aooai bat aa other big shipaaaat has arrtvad, aad tosaorrow swatn yoa gat these, B6e rasssaa Baa-, IQ aow Bom M 194 P lyb Just la Another Great' Lot of Women's Wash Belts ALL-NEW SPRIIIGr OTYLES : RerCular 50c Values 10 V ajOM Off ealy, aa an maw style, ittfany.eHhroUU rod. faaoy baexlea. all slsesi Belts that yoa pay BO fo essay hare als. For a . day, - Z34 69 Dozea ITenea'f 1Th!2e . Erntrclicrcd fftc Wdsh Dells WEa All 30o Valu Childrcn'o Hand Bago The flnse ef SB as at aaoh, soUd lasthse aad wtth rivstsd all atoely trlauaedl Bead ta sen f- T t S'-i. t .ice i .....iyC eLrel NO MORE HIGH PRICES TO PAY Since we have gone, into the clothing business, and please bear in mind ours, while not the largest, is one of the best selected stocks in the city, and you are guaranteed a saving of one quarter to one third. . Men's $15-$17.50 Suits .45 And we want you to tee these rarments whether jrou wish to buy or not. Every suit a $10 to 917.80 raiue, and a glance will convince you that you can't match em anywhere for less All the Newest" Spring: Styles And in the handsomest of patterns for many of them are made) from the hifhest class custom tailor Baitingsmade of best all wool worsted tweeds, cheviots, etc. light and dark colorings, mixtures, checks, over plaids and the new fashion able atrip, single and double breasted center vents or plain full backs, best of linings and trimmings; every on made by expert tailors and perfect in fit and fashion; suits made to sell as a special at IIS to $17 JO, and that'a what exclusive clothiers ask. . Oaa day only, and no longer.. Special $4.45. . , Qrwt Saturday I m rfa - A Yuuins piu .MeU dOO Coys Soils t wnanu ma uwnoai au isncy patterns; au le aama Identical suits every store s a A Ci i asks yoa $&00 and $7io for, 40 4)f3 Valuea in aouDie-Dreastea ana n on oik styles ; made of strictly all wool worsteds and ' cheviots; all fancy patterns; au sues; tne same loenncai suits in town special. Men's Spring: Top Coats New full bos styles in tans and gray -f g aa satin tlesv linings our finest $17 JO Hh I US to $20 values choice ...,J 1 aWsVtJ Men's Pants Sale ' avaO, O-iX) sand S.OO VatlUeMt And when we say $130 to $5.00 ones, that's what we mean. Made of the best fancy striped snd checked cheviots and cassimeres; well made; perfectly tailored; all aires; all colors. At this price 'twill pay you to buy a aeason's supply now when yoa can get the best rs fl f at less than the I M' V y j $JJ0 and $5.00 Pants cloth cost pair and $12 UfiT 85.85 Just 200 of them, bought way under price made of all wool worsteds, sergee and cheviots In dirk graya ana Drowns, stnr", X l m.r tares; coats ar t : shoulders; all well t fectly tailored at salts all aiift, 12 . all regular $10.C0 t $12 values-choice.. Qreat Clearing Sale ' of Odd CHINAWARE Thousands of pieces of dinnerware, to be closed out in this one day sale, all odd lots with beautiful roae decoration and aU go at 1-3 to Y off regular prices. 15c Table Bowls now. .....Wf 18c Round Vegetable Dish. ......... 10e 25c Oval Vegetable Dish 1S 18c Oval Vegetable Dish lO 15c Small Platters go at ,...10e 25c Medium Platters go at.........lS 90c set of 6 Breakfast Platea -Oe $1.08 set of 6 Soup Plates ...eo $1.08 set of 6 Dufher Plates.. .....60 18c Acme Fry Pans 124 Nickel Tea and Coffee Pots, 2 and 3 pint ..aire, cut to ."..,.............33 15c Nickel Cuspidors... Te $1 beet Wash Boilers.. . T3 Reg. $U0 Wash Boilers ..f 1.23 35c full sUe House Brooms ...IS Great 98c Shirt Sab Aaathar Say f that ato aster au ef . Waa BCark rater-ataa SI-BO aalrts a 984. aalita taae yea aaa every etaer ataa kaowa aavar sells leee t taaa llAO. iraw faaaa, aoarat f Kaa Basts tiaa. Moat aleraat taralaaa aaa solos a. AU styles) at tacked as aiesaas. aaffst jlai i t lares effects all shea aa ta i t ef evser la gw rawS'.r(?o ...;..,...VUsw 4-In-IIsUid Ties All Colors. c c3 A atOTJRaT UZS O CD WZU ETOinr Wright's $1.50 Underwear A atake taafa sol freas aa ea ef ta toubv a ta tks at S1AO, aere at tala at prtoe store for OAA. Vha emva aaa SJklrta aaa niassssa. an risiai, ' ' ay an yam waat Some sow. for HI aaly eao a yeas a sal Uka tkla eooara. Okotas, 9S4, ; , . mvm " Men's 69c Vcrli Shirts fT aa, saaaa at kaavy alaak an wait strips . r. ksvlotj ssada wrta. yoke sil faily rlafoTe4 kest of p Men's 20c Fancy Kc:::ry fee aU arloe, tees' faaey smasaCiere . Kosa, V .- 4 r rvoa. allk eenl tilSege ta oelare, aoable koala as !. k n elaaa. Jvay sm M nba, Vpeotal w April Plctcrhl 71 RcvlrsvriavIn - VTi Vert ftJo snarajitn r'- " ' 1 -" Bvevlsw rsttns ksv a ax i --" i r VhI v;rrrr r Styl Si-e re. y 1 n i , A 1 - r