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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1907)
TIM OREGON DAILY! JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING APRIL- 5. 1C37. t 5 1 t I mm SPOUTS ARE IHTERESIED Boxing Carnival-on April Fif- .teenth Promises to Be ' V ya Star Affair. " SCHRECK AND W1LLE ARE IN PRIME CONDITION Cove-' and Knight; Are Doing the llardfet Kind of Work Getting Into Trim for Their Bout on the ' Same Occasion. r ' "', , ; ." ,1 ." (Journal Speew.1 Ser1ee. t wt-L 'f Tonopeh, Nov, April S.-Kverythtng 1s now smooth sailing .for th flstlo , carnival that. U to take ptaca here on April 11. when thera will ba a St in tha efternooa and another at night. t Theiw will bo -the bantams oeaupylng tha ring for tha raaunea ana w inr the, evenlns-'s entertainment. viir. ahrir nl John - Wllle and thalr trainers ara on their way from tha aaat and should ba here early during tha coming waeav Tha troublous ouea . trananortatlon. expense money and dlvlalon of the puree have all been settled. o that there wiH be nothing to do npon the arrival of the men but to Sign artlolea ana seteci amir quartan and get buey. - noh nu fian'untl that they will have plenty of time ta train so ss to be able to go Into the ring on the fifteenth In tha finest of condition. Neither man will take n 'ehance on his condition for h. Mum that ha la coing to mama me fight of bta Ufa, and the meeting under the auspices of the Casino Athletlo club will ba one for. Dlooa aa weu as mvimj. Tha heavyweight fight will be In the champion .clans, for Wille and Bchreck ara of the 'quintet that lays claim to tha Jeffries belt ,. The winner of the fight will be one notch nearer to the championship and a fight between him and Jack CBrlea-wtll settle tha owner ship of tha belt. - Bo, onder the circumstances, tha pub 11 o will sea a -performance well worth traveling to and the publlo Is assured of a run ' Tor, Mts . money. The fight between (he bantam will ba In itself well . worth seeing, for tha little fel lows are also out tors blood, and tha championship of the United States. Cave and Knight are U fine condi tion and -are sticking to their work. Thera Is considerable disparity between tha two boys in point of else and reach. Cova being tha lankier .and tha longer, but what Knight lacks in reach, he makes up tn quickness and force. Hs bores and bores and 1 calculated to keep any one who stands before htm buey. Lea Flanders, who is matched to fight the preliminary with Kid Farker, will Join Knight's sparring partners Monday.' I Tha preliminary in Jne afternoon promises rare sport, too. for Jt Is going ito be a harncane affair rrpm me jump. erker welgha 15 pounds-and Flanders tipssthe beam at 158 and both men are aser Nto make a record on this occa sion. They have been In the ring be fore and acn has the reputation of being able tOv "go" soma Parker has been training With Cove for., the past few days and hasy exhibited a, wanton desire for punishment, ' which be hss been getting at the hands of ,th Cana dian champion. ,, . , . OREGON'S BASEBALL NINE .. WILL MAKE LONG TOUBJ ! 11 " . . (Sparta! thspstra s The JoaraeJ.) , University of Oregon, Eugene, ' April I. The baseball team here which will take an extended trip through Washing ton and Idaho, playing 'Multnomah' at Portland, has. undergone considerable change the last two or three days, for two Portland boys have won places on tha Infield who It Is thought would make only the oatf lehL Huston, who was making an excellent utility man, Is one, and Dud Clark is the other. Clark will play at 'shortstop, which Ramp held down last-year, and Huston will go to second base. Both men have ahown up wonderfully the last two practices, their wtags, baing-aapeclally-speedy-.and aoyo.-.,,,. smallest and most trivial-no curate, as well as tbelr ability to stop grounders being good. - Smith. It was generally considered up to a day or two ago. had second base cinched, but ac cording to the present aanouncement be will go to the outfield. Johnson has mad good at catcher over Kelly, though the Utter will aot aa changa and play In tha outfield. Kelly Is a strong; batter, as well aa a fast fielder. Caputs Paine of this city will hold down the first bag during the trip and the Portland trio, Hatha way at third, Clark at short and Huston at -second, will handle the rest of the diamond. The outfield wilt br made up of Kelly, Kestley, Ramp and Smith, the pitchers will be Clifford. Beck and Hurt . On the trip it men outside of the manager and coach will be taken, the preceding team being the fortunate ones aecordlnj to announcement made last night. The team Is fast becoming or proficient, batting In practice like leaguers snd fielding even this esrly In good, form. f HUNT CLUB PAPER . ,CHASE TOMORROW i ' The' Portland Hunt club members will j hold- a paper chase toorrow afternoon ' i at 1:45 o'clock. The hares for the event ' , are Mr. and Mrs. S. C Spencer and the , start will be mads at Coe street and the ' Sandy road. ' Bchedaled for Tonight. Arthur Cote va Harry Berger, rounds, at Portland. Ma E. i ii I mmsg!! It Snap! PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE TO OPEN T Portland Will Start at San Fran " Cisco and Oakland Wilt . Tackle the Angels. The lHclflo coast league will be formally opened tomorrow, the first games being scheduled at San Fran cisco and t Los Angeles. - The Portland team will meet the Seals and tha OaUanders will cross bats with the Angels. ' . Tha opening of tha ball season will be .hailed with delight by tha thousands of fans who have been the loyal sup porters of baseball on the Psclflo coast. Hera In Portland the fans are ans lously awaiting the ; command "play ball." Although the . season will not open in Portland until May it, the local devotees will keep posted on tha 'work of the Giants in California, The exact line-up of the Portland team will npt be announced until Immediately before tomorrow's ram at San Francisco. Manager McCredle has had a difficult time In getting his team together, due to the failure ct his players to ra po'rf "onetime. Donahue a nd Hendef soft kicked up their heels and went to Stock ton; Jud Smith refused to play any Dlace but la tha Los Angeles team; Mo- Hale Is lost somewhere in the wlids-of Montana and won't sven write to Mo Cradle; Johnny Moore preferred to past bis lot with the SL Johns team, and there yon are. With what men he had Manager McCredle whipped together a rather lively . teem. and. while - the weather at tb training quarters, I Unas, was not the best the Portland lads received a falrtx good training. The trl-lesgue magnates feel that the dropping of.ueattl and Fresno will not affect tha success of tha league In the least. ' SPORTINQ CHATTER. Bob Fltsslmmons has filed a suit against th Illinois Central railroad for $1,000, asserting that ba suffered dam agea to that amount through tha falfiir of the railroad to deliver his scenic effects in East 8t Louis In time for his ShOW. , ., ; i . , ... i .. .' . ;. ,. Marvin Hart, the heavyweight pugil ist. Is another fighter who has got the mania of picking out lemons" to beat up in a fistic battle. . Ha baa slaked poor old Peter Maher for his next opponent, and the pair will come together In a to-round bout at a show to be brought off by the Whlttlngton Park Athletlf club of Hot Springs on ths night of April t. They are to battle at catch weights for 00 per cent of ths gross receipts.' . . ..i - ' -i The only fight that Maher 'has won in a long time was that with his mother-in-law, 'whom ha almost put out dur ing an altercation at New Orleans a few - months ago. ' Hart, therefore, ahould have no trouble In putting Peter away In a few rounds. . , , ' Commenting on tha death of "Chick" Staht, who committed suicide at West Baden, a writer pays ths dead man this fin tribute: "Of ths dead speak nothing but good. In this case naught else can ba sppken were it so desired. . . For Charles C. Stahl this and has come, and he is dead. That earns 'hand which wrought his honor in - th acts it did, hath, with such courag aa th heart may ' give, stilled his heart.. Of th heavy. causes which led to his untimely taking oS of himself we know little. - To us it seems that ha had not any. ., What existed be tween the man and his own soul, or what conscience made him coward if coward It be and softened his resolu tion to live, none of ns can say. ' The private wound Is deepest. We cannot look at Ufa through another man's eyes. Soma mar hold that It Is a silliness to llva when life Is a torment, and few can a xre asxto what may , be. A handsomer man, or finer, than this dead basebalK player seldom - lived. Though waxing stout as days went by, Stahl was, som seven years back, the very beau ideal of manly beauty. Of middle height, perfectlyvniolded, fair skin, blus eyes, light-brownxcurly hair, clasalo features, small feet andVhe sun niest of dispositions mads youngsStahl an admirable and lovable fellow. "They say best men are molded out TT faults, and some become better for be ing a little bad. If Stahl had faults be- on knew of them. A rarer or friend' Her spirit seldom has been found In Bu manlty. Just why he should want not to live is something that will always punl thos who Intimately knew him. "Now he is .. dead. Tb chattering dawa of men may call mm coward. 81 lenoel Ha Is in his grave. How know we what sad cypress had root in tile bosom 7 Greatly ba has suffered; great ly, too. ' hs may have erred and broke his heart in trying to be brave. Let us hop that -lila soul hss mounted, to a seat on high. Let us trust that in an other ' world .he sees th august, broad ening of ve light. For In this he loved his fellows, and his lov was sweet. Plant-daisies at his bead and at his f et" YOUNG MEN'S CLUB TO BE STARTED TODAY This afternoon at t:S0 ground will be broken for th new home of the Cath olio Toung Men's club of Alblna. Arch' bishop Christie and Mayor Lane will b present and deliver tha principal ad dresses. ' .-..,. Tbs new clubhouse will be erected on Morris street, . near Williams avenue. and it will be one of the most modern Institutions of its kind in ths country. The board of directors of tb club Is composed of Rev. William A. Daly, K. R. Kellaher, J. P. Kavanaugh, T. W. Wascher, A. F. Velguth, D., W. Ward, D. F. Duff. D. J. McLaughlin. H. C. AUehoff. B. Morita, J. P. Miller, J. M. Manning, J. M. Meyer, P. E. Bulll van. BEAVBR Absolutely the Best Hat Sold in : v 1 Fortland for ' - $3.00 um. Clotiilng , i CuilCtihnPrpr O 168-165 THIRD STREET ATHLETIC GOSSIP FROM BERKELEY California Oarsmen Are Patient ly Waiting for Shells to ' . Arrive. "':' :'. WASHINGTON WANTS JO. . , V , ROW BLUE AND OOLD The" Annual Baseball Games ; With Stanford WlfT, Begin . Tomorrow ;. and ' the Students ' Are Looking Forward to Berles Good Matches. rnlverslty of California, Berkeley, April I. Unless the much delayed, long-talked of eights arrive in Berkeley by tomorrow - no Intercollegiate boat races will b held at Sausallto this year between Stanford and Berkeley In ho eight aared shells, ann jnauw four. oared rac-wiH to held or not in that eass baa not as yet been decided, udh waa tha announcement made last svenlng by Captain MoKilUcan of the California varsity crew. rvMi narnett lias received a com munication from th University of Washington asking if it Is possible to hsv a meet en th Sound this spring. Washington agrees t bring north th winning crew of th Btanrora-asuomia race and if possible th winners of ths freshman race between th same unl' versifies. ' Coach Oamett has such high hopes nt rnae.t1na- tha east boat victories against Stanford that ha says that it Washington Is unable to nnng me nr tor mea to the Sound that h expects California t pay tneir expenses norm - a mark of appreciation ox ineir good work. ' rtravnn Is not ' represented on th varsity crew st Berkeley but the fresh man crew claims as Its coxswain F. H. Steel of Portland who is showing up wslL ' The first intercollegiate gams of baseball for the season of HOT will be played, on California field tomorrow afternoon, The second In tn scries will occur at Palo Alto a few weeks bene and If It Is necessary to play a third gam to- decide-tb winners th contest will be played on neutral ground towards the last or April. ' The Stanford team which la composed largely of Portland boys hav been on the Berkeley campus .for the last few day familiarising themselves with ths ground. STANFORD'S CHANCES ARE NOT VERY BRIGHT (BpeHal Dispatch to The YesraaL) TTnlvaraltv of Orecon. Eugene. April I Private information from Stanford, with whom Oregon holds a meet May t. stat that th supporters of tn teem there ara dlscouraced over their pros pects, as their team has not com up to what they expected or It. wnue in soma events they have good' men, in others, as the sprints and weights, they are lamentably weak. Though tha In Vrmation did net come through Trainer Hayward or ths track management here, the recent meet In southern California add authenticity to the story, and Oregon is feeling a bit cheerier about th big meet, which will probably be for the championship of the coast. Next Saturday wilt give some idea as to how her men will line .op fn records against those made by tha Stanford men thla spring, and every enthusiast here la looking forward to tb day with ex pectation. KELSO'S PROSPECTS ON T ' THE BASEBALL DIAMOND Kelso, Wash. April I. Kelso's base ball team wh'lch defeated every team in the Fortland city leagus last year Is being reorganised with ths loss of only a few of last year's players. This years segregation promises to be an- hot her championship team. Kelso was offered a place on the Tri-Clty league but the offer, waa refused -mm 4tile ex pected that most of the games will be piayea at nom - COLLEGECAMES TODAY university or Pennsylvania rs. Georgetown university atCwashlngton, ueorge wasnington university vs. Syracuse university at Washington. D. C. , . x- Vllla Nova college vs. Virginia Mili tary insuiuts at Lexington, va. University of Coutn Carolina va Davidson college at Davidson. M. C. - University of Alabama .va Vanderbllt university at Tuscalnosa, Ala. . University of North Carolina vs. Uni versity of Georgia at Chapel Hill. N. C Trinity college vs. North Carolina A. at M. at Ralelsh. N. C. ' Ersktns college va Newberry college at NewDerry, a. c Slemson eollege va Georgia Technol ogy st Atlanta, Oa. Furman university ra Presbyterian college of South Carolina at Greenville, s. a Missouri university va Baker eolless at Columbia, lit, - , Only One Team Present. Monson's team was the only aggre gation to show up last night at th Multnomah ciuo an era The scores: Mon son Its 111 lt . Its Sherrett .10$ lit 14 435 Brigham, Jr.. ......161 148 14t 448 Lovejoy 100 Peebler 147 100 151 100 141 too 41 TOT I.01T GO: , t y Style! .611 Ut ! - 1 1 1 ,mm C0HVALL1S ENTERTAINS j- UniTEO EVAKGELICAIS Sixty Delegates, Lay and Cler ical, in Attendance Confer '. . -' ence to Close Sunday; (Special Mepstea s The fcataaL) Corvallla, Or.. April I. About 0 del egates, comprising both ministers and lay representatives from ths various churches of -that-demonlnatlon In. Ore gon sad Washington, are in this city in (tendance at th annual conference of th United Evangelical church, whloh la now la session, . u .Conference was opened yesterday by Bishop Hell of Highland Park, Illinois, who is-presiding over ths deliberations. His annual address was a vary able, en tertaining and helpful discourse. " . The remainder of the week will be given over to the business 6f the ses sion, -.,- - ' Last night th sermon was by Rev. Hi Av Deck of Salem. Tonight's sermon will ib by Revi B. S. Hughes of I ni tron, Saturday night's by Dr. C A. Mock . of Dallas oollege. On Sunday, both morning and evening, Bishop Hell will preach at the United Evangelical church, Among the well known men in at tendance at the conference are Profes sor Dunkelberger of Dallas, S. J. Lind say of HlUsboro, M, B. Toung of Day ton, G. L. Lovel) of Florence. .A. A. Winter of Portland. Dr. C. A. Mock of Dallas, a a Arnold. W. N. Phelps, a A. Burrls, W. N. Sager and others. . In honor of the delegates an elaborate banquet was given at the United Evan gelical church Wednesdsy night. Covers were laid for 100. Toasts were respond ed to as follows, C. L. Heekart acting as toaatmaster: "Our Visitors," Rev. C T. Hurd. local pastor: "Blest Be the Tie." .Bishop Hell; "A Presiding "Elder's Perplexities." H, I Prstt; "Ssttln en the Conference," H. Barendrick; "Cross Ing the Bar." O. L. Lovelt: The Sta tioning Committee" A. A. Winter; "An Old Evangllca1." John Bier. ' At the conclusion of the banauet unique souvenir were given to all, and later a fine sermon waa heard from Kev. N. W. Sager of Dallaa Excellent musle was provided by a mala chorus composed of Messrs. Hurd. Lovell, Caves, Chambers. Wood and Hotchklss. xne conference will . closa Sundav night and th appointments will prob ably be announced early Monday fore noon, mis Mini tue rDort In which all are vitally interested. 3 AT THE THEATRES Blanche Walsh at HeOiff Tonight, The attractive at the Beilig theatre, Foar. teenth mmt uunm smets, taalsbt sad W Sfrht will h Mta f.Mlf. - BlaadM Walsh, la Cbi Fitch's eoeMdy-drasia. Tae Stnisht li s,. n. Bests sail lag at theatre hex efflce. Special Price Matinee) at Reilig. A sseetal-srlea siataiae will h bwiis uMaire sasiw tsarordar) aiternnoa i m.i ocjocs. Biancne Wasoi la Btralght Bead" win be the sttraetloa. MMr. Wlggg of tha Cabbage ratch. eemig toed pUya, -"Mrs. Visas of the Oah base Patch." .which eemes to th Helllg theatre seat Monday, Tuesday sad Wednesday ' Bights. April . 10 and 11, with a aoeelal-prlce Batlnea Weihweday. seems to hare the Boat saner sbasaaat Tltantjy. rrooi the first, the dramaM. satloa at Mrs. Sice's two popular stories, "Mrs. Wlzs" aad "Lore Marr." met with a Seme ef sopnlsr- rams -mors entbnelaeti. If aoythmt. than that awarded those "beat salHne" xmU of low life m siesa streets. Seats sew eelllas at the sos office of the Helllg tbsatra. Baker Seats In Demand. . . The rsaiarsaMe eosorranltv ef aaetna tlrti liake's great pUy, "Leah Eleahna," at popular prices Is being takes sdrsotase et by hosts ef thestrs-soers Is ' Portland. Oonaeqaentlr the Baker has been plartag to eapaetty booses all this week. While It wss expected that this play would sears a strong success, the trenien doos denuud for seats waa scarcely dreamed of. Baker's Strong Attraction. "The JnAge and the Jory" Is the title ef the plsy which will be sees Best week at the Baker, beslralns aezt Boaday efternaos. This Morospo prodnrllon made aa Inatantsneose sae- esss whea It wss first presented st tbs Bnrnank theatre ni um Asceies. snd erttlrs everywhere save gim n mssrasDiy dhib praise. r AH Seeing "Olo Olaon.'V It's resiarkabl how aiany people -want te see "Ole Olsos" every time It appear la Port- lead. It's at the empire mis week. One res' bob for this ts that there Is ss naaeh la th play tost strikes richt boaie that It ess sever hs forgotten. Bea Headrieka Is the Boat ene- eessfal Intersreter ef the fa moos character ef Ole. Matinee satorday, . "A Btranger la Team' opens Sunday. , A Stranger in Towh.H At the Empire next week "A Btranger ta Tows," eae of the very fanaleet ef Bostea! roBedles, win he presented. This product too Is qnlte est ef the ordinary, and shows that the Bmptr nanacement always provides a vsriety ef amnaement for th patrons ef thst ever-popalar theatre. "A Strasser ta Tows' opeea with the Rsndsy suttnee. afatlasei Wed- Bssday asa saturdsy. MWlncbeetrn at Star. ' Do aot foret the Bathes ef "Winchester" st the Star theatre tomorrow afternoon. This Is tbs greet drll war drama ef welch yoa hare heard a mark, ans the Aiiea stock . com pa 117 la giving a performaBee which is taxlag the eapaeltv of the theatre every eveslna. "Win ch eter" Is ths story of the love ef a soathers Ctrl for a soldier sad her efforta to save klm from execellon when he Is falsely sensed ef being a traitor. 'Winchester" will make von lore year eonntry more, it la a patriotic Slav. The last perforsisBeee will be glvsa- snaday arterBoos ana avnt. Beats are now on sale. At the Grand. From the epenrsg act te the avniag plerarae k XX 1 dull spaelslty m the vandevllla prosTsm at- the Oread this week. . The headline attracUoa la Belle Steae. a 70a nf woaaa who maaea s oarus asceni oc a apwai stairway m a steel gwne. boiobmb is a nghtnlnc calcniatnr. the gresleet In the world. Csrr snd Jordan have a euaing aa traveaty set which M ea tartatatog aad earn leal, and there are a aamher ef ether spermines which so to Bske thla week's prosrsB on which should ant he Biased hy those who like a bright and airy estsrtals- , "Carmen' at the Lyric, r Tea eturht to take advaatags ef the ehance to see a apectscalar product ton of "Careen at sopnlsr prices at the Lrrk this week. It has proved the beat thing the LrrU stock eooj. pany has eoaa. There Is a Batlase every day sas two performances Mtnrasy snd Bnnday slhts, the first eomBeaetng st T:1S e'elock. Seata Bar be reserved by telephone or eecared at the theatre bos efflce. The Gamekeeper." The OamAaeper,M the sseeeasral drama ef Knells eosatry life, wlU be the hill next week at the Lyric Bneclal preparations hsve bees made to tle a noteworthy prodactloa of this fumona ptaf. st sale onena Simdae mornlnf. . . iTsr aaoAvsa vour cotieh is only In ths throat and does not trouble you now, don't think that it neeoa no attention. When It has pot had much ef a start Is th tlm to check It. The slightest cough eas ily leads to Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Consumption. A bottle of Ballard's Horehouno eyrup will cur that coush. The price cuts It within reach ef all. IfcuJd br aU drug giata, - 1' - V) T 130inl07 NRSTflT. tf -You, f.Ir. Should : Not Put U I0U Buying New Spring Suit A day longer.- Bummer weather will be upon us almost before we know It, and you taust hav a new, lighter weight suit or swelter. Sunday should find you togged out spick and span. Mind over mattsr gets Its influence on a warm day. Th ' way a man looks has a great deal to d with th way h -1 eels. . When the friend h meets sixes him np . and says "How nice and cool you roosL"-m mental thermo , ster takes an Instant drop, and he concludes he Isn't so awfully hot after all. Everything a man wants In handeenrer stylish clothing for spring and summer dsys is here ae matte. . ' what his' taste, at any ; price he wants to pay, and at ... Grandfather's ' Cure for v Constipation REAT medicine, the Sawbuclr, - Two hoars day eawtrif wood "IB keep anyone's Bowels regular. ' No need of pills. Cathartics, Castor OH, nor ".Physio," if you'll only work the Sawbuck rerularly. , ' "-. .. - Eierctse Is Nature's Cure for Const! pation and, Ten-Mils walk will do, if you haven't got S wood-pile. But, If you wtn take your Exercise to an Easy Chair, there's only one way to do that', because, there's only one kind of Artificial Exercise for the Bowels and its name is 'CASCARETS.,, Cascarets are (he only means to exer cise the. Bowel Muscles without work. . ;J, ' ' e e . e ' ' -( ' They don'l Purre,.Crips, nor "upset ". your Stomaoh," because the don't set like "PhygW' ' ' They .don't flush oat your Bowels and IntesUnes with a costly waste of Digest ' tve Juice,' as Salts, Castof Oil, Calomel, Jalap, or Aperient Waters always do. ' " No Cascarets strengthen and stimu late the Bdwel Muscles, that line ths Food passages and that tighten up whea food touches them, thus driving the food to its finish. . -... '-. " , . A Casoaret acts on your Bowel Mus cles ss if you had Just sawed s cord of wood, or walked ten miles. . ..Cascarets move the Food Nsturally, . digesting it without waste of tomorrow's Gastriq Juice. .. . e: s ra : : - .The thin, flat, Ten-Cent Box Is mads to fit your Vest pocket, or "My Lady's" Purse. Druggists 10 Cents s Box. ' Carry It constantly with you and take Cascaret whenever you suspect you need one.. - ; ; Be very careful to get the genuine made only by the Sterling Remedy Com pany, and never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCa"" arsi How's Your Wile ? Is sh old and cranky, young and happ.-, or howT Oentlemen, ' the ladles , Ilk diamonds and ' pretty jewelry. Whether old, cranky, young or happy, or . ' -.' whether non ef these, remem- . bet they are. still vour wives , an you have sworn to oherlsh . them te do all In your power ' to make them happy. r . .j " Boyller a Diamond ( " - 1 '.''... on credit ' On dollar a week will do. We, sell duunonda watches, jewelry en credit, , Our part payment plan makes it easy for any one te get a diamond. Call and let us x- plain, er els writ and our -agent will call, . . Standard Jewelry Store IBS TntO STaVBST. 1 Opposite stakes Theatre, SPINAL MENINGITIS ,. HISTORY IN TACOMA -. ' (Special Mepatch te The 7oaraal.) Tacoma. Wash., April City Bae- tertologlet Bebb and City HeaUh Of ficer Green hav gathered curious data regarding splnsl meningitis, which they say has now died out here They say thd disease visited Tacoma In two waves, on lasting February IS te tl and the other March IS te It. Of tha 41 cases tn Tacoma. II were In fam ilies already visited by th Olseaae. Ten wm rvllliliiiin Han, Fetching Chic Indeed Arc Those NewGibsotf'SIlIi Shirt Waist Suits FOR lYO-JEN That "Poem8,"-i-Smrt. trim and trig new suits, infinite choos ing from great variety. The not of fashion tings out strong throughout the full line of these beautiful concep tions for femininity's spring and summer wear Handsome " patterns in exquisite silks that are full of verve, richness THE BEST $3 HAT IN THE 50,000 SOLD, NOT - BEN SELLING LEADING Have You . bvt:' . iNjuraDcr -so. 1 ; , - Ii So, Present Same at Once : Bruhri & Company rare S4 SVtaet rint and Aider Streets The Scientific Construction of Tailor Made Shirt Has reached, the highest point of perfectionin material, style, wearing' strength snd exclusive designs at THE, JACOBS SHIRT CO; Phone Main 1087. 281 Stark' St, Bet. Fourth and Fifth Sts. of th subjects' were under IS years of eg end non' was over SO. Sevan of th subjects sr still living, but two of then are deaf. Th other, five are not yet euCef danger. ' - : Who Nssds Coal? To those who need eoal we announce that ths Independent Coal a lee com nany have plenty of lump ooal of excel, lent quality. Deliveries mads promptly. Phone Main TIS or lUS. . . ! rvef erred grteea Oaaaaa wdg, . Aiiea eV i-ewir vi siraaa, . . , i ( and dursbility. iiverjr wo man should hsve st least' one silk shirt waist in her summer wardrobe. Get it ( now get two. Why notr When you- can supply yourself t . prices lower for credir than other stores ssk for cash and . py us ' WORLD ONE RETURNED HATTER 9 Phone Main 2958 Hay's Iloir-llcalili Restores Gray Hair to Youthful Color. COo. ALU DRUGGISTS. C 1 WiEI