The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 05, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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n ,
w "Hands np and stand perfectly stiur
. was the command which greeted Henry
' Hahn. preeldent of Wad ham 6 Co., at
' 11 o'clock lut night aa ha atooped ovar
to unlock tb door ox, hit realdence. iza
, Cornell road. - . .
Tha barral of a revolver waa praaaed
, against hta back to Jend force to tha
words, ..then hla pockets were searched,
after ha had bacn ordered to keep bla
. bock tamed and faca tha door. -A fold
watoa waa taken from hla pockat and
tllO in silver. . r .
iA wide veranda swings acroaa 'tha
antlra front 9f tha Hahn, with
. an "L" on tha north aide, Tha 'latter at
night la In darkness and It waa hara
. that tha masked burglar atood waiting
' Mr. 1 Hahn'a approach.' Prior to that
.' tima be had gln.d: entrance .toths
baacment, imnaackt i , tha laundry and
- aecured several towels, which ha
wrapped around ' hta feet. Mr. Hahn did
not him cloaa ovar. from tha far
".and of tha veranda.'..
'"'.''' Xgaores' Bobaer'a Order.' "
Letrv After the burglar bad taken- an tha
valuablea from.' bla vlcum a-pockata ba
ordered Mr. Hahn to unlock tha door
, and enter tha bouaa. , 'Inaido tha burg
lar commanded htm to go upstairs,
, whloh Mr. Hahn did willingly Jo hopes
that ha could get to hie room and aa-
' euro bla revolver. ' ' - v .'"
On tha way up. Mrs. Sheldon, a
' daughter of Mr. Hahn, acreamed loudly
for help and the burglar gruffly com
manded Mr. Hahn to have tha nolae
, cease, but tha latter turned at tha top
of tha atalra and kept steadily on for
Jla room . Jit front, refusing to, comply
with tha robber'a. demand. '
' When-the two reached Mr. 'Hahn'a
room the burglar kept hla revolver lev-
President of Wadharns A Co. Latest Victim of Marauder of the
. Fashionable Resjdencealses Vyatch (He Has Worri for '
' . Twenty-Five Years, Showing Man's Inexperience.
aled at tha former aa he searched the
room for valuablea..- Ha demanded more
money and upon being told that he had
secured all there waa In tha bouae made
a dash for the door closing It quickly
behind him, . -
' empties au it Burglar,
' Mr. Hahn 'Immediately opened a bu
reau drawer and, snatching bla re
volver, rushed down atalra upon tha
front porch. , He watted only few mo
menta before aeeing the burglar round
the corner of the house at the rear and
start for the wire fence between the
Hahn and . Klngsley yard a Mr. Hahn
began firing and tha burglar turned and
disappeared gover the hill back of the
residence. . 's.
Mra. Sheldon Mated this morning that
oho had- heard a olee on the frost yorob f
several times before her father re
turn, and heard the surglsr command
Mr. Hbn' to throw up hla hands. Aa
soon aa the front door opened aha
rushed Into har room and began calling
loudly in the hopea of arousing her
brother Leo, who waa aaleep In another
room, or attracting tha attention of tha
Aa tha two marched down the ball
aha heard the burglar command her
father to "make that woman ahut up,"
and aha complied with the request by
making mora notaa. Bbe did not see the
burglar and so could not give a descrip
tion of hlra.
"I think tha work was done by -
novice." said Mr. Hahn thla moralist.
"He didn't Impress mo aa being an old
hand st the business. - The experience
waa. not at all pleasant, and I regret
very much having lost my watch, it
waa one which X had worn for the past
25 years and J prised It highly."
.... . . .- y
Federal Government Encourag-
' ing little Reclamation Pro- the returns Justify the hard work and
J the lack of capital often need be no
ects on Desert.
"Onf" Ijistanco'Citeil by Oo i r r u iiifut
Engineer to . Show Profit ' of In-
; . . duatry and ThriftFixed for Life
ob Desert Claim.
' (Wtshlaatoa Iimi tt The Joeraal.)
."."Washington. . April I. The federal
government ta encouraging small rrt
' gallon enterprises, contrary to the gen
! eral impression in the west. One of
. tha moat acte dlvtalona of the agri
cultural department la that of Irrigation
and drainage. T. C Herrmann, one of
tta engineers, with assistants, has trav
eled extensively through the western
states .and now makes 'Statement
which contalna valuable . Information
for ranchers who desire to develop
mailer plants than thoaa available to
large capital and - extensive reclama
tion of acreage.
Probably the action of soma of tha
men who represent the government la
the western reclamation service haa
Justified the belief that tha governmnt
desires to monopolise the irrigation
business But it appear to be the
settled policy to encourage the email'
plana of the men who can reclaim even
ao little aa ttO acres under tha desert
land lsws. - -. ,
Mr. Herrmann tells some talea which
are not built on the theory that there
will be no hardships in developing
those smaller plants. . )
. .'. ... .;- etUani . ta SataeeV: " .
1 have noticed." ha aaye, "that tha
aettlere oa the desert lands are deadly
in earnest, and that they endure hard
ships and eelf -denial often before they
bring their enterprises to aucceaa. But
bar, because the local banker usually
will back a schema which haa for Its
object the addition to tha wealth of tha
locality and especially when the plana
are broached by men or a man of
known honesty and desire to protect
credit. . .
- "The development " of the weat baa
been wonderful. Vast areas have been
reclaimed from the desert wastes, and
thla haa added to the wealth of tha
nation materially. But In many locali
ties the question of a water supply la
serious to the smaller operator on farm
and ranch, and he must witneaa the
flood time waters rush down the moun
tainsides dofng damage Instead of as
sisting in the creation of wealth.
. 'The small I rrl ration plant Is within
the reach of alntost any rancher. It
need not be that expensive engineering
skill la employed, either, and moat in
telligent men . of Industry an carry
through their enterprise to success If
only they have the perseverance and
ordinary knowledge of water and Irri
gation.' .
, 1 Small riant Cited.
Mr. Herrmann then illustrates the
idea by citing the experience of a Mr.
Harris who in the west 'developed t
plant which now la paying him good
return on a email Investment. , Mr.
Harria baa ISO acres of desert land.
He expended a total of tit an aero In
buying tha land from the government
and building two ditches, on 1 and
the other three miles long. He had
159 acres of alfalfa to Irrigate. From
this ho figured conservatively on three
, v Tha kidaeya ara eaaentyal organs
for keeping1 tha body free from lm-
Suritiea. If they should fall to work
eath would enaue In very short time.
Inflammation or Irritation, eaoaed
by soma feminine derangement may
spread to some extent to tha Kldneva
and affect them, Tha eauaa can be
ao far removed by nalng Lydia B.
Plakham'a Ve (rotable Compound
that tha trouble w'll disappear.
When m woman la troubled with
pain or weight In loina, backache,
welling- of tha llmba or feet, a well
ing under the eyea, an uneasy, tired
feelinr in tha region of tha kidneys,
the should lose no time In com
men clef treatment wHh"---'r-'
Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
It may ba tha means of saving har Ufa. Bead what this medicine did
for Kate A. Beam. ISO Weat 7ti Street, New York, who writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham: "I owe debt of gratitude to Lydia B. Pink
barn's Vegetable Compound for It haa saved my life. I Buffered with
Kidney trouble.' irrefularltiea and painful periods, and my blood was
fast turolBf to water. I used your medloina for soma time and it haa
made me strong and well." ' - ' .
Lydia B. Plakhaan's Vefetabto Compound made from native roots
and herbe euree Female Complain ta. auoa aa Falling- and Displacements,
and Organic. Diseases. JWeolvea and expels Tnmora at an early ataga.
It strengthens and tones the Stomach. Cures Headache, General Debility
and invigorates tha whole system.- For derangement of the Kidneys in
either sex byam jg. ruHtnama vegwcaoie MipwiwiuM
- Mm. Pinkham's Invitation to Women v
Women snfferlnr from any form of female illness ara invited to writ
Mrs. Pinkham. at Lran. Mass., for advice. It is free. - .
tons aa acre a year, at market value of
tt. , He knew that ordinarily he would
lose about IS per cent a year during
the severe winter from his sheep bands
Ho estimated that a aheap eats four
pounda of bay a day. and for to daya
of winter feeding MOO aheep could
be fed on the 160 acrea. Ha also found
that thla good are of hla sheep In
creased . tha wool clip, one pound, be
sides tha value of the fibre which did
not have the "breaks" caused by inter
mittent cold and warm apalla when
aheep are poorly fed. - Hla results were
shown in tha following table:
. What xa Oalaeo'
Gain In wool. S.IOt lbs. at 10
cents J..-t I0
Gala ta mutton. IS.tOO lbs. at '
-eenta 1,110
Gain la avoiding range losses.
160 sheep at ft............... -MM
Gross gains.... ,....t 1.710
From which deduct
Costvof farming at M an acre....! too
Interest on Investment 1(0
Gross deductions.
Net gains....; tMTO
Not a grand - scheme involving the
reclamation of vast areas with the cost
running Into the millions, and gigantic
dama constructed by world-famous en
gineers; only a small ranch scheme,
owned by one man who financed hla
own plsnS with the aid of the local
banker, who had learned thst Mr. Harris
paid his obligations and "made good"
ss to bis credit. Only a 120-acre enter
prise, but when It waa completed there
waa one western rancher who had es
tablished himself for life with a surety
that ha would not have to quarrel with
a lot of fellow water use re a long a
big ditch enterprise of the larger eort.
ii " . ..j
(SaacUl rjHMMteaj The JoaraaL
Tacoma. Wash April f. Game War
den Thompson of Pierce county la mak
Ing the experiment to see If the red fog
squirrel of the eaat will thrive In the
northwest and live on plnenute. He la
importing a number of the squirrels
from Wichita, Kansas, and wtu turn
them loose in tha sound forests. With
in a few daya he will also receive from
the east SO dosen bobwhlte quells with
which to continue the stocking of the
fields of the Puyallup and Stuck river
valleys. He haa already imported a
number of these birds and they are do
ing well. - . ... i
New Mexico Plant Unique Ob to Commemorate
. Reclamation woric.
National ang Territorial Officials to
Be Present Cost, Borne by Leg
islatureGreat Coat of Mesllla
Valley Project. .
Strong arid Vigorous After
Fdrtyei jrht. Years Married Life
( ?,'y
. " ," ,4 - ...
Mrs. Emery S.
of Woonsockct,
Mr. and
R-, 1 ' have been married 48
years, and are still hale and
heartyr and owtr thdnsld age
;and vigor to DUFFY'S PURE
Southwick wrote on Sept. 10th,
,1906: :;r'7;:'
i -..
i "I deem it sufficient to say that I
. have used ; DUFFY'S MALT
;WHISKEY and have' received
marked benefit from it. If I live till
. the 10th of October I will complete
" my 72 years, and I guess I shall for
fl am in ' pretty good health now.
Your Malt Whiskey must have the
credit therefor."
:- : ' .1 ';'''',
' , Mr. Southwick is one of the many
thousands - of men - and - women
throughout the United States who
owe their vigor, strength and long
life to the great Tonic Stimulant and
k Renewer . of 'Youth, Duffy's Pure
;Malt Whiskey, and join in extolling
its merits. ' " .
la an absolutely pure.
gives power to the brat
fhe vital forces, it mskee dlsestlon
tatna It la Invaluable for overworked
strengthen the system, la a promoter
lmlTy's l ure Xlslt Whlakey Is rrnnl
"v u omrjiBrs, rrooi'i una aeaiere, or oireni, ta sealed aovtiee oalyi merer ta bulk. Mae Bl. Vmele ei,
i . . . ... . , . . ,. , vi i-o-k i.w.ri ti renueq ponies aaa
r tie and Invigorating atimulant and totiks. bulMe u the nerve tlsauea. tonea up the heat,
etrensth and elasticity to the musclee and rlchneee to the blood. It brlnca lata action eft
ion perrect anil enablea you to get from the tood you eat the nourishment It eon
rked men. delicate women and sickly ehllnren. aa It lea food already digested. It
oter of g.wd health and lonaevlty, makes the old young end keepe tha-young sirens
nnled ea a mertlrln everywhere. Thla la a guarantee , .
-in hy or
ailvtce i.
apvriou analt
n-v ere rosi'i v.iy nerwraJ aaA will mak eue. Ulna.
rwashfaigtea Bursae at The Jearael.)
Washington, April I. New Mexico la
preparing for a unlaua 'Celebratloa to
take place July S. 4 and at Carlsbad.
Thla celebratloa waa authorised by tha
legislature, and. the'expenaea wm be
borne by r the territorial-treasury. its
purpose being to commemorate the be
ginning of government Irrigation in the
territory. ' - " '
In authorising tha ' eeebratlon the
New Mexico legislature paaaed reaolu
tlona carrying a vote of thanka to F. H.
Newell, the director of the reclamation
service, to the aupervlalng engineer
whoae faithful and efficient eervlcea
have been aa important factor in bring
ing about tha dealred re suite, and to
other officials of the servloe la the territory-
It is expected that tbe secre
tary of the Interior, the governor of tbe
territory, the director of the reclama
tion service and ether -prominent offi
cials and cltlsens will be present st the
celebration. . ' ' ,
Tares Irrigation Vrojeeta.
The Territory 'of New Mexico haa
been especially fortunate in the amount
of work and attention devoted to tt
under the terms of the reclamation act,
three projecta having been approved.
and two practically completed, la the
past three years. "'
The Kio Honoo project near tne city
of Roewell has been completed at a
coat of about 1360,000. and water Is
available for the Irrigation of 11.000
acres of fertile land during tha present
eaaon. '
The Carlsbad project In tha south
eastern part of tha territory Is now
nearing completion, and a telegram re
ceived la the Waahlngton oKlce this
morning atated . that -the. first water
waa turned into the main canal yester
day at i o'clock. This project waa pri
marily undertaken by the government
at tbe urgent request of the settle ra to
aave their property and homes which
were threatened with d eat ruction by
drouth, as the reeult of a flood which
washed away a portion of the Avaloa
dam. upon which their canal system
depended for lta supply.
Acting upon the advice of eminent
eonaultlug englneera -a- aora whU of re
inforced concrete waa built jfrom.bed
rock to the crest of the dam. There la
uo poaalbiUty of any flood ever waahlna
away thla structure. On the lower side
of the dam la a rock fill which would
prevent erosion In ease flood waters
should sweep over the dam. Tha rein
forced concrete conduit which waa con
structed arroaa the Fecoa river by the
former owners of he system haa been
strengthened and tha foundatlone car
ried to bed rock.
Acroaa Dark canyon Is a atnhon. elr.
enlar In form, and of sufficient slae
for a six-foot man to walk . throne
standing uprlaht. , The canal haa been
widened and deepened and built on mri.
entlfio principles, so aa to carry tbe
greatest amount of water with th. mm
excavation, - The thoroughneaa of con
struction ta a aubject of congratulation
among the aettlere of the valley, and
they feel that their lands and orchards
are assured to them forever, and that
dry aeaaona are new relegated to the
past Thla work when completed will
oe more than MOO.OOt mn will eupply
tt.000 acree with water. ' .
Over In the MeaUla vallav .,k i.
being ruahed on a i 00-foot
dam for the purpose of supplying water
w one unn or tne mo o ramie protect,
the lasburg diversion. The headworka
111 be connected with the m t...
Cruces system by a canal six mti..
long. Before thla project ia finished a
glgantlo dam will be constructed acroaa
tha Rio Grande near nele. forming a
lake mllea long and atorlng water
rorin irrigation or lo.O0rt acres of
land lying In New Mexico, Texas and
oia Mexico, it Will COBS 17.100.000. .
UeenaeJ Ssertet Siili.
London. April . That Sir Alexander
Bwenennam - realgned aa . governor of
Jamaica because he had received from
the colonial office a peremptory demand
that he arxvloaiae to Admiral Davis la
atated In the Htandunt today. - Sir Alex
ander compiled, and aeot In hla resigna
tion at the some time, lie denlea that
he ever bad any trouble with Admiral
Davie. . . . .
-Many Ncw and Artistic-
Models for tittle M
MOTHERS who have boys to clothe should
not delay their inspection of our matchless
assortment of children s wearables for spring
and summer. ; X ; . ;
: . Extremely smart effects in the genuine
Buster Brown and Peter Pans, Double Breast- f
ed Suits with Knickerbocker and straight
pants, Sailor Suits, , and the. New French ;
J aa ' sT ' .' - ' r ' anam
Keeiers. uur department attorns tne convei
iences of a first floor, telephone, good lights
ample room and courteous salesmen. -Modest
prices prevail." . y ' ':
Fre witH every tSult or lefor at 03.35 or ovtr,
a pair of Roller iShates or Arrow Pistol and Target
Rich Mining District Crows Rap-
Idly Rush of Miners for
' Spring Work Begins:
Blae Ledga District Now Covers 250
Banare Miles Has Mora Tbaa a
Thonaand Claims Men Needed to
Do the Work.
fSithl Menstrh ta Tka fcaraal.t
Medford, Or.. April I. The blockade
between this elty and Blue Ledge copper
camp, eansed by the recent heavy floods
and storms. Is bow broken, and tha
stages are soaking their regular ached
ale. Two eoaches leavs here dally
loaded with passengers and mall for
the minee. '' ' "
The number of men, bound for the
eamp ta dally increasing, aa many claim
ownera who have been abeent during
tha winter are returning to the camp
to da their annaal aeeeeement work
Th Blue Ledge Mining company is
employing all the men It can secure,
and already haa S60 oa lta payroll.
This number la being increased aa fast
aa mn can ba secured end places made
for them.
Mem are not only employed la the
mlnea. but also ia erecting buildings,
constructing bridges and on the roede.
A string of freight wagon is continual
ly on the road between Medford and
Blue Ledge, moving the Immense amount
of machinery and auppllea. Tha road
leads from Medford past Jacksonville,
thea aver the divide and followe a
water grade np Applegate river to
within foar miles of Blue Ledue camp,
a distance ef tt miles..
Tha border lines of tha camp have
been much enlarged by the large num
ber of claims recently located. The dis
trict Is now fully 10 mllea wide and- tt
mllea long, and haa been entirely lo
cated, there being , more than 1.000
elaime. - Beeldee the Blue Ledge there
are scores of other very promising
groups, many ef them bandied by
wealthy mining man. or by eaatern
co rpo rations.
The principal groupe of tha district
under development, and which have
been developed to a depth of from too
to 1.000 feet, are tha Bloomfleid. Cop
per King. Cook A Oreen, Joe Creek.
Medford. Blue Canyon.' Mounuin Qun,
Reddy A Rodgera. Callahan. Tom Cat,
fit. Alhana Morrta A Wakefield. Tin
Cup, EglV Kylak, Jeldneaa. anient R.m,
Ooesan King. Sweeney. Haff. Shaw A
Good coffee for break
fast, good morning; tL! ;
fair for good day.
Toer rveeer eMorns yof aaf tt ro i - I
like SckilUsf ' But.
Made from
effectively .
"X ' -
S ins. hlg
10 tea. in
diameter; '
and gold V
Regular Price 50c Special 20
Made from
Royal .
China "
! ;
iy, ins. hf'i.
10 ins. in
diameter, ,
and gold -trimmed.
' ,
Regular Price 50c. Special 20
Campbell, Anderson A 8haw, Midnight.
Sunrlaa, P pence r, Neuber A Watte, Lund
gran Moaee. Buck ft Hulllvan, Kaw
cett. MaJlory A Jeldneaa, 6toner, Ppiker,
Blggera A Ferclval, Morgan A liughna.
T! e po
r rt ef tbe
Mackle of the Commercial Inr.--com
pan v ni'le the eale, Mr.
oimoun-NMi tbt he will aon
banctvnma, rr'"lrn apartment h ! -the
F"l 1
i .