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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1907)
3 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING?. PRIL 5, 1807. '0 "7X IS. ...At-AiiH;..?AvMi T"-rrT f 'sV HI The Store Where WooIcds Meet the Modes 'CAW SEE :THEEMJTY L r : M s n Til ' M MM T V. M . 1 ' L'J and Elegance oJ Our Incom parable Suits and fopeoate But it required th concentrated attention of many expert eyes and hands to . produce them. To see them is to admire 'em, to desire 'em. and, to determine to acquire them. Prices her arc never quite so high as at other stores don't -need to be- We manufacture every garment we sell, out of pure wool cloth (not a thread of cotton enters into any suit ' or topcoat sold at this store) woven by the Brownsville or Salem Woolen Mills and made up by our own expert tailors and workmen at our New York factory. .. ' ." CLOTHS WOVEN IN OREGON.' THE . HOME OF QUALITY" CLOTHES BUILT IN NEW YORK. THE COURT OF FASHION N6mlddIemahVtJohberi) proflrtfr pay liererthatlr saved for you. This ir the only store in Portland that manufactures Its own garments. - SPEAKING OF SUITS AT . Is there another maker of men's clothes who puts the same cut into 'his $15.00 suit as into his best suits;, who uses cloth of a grade that usually goes into $20.00 suits in his $15.00 suits; ' whose tailors are exactly th same no matter what the clothes are intended to selljor? ' Yet, this is exactly the marked distinction between "one ,: of our $15.00 suits and a auit that can be bought anywhere else for the same price. .'. The tailors there are good tailors everywhere, but usually they are not employed on the less expensive grsdes. We couldn't do it either, except for the enormous scope of our business and the fact of being . manufacturers, we can do it, and come put even on the; average cost We have good, sound reasons for saying that $15.00, $18.00 and $20.00 cannot buy, anywhere, such suits as we sell at these prices, and if you "will examine carefunyroT-aslrus to show yon, you will see in a minute - what this intelligence in making clothes means to you. , mm Brownsville fcicn Mill Store UUl la Hxa do&iaa CCR. TEIRD AND STASK STREETS The flat That Sets the Fashion for '07 f Hie For durability, style and quality It has no equal. The only difference between die "Stanley" Hat and the best' thst others seU at $5.00, is,$2.00 . the $2.00 you save ' when you buy A Stanley for i sa i . MI a.-, w mm nn a a I US I: '!::--y'-:--'yry. ,':. y--- yy 'Ski 4 y yxy.' YOUR SPRWGr SUIT is ready and it need not cost you more than $11 . We have over One Thousand Suits to choose ?: from and you will wonder how we do it-and -so do our competitors who charge from $5 to $8 more. ; You will find the identical pat terns and -fabrics in up-town stores at $15 to $20 -Why pay the difference? : 7 v WHEN YOU SEE IT IN r OUR AD IT'S SO THIRD -AND OAK MBBa V .. . - ; BBS- , mttm . . a ammm , 1 5 FIR E EN G I f J ES OF STEAfsl TYPE lncru In Department Being , ; Provided for by the Ex-, - r eoutive Board. ; QUESTION OF EASTERN : OR PORTLAND WAGONS DeUveey Quicker From the Easter- ' Innfactiurs but Vehicles) Made ( Here Are Much Snpertor Csunp- 1 bell Making an I-Vfrtigatkm. 1 r h miniiM nt tha Durohaae of t.nn Lt for lh alx MW n(ln COVOf panin about to be Installed In the city waa taken tip by the fire commute of the executive board yeeteraay aix noon. Nothlne waa done further tb to authorise Chief Campbell to purchase horaes for the companlee as they are oreanised. The new companies will be -luoated on Portland Helghtawat. High land. Brooklyn, Third and Qllsan, Grand avenue and Multnomah street and East Twcnty-elrhtb and Kast Davie , atreets. The Blchland rhemlcal will be trans ferred to Multnomah when the steam vnglne la Installed at the former place. ' The Increase In the number of apparatus ' will give the city It steam engine oom panlea. At present the number Is nine. JTar the furnishing of a combination 4 lemlcal engine and hone wagon, A. O. Lona submitted a bid of tl.700. He agreed to deliver a Champion wagon, " iiurh as haa been need ever elnce ehemU ral engines have been need In Port land.' within SO days. If he were not required to build it In Portland. If the . wagon had to be built in Portland, be could not promise delivery before Sep tember. Lang s Mulr, whom he had elected as bulldera. had presented bids ttr hose wagons and he did not believe they would take hla 'work , before they had flnlxhed their own. Fire Chief Campbell recommended that the Champion engine complete, made in the eeat. be purchased and that no money be wasted In experiments here. As to hose wagone. the chief eaid they could be built here at a leaa roet than they could In the east. More over, they would be better constructed. The Portland-built wagons, the chief ea Id. were far Superior to the wagons l.onnht In the east. after a dlsrusplon. the whole matter was referred to Chief Campbell for ln vcatlgatlon and report.- - - v A Prlnevllle local dramatle company I layed "Macbeth." - FIGHT OVER WIDENING OF EAST 6LISAN STREET . ' i . ' Montavilla Demands Boulevard, - - but Property Owners on . Street Object. ' ' A bis fight Is on between the two factions In Montavilla who are contend ing; for a SO-foot street and an So-foot street, respectively, from Montavilla via Villa avenue and Eaat Gllaaa street In to the city. The Montavilla push clubs succeeded not long ago in uniting eo this question but there is some differ ence of opinion among the property holders alone the thoroughfare. The people In Montavilla have been firhting for an open street to the city through the Ladd farm for a number of years and on the return from hla trip st a few months ago w. M. etdd granted' an 80-foot etret f a street of similar .width' be opened to the, city. The:-other property owners have not been so generous with their smeller holdings and a protective association has even been organised by the Eaat Qllsan street property holders to pro tect themselves from the machinations of the Montavlllans. Two petitions are being circulated and aa far aa can be determined they will be about equally well signed. The final struggle wiu be made next Friday and the friends of the wide street are a ttttle dubious aa to their success. They argue that . they are looking into the future when the city shall be larger; that Portland hir ai ready toe many narrow streets and that how le the time to widen them. - . . . m . HOW NOT TO DALLY ' WITH THE CHILDREN 4BBB-a -- At the regular meeting of the Home Training association - held at the city hall yesterday afternoon the all-absorbing maternal problem "How to Over come the Habit ef Dallying With Children." was thoroughly discussed. It waa the intention to have taken up two other Important topics but the subject mentioned consumed so much time that the other matters were postponed for consideration until the next meeting. The association will meet at the Wood- lawn school at I o'clock tomorrow after noon and a circle will also be formed at the Peninsula achool today. . In yy roaos ement! .TOMORROW IS THE E AST SATURDAYAll goods consigned to us must be turiicdjnto cash at once People of Oregon and Washington, this is your chance to get even with the trusts : DMDSTTdDN STTdDOB 1 First and Salition Sts. WILL SELL YOU YOUR SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES AND FURNISHINGS AT FROM 15c TO 35c ON THE DOLLAR .REMEMBER, THE RAILROADS AND INSURANCE COMPANIES PAY THE DIFFERENCE. The world's best in Men's and Women's wearing apparel for irpring bright here at yoiir door at a tavm you of from '25c to 75c on every . dollar you spend. Does it interest your; ; -T ' ' 1 v : ASTORIA Tor Infanta aod CMMren. r.jK:J Yea K:ti teji t::$ Eears the feature of Roothea itchinar akin. Heals cuta or burns without a scar, cures piles, et sema, salt rheum, any Itching. Doan'S uintment. . lour eruggiat sous it. LAST TRIBUTE PAID V MRS. M. S. BELLINGER ' eajeasawawassaaaaawaeBi x If any friends gathered at the chapel of the Portland Crematorium yester day afternoon to pay their last tribute of respect to the memory of Mrs. Mar garet Serena Bellinger, widow of the late United States Judge C. B. Bellinger. Dr. T. I. Eliot, minister emeritus of the Unitarian church, conducted the serv ices preceding tha cremation. The ao tlve pallbearers were chosen from, the children and grandchildren of tha oe ceaeed. The honorary pallbearera were: Ex-l'nlted flutes ftenator Joseph 81. roon, United Btatfe Circuit Judae Wil liam B. Ollhert. United Rtates District Judae C. E. Wolverton, C. J. Reed. R. U Bebla aod B. D. McKee, , . , I I mm, III ' i r :.:f.i i i!?j. : rszmwi m in - MEN'S SUITS AND OVER COATS II eaaes ef Men's fine Clothing from Hart. Bchaf fner - . Mara. Alfred Benjamin and Friend Bros. Theee l.tOft Bolts we hare dlrlded into three great lota: UOT 1 Consists of too suits In fancy tweeda and worateda; they eotne in single or. double, breasted; all hand-tailored and were made te eell. .for tla.00. Railroads aay sell them for S6.05 tOT Consists of fine dressy suits. In all colors and cute, all hand-tailored; they are worth 120.00 to ftS.00. nut they must go for 9985 tOT t Comprises the pick of 121.00 to 140.00 suits from these well known makers: they come . In double and elngle-breasted. In fine serges, tweeda and worsted, and are on sale for ..'....-. 912.75 Orereoet at saa i MEN'S PANTS Men's tl.SO and 12.00 Panta go at .'....684 Men's H. 00 worsted Pnnta go at ,.98 Men's PaaU go at 91.50 MEN'S FURNISHINGS 10 oaaas of fine Hale thread Underwear, worth tl.10 auit, only ...a 214 Men's hickory work Shirts, worth I0e any ' place in the union 294 Men'e I8e fast black, double heel and toe Bocks for 74 . Men's white hemmed Handkerchiefs, soft fin ish, ready for uee , 34 Men's loe Rockford Books, all you want ef them for 44 Men'e SOe guaranteed pure etlk Ifeekwear, going at ...lt4 Men's fancy all wool Golf Hose, 11.00 the reg ular price, going for 104 Men's regular 11.00 Dress Bhlrta, all sites and colors, going for .....484 Men's fine colored String Ties, Just the thing for summer at, dosen 54 BOYS' SUITS 10 esses of Boys fins wool Suits, In blue serges, tweeds and worsteds. Tour choice of the lot for, suit 91.69 Boys' Knee Pants, all you want of them In any also for, pair 1 84 Just think of it. Boys IS 00, 1 10.00 and tlt.00 Ovrooata going at '...92.45 5,000 bars of Perfumed "Toilet Soap to be given away Satur day. You or your children are welcome. . ' Ladies' Cj "? Wearing y3 j Apparel fine rfle Walking Bklrt. nieely trimmed with self bands, sad alot seams, worth It.ot at least, going for .92.95 Ladiee three-quarter length Coata, made-of fancy light checked auitlng, collar and cuffs ef green silk relret, a cheap coat at 110.00, going for 94.95 A tO-lach Spring Coat ef fine material and. workmanship, a beauty, going, for.... 92.95 A swell tailor-made Suit ef fine -Imported French auitlng, aloely , trimmed with bratd and French knots, a cheap auit at $10.00, but must go at 9T.60 Ladles' Taffeta Silk Etona, made . of extra, heery silk, trimmed with fine damask braid. - going at 94.95 A beautiful long silk Kimono, made of 'good quality Japanese silk, trimmed with 4-Inch ribbon, a (10.00 article for ......92.95 Ladles' 11.00 Percale Wrappers, made In blue, black er red, with 10-Inch flounce, going at 194 Ladles' blue dimity Kimonos, guaranteed fsst color, going at ... 94 Two raaee of Ladles' Shirt Waists, worth: from II. t te $1.00; they must go, only,.19 Jersey ribbed Undertrear. tha regulsr fOe kind. all sues,-pants or shirts . ........154 A Child's Olnaham School Drees, made of good heery eloth nicely trimmed with braid. I-S54 NOTIONS Just think ef It, Clark's Spool Cotton, white or black, spool .' 14 .Best Feather bone, yard 14 Dexters Knitting Cotton, ball ...... 14 Clark's Darning Cotton, ball 14 White Silk Belts, worth sOo to Tte for..,5H , jseai nasiing uotton, uv yaraa in spool. , MEN'S HATS II eases ef Men's fine Hate, to $5.00 eJuae, cut of which we have made three loU. AH 12.10 Hata go at 91.85 AU $119 HaU go at 91.65 AU $1.00. Hata go at 92.35 : See any greM 2Eat alaplay U window. Shoes Cs ' Shoes Te tha first man. woman or ohlld making a purohasa in eur Shoe Department we wUl give free a pair of shoes. Also to srery loth shoe eustomsr ws will giro free a pair Of shoes. , , . . rick them out yourself, and If yea are the sum eusiomer uey cost you nothing. (