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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, .FRIDAY EVENING. , APRIL fl. 1S07. , ' t 1 7II0MAS DRUM BEATING LOUDLY , . -.. ' ', , ... . . . 1 :t iii J ...;,.,. Man Indorsed for Democratic Nomination Expected , to Com Out and Say What H Will Do Very 'Soon Lane Ex ' - pectedto Come Out as Independent, t ; : Tom Word la the next station'' at svhlcn. George H. Thomas Democratic hip of atate 14 scheduled ta Ko for passengers, 'and many , Democrat ere wondering whether It ,wta ba poaalbla tor Mr. Thomas to iaduoa th e-saerlff, made ao by thq..ffort of aoma who ara now Thomas'henchmen, to mount upon tha hurricane dock and, assist In manag ing ..the bark through tba gathering . ctorm, . ' i . Thomaa and hi friends have baaa 'working - hard alnoe ' tba meeting ' of Wedneeday night ta Una tip hia foreaa for tba battle, tha first aklrmlab of which ta to ba pullad off tonlfbt whan "the ra!thrur-or th -three- elub aneet In 2Vrewa ball u 11 at en to tha report of tha committee chosen to hunt up those .who are willing- to become candidates. Xxpeet tae to Baa. Aooordlng to the political oracles there la nothing -doing In Democratic circles, but tha annotation given out ' with this statement amends It by tha modlncatlon thaalf there la anything n tha wind It la not for publication Just at this time. A large number of tha -Tank and file ara oonddent that mayor Jjui will yet ba beard of. perhaps as an Independent candidate, and tha fon- ' census of dpinlon seem a to be that ha la . stronger today than ba waa before the f peclal committee turned Its frosty breath upon bla candidacy. ' ' Every one la equally confident also ' that Chairman Thomaa la going to enter the race, perhaps making hia announce ment at tha meeting to be held tonight. The. chairman had a long conference . -with Tom AVord yesterday and baa aeen him alnce. and tha rumor haa gone out '.-that overtures ara being mada by the r.lTalAIIOIl MAY BE Attorney Is Alleged to Have In - duced Swede to Swear False . ly andt Bar Association In- vestigates. ' 'Vfi'-'V?'; ' M. J. MoMahon, of tha law firm of McMahon ds MeDevltt 4a the. Washing . ton building, la under the ban of the Bar association and may -ba disbarred. having been accused by B. T. Johnson : of E. T. Johnson eV Company of hav ing induced aa Ignorant Swede to swear ' falsely to a complaint In the case of ; tha atata against William Kldd. His .case is now being Investigated by the proeecutlng officer of the Bar aasooia. .tlonand ia being urged by Mr. Johnson r.who feels the attorney hae bees guilty of conduct unbecoming an. honest at ' torney in hia conduct of tha ease against Kldd. ; - - -- . . -'.i . j peetfia Charge SCada," . - -Tha' specific tharge against McMa hon 'la that he . induced ' Ed Miller to ' awear falsely to a complaint against - William Kldd aa a result of which oom plaint Kldd was brought under arrest i from Bingham Springs, above Fondle- ton, and then upon trial dismissed In ' Justice Reld's - court, the costs of the - ease being taxed by tha court against - Millar, in default of which tha man la now . serving a 71-day; aentenoa upon tha roekpile. According to tha history of tha ease Miller, Kldd and another man were . granted a sub-contract by tha Johnson company to do some won for the O. R. A N. at Bingham Springs. Miller -and his companion, It la aHeged, came to tha ooncluaion that they were going to lose money on the job and deserted, leaving Kldd to do tha work alone. They . arterwarda discovered, that Kldd . making money on the contract, and : Millar asked for a share in tha profits. . amounting to about joo. , - Kaaey mefnsea Warrant, Kldd refused to hand over the-money. ao Miller came to Portland ' and" con . suited McMahon, who 'at once -repaired to the office of the Alatrlct attorney ; and attempted to secure 'a complaint and warrant for tha arrest of Kldd. ' Bert Haney. tha deputy district attor ney, declined to grant tha request and ' subsequently McMahon and Miller went T .before. John, Manning and were given , the complaint and warrant." McMahon , in asking for the complaint stated to ; tha district attorney that Kldd had col lected money dug Miller and that . the ' money had been paid by ' Johnson , to . Kldd In Portland. - . '. Miller atatea that subsequent to the , arrest of Kldd and big return to Port , land McMahon took htm to Man ning's office to hold a -consultation with the district attorney, n the way there - ne aaya McMahon said to him; "I wish there waa aome wayito swear that the money , was paid .In Portland ,and not la Pendlaton.rvt. Sonar VndsfcBded. Miller stated that ha did not see how that could be done aa tha check - paid to Kldd by a eheok on the Pendle- ton Barings bank. After reaching tha office of the district attorney, however, Manning tqld McMahon that tha money had been paid in Pendleton, and H Mahon denied it, stating that ha could make affidavit ta tha fact If need be. On the atatament at McMahon and nil , roachlng of Miller, - the case . was al lowed to go to trial in Justice Reld's court, but whan It was called McMahoa find gone- te Vancouver, leaving his, client to bear the- bruat r the teati. ntnny Offered by Kldd alone and undo f4ed. -' A a- result of tha ehowtng ninrie by. the defense Kldd waa' released i 1'- Miller, I the- complaining wltneea, vartent' to the roekpUa far Tt daya to ork out the ceerta of tha ease, t , 1 j '- ' 'Oaao AgainaeT aacKaho'a.' r.. T. Johnson became Interested in MiUcr'a rase because at tha fact that he as Ignorant of tha law and waa In riiienced by McMahon, and Is making ( t lfnrt to secure hia release from Kelly uiif. . o far, however, he haa been unable1 to find a way out of tha trou ble except It be by habeas corpus pre. fflinu As Miller haa no money to i m sotute the case it is probable he will " out his time. The esse against : -wihon, however, la now in the hands r the prosecuting officer of' the .Bar . i. n lutlon and will be pressed. . ' 1 ree Temocratla candldatea for go- r ff the pew stats of Oklahoma . -w In the race: C K. Haskell of Ie Crura of.Ardmore and i -..i .,f Knld. Either Haskell or - ... ..i-ied to secure the nomuia t i.i roachlng primary. DISBARRED FOR RECRUITS Thomaa organisation looking towards securing the support of tha ex-eherlff ia the event that Thomaa doea come out for tha nomination. : -Mm Word- himself la . very retloeot In regard to anything that haa taken place. . v ' Soon to aHart Tonight.'' "J, "I am awful busy , these daya." ba says. "I have aeen iota of people of course, but I have been too buay to talk politics much, - I have nothing to aay regarding anything that baa oo curred or any consultations which . I may have had, " 1 y 1 S . .Mr. Thomaa aay a there ia nothing new. "it ia funny," ba says, "I have to smile at tha things that ara Bald. It is tha beat way to do." Mayor " ln aayr Stif fleleat -unto the day la tha evil thereof. I bava gone around tha circle and have got back to my biblical foundation. I am living my life aa tha days bring It, which I guesa la tha beat way after elL" Tha meeting tonight will perhaps bring forth something of Interest. Many of tha old guard ara outspoken la their opposition to tha course which tha special committee, headed by Chair man Thomaa, haa taken. Even aoma of thoee who have been classed aa anti acne men are fearful lest the whole program may react aa a- boomerang. - -"If that committee invited Lane to ba a candidate for tha Democratic party. It should have stopped there when he accepted, and should have indorsed him. aa was done two yeara ago. It waa all tomfoolery to bunt around for another man erter xneir xiret onoioe naa oeen accepted." said one of this elsss.-- It le the expectation that thla sentiment will crop out at - tha meeting tonight for which reason an Interesting smoker la predicted. .. .. .. . , i . UNION CLUB IS ONLY A DREAM Merging of Portland Repub licans Under New Head at 'm Present Dead Issue. 1 1 Tha Union Republican club seems to ba an Idle dream and nothing will ba doing m tha political merger Una for several long daya,' according to tha in- dictations sent out by the Portland-Re-j publican club.' - . , - The meeting ;' planned by , the Port land club for -' tonight, at which tha members were to aay whether or not they wculd Ilka to be merged and am el gamated with tha Beaver club- under tha name of tha Union club, will not ba held tonight-as , was contemplated, f Tha offlcera of the club,' after paaalng resolutions announcing that they would not,be merged until ail the ..members of the club had been given a chance to aay whether they desired to disband the Portland club, possessing something like t0 members, decided that the next meeting will bo held on April tt. At this meeting all tha candldatea ara to be invited to-apeak and enow their good points before the assembled mem bers of 'tha party. further than that action there will be nothing doing toward tba merging of tha Republicans unless something out of the ordinary happens. ' - think there will be no action taken by tha promoter of the Union club until after that meeting' at least, unleaa It la Illegal action," waa the way one member of the Portland club stated the situation. k. From the condition of affair It ap pears that 'tha effort to build up a Republican machine in time for the primaries and the June election haa re ceived n serious setback. - CITIZENS OF JOSEPH VOTE CLOSED TOWN (Special Dlapatcb le Tee JoeraaL) Joaeph, Or, April I. The cltlsens of Joseph at the election Monday voted I Into power an entire aet of new meg. j on the Issue of an open or restricted ted , town. The cloeed town people won. It waa the hardest fought election ever held here, and more votea than ever be fore were cast by 17. Tne-ntir C!thn! Mteketr-wtth--thejperlor.. court J4r Jln December, 1105. exception of one councilman, was elect. ed. The successful candidates, with their pluralities, are: Mayor, F. F. Me- Cully, 48; recorder, Colon R. Eberhard, II; treasurer, J. B. Btreeter. (; marshal.- George F. Bayard People' s-Cltl-sens'). 1IJ; oouncilmen, two-year term. Dr. J. XL Thompson, It; James Tyron (People'), ; one-year term, O. R. Lay. 10; J. A. Blevans, to. BLACK SEA MUTINEER - Constantino Plroahko, tho aatlor who participated In Black Beg mutiny and narrowly tnteet de portation after reaching his taken br a Uttit News ScrvW e pho- DRAW PARTNER DIETZ , INTO THE TAFT CASE Plan of Prosecution Against Former Prominent. Realty Broker r Attorney Cohen Expresses Belief Dietz Pen Wrote the Forged Notes Produced irj Court. . I ' r Thai J. H. Diets, real aetata man and former partner of W. H. Taft, now on trial in tha circuit court for uttering a fortred note, ia aa guilty as Taft, waa boldly asserted on the . witness atand by Max a. Cohen, attorney for Dr. George . D. Peter, tha vtotim. - Cohea also dragged tha name of XI M. Simon ton, vice-president of tha Amea Mer cantile agency. Into tba case. Cohen etated that he baa expert tes timony to - prove that Diet waa - 'the real forger and that tha crime of '.Taft waa merely : the negotiating of the worthless papeo Boon after aecurlng possession of the dosen or more notes In evidence, Cohen testified, he waa struck with tha similarity of tha handwriting. although -the .notea purported to have been signed by a number of different persons. . -Ha secured 1 specimens of Dieta'a penmanahip and found a , markable likeness to tha signatures '-of tha notes. An examination conducted later by experts bad confirmed hia judg ment .: , May Xadlot Otbera. Blmonton had figured in tha matter by acting M an agent in numerous aN tempta to prevent th prosecution of Taft Cohen aald that Simon ton . had urged him repeatedly not to secure the Indictment of the accused and had prom ised that everything would be "squared." The mercantile man, testified Cohen seemed at all times to have strange Influence over Taft When Taft be came fugitive from Justice last sum mer h waa tinder $500 bond to appear In. th circuit court. Blmonton and Diet were his sureties and Vie a for feit waa entered they paid tha money without protest ' - -- When tha matter waa before the grand Jury last year Cohen and Patera war atrongly desirous of securing the Indictment of Dlsta. at least, put ror aoma reason Taft waa the only one ehoaen for punishment ' Cohen aaya that ha ballevea that facta will yet coma out which will reault in tha In dictment of at least one more person in connection with the Taft forgerlea. - Apparently Shielding Taft, . Tha -evidence so far adduced against Taft la-vwry - convincing, despite the frequent lapses of memory oo the part of the proeecutlng witness, Patera. Deputy Dtatrlet Attorney Moeer ex pressed th opinion vtoday that Peter OLD MASTER IS DEAD AND DOG TAKES UP LIFE.OF A TRAMP a The neighborhood of Bell wood 1 be ing scoured to recover a hug Bt Ber nard dog. brought from Jackson county a few daya ago and which haa escaped hia keeper. The dog waa laat seen In the vicinity of Umatilla avenue. "This- dog ha had a remarkable his tory of usefulness and tt Is a pity uiat v. tii. kanome a tramD." said w. r . Isaac, of Medford. who brought tha dog to Portland and delivered ' him to a friend at City View Park.' "For eight yeara this dog ha been tha constant guardian of J. W. Beak, a pioneer mer chant cf Medford,' who died of old age a few week ago. Bine tha death of hia -old -master, -Victor, the dog. B1J been unsettled and dlaeatlaflad, and aeema ta be constantly looking for an SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST GOES TO HIGHEST, COURT Adventists Help iW right With Test Case of Washing- ton Sunday law. - Mateta! fMaeatak te ne Inamel.t Tacoma, Waah-, April . Alfred Berg feldt a barber." charged -rtth-keeplng his place of business open on Bunday. haa appealed from th atate supreme court to . the supreme t court of v the United States and Prosecuting Attorney Rowland ha been - cited to appear at the next session, of tba court at Waah Ington. D. C. In the interest of th state of Washington. Bergfoldt waa convicted th the eu In defense ha alleged that he Wa V Seventh Day Adventist, that the Bab hut h of that church was Saturday and that on that day he kept closed. The case waa taken to the state su prera court The higher tribunal sus- tatned the deolalon of the superior court and from the supreme court it aoe to the bit-heat federal court Bergfeldt is being financially assisted by the Seventh Day Adventists of tha country and that aect I making a teet ease, claiming tha prosecution I relig ious persecution. GOT INTO WRONG , - ' HOUSE WHILE DRUNK Henry Ardls, an Italian, created much excitement en North Blxth atreet laat night while In an Intoxicated condition by effecting an entrance to the house at 154 Blxth strset and secreting him self in the pantry. 1 , .v The realdent of the dwelling -upon hearing strange and " unusual noise remlng from the room notified th po lice, that, a burglar waa in tha place. Patrolmen Howell. Phillip and O ruber were sent, but upon the arrival of the offlcera Ardlae had mad hi escape. He waa located, however, at l Blxtf street and locked up In the city prison on a charge of drunkenness and disorderly conduot. . '.. - v In the munlclpat court this morning It was shewn that Ardlss while trying to locate his uncle's residence entered the wrong hnuse end Judge Cameron accordingly imposed - only a II fin. EIGHT DEPUTIES NAMED BY INSPECTOR LYTLE . ; -r , ' ' . . , ' tlperbt Tl..t fe'Tee Imirnei.V ' Pendleton, Or., . April Dr. W.'lt Lvtle, state ' sheep , inspector, haa an nounced the following deputy appoint menU for, the counties of eastern Ore gon: Umatilla. John Bryant; Wasco, P. J. Walahj Crook, J. A. McCoy; Malheur, II. Ia Anderson; Orant, (teorga Irwin; Morrow. Andrew Took; Wallowa, J. W. v. u.-er, nvney and i ale. Deputies In Laks will ba an. Ipuluul ia a fow Ci, , t ; .. v.,,- i, for some reason, trying to ahleld Taft, presumably because he la dlesat lsfled that Diets waa not also Indicted. , , On tha redirect examination of Patera, conducted this morning. District-Attorney Manning brougnt out several facta tending to ahow that Petere ia trying to ahleld the prisoner. On cross exam ination Paters had stated that tha ac cused had. prevloua to the filing of the Indictment, paid htm practically all that waa due him from the notee. . ' ' By taking up th Wtes one by one gnd showing that they had not Been liquidated. Manning compelled the wlt neea to admit that Taft had not near ly squared . matters. Manning also brought out the fact that, while under arrest at' Red Deer, Alberta. Canada, and prevloua -to -hie - extradttton, Peters and he engaged In connaenual conver aatlon with th prisoner, f --r' in addition to' Cohen and Peter, .th witnesses against Taft at the morning session were. Mrs. Jennie Slllnskl. W. J. Clemens ' and Diets. Mrs. Blllnskf wa called to prove that no aueh per sons aa ' 1m M. Church or Gmmett Church had resided or owned furniture at the premises at IT Tamhlll atreet for at least Ave year past - ' Clemen testified that Taft had per sonally secured the Ineuranoe policies which were given to Petere as security for the payment of tha notes Involved. All th policies purported to cover household furniture, bot Clemen, de clared that investigation had failed to disclose the Identity of the partlea named or it ho location of the furniture supposed. Jo be. covered py. tne poncy. . . a rural tore Sid STot Xxlst Cohen had previously teetlfled that he had tried to find the persona sign- in r th note, but had been unable to do so. May Jacobson. for example, never resided at 18 Tenth atreet. nor did aha aver own furniture, there. - A far aa could ba learned, aba and her furniture were figments of the Imagl nation of Taft Co. Petere had taken Taft's word that they were there and had paid over to the broker 11.609 in all. ' I--'" - CHata waa called by tha prosecution and aaked if ba had signed tha forged notes. - Ho- replied that he had not . Taft la an ex-convict, having one served three yeara In tha. Oregon pent. tentlary for forgery. - old man upon . whoni 10 confer Si frlendahlp. ' . "He Is a. kindly animal, and good to children, although he never had much to. do with youngster. For year he haa . been a fimlltar figure ' on the streets of Medford.. carrying a basket or bundle for old man Beek. who was always seen tottering along-with a -can at Victor's ' heels, ' The dog waa born at Jacksonville, and raised by John 8. Miller,' from whom ha war purchased when a" puppy and taken to Medford. For a number of yeara. after Beek became too feeble to' walk far, Victor dally carried bla maater' noonday lunch' to tha atore, a distance of more than mile from hi dwelling, and not one In all that tlmo did the dog fall to deliver tha lunch safely, on Mm.,, STRAWBERRY SEASON f FORMALLY OPENS e C Get ready with your supply of ' e . cream for tha strawberry aaason 0 haa formerly opened. ' Th first e shipment from California this .' season ' were ' displayed by a , e . market' on Fourth street -. Two crates were received under loo e ' and tha condition of tha fruit on 4 e arrival was quite good. Th In- e -itiai - price waa loo - par ona e e pound box.. . . . , - ' i- ''-- --'-. -'a--' - . 0 SHINGLES GOING TO BE :: : THIRTY CENTS HIGHER ' ' I Vanoouver, B, C, April I. At a meet ing of th shingle manufacturers of the city bold last night It was decided to Increase tha prloa of ahlnglea 10 oente per thousand. The manufacturers atate that the advance In prloee of ahlngle poltsr-nndtn scarcity-'of labor -have made tha Increase neoessary, ' ; 'A report Issued by Lbor Commission er Stafford, of California, states that nearly 10 per cent of tha restaurants In Baa Franclsoo sr Japanese, and that th Japanese and Chlnea employees of tha oriental restaurants work an aver age of 11 hours day, while t per oent of the Japanese work 14 to IS bonr a day. . . : . '. ,- ' -: v - -. N. ; ' RHODES MEMORIAL ' ' Above U 'iihown the Rhodes me morial, which Is to be nnvelled at Oxford by Lord Rosebery. The tab let beara the words: "This tablet commemorates the foundation, A. n. 190. or the Rhodes scbolanihlps by the munificence of the Klght Hon orable Cerll John Rhodes, M. A.. Hon. ,n. C. X., some time of Oriel coilcgx" - I T , .;' V I , ,.) En; lrOpeoae ImloD'e ' u oiciO - Ulcoro in the Gtomach--Hemorrhages -'-Gho Could .. ..Eat rJothing-'Bovelo Inactive. . And Yet Another .Wonderful Cure .y by Hood's Garsaparllla ,f Twelve jears ago I began to have hemorrhages and (oar years ago became so low that the physician, told me there waa no hope and I 'should soon die. I could not be moved from my bed. - Under my ace tinually reddened with blood from my mouth. J. could eat nothing and had no action of the bowels for a wek . The doctors said the cause was ulcers in. the stomach.' At this time my mother said ahe wanted to make one more trial, and aaked If I would take Hood's Sanaparilla. ,1 told her It Would Bo a , Vasto of money But finding it would comfort her, I began taking it. In a few days the bloating began to subside, I seemed to feel a little stronger, but thought it only fancy. I was so weak I could only take ten drops of SargapariU at firsts -In two weeks I was able to sit up a fewmlnutes every day.. In a month I oould walk across the room. , One day I asked what they were to have for dinner, and said I wanted something hearty. Mother was so happy she cried. It waa The First Time I had Felt Hungry V. : "C for Two Years, t i'-'r,J-:. I kept on with Hood's Sanaparilla and In six months was as well ss ever la xny life.. , It is now. foor years since I re covered, and I have not had a day's sickness since,-nor any hemorrhage. If ever a human being thanked the good Lord on bended knees it was X. I know that Hood's Bar- Kl 3. Ctentnke or tn wn pffr medicm OUI dUlUUd tablet form, .Hood's Sarsaparilla form, . Hood's Sarsaparilla is now put up in chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs, as well as in the usna! liquid form. Sarsatabs have identically MAKE DARLING A CARTOONIST Fond Mother Will Not Believs J Her Cherutf Did Any- ::-:', V;-'" thing Wrong. ' ; WORST BOY EVER HERE, , 1- DECLARES , CAMERON Blxteeti-TeejvOId Admiu . He Swore fkt Policemnn Mothw Say She Will Go to Necesgary. Jail ; Tlth Boa If "Waney " Wood ward, a 11-year-old lad residing at Tenth' and Montgomery s treats, whom Judge Cameron charac terised aa the ."worst boy who ever ap peared la tha police court,' waa tried thla morning on a. charge of diaorderly conduot. Woodward waa arrested by Patrol man J. I. Murphy yesterday oa a warrant ' . -.--..' 1 ' -. ' . According to tha testimony adduced, tha boy has openly defied th patrol man, and several nighta ago,- when tore to go home, threatened to ahoot the officer. Patrolman Murphy testified that woodward la the ringleader of a gang of young hoodluma who are ter rorising th district In th vicinity of Thirteenth and Montgomery , atreeta, and when called to account for hia dis orderly eonduot always. Indulged in. ob scene language... r Woodward upon - taking - tha - stand admitted that ba had need profane lan guage to tna policeman, nut alleged Juatlflcation, ' The lad gave-curly and flippant answer to th court and city attorney and plainly ahowed th lack of proper training, it waa brought out that ha bad left th Blanche Institute beoauss, as he aald. 'he couldn't leara nothing. Mrs. Woodward was Interrogated by Judge Cameron and stated that "If her boy was aent to jail an would go with him." The woman refused to believe that 'the lad" was not a model-youth: and .y sure.-"'..-. Freak Ate and Foe-Sum a xalth Oombt- ,:; aattoa Sard to Baas. i Tour yeara age,' writes a Vermont lady, "I waa a victim of Indigestion. Everything I at distressed megave me nauaoa and formed gaa In my stom ach which waa very annoying. "I had palpitation ao bad I oould not lie oa my left side, and began to think my heart must be affected. . I had uaed coffee for 16 yeara. - and thought It would be impossible to give It up, a I 'uaually had nothing for breakfast but ; a roll and a cup of coffee. , "My Indigestion grew worse. In spite 1 of doctoring, and I felt obliged to try something else, f drank chocolate and cocoa, but aoon tired of them. j . - "The doctor had ordered my husband to atop drinking coffee on account of heart trouble, ao he waa ualng Poetum and wanted m to try that. I took one cup of it aa our servant prepared tt,md inougnt it was wretched stuff. " , '1 was getting desperate when the cook left me and I had to make Postnm for my husband. Then It Wa that I i studied the direction on the package ana wonasrea it the girl had been boil ing It long enough. . -- "1 rooked It fully 10 mlnutea and was surprised to find It most palatable. I found that rich cream improved It as '.much as it did coffee. I also learned that Pnstum tasted better, and It was easier to prepare it the night before. . "I put two heaping tablaepoonfuls into a square of cheese cloth, tied It tightly, dropped It into a cleen coffee pot, poured ever It. three eupfula of ; cold water, and left; It stand covered until morning. - - Then It waa boiled thirty minute, and had two large eup of a delicious drink, after cream and augar had been added. It haa a rich delicious flavor of Its own snd we have need nothing else f ijr four yeara. ' "Pontum and fresh air have cared us ef dyspepnla and seeming heart trouble nd we have taken a hew lease of life." Name given by rminm company, p.ttle Creek, Mkh. Read "The Road to WeU V1UV la nkf s. "There a Itaoa , i were napkins con in declared that It was with her consent that he waa allowed to leave achooL "I want to make a cartoonist out of him," aald the proud parent, "and do not believe ta sending him to a plaoa wnere aa won t leara anything. "Thla boy la. without doubt, th worst youngster ever brought before m and h ehould be punlahed," aald th eonrt. - "At th rreeent time. how ever, I will suspend aentenoa and he must report to thla court every week. PENROSE MAKES DENIAL (Continued from Pag One.) wltlr his wife nd two-children. He in ST year of age, having been In tha am. ploy of Barriman for 11 years.. He will be prosecuted under a section of th New . Tork criminal , coda whioh makes it a mlademeanor for a person to take without authority and publish a lstter belonging to another. . , Hill waa arraigned this morning "and th case continued until Monday. - Hill wa releaaed on bail. ,. . ' UNCLE SAM'S PURE FOQDh . MEN IN NORTHWEST .";','" hi ' -fSpeelsl Dweetcb Tke Joeraal.) Tacoma. Waah-. April I. Elton Ful mar, professor of chemistry at Wash ington Btat college at Pullman . and atata chemist, who a special agent of the department of agriculture ia here making an investigation of conditions In the northwest with a view of select ing the best location for laboratories to aid in the enforcement of th national pur food laws, 1 In Tacoma. He say there will ba two laboratoriea In the northwest, one at . Portland, tha other either la Tacoma or at Seattle. In ON SALE MRS. POTTS I. . . . v .. ' : firs '4 Rceular i t U ; Value .. "'ir- k -1 V'Regular:; K'i ?:A Rcguia,:; ., : JUNO NICKEL LAMP Solid Brass, Nickel-Plated Rochester Burner r . . ! ly y "7-." sapariHa, sad that alone, unquestionably saved my life.' Miss Littti HpwtlT, Cortland, K. T.V V .', 'v , the same curative properties a the liquid fom. besides accuracy of dose, convenience and economy. There is ti loss by evaporation, breakage or leakage. 100 dosss $1. Of druggists or by mail. C I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass.' OUAaANTCKO sadar the Pao4 aaS Deo aet. Jaae SO. isua. Ko. U4. each -laboratory there will be , employed from four to ' six chemists. " Account will be taken at each laboratory of the volume of Imports and tha amount of domeetlo .commerce In th lines of good which oom under th "provision Of th law.---. ' ..v.. - STRICKEN DUMB WHILE .WALKING ON THE BEACH (Jonraal Bpeelal aervlea.) - v tioe Angeea, AprU S. Baata Monica authorities have mystery on their hands la Clark . M. - Alvord, a ' well dressed, prosperous appearing man. 40 rars-f age,- with- -plenty of enesey it his pockets. . Alvord, whose nam wa 1 learned from DRpera on hia person, waa atlHdenlv trtnlcea . illisih. taAmm . while I walking oa th beach, where he was a - visitor. - - . ,vl . - Whence he cam or where he belong -cannot ba learned;'. H refused to an- . awer questions, In a,ny war.. .Wben first, stricken he waa cheerful, bat Afterward became raeroae. . Tp. safe keeping .th man waa placed lu "the. Santa 'Monlc Jail, and efforts ere being; mad to find ' bl ftlend or relatives,,,. , , , . , a, ONE PLEADS GUILTY OF LOOTING VESSEL (Special Dtepateh te Tke leeraal.) T Astoria. Or.. ADrll S. John 'and Qulncy Robinson, . father and son, 'who war arrested, a few day ago charged with stealing ropes, chain and blocks from th stranded British bark Peter Iredale, have had a hearing In Justice court. Qulncy pleaded guilty and waa fined 410. . John pleaded not guilty and waa releaaed on 1(9 ball, to' appear be.-. fore the circuit court. ' ... ALL DAY ir? Regular ; Value -r .1 SAD IRONS .1 ., ' . . . . r : 7 44 p"y-A ,yrfjm' I ' I tI .' S- ' , v i r