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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL' 5, 1907. 13 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 28 Acres AH air fro (oil, DO stones or gravel. ,S acres cultlvsted. lead all 17 eery tUl bcanttful view of surrouadlnf eoontryi fronts on. mala Improved roadway, I ml Ira cut, BO III en road; deelrehle home place. Henkle & Harrison 21T Ablugton bldf. 8T. JOHNS INVESTORS. Take antic -t alaa, location, terma and prlc of close-in kit w are now aellliif lo lim ited nnuiber. 80x1 20 H Iota, S block' from mw acbool and poatoftlc-e; 10 per cent ouwa, flO par Booth, at 8478 each. ( HAGKMANN BLANC'S ARD. , 81 PIMA at. ;' , Arte L($gc ' snaps. ' - Choice corner for business nd noma ta this beautiful loretton. Tttml W. B. Rust. 2H3 Portland boulersrd. Phone Wood law a 128. Free Of texcs and rntereet. I will aril a aw 4-reera bouse and full lot on aft. Hcott Hit fnr twon; 8500 cosh, balsnos 118 per month. Com and be coevlncad. Owner, 303 Chamber of Conv 3. TOO T-ROOM bona. 1 lota 100x100. Vt blork from Mt. Tabor car Una; lanta chlcken-boose. . flu garden: everything modern; proper: : worth mora, but b4 the atoncy. Ownar, klaln 1042. T-ROOM honse. a I moat oaw. fin coroar lot, between Hawthorn and W. R. car; an! $3,000; fooo cash. 248 Stark at LNOTHBd BArUlAi: 11 srrss. mostly cleared, (ood bonne and barn, fin cell, mast a cheap. Tha Tula Aba tract Co.. raoal 4 Mulkey bldg. Second and Morrison at. f023 piB lot. eornar 13th and Predcrtek ate., on block from car Una. Owner, phona Boat 4681. FOR RUNT New modern a room cottar, elna In. Phona Main , or call I88"A 13th st, . 8:80 p. ot. Ownar. FOR 8AI.R CHBAP 4 room cot tar, f Wi J . it . Lu.. . Bl.r.r f Karrb). Arlcia, Or. ion FARMS, email trarta and lata: bergslns "a . 0. W. P. electric Una. O. R. Addltoa. Lest Oregon Tak Mt. 8cott car, to. 822.000 BUSINESS property! lot SOiKO: ea Orand avs., . aaer Worrteou. Booms 206 208, Mobswk bid. WANTP.D-vHonieeeekern to write to Willamette Velley Real Eetete Bichsnxs. Woodbara, Or. for revised Uat of faraaa. $110 BELOW alae: eornar lot. Call southwest comet Eaat Lincoln and o4lh ata. SACRIFICE -roora boaee. $1,100; worth . $1.700. Holllatar, $18 Comaiorclol b)k. BARGAIN a-arre home: fin frott: owner (carina. HolUetcr, 818 Pan martial blk. ROSE CITY PARK lot that are ehotc aad th price la right. B 134, car Jeornel. VOll SALEFARMS 30 sores, y. mile from etty limits. Ilea fin fnr platting. 16 acre cleared and la fruit, balanc eery eaelly cleared; fin 8-room booh. bara. prune dryer, et.: altr water. Tula plaoa Ilea fin tr plaitlna and la a twmee. maker Ur aomeone: tb owner la oeaMr and anilou ta aell: arlc $8,000. tarw. to ration, balance green timber; plac all fenced with hoard and wire fence; orrhkrd of aaaorted frnlta bearing, good 8-room bouea. fair barn, f" tnooa and all other ontbulldlngat good wall, wlodnilll and tank: 8 acre. In raapbanlea. r? atrawborrlea: plow, harrow, cnlftratoe, drill, wagon eltnoat new, 8 tnd of neeo, c.l "i7 VcJe?.-' .U anW enlHT.tlon. famllr orchard, place an few! rTO"'DT' good 8 mom boo, barn. 5' kouaca, womlehed. et 100 ardj from ecnoo 1 mil from cbnrch: team of '" ' coming 4 and 8 thla aprlng, new rabber-tirea bogrr. amgl and double hameea. wagoa. phTw' harrow, cnltreator. .ad good milch eowi I mil from conarrr town, church. I. 0. 0. F. hall, atorea, , blackamlth anopa. ate.l prlc U33acrea, d'aBe from thht etty. 40 acrea cleared i J-room bona, good baaenimt. chlck-en-honaea and jraroa to th amount of $3,000; barn 80xM, wond.hed. etc.: fin well of pnr water; prlc $3,B00. Thla la a fin place; owner eelllng on account of alcknoa. Before buying a bom or aa aa mraat- THOMPSON RWAH. - Cltlaena' bldg.. Vanconeor. Waah. LOOK BKREI t kaee farma to aell. SO to lnt acre each. all In rapidly deeeloplng dletriet, aom with eery little Imnroeementa and aonea well lav I, iroeeo. at price wnicn are to n a a eeara. Alao few of tha beet real- deare propertlea la Oreaham, aa well aa a number of bnalneaa bulbllnga paying an In come of 18 to 14 ner eent, and recant Iota. tiAmm la 11 mile aaat of Portland, with one car line flnlabed and a Bother In mare of aonatrnctlon. write, explaining juer emi eoa want, and aee wnat I win a ior yvu. or. what la better, call and aee me. . D. S. J0HSHON. , Graaban. Or. BOMKSECKRRS ATTBKT10M If TOO are looking for a home hi th Willamette valley, don't forget Sheridan. KamhlU eonntyl her 1 where yoa can get a better bom for th money than any other place In tba Teller. For farther parttenUre cell on or addroaa WA.RDB DAI'OHERTT, Bborldae. Oreggov ' . TUB beat atock ranch la tha Wlllamett ealley , for aale at 812.BO per acr. Thle plac eon. tatna t.88T acrea. of which 400 ere tillable, 00 open feature. Balance grub paetare aad eeoond growth timber) larg 10 room hone. 8 aarna and orchard; watar carried ta hone and bara by plpea from a atrong aprlng; plenty of llelng aprlng an all part of n plac: eltnated on eoaoty road. $ mile from railroad. mil to acbool. on R F. For eal by Wada Dangharty. Bherldaa. Or. FOR SALB AT A BARGAIN; 840 acrea la th beet wheat belt of Shoe. Baa eonnly, 8 mile from town and railroad at at Ion; 840 acre In conization. 828 ta fall wheat and 210 to o eummer-raimwea; wii fmproeed good bouae, bara aad ontballdlngej plenty water, larg elater. windmill and water piped to hone and atorki will aeu on aay terma; 111 health object ta eelllng. Ad drea EnterprUa Farm. Boa 88. Kent. Or; FOR SALB 1 IT acre rich bottom und, 88 acrea under cnltletitlnn, fair Imnroeementa. land border on Willamette rleer. about 30 acrea good aah and maple timber: rlnee to towa and acbool: In center of Willamette valley: $3,800 will bay It If take aooai tbl ' la a genuine bargain: don't uile It. Call on or addreaa. J. I. wlnn. Bueaa Vtata, Or. BEST amall farm bee In Oregon NO acrea, moatly cleared and ealtleattd. adlolntng town tte of He valley town: fin frnlt, aprlng, - creek, wood, eehoola, ehnrche. railroad: I . large aawmtll neer; hnlldlnra worth $3,000; - aaly $3,800. Inquire 848 Stark at. FITR-AORR tract. Bllea couth of Port- land, fine Bnll, water pined to each B-aere tract; thla land la one mile weat af Clark. Baa atatloe and railroad and en tba Port lend and Oregon City wagoa road. Plica from $100 to $300 per acre; en eaay term. ' For further partlealare eee O. W. Barer, 880 Beat Morrleoa at.. City. Bt'SINESS MAM fTT.T SKLI. On f th beet farma la Tamhlll county, 1ST acre, t IT Improred; 8-room hono, larr barn, plenty of fruit: 8 ml lee from good town; will take part la city property; terata, $88 per err. Call . - ROOM 2, STARK ST. Oppoalta Chamber of Com wore. ' 80 ACRES, hoaoa, good bara, 4 acre arcbard. It acree c lee red: good water, S poultry boneea, timber on plac: ana hour by train from P f t. land; ecbonl join land; prlc $3,800; $1.0 eh. $1,000 on tint. Addreea box 18, rout 4, Sherwood. Oregon, ' , F1VB acree, S mllee from city llmlta, B mln ntea' walk to O. W. P. line; level land, beat Mark anil, all In cultivation. Bom berrlee anl . fml t tree; splendid althlly plaea on, food road. Owner, X 1M, care Jenrnal. $V0 BUYS 40 acre on mil from Betactd:' good eoll. aprlng branch, rordwood and tt timber) part eaah, be la are eaay terma. Bex l BaUcada. Or. . tr.rt aa for farm lande. Improved or unim proved: eal or trad. ' Jcnne. Trlmbl Trimble, 411 klarquam bhlg. ' IMPROVER land on north bank I level, rich, heeutirul: will dlvln gat terma. I. B Coon. Hood River, Or. . A RANCH fnr aale or trade 30 acre near Beevertnn. -4M Hawthorne ave. TiMurn. BOMFMTKAn and tlmt-r li, ecrlp. Boner to loan. f8 lomoicrol i i. TIMBER. FOR SALB Two timber rellnnulahmenta, ptne timber. Klickitat oounty, $100. Tb Amee UercantUe Agency, AbUiftua bldf. Timber lend. - TIUBKR CLAIM SNAP $3,000. . ' Five million feet. Donglae county. C. L. PARR1HI1 A CO.. 811 lfamnam bldg. Foaa Mala 8223, FOR SALB at a bargain. 18.000.000 feet good aaw timber la on only, 80 nllee oat; eeay to log, eaay to rotlroad. O. kt. Addltoa, Lenta. Or. Take hit. Soott car, .8. TIMRKR claim In aontnera Oregon: will erulae 8.010,0cm and over; party golug dowa fat few day a. r 181. Journal. CBRTtFIRn scrip, any alee, loweat prtcaa. W. O Howell, 88 Chamber of Commorco . FOR 8ALE-UVEST0CK. FIRST-CLASS, geatle. freeh young eow and calf, $48. Phono Beat glut), or call morning a or evening. 4u Camp ore la L corner Pago. HORSE!! of all ktnda. from 800 to I, TOO pound. Geo. MeGreer, goreet Grove. Or. HORSES, VEHICLES, IIARXESS. FOR SALRT -year-old bay gelding, atyllab driver and aa eeay keener; alao baraee and rubber-tired ranabout. Inquire B. B. Fulton, Archer Place, Mount SovU car Una, or ad dree at Arlota. Or. FOR SALE One team and eiprese wagoa. Phona Mala 4888, or call 2 lit aad Joe. neon ata., Coacaoaoa' etore. HORSES and barrlen for and Boatb) apeclal rate aiita ana riawtaome. HORSES FOR SALB 80 bead, 1.100 to 1.000 ponad. Overtoe. between llth aad 14th; tak or. , Fraedmaa Bros. s . WILL Exchaago $400 lot In Chicago fnr good driver and opeo runabont complete. Inveetl. gat. Call 832 Third etreet. FOB SALB Two aew kand-mada batcher ' wsgooa, cheap. 420 Belaoat at. NTIRB stock of slightly damaged herneee anj acceeeorlea will be sold st 1-8 to H off regular prlc. . Keller Hsrassa Ca 48 Korta Sixth at. A OOOD expreea wagoa and barn see. Inquire 823 Market at., room 18. GOOD bora, welrht l.SnO or more; most be heap. Phone Woedlawa 888. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. FOR SALB or exchange for cotdwood. city property, on 8-boreepower ettOonary, one . lB-aoree power aortaoie engine, uiu Eaet 434. or at 48 Albiaa ava. WANTED Typewriter hi exchange for a lot: will take eecond-hand typewriter If b food order. Address S 14T, care JoaroaL A BRAUTTFLL home, large grown da, aagnlfl. cent view: cerpet aad furniture; maet aell, going away: tak lot or acreage aa part pay. BaL L 184. car Journal. EOT' ITT la very fin lot for work team! bat saea terma; alaa twa lota and cottage. Wood kwa 814. TO each are- oa vacant or Improved kta, ar . farm, a good grocery on neat eaat elde car line; Invoice (boot $1,800. 0 1SZ, Journal. A OOOft'T-room aanee, walking dlataace from nnslnee center: will take ss first payment two or tare lots. $74 First St.. Portland. A 8-ROOM bonae (new) on eaay terma, near car line; will take one. two or three lota as first payment. 8T4 First at., Portlaad. ' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. VICTOR Talking Machine and record; Stein way (or other! plenoe. Sherman, Clay A Co., Sixth and Morrleoa ata.. op p. p. O. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 3$$$$$$$$$$ We have secured ell of the Battroeee that were damaged at the fir In a larg factory and eee eell roa a 83.80 wool too. clean new L for $2.80: wool combination. $4.80, at $3.88; a eplendM en a nee ror maicreeaee; aiao wa have aa aaxe'tment of boneebold foods to aell cheep. The Dollar. 238 First St. Btovea, raaaaa, bed and bedding. $$$$$$$$$$$ BINOBB and Wheeler and Wllaoa eewlng ma chin office. We aelL lease or rent aew ma chines; eld machine takes fa part payment; eeeood-bsnd marhlnee $8 aad ap) other make of aew marhlnee $28 and up; needle fnr all make of machlnee; ell kind of machine - repaired end guaranteed. 8. 8. Slegel, agent. 8 Morrleoa at. Phdo Mala 2188. FOR SALB Bargalna to Whttea. Singers, Parte, . Wheeler A Wlleona, Hooaehnlds and other ellghtly damaged machine. Tha White Sew ing Machln office, H. D. Joaea, 280 Xamhlll at earner Fourth. TALK I NO merhlne. brand new, elegant $28 . machine and 24 new 00c dlee recoraa. $18.80 for $3T outfit; eaay payments; eee It. IMS Sixth at. FOR SALS 20-horsepower steam sawmill, com plete, et new location: good tie market; Hi Bllea to railroad. Addreea A ISO, Journal. WB print yonr aame aa M calling cards, peeper alas and style. 85c; 280 boalneen carde, $1. A. W. Sen male Co., 22 First, Portland. Or. SHOWCASES aad fixtures, aew end second hand. Carlaon A Ksllstrom, 2S8 Conch at. FOR SALB. CHEAP 4-Inch Keystone water meter, practically now. laqalre H. Metager, 228 Froat at. lEWINd MACHINES bought. Bold aad as changed. 88 and ap. Western Barrage Co 3T Washington at. BHOWCASB8. eoanter. flxtarea, hoaght, anld or eit changed. Weetera Salvafe Co 82T Wuhtngton et. Pacific T83. FREB FOR EVERTBODT Ring ap Mara 4280 or eal 213H Front at. W buy and sail for alture, clothing or any aid thing. BILLIARD AND POOL table for rent er fnr eele oa assy payments. TUB BRUNftWICK-BALKB-OOLLENDBB CO., 48 Third St., Portland. FOR SAI.R An old aUver cnta milled la 1T2. Wiita Wm. Harinf, TT8 Tseoms ave, 8ell . wood. 0NB 8-foot Bora range, first -c Is ss; 3 tee boxes, dlahee. ehelra and tahlee; all so at a hergala. 808 Buraslda at. HOLDBN'B RHEUMATIC CTJRBr-Snre i rheum a Ham. Sold by all dragglata. for OLD BOOK STOBB removed to 188 Fifth aad 211 Seeoad ata. FOR SALE Cheap, 28.000 feet lumber. H. B. Stout. T48 Raleigh at. Phona, Mala 8883. RAISB SQUABS For $1 mformatloa to rale every equeb; none need 41a. Call off addreas 1228 Borthwlek et., city. . FOR $238 A Rambler automobile. Inquire SOT Hsll t. . OOOD eecond-hand Pox typewriter for sal cheep. . Room 4$ Raleigh bldg. FOR SALB A 8TO typewriter.' good aa new, for $ao cash.' 288 Washington at. FIRST-CLASS photngrsph ontflt, eomplera: Bait be sold cheep. Call 12H8 Esst Vamhlll at. PERSONAL. AN EXTRAORDINARY PERSONALITY. Are yoa la doubt ahmt mveetmente. love er anything la lifer Wanda advisee with a nc ees the! strikes an a weird. She ca point oat the war to WANT DA, The Fsmona Palmist. 838 South Fifth St. NOTICB OP BEMOTAU i A. Reiner, the furrier, will mora from , lewis bldg. March 1; looking for anltabl locBtloa: rear preeent may be fonnd at reel- denca, ttt North 18b at. Phone Pacific 84HT. Will call aad fir eettmetea aa naual. atUSSIAN BATH. tOT Third et., between Taylor and Salmon) swimming pool, eteem and hot sly bath; a-enta, from 8 a. m. to It a. m. Prlc Si eenta. SRXINR PILLS cere all forma of serums nr meeculsr weekaeea. Per men ar women. Prlc $1 a bna, $ boree 88, with fall ruae. aate. Addreea or call i. A. Clemeneoa, drug, flat. Second and Yamhill ats Portlaad. Or. A REPRESENTATIVE of the en pre me court of the Independent Order of Forester ta n the city and won Id Ilka to get th addrea of 'member be loaf lag alaewber. O 147, ran Journal, B'TH parlors bars recently ehaaced hande at 27H Third St., ntet Irs, room 14: will saar aute to plea til; ladle sad fatiemea PERSONAL. GERMAN bonka, magaatnee. novels, etc.: 0 ev en's. Bagllah. French, 8ienlah, Swedish and Itallaa , dictionaries; foreign bonka of all kinds, Bchmala On.. 228 Firs St. MOLES, arrlnktee. auperflnoas hair removed. No ebarga to talk It over. Mrs. M. D. H1IL room 840 Fleldner bldg. Phono Pacific 185. DR. BINQ CHOON4. Importer Cblneee root medicines: sails (lilneee tee. eertsla cure for all dlseaeea. -181 2d. bet. Yamhill aad Taylor. LADIES: Dr. Keteham, graduate and re te le red, treata any and all yonr complslnra with skill and sneeeae. 170 Third at, cor ner YsmbllL Paetfle 2228. nANLY rigor restored by Dr. Roberta Nerve U lobule. One month s treetment, $2: - $ months, $3; sent eecurely sealed hy mall. . Agents. Weodard. Clarke A Co.. Portlaad. Or. HOLD ON There la one thing that will care . rheumatism. Ask your druggist for bar tonie or sddreee or call J. A. Clemeneoa. druggist, Portland. Or. A MIDDLE-AGED lady wlehea to make th ac quaintance of an honorable gentleman with bom Address W 100, cars Journal. CHIROPODY and manlcartng par lor a; also mag actio treatments. 140Vt Sixth St., cor. Alder, BETTER thsa syringe: raluable Information fnr women will be given free of charge hy Bending eddrees, Inclosing stamp. D. Kayeer Co.. 2A40 Hyde at.. Baa Francises, CaL DISRASES OF WOMEN: unfortunate firm aad , babies eared' for; private hospltsL Vt. Atwood, room 8, &U Morrison at. Tel. Pacific 1T88. SUITS pressed whll yon wait, oOe. Ladlea aklrta preeeed. 80c. Gilbert, 108 BUta aU. next to Quelle. Phoo Mala 2088. . BALM OP F1GB for aU female d! 38 Eaat Belmont. Phone Eaat 4084. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oregoniaa bldf.t tadhm days, gsntlemea Bights. Mala 1868. H OLDEN' 8 RHEUMATIC CURB Sara car for rhsnmatlsm. Bold by all drngflsta. BEST msgsilne eluba ever offered; Bead fnr prices; agenta wanted. Joaea Bookstore, 281 Alder at., Portland, Or. PROFESSOR riUI K. B. Mtraelea, magaetla heeling end Mggeatlr. 14014 Blstt SU. comer Alder. MRS. POTTER Masseuse, scalp, fecial mas sags, cbJropody. - 224H Washington St. . MOLES, gopher and aqulrrele quickly deetroyed he using Whitney's Rodent Torpedo ipat-): fillv teeted at 1808 fair. Addroaa M. T. Whltuay, CtiHwood, Oregon. MANICl'RING par lore for ladlea pad fenU Bep. 268V! Murrteea St.. room 14. NBWLT opened maaeaga parlor. S48A Morrt . ana st.. room X Miss Marcella La Roy. aw CQBpUebod aaassensa. MANICURINO, fadal masse re and aealp treat ment. Try room 1, 803 14 Washing to at. RECENTLY opeaed manicuring parlors: ladlea and gentlemen. 881 4 Morrison St., room 13. HEALTHY fsmakt Infant for adoption. Main T41 Phone BUSINESS PERSONALS. 0? Tf . OSSETP. anlrieer aad anrreyor; all kin da of sarrayin. addition platted, map - as4 eettmatee funlsbed Office SS Washing ton bldg.. Fourth and Waahlngtnn. Resident Glee wood Park. Phona Main 8888. v INYBNTIONS hooght and anld. Covenant 1 tract Co.. 42T Ftledner bldg. Mala 2tl. ARCHITECTS. H. C. DITTRICH, architect. 821 Willis ma ave., cor. MrMlllea st. Phone Best 8881. ' ASSAYS RS. GARVIN CTANIDR EXTRACTION CO., ' aad Montana Aaeey Office. 188 Morrison at. ART. FREB LESSONS IN Embroidery Erery Dsf. THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP. 382 Washington at. I. H. MO0REHOU8B A CO. Artists' meterlale, ptctar mold log. picture framing, ataraoptt cons. Isntera slldee. 812 Alder at. AUTOMOBILES. PULLMAN AUTO CAR CO.. ' Bunder, deotgner' aad repairer af all makes of automobiles. Bodice, tope, fenders, daabea, lamp brackets, running hoards and glass frosts. Gears aad all part of auto monllee meda to order. 88-T0-T2-T4 N. Sixth at, cor. Bravett. H. L. KEATS AUTO CO., AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES. ' Northweeteen dtatrlbntor for Pop Hart ford. Pope Trtbuaee. Pope Warerlr. Pona Toledoa, Tnomee. Oldemobllee. Franklin. Bnlcka. 80-82 Bevaath St., Portlaad. Oregon. HOWARD M. COYEY. Agent Pierce Oreet Arrow, Locomobiles, Cad illac and Knox. . Temporary location Club Gang, 18th aad Alder ata. HAYB YOC SEEN BAKER ELECTRICS? Cspltal Supply Co... 408 Alder at. Phona Pa cific 871. Demonstration hy appointment. ATTORNEYS. J. A. 8TROWBRI DOB Attorney -at-Law, SOT Commercial blk. Chose Pacific BT8. C. H. P1GOOTT AND A. FINCH Attornv-at-I,aw. Practice hi all courts. 4 Malkey bldg., cm net Second and Morrleoa). BATHS MASSAGE. MRS. OBROCK. fradoata manes nes cabinet bath, ealt flow, alcohol rah, cream mssssxe; refereacea. Its) Seventh at- Mala 4888. MANICURING, far and aealp treatment, Bath and mssosf. 1104 Fourth at., ear. Wash. " BUTCHERS' SUPPUES . BinrcHBRS' SUPPLIES B. Blrkeawald Oa.. 804-800 Everett St.; largest batcher supply bouse oa tb coast. Wrlta for catalogue. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolph A. Dekam, 181-133 First St.. carries a full Hoe aad pleta assortment at lowest aurket pries. : BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWB. DAVIS KtLHAM. 108-111 Second at. Blank book maanfactnred: agents for Joaea Improved Loose Leef ledgers; eee tba now Eureka leaf, tha heat oa tb market. CARRIAGE PAINTING. . SPECIAL prleee oa light carriage paint! hb. bog glee, $10 and ap. Richards, Fourth aad Ash. CHIROPODISTS. WM. DEVBNY A ESTBI.LB DBVBNT, THB only eclcntlfle eblropodlets, parlors 208 Prew bldg., M2 24 at. Phone Mala 1801. CHIROPODY and Pedlcnrraf. Mrs. M. D. HI1L Room 880 Fleldner Bldg. . Phoa Pacific 188. NEW and eclentlflc method of treating end bunions. 80814 Fourth at., room T. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. Largest plsnt oa the eoeet; Lorlng aad Harding ate.: telephone Esst 280. Carpets cleaned, refltte-l, sewed end Isld: both steem aad Isteat corn pressed air process; reaorallnf mstti isssa and feetbers a specialty. . JOYCE BROS., proprietor of the Electric Clean ing works; carpet eleened aad laid, both dry and com preeeed -e I r cleentag: carpet refitting . onr epectalty; work guaranteed.' Pboaa Mala 2072 and A 2873. ' 270 Grant Bt. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. CARPENTER and bntlder: boaee movraf and repairing. 1088 East Grant. , Tabor 270. E. MELTON Office, store fixture; geaeral fobbing. 8T First at. Phone" Main 8180. CLEANING AND DYEING, CLOTHES cleaned and preened, $1 per month. Undine Tailoring Co, 308 Stark at, H. W, Tf'RNER. professional dyer end a lea eee, 808 Jefferaoa st. Phona Msla 2313. PORTLAND Steam Cleeele A Dyelnf Warha, AU Feartk U , Phona PsUl4 sol. . CLAIRVOYANTS AND PAL5USTS. Bee th Beat. - Be th Beet. low fee, 80c. Low Fee. boo. For tare days. .For three days. The Great NAOAN.I. Clalrruysut, Paychlo Palmist. - Strangely fasclvstlng are tha words that come frvm tha cultivated Una of thla Greet Enigma. That Be bee a power that la mar. rel'Mie. moat Barvaloua. I to say tb less. H tell your name, the name of any one yo knew, living or deed; the color of any one' eye or bsli ; give la details a correct deerrlp tioa of th one yoa will Biarry; settles lovers' flunrrel, unites these who sre er pars ted; hastens marriage; tell to tnnrneya, lew . bualneae. ulnea, Inreetments, wills, petenu, eld estate, hurled treaaure. loot or a been t . friends: develope magnetic force and remove all Influences; teaches every pbee of occult Cwer. 80 him today. Hour from 10 a. at. P. m. dally; evening from T to 8. Remember th name, , 181 Fourth et, 103 Fourth at Tha Gnat HAOANZJ. Always Consult th Beat. PROF. K. KHIMO, Oraafest living aatral deed-trance clairvoyant of tb age; adviser oa buetnee and all af fairs of llfst tells your full nsmo and what yoa called for, whom yon will marry, bow to control the on yoa love, even though mllee sway ; renal tee tha erne re ted: fives secret power to control; no long da lay a la waiting. Uoure 10 to 8. daily and Sunday. Office. No. 8 end 4. Oread Theater bldg. 382 14 Wash., near Park at. Phono Mala 120T MRS. SBIP'S circle tonight, T:4B sharp spirit sal mseeage to all , 803 AUsky bldg.l dally ' reading. MISS MAY ANDREWS Card reading, 28a, Sixth at., comer Main. 288 CAFES, i . TH OFFICE sss Wsshtngtoa at,., phon. Mela I 111. oamuei rigneux. COAL AND WOOD. PORTLAND SAWDUST A SLABWOOD CO, nno great, successors to Fulton woofl uo.1 fir. osh. slab wood. eoaL Tel. Mala 1888. FOR prompt delivery of slabwood call Main 48TB. Oak. eab, fir and cost Portlaad ' Wood A Coal Co, 16th aad Sevier ate. OR BOX) N FUEL CO. hi now eelllng Welsh an thracite, beet goal on the market. $84 Alder St. Msla 85. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers In oordweod. coal . and free and dry elahwood. R. R. and Alblna ar.. S block eaat of ferry. Eaat 674. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealers ta coal, oordwood and dry alabwood. Phone Esst 424. WESTERN PERT) A FUEL CO. Hon and blacksmith coela. Phone Msla 1018. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. THB OREGON CHEESB CO. UNCI CBEESB, BUTTER, EGOS, ot., dairy product e hoaght or handled oa cammleslen. 138 Fifth et. - (Swettand hWg ). Portland. Or. DENTISTS. DR. EARL C. McFARLAND, dentist. Suite T10-711-T18 Swetlsnd bldg. Phone Meln 2381. DRESSMAKING. MRS. M. . ALLEN, tha fsshleneble maker, has Istelr moved to Wondlssm. Thle. teenth and Winona sta. 1 prices reasonable r pea leva sis ana eaneiacTjoa guarancsca. MRS. M. B. WRIGHT will open dressmaking parlors fn her room at 37214 East Oak at. Room 28 aad 24. . MRS. VAUGHAN. experienced dresemaker. 8024 Beet Barnaid et. rhonc East 4&X3. DANCING. DANCING leseoa, 28c: ctaBsea or prtrato: walts- mg, xwo-sxep, uuwe-exep, ore. I etage aaneing, bock and wing,, clog. reeL aklrt, 8pealea. Hlrhland fling, eta. Proreaaor Wsl Wilson, eldeet reeognlned teecba. Allsky .bldf. suit nun Morrasosi sxa. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Claaa Mcau, Thnrs. aad Sat. eve.; social, fancy and step dancing tsaght: B asslstsnt teacher; class and private lessons dslly. Westers Academy nau, ayscona ana Marnaan sta, Paeinc 1SW. PROP. RINOLER. MISS BUCKBNMBYER leltng acbool. dally: new hall, beet la cite. Grand ava. and Eaat Morrison st. East 5870, EDUCATIONAL. OREGON EXPERT CO IX EOS. Comoaonweclth building. 8th and Ankeov. fheaa Mala 8001. Telegraph v. , sborthsnd, yprewrltlng. penmsnsblp. English brsncbea, Indlvldosl Ins tractions, special acholarshln. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Wssblngtno snd 10th sta.. Plied ner bldg. Bookkeeping, Shorthead, Typewriting and sTI English brancbsB taught, both day and night. ROSE CITT BUSINESS COLLEGE. Pitman Sborthsnd hy Court' Reporter. Bust peaa Course. Specie! Scholarship.; Positions Se cured. Oomtnonweetth bldf., 8th end Ankeny. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB aad Everett at. A IRON WORKS Second Phona Mala 9000. - GASOLINE ENGINES. 0A80LINB engines, all slsee and atylee, at lowest prices. Rslraoa hi a eh! ner y Co, 183-4-8 Morrison St. SHEFFIELD marto engines Any propeller. Fairbanks, Mora A Co, First aad Rlsrk ata. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. t. WALSH CO.. 811 Stark gt. Electric aad Oaa Fixtures and Snpplhm. Mantels, TTUng. G rates. and Dogtroaa. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineer, contrac tor, repalrere. electric wiring, supplies. 84 First, cor. Stsrk. Mala 888. R. H. Tste, mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS. 81 Sixth st Ooatraetora, electric enppllee, Btors and dy 1 we inaisii ugux asa power plants. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO, 391 East Morrlsna et. mturee, wiring, repalrlrg. East 8138. BARRETTS. 408 Monieoa at. Phon Mala 122. Everything In electric wiring and lighting. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. solicits onwrtan Ity to quote prleee. T4 Sixth st. Peel fie 46S. HOTELS. HOTEL Portlaad. American plaa. $8, $8 per day, BELVEDERR) European plaal 4th aad Aide ata. INSURANCE. ISAA0 L. WHITR, fir tnraraaea. $44 Sher lock bldf. W. L. PA0H. Insnrsnce: amployere llsbllltr, snrety bonds, hnrflsr and accident Beuranc. Phona Mala 328. 204 Falling bldg. J AS. Mrl. WOOD, omployera liability aad tw dlvldnal accident security bond of all klnua. Phono 4T. 802 McKay bldg. LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for sals ATI kinds, tnerodmf approved forest reserve scrip fnr snrreyed, sn surveyad. timber aad prairie government land. H. tai. Hamilton, "Tha Portland," PortUod. The want ads publish ed today will cause a , whole lot of "things to happen" in this city. Perhaps you will be con cerned in some of these happenings? It will pay you to read every one of these want ads. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. CHARLES I MASTICK A CO.. Front aad Oeb sta., leather end'ekln of every aeacnpiiun for all purposesi aula aad Up estlere; fiodisga, o ' MONUMENTS. tiKU A KINOSLKY. aWV First BL Portlaad' leading marble and granite work. 1 PAINTING ANT PAPERING. P. A. IK) AN 9, 2X0 Yamhill at, opposlt Jour nal office Wall paper, painting and decor at Inf.. Phono us tit ostluistae. Paelfle glui. FOR reliable work, reasonable price. Sheeny Bras, KM24 Yamhill, sear 4th. Msla 8073. OV 1 1 , I 1 MACHINERY. ' B. TRENKMAN A CO Mining, aawmlll. log- Ing mschinery) hydrsulle plpee.- castlnf all Inds repaired. 104 North Fonrth at. A. J. PAUL. 103 First et Engines, boilers, . aawmlll aad croaa-arm machinery. THB H.-fJ. ALBEE CO. Second-hand ma chtaery, sawmills, etc. 248 Grand ava. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN . On Improved city property or for bolldtnf purposes, for from 8 to 10 yeare time, with privilege to repay all or part of loss after two year. Loena approved from plan snd money advanced aa building progrssasa ; mort gagee token ap sad rep ta ceo. . . FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent, 83 Stsrk at. Money 'to Lean Money to loan at 8 ner eent oa east a west Bide' busluess or residence proverty. - Mall & Vcn Borstel 104 Second at- aad 383 I. Bumalde at. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa aalarlee. faisnranc pollclee, pianos, furniture, ware Sou as raeelpte, etc.; any deserving person may secure a lib eral advance, repaying by easy weekly er monthly Inatallmenta. NEW ERA LOAN A TRUST COMPANY. 208 Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY loaned to aeUrled people Jnat oa yonr own name; don't borrow antll yoa ss Be: my system Is the beet for railroad mea. clerks, bookkeepers, streetcer mea and all other eui- RVoyes; buslaees strlctlv confidential. F. A. ewtnn, 811 Buchanan bldf., Wsshtngtoa at., between Fourth and Fifth. M0NBY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and others apoa their ows aamea without secur ity; eheapeet rates, casleet paymeate: offices In 80 principal cities; sava yoarsslf money by getting onr terma first. TOLMAN, 228 Ablngtoa bldf, 108A Third at. WANTED Notee, mortgagsa er eon It seta aa - any kind of real aetata hi Oregoa and Wsah .lagtoa; second mortgagee pnrchaaed If wall secared. H. E. Noble. 812 Commercial blk. . MONEY to Inaa la sum to trait, 8 and S years, as low aa 8 ner eent. aa Ira Droved city proa- arty. Monlton A Bcobsy, 601 Columbia hide.. ana wssnmgtoa ar. DON'T horrow money on sslary en til yoa saa Huttcn Credit Co. 812 Dekam bldf. MONEY to losni large loans specie lty: else building nana; loweet ratss; rir lasaraaea. Wllllem O. Boca, in rslilnf bldg. CRRSCBNT LOAN CO.. 42S Mobawk bldg Money to lend oa aesy-psyment plan to wage- earners; atnctiy conrideatiai..- , MORTGAGE loans at current ratee; a coo mlssion. Colombia' Life A Trust Company Lumber Exchange bldg. MONEY to loan on all kinds of security. WQ II sm Hoi, room Washington bldg. TO LOAN Sums to suit oa ehsttel security, R. A. Frams. $14 tha Msrouauv A LOAN for th king Sslary or shattsL Tb Ian eiu veaom Bldf. QUICK loana oa all securities. S. W. Klnf, 48 Waah log toa bldf. Mala 8100. MONEY to loan aw city property. 0. A. John son, sib coromerrisi DIX. ON mortgsga, $200 to $3,000; cast paper aaly, Ward, lawyer. Aliaky bldf. WILL loan $8,000 er lesa 0 real eetsts, $ per cent, a-srnngtoa. sia sen too mag. $10,000 TO loan oa Improred dry property. Ad dress u 10a, care journal. MUSICAL. THB WEBBER STUDIO Maadolla. baa to, gal tar hiatrnetlona. 4884 Washing ton St. PIANO, rtolln, msndoliB. trombone, clarinet. Profeesor B. A. Smith. 254 12th. - Msla 4703. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. LILLEBELLB PATTERSON, specialist oa persons, acute aad chronic dleoasee. Office SIT Feotoa bldf. Phone Pacific 1180, DRS. ADIX A NORTH RUP. 418-18-1T Pekam bldg. Third and Waahlngtoa ata. Phona Meln $40. Exsmhtatloa fro. PLUMBERS. FOX A CO. Sanitary ptumbsrs, 231 Second, bet. Mala and Salmon. Oregoa pboaa Mala 2001. DONNERBERG A RAD No. SOS Bornelde st PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH A CO. Th Pioneer Palat Co. ; window rlaaa and flasinf. 138 Firs at. Phono 1334. ' PRINTING. THB MODERN PRINTERT Artistic printing. 28 Rueael bldf, Foarth and Morrison, phoa Pscifl 1828. EVERYTHINITTN .PRINTTNS , From clrcolera to catalogue end newspapers. Metropolitan Printing Co, 14T Front at. OOILBEB BROS- printer Crd. btlloMda, ic. Phon Mala IXAft. 14814 Flret st. ROOFING. TIN ROOFINO, guttering, repairing and general obt.lng. J. Loall. 212 iyfereoajtPac.JhlM. RUBBER STAMPS. p. n stamp WORKS. 248 Alder at.: Mala T10, Robber stsmpe. seele, atencllB; beg gsgs, trade checks; brass signs snd plates. REAL ESTATE. PARRI8H. W ATKINS A CO, 280 ALDER ST. Reel estate, rentals, loans aad Insurance. W make a epeclalty of baadllng rents la and property for residents and non-resident. . Established 1873- Phona Mala 1044. GEO. J. SCHAEFER, real eetate aad fire aae. $11 Chamber of Commerce. . "COOS BAY NEXT." J. W. OOILBBB. real state and loans! astab llabed 18H3. 14BI4 Flret st, room 11. SPHINX AGENCY, dealer la real eeuta aad rentals. 804 4 Stsrk St. Mala 8184. , FOR FARMS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. W. W. BHl'RY, 818 Commercial bldf. SAFES.' PORTLAND SAPB CO, aole ageata fur Her ring Hall Marvin safe and Mangsnee Steel Safe Co.'s bank ssfrs; 20 second-ksnd fire proof safes ssd bank ssfee. very cheap; see them or write oa. 82 Sersatb at, D1BH0LD Msngaass snd fireproof aatea; lock out opened; metsl ftxturss; veult and Jail IB! niiaiw, .1 E. Deris, 08 3d work; Jaeka.. J. B1IS lOOO, SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS. FOSTER A KLEISRR SIGNS. We have built ap tha largest alga haslnea In the etty by flrst-elea work snd keeping ear promise. Our prices sre right. Fifth and Everett ata. Phone Eieheng 88. UEORtjB WEBER, MODERN SHINS "The Different Shop." 208 Fourth. Pacific 21 1. 'CARDS THAT CATCH THB BYE" Beet work . la IS eltyt Be tie, 800 Dehum bldg. Main Met. KHINS THAT ATTRACT' Port la d Stga VW., 2al Staik at. Pboaa Pscifl lewd,. . BANKS. 1 I 1 1OTXO STATU BATIOaTAX. BANK OF V01TLAKD, 0RXM. " L ' . TrsassctB a Oeaerel Ranking Buelnsse. DRAFTS IH8CEU AvsfUbls la All Ctiea or '..,rn,'l Btate aad Kumpe, H.mskong ssd Ma oils. CoUsctiuaa Made 'I''1"'"'!. J. uTAlNS WORTH I Caahler K. W .B uoL Vice-President R. LBA BARNXS I AssUtsnt Cssbler W. A. sloLl Asslstsnt Cssbler ADD A TIXT0N, BANKZR8 (Established Transact, m n,,i.,.i a..,i.. BmIu, a,.. ,m:. 1-ottera of credit leaned sr.11. hie la Europe end n points h I'niiea al t . '?nt Bchsngs and Tslegranhle Trsnsfsrs sold oa New Yorh. Wa. bins toe. Chh:a. J"lf- Denver. Omaha. Baa Preadec snd Monfsns sad Brlttsh Columbls. Bsehaoa so vane. Berlin. Frankfort, Hongkong. H EROHAJfTS XlnnriT. nlsrw n .t..a sia.-' '"nn w a 1 eoni .... rreement 1 nun.., Cash Is I ' a. C. CATCHING Second Assistant Cssblsr. Transact General Berthing Bostneo. Drafts aad Letters of Credit leaned AvaUshla to - All Pert of tks World. Collections a Soedslty. BARKERS' A LTrMBERhf XB'S BANK-JNsrUand., Oregon. Corn Second ssd Stark streets. tmmerc1l aad Savings Dspertmest. Letters af Credit Isaood AralUbU to All ParU or the World. D. C Sri enu - . . . . . : CIm fmfj? B- !wi'U)V.'rW,VlPlwMrt JOHN A. KEATING.. ..Second Vlra-Presldent T KB BAR OF OsXTFORNIA XstaklUhed 1884. Reed Office, Boa Franetseo, Callferala. Capital paid ap...... $4,0X0.000 I Snrplu and asdlrlded proflta $10,163,873 , General Ranking and Fxrhangs Business Transacted. Interest en Tim Deposits. . RATINGS DEPARTMENT Accoant may be opened of $10 aad upward. . v, . . . . m .. 1 1 t . .... a. . rsriiasoi orsuco ulimDflr ' n. m A Km n . w.m.m. 2lVBM MSnSger I TBST NATIONAL BANsU-Portland. Oregon. riSIVit .we. ,eHM.n, ... snw i,ouv,uuu.w. efcrwi. . ..,, A. L. urr.r.s .....Preatdent I n li.. I J, W. NEWKIRK TRUST COMPANIES. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF 0RIO0N The Oldeet Traat Com pas y ta Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $1300.008. General Banking. Two per eent tatersst en ebee a--mm,, - v . 1.11. - - - . - a. ...u. M.. f ... Aff eMtlft end exenengn on gD parts of the world. Savlnga aocounta. seruncstee. aooo or over, J.14 to 8 ner eeet. jau roe Boos ar : iu,i.iaMu -.V i" Bon""-"! Corner Third snd Osk Streets. Phone Prleate Exchanfa BENJ. L COHEN...., . .Traa1.1ewt t H- aVPITTOCK . . .TlcevPreeldeoe B. LEB PAGET. . . . .Secretary SrCTtrRITY SAVTNOS A TBTJBT OOMFAJTY-SOS Msertasa Street, PortUad, Oregon. Transacts a General Becking B Rainess. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, 'otereet lrTJ Time aad Ssvings Aocounta. Acts a Trustee for Bstetee. Drafts aad Lsttsrs of Chretut . AvaUshla on All Psrta of the World. ' C. F. ADAMS President I L. A. LEWIS First YTce-President A. L. MILLS Second Vice-President I SEP. E. RCB8ELL TXTl BVARANTEE A TRUST COMPAaTT 848 Wsshtngtoa Street. MORTGAGE LOANS oa Portland Rsal Estate et Lowest Bates. - v TltlB Insured. Abstracts Furnished. . i ..' J. THORBUBN ROBS President I JNO. E. AITCHISOlf...., .Secretary OEOHOE H. TTILL. .., Vice-President T. T. BUBKHABT.... ...Treeenrer BONDS AND M ORAM BROTHZBB-Chambar af Cwmmarr, ' Manlclnsl. Rsnrosd and Pahll DOWsTIaTO-HOPKIBS COhTPAsTT EstahUshed - . STOCKS. BONDS, GRAIN Bought Private Wire. BOOM 4 CHAMBER 0UIB J. WILDE SOME TEXIPHONB BONDS BANK STOCKS. , Member Portland Block Exchanfa. " ' . Corner Sixth nnd Wsshtngtoa Street. Portland. Orcfoa. OYerbeck, Starr L Cooke Co. U kVX. ' BRAIN, PROVISIONS. COTTON, STOCKB AND BONDS. ' , -'' WE SO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BTJ81NZB8. Oontliinooa Markota by Private Win. Quick Service. REFERENCES Ladd A Til tea. Bank are, and United Bute National mk of Portlaad. STREET PAVING.- WARREN Constroetloa Co, Street paving, aid. walka aad cross tnga. 814 Lumber Exchaago. THB Barber Asp belt Pavtnf C. at Port Inn d. Office 868 Worceetar bU. ' SEWING MACHINES. THB WHITS SEWING MACHINE AGENCY, 280 YamblU at, cor. 4th. Phono Mala 8102. Bargains to all fclada af aew aad aecond . bend eewlng Bsehlnes; a few ellghtly dam aged, good aa new, at greatly red seed price. PHONB Pacific 2788 and I personally will can and repair year aawlng aiarhlnc; work fnar sstsed. B. Ssms, adjuster, 381 Third at. STENOGRAPHERS. EXPERT stenographer and typswrltsr. . Mala 1271. , 814 Dekam bldg. Phone SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store flxtarea Bade to order. Tha Latks Manafactnrlnf Co, Portlaad. R. H. BIRDSALL. designer! ageat M. Whiter Lumber Co. T Hamilton bldf. Mala 808O. TYPEWRITERS. HEADQUARTERS for aew aad rebuilt type writers of all mahaa; bob oar window; if yoa ar going to bay a new typewriter eee aa be fore buying; wa cea aara yoa money; wa hare part for repairing all machtaea: Btate ageata for tha Visible Fox: wa bay all klad of typewriter. Tba Typewriter Eichsufa, Inc., B. J. Ellison, msnagar. 84 Third at. BLICKBN8DERFER Typewrite Agency; on pliee,' repslrs. Bsletgh bldg, Stb and Wssh. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. sell Rem Is rt one, Bmlth-Prsmlsrs. Dsea-a-ee. ets.. lower thsa any other company; lareatlfata. Underwood Typewriter Co, 68 8th. TRANSFER AND HAULING, THE BAOOAGB A OMNIBUS TRANSFEB CO., corner Sixth and Oak ata.; baggage checked from hotel or iwaldeoca direct to deetlnatloai pe securer therefore arold raeh sod aaaoy. ssce at depots. Prlrata Exchange 88. SAFES, plaaoa and farnttora moved, packed reedy for ablnplnf and ehlpned; bTI work guaranteed; larg $ -story brick fireproof ware bonae far storng. Office 208 Oak at. Olaea A Boo. Pboaa Msla 84T. a O. PICK, office 88 First at, between Stark and Oak sts. phone (Wn. Pianos sad fnrnl- - tore moved nnd perked fnr shipping! eommo dloaa brick warehouse with separate troa rroa asa l lay bib. NATIONAL TRANSFER A 8TORAOB CO, 808 Oak at.; telepboae Mala 4480. Transferring -aad staring. OREGON TRANSFER CO, 184 North Sixth stl phone Mala 08. Heavy hssUng aad atoraga. INDEPENDENT BAOOAGB A TBAN8FEB CO. Storage. 824 Stark St. Mala 407. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 300 H Waah lngtoa et. Phone Maui 882. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWEL! DAILY Coma, brash, snap. ,31 per ax Supply Co. oth. Portland Laundry m Towel Ninth aad Coach. Pbaa 410. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. Tat. A. OUNST CO, DISTRIBUTORS OP FINN CIGARS. PORTLAND, OREGON. BHERK A GRAHAM CO. tin.)-Commission anorrrlsKU IB. jkTVijswt ar sanr, SI m lm, leMuTiayaa, tJtaS A oonelgnnveata aollcltoa. 128 traat at. EVERDING A FARRBIU peodneo aad com. m lesion merensnts. 140 front n., Psrtlsed, ur. ranoa mam 1 1 st ORKOOX FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CO Msanfaetarera of rarattaro for th traue. rorusna, vregoa. WADHAMS A CO.. wteoleeele erroeer. racturera ana eommieeisa mere heat. Fourth ana vies oe. FURNITURE mseufacrortnst and aoeclel eerlees l. navenesj e orniiwre inexory, stT rront at. ALLEN A LBWIS. cote sitae lea and produce ater- ennnta, rroat aaa isirw ata., t ort teed. Or. WHOLRSALB crockery aad glaaewara. Pre el. Hegelo A Co, portlaad, Oregoa. - . 0. W. SIMPSON. 301. Wsehtngtoa St. Whole sale era lee ta grata aa bay. TRANSPORTATION. aom acttto wTAusra-n co.a S!i:r.sVps KOANCXE z-.i CEO. W. mi2 eliS, t - n Fr V Tii 'aco a-1 1 Ii 1 e t a p ri A. of. WRIGHT ha 1888.) uu sde at all potnta aa 7hl Yokohama, Mantis sen inii-" - - . . ' Ties r l. iiintiia GEORGE W. HOYT .Assist ant Ceshler r. sf0REVJ.".''re.'Assia'tnnl ; reehlee , PLATT A PLATT General Conneef . or umnenr ,ni 1 i.iiu.. v v hi utihi, ! i. J. T. BIJKTl.rlAr.l-l.. .. .t,.aaraiim v,p,-aw Oldest National Bank en rh paclfl Coast, u. ..BAIIVI aiinMAMM W. 0. AlVORD. m m BT.vrva ,,,,.,,,,aan.nn v . ..Second Aeeletant Caahler Time certificate. 3 to 4 per cent ; "bort-caU p 1 O. OOLTRA. . . . . Amletant Secretary-- R. C. JUBITZ Asslstsnt Secretary ..Seeretarp , INVESTMENTS. BuUdlaf, .'( Service CortiorstVei Bonda. 1888 BR0KIBB. and Sold for Cash and oa Margin. af COMMERCE. Phoa Mala 8T. TRANSPORTATION. AlasKa 1907 EXCURSIONS 3 T1UPS ; t M. a. sTpokaaa, Tama 14, R8 July IS, B6 Aaf. A. , QnwatB, July IB. , -nTOiKa movrm. m. m. B tutor rtua 1 . a. rreHTldsmt...... ,....ftaA liL-...l. M. B. AXABT-A atOTT. ' takgrwAw, sTltka, arBm Aa way porta. , Balllnar p. bl, SvmVboMt. .. .April B-IS-AB Oottasja City, via mtkm April T-41X City of laattla ...........AprO 1T-4T7 BAJT riAAjrOTBCO BOITTS. ". ahdllsuj- S) Aa SB. sTrom BaAttU. " City f uuTte ...April A-SO City of 'To pa kA..... Aptil 10-BS TJmatUlA ..April 15-30 Ol ty Office, S4B WaaUnrboa St. Columbia River Scenery UOTXLATOS ZXMel Dally aerrlca he twee portlaad and Tba Dallee, except Suadey. leering Portlsnd at T a. m, arriving about 8 p. m, carrying freight end peaaengera. Splendid accommoda tion tor outfits nnd livestock. Dock font of Alder et, Portland: font of Court at, Th Dallee. Pboaa Mala 814. Portlaad. Str.Chas. H Spencer Waadjrtu-a traat Sock. - Thilly, xeept Bunflslr, fop Tha panes and way landlnfa. at, T a. rn, retumlns 10--aV-rat tlma,. bast aarrlca. ntneii Ik-Ala. S1B4 Xosba, a, IX. B4. PREFERENCE TO ENGLISH IN CANADA TARIFF IAWS t At Colonial Conference Canada Will Urge Favoring the r Mother Country. V (Journal Special Barrlca.) Ottawa, Ont, April Sir WUfrid Lsurlor And Sir Frederick Bordsn .are motif tha paaaanfers bookod to anil oa th Empresa ot Britain from Bt, John today. They go to London aa tha CAOAdlAn repreaontatleea at th colonial conferonca which is to bofln Its aaaiona 10 days hencex Sir Wlirrld hsa Alreaidr taken oocav ston to maJi plain th policy ho will follow In racard to tha chief quectlon that are to b brousht bafor tha eon ferenc. U la of tha opinion that tha auaatlon of preferential trad 18 tha on Important matter In whloh Canada la vitally Intarostad. In Pasard to this question, th premier prtrpoaad to fol low th rant policy which ha advocated at th con.rnc held five year ago-, namaly, to Elv th . British people a preferenca under th .tariff laws of Canada. t e . Should th horn oountry snd tha ethar colonic be willing to reel prorate. Sir Wilfrid says that Canada wouM than b willing to tro a step farther In Ite preference. la re curd to th ques tions of Imperial defense, lmmlxrntion and a. mnlnrlt of tha other leanest tlt Para to k dlacuaged. Canada wtlf not tak a promjnpnt part, beinf tlf!e. for th moat part with th conditions as they exist at present. FIVE UNIVERSITIES IN DEBATE AT LINCOLN - (Jirnl Special S.rrW 1 Lincoln, Neh, pH1 I -The ncwlr formerl rctitrel rtcLMlns circuit t America cngsgea In Its flret 1 tilt tonight with fne Blmn I' 1 re...-1 .1 hntea in as nwnt 't"e T rnmnoeeit of te " u jsr..braek. liHuof. Mlnnceota. I- - . tesrne. '" t' ' y on ti e e ' 1 ' ' f-- r . i.t t