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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1907)
' """r 7?rr' : 'i;:7;;:"t:r:: : .'myomaY--'- ont?TT awtv Friday evening. APRIL, fl. 1907. , . .. , ma Ji4CVJ Wis Uniirf A juuuimu!, w - - Classified Advertised ments receivedtoo late forjnsmion in theseages will be found on Page 15. NEW TODAY. SUNNY5IDE HOME Delightful modern $-roora house. f nly finished, between two car line. !' ' ' S2500 . Haa enough fruit tree the crop from r Which wtll pay Interest. . " - ' ui tra now tow. , . H. W. Lemcke Co. Maln tSO. tth and Washington 6ta. -THUR.MAN ST. M.8M a consre looxioo ieai 09 TWlaXT-TKUUl STAVES T. i - 14.000 cash down. Thla eoraar will oon bring $7,500. Buy It now and make , gooa qmcK proriu inveaugat tor , yourself and see If you can find an other sueh a corner on this "lire" street at thla kind . of a price. Sea us at onos for full Information. H." W. LEMCKE COMPANY 'Sixth and Washington Sts." Main ESO. ; Hawthorne Realty Co. - The finest I-room cottage on east lde; modem In every way; new; can be 'tinted to suit purchaser. $1,400 cash. Balance to ault at 1 per cent. MAWTXOKini unn oo. 981 Marguerite Ave, Cor. Haw t norm . Tabor el. Hawthorne Realty Co. ' ,F1neat and cheapest quarter block In business center on Hawthorn Are. -Price- low. , . uwnoin nun oo., SSI Marguerlta Ave., Cor. Hawthorn. Tabor 1V i $2850 ' Five-room houae,"' lot (OilOO. full basement; hath, gas, electric light; hardwood finish; block Hawthorne car; terma. Be ua about this. - WHITTEN 4 BRYANT . 4M wetland ldg, 5th aad Wash. For$l8flOJ,08HoNc! A corner of 100x100. ' and four-room bouse. 77:.' v'- T- ' ' Dwltl,- - -.;. ir, go, Mwn Oharteston. i : WHEX AWAY FRoSt HOME ' Ooplee ef The Joaraal eaa he obtained la the following cltlae and town, ontalde ef Oregon. The Jon ma I woald appreciate the receipt of reporta of failure to etitala cop lea ef the paper at any ef the, place.: . COLFAX. WA8HINOTlf A. 11. Stag. . Walla walla. Washington w.lia Wan. . BUtlonerr Compear: Cnm- pany; Hotel Oaere. New. Btaad; Lntea Cigar - Ftand; Central New. (Jompany. Taooma, Washington Hotel Tacema Vewa Ktand, 11U Sooth Poorth atreet. , flEATl'LB. WASHINGTON Rainier Ore ad Newi grand; International Newa Afency Kewapapar Waroa; Hotel Heattle Mew. Ktand. OOI.DFlKLO. Mii ADA Jaole fees, Mewapaper Wagon. BAM D1EOO, CALrrORNIA Amoa New. Cm , pany. Newer. per W.ron. SPOKANB, WASHINGTON gobs W.' Graham Oe. . . . VOIRE. IDAHO Joaepb Conine. '. MINN BAlOLIfl, MINNEHOTA U. I. Can- aaurh. SO Third atreet, eoatb. BT. LOUIH. MISHOURI B. T. Jett, BOB Olive etrwt; Geort. I.. Ackeroaa. ' KANSAS ill. MI8SOLRI Voana News Cos- pany. Newspaper Wuoa. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS 1 O. New. .Oompany, ITS Dearborn atreet. DKNVKR, COLORADO Voles Depot Kewa Btaad. .. LOS ANGEL KB, CALIFORNIA Ajnea Kewa Company, Newspaper Wagon.' - OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA Anna News Cora- - pa.y. Newspaper Wagna; N. Wbeetley Kewa Company, rtewapaper Waroa. AN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA K. Wheatler - NeweOmpaayr Newapaper Wagon: Foater 4k Orear, Ferry hoi Id Ins: Johnson News Com pany. I in Fillmore etreet. ........ ALT LAKB Cliy. I'TAH Mr. Lertaa. Newe- - paper Waaoaj O. U Daslee, Houl Kenrea; . Rarrow Bros., 4S West Second .treat, eonth. ' OGDKN. UTAH Gray New. Company. Depot New. Stand. , OMAHA, NEBRASKA Millard Hotel Kewa Stand. ' NEW YORK cm Arthur Botallng, Km- ., paper Wasona. . WEATHER REPORT. ' Stnraa eonttrwest warnlnc. ware ordered eon A new dhrtorhance ef a decided character haa maoe IU appearance off Cape I'lattery. It will aaore rapidly eatward and cause atornty weather In thla district for another 24 bonrs. Geaeral rain, base fallen on the Pacific elope a. far eouth as San Lola Ohtano, The die. tnrbancea yesterday hi the middle "west ti tlone te aiose eaitward. the northern one being ow central over New Bnulstid. and the eonth- . ern ae ever tlia lower Mlai-lelppi Taller. Tbe BorthwMtera hiirk preaaure area lis sdranced enatheaward te Lake Snpertor. The sotnh Pacific aad the sooth Atlantic alah preeaor. ereae b.T renatned nenrly atatlcsiary. It Is aisjc cajder In T.ias. Okl.hoirn. Kansas, Ne- v braska, Mlsamerl, Iowa am the upper lake reclnn, and eorrcanondlnaly In the At UnUe aUtaa frm Sew F,nfland to Fkyrida. Nearly , normal tsmparsture. preratl la tbe Pacifle stataa. ... -..Temp.-. Atlanta. Georgia .. .... Baker City. Oregoa, Illlnoi. Cincinnati, Ohio Denver, Colorado ...... lletrolt, fcilchlasa Lewtatoa, Idaho ...... Portland. Orerm....... Rneobnrc, Ormroa Sacranteetax Callforaia ft. Inia, Hlaamrl Knokaae, Waahlnetoa . Tacooie. Waahlngtos .. Mas. ... ;n ... ... M ... n ... M ... M ... . . .. BS ... IK ... to .... to ... 4 .... DO Mia. Prerin. 50 .01 sn ,n, M .0 rn .a o jo .01 A .10 to .r,t i .40 Ml 40 n ?2 -;o 40 .21 , UNDERTAKERS. Knnelnc, McBntee A Gllbaugh, nndertakera and emoslmers; asodera ta every detail, Seventk and I'tne. Mala 4.IO. Ledy aaalaUnt. Ericksoa rndertskmg Co.. ssd embalmmr. 400 . Alder et. Phone Mela 6133. Lady aaslstaat. J. P. Ftnley A Rons, Third and Madison sts. Office of county coroner. Phone Mala v. Eeiler-nyrnee Oo funeral directors, emhelnt ers, 373 Rassell. , East loss. Lady aaatetaat. A. R. Hemstnrh. funeral director. Bast lath and r ma tills. Pboae Scllwood TV. Lady assistant. Edward Holmaa. aadertaksv, S3 Tblrd aC CEMETERIES. Roug t'lTT Slnxle graven. $10; family lets. f-t in f . niirvriutnwi, a . tmarifi, tw rr of l-eaact et. and Cully road. Phone i.l.or 4 For full lof.wmatlon apply te ' ... x-Mc.l, tut Cotasaerclal blk.. fboo biai Jm , , . , . I, . . I Hi VLB VI W Single grave. 310; family lota, tiiw to 1 1 ,000. The only cemetery la Port la sd wbtcb perprtusllr BMlntalaa and earsa f-r l"ts. For fu'l atformstloa, apply to w. It Ili.kHitk, Worcester block, dty. W. M, lm4. president. REAL ESTATE TRAN8FRS. jartaoa investment MM D. Oil., Iota 12 and MJ block X, Jack. sua Plans Job a N. and Clara Jamee to Dsn Mara ana PUi Block, tota i aatt a. Mock 62. Linntna A. snd Sellns Stalger to Elisabeth Eg- gert, lota 3 aad 4. block 37, tarter' addition .... George W. ana Cm lit Kniar ta Alfred TutHuneon, beginning et a point la , mi of Damascue road at a point la Jaasee romll'i donatloa land claim. ta acetlca Hi, trwas&lp 1 auutk. rang ' S nit Mlrt V. and Mlrlla M. Graver to Ernst Grever, undivided t4 of laad beginning at a Mint on aorta Una of Uolledsr '70O 1.900 1,500 4,00 aranna fkio feet west from waat Hue of Kt Iwetar-cleutb itml. . 00 Cbarlra 8. and Wary Josephine Sweeney te J. R. t'aplea. tat 7, blor t. Eltsa- Iota Irving a addition No. X Title Guarantee A Truat company to J. S. Reatro. lota apd 10. block 10, Month St. Jolma Mary aad I,. Jungferdnrf t. A. J. Prnrb. lot 4. block 1. Woodwerd'e eubdlvlstea of lot t. Rlveretde Homeatead 42S 1M0 Samuel A. and Sophia Holm to E. L. Johnson, lata 8 and 6, block S. Colum bia Heights eddltlon George r. and It. M. Brlee te Da lay 'L. . Rand. Vita 1 aad X Uork 9. Murray Hill axlditloa - Oeorge r. and Ira M. DrVe te Dalar I Rand, west H of loU S and 4, block I. Dolan'e addltlne. and waat H of lot o, block its, Uaaaoa'a ftaeoad addl 00 1.KO0 tloa ; Tbomaa R. and IJUIa Cochran to rmf t.000 W. Force, lot t aad pUaa lot ta block . 1 WlUnmbla Katla and Herman Schneider t. X. K. Rarfmonit. Iota 1. 1 and 4. block 18. aso -Khnet Parfc . , . IfliOOO T. 8. and Lola J.- MeDanl.1 W- gv-ft BabM, lots T and s. block t: late and a, block B, Elsmere grank aad A ana Michel, to I I, Blocb- 10 benrer, lote 1 to 10, biocc s, juarrn- - moat Dudley and Nellie Brans to William H. Smith. let aad north 4 of lot 1 block 4. Brana' addltloa to Alblna.... Lonls O. Clark et aL to Ruby Ocdea. lota 1 and X. block tH. East Portland. 0. W. and L. lose Terr te Title Gaaran ' tee a Trnat eompany. lead la section 1. township 1 eouth, range 1 eaat Jobs Carl1, te John A. Dahleren, lot . block g. Monat Tabor Central Tract. Karl C. and Ones L. Rmeansb to Frank , W. Artaa, lot 4, block, S. Bnaaugh addltloa Barl C. and Grace L. Itrenangh te Oeorte W. Powls," lot g. block I. Broaangh'a addltloa Roeaa and Hannah Anderaoa te Mar 1000 4.500 8,000 l,m 1.000 Tonslng. lot , block 1, Oook'a addition to Alblna , MS William and Annie Phillips te Nora A. Rlrbsrdaoa, lot 1, Mock t, Woodlswn- Helabte X7t William and Annie Phillips te Jennie n. Da Witt, ant IT. hktck i weed- laws Hetrhte 1, ITS Carl and Henrietta Scklewe to Richard Mlelke, west H ef lot 1, baoca , Mount Scott Park S23 Security Savlnga A Trnat company 4 Mae Rv.ton, eaat an feet ef kita 7 and 8. block 17, Terwlllleer Homestead.... Real Estate Investment aeaoelattna to D. M. Donanab and Mae H. Cardwtl, lot . block 7. Bellwood....... Arleta Land eompany to B. Bhitatncer, lot W, block 13. Arleta Park No. X... John and Rosia Romaa te Albert Russell.- lota l and 13, block a, ArUta. Park Va. t.... Title Guarantee A Truat eompany te F. 10 800 100 too W. Torgler, lota 13 and 14. block S, THtnn'a addition Rose City Cemetery association te O, W. Jamea. lot 10, block 17, eectkn D, said cemetery A.' R. aad Hannah Francis to Security Savin as A Trust com pa ay, lot 10. block 49. Fulton Park I. M. and Manraret Belcher et el. te Security Savings A Truat company, east no feet ef lot 1. block 28. Boatbera Portland Cory W. Starves et si. te Nora Lrvlng aton. lota IT aad 18, block IS. Porte mouth Albert end Heleae Eisner to Richard An-. - derma, west 1-8 ef lota 4. aad ., block gSyBenayslds. , , - Charles A. end Rosrlna Prtealng to Aiel Perasoa. lot 13, block 14, North Irving ton addition ...k. T. B. aad Lain J. MrDanlel to Fred J. Wyatt tot 5. block 16, City View Park A. G. aad Edith M, Hawklne to W. H. . HeUsue. lota IS and Id. F.dendale. . . . a C. and Hat tie E, Priestly te J. H. Mleenhlmer. lot 4, block . Fozrbane addition 8. C. aad Hattle K. Priestly to Guy B. P. lose, lot B, block , Foxchaaa addi tion Oliver I end Irene Roe te Edward H. and TiUie B. Benerly. tot 14 end H l.SOO no 10 10 ST8 XM 10 10 or MM 19. diock e. nnnnyaiae nauum. J. M. and Margaret Huston to N. N. Rice, east 83 1-1 feet of tot S, block I. Base Line addition Henry aad Emma Benael to Iver H. Thompson, lot 10, block I. : Alblna - Heights addition Mary F.. Davie Freker and J. A. Fraker to Jacob Hardnng. lot 14. block 11, Lincoln Park Annex 850 ,1.100 TS0 B50 X. K. West to J. W. Utlmer. north 48 1-8 feet of lot 8, block SO, East ' Portland 40.000 Jamee Osborne and Hannah Maria Os borne to Thomas J. Van Aaken, lota 6 and 7, buck 86, Llnntoa First addi tion 58 J. W. and Hattle R. Latimer tn Joseph . M. Hesley, anfllvinen h "r anrrn ' 4 1-S feet of tot 8, block . Bast Portland . i J. A. and Mardalene Carr te J. M. nos tra, lota 33 and 4. block g, Point y foap David and Ella L. Oondsell tn Jacob Haver an, tot P. Bast ; Portland Heights ...v Joaeph aad Franeee Ellis te Edith C. Howies, tota 4 and , block t, Pied mont Portland Realty A Trust company to B. FV ShipleTr-tots-gand -JbJMockTj. Laarelwood Msrsruerlte end Fred W. Graves In Ma 10 TV) 850 1,025 BOO tilda Smith and Kittle M. Betemaa, lot a. blocs- SI. Woodstock ,- 400 LacHtda A. Wedheme te Rlvervlew Ceme tery aasorlstlon. tot B3. section T. Rlv ervlew cemetery Hnb Lend company te Oscar Waleen, Krt of lot 14, block 8. Willamette nlevard Acre i ..... .......... ..... Josenblns Anderson to Bven Anderson. .10 acre beriming at northwest ear ner of donation laad claim ef Plymp toa Kelly, hi eectma 4, township 1 sooth, range S eaat Amelia and Walter S. Wade te P. A. " vr... Vr .... ne-1 - hlor--W(rtV 450 200 lamette addition Culseppe and Maria Rnaarla Saltalamac- rhle to Vlncenso Pattone. Iota S3 aad 34. block 4. Tabasco addition O. W. and Cella A. Priest te Ether Mc Rrown, tot 13, block 11. Central Al ' bin i. . .n..... ........ 4 10 439 1230 For- abstraeta. tl'le insurance or mortgag mane, call en Pacifl Title A Trnat company. J04-O-4-T Fslllng bldg. net s-eair- heurane end abstract to real estate from th Title Guarantee Truat com. eanr. 940 Waahlnxtoa at., corner oeeonu. NOTICES. - IN THB district eoart "of tbe Cnlted States for the district of Oregnw la the matter ef tbe eetate ef Cbsa. H. Cooper, Tbe anderalgned will receive seeled blda at bis office. No. T First aL, Portlsad. Oregon, tor the stock of aierebaadlee, consisting ef dry. goods, notions, clothlnc and furnishing good, amounting to 33.nou.01, together with the office and (tore fixture of 3"3-l pertaining tn this eetate. P to 12 o'clock Boon ef Thurs day. April 11. 1907. Terms, cash, subject t conftrmatlno by the court, sod a ' certified theck for 10 per cent of tba amount offered must accompany ' each bid. , Am tnventnaw ef tH SHVIOert mat b S at my office and th stock may be inspected st Astoria. Oregon. All proposals mast be pis Inly siecked, "Bid for C. H. Conner stock aad fiiture.' R. L. SABIN. Trustee. THB NrnOET CANYON PLACE 1 , , DREDGING COMPANY. , . r NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS A Special meet lag of the stockholders of lbs Nurget Csoyon Placer A Dredging com pany has keen celled, upon request in wrll irs ef the owners of two thirds ef tbe cspi tsl stock ef ssld corporation, to he held Monday, April 8. IM?. a tbe hour f 10 "a. bb la room 7. at No. 1271 First atreet. Portland. Oregon, for the purpose ef dissolution of esld eorporsttoa. ergaaleartna et a new corporation and auch ether bua. nose aa may properly soma before said pe dal meeting. ' HARVEY BAILEY, President, Attest: J. H. CLARK. Secretory. NOTICE I hereby gives tbat Bnleae eherge on one lot of scenery stored In Manufacturer building, at Lewis and Clsrk fslr grosada. and awe lot brick stored by Jobs Hunter In Mlnlac bslldlns, aame locality, are paid ' before April S, 1W07, we will sell said brick t end ecenery to pay ebercee, including this notice. Portlend Dsvelopmcat Ce rslr grsund. eity. . ' " '' NOTICB. ' ! The LMdyvine mob air pee tn be sold . ApfU I. 1007. . . ' . 4. . STAN DA RD, I44MUUT, NOTICES. ! NOTICE. . Notice la hereby gtvea that at meet In its ef the stockholders and director ef tbe Columbia tCuglaeerlng Work, la cernoratlna Incorporated aad existing npdyr the lsne the state of Oreroal, duly called anaT held tut that purpose at tbe office of tbe company in tbe city ef Portland. Oregoa, on tbe let day of March. 107, at which meeting of th. mirv, .11 ik. Achholdera of Sa Id company wars present aad voting aad each - and ovary snare of the capital slock of aald corpora I ton was present and voted, and ml which aald meetlug or tbe dlnctore all the director, of said corporation were present end . voted, the name of ssld earDoratlon was ehaneed fmm ltnlHDihla Saiatnaeslne Work." to "Oolambl. Steal Comp.ny," and .rtlclee I and III ef tbe article ef Incernnratlou of aald cemnanr were amended ao a rrsu as harelnaftee mora narllcularlv set forth mmU eetLn.. am the nart ef th. BtACkhoblsra . bsvlng bees taken by the ananlmoas end affirmative vote ef all tbe atocl holders ana ef eack and every ehare ef tbe capital atock f aald company, tbe aame being more thaa aevsa-ehtbths ef aald espial stock, and eoek action on the nart ef the directors kavlftg been taken by the nnsnlmo. and affirmative vote of ell the directors and that Supple. . mentary Articles ef Incorporation kave neen ilnlv evaeiite.1 filed and reenrded SB reOUlred by law, In conformity with such action of tin stockholders sad directors, and tbat the aame of said corporation has been wgsiiy and lawfully changed from ColamMa Kofi; neertna Work, to "Colambla Btsel Company." and that article t af the art Idea ef Incur- , poratloa of aald cempany ha been changed1 aad ameaoea ao aa to read aa loiiowa, asm ARTICI.B I. ' The aame assumed by tble eorporsttoa and by whlcb It ab.ll be known abaU be "Colum- hle Hreel rVicnneev . And that article III ef eeld artjeut ef mcorporatloa haa been euaaged ana ameaeea wr aato-read aw--ollower-n silti ARTICI.B III. The enterprise, business, permit aad eeea- , pstloa la which this eorporetloa prnpossa to ogag are aa follow: ' (1) To eonduct and carry on' a general steel and Iron foundry and manufacturing Plant; te coed net end carry en etsel works, iron works, brass works, boiler work, ma chine abone. foundrlea and fsetortes. and to . ena-ag in tbe business et msaofaeturmg. selling, dealing In. constructing and repairing all kinds of machinery, engines, boilers, east- ' lugs, elevators, models, aad any aad all kind and classes of steal, iron aad ether metal worka., - (2) Te parcbsae. lease, rent or otherwise acquire, to erect, construct, establish, own, maintain kad operate foundries. machine ahopa. steel works, iron works, brass works, machinery, furaacee, Ing. reduction end refining worka, tools, appliance, and appara tus et every nature and description whatso ever that may be deemed necessary, con- ' yen lent or desirable for any ef the corporate , purpurea, end to lease, rent, mortgage, pledire. sell, convey or otbse-wlso dispose of tbe easts ' at pleasure. - ---- .. - (Si To own, hold, h.e et otherwise acquit-., aad to nil, or otherwise dispose ef property, both real aad personal and ef whatsoever kind ef deserln ttea, whether manufactured by the corporation er otherwise. Including the acquisition ef patent, and patent rlgbta. 4 To act as tba selling agent for ethers, and t conduct la auch msnncr sa may te deemed desirable a commission business. si Te barrow such money and Incur each Indebtedness aa may be deemed convenient or desirable In tbe conduct of the-corporate business, and te Issne tbe notes, bonds at ther obllcatloo f thl corporation therefor, and to secure payment of tbe aame er any . part thereof by mortgage, deed of truat of pledge of any or all of the corporate prop erty, both real aad personal (6) Te do all thine, aeeeeeary. deeirabla or convenient for tbe conduct of say f th business of thla eorporetloa. , Dated at Portland, Oregoa. thla Tth day Of March, 180T. -, fSeal M. MEARB, V Presldeat ef Colorable Engineering Work. TAYLOR GOODRICH. Secretary of Columbia Engineering Works. S. M. MRARS. R. R. HOUB. WALTER MACK AT. " CHAS. M. OVNN. - ' " TATIIR GOODRICH. ' - Director of Columbia Engineering Worka THB county court ef Multnomab county will receive aeaieo oias uniu im oeisv nn, wv 12th day ef April. 1007. for fumlabmg one steam roller, not less than 10 tons weight, and fitted with oil burner. The eounty re aerree the right to reject any and all bids. Bide a boa Id be addreesed to tba anderslgaed. and marked "Rid for Road Roller." F. 8. FIELDS. County Clerk. WIIHOIT 8PRING8 MINERAL WATER. ' 327 Stark at., between Sixth end Seventh, rboae Pacifl 1M6. Elmer J. Wallace, ageat. INFORMATION wanted ef th whereabouts of Louis reliant ny nis orouer, easeps rruioi, Kalama, Wash. MEETING ; NOTICES. MULTNOMAH CAMP NO. TT. . W. O. W., meet! tonight la V Ita hall. Eaat Sixth at., near East Abler. All visiting neigh bors cordially welcomed. . W. W. LTTMSDFiN, 0. 0. J. M. woodwortu, a GRAND BALL, glvn by Gennsnla Sister todg no. s. o. D. H. B Arloa bail, necond end Osk sts., Saturday - evening, April . at 8 o'clock: admission 25 cents; good mnalc; re fresbmeata. Everybody welcome. THE COMMITTEE. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. B,4ns. meets Wednesday evening, Anaky. bldg... Third and Morrison eta. . M. W. A. Oregon Grape Camp No. 8,T5 Mon- wu.., .tin a MM .!.., . ..nvw.. LOST AND FOUND. FOCND A place to have halt mstliiiasia rsno- tvl And - rptuMtwJ fMtriw fsjr rBiift- fpBnt t Main 474. Portland Curled Hslr Factory. H. ' Mettger, proprietor. LOST On Powell Valley road, a package ef books. Finder please call at 211H Second St., room 29, or phone I'alflc 44. Reward. LOST White Spit pup dog, black patch around left ere; reward. . 434 Harrison at, Pboos Main 833S. LOST Solid gilded vest huttoa. carved head; break, eet ef five. Reward. Pacific S04. LOST St. Bernard dog: yellow leather collar. Address C, M. Hyakell, car Journal, HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED AT ONCE Sure-bolt Cutter., ware 11.50 per cord; steady work. Apply Western Cooperage CoM Stearne bldg., Portland, er HouIIod, Or. ' WANTED Salesmen; many make 8100 to 8150 ' per month: eotne even more; etnek clean. grows en reservation, far from eld errharda; caah advanced weekly; choice of territory. Address Waahlnxtoa jNorscry coa.panj.Top . penlah. Waahlnxtoa. , . WANTED Hlgh-das salesman for choice ter ritories: highest commission peidi everything i furnished: cssb sdranced for expeneee. A . rare opportunity. Addreaa, quick, Oregoa Nursery, Salem. Or. PACIFIC STATIONERY A PRINTING CO., 305-207 Second et. Phone Mala Ml. We design snd install the most modem and improved office system; complete line loose leaf filing device. 81.00 A MONTH PROTECTS YOD Agsinst accident, sickness and desth. Writ or call and investigate. Northwestern Health A Accident Aseociattnn. Room 81, 268 Stark at. Agent waated. MEN AND WOMEN to lesrn tbe bar her trade In eight weeks; graduates earn from 315 to I gatl weekly; expert insrrnciors: cstaingue rree. 1 Molar System of Colleges, 3d North Fourth St., Portland. WE gat work for onr members) enecisl mem. , ben, $3. X. U. C. A.. Fourth and Yamhill. Glassified Ads In Th Journal reach the peopla In tba great Oregon country at tha light time. Rates for Claesificd v , Advertisements - ' (Count six words to th) line.) On csnt a word aarAi Insertion. Mora thsn two Insertions, ( cents per 11ns aaeh Insertion. By th week, 10 cents per Una 'O days). ' No advertisement takes for lass than II gsnts. , HELP WANTED MA-LB. " WB ran as. sevsrsl men ever B0. ef ablMtrt rpara for 0. B. enstoma-bouse service; 800 afar life pwltwna. Writ Pacific States scaeosi, Mcnay puig.. eiiy. BALES VEN Bisk, big money work evnevlence nnnseesssry. Pacifl ing for as; Aid Asao- elation. SX4, Lumber Excaaage bldg. laad. Oregon. BTI'DENTS of tbe International Oorrsepondenea schcoU desiring practical experience are re- Suested to list their nasMS at eat local office, 14 McKay building. MEN ang bovs wanted to lesrn nl.mblng, plss terlng. brick Isy lot. electrical trade; free - ratakigue: position seen red. Coyne Trade x huol. New Xerk aad Baa Francisco. ' WANTED Every crank to cell at Bord Tea Co.. BO First at., for "Ardnsore Coffee"! 8 pounds f 1 : wo Ilk yes; yon snow woe aso nay t tics. WANTED Tree csbinet Baker. Rose City Furniture Mfg. Co.. First aad Glbb sts. YOI'NO own dsehing to better their eondltlo i, , . . w aa cv A. vmu ma ewywrRMBi nvyw. ... . w. a. THREB good advertising aollHtor t em CaU XiS Goednough bldg.. after S . ta. ADVERTISING aoHcltora. sssei eom miss low. city; printing, newspaper kslp. N.wspaper Broserage. uooanouga atog. GOOD bsrness-msksrs and aaddl band.) tog -. wai-ss. Cbsa. L. MaaticK t uo.. wnoiessis Isetber, great aaa uas aw. AN experienced bench band nnd framemsksr. Apply at once. Portland Bash A Door Co., ijbios svs. aaa aset aw si. WANTED IS team to hen lumber, to com- msnc. msg ar siamoy WW I -viyi -aa3M. At ITiomaa, le luirtl n roruana. vr. Atmri sii te sell and anllect: must fur- nlsk horse and wagon aad surety bond. 403 waaniagtoa at. BRIGHT bar with wheel, candy factory, ST per week. Oeorge A. McNeil Co.. HO North Fou roorth at. WANTED Two er three tobacco strip pore te work at Bt. Johns. Apply P. J. Peterson. A Co., BX. Jonas, uregen. BILLING machine operator, wkslssals hooss; stats age, experience. - rarer en ess. salary ex- pecteq. Aoarssa u lae. eare journal. WANTED Ftrot-claes meat cutter, msrkst. lot Fourth et. BOY wanted, with wheel. 201 Alder at. B0Y8 aad machine men weated la fnruttur raeanry. cau at to) nerta jita at. WANTED Young man to study telegraphy! railroad positions; good waxes when compe tent. Day and evening classee. CaU. Oregon uoiiese, ou taainaBwsaiiB otox EXPERIENCED blacker for harness factory, ine r. j. i ronia ce., io rroox n. . WANTED Two yeans; me dry. Union Lauadry Co. for ta WANTED Girl for 830 Mill st. No chlldrea. WANTED Boy. S per week. BS K. Front st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Young lady atanegraphsr! eno with soma axperlence la mall order business pre f erred; atata salary aad xperlaaea, 4ddrssa 4 iT, aioarnai, , WANTED Young ladlee to study telacraDhr: eommereisl poeltkms when oompeteat. Day ana evening Classes, uau urgoa coiieg. ouo t.wnmonwJiB Diog. WANTED Young ladlee to study telegraphy! day and evening sessions: main line practice! position when competent. Apply Oregoa uouege. eus common wssna eag. BZPERIBNCED chocolate dipper: blgbsst wsxes: oermsaent. ' Georre A McNeil Ca.. 110 North Fourth st, near Gllaaa. Wholes! conrectionera. . AN old established bouse wants a book kss per eccusTomsa to easiness BMtnoo; good wage. ' Apply, stating xperlence. Z 108, Journal. WANTED Two first -rlsse makers at Art Mil linery, eon steam bldg., Blxth aad Morrison. A GOOD girl for housework; ao children. 186 mona lew ex. GIRLS wsntsd Is work a pa per-box factory. eob rirax x. , HANSEN'S LADIES AGBNCY. S48H Wab- ingroa ST., corner nevento, aperair. men Main xovs. remaie neip wantea. GIRLS WANTED Operator to work on shirt end overalls. Lesson given to inexperienced. Apply at' Brandsrd factory No. 1 Grand are, and Beat Taylor at. SHI RTMAKER8 wasted. Jacobs Shirt Co.. 2Ui4 atarx at. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard factory N a, urana av. ana nest Taylor at. MATTJRB woman, refined, of goed address, te give part time for orcanlaing work with Aid societies. uaU sua Tllford bldg. WANTED Glrla to work double-atltrh me- chines. Inquire Fits-Well fsctory. Ta First. WOMEN part or an of their timet beet wages. ssg Eaat lata north ; taks ear. WANTED Bookkeeper. Call on O. Loudon Darley. (gent ''Comptometer' 84 Third st. WANTED Good cook for email family; good wages. Apply mornings. . Uooklngnaia, 335 11th at. : COMPETENT girl for general boo ae work: good wagee. 381 East 14th et., north. Phone Eaat 827. Take Irvlngton or Broadway ear, WANTED Good girl for general housework, 12S 14th St. ... WANTED A gtrl ta tailor shop. 11 North r curia ax. VESTMAKERS aad flaiahera en pants: eteedy work, good pay. JUT oommoo wealth pidg. WANTED Competent gtrl for general work; family of two. 813 Johnson st. GOOD neat-girt to help with bousework tske care of baby. Telephone Eaat 4400, WANTED Gtrl Of woman for general work: good wages. Apply 28 roorth at, WANTED Oompeteat girl for general work.. Phone East 0T. . EXPERIENCED glrla wanted to work on vests. L'aloa 'Tailoring Co., 3O0H Stark at. GIRL for general housework; washing eeat eut ..Phon Pacifl S15. GIRL to assist ta general housework; ao cook ing. 13 First at. ... MALE AND FEMALE HELP. GENTLEMEN and ladlee wanted ta personally solicit order for fin phonograph; exceedingly attractive proposition, .rail las Sixth st. LADIES and gentlemen wanted to work; good alary guaranteed. Call at 861 Taylor at.; bonrs. 8 to 13 a. st, and 1 to 8 p. m. HELP wanted end supplied, male or female. R. Q, Draita, 90014 Washington st. Pacifle 1870. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. A GOOD steady boy wants position with chancs to work up; sot afraid et work. N 181, cars Journal. MARINE engineer wsnts job a. at.tloasry end seer, m city or out of town: 13 years' marine experience, deep water. Addreaa t 181, eare Journal. EXCAVATING, nlowtnc aad ceneral mantra delivered. Phone Wood Law a 163. BAKER wants steady work. L 131 eare Journal. WANTED by young married maa, position to leara carpenter trade; eoms expsrlaaeej bandy with tools. 184 Eaat Sumner Bt. SITUATION wasted hy young mas familiar . with operation of gas engines. D 188, eera Journal. . . . . WANTED AGENTS. , AGENTS make big money handling onr quick. selling household specialties: cats locus and ' price list free. Sundsrd Mall Order ..Co., Box 36.1, Lske City. Colorado. ONE hostler In each town er locality to ksndle medicines er soap: writs quick! big money. R, M. Prommer. 280 Third at. . AGRNTS. Isdlea and gents; good maa proposition. Call foe first su -making EMPiaDYMEXT agencies. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Lectin cams aad farm beln a aoeclaltr, SO North Second at. Phon Main OH. W pay U tetagraph snargss. ., . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE ro uns. SB North Second at. Phone Mala IBM PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT 0FF1CB. XOBVi Morrison Phone Pacifle 1 XT North Second et Phone Pacific 1&O0 0. K. EMPLOYMENT OFFICII Help furnished free te employers. SSV, N. 3d. Phone 170T, WANTED TO RENT. Landlords ' Rave yoa a bouse to rent t Wg have a proposition that will Interest yon. Call or arop us a una ana we will explala. '-. COMMONWEALTH TRIy'ST CO.,. -' Sixth and Ankeny sts. WANTED TO RENT Houses, eotUgss.. flats, storss. offlcae, roomlng-houaea, etc. Land- Mro wui 00 wen to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON. Phone Ex. T2. B. B. Cor. 3d aad Osk. . WANTED Te rent for term of years, with , privilege ef buying, amall farm near city, with, team and tools fnrnlshsd; geod refer- Addrssa 11. a., esi Clinton nt. WANTED REAL ESTATE. IF yoa want to sell quick. Hat with I. Pacha, zzitb morneoa st. CASH for TScsat or Improved residence prop ; erty If price la tight. Winks, 408 Lumbar gixehaaga. , ' WANTED Honss and tot near car, sot over fi.suo; owner only; sts te tocatton, ate. Aa dress N 132, ara Jour sal. - . - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WA NTEI Turnlturs and boose hold good ef ovary description bought, sold and exchanged. Tha 8. 832 First su .Mala 374. I WB.hsnl dead horse, and cattle free. Oregoa Fertiliser wsrks, or notify caraey-a v.tart- sry. goarth and Gllaaa eta. , Mala .sen. . HIGHEST price paid for sacoad-haad bicycle. Phone Mala 42B0. CASH for household rod. Savag A PenaU, 840-34T Flrat at. Phone Pacific 360. CAN aaa 35.000 worth furniture tble week: hlcb en pricee paid la city., weetera auvag Oe. Pacifl TM. HIGHEST cash prle paid for all kinds second- L..J - - - , . .1, , 1 aA W T-hlal WB WILL BUT., SELL OR TRADB ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGB CO.. 627 -629 WASHINGTON. PAC1FI0 T93. MAIN BflSB. - CASH. AND LOTS OP IT, ' FOR FURNITURE. PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS, XU FIRST BT. MAIN BOSS. MAIN 8600. WANTED A ateem donkey, stss 9x10 er 10x11 1 . most be la perfect condition. Address C. W. Tyson, T14 Deknm bldg. THE GRAND FURNITURE CO.. 411 Hawthorne a vs., nays tbe blcheat cash price for second band furnltaro. East 800. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. THB RICHELIEU. SSUj North Blxth St. Eb- gaatiy rurnuned: ataam Beat aaa oetna. THB GRAND, 46U North Third St. Room tot gentlemen, gijw per week and ap. THB ARCADE, 146U, First at near Morrison . mi a m,i..u ronuB) d-OV aw ml i arsBBlvuc THB STEWART Hooaekeeplng and fnrntahed nwmi xransieot ana aingi. buomi wasa. NICELY fumlsbed rooms, wanting distance. xor one or ret men. auo ruts at. NICELT fnrnlshsd rooms: single and ea suits, sua Madiaoa sc.; pa one paciso Bll. THE GLADSTONE. 81214 Savier et-Nice clean mrnisneu rooms, single or aounie, rrom i.zo . per week ap; tree pboos, gas and parlor. 183 H FOURTH ST. Furnished rooms, day. wee a or montn; pricee res sons tile, raeina 3630. SOT SIXTH ST. Nicely furnished rooms: gaa. Dam. poone; eaatrally loctd, near postofflca. 8BB thsse rooms; slectrie light! 11-88 wek no ap, rcone raeiric sua. SOS FIFTH ST. Large sunny resuis, bath, gaa. pnone, i.Du per wees. NEW S-room flat, (10; alee X other rooms. 190 aiarxet St. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. GOOD hnuaekaeplng-roome snd 4. 8 aad T-rnom cottage, an west side, furnished or unfur nished. Apply 864 North 26th et.! W car to S6th, turn Isft half block. TWO or three rurnlehed housekeeping -room; gaa arove, earn, pnone, everytning r nse: no children; two rooms lis, three $18. 003 Fifth st,, corner Bhermsa. 207 SIXTH BT. Large room and small kitchen - for light Boaaekeeping; bath, gas, pboae; near postofflce. . . TWO or four front rooms, newly fnratabed. 1 or Bouseaeepmg; gaa, oath, pantry, aiuk; aeey walking distance. XU Sbermaa St. TWO furnished honeekeeplng-roome hi pcivat nous.; yarn, patn, poon., near meat, lira: floor. 268 Second st , near Madleoa. FOR RENT Butt of bouaskseptng-ronma. fur- nmnea: rsar view: gaa and wood range; no chlldreai aul table for 1 85 Vt North 17th at. 91.50 WEEK UP Large, clean furnished honse- seeprng-rooms, uundry aad bath. 154 Bher man at., south, Portland. 1.2S WEEK UP Clean Furnlahad houaekeen. ini-nmna, parior, nam, la unary, roTiuvc Beet, yard. 203 H Suatoa at. U ear. . THB MITCH ELL Housekeeping and transient rami, reasonsoi. neveuxn ana rmnoere sis. FURNISHED for boosekeeplng; Mt Tabor; X rooms, rnone Tenor 17a. HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS Tbe HaU, 414 Fifth at. 1 room cingi ana sn salts. m TWO nice hoc eekeeplnf -rooms, cheep: wood et gas atovee. o Barter et corner NortB 17th. FOUR Bnfurntehed bonaekeeptng rooms; gaa, nata. mi urana are., norto. ONB auite f honaekeeptag-room, $12 pay Bwnta. ire jarrersoa at. NEW 8-room, flat, $10; also X other rooms. 190 a. a. a. ow- , , NICELT ' faralshed . fcouaekaeplng . rooms. , SB l ent a at., corner atari. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT Three besnttfnl anfurnlabed rooms. all eonTSnJencsa. gi Fifth at, eorner Most gomery. TBRZH nn famished rooms for rent. 48B Kut Monisen St. Esst 1015. ROOMS AND BOARD. YOUNG man, why da yoa eat In the restsu- rama wova you no aea n..n board for $e week; also table hoard, $4 week; home cooking, all conveniences, close ta, alee yard and porch. Aster Hoas. Sev enth and Madison eta. ' '' V ' ' , s" A week ago a want ad appeared in one of The ; Journal's classified col-, umns--and already the -folks ; feel .quite "at." home" in the new place. The Journal can rent "your house jor sell it for you. It can find you a new home. .. ! ' Rate 1 cent a word. ) ROOMS AND BOARD. THB MORRISON formerly the Hesperian Large comfortable rooms, single and ea suite, newly furnlxbsd: best table board : prlrse aiodsrate. ua Morrison at, eurssr 111a. BOH K DA LB 1th BurrsTl eetate), 404 eorner una and Madiaoa, juat epenej wmyuiisa nrat-ciaae. . i.ew 1 J rurnisnsu reaiei. CAN accommodats a-few more day boarder . at 4 par week; strictly horn cooking. Th ' , FOR RENT FLATS. LOWER "flaL 8 roc'bassment, 8S3 Northrop St., 14. Inqulrs st Oct. FOR RENT HOUSES. 4. 6 AND 7 room cotuge. newly papered, fur nished er unfurnished, on west Bids, la good neighborhood: sleo kousekeepmg-room. Apply 3n4 North 2tlth St.; W cars to 26th, turn left aair blocs. . . . ; j GUARANTEED a advertised. We caa real er sell your bouses, rooms, fists, office, stores, farms, aereege, lots; list now for eastrra advertlalog. 204 Monswt Biug. FIVE-ROOM house, esst aide, walking distance also X office rooms In Cambridge bldg., ault able for- dentist. Call room or Janitor rouia 22, Cambridge bldg. 5-ROOM enttare near WilUama ave.: bath, caa, basement; $is per month. Phone Bellwood 424. S-ROOM cottars with Jtatt, BOS Market st r-ey at aio Harset. WB rent aad sell pianos. A Co. - , Bbersua, Clay rOR - RENT gift To - Baat-Xlat - Bt- 7-room aouea, isrge yara ana xrit. nrooxiya car. FURNISHED xlOUSES. $10 Three-room furnished flat, close tat fins view, rnone aas 100 (, oo neyeoia ex. FURNISHED S-room oottaga, modsrs, Inqulrs wnm vnioaiaa oias- HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE v FOR SALE. . FOB BALE Fnrnltur of 6-room flat ea Be- - eatb at., 8 blocks rrom poetorneei sselrable . location; bouse atrlctly niodern: rent reaaua- qbiei no ageota. Addreee 2' 14s. journal. WB need furniture at any price. Portland Anc- uon swas, su-sa st- main oooo. . MEW furniture of modem 4-room aosrtmeat. private entrance, close; aultable for kacbeior eperxroente. . rscuie eve. FOR BALE rtn-nttnr of S-rooma tn flat e S noma; rent 830. Phone Ma la gssa. FOR RENT 6.TORES-OFFICES. VFFICB-BOOMS. nfamkhea Moms aad eas. piwrootna aw mat, laouauaowsa bmbbk. wppir aievaxor. 1 FOR RENT One, two et three targe office pen, aultable rot Job printing omcee er sthsr line. Inquire Partlaad Gua A Bicycle va., 101 rirat ax. FOR RENT -flood otflee fronting- Wash ington si. wi comnmrcui nil. BUSINESS CHANCES. HOTELS OUR SPECIALTY. If year nets! Is lor sal, la or oat of tba city, bring it ta sa aad wa will procure a purchaser without publicity, xlafsrsnce. Ho tel Men's association. - P. L. AUSTEN A CO., Original Hotel Broker. anils iza m 120, Abingtoa Crag. Phon Mala B488. GENUINE SNAP We eaa abow yoa family notei wmrn maoe guaranteed set pront of over $3,000 during peat year; at present profits are over $.125 par month: $8,300 cash required. Those desiring to investigate tnut prouues nnaaciai rsrersncss; no ageata. a mm. care journu. A CRACKER-JACK stock hardware, sash, door and implements; price, including buildings. $8,000 cash; no trade conaldered. Got to glv up business en account health. If yen deelre a good bust seas, here la your ehancav Do not answer unices you mean boalusas. Address owner, u 194, care joamai. STOCK cotnpsnies tneorporated. If you havs stocks or bonds for ml, let me try to sail .... e , nuH w ar.ii, 640 Blllcott Bquare, Buffalo, 1 HAVE the beet ooenlns ea the onset ta well. established enterprise; small capital re quired; writs tor particulars, r. 1 scaett, 404m East Morrmoa at, FOR SALB OR TRADB Hotel Bates. ' 108 mi lea rreot rwrttaaa en noutnern ran net a modern ap-to-date house, newly furnished hss good cmnsrc1a, trade. Addreaa Hotel llaleey. Halssy. Or. CUT thla eut and bring It with yea. I have a liMxw per cent investment in a manuiscmr Ing icompany's stock 1 mechanics keying small amounts to Invest preferred; efflc open Sat urday evenings. Apply to Wa O. Ptr hans, X15 Commercial blk. ' - I WANT a partner ta a good email grocery store, neison, istn aaa Irving sts. . SAVE MONEY Anything la prtntlag see Mad. wew, von rsuowr asmpts., runs snn aiinsT ate.; apatalra. $1 - UNFURNISHED rooms, central locetfcm; rent reaaonaDie. inquire IB union are. FOR SALB A eoufectmoery and grocery store, atork $2,500. In rood location! would trade foT-ferm, P. D. Wood, 11J BnassU gL..i,ort- vr. 1 none ksbi euu.. FOR SALE Meat market In a good locality; 010 estsniisned trade; cash or city property. L 147, eare Journal. ' , A SNAP If takaa at once GeoA paying dinmc- mom, seata no; owner sick; SO steady board mi price $180. X 147. car Journal. - FOR BALE Nearly new National rusk rsglater, mU lae; bargain. l&SVt Third at. FOR SALE New aad complete oyster house 1 ""a wiiu as onoe. 10 mira ex. FOB SALE REAL" ESTATE. " 1 1 Acres " ' CHOICE LAND. No rock or gravel, all highly cultivated. S acre, hi tree fruit. Ity acre In straw berries, lvt acre In raapberrlea, 14 acres In kigaaherrlee, balance In blackberries, . grapee, aapsrscna, potatoes aad grain: bouse, barn, outbuilding; beautiful atraam ef water flow across land, water piped Into honss! . nice place for fish pond; a very sightly place, overlooks Willamette river: geod aldewalk and Improved road to electric car Una and boat landing. 8 minutes' walk to either. 15- : ailnute car service! you ran have your team, automobile, launch, steamboat, street ear or ataam ear. any one or all, a you choose; nothing better of this kind sow offered; yoa should see it t once. - ,.,.. : Henkle & Harrison . X1T Abingtoa bldg. 4-tSOOM hooss with etc fine lota 50x100, fenced nil cross-fenced : growing garden, V lawn, chad trees. 31 assorted fruit snd aut tree, variety email frutta; chicken-house and cor ral, good new barn; bouse baa large pantry, , 8 closets, storeroom, woodshed grid basement; price only $2.ftO0 X blocks from ear aad a gsaulne bargain. HOMB LAND CO., 14514 First st, - QUARTER block near Alblna ear barn, ale to ear Una, north and east front, (mall honse. Bull Run water, streets graded, Baw - aldewalk; a good buy, either for home, la vestment or speculation! $1,900. I SCO dowa, '. balance $30 per month. Adlolnlng tota are held at $1,123. Owner mnat have a little caah at once. Phone Woodlaws 814. FOR SALE. ' MODERN HOUSE JUST COMPLETED. Sevea rooms, bath, plumbing, gaa, electric, concrete basement, stationary tabs, etc.; wss built for a home; loo feet from ear line, near Hawthorne are.; $2,0t If sold hr April 10; Urate; no agents. Phone Mala 811 Sunday phon Eaat 4140, ask for 41. Large tota, eaobetraeted view, of rive and city. Come conn. W. B. Rust. 202 Portland boulevard, Arbor Ledge. Pboos Wood Is wn 126. A FEW OP OUR BARGAINS. t ,,nn Nsw T-rnom house. 1,700 7-ronrn house, 3 lotc. . 7 000 11 -room bouse, Mill mt. $2,000 New 6 room kouse Bear car bam. $l,O0 New 7-rornn boue, lot 60x1 SO, . FARMKHi' LAND CO., . 19 Madison bldg. , FOR SALB Three acre ea 0. vF. P. car line! I win bii idwb . Ha cssa. vau sp ewnetv-I Leaf 4 04. , 1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ; R0SB ADDITION. , AdjrfBlng Bellwood on the east. Desirsbl lta. $160 to $2afl; laatallmenta, . Peter Hubm, Baak of Bellwood. local agent. , EST AC A DA. ' ' Terminal tity of the 0. W. P. diytdeo at the Portland Railway, . Light A Power Co., 80 mile eoutheaet of Portland: a maaufse- turina center' la tha ha, farmln aectloa of Oreeva, Lota and acrease for Bale en, instsumeuta. eatacada Bute pan. 1001 agent, . . ... Desirable S-renai modem subnrbsa reel ' dence for eel at a bar sals, oae-balt block . from car line, v Eighty acres" en O. W. P. Rataeada dlvW aloo, aultable fur subdlvldlBC late fire cr fruit farms. OREOOX WATER POWER TOWNBITR J , COMPANY. , Rooms d and B. 11UA First at. Cor. Aider. - - Phone Mala XIS. 06MB AND ASK ABOUT THESE. - Lot 66x200, with 8-roam hoose, come baar . tag fruit trees; will sell for caah, $800. Lot 100x100, with 8-room heoae, for l,ssbTH Lots 80x100, ea good car line, fine soil and algbUyi price $221. . B, sad T-teom oottagea. email caah pay meats, balance yoa pay la monthly payment. ' as yea are paying for rent now. . Homestead rallaqulahmenU sot far est for Good farms sear McMlnnville, from 40 acre np, cheep for cash. .. Alae three good timber clan rsllnqtllab ments near Myrtle Point for $600. ' Two million feet ef good piling timbsr, lUj mliss from Columbia river, 60 mllae ap. BEAVER REAL ESTATE A INVESTMENT COMPANY, Room Ne. 4, 167 H Fire st Portland. Or. STOP PAYING RENT, tot IfnaiOO, amall kooae, fenced.' sa Be car Una; fins Ultle kosnei going at $000; flnlabed nicely. fjot 100x100. small house, water. Be ear line; fins heme; little msesy; going at $1,000. Lot S3X100, amall bona, fenced, trees, Issrn. 8e car llaa; teat W1U pay for Its going - B- eaou. - Lot 100x10$, 4-P fruit. Ot.- $600. BH acre, sear ear line; T-rnosa. bouse, barn, chicken-bouse: fruit trees; fenced; graveled road; X backs, horse, I cow, X bslfsrs. alt ' farming tool, (bloken; U goes st earn ssd aaa It. ...;,.-. Acreage, t to 400, Improved sad Waist proved; $4 lots between Rose City Park aad the city, half distance, at $300 a lei. . 304 MOHAWK BLDO. IN SOUTH PORTLAND. IT.TBr Elegant real denes, T room, modem, lot 60x111 beautiful eaat view, tine Interior finish: construction the very beat. $8,lho New modern 8-room bouse, ea a eor ner, cement basement, gaa. porcelain plumb ing throughout. Including bath. - $1800 Oa 86X100 tot, a 8-room boose; there la room for two mora houses oa thla tot. THESE PROPERTIES FOR SALB EX CLUSIVELY BY H. W. LEMCKE CO., Blxth and Washington Sts. Mala 686. A FEW BARGAINS. $7.000 Lot 80x100, good A room kooae, en Hoyt St., near 2 2d. $5,600 Quarter block; good T-raoxa hoose, modern. East 18th and Madlann sts. $7.000 orner 60x100, B good borne; rent $W per month; sear ta ea waat aide ea ear line. , $4 frvo Lot 50x100, good T-roont Bona, 10 minutes' walk of city hall. 100 acre. In Hood River, 30 acre la ap ples, good beose sad outbuilding; thla la a sass, ... A. J. FARMER CO.,. . Room 80 Waahlagtoa bldg. " MODERN f-reota residence ta Hawthorne Park; construction the very beet, practically newt tnrnaee, fin fireplace, both np and down eta Irs. full cement floored beaement, lot 80x100, south facing, cement sidewalk and walks. Price tble week $5,500; half cash down. O 161, Journal. . FOR SALB Cheep, a new bungalow. $2,T50: rive rooms, mx miisi, norceisia oath and plumbing throughout, double floors, etc., wsa built fur a home; ta a Bice location near tbe Hawthorne aa. ear line; $1,500 eesh down, balance at per cent A 151 Journal. SPECIAL PBICB IF SOLD QUICK. ' New T-rnom modern bouse, fnrnac, flre- Elace; cemeat walks, paved streets! tiled ithrooua and kltebea, gaa aad electric fix tures, wood fiber plsster, weathered esk flank! full-sited lot; one block from ear Una, -OWNER, MAIN 1941 FOR SALB. ' SB lota, fenced, cleared and cultivated, 4-room kooae, city weter; near Pen Insular sta tion, on St- Johna ear line; $3,600. . Choice ware bouse location is Lower AlMna. B. COLLINS, - 140 4 Ruseell St. - QUARTER block kt 27th sad East Clinton sts.. one e-room ana one o-room cottage, full baacmsatj these are modern) nothing nicer la Seat Portland. Price $3,000; caa lve terms. Bee G W. Rsvsr, owaec, 369 aat Morrlssa ct.. City. ONE tot and 6-room sottage, good picket fear. wiiw www i. . v. uoiiew, ran wonoanso. Bice lawn; a anap If taken at aaee: loratlorioavH I.turelwood Park, 34T Hoyt at, Mt. aVjeTT ear line. - 14 xoi, cars aournai. I HA VR a good T-room modem borne, corner mt, east nsta sr., dioccs of Hawtborr av., 8 block. W-R car: 8300 cash, balaace essy. S48 Btark at. ' A BARGAIN Lot on Benton St., la Shaffsr'e addition, one oiocx rrom ear una. Jenae, Trimble A Trimble, 411 Marquam bldg. FOR SALB BY OWNER New. etrletly modsm 6-room cottage and one 4-room apt tags: as ay -terma. Phone Tabor 228. ' FINB ; subdivision proposition on O. W. P - emas In, XI aereai level, no gravel; bargain for quick eele. Vaadnya A Walton, Bll Chamber Commerce. JUST THINK I Lotc $20 each, at $1 per month, near Sslem ear line, no farther thaa ' Bt. Johna. Apply to owner, W. Reldt, Wash ington bldg. OWNER is obliged to cell residence sits UT - deep by 24 front; for s luxurious home site It will compare with anything in tha city. Price $5,500. Phone Eaat 814. T 149. tare Journal, , FOR SAIE Full tot. Mailory and Beech. $700 f xor a lew a.y .. avaorwaa x 1.1, care journal. . Crestcn $700 cash, $1100 oa eaay payments, $ year, at 6 per cent, 8-ronm modem honse In Creeton, Innulr N. Peterson, owner, bear Creeton Sta tion., ea Mt. Scott carlln. East Morrison - 100x100, juat acres, bridge, must Ball at a low pries. , ROOM 90S COMMERCIAL BLK. ' MODERN 6 mora eottsga. Sunnyald. (sewer dis trict ) ; $1(10 down, balance like rent., A, P. Smith, owner, 616 Commercial blk.' FOR a few days I will aelK a corner 100x100 on Thurman at,, eaat at 23d at., for $6,660. B 151, Journal. ( FOR SALE Twe-clory hoose, corner lot, Buffj nyslde; cheep If purchased at once: boo In ' perfect order; electric Urhtai one block from ear Una. E. C. Minor, 1003 Belmont st. $Sf0 IF Invested thla week buys tot Ml 200 tn Kt, Jolma. Doilaos Bros., 4IS Chamber ef Commerce. - FOR SALE A ew I room bona en Mt. Scott car line. -No. Ill Fifth in., Ints prlc Soon; $20 cash, balance monthly payments. Oncer ea premise. 1 1