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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 5. .1807. FAVORS PURE MILK TODAY'S MARKETS It Now Develops That Grower Are Fewer and Dealers More .Cars of Potatoes Than Given in the Estimate in Report Thursday. BUY HOIIS HIGHER , stocks noniriAL Only About Twenty-Five Cars Remain 'Unsold In Growers .; - Hands of fetate. TOO MUCH STOCK THAT ' DID NOT KEEP GROWN rmrpt Indications Are That Acre .age Will B Curtailed Coming SfMon, Owing to Low Tallies at First of Season. Today principal market fester: " Onlene going higher. F.w poUtoM 1b iniurt hasds. Potatoes hold well is sonth. Wheat and floor bold firm. Ban naa ara delsysd agata. .' Fin ara firmer; receipts was. . Chicken market remain aery goad. Ktlll owlet la bop market. I'rewd meats holding fair.;, BOMS ONION INFORMATION. " fii mm crop. 1808. ............'... PoM end shipped ......... Car. ,. a 70 la g sowers' bands. SS - a-m Tiin..iila Am CSuaafsd. ' According te information tarnished Tba Joar- . n.l by vsrloss Ofinn. growers r. 1'aane at the Oonfedereled Onion. Groarara seaoelatlnn. tba' emr, of aalona In lb etate ef r.M dnrlae last . aaaam amoaated ta SW rare, of which 870 cara were eok and toe .1 . Thta condition waa hronaht about by various ennditlonn. Tba crop 1t sessna waa abnat aqua I It divided bstwe-e lata and early troriieed eolone. Tba eerly . i.ii. .f - n..llt. did not show the keeping qaslltle nf the Urn-grows srtiele and tba anil waa urn m (trap all ever tha t.nlted States tha eerly anion. - - j ih . .fa - .! bad to ba ssert- flced at say prtea by tba growere l ardar a anmao. mew, uaroww. w. - - -----a ta and la a aaaaaa of tfcta character tha trada wests nothing bat tba brat ana growers la order to acQ their on-kseplne eteft like wise bad ta eeerlflee their keeping art tola. Tba Confederated Onloa On m ara aaenrtatioa placed tha low Iml tec No. I aalona tola aeaaoa at 5e and tba low prlea for No. Ss at Una. It to stated that masy srowara pat a No. 1 oelm itki Ne. S sack and aold them at tha letter flrrs beesaae of tha saw rre com petition 1a tha California markets. Now that tba acton, ara practically all Bold tba Btarkat 14. gaining r"' rapt.Hr In prtra and today ssms ara being mnde ta California at Se a Beaad. -1 . '.' Small Acreage Probable WW.- ' Paring tba coming seasna It la anile probable that tba eereege of onloaa all arar tba Jltd KMtea wlU ba eooaldaraMr rnrtaUad. Tbera ara man rnaaoaa for tbla. Tha tow prlrea whlrb anlraraally ralad throaaHoat tha coantrr tba paat aaaaoa . eaoaM aanat pioaara ta not only apand aa anprofltahla aaaaoa. bat a laraa p rant af tti.m Inat aaonay on thalr yaar-a work. la ttit. atata praaani Indlrattona ara that tha aan win ba eat at kaat 1J P" r ,t. and noma oafc aatnoHIVa ara of -ha minion that tha loaa will naxamt o 25 par eant. Tba iwaaaat aaaaaa at aanatMllr late, and anlaaa thara ara good aorlla f dry waathar kafora May 1 rt la m iltd llkaly that aoly tha baaTardan land will ba pot In on ion a. aa tha athar (roand I. too wat b plant. It a-arally takaa abmt lft daya of dry waathar , ta pot tha sroand a pnod aondlttoa for on too.. Aftar May I tba aaaann la too far adraarad ta maka anlna plnnt bi( proHtabla oa arroont of tha Ipaorta. Thla. howarar. dory aot larlnda tha ba.Trrd.oi land, aa tha aaU thara la alwaya raody for planting. In clay aoU tha la ad amat ba dryar. Patataaa Bald WaU ta tba Booth. Ttaaplta tba fart that aklpmanta of poUtoaa ta California tara baas aary baary and that , moat atnrka arrrrod la a tnracb. tha Btarkat tn Baa rranrtana la boldlnc np aolta wall. Me ' K Inlay MltrhaU racalTod tha following from lha anuth thla morning: Tha top aorch of tba potato markat la a.80 with tha tooa aaaler. Tha markat la boMIng wall, aowayar. aptta of tha haarr arrtrala. Wa kaaa arary aoafl danra la tha futnra of tba markH. Oot of towa bnyara rara koaght a irfly af lata." , Brief Votaa a tha Trada. - . ' Klnra tha adaanet af MJe In boat aagar ma J by the Alamada Baflaary orar a waek ago and qaotad axrloal !ly by Tba JToarnal thara haa rao no rhanga la varoao. at xni Waatara Bafhiary did Bot ajnote tba artranra haraoaa bad aa boat aagar ta of far. Now It fcaa tha anppllaa and la q noting tba prlea llatad by he Atamada. . . - With emaller arrtrala the eg markat m firmer today and rlee m at 18H I" ' , The bananaa doe raatarday from Oeatral Amarlra bare not yat arrtred. , . Draaaad meata holding fair, altboagb thara h preanre ta prleae, eapadally la ar.1. Tooa la bopa ramalaa aery wrtet, Chlrkaa Btarkat ebowe fraatlooal BJ oaaa m anppllaa. bat aot half eaeach atoek m eomma to aopply aaada af tha trade. . J. The trade para the following prVroa to rront at root. ITtraa paid ablppera ara loaa. regnkw a I xrunar aad Teed. ' flHAIlt BAfia Calestta. H seytag prteei .UK AT Club, nr; ted Rnnalan, TOc; hi ne at m. 75e; -aallay. Tr. - . -CURK Whole. 26jOO; exaeked, VMM per ltABXET ew read. $M.00rJM 00 par toa; roll..!. 2.0j24XWt brewlBg, $a.0OJ2)0. RYU gl.hS par cwt. OATS Kw rodooara prlre o. I wblta S? ow.T2S.60 par ton; gray, $2S.O0t2SX0. riXHIB Kaatera Oragoa patanta, $4. IB; olr.l.hU, $S.eo: export. M-SBi l)y, W-T5t arabam, "4a tM: whole wheat. $4.78; rye, L f.on; nalaa. S2.Ta. MILLSTrrrS BraB, $1T.O0 par tna mid d'tnra, $24.00: aborta. aoaatry, $2O.S0; ally, lilt M: rbnp. I1S.00A21.00. HAT Prodoranf prion Timothy, Wlllamatte allay, fan or. glS.0al4i; ordinary. 8 00 to- aaetara Oraaon. 1200002100: tnlxad, $10 low; ckjTor. $8.0; grain. $S.O0 10.00; (beat. Barter. Xcss sad tenltry. BtTTTltB! FAT, a. b. Portland Sweet errant. '; eoar. I1W , UlTTKR City araamary, S8c estalde, fanrT. aac: atora, toe. r-;Gf4 Extra fancy, candled. HHlt ClUlwa New Fnll cream, data, laiV,e; Toana America. JTH- iAt, potl.TBir Mixed ebtrxeoa, 14-40 per h fancy ban. Se per lb; maatera. old, llJ12c rr fbt eld at. an, 12QI2Me par lb: frrara. IV ir II' ; brotlara. Me per lbs eld dock.. US l.r It.: aprlng dncka, ISHe .Sarjb; gaeae. J Joe per 1; torkeye, ITe par lk for old; dreeeed, f.m-T. 22c par lb! eqnaha. $2.00 per doa; r.fon. $l f per,dos. preeaed paoltry IdJlMe Vrr lb hlghar. Hoo. Waal and Biaa. POPS 1o mop Chelae, lie: prima fe .no ira. K'dlOH'l modrnm ta arlme, SOSe; ..m. Ho: etreeta. 1KOT crop, 12a. w. mil IMS clip Talley. 0i32c; ea.t.rS Oreron. t. f - . VnH'.IR few IftOT 2Sc lb. SIIKKI'SKINS Shearing. lAQ20e erh abort ml, rnelom weot, S0Q79e aerh; I, .na wool, JSriiTtl.OO each. TAIJAW Prime, per lb. $HQ4; Xe. 1 aad .rr.e J IV,c 1 111TTIM BASK Be tor ear Ma; small Iota, e ' til PCS Pry, Ka. I, It Pie end en. 1S4) II. pe lb; dry kip. e. 1. S ta IS lha. lfltl; M.r c.K, No. 1. eoder S lha. 20c; ealtad bldxe. , r.. aonetd. SO Ibe and eear, lOQIIr; eowa, , .uiiy: atwe ead bulla, aoand. C7c; ktp, II to 1)0 lha, Br aalf, eeuad, eader 19 lie, 11a; .mm, anulted. le leaa; mil.. c par lb laaat I Mi-a, aal led. each, $1 ft2.0tr; dry, eaeb, II . 1 1J.K: colt hlitea, xo!Kic goat ehfne, ...n, each, lOOloci Angora, aoeb. SAc Frail sad TageUalaa. roTT0ra Rnrlag price, aaotera ' Moltno. r 4 ci-k.naa alect. $170 tl.T8. erll I . f.ery. $l.i ordinary, baying. tl.Saf I . n..iarn Oregna, buying, $10041 lr p-r lb. us i ,i j(r..ig price Wo, I Oreoa. ll.Si f Ne. 1. btr; bnylog price. SotiAa t e. h. . . t poiTt; earltr, 1... xc per lb oiui-lHc livod Hirer fepluaBberg aad WHAT DEALERS SAY OF LOCAL MARKETS ., By Erardlng aV Fsrrall. , In consequence of larss ' sr rivals of eaaiarn ens on the eoaat. prices on local have gone off a few points, but bare ap parently steadlrd, and we look for a good firm markat at the reduced prices. .. Butter la weaker on Increased reoelpts, and prices . hav been cut quits a little, and with warmer waathar ws look for eon tlnued euts In ths pries and greatly lncreaaed receipts. This Is but natural at thla time of tbs year. - Poultry still continues ta show a famine, and all but gees are much: sought after at record prices. It Is to be hoped that receipts of hens, springs,', and d . broilers, will be largely lncressM , d d from now forward, as ths trade e d has ' to depend very largely oa 4 d frosen goods st present. This d should be a good tip to pro- 4 d dueers this country . does not 4 ralae nearly enough -poultry, S While real Is In larger receipt and somewhat cheaper, fancy atlll sells at high prices. Small and medium aolld elean dressed hogs are In firm request. V.IIcw Newtowna.' il.ftO: fancy WUlaawtta aal- lay and aouthara Oragoa, l.flOCl ?6i ordinary atork. aOeta 11.29. VKCSH FRUITS Orange, new BaraU $25 taaaortnaa. Sl-Ss; bananaa, oe par in: I mom, 4.00(S.OO par box; llmae, Uaxleaa, f 1.25 oar 10ft: nlBoanokM. H.OOtubjUO aac aoa grapa fmtt. IS 15. VCGETABI.K8 Turbine, bow. BOexTtI aark nrrota. 7Aciil.0n nrr aaek: haata. gl.TH par earc: paraaipa. Sl.ooaii.xs: rahhaga. gz.ooa-z.Ta; mnatoaa, liaxiran.; tiorida, os.w; paranina. BUciitil.oo: airing DaaBa. l.te per in ranllflowar. dna: Deaa. IV: koma radlaa, Ba Bar Ih; artlrhokaa. TSrHftXM par doe; eaaa.h. T5cl1.00 nor box: celery. Cali fornia, S&ajTOc ar doa; eraoberrlae, $8-00 W W par barrel; enronta. Siftnc par lb; a. para. gua, IStflJSr; rhubarb, Stse par U: graaa onion a. lie doa: r lor I da ball pappare, dOe Bar id: apmara. i i"'fj.xo par pox. DRIED FRUITS Applea. eraperated. SHJ ic par lb; apricot. lSMctJOc pre lb) peeenee, l3llSae par lb: aneka. 44e Bar Ib taaa; -pranra. SO to 40, ktffla; lie drop oa earh 1-10 amallor ixa; I lira. Lalirorni blark, eHO par id; California white. M'4e par Ih; datra. golden. SS.M par box: tarda. $1.40ai.!W par le-lb bos. ' uraoanaa, JtaU, gta. -gUOAK Calirnrnla A Hawaiian Oaba. IS.ZTW; powdarad. StfllVil barry. U.2Ht dry SrannUted, Star, 4.24; coo f. A. 4.K1W: extra B. 4.W, rldaa a $41; ' T.llow. $4 MS; brat graanlatad. $4.MH. Waatara Onbe. S4.STV4: aowdarad. U.12U; dry graanlatad. 1S.27H; P. C, $4.82H: St. rraacla, 4.(t2i;T confartlonara' A. UMSt; extra 0, $4.42; goldaa C, $4.S1H) D yellow, $4.22V4; beat graanlatad. $4.82H; barrel, 10c; half barrel, sac; boxae. Sue edraaee ea-eack A bore anieea ara 20 dare act eaeb enota- tlona.l .a . nonet x.i.en par era re. ' rOFPEE Package krasda. llSSSdJlSSS. SALT Ooaraa Half xrooad. 1 00a. XIO 00 per too: 50a. $10.00; tahle, dairy, toe. $14 O0: lone, II3.7S: bale. $2.00: Imnorted UmrDooL bOa. $1S00; 100a, $17.00: 224a. $16 00: extra fine. bbla, 2. be and 10. ge.90tlt.60; Llr.rpool tump rock. $20.10 par toot 00-lb rock. $10 50; 100a, $10.00. V . tAboae prlcee apply to Bale ef lleer thaa car lota. Car lot at (peclal prices aubJect to flnctnatlona.) BJCB Imperial lanaa.' Na. 1. 6c; He. S. iic; Kew Orleaaa, head, Te; AJax, be; Creole. RAMS Small white. M SO: hrxe wblta. $S 25; pink, $3.28; bajoa, $3.75; Umaa. pe; Mexican reda, 4c. NLT8 Peannta. Jambo. tHe aer lb: Vir ginia, TVe per lb; routed, 10 per lb Jaua neae. ftijSHe; mated, Tu7He par lb: eocoa Bnta, SitriBOe per doa: walanta. California, 10c par in; arencn, . inc par in; pine now. i.xiiuv per lb: hickory ante, 10c par lb; cheatnata. eaaterh, ISQISc per lb; Bra ill note, 18 per lb: fllbarta. lee par lb: fancy paean. 18423; almond. lBQXme- . 1 Keam, FUb and Frarlilooa, FKESa MEATS Frent Street Hog., fancy. $HSe par lb; veal, extra, SfJSHe par lb; eruiaary, IHc pnr to; aw, 00 par i, anai ton, fancy, SQSe per lb; aprlng Iambi, 149 t, PTf rt 1 TV t.i A k t i hama, 10 to 12 Iba. 16V,e par lb: 14 to IS Hot. 16e per n; in to go we, loe par 10: oraaataai baron. 18HJ21He par lb; plcnlce, 12a per .b; enttage roll, 12c per lb; ragnlar abort cleara. anamoked, Ue per lb: smoked, lSe par Ih; clear hacka, anamoked, 12c: emoked. lSe par lb; union batta, 10 to IS lha. anaomkad, se par lb; emoked, Se per lb: dear beluea, an amoked, 124 per lb; emoked, ISVte per lb; booldera, 12a per lb; pickled tongnee, 50c each. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. tOa, ISVie per lb; Be. 13e per lb; BO-lb Una, 12. per lb; ataam rendered. 10a, 12 par lb; fie, 12A per lb: eomponnd, 10a, SK per lb. OANtKn SALMOIt-Colnmble rtrer, Mb tall, $1.M; B-lb tall. fZ.7!; fancy 1-lb Hate, $l.0; lb fancy flata. $l.lfl; fancy 1-lb oral. $2.TB: Alaaka UUa. pink, Se0e; rod. $1.00; aomlnaL 2a, ttU. $2 00. FISFI Bock cad. 7e per lb: fleendera. Se aer lb: bailout, $e par lb; eraba, $1.0001.00 par doa; trlped baa. 12H per lb; eatflab. 10c par a: imoa. rreaa commota near etaameeie, lie par lb; ehmook, lie per lb; froaea aal moa, SAlle per lb; herring. Se par lb; sole. Sa par lb; ah r Imp, 10c per lb; perch, Se per lb: Mack ead. 7e per lb: tneaced. Te per lb; lobsters, 10c per lb; frees, marker 1, Se per lb; ertwflab. 20c par doe: etargeoa, 10 per lb; 'black haa. 20c par Ih; Colombia rlrer emelt, be per lb. OTSTBRS Sbealwatar bey, per gallon, $1 SO; par 100-lb aark, $400; Olympla. par galloa, $2.28; per 1 la-lb aack. is.00t.U; Bagl. canned, loe ran, $7.00 no. CLAMS HardahalL per box, $2.40; raaar clama, $2,011 per box. lie per doa. Faint, Oeel Oil. Zte. " It OPE Pore Maalla. 18i ataadard, l$lie; Steal, lie. . COAL on Pearl or Antral Cemie. 1V( per gal; water white, Iroa bbla, 14e per gal; wooden. 17c Bar gal; headlight, 170 dg caaee, lim per gal. ' OABOUPin on oa.. ai. mat per gai; Iron bbla. 18 par gal. BENZINE) s sag, caeea, asc per gall tana Bbla. I8nf par gai. TURPENTINE 1 In easea. See per gal: wooden hhla. Site ner aal. WRITE LEAD Ton lata. Tf. per lb 000 lb arte. V per lb; ara lota, e pV lb. WIRE NAIIA Praaant baala at $2.SS. I.I.N8KED OIL Pare raw. la S-bbl lota. SOc; l-bbl lota. Me; caaee, OS per gal; genuine ket tle boiled, eaaae. 00c nor gal: S-bbl lot. S4c 1-hbl mra, SAc par gal: ground eekFTVar Iota, $20.00 per tea; ms than car lot. $30.08 par TOTTED STATU OTZlITBTrn BOMDg. Hew Tort, April e. 4oernmsat bond: . Pt. Bid. Aak. Two, ragfcrtered ..........! HMU Ins do eoanoa 1BH0 1014 iS iihi ii2Z - imi4 Thraee, regiitared .. do eoapon Fonra, registered ... do coupon Threes, einall bond. Fvnr. reglaterad ,.. do coupon ..' Fonra, Philippine ., Two, Prnnm !" loot 1107 ii' 123 IOI 101 102 14 180 lo i loH 10414 104 1 lot 101 M iii'-' 1S1 ioAvi 106 M , jrrW TOM COTTOE gum,- 'Vr''ork.,,Aprll 8. Gil ton fntor: Open.-Hhrt. Tw, Apr. B. Apr 4. annary 1008 , lol$ 1, t 01 reornary ... ...1. ... 1 I irao April 40 40 B40 H3 42 May y .-. &i ftfte B47 S4S :.7 June ....... ... . SM U jnly ST SBS S.VI BrtT Angnat ....... SHS Bna aj pan. p7r, LaVptemher .... SM sv mz Bill PT2 October ...... bob mei ni . wx j Noremhar . , December ,....DM "804 8SS , v Foraiga Ixohange tms. - -?(aw Tark. April 6 SterMng. 4X1(4; Ham- burg. S4S 1-18 lee 1-22: Pari. 2o4 lea I-1S; Antwerp, A21U; Swliaerl.nd. 821 H; A ma tar da m, 40;, leans 20.07: Stockbolm, ?.&. Uiarpsat . Oattea starkat. lieorpool, April 8. -Clo: Coftoo fntnrea IH point, op oa near aad ta. te $ta polau dows ea far opt tone. xfew Terk-Laadaa tUrer. y,w Tork. April $. Bar direr, 84?c; Los-1 doa, 20 t-lSd. . , . - -,. , f HEAT SHOWS A SHARP ADVANCE Chicago Market Becomes Sud denly Active and Makes Good Gain at Closing. ; MAY-JULY ONE AND r A HALF CENT .HIGHER September and XJecernber Gain it ' Orer Thursday's Bid Damage Reports Are Coming From 'All Sources. . '! "' ' '', i CHICAGO WHEAT MABKET. ,' Aprirs. April 4. Ciatn. , $ .77U .71 A $ .01 inos. May ..... $ .77 .77 V, .7SJ July September December '4 ,1IB Ml ft .SOU .784 .01 4 SOME NEWS OF THE BUGS. - . Th Chicago Record Herald today aaye: "fa era..ine aarlonanaaa In tba damaxa reports COO tlnna oa wnaac ana osr rrom uKinnoina ana - further nreadlug of the peat m Kaunas wss reiiorted from a nntnber of rellahla eoaircee yestenlar. bot tbay were glean Utile weight. Tba general crop conditions la Kansas ware so good that It was nooea tnai tua eiiauiy tba plant would wltbetnnd the rsragea of the Inaacfa. Bngs ara ratnar pieauim in uii, and aoutharn Knnsa. but no malarial tncraaa ta Injury te the crop la reported tbla week. A Carthage. Mlaaoerl. epeclal eaya tbst green bugs are killing wheat la that tor my. - Tk ImI aiuat markat remain firm with - ,rfnM af lc maintained. m-kiL. Unmml na akiw and doll. CblcaxO became eery active ea ruriner rrpn, mw from reliable nonrcee. way a no juiy warn iirni- eat wltb aa adranca ef me eeco; etner optiona elceed lt ap. , The report or as axperx woo . tha aonthvaat: "rrom Ponlc t tty to uernno. 78 mile whaet si damaged 78 per eant or orer. From Oothrte to Caabloo, 80 per cent or eeor and growing worse erery day. All wheat re ported aa far onuth aa Fort Worth a boot the aaaM. Nearly ail early eats octroyed; btig Dreading fast." . . Official eaotatloae by Orerbeck, Starr at Cook company: ' - ' . wixnbiii. Open. High. Low. Cm. 75 ' 774 774 . TH . TS4 rXH, 80, 61 484 '.. 48 4nt ' 4iu, 4i t 48 42 4t4 , 87 874 88 " S3H lfn- 1S1J 1608 -: 1620 SJ1 . ' 2 M8 B02 805 ' 812 7 . Sflj ST8 . ' 80 S80 , 8S7 May 7BU .V Jnly 77 V I 70 7 September ....... 7s 4 sn December m. ., " .. COBS. 484 4S '4B'A eflS .. -4S 1 47 OATS. ... 42 42 .. . 87 . - .. SS Mtf MEM PORK. .'.100 1S12 ,.1808 1820 , LARD. .. SJW SPJ ... 802 .,- t SIS SHORT BIBS. So . Sftfi . S7S 1 S2 ., SS2 M7 May .... Jnly September . May July September Mar ...... July May July September May . Jnly ' September ' f LTTEB.F0OL OKAnt KARKET. ; Llrerpool. April 8 Offletal prlcee: WriaaT. ' " Open. Close. My ....... 8 44d S 4S.4 July Ss li S 2d OOBN. April 4. Cam. Se 4Hd 44d Said Hd May .. July , 4S 4d 4 Bd , 4 4?id 4 4td 4e 4id 4a 4i Wd FBTJIART SRAXJI XOTIstXltT. Chicago, April S Primary receipts: , Today Tear age. '.- ' - i Bnah. Bush. Wheat S72.0OS 442.000 Corn a 770.000 828.000 Wheat 000 IM.000 rT. srr.oso Total clearance: Wbeet, 82.000 bushels; com. 227.000 boehcls: eat. S1.000 nasbaia. - gt. lenla Wbeai" Market. St. . Louis, April , . Close: Wheat Hay, mc . ' ' ' Vow Terh Wheat market. New Tork, April 8. Wheat eloelng; $Se asked. . Kay. Hlaaeasells Whsat Xaibat. spoils, April 8. Wheat clom: bfla TOc. May. Salnth Waaat atarhet. Dolotb, April S Wheat ehme. My, SOU. FEW CATTLE COMING DO. BOt AFFECT VALUES Receipts in Local Yards Remain Small Hogs Hold Steadier. , but Unchanged. Portland Cnloa Stockyards, April f. LItb etocfc receipts: ,r , t Hogs. Cattle, gbeee. Today - 248 Week age a it Teer ego 180 . PreTlou year 2fi 878 A fair buneb of eattle. namherlnf 24S heed, and 47 head of bones were tha total arrival in th yrds during th 24 boors. Wltb tbs sbaenos of arrival, hog arc not quit se weak, - but tha tooa -semalne dull end price unchanged. Cattle are fully a firm aa aver, the arrival being taken ap st the price luted. Nothing doing Is, hep. A -year ago today; Hog and. eattle firm: heap dnll and alow. Official llveetock price: 4Iog Beet eetrn Oregon, $T.B3; trackers and feeders, SS. 7007.00; China fats, $8,700 f.ort. cattle Beat eaetera Oregna eteer. tS.OrxfJ $ IOI beat cows and heifer. $8.8fiv)4.00; atork an and feeders, S3.0fltj4.00; holla, 2 00. Sheep Mixed, et'4c: wethers, 8Vic: ewes, SftSHe; Ismbs. 8H4t8e. - EASTERN CATTLE SLOW Receipts Are Small but Trade in . Chicago Is Dull. ' ' Chicago, April g. Ureatock receipt: , , Hog. . Cetile , Sheep. Chicago ............... .I50.HI 1 Mm a.000 Kanaa City 8.000 l am f.rtM) Omaha. m 8.000 l.vm 2. M0 Hoc. arnVfteedy. Mixed. Sd.SOtlA so; heavr, $8 oy 7Ht., rough sad heavy, $8.0804.76: light. $8..V(a48nU. . . Cattle Slow. . ,m,iJ Sheep Strong. ' . ' ' . ' ' ' - ' ' 4 FORTLAVS SANK TATMHET. v nesrlng today ..... Clearings year Age.. , $1,000 elf 90 818,808.00 Oala today Baianaea today .... balance yar ag ,$ 177,224.ft . . ,788.07 ' It Is sal! thst William Allen TfhHc, the Emporia alitor, la forming the newspapers of Kansas Into a syndicate to fight tha corporations, end that al ready snout 100 of them have formally sgreed to conduct their reform earii faigo en lines laid down by. Ata-Walts, HOVE SOUTHERN PACIFIC TODAY Earnings Show Wonderful In crease for February and Price . ' , Gains Three Points.' UNION PACIFIC HIGHER DESPITE ITS DECREASE Gains 8V4 Potnta Over the Price of Yesti7--AjnaUgarnaled Rises Over 3 lVtats Report of Earn ings for February. ' - NET SAINS. ... m Northern Fadfle .. 1 .... alMlaaoorl Paelflo ... 1 .... ii National Lead .... Amalgamated ... Locomotive Smelter Anaconda ... Atchlaoa ...... Canadian ....... St. Paul Colo, real ...... Erie L. N. , Katy Great Northers . miN. V. Central 1 IViPennayleaala ...... S ,. 11 heading 8 .. 1 Urn. bteel 1 .. lkHock Inland ,. 44 Mouthera r-acmo ,. B . m I'nloa Pacific .... 8)4 . 1 U. teel 1 . m o preferred .... Ii4 NET LOSS. Breoklya Rapid Transit .44 An Imoreelne moaer sttnarJoa tn auead in New lock end the Indication are that a snod bank atatement will ba showa tomorrow. The mere of oeerVK Per eaut la tba net earn ing of Southern Pacific for February hi eaa- naereu remarnsom ana wae tbe canes ot e sharp advance ef 8 points In that laeue today. There wae also talk that tbe dteldead would . lncreaaed to s per rent.. Wabaah report for Frbrnary ahowa a net ta. ere la earnings af 8101.300. a,rie earalngs shew a set decrassa af SSOJ10 for February. Norfolk at Wae tern eeralnsa ama daceaaead SB.2fv2 for tbe eame xooath. ueapite ita decreaae la earnlnga of goo, ITS for t'ehrasry, the Inloa Pad no today la 814 polnte up. This latter Is ssid te bs due to the former good showing. - At ths eloalns today tha general market was higher with money rate easier. Official anotatioaa by Orerbeck. Starr A Loose company: Amalgam red Copper Co....:.. A mar lean Cr A Foundry, com. America car Foundry, pfd .... America Cottoa Oil, eemmoa.... , American Locomotive, common 64)4 American Sugar, eommoa .127 Amencua Smelter, eommoa 126 America Smelter, preferred. ...... 108 Ana con a Mining Co 62 Americas Woolen, eommoa,. 80 Atcbtuoa, eommoa Atchlaoa, preferred ...1 Baltimore Ohio, eemmoa.., Baltimore aj Ohio, preferred.., Brook Irs Rapid Transit Csnsdlsa Pacific, eommoa..... Central Leather, common.. Central Leather, preferred.... t niraeo a urent western, com Chicago. Mllwankee St. Paul (htrago a Nortbweetera. com Chesapeake a tnio Colorado reel a Iroa, eommoa... Coktrndo Southera, common Colorado Southern. 3d Bref erred. Colorado Southern, let preferred... .... Denver It Rle Grande, eommoa......, Denver a Rio Grande, preferred... .... F.rle, common 28 Erie. 2d o referred Krte, lit preferred.... Illinois Central Lmilavllle a NaahvUle....... ...... 1184 Manhattan Railway , .... Mexican Central Railway . 224 MlHOurl, Kaa Texas, com.-... ASU Mlaaonrl. Kansas Texas, pfd.... 894 Distillers 72 (treat Northern ........1.1714 1874 Mlaanori Pacific 7fl! 76 National Lead 61V ' 62 New York Central 110'i 1204 New Tork, Ontario 4V Weatera.... 81 "4 8814 Norfolk a We. tern, common 7814 ; 79 Norfolk a Western, preferred .... 75 North American 75 74(4 Northern Pacific, eommoa..,. 136V4 1.17M, Pennavlvanla Ksilwsy ' 120(4 - 127 'A People'a laa, Light a Coke Co. Preaaed Steel Car. common Pressed Steal Car, preferred..,. ... 2 ?5 ... Heading, eommoa Reading, Id preferred Heading, lat preferred... Republic Iroa a Steel, eommoa. Republic Iron A Steal, preferred Rock I. land, common Rock Island, ore f erred ..110 $24 St. Louie 4 Saa Fran., Id pfd St. Loots Ssa Frsn., 1st pfd... St. Loam a Southwestern, eommoa St. Loala tc Sonthweetern, preferred 844. Bnatbera Pacific, eommoa 83 Southera Pacific, preferred Hon them Railway, common........ .... Sontbera Railway, preferred .... Tenneeaee Coal m I run . . .. r Texaa a Pacific.... .... Toledo, St. Loola A Weatan, com., .... Toledo, St. Louis a Weatera. pfd.. .... Colon Pacific, common... 188m Cnloa Pacific, preferred t nlted State Rubber, eommoa.... .... Colled Statee Rubber, preferred... .... I'nlted Statee Steel Co, eommoa... 87(4 United State Steel Co., preferred.. 884 Wabaah. common .... Wabash, .preferred Waatara Untoa Telegraph Wisconsin Central, eommoa .... lbri Wisconsin Central, preferred .... 40 Virginia Chemical v.... ....... .... 38 Anaconda Mining Co, ex-drridead ef $1.75. PORTLAND - STOCK MARKET Sale of notne Telephone Is Made at . ; Advance Before Call.'"- . a sale af Home Telephone stock waa made at aa advance of $5 a abate today just pre vloua to the opening ef tbe exchange. Sales: Twenty-five Home Telephone st $85, 82 Oregoa Treat at priests ssle, 10 Ass. elstad Oil at 841.87m. . . . - , Official prlcee: , BANK STOCKS. " Bid. .' Ask. Bsnk ot Csllfornls. . .....t..v.IM 00 $...... Rankare a Lombermtne lug.ou Marchante National 179.78 Oragoa Trust a Savings 120.00.- mX-... Portlsnd Trust Co 120.00 Called State National suv.uu ..... LISTT.D BECL-RITHm (BONDS.) . American Biscuit Co. Ss.. 68.00 IO0 00 City a Suburhaa 4a f. . .... Columbia Southern Irrigation Sa ..... 2.00 8A.on Home Telephone oe O. R. A N. Hallway 4 8 00 0. W. P, a Bllwv Be. ....... loo 00 Pacific Coast lllacult 8 86.00 soon lOOJlol 108.00 , 100.00 09.00 1O0.00 Portland Ballway 8s i. C. Lee Co. 8a - MISCEULANKOUS STOCKS. Aaanclated OH 41.80 42 80 80.00 Home Telephone .....'....'. 80.00 J. C. Lea Co T.OO 28.00 Pacific Statee Telephone. jon. i.i 40.00 .28 .02(4 .20 .17 .28 Paget Sound Telephone-: MINING STOCKS. Lakevlew l-eee Creek tlold 01(8 Manhattan Crowa Point .' Potlcle Mlnlne , .m Waiboogal Extanalon .35 CNLISTKO STOCKS. Taantna Bay Telephone........ 28 Hub. NImImm .12 .17 .07 ' .04" .14 .06 .02 British Colombia Amalgamated. .04 f aacadla flreat Northern Mammoth 4 .21 .01 (4 .1014 Morning ...... Oregon Seen rl ties ............. .03 ..00 X lonaolldalea .. Tacom Steal V C0CCR D'ALBNI DISTRICT. .07 Bnllloa ' .n(4 .16 .08 .08(4 .00 S.00 Coxiar King ,., O. K. Consolidated .14(4 .04 Happy Iay .04(4 .40 3.80 Snowaboa Snowstorm "I suffered fighltunJly from constipa tion. Poan'S Reguleta rellerad and a'rengthened the bowels, ba that they have been" regular aver sine." K K. r ti..,l. ... L.- . . 1 1. . . O t I V.VIM BlWVi, BW1VUIU DU1IUII, A II SC. Open. Cloaa. I .... Mhi 8t4 I .... 87 87 C I . SS to - S8U 127 4 12714 i 107 H tH H so! Sm vS74 S0H -12 .... SO 82 ' 614 176 177 81m 814 .... 88 -14 14 I.X14 ian4 18214 .... 41t4 . 41 M 86 27 ..(. 48 U I 61 28 7B . 4Hi :::::: :::: :&t 121(4 184 87 - 86V 72 n Dr. Thomas Darllngtbn. who Is here shown Is at the head of the health department . of " the city of New Tork. He has recently come out in - favor of -the pasteurisation ot milk tn order to save, the babies of the tenement districts. CARVILLE IS UNIQUE Seaside Town Whose Booses Are Made of Old Horsecars. . Almost under ths shadow of tha fa mous Cuff house in Ban fTanolsoo is a small settlement called Ocean Bide. There ara those who prater ths title of Osonla, but tha great mass of ths poo pie call It simply Carsille. 1 To Jacoo Merman oeiongs me iiue of "Father of Carvllla." According to Country Llf In America, ths growth of tbe .city demanded a mors rapid transit thaa that afforded by tha horee ear. so Mr. Heymao bought a great number of tha eaatoff ears at $10 apiece. - Tha first lot of these cars bs sold to George ' Robinson, for which, together with tha land on . which they wars placed, that gentleman paid ISos. One bright winter morning In January, lit. Mr. Robinson bad tbe novel experience of seeing his boms that .waa to bs hauled across ths park roads snd dumped high and dry on ths sand ef the Cliff house beach. , I Tha $850 Included ths delivery. It eame piecemeal from the city, room by room, and each one was a small borse car that bad just been put on ths re tired list. These cars when properly assembled formed an edifice called : Mr. Heymsn's own dwelling was mora-J pretentious. It consisted of six cara so connected snd overlapping one snother that they formed nulto a jnanslon In what has since become quite a town by Itself. The" cars are not set directly on. ths sand; but are placed high up on foundations or stilts The drifting ef I the sand mskes this neceasary. In many of the cars the seats have been allowed to remain, though they ate generally upholstered, giving the effect of one lOng window seat. .. One can al ways have two verandas In a car house the front snd back' platforms. Gen erally, however, one end of the ear Is closed In and tiled as a dressing-room. If the house Is a large one, or as a kitchen In a more modest dwelling. . Ton are always conscious that the lower floor7 of a two-story car house Is plain, evesy-dsy house, built by a eon tractor or builder. But upstairs, right across the house, tbe owner haa set a ear. Here the original seats are eeveredj wiin ooaena ox cuaniona, ranting you to be lasy. . " , Carvllla has had electrlo lights for some time. Now It Is to have gas. Many ef the bouses are furnished with gas ranges. - By means ef these conveniences and the telephone service the original Iso lated position of Carvllla Is rapidly be coming a thing of the paat. As a conse quence, too, lots that would have sold three years ago for a song are being neia at ana si.soo, As was bound to be the ease, people are becoming dissatisfied with the mod est possibilities of the car bouse snd are building tbs conventional dwelling. NEVADA MINING STOCKS Report That Mines Will Resume Causes Advance Today. W Im, . M im.. ' -' . - .i.ui-wp( p.u roporx rrom w.njiiio urn me minae wouk resume opera tlone next weak canned a general Mae la Xevada Official bid price by Overbeck, Starr A vooss company: OOI.DPIBLM DISTRICT, asndstorm. 68c; Red Top. 84 aaked: Mohawk. 17. 121,: Colnmbl Mt 82c; Jumbo,, umbo Ext., $2 40; Vernal. le; Pennaytvar.!, 2c; Ooldfwld M. Co $1.80: Kendall, 40c; Booth, 73c; Blue Bull. 48c: Adam. 18ct Silver Pick, $1.27 V4; Hay Queen, tn aaked; Ner. Bov, 17n B. B. Ext., 14c; Bine Bell, 2Bcr- Dixie. 18c: O. Columbia, 76e,Mllhernla. 13c; Strives. $1.80) Ceeonsror, 20c; Bik. Rock. 8c; Loo. 8tr,.li O.. Wondarv4c-Oro, - 4fiet Kesd.U Kit., 4c: Ssndat. Kit.. Se; Mayne. 14c; At lanta, 76e; Urea t Bend, $1.00; Rmplre. 18r; Red Ton Kxt., 80ci Florence. $4.10; Dlam'f. B. B. Con., 88e li. Dslsy. 8I.07H: Lsgnn. $1.76; Commonwealth, 88c; Comb. Frsct., $4.48; Or. Bsnd Bit.. 29c; Or. Rend Anx.. IT: Mlll stnrm. 80e; B. B. Bonnnss, lie; Kiwis, $1.60: ' EameraMa. t1e; Portland, SOc sakad; Cracker lc; Frsncls Mohawk. $1.0744: ReK-tini. 7e; Mohawk Ext.. 24c: Im Dillon. lc: T. Tlrer. SOc; Orsndma. 2V saksd: S. Pick Ext., 10c V. Ross. 12c; Col. Ml. Ext., Se; Oeldf. Cons., $.714;. Dlam'f. Triangle, Sue. COMSTOC1C DISTRICT, v Ophlr, $2.80; Mexican. $1; Gonld A Curry, file: Coa. Vlrglnls. $1.28: Savage. ; II. la aa but, eoc; i eiiow jacket, XI; Belcbe-, .Wi Confidence, $1; Sierra Nav, Tlei Ex cbeoner, J8c; Union. 7fle. T . Bl'LLFROO DISTRICT. - Original, 17c; Bnllf. kf. c 27el Moat. Bullf., 7c; Nat. Bank, 4.V: U llarrla, 4c; Amethyet, 4Kcj Gold Bar. $1.07H: Stelnway, le; Denver Bnf. Anx., 20c; Bonnie Clare, 45c; Mayfl. Cone., 4c; Monty. Ohio Ext. IRe; o. Sceptre, 22c; Monty. Mt., 27c: B. Dal.y. 80e aaked; lloareatike Con., $1.174; Ynkee Olrl, 10c; Nugret, c Tramp Cona.. $1.18; Victor, 18c; Banner, 80c ; North Star, 10e sakad; Midas, 80c; Sunset, Se. TONOPAH DISTRICT. Tna. Nee., 117. 1i Moat. Ten., $8.48; Ta. Ext., $3.70: MacNamara, 46c Midway, l.;ot Tna. Belmont, $4.90; Toa. No. Star, nc. Ob to Tna., Oei West ICnd Cons., $1.88; Rescne, lc; Ton. Calif., Ifte aaked; Onldett Aachor, 82r; Jim Botler, $1.00; Toa. C.h Boy, Se; Toa. Horns. 10c; Boat. Toa., It bid; Monarch Pitts. Ex., 16c; Mont. Mid. Ext., 18c; (Joldsa Crown, 14c; N. X. Ton.Con., 8c. s, MANHATTAN DISTRICT. ' Manb. Con. 81c Manh. Mv Co., 14e 1. Wedge, 4c:,Seylar Tlanip 8c; liaxtar, S; l. .oe, sc; vreacent, jkc; t omoinatton, Tc; Orsany, 22c Mnstang. 2HC1 LltU Uray, 40c Cowboy, 8c; Orlg. M.nh., 32c; Broncho, 11c; Jump. Jack. 17cj flnennt, lnci Bnffsle. Oe; H. IMg. sue; . X. Horee, . Se sakad; India Camp, 12c. Many Willamette valley farmers are buying' cresm-scpsrators. " . WATCH PORTLAND STOCK EXCHANGE FOR NEXT TWELVE TO EIGHTEEN MONTHS. YOU CAN DOUBLE EVERY DOLLAR OF YOUR MONEY IN PORT LAND HOME ' TELEPHONE 1 STOCK PRESENT PRICE RIDICULOUS. BUY ALL YOU CAN GET AT ANY FIGURE UNDER so Cents And hold, for so cents to PAR. YOU WiLL GET YOUR PRICE : - - : r . absolutely. ; .... y J. WIL 3 LAFAYETTE BLDG. PORTLAND, OR. COLONIST . - ' ' ' RATIOS TO , . OREGON And the Pacific Northwest over the Union Pacific, Oregon Short Line. Oregon Rsilrosd &. Navigation Co-i and Southern Pacific, from all parts of the ast, DAILY during March and ApriL .... -, , YOU CAIS PREPAY .:v ; J:...J:;:...: ......... J . " .' For tickets, if you desire to bring friends, relatives, employes or others from the East, by depositing the cost with any agent of the O. R. & N. or S. P. Co.. with name and address, and ticket will be promptly furnished in the East A Rare Opportunity to Promote the In . dustrial Growth of the Northwest ' ' KATXI noat niVCZlA mASTTBsT OXTXmm, A Craleaaw ...... ..........RSe.sO Bs. stUB STO BXaxtsaa City 88.80 Omaha 88.80 , rai ta-ao 33.C41 30.00 8 S.00 88.00 SSO ' A Rates apply to all main and branch line points. Huntington to Spokane, Inclusive. B .Rates apply to Portland, Aatorla and Puget Sound points; also Southern Paelflo main and branch line points north .of and Including Ashland. Oregc4. . , '',;''.. -:For complete Information. Inquire IK. IkxiJxTtTKBAT. Oisgoa Jkiilroad A MtJwiflMvM Oe. -C W. Stinger. Clty Ticket ArX. td and Washington. BRAINSTORMS The New Catchword the Thaw Trial Haa Added to plang. Whatever happens te Harry . Thaw. whether bs Is convicted ef the murder of Stanford White or whether he le ac quitted en the ground of Insanity or whether the Jury disagrees, snd necessi tates a new trial, the ease' has at least made one" pungent contribution to the already sufficiently large vocabulary of American' slang. This contribution la, ef course, tbe word "brainstorm. Dr. Brltton . P. Evans hss testtflad ss an expert alienist In a good many murder . trials and his testimony hss been frequently reported In the newspapers, but nothing that be ever said on the witness stand or any where else has msde euch a dent on the publlo mind aa haa the brainstorm. . It may be that this word occurs somswhere In the literature of Insanity, but nobody excepting possibly a few professional students of that sort nf thing had evar heard of It until Dr. Evsns declared upon the witness stand that that was whst ailed Harry Thaw on ths night when he shot Stanford Whits on the roof ef Madison Squats Osrden. Dr. Evans waa Dot the only cerebral meteorologist to slsa up tbe weather ot Thaw's mind la this wsy. He was the pioneer, ot course, but a few daya later Dr. Charles O. Wagner, an other expert witness for4 the defense, declared that brainstorm was a fine word for Just such a use and be sub scribed without reservstton te Dr. Evans application of It, Both the ex perts explained that a brainstorm wss a mental fulmlnatlon, but for the gen eral public this wss sn explanation that didn't explain. Brainstorm was good onough for them. . It got to be a catohword In the court room VI thin a - few hours after Dr. Evans first nttared It Only two days later an unfortunate person who had been conducting some, elaborate experi ments In the line of Internsl Irrigation Informed the police court magistrate before whom be was arraigned on that unpleasant "next morning" that at tha MAUD BOOTH FREES MURDERER - '(: ' , ' '"J ,t . f -. ' " - V 4 li - ! i , This picture is a snapshot of James Flaherty and Mrs. Maud Bal lington Pootn. leaving th Grand Central station in a carriage follow ing the release of-the former from prison. Flaherty has been in Sing Sing and Auburn prisons for 25 years under a life sentence for wile murder when Mrs. Maud B. Booth secured his release. A BaSTala 40.00 4S-80 Blew TCTk 4T30 60.00 ROSSO 47.40 4S.S0 Philadslphle 47 J S 4S.T8 Waablnsrsoa .4TM 48US ef , ' . ,..-',,"" aUaaral PHuraaxurer As-sat, f. time bs was arrested he wss suffering from a brainstorm of a pronouneed charaoter. ... . "No such thing, yer honor," declared tbe unscientific cop who had arrested him. "'Twee nothin' but a Jag he had." Not being an alienist the magistrate accepted the cop's view. ' The phrase, . In fact, baa spread like wildfire, . If a man shows up at his of fice aa hour or two late In the morning he Is more then likely to inform hie. partner smilingly that be bad a brain storm the night before and that tbe sea Is atlll pretty rough under his roof. Whereupon bis partner may Inquire; ' "Do you see ten policemen on the chandelier"' This playful rejoinder Is tha result of Dr. Evans' Illustration of .what con stitutes a ' hallucination and makes a useful substitute for the customary sympathetic Inquiries about pink rab bits or alligators with green polka dots all over their backs. The brainstorm, la fact, seems te be In a very fair, way of -rivaling the for mer, popularity of.' the "little' black man." "The little black man," It will be remembered, ' was also smployed t seount for ths commission of a murder, though, unlike ths bralnBtortxj, ths blame waS laid upon him by tbe mur derer himself, and not by an alien lat. Good Look ins; Young Cherokee. "If you go down Into the . Cherokee nation you will see thousands of hand some young man aqd beautiful young women who are the offspring ef white fathers with the Cherokee woman," said W. P. McClellan of tbe Cherokee nation. "In most eases ne one would think ef this second generation, as being other than of the Anglo-Saxon race. The girls are as fair, aa eemely, as refined, as their sisters ef unmixed blood, and Just as stylish tn their dress. Tbe boys are as bright and manly a set of young fellows as can be found. There Is noth ing about them . to differentiate" them from young white men. "Another thing is that " ths mixed bloods are stronger, physically, . than the pure Indian stock; hardier, and less likely te fall a prey to that disease which carries off so many of the full- bloods, consumption. ; , . . w ... w