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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1907)
t THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL 9, 1907, 13 OnFaiicy end Staple TTTi n 71 TTTi V TV " Ca f"- Fcdsd mm ffi Meats YouMl iVleet Saturday at Keats u u uiiuvu. u nyouii u Hyvuuavuu -uivuvuua Groceries : . . nrr v n n 11(2 i rire Meat Srop on the CornerUAt 1st ana Alder Sts. ' ; f 4 Ifflr Prices "on the Square" fOn the Corner - ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED Choice roasts, prime arid tender beef, delicious veal, fresh and toothsome pork ; in short the best of every class of meat that Oregon produces awaits our Satur day patrons. There's a vast different between ordinary meats and the kind-dispensed from this market " We choose nothing but prime stock for our'' custom ers, killed and dressed in Oregon, and INSPECTED BEFORE AND AFTER KILLING. J .V.V.'v Saturday We'll Sell rniiiekiuiit: RoastBsei to 8e the lb. ALSO BEEF f Soup Bones .V . ;.'.f. .,2c Choice Necksr boil. ;.3c Choice Stew Meats. ... 3c Choice Brisket V. . .... ,4c Places of " Beef. ....... 4c Short Ribs ..v i" 5c Choice Shoulder " Roast :6c Choice -Pot Roast. . . . ,6c Choice Shoulder Steak ; 6c Round Steak . . ... ... , ,8c Choice Rump Roast . . . 8c Loin Steak . , . . . 10c Fancy Porterhouse . 1254c Rib Steak ......... 12c SUNDRIES Hamsri t!7c Breakfast Bacon ..... .1754c (' ' VEAL ';";':$ Juicy Cutlets . . . .. 2xc Veal for Stew. . , . . . . . .8c Breast of Veal J . ..... 10c Shoulder, Roast . . ,10c ':::-.-- PORI$ Pork-Sh'lder Roast-12c Pork Chops , . . 12Jc GROCERIES 349-351 OAK ST. Fellows Grocerv Co, MEATS Phone Main 2596 348-350 ANKENY ST. Why Not Buy Your Groceries at the Cheapest Store? Come to the big store on Oak street, near Seventh; and we can save you from 10 to 20 per cent on groceries of the best standard quality. ' , ;.y ': V'V, '. - BEST CREAMERY BUTTER, ' 2-LB. ROLL....'.... ,. ... ............. 1 . 70ft OREGON RANCH EGGS, DOZEN. .. .. .. . ..... . '.v.', ......... .':V...;v-.;. .20' SUGAR CURED EASTERN HAMS, POUND ......... . . V-. ... 7. , . . ... . ,lGf ROSE CITY FLOUR, FANCY, PATENT, SACK, ....... . .81.15 " TP Pound Mocha and Java Cbffee. .. . ...... . .25f 1 can" Baker's Cocoa; ; . .'. . i . : . I j.V, .7." . .20 , 1 ib; Black or Green Tea': . i . . .25f 4 pkgs. Corn Starch...... ............. .25 '10 cans' Star Cream 50 JConuKinks, pkg. . .'. .V. . . . .'.V.'f ; . ,5" Scotch Oats, pkgY . '. .:. : ;....... . . ...;10 -3-lb. pkg. .Washing Powder, . . . . . . . . .. . . 15 Gallon can Maple Syrup... ...... I..... 81.00 6 cans Pork and Beans. ; .'. .. .. . . . .. ,25f 7 lbs. Standard Rolled Oats.t 25 ,6 Ibs.? Broken Head Rice,....,,.:..:.;.25. SPECIAL PRICES TO HOTELS, RESTAURANTS AND BOARDING-HOUSES The Market Basket t Thr ! much controversy tbsso day , among consumers, packers ' and th '.United States 10x611101001 as to whether 1 the sardines packed In the east - are ireally what they profess to be, or are merely herring packed under a wrong ! naze. For years It has been the cus tom of eastern packers to put up her. jrln as sardines, but this practice may be terminated under the new pure food 1 law ' which compels . packers to place fthe proper label on each package. The . packers contend that the little fish which la packed so extensively along 'the Maine coast and elsewhere 1 Is a "herrlng." but when he la prepared -In .all and canned be aall as -a "sardine..! A a matter of fact, however, it la . cood Question whether the fish Is not " In trutn-aemoctra, sardine as any "'nab ever Imported.', Aocordlng to Webster, sardine la "any one of the several ash clea of herring which are commonly preserved in oil for food, especially the pilchard or European sardine." Back a few. years the department Is reported to1 have 'Xiecioea ,tnat a, sardine w merely a ' "little;, fish." Historically it. :ls. known' that the only reason for tse name -"sardine" came from the fact that the little fish were fish packed by C.e fishermen of Sardinia. . In fact, the fish as it- swims the sea is practically ' the same fish on both sides of the world, "anil It la, con tended that It is as propsr , for Americana to caU their herring a sardine as for the Frenchmen to do so. 'Freeh flsh has been very scarce of late., but now that Lent Is over and there is not so great a demand, it la quite likely that supplies will be Im proved. . Some fresh salmon Is now dally due from the Sacramento river in California, and it Is only a short time before the season will again be opensd on the Columbia river. . Sweet potatoes all the way from Jer sey and egg plant from Cuba are among the special features ef the retail mar. kets today, Egg plant has been In the market for several dare and has been selling etl a pound. Sweet potatoes are retailing at two pounds for Me. -! Burbank ' potatoes cost more money gain, end they are not likely to cheap en In price the remainder of the season. While there has been a drop in San Franolsco owing to the shipment there all at once of heavy supplies, the mar ket there will go to its former level as soon as these are cleaned up. It Is now known to a certainty that there Is not a sufficient amount of potatoes remaining In st.e of Oregon to supply the demand for the rest of the season. Onions are higher in the retail mar kets owing to the scarcity of eupplles. While the crop was a record-breaker the past sea eon, but small stocks showed the keeping qualities for which the Ore gon onion is noted. Thus at the start f the season growers could not get a living price or their stock, while at MaonowMMMMsunnMamn ISIome and Sce!i Loin Steak . . . . 1 0c iltoiimd Steal . . 8c Chuck Steak . . . 6c Bbil-Bee Corn Beef ..... 3c 331 FIRST ST. PHONE MAIN 165r MgmxinjziaamxxKszzaJ WE SET THE PACE ON HONEST GOODS AT HONEST PRICES. OUR MOTTO IS THE BEST , POSSIBLE ARTICLE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. ; 23 lbs, Grannlated Sugar S1.C0 With Every Order Eggs 20c Doz. Pest Dntter 7Cc FREE, 1 lb: of Loaf Sugar With Every Pound of Monarch Coffee 25c BEEF STEW ...... .... ... , CORNED BEEF . . . .......... . POT ROASTS, all kinds. . ...... HAMBURG STEAKS SHOULDER STEAKS v. SWOULDEK ROASTS PRIME ROLLED ROASTS . . . SIRLOINSTEAICX777TTT7rr77 PRIME RIB ROASTS. ... . PORTERHOUSE STEAKS ... PICNIC HAMS . .. . . . ... . .. v COTTAGE HAMS ..... . . . . EASTERN HAMS MUTTON STEW MUTTON LEGS f . 4c ...ViSc-" . ,6c-7c ;..;.6c ;..v.7c .....8c .....9c TTTTlOCT ....Uc ..uy2c , ....10c GoverpmenMnspected Oregon and Washington Steer Bee! GROCERIES SPECIALS Razor Clam ..'..:lOe 2 cans Pears. ... .25 4500 Matches ... .25 2 cans Plums. .:. .25 3 Toilet Paper.. .10 1' can Apricots... 15 6 pkgs. Figs...'.;...i..;......25t Gallon cans Tomatoes. ....... .30? Gallon cans Apples;.. ;..".'..,..30f 8 bars Monarch Soap . . ...... .23 Postum Cereal ........... i. .20 5-Ibs-Broken-rRieeTWs 25t .5 dozen Clothes Pins.. ....i.... 5 7-lb. box Macaroni or Spaghetti 40fi 2-lb. brick Codfish. ...... . . . .15 60-lb. sack W.'S. Flour, none 51 better .. ................?1.10 60-lb. sack L. B. Flour, bread flour .. ............ i....?1.00 S-lb. box Soda Crackers....... 20 10-lb. sack Rolled Oats. ...... .35 ia lbs. Yellow Corn Meal 25 10 lbs. White Corn Meal. 25 2 pkgs. Gold Dust ....35 3 cans Cream.. .....25 8 cans Salmon... .......25 - 8 cans Sardines .25 2 cans Mustard Sardines. . . . . .15 Shredded Wheat 10 Arm and Hammer Soda........ 5 6 lbs. Rice.... ............ ...25 (J 3-Ib. can , Singapore Pineapple. 20 7 lbs. Navy Beans. ...25 7 lbs. Pink Beans. ....... .....25 , 1-lb. Comb Pure Honey.'. ....15 r gallon Cutting's Pure Tomato Catsup 50 3 pkgs. V. B, Mince Meat..;.. 25 . Famous Town Talk Blended Coffee, per lb . . . . . . . . ............ .20 Monarch Blended Mocha and Java, per lb. 25 3 .cans Tomatoes, Corn, Peas and Beans. . ............... ..5 3 pkgsr Humpty-Dumpty, - same as " Force" ......... ... . . . ... .25 13 bars, Soap. 7;.,.. ....25 3 pkgs Violet Wheat......... 25 Blueing, bottle'.....,,..,...., .5 Ammonia, b.ttle ......... . . J. .5 2 cakes Sapolio. ............. .15 2 large bars Ivory Soap. 15 Scotch Oats ....... . . . . .-w'.'. i .10 3 pkgs. Acme Matches. .'. i ... .25 2 Blue Back Mackerel. 25 PEOPLE'S MARKET it SBBBBBBBSK " SBBB. .BBBBSk. -- MSBBte. - BBBBBBBBBBBHBBb1 SBBBBBBBB BBBBB " JB SBBBBBBSk MbbbW 1 I V OKOCERY CO.L All orders for Albina and East Side Must be in by 1 o'clock Saturday Pirst and Taylor .' . .. . Streets." '.' Phone Main 1412. mm the close of. the season, when they have no onions, the ralues advance rapidly, ' All sorts of oanned aoods will be high the com I n see ton. At this time there is every prospect that California will not produce her usual heavy crope and the shortas;e In cans and labor wUl put the cost well up to the present hlejh flfore. -t-- On account of the floods in California which ' swept the Islands of the San Joaquin and Sacramento rivers, the as paragus crop will bs very small ataln and already prices are advanced sharply over the figures which were ruling a ahort time ago. Even at these higher figures canned asparagus is very hard to obtain. Fresh stock is coming Into this market very slowly from California and the price In retail markets hss ad vanced to lOo and 2$e a pound, accord ing to quality. ; Vegetables of all kinds ars very scarce in the markets. ' Several cars which arrived the other "day from the south were In soch bsd condition that most of the stocks were dumped. They wore held by the blockade too long. Eggs are going down again with the larger supplies, but at tha low point It Is not expeotad that . the market will remain a long period, for already the cold storage operators are getting ready to do their season's work. Chickens are as scarce as ever and most of the supplies in the retail mar kets are from tha east Butter Is down 10 a roll, owing to ths larger supplies of cream. Within the next few days another - drop, for about the same amount la expected. Prayrd and Smashed. ' Great Indignation has been felt in Berlin for some time past, , owing to the progress of the doctrines of Chris tlan .Sclent let a The objections have been intensified recently by an extra ordinary case of religious mania which simultaneously attacked five members of ths ssms family. Ths mother was the first victim and after her In quick succession came two daughters and two grown up sons. The mania took the form of praying vio lently over the husband and father, who was sick ahead, the violence de veloping Into a general fury and the destruction of all the fittings of their flat' - . The husband and father - was event ually rescued covered with blood. The rest or yia family were only prevented DON'T FAIL TO VISIT DRESSER'S MAMMOTH TABLE SUPPLY HOUSE DURING YOUR SATURDAY SHOPPING. IT DON'T COST MUCH TO TRY SOME OF THE GOOD THINGS IN OUR BAKERY AND CONFECTIONARY DEPARTMENT. Special Saturday Only DRESSER'S GENUINE WHIPPED s elsiL PUFFS 25c Dozen, Regularly 35c Toilet Soap, regularly 85c Per box. 25 Pure Fruit Preserves, 1-lb Jars, regularly 40c 35 White Top Champagne, regularly 90c, pints.......... 75 Marisquino Cherries, regularly 85c, quarts.......... .70 Burke's Old Tom Gin, regularly $1.25, quarts ....... 9100 Giersburger Sauterne, quarts 40, dozen. . . . . . . . . $4.50 Giersburger Sauterne, pints 25, dozen......... ..$2.50 Giersburger Zinfandel, quarts 40, dozen.. ....'...$4.50 Giersburger Zinfandel, pints 25, dozen. ..W,...'. $2.50 ' WE HAVE INCREASED OUR DELIVERY FORCE, SO HOPE TO BE BETTER ABLE ; 'ru:A'-:-' TO HANDLE OUR FAST INCREASING BUSINESS. ; ; - , ;' SUPPLY HOUSE FIFTH AND STARK EAST FIFTEENTH AND BROADWAY tr tov WAjrr m nnn okaos Poultry, Fish and Oysters Toti can gst them at ' G. COVACD & CO.' .. ; . ;' only. v-. ''... They handle this line only and put all their efforts to give the publio the highest grsde. ..... G. COVACD . ' S7S nUT ST. fhene Mala SSS. from Jumping out ef the windows by the timely arrival of the fir brigade, who turned the hoee on them. When neighbors broke Into the house they found the family naked. The flat con. talned a heap of wreckage consisting of broken furniture, pictures . and cjothee. TOWNSEND & VAN SCIIOONIIOVEN Wholesale and Retail Grocers 147 FIRST STREET gtndv on prices Utea yoa wfll see why ni trade has tnereaaed. Our goods are of the highest quality aad we challenge a eomparlso with the finest that east be fouad la say 2 Dol Fresh Ranch E&s, 46c We get our egga from the farmer, butter from the creameries do middle- Cross Blaekwell Lueca Oil, t...6S4 Crose eV 31ackwell Chow. H plnt..SOe Postum or rigpruns Cereal ......2041 I can good Peaches or Apricots. ..15 Standard Tomatoes .....104 I cans Corn, Peas or String Beans. .S5e Evaporated Cream, t eana for ....15) 1-lb. pkg. Arm and Hammer oda. . Be) Naptha Boas 54 bare Baby Elephaat Soap 25 ARM C8. HAMMER SODA BULK, 3 ) IT 1 1 pngUeh-Eteelrrast Tea 254 1 id. unnpewmr Tea 254 I sack Best Valley Flour .Sl.OO a mk;k sw nwn nnwi r lour . . . vOm I sack Best Hard Wheat Flour " . (patent) i ..S1.1B ISo also .........".........,..10) lib. Whole Nutmegs ............ .85 J rw trop rrunes, I ids. ........ .Jfae? New White Honey, comb ".15 1-lb. can Cora Beef ..10e n-io, can uevuea Ham. 1 ror ..... .Z04 PHONX MAIN Utt ' East aide delivery Tuesday and Friday. lOo POUNDS ' How 5"ok Escaped. Twm Ceantry life. is the West SosMratt come try recent) wee ODt4 rlfbt Son t (ke, eed te tke enrprlee ef erery see be iwm boMlr eat tm .. Tee keasee erwe taken awey, ae4 arte THE HIGHEST GRADES. OFdOFFEE ROASTED" IN THE AT YOUR GROCERS. - M tcrrit awm sill, thm f-.t hood fcfiHatelf -A