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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1907)
EVENING,' APRIL 5. 1807. ir WO COURTESY WILL BE SHOWN TO DETWILER SVilUGS FOR KIDS HI CITY PARKS OTHERS GUILTY, IKS IBhMOnili II SAYS IH THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY Henty Announces Fugltlv Will & Plxd Under Arrest Un-;-'''V lets He Comes Forth. . OLD SUPERVISORS WILL. - . . . BE INVESTIGATED ALSO Cold Shirers Rna Doera the Spine . of Prominent MenNo Favorite ' ' Played by , loqalsltora More I. ' - dlctmenU Expected Tomorrow. . i Oeereal Special rTls.1 ' . : -encteoo, April . Dstsctlvt Bum announeee this morning that If ustwiisr falls to surrender wlthla vry few koura he will be placed on . der arrest. Heney has coma to the lim it or aia patlanea and won't aho any courtesy to Detwlleronles- tb , lattar ooraaa out of hiding and ftvss himself up. . Tba Homa Talapbona ln- , vsatigatlon will be eomplatad tomorrow when additional Indlotmanta agmlnst Dstwllsr ar expected to be returned, tey oaree Vroatfaeat He, j Fraacla J. Heney seat cold , ehllla down the 'backs of a number of promi nent man yeeterday afternoon when he 'announced that- he would turn the searchlight upon tba board of superrte era which went out of office In January. ltM. "We. are playing no favorites." aald Heney. . "Wi will ao back If naoeeaary as far as the statute of limitations will permit. If there was crafting In the old board wa will dig It up." It Is stated on reliable authority that there Is evidence to aiiow that eertaln . members of the old board ware bribed, drafting la the old board. It la said, was confined to a few membera la digging over the records of the past. ' Heney will Interrogate those who have knowledge of the earlier activities of the Pactflo' and Home Telephone cora- ' penlea Heney refused to say whether he had ' positive evidence against any f the members of the old board. Volltlos Are wot Xsvolrsd. ' "I eaanot say anything on that point at this time." aald Heney. "But It Is a . matter of no eonsequenoe to us what Bolttlcal nartlee are Involved." The grand Jury Investigation yeater- day revealed little or rniereet was shown that the Home Telephone com naav had out 11.00 lot aha campaign to aid the Puelon forces which opposed , Bchmlta. but nothing criminal was re- vested. - City Treasurer Chsrles A. Ban- tel ls the latest administration official te kick over traces. ' Board Decides to Provide the Grounds With Various Amuse ments for Children. k. ' Henry Ach, Ruef Attorney. Bantel, also, has foresworn allegiance te Abe Ruef and Mayor Bchmlta. and la so doing has upset a llttls polltloal Bahama which gohmlts sat on foot to embarrass the. supervisors and 'others who turned asalnat him. Mayor Bchmlta Intends to tsks George Keens, who-was ousted laet week from the position of clerk of the board of aunervlsora. back Into the official fam ily. Keens, according to the program, was again to become private secre tary of the mayor. In order to bring this to psss ths mayor asked Treasurer Bent el to take care of John J. Boyle, who now holds the position which U to go to Keane. . f. Bchmlta aeked Bantel to make Boyle his chief deputy, a position which had been made vacant by the reelgnatloa of Edward O'Connor, but Bantel absolutely refuaed to appoint Boyle. Aon Hart Behave. ' Judge Dunne Informed Attorney Hei.ry Ach, who la assisting In the de fense of Boss Ruef, that unless be changed his attltuds In court be would be sent to Jail for contempt or court. This remark by, the judge was occa sioned when Aeh put a question to ths Juror which Assistant District Atternsy Johnson did - not understand. Johnson sndeavered to unravel the question, and Aeh became angry and demanded that Johnson stop "butting , In." Judge Dunne then interrupted and directed Aeh to eease his Insulting remarks. Court . adjourned from . yesterday evening until Monday., Owing to the fact that today is ths Jewish, feast of ths Passover, court cannot be held In Temple Bherideth Israel. Tomorrow la tba Jewish Sabbath. MERRY-GO-ROUNDS : . . . - WILL BE INCLUDED National -Humane Alliance Offer City Granite Fountain If Location and Foundation' Are Furnished Fuel Question Discussed. PROVIDE FOR HOME FOR AD MEN'S LEAGUE ' A new constitution and by-laws for the Admen's League of Portland, to be ' adopted at the next meeting, will pro- vide for raising a fund for a new home for the admen. The Initiation fee Will ' be raised from It to . and the monthly dues will be Increased from 10 ,. "'cents to f 1. It Is proposed to set asid Ona" RalT ' Of all 'the revenue of the league to be placed in a savings bank : and accumulated until sufficient , to ' Jaase or equip suitable qusrtsra for the organisation. Ths league if la good financial condition. " The 'report of retiring Presldsnt Hot nana showed that after paying all ex. pensee of the fiscal year Including the , annual banquet the treasury contained between 10 and 1100. WINE AND WOMEN . i - CAUSED HIS TROUBLE Slaty-three years of age but still gay, Robert Sturgeon eecorted a couple of women to, a French dinner laet night , ' and afterward fall Into the hands of : the police an a charge of amnkennesa - Sturgeon wes found lying In ths .gutter at First and Oak streets at 11 o'clock last night by Patrolman Hum- - phreya and locked up In the eity prison. i The eld anaa waa bleeding profusely from a scalp wound. In the police court this morning the elderly "hot blood" stated that he had takes two "nice ladies" to dinner and the wine consumed at the repest must have gone t his head. The Judge dis missed th prisoner with a reprimand. ECHO MAN IN JAIL ; FOR STEALING COAL ' 8peHat Dtaaetea ts The JeeraaL) - Echo, Or., April I. Frank Short, who --re tie a -restaurant and ths Ow) saloon, waa arrested this morning on a charge 'of stealing a wagon load of coal from the O. R. d N. -Co. Hs pleaded guilty . .before Justice Dom and was given 100 v si s In Jail and ths costs. - O. B. Mlevsay, local agent of the O. R. A N. Co., was the complaining wlt aesa' Another man la thought to be , Implicated with Short, but It Is not kaowa who ha la. The' coal waa etolen 1 after daylight from a car sidetracked. HELD IN HEAVY BAIL ' THREATENING GIRL'S LIFE W, A." Qorthle, proprietor of the Aiders, bouse. Thirteenth and Alder strsetswas arrested yeeterday after noon on a warrant charging him with threats agalnsfh life of Ethel Kramer, who alleges thaK Oorthle threatened to slay her If she seceptsd ths attentions ef any ether man., Thaaeoused. man wes released on deposit of 14,000 ball and the' ease, wllj be heard next Mondsy morning. '"' The defendant avers that the arrest Is "aplte work" as ths result of having ordered Miss Franser andNher Swings anj . msrry-go-rounds for children will be placed la all the city parks,' according to ths decision of the park board at Its meeting this morning. Ths matter was taken up on a letter from, the women'e clubs, asking that swings bs placed In the parka. "we might also add the merry-go-round said" Mayor Lane. "They are email and Inexpensive, and will furnish a great deal of entertainment for, the children." '. ,'- . "Keep ' the flying Dutchmen off the parks," said Commissioner Wilson, with a ahudder. . ' "They are all right," aald the mayor, I've been on them many a ' time. ! used to have lots of fun on thoss ma chines when I waa a boy." ' On motion of Commissioner Raffety, the matter waa referred to Park Super intendent Montelth for Investigation, with Instructions to report at ths next meeting. The boa rd practically de elded to install the swings and the merry-go-rounds, but It wished definite Information as to where they should be placed. The National Human Alliance offered to furnish the city with a fountain of polished Maine granite, trimmed with bronse and costing tt.000. If ths city would furnish a location for the foun tain and pay for the building of the foundation. The matter waa taken un der consideration. Secretary E. C OUtner of the Cham ber of commerce asked for the us of the Forestry building for ths rose show in Juna No action was taken. Commissioner Lewis recommended that $4,000 be appropriated for the ereo tlon of public utility buildings In ths parka The motion was -carried and the auditor instructed to advertise fqr blda Eaeh of the building will cost about 100. The fuel question, was brought up by a communication from toe Banlleld Veysey Fuel , company. The letter stated that as ths teamsters were de manding more pay the company could not furnish slsbwood at loss than 14 cord, commissioner Raffety said eord- wood at 0 a oord was cheaper than slsbwood at 14, snd also that pole oak could be-nought for 1741 a cord. Dr. Raffety said he had - bought - several cords of pole oak at the price named. The board decided' to look into the tnat- ter. , .; ... - - .:, , MORMON CHURCH NOW " : CLEAR OF ALL DEBTS mother put of hi houM for on-pT 67. nouncd that th Iaat cant ef aa , wlam ( Tvla.sw tl.AOA.Aftfl bOflit lsMUal O ths Al-WAffll. IUM wa a a SELF-DEFENSE PLEA IN CAPTAIN FOREST CASE (Rpeeta! DUseMi te The Xmraal.l Astoria Or., April 4. -The trlsl of Captain C M. Forest, charged with the murder of George Flshsr, a sailor un der his command, I now en. Th Jury, which waa completed yeeterday. con stats of .the following: S. Elmore, A. L. Fox. B. F. Allen. J. Baumgsrtner, Joha MoKeever. N. SUplea D. M. Stu art, MarCIn Carlson, W. B2. Cole. O. Paulson. C Rlerson and P. E. Peterson. In the opening statement of the de fense the attorneys indicated that the defense will be accidental shooting. Ths trial will tak only a coupl of dsya WILL OF THE PEOPLE DEBATED BY COLLEGES desrsal Knoxvllla, Tenn., April . A debate between repreeentattvea of Trinity col lege of North Carolina and the Univer sity of Tenneesee tskea placs her to night and promises to be the event of the university year. The queetloa of debate le embraced In the following: "Resolved. That the will of the people operates more effectively under the English cabinet eystem than under the presidential eystem of America" " ... Fast Forty-One Da. 4Jearaal Special ftarvtre.t Salem. Or.. April H. F. MeAdams, aged 0. today completed hi forty-first day of Tasting, Iftlng on water only. Even - th dor of, food cause him agony. . , A prominent arehlteeTa speaking eg th Fog furnaces a few day ago. aald: "Mora Fox furnace have been Installed , th past year than any ' other make ; Thl fa a great surprise to thoee of th builder who hare net looked thoroughly Into th merit of thl make of fur ; . In eaetera cities It would cause . no surprise,, for such partiality has been ' shown th Fox furnace for yeara It ' oeaetrocUon I largely on new llnea heno the man wh 1 never looking for something better, but I aatlsfled to do ' alway as h ha don things, may not wander Into J. 3. Kadderly A Co." hard ware etore, t lid First atreet, and look at a Fox furnace. ' But If a man de mand 4h best, wishes the very, latest, th heating appliance which w1U eon sums th least fuel and give out th moat neat, he will consider the.clalma of the Fox. A mat who buy on will not bay. any other. Aa Mr. Kadderly ays: "It ella. Itself t th a el gh bora" Fox furnaces sre la group all over town, showing that on man ha a told a , another, and another. The good new travel from bona to hone. Wizard's Lawyers Tell Com merce; Commission to In vestigate Other Lines. IJearaal SpecUl Serrtre.) Washington. D. C April Attorney MUburn. today concluded th argument In favor of Harrtman before the Inter state commerce commission, maintain ing that the acquisition of the Southern Pactfl by ths Union Paclflo was not In violation of th Shsrmaa aot. Indicating th defense If th government Institutes a suit upon the basis of the commis sion's findings. - Milburn mads a plsa for fair play and ssld: "Before the report 1 submitted. In- qulrelnto th Pennsylvania Vanderbilt llnea the Northern Pacific, Rock Island and Oreat Northern. They are all par allel and competing llnea and were when the Bherman law was passed. This same thing he been going on under the eye of th commission for yeara Let this body oonsldsr the people' question ealmlyr-paylag no sttsntlon ;. to poll tlclana Don t pick us out. Treat all alika" , .. Attorney Beveranoe for the govern ment endeavored to ehow that th Sher man law had been violated; that the Union Paclflo controlled the Illinois Central and that both th Southern Pa clflo and Union Paclflo got Into Port land and competed for trad to that point. WIFE LEAVES AND MONEY, TOO Prank Schrrer Is Left Without Price of Meal by His Faith- .'. '. leas Spooae. , ' . Salt Lake City. April L President Joseph F. Smith, before T.tO people gathered at the seventy-eighth 'annual conference oi the Mormon church to- li.e 11,000,000 bond leeue of the organ! satlon wss paid and that It no wowe no man -or woman a cent Reports showed the whole church membership to be ex traordinarily prosperous and anlted a never beforaX.- . . ' j . , V , ' , , . v Lectnrea Attract Attention. ' Th Bible lectures osVDr. L D. Driver being delivered every night thl week at T. M. C. A. hall are attracting great attention among many of theHhought- rul eltlssns of Portland. Dr. C Tv Wil son aald laat night: One weekxof theae lecture le equal to a yeer of Bible atudy under any professor I ever met In college or theological school. east or west." Hi subject tonight will be. Th Destruction of ths World," and he will explain the advent and the mil lentum and the resurectfon. Public in vited. .' After 11 year of connubial bliss to be dessrted by th woman of hi choice who. Incidentally, 1 alleged to have decamped with 15,000. representing the savings of a lifetime, was the pethetio story told to the polio last night by Frank -Scherer, a painter, of this city. Bchsrer and his wife formerly re sided In Omaha Nebraska, where tbey were married 11 year ago, came to Portland from Tacoma test fall and Wedneeday decided to return to their old ' Nebraska homa Railway tickets were . secured and preparation mods for tne Journey east. On ths plsa that shs wanted to visit soms frlsnds be fore departing. Mra Bcherer left her spous Wsdnssdsy morning and waa te hav met him lster in the dsy. As shs did not . return at -the ap pointed time Bcherer became alarmed snd started out to And his wlfa After 14 hours' fruitless search he. reported the mstter to the polio. Captain Blover detailed Detective Jone on the case and the officer found that Mra Bcherer had removed her vails front the baggage-room at , the Union depot yeeterday.- . The deserted husband took hi loo philosophically and declared that there was only ona course . open for him that of going te work. According t Bcherer hi wife did not even leave him enough money for a meal. ADOPT RESOLUTIONS ON GOODE'S DEATH Member ef th board of trustee ef the Brotherhood of Electrlo Railway Em ployes met Wedneeday night at First and Alder streets to adopt resolutions testifying to th loss ustslnd by th members of th order la the death of Henry Walton Goods, president ef th Portland Railway, Light A Power com pany. Cople of the resolutions were forwarded te the family. , .., t'. Palls From Bunding. x Peter Manta. an employe of a furni ture factory at (70 Front street, while at work en th roof of th building yes terday, afternoon in aome manner loot his balance and feu te the ground, X feet belowx. Manta sustained serious bruises and waa- removed to Bt Yln eent's hospital for. treatment. HIRED OUT TO LEARN C00KINQ Mil. Olga Hansen, whoa picture ber appears, took a somewhat novel bat effective method of learning houses jeplng. Eh Is the daugh ter of Denmark famous minister of agriculture . but hired out as a cook la the family of a Berlin government official. In order to leara la practical war th duties of a houMwlfa. .. hyomei a ALSO CUARANTLCO TO CURE COUGHS AND COLDS AND BRONCHITIS, ft SOCTMU AM) hTALS THE INfUMEO MEMBRANE Don't laugh at Simple Simon who went fishing In his Mother's paiL Simon was no more ridiculous than the man who pours nostrums into his stomach to cure catarrh." You can cure catarrh but you've got to get where the catarrh is and you've got to get there with something that will kill the germs that infest the membrane of the nose and throat ' ' . ' You can kill the germs with Hyomei you can cure ' catarrh with Hyomei by just inhaling and exhaling it through the air passages and over the gerrri ridden and inflamed membrane catarrh germs can't live in the air of Hyomei and when the germs die your catarrh will disappear and with it the snuffling and hawking and bad breath and offen sive discharges. . A complet Hyomei outfit coats 11.00 at all drurdata and coats noth ing units it cures Mail order filled Send tot booklet about catarrh.' n iLi. rr. i n..rr 'i iw v " Bl ) IB V 1IWI1I1S1 A I III I I 1 III. I VI . , W stf aa eatll aaa asskskS t SSAes m kaal ft s.jae.J ft) tea Wsi aaatsasi a 1 - I I a. remedy rerditOwfYd. lcotatbd conctorMMtslr. could M shsep aifht., - SI7P r -aa mm mm UmAim, aKU A Ksa sKa..I A atesai A Hm.m mmmtm. U ..J I - - - WSssaaa 11 UOOl tb COUCala : rU.UatJUCa B. t J f wmmmmmmmmmmmm s r bUlr-FY. brlslel. Ceoa. Km Mail This Today An auto or carriage will call for you' Sunday. CM. at No. t Sunday at .......... . o'clock. We wish to see Belle Crest. -'-Mail either office or phone the or der in.' , v :r Vhat Carneflic Says o! Real Estate-It May Well be Ap plied to Belle Crest The Installment Plan Greatest Aid In Buying Property CARNEGIE SAYS: "More large fortunes have been made from the advance in real estate than from all other sources , combined. -When you have one piece of property you are not going to be satisfied until you get another one.". Let Us Add to Carnegie's Obser vation a Few ot Our 6vn Real estate is something you control your self it isn't mixed up with anybody or anybody's . affairs IT- IS YOURS Real estate well situated in a good city is ab- ' , solutely safe. You can't name a good town in the country that doesn't show a big in- n crease in its real estate values the country is growing fast a city is the " best"expressionbf itsTpeople;- : . - Portland values' today are based on a population ; of 150,000 IT WON'T BE THREE YEARS TILL YOU SEE VALUES MORE THAN DOUBLED THROUGHOUT, THE CITY Portland s grow- Ing at the rate of 30,000 a year. , ..-.f; ; :v'ry Increase in population means increase in wealth and wealth brings refinement. Choice residence property is the best speculation, because people in ordinary circumstances can handle it. Buy a piece .of property and see to it that it has the, advantages of being strictly mod- such as graded streets, sidewalks. Here's Good Sense See U It Isn't t ern water, good, drainage and conveniently lo catedsee to it that it has building re strictions. This calls for good buildings, so in addition to a valuable lot you get valuable neighbors. Put these together and you have an asset no one can take away from you. .. fc . '. I . " , The Modern Install ment Payment Planv" Greatest Aid for Poor People Ever Invented Buy a lot or two, in BELLE CREST '. pay. f orit on thejnstallment plan - -$40 way. scale. or $50 will be enough and then set aside $10 every month ; you don't notice it, be sides you have a' lot paid for which will dou- ble, perhaps quadruple in. value When the lot is paid for get the house the same It is the Astor and Carnegie rule of making a fortune on' a small The Spanton Co. 270 Stark St., Opp. Chamber of Commerce. Main 2828. The Jacobs-Sline Co. Swetland " Bldgr on Fifth - Street. Main 359. ; i ! See Isfc Cr cS iM ay A TUNNEL ABOVE GROUND Scctkma of Pari Subway Being Badt in U Street. ' , Bvlldlnr a tunnel in th open air 1 th eomewtmt contradictory deaerlptlon Of what 1 aolnf on now in Pari. Not only th tunnel but the underground ststion for ths mstropolltan subway for that city srs beinf eonatrncted on a publle ttreet and when completed will be etwk Into position. The main tins of th Mstropolltan railway creeses th two. hranche of the 8eine and the Island Which separates them. - That ortto of the line which eroeeee th tslsnd Is bln built in the street, where the great steel framework, rising to the top of the third story -of abattlaa bulldlags, attract much at tention. The section which are te erne th rteer hars ben described In Popnlsr Msehsnlca Ther were built on land and floats t location, where they ere being unk t the required lerel below the bottom of the river. The land end wster sections neattoned are Mo frrt in lnrth. - Wha eomoltM ths lnM mi,iir ment of the tunnel will he 7t rt i i by i feet hlh. Thre sre I lnn.t eotlons, l.fO fet and !. ft respetlrslr. Inxtde the (1 r - work will be placed a thick lining of concrete to exolude water, wMle . the sides and arch wilt .be eorred with whit Bsmlsd tiling and th floor with eat stone blocks and slahe. npon which the track will be laid. When the metal section t finished excavation will be made beneath It aad the great masa allowed to settle to permanent po sition at the proper depth. Two stations are Included In th work described. , both located on the Island. Tsese srs obtains by 'enlarging th tunnel to a rln-hpd construction, with provloion. for ticket office, wait-tag-rooms, etc. . -Ooo'ot th ststlons with In feet ot tunnel weigh 18,00 tona Th proj. ect 1 on of th largest and most in tereetlng engtnnerlng andertaklnr In th world at the present. When the tunnel and stations hare been Sank the atreet will be replaced and pared as before. All the riveting la being dnne with pneumatlo hammer of American make. . Mar PWlallam a IWk Xombcr. Pr w. n. nniiofk, ttl tV rfn( lAt,in tr Ihs ",r- n r.-t.-t'-f fiery pnrli:!t In p- ' " "! " 1 I r '.'llRm In 1 ir'-; i. 4 1 I 'II I WWI L-BJ ....) wealth of the unWers eiotkld be gath. ered Into the hands of on aan ant that the rset of the people ef th ear in would be bear s tat ration. HI preoept ware that th worttne man had no chance, no opportunity r possibility ef ever bettering hie condi tion, but must alwsrs stay In th siaie I which hs wss born. For ths smnii trad.nmsn Mara also held out na h"i . Hie buslnsss must eonstantly donra, until eventually he was forcod out of It altogathsr. 1 But rently erery one of theee the ories snd jrpte has ben ahi t be false.' The dlsHples of Mars srs disproved and sllencrd by the wi. wave of prosperity which hni ri' - I over Germany, The wagea of the wr. Inamsn hsve lncread. and lmt I f leaving It winre smull trslmn ha e entrd the field. Thla In part may account f r iy r aelt ef the rerctit German a!-i' ' . oooo reus - - T le fe aa.rt'xt r !' -' ' no .i.n m.. n r- -I 1 I -A . -, i .